Whirlpool Europe Ex

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Whirlpool Europe Analysis

The Whirlpool Europe case provides an opportunity to look at different ways to evaluate a major IT investment the company is considering. To undertake this analysis we have to make a few assumptions because the case does not have all the details needed to estimate benefits and investment cost. However, if you were in a company faced with this situation, these numbers would be available. The spreadsheet for Whirlpool contains two worksheets. Worksheet 1 is a net present value analysis, and worksheet 2 applies an options pricing model to the decision. Be sure to save a copy of the spreadsheet when you download it because most of the questions refer back to the original spreadsheet, which you will often change in a preceding question. NPV Analysis (Worksheet 1) The NPV analysis follows the scenario in the case: the company invests for a series of years, and implements in the West, South Central and North regions in that order. The spreadsheet has been designed with the first analysis showing the summary of investment costs and anticipated benefits for the six year time horizon in the case. The spreadsheet calculates the net present value of each years benefits and costs, and subtracts the NPV of costs from benefits. The table just below this analysis contains variables that you can change to test the sensitivity of the analysis. The rest of the spreadsheet presents the details of the assumptions and calculations to arrive at the yearly costs and benefits. Please answer the following question about the NPV analysis: 1. What are the key assumptions of this analysis? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. The current NPV is negative. One way to save money would be to reduce consulting costs. Please set the average consulting cost per month in cell b33 to $5000. At what discount rate is the NPV for the project 0?_________ 3. Returning the consulting cost to $15,400 per month, at the original discount rate of .09, what is the impact on NPV if you double the number of employees participating in the project? __________ 4. Returning the number of employees participating to 200, what is the impact on NPV if the consulting fee turns out to be $20,000 per month? __________

5. Returning the consulting salary to $15,400 per month, what is the impact on NPV of doubling the number of consultants required each month? ___________

6. Returning to the original staffing levels for consultants, how much more than estimated do the benefits have to be to make the project attractive? To answer this question, use the benefits adjustment factor in the Key Factors to Manipulate table. ______________ Options Pricing Analysis (Worksheet 2) The options pricing analysis applies real options theory to the evaluation of an IT project. Suppose that SAP, sensing some hesitation on Whirlpools part, makes the following offer. Instead of committing to the SAP project in total, SAP proposes to management that Whirlpool implement 6 to 8 modules of the entire system at a plant in the U.K. The software company and Whirlpools IT staff working together figure the total cost of this effort including payment to SAP, Whirlpool staff time and consultants, at $4 million for 1999. At the end of this pilot test, Whirlpool would decide whether or not to proceed with full scale implementation of SAP in all four European regions. Just as with the earlier analysis, we have to make some assumptions. Worksheet 2 uses the data from worksheet 1 to restate the costs and benefits for the option which involves only the South, Central and Northern regions. On worksheet 2, the analysis uses the Black Scholes options pricing model (OPM) to calculate the value of this option to make a decision at the end of a pilot test in the West. For a real option, x in the OPM formula is the expected revenue from the project, and c, the exercise price, is the IT investment required for the SAP project. Please answer the following questions about the OPM analysis: 7. What are you buying an option to do? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

8. Given an option cost of $4 million and the value of the option in worksheet 2, should Whirlpool proceed or abandon the project? ______________ ___________ 9. Suppose that Whirlpool finds a way to reduce the costs of the project by 5%. Please change the cost factor in cell G31 to 95%. What is the value of the option now? ________________. Would you proceed with the pilot under these costs? ________ 10. Returning the cost factor to 100%, what happens to the value of the option if the risk free interest rate doubles to 8%? ________ 11. Returning the risk free rate to 4%, what happens to the value of the option if the Whirlpools cost of capital goes from 9% to 15%? ________

12. Please return the cost of capital to 9%. Sigma squared is the variance in the rate of return of the project. The calculations for the variance are in the first table of worksheet 2. Determining sigma squared is one of the most challenging tasks in calculating the value of a real option. In this example, we suggest asking managers for their best and worst case estimates of the benefits, given the expected benefits taken from worksheet 1. Just above the table, there is a percentage number for the range surrounding the expected returns, which starts at 20%. This says that the worst estimate is 80% of the expected, and the best is 120% of the expected. a. What happens to the value of the option if you change the range from 20% to 10%? __________________________________________________________________ b. What happens to the value of the option if you change it to 30%? __________________________________________________________________

c. What do these changes say about the sensitivity of OPM and its applicability to IT projects? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

In Conclusion 13. Based on the NPV and OPM analyses, would you recommend to Whirlpool Europe that they undertake the SAP project, conduct the pilot, or abandon the whole project? Why? ________________________________________________________________________

14. What other factors might influence the decision of Whirlpool management about investing in SAP in Europe? ________________________________________________________________________ 15. Considering your answers to both 13 and 14 above, what is your final recommendation to Whirlpool? Invest in the project, or do not invest in it? a. Invest b. Do not invest

The case contains some financial information, but not enough to develop the spreadsheets above without making some assumptions, especially about benefits from the proposed ERP system. We have made a number of assumptions and developed the spreadsheet so that you can concentrate on the investment decision, not on figuring out the numbers. If you were in a company and had the responsibility to analyze a proposed IT investment, you would be able to talk to other managers, different vendors and consult historical records to come up with benefits and costs. For anyone interested, here are the assumptions and calculations on the spreadsheet: WHIRLPOOL CASE: Value Of ERP Investment NPV Analysis: This document is intended to provide a description of the assumptions used in the calculations as well as a step-by-step explanation of the analysis in spreadsheet. A) Calculations for revenue margin improvements Benefits from ERP implementation are coming from three streams: 1) Inventory Savings, 2) Revenue and margin improvements (these were not given explicitly in the case and had to be calculated), and 3) other expense savings.

1) Calculations for Inventory savings In the case, aggregate inventory savings has been projected to be $34.3 M (pg. 3). To find region-wise, per year savings, exhibit 3 was used. Case mentions that DSI will improve by 12 days in all the regions. However this reduction will occur in phases. For example, in 2000 there will be 3 days reduction (i.e. 20% improvement). We multiply Inventory value per day (i.e. 1221) with the number of days saved (3) and thus arrive at the savings in that region, for that year. Finally adding the savings from all the regions we get the total savings for that year. Benefits from revenue and margin improvements come from the profit increases due to: 2) Increase in products sold: Case states that product availability will improve due to the implementation (projected/targeted availability =92%) and 25% of this increased availability will be converted into sales (refer page 3 and exhibit 4). [Assumption is that without ERP implementation, total units sold in future would have been constant i.e. at the same level] We first calculate Total expected % increase in availability, which is projected/targeted availability (92%) current availability (varies for regions) Now, we have a table showing Percentage Availability Improvement by Wave. This table shows the % of the total expected % increase in product availability that the company would realize in any particular year. For example, if in region 1 we expect to see a 18.5% (92%-73.5%) increase in product availability then 25% of this 18.5% would be realized in 2000, 40% in 2001, and 35% in 2002. Thus we can find out % increase in product availability in a particular year, in a region. We multiply the current units sold (in a year, in a region) with these percentages to come up with the increase in terms of quantity/units of product. [An assumption here is that we are selling 100% of available products so that we can use units sold in 1997 figures to find the increased product availability.] As the result of these calculations we get Table Additional product available An important point to remember is that the increase in product availability is cumulative i.e., if there was an increase of 100 units in 2000 and 150 units in 2001 then effectively we have an increase of 250 units by year 2001. Thus, by cumulating the products available we get table (Cumulative) Additional product available in the spreadsheet. Now, we use the sales conversion forecast (i.e., 25% of this increased availability will be converted into sales) to arrive at table (Cumulative) Additional product

SOLD. [Multiply the sales conversion factor to the additional products made available by ERP implementation.] We find Addition Revenue from Increased Availability by multiplying the additional product sold by the unit price (average). Unit price has been calculated by dividing the total revenue in 1997 in all regions by the total number of units sold in all regions and it comes out to be $201. As per the situation described in the case, the profit made on all these products is due to the ERP implementation. To calculate the profits we have to take into account the profit margin in 1997 and the subsequent increase in profit margin. Note: Profit margins are also cumulative (like additional product availability). For example, if profit margin in 1997 was 12%, additional margin in 2000 is .06 and additional margin in 2001 is .25, then the total profit margin in 2000 was 12.06% (12+.06) and in 2001 was 12.31% (12.06+.25) [We are adding the profit margin improvements (instead of multiplying a base percentage to find the actual increase as we did in case of product availability) because our assumption is that the margin improvement percentages (exhibit 5) are absolute increments (i.e., not as a percentage of current margin percentage). For example, if current margin is 12% and improvement in 2000 is .06%, we have assumed that total profit margin in 2000 would be 12.06%] These steps give us the profit increase due to increase in products sold (Table Additional Profit from Incr. Avail. (also taking into account the increase in profit margins) shows the result. Ultimately, we get the total profit for each year (name this row A) by adding the profit contribution of each region. 3) Increase in profit margins (due to ERP) In the subsequent years (from 2000) the profit margins are increasing due to ERP implementation. This will have an impact on profits from the existing sales revenue. To calculate this additional profit, we multiply "number of units sold at present" (i.e. in 1999, before ERP implementation) by "(cumulative) increase in profit margin". [The profit margins will be cumulative. i.e., total increase for year 2= increase in year 1 + increase in year 2. For an explanation refer to the profit calculation analysis above]. Thus, we get table Addition Profit from Increased Profit Margin on the existing (base) sales. We get the total profit for each year (name this row B) by adding the profit contribution of each region. To find out the total profits, we add row A and B and this gives us the Revenue and Margin Improvements

UNIVERSIDAD DEL PACFICOMAESTRIA DE SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENTFinanzas AplicadasModulo IJulissa Guerrero QuintanaWalter Laurente GradosPedro Sifuentes SarmientoDiego Tokashiki Matsuy CASO IWHIRLPOOL EUROPA 1. RESUMEN EJECUTIVO En el caso de Whirlpool Europa tendremos la oportunidad de evaluar una gran inversin en TIque la compaa est considerando. Para llevar a cabo este anlisis, hemos realizado losflujos respectivos de inversiones y operacin y hemos tenido en consideracin el VAN de lasoperaciones para acercarnos a la decisin ms favorable para la empresa.Luego del anlisis hemos decidido que el proyecto es viable, primero porque el indicador a unplazo moderado nos indica la viabilidad del producto luego porque luego de la evaluacineconmica tenemos que este beneficiara de manera significativa las operaciones de laempresa.El tener un ERP integrado permite manejar con mayor eficiencia las operaciones de lacompaa, reflejndose esta en una mejor servicio a los cliente, reduccin del tiempo deatencin, mejor manejo de los inventarios y optimizacin de recursos.Para este caso hemos analizado los flujos durante los primeros cinco aos y con ellos hemosencontrado la inversin inicial y los costos de arranque de la implementacin. Aqu esinteresante comentar que si bien los costos pareceran bastante altos al principio, dada lainversin de 23.9 millones solo en inversin de bienes de equipo, los flujos desde el primer aosale positivos debido a los ahorros en eficiencia que se adquieren con la implementacin delproyecto.Dado que el caso solo nos da la informacin de crecimiento de los cinco primeros aos,estamos asumiendo que los dos siguientes este crecimiento se estabiliza y que se mantieneconstante. Esto lo hemos utilizado para hacer el anlisis hasta el stimo ao. Es con estaproyeccin que nuestro VAN sale positivo y nos da la seguridad de la viabilidad del proyecto.

CASO WHIRLPOOL EUROPA 1. Identifique y descubra los beneficios tangibles e intangibles del proyecto ERP. Beneficios tangibles Reduccin de capital de trabajo: disminuir inventario de 51 a 29 das. Incremento de los ingresos y mrgenes comerciales brutos Disminucin de costos: mano de obra y almacn Posibilidad de obtener una mejor negociacin con sus proveedores teniendo en cuenta una frecuencia de compras determinadas. Beneficios intangibles Manejo eficiente de los activos de la empresa Mejora la toma de decisiones Imagen corporativa de la organizacin desarrollada Mejora la cadena de suministros Simplifica el proceso del negocio 2. Si usted fuera el responsable de dicho proyecto, Qu hubiera hecho distinto para manejar los riesgos del proyecto de manera efectiva? La empresa debera haber hecho un rediseo de su proceso y luego buscar un ERP que mejor se adapte a su nuevo proceso, en lugar de implementar un sistema estndar sin ninguna adaptacin. (Reducir riesgo por aceptacin al cambio y aprendizaje). Se hubiera hecho un piloto en un pas para tener mejor conocimiento y medir el riesgo; luego implementar paralelamente en los dems pases y no por tandas para reducir los plazos y empezar a gozar de los beneficios prontamente. 3. Realice la evaluacin financiera del proyecto mediante la herramienta de valor actual neto (VAN) y explique su decisin sobre el proyecto. Con una tasa de 9%, VAN = US$ 691.9 millones. La decisin del proyecto es proceder con su ejecucin debido a que nos proporciona valor actual por encima de la inversin.

4. Si la evaluacin anterior resultara en un VAN negativo, recomendara la inversin en el proyecto? Justifique su respuesta Si VAN < 0, el proyecto no sera factible. Sin embargo por tratarse de un proyecto de tecnologa de informacin se debera evaluar por otro mtodo y no por los tradicionales (VAN, TIR, perodo de recuperacin). La recomendacin sera evaluar su factibilidad por otro mtodo que pueda tomar en cuenta los beneficios intangibles de este proyecto tales como: Manejo eficiente de los activos de la empresa Mejora la toma de decisiones Imagen corporativa de la organizacin desarrollada Mejora la cadena de suministros Simplifica el proceso del negocio 5. Qu criterios se puede utilizar para justificar una inversin en TI que genera rendimientos negativos? Por tratarse de un proyecto de tecnologa de informacin se debera evaluar por otro mtodo y no por los tradicionales (VAN, TIR, perodo de recuperacin). Algunos proyectos de TI pueden tener flujos de ingresos futuros no muy claros y costos iniciales altos. El modelo de valuacin de opciones reales valora a los proyectos de sistemas de informacin como las opciones de compra de acciones, en las que un gasto inicial en tecnologa crea el derecho pero no la obligacin de obtener beneficios asociados con el futuro desarrollo e implementacin. En ese sentido, los productos tecnolgicos nuevos tienen potenciales incrementos en el futuro y es esa oportunidad que se debe considerar en la evaluacin y no esperar hasta que los beneficios sean evidentes. Otro punto a considerar es tener presente los beneficios intangibles del proyecto.

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