Sip Report of Planman HR (Temp Staffing)

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Temporary Staffing & Payroll of Planman HR

(Summer Internship Project Report) For academic purpose of Indus Business Academy


Submitted by: Mr. Chinmoy Mahapatra FPB1214/032 Under the Guidance of:

Internal Guide: Prof. Suresh Chandra Asst. Dean (Exams) Indus Business Academy Bangalore 560062

External Guide: Mrs. Rajeshwari Sahadev Recruitment Manager HR Planman HR Bangalore 560034

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Directors Certificate This is to certify that Chinmoy Mahapatra is a bonafied student of Indus Business Academy, Bangalore and is presently pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Management. He has submitted his Project titled Temporary Staffing & Payroll of Planman HR at Planman HR in partial fulfillment of the requirement of Post Graduate Diploma in Management of Indus Business Academy. This project has not been previously submitted as part of another degree or diploma of another Business School or University.

Dr. Subhash Sharma (Dean) Indus Business Academy Lakshmipura, Thataguni Post, Kanakapura Main Road, Bangalore-560062 Tel: +91-80-28435931/2/3/4 Fax: +91-80-28435935 Email: [email protected] URL:

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Mentors Certificate This is to certify that Chinmoy Mahapatra is a bonafied student of Indus Business Academy, Bangalore and is presently pursuing his Post Graduate Diploma in Management. Under my guidance he has submitted his project titled Temporary Staffing & Payroll of Planman HR at Planman HR in partial fulfillment of the requirement by Post Graduate Diploma in Management of Indus Business Academy. This paper has not been previously submitted as part of another degree or diploma of another Business School or University.

Prof. Suresh Chandra (Mentor) Indus Business Academy Lakshmipura, Thataguni Post, Kanakapura Main Road, Bangalore-560062 Tel: +91-80-28435931/2/3/4 Fax: +91-80-28435935 Email:[email protected]

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I hereby declare that project Titled Temporary Staffing and Payroll of Planman HR is an original piece of research work carried out under the guidance and supervision of Mrs. Rajeshwari Sahadev (Recruitment Manager HR of Planman HR) and Prof. Suresh Chandra (Assistant Dean-Exam IBA). The information collected is from genuine and authentic sources. The work has been submitted in particular fulfillment of the academic requirement of our college Indus Business Academy.

Place: Bangalore



Chinmoy Mahapatra PGDM-2012-2014 FPB1214/032 INDUS BUSINESS ACADEMY

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A Summer Internship Programme is a golden opportunity for learning and selfdevelopment of a student. I consider myself very lucky and honored to have so many wonderful people help me through in the completion of this project. I wish to express my indebted gratitude and special thanks to "Mr. Suresh Kumar, Karnataka Head, Planman HR Bangalore" who in spite of being extremely busy with his duties, took time to hear and guide me and allowed me to carry out my industrial project work at their esteemed organization. A humble Thank you I express my deepest thanks to Mrs. Rajeshwari Sahadev (External Guide), for taking part in decision making and giving necessary advices and guidance whenever required. I choose this moment to acknowledge their contribution gratefully. It is my glowing feeling to place on record my best regards, deepest sense of gratitude to Mr. Suresh & Mrs. Rajeshwari for their judicious and precious guidance which were extremely valuable for my study both theoretically and practically. I express my deepest thanks to Prof. Suresh Chandra (Internal Guide / Mentor) for his guidance and support. He helped all the time whenever needed and gave the right direction towards completion of the project.

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Table of Contents

Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Abstract Introduction Industry Profile Porters Five Force Model Company Profile Services Provided by Planman History of Planman


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Sector Wise Breakup of Planman SWOT Analysis Competitors Analysis Organizational Structure of Planman Analysis & Interpretation Issues, Global & National Overview Findings & Recommendations Conclusion Reference Glossary

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I interned with Planman HR Pvt Ltd, (Human Resource department). It is located in Koramangala 4th Block, Bangalore and is a temp staffing company, involved in the activities of Recruitment and Payroll. The primary goal of doing this internship was to get a real-time insight into the working of an organization. The major accomplishment for me during my tenure of two months internship was recruiting a team Lead for Idea Cellular, who happens to be one of our clients. This one was special in particular as even experienced recruiters were facing difficulty in recruiting for the particular position. The staffing industry today works in an exceedingly dynamic business environment, perhaps the most transformational phase the industry has seen from the time of its evolution. It no longer functions solely in the capacity of replacing absentee workers with temporary ones, but has slowly emerged as a strategic partner for its clients by providing an entire package of employment solutions and services. The staffing industry has seen a huge swing towards recruiting professionals from varied streams such as Finance, Sales, Engineering, Information Technology and Management. While this trend provides myriad opportunities for growth, it has also bought a set of unique challenges with it. Hence the growth challenges are customer retention, serving new industries, applicant loyalty, soaring operational cost due to disintegrated systems in usage, high percentage of manual effort involved in the process of matching the right person with the right job there by prohibiting a quick response to the customer for an order and integration of the business process across geographies. These challenges needs to be addressed by a Go-To- Market solution that provides a real-time visibility into opportunities and resources, finding, bringing and retaining the best talent across the globe, managing clients, applications and orders from a single source, fully integrated to manage both the front office and back offices seamlessly and inculcates the best industry practices so to deliver the high quality service thereby adding more value to the customers while reducing the costs and maximizing profitability.

Organization Structure: Mr. Suresh Kumar (Branch Head), he heads the Recruitment team and the Operations / Payroll team. Under Recruitment the senior most is Ms. Rajeshwari who is the team lead for the recruitment team with six team members under her. Under Operations / Payroll Ms. Shaila is the senior most team member with two more team members. The organizational environment was quite conducive for working and each member worked with co-ordination and co-operation with one another. Indus Business Academy Page 7

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The process being followed: First Recruitment team lead will follow up with the clients requirements and then the requirements will be forwarded to the recruitment team, who will follow up with the recruitment process. After the candidate has been shortlisted by the recruitment team, the work of the retention executive starts, she is concerned with following up the process starting from the candidate going for interview till final joining. After the recruitment process is completed the work of Operations / Payroll team starts. They are concerned with activities like issuing joining letter to the candidates, complying with joining formalities, exit formalities and claims of the candidate once he / she quits the organization and following up the salary process of candidates for the client organization.

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Staffing Management provides the all essential, tactics and processes for identifying, sourcing, recruiting and retaining the human resources needed to support all business activities both in the present and the future. It also includes managing programs that are in compliance with equal employment opportunity laws and regulations, as well as for succession planning and organizational exit. In addition staffing management also includes matters focusing on careers and communications, legal and regulatory issues, technology and outsourcing, budgeting and metrics, staffing best practices and global staffing management issues. Human Resource is a basic need for any work to be done. There is a great deal of difference between developing countries and developed countries which seem to have roughly equal resources, so it is necessary to enquire into the difference in human behaviors. The project report is all about Temporary Staffing and Payrolling process which is an important part of any organization. PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) course of IBA (Indus Business Academy) requires students to undergo a SIP (Summer Internship Programme) with an organization followed by a report assigned by the supervisor in the organization and endorsed by the faculty advisor. I took this opportunity to do my internship with Planman HR one of the leading Temp Staffing service providers in Bangalore and around India. Under the proper guidance of on-site supervisor / guide Mrs. Rajeshwari Sahadev, I have conducted my study on Temporary Staffing and Payroll of Planman HR . My faculty and Mentor Mr. Suresh Chandra, Assistant Dean (Examination) of Indus Business Academy, also approved the topic and authorized me to prepare this report as part of the fulfillment of internship requirement and gave me proper guidance and assistance over time.

Temporary Staffing Temporary Staffing refers to a situation where the employee is hired for a certain period of time after which depending on his / her performance and at the discretion of the employer he / she is taken on rolls of the company. Temporary employees are sometimes called "temps." Temporary workers may work full-time or part-time, depending on the individual case. In some instances, temporary workers receive benefits (such as health insurance), but usually benefits are only given to permanent employees. A temporary work agency, temp agency or temporary staffing firm finds and retains workers on behalf of other organizations for which they charge them a specific amount. Other companies, in need of short-term workers, contract with the temporary Indus Business Academy Page 9

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work agency to send temporary workers, or temps, on assignments to work at their companies. Temporary employees are also used in work that has a cyclical nature, requiring frequent adjustments to staffing levels. Temporary Staffing highlights each applicants skills, talents and experience. Their selection involves developing a list of qualified candidates, defining a selection strategy, identifying qualified candidates, thoroughly evaluating qualified candidates and selecting the most qualified and efficient candidates. It is said if the right person is appointed at the right place and at the right time half the work has been done. This project is an attempt to cover all the important points that should be kept in mind while recruiting and selecting temporary employees. A research has been conducted to identify the various issues related to recruitment and selection of temporary employees and other vital informations. The final objective of the research being to reach at a conclusion as to why in some cases recruitment is not hundred percent successful, what are the various method used for recruiting the candidates and on what basic the selections is done. Planman HR has a well-articulated equal opportunity policy, which lays strong emphasis on hiring of individuals irrespective of age, race, caste or gender, in particular requirement of the client organization a noble practice in recruitment.

Why use temporary staffing services? A large percentage of all business expenses are related to recruitment, hiring, turnover, benefits and absenteeism. Temporary Staffing provides recruitment and staffing solutions for temporary employees and other forms of flexible staffing, with five ways to slash costs and optimize human resource ROI.

Absenteeism Savings - Clients pay only for the work that is performed by the temporary employees. Turnover and Recruitment Costs Savings - The employment agency manages all employee recruitment and turnover activity. "As Needed" Hiring - Clients use temporary staff during peak business periods, eliminating high payroll expenditures during low business periods. Overtime Savings - Clients can save on high overtime costs and maintain peak production by having additional temporary employees working shorter hours and / or during peak busy hours. Training Cost Savings The agency tests applicants knowledge, skills, personality and can provide some job specific training, which is a great cost reduction for the company.

What is temporary help? The Temp Staffing Company hires temporary employees and assigns them to work as part of a client's workforce for a particular / fixed duration of time. It is concerned with maintaining the employer-employee relationship, and is responsible and Indus Business Academy Page 10

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obligated as the employer, throughout the employment period. A business agreement is created with the client that sets out a service fee and includes a guarantee period as client insurance.

Temporary to permanent employment When a client conveys to the staffing company that a temporary employee assignment may convert into a permanent employment with the company, the agreement for this type of service is based on a combination of the length of the temporary assignment and a permanent placement fee.

As an employment agency, the firm goes beyond expectations before, during and after every placement to ensure a good fit. The search process in employee recruitment can be lengthy and varies in its complexity and scope. Based on a client's expectations and specifications, the following steps are taken that should be performed by an employment agency providing recruitment solutions on behalf of the client company:

Setting up meetings with prospective employees and hiring managers to understand the recruitment and staffing needs. Performing extensive research and networking. Doing media and web advertising. Performing assessments, evaluations and interviews with potential candidates. Facilitating personality profiling to determine the correct fit for the individual and the company. Negotiating on behalf of clients and candidates. Preparing and counseling candidates. Scheduling and preparing clients and candidates for interviews. Performing reference checks, and credit checks when required. Ensuring continuous follow-through after a placement.

The firm may also provide temporary solutions on a project basis, for short-term assignments, and payroll.

Project-based temporary staffing When a firm has specialized projects, which are different from the core operational activities, it is not wise to hire specialists on permanent contracts and to release them after the project finishes. In such cases the staffing firm helps businesses to develop project-based staffing strategies and secure the most highly-qualified employees. With its extensive resources and expert recruitment solutions, the Indus Business Academy Page 11

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agency can connect the firm with the people it needs to overcome the unique challenges and make the business more successful.

Short-term temporary assignments Staffing is one of the largest cost components of operations. The agencys bottom line depends on its ability to manage labor costs effectively. The companies that overstaff with full-time employees to address peaks in operations will be operating at reduced efficiency when workloads return to normal, resulting in higher labor costs, increased costs per unit and lower profits. This is when the company needs employees for short term production or other operations assignments, where Temp staffing firms come in handy.

Payroll In a company, payroll is the sum of all financial records of salaries for an employee, wages, bonuses and deductions. It refers to the amount paid to employees for services they provided during a certain period of time. Payroll plays a major role in a company for several reasons. Payroll is crucial because payroll and payroll taxes considerably affect the net income of most companies and they are subject to laws and regulations. From an ethics in business viewpoint payroll is a critical department as employees are responsive to payroll errors and irregularities. Good employee morale requires the payroll department to process and pay salaries timely and accurately. The primary mission of the payroll department is to ensure that all employees are paid salaries / wages accurately and timely with the correct withholdings and deductions, and to ensure the withholdings and deductions are remitted in a timely manner. This includes salary payments, tax withholdings and deductions. Payrolling eliminates the paperwork, reporting, and administrative burden of human resource management. For many small to medium-sized companies, these services provide key managers the freedom to focus on those activities that are most critical to the success of their businesses. What is the Payroll process? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Meeting among the firms, current employer and future employer Transfer of data required for signing of labor agreements Termination of labor relations with the current employer Preparation of the new labor agreements Signing the labor agreements Transfer of mobile equipment Transfer of bonus package Welcome briefing

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Industry Profile

What is a Temporary Staffing Company? Temporary Staffing company employment refers to employment where people are employed by a staffing agency, and then hired out to perform the work at (and under the supervision of) the user company. There is no employment relationship between the staffing agency employee and the user company, although there could be legal obligations of the user company towards the staffing agency worker. The staffing agency offers employees a fixed duration employment contract. The employment is often called temporary work, temping or temporary staffing. The hiring firm pays fees to the staffing company, and the staffing company pays the wages. Flexibility for both employee and employer is a key feature of agency work.

Mandatory Features and Practices of Staffing Companies 1. Staffing Companies cannot charge employees for finding work 2. Staffing companies must adhere to all labor laws of the land e.g.:

3. Temporary Staffing Companies mandatorily covers each employee with all statutory Employee benefits as is due to them and as per the statutes laid down in India. For e.g. each employee is covered under Minimum Wages and in most cases are paid wages at par with the prevalent market range for the specific job. Each employee is paid PF and has ESIC coverage as laid down in the statutes. 4. As a mandatory practice each temporary staffing company generates and distributes pay slips for each and every temp employee. 5. As a mandatory practice each temporary staffing company needs to run accurate payroll system.

Best Practices of Staffing Companies 1. Cover the temp workers under additional Group Medical claim and personal accident insurance coverage. This is over and above their coverage under ESIC. 2. Facilitates opening of Bank Accounts / Payroll Cards for the Temp Workers and each Temp Worker is either paid salary through an account payee check or through direct bank transfer into their accounts.

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3. Organize rewards and recognition programmes for their high performing temp workers in consultation with the User Companies. 4. Providing temp workers with ongoing support to address their issues or concerns around their employment. 5. Provide skill development opportunities to the temp workers in consultation with the user companies.

Temporary staffing set to soar in India Temporary staffing is fast emerging as a key hiring strategy for Indian companies and the segment is poised for strong growth over the next few years. Temporary staffing is fast emerging as a key hiring strategy for Indian companies. Salaries for temporary jobs are fast catching up with that of permanent ones as more organizations look to hire temporary staff. Not only have companies in India opened up to temping as a concept they have started rewarding talent, skills and longevity. The gap between average temporary and permanent salaries has narrowed over the last few years. The depression in 2008-09 did have an impact on the temp staffing industry, but it did recover well clocking double digit growth year-on-year. "Today skill is being rewarded well and companies do not mind going that extra mile to ensure that they have the right talent at their disposal. With more and more traditional sectors recognizing temping as a key people staffing strategy, the trajectory is clearly in the direction of growth in hiring and salary increments". Another interesting outcome is the evolution of sectors like healthcare, pharma and more importantly telecom and energy that hire temp staff in large numbers.

Global Temporary Staffing Industry Size and Agency Revenue The International Staffing Industry has been growing considerably over the last few years. The top 5 countries in terms of temporary worker base in Europe are UK, Germany, France, Netherland and Italy.

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Temping is defined as hiring workers for a specified duration or on a project basis, rather than recruiting them on a permanent basis. A 'temp' works for a client company, but is on the payroll (rolls) of the staffing company. Many big multinational companies are attracted to this solution because it reduces the worry of candidate recruitment, cost of training, high salaries and retirement benefits. This kind of a scenario is especially advantageous to the company if they have short term requirement for a particular group of skilled people. Also this situation saves them from paying salaries to staff that is currently on the bench.

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From an employee's perspective this industry is favorable since it allows the unemployed to find the appropriate job for them, also it allows freshers to avoid resume gaps and make a little money. Moreover a large percentage of the temp's finally get recruited by their client company on the basis of their work.

1. Threat of new competition Today, the organized Indian temping industry stretches across manufacturing, consumer durables, retail and the automobile sector. Favorable conditions have lowered the barrier of threat for new entrants thus attracting new entrants to this industry. Reasons: i. ii. Product differences are low since most of the companies give training to the students based on the industry demand. Capital requirements for setting up a staffing company are low.

2. Threat of substitute products or services The temping industry was born as a substitute for the actual hiring of employees. Currently the threat of substitute products is high however with increasing economic down trend and frequent market fluctuations, the threat of substitute products / services is decreasing but at a very slow pace. Reasons: i. ii. iii. Actual recruitment of permanent employees is high. The temping industry cannot completely wipe out the organized sector. However it is a trend that is catching up slowly and steadily.

3. Bargaining power of customers (buyers) In this case the customers are the large MNC's who opt for services from staffing companies. Large companies do have the upper hand in case of the bargaining power of customers. Reasons: i. ii. iii. Buyer volume is also high, since majority of the companies recruit temps in large batches depending on the size of the project. The Product differences are low. The Brand identity is high.

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4. Bargaining power of suppliers The suppliers in this case are the people that are hired by the staffing agency. Unlike regular staffers who take the same monotonous route to work every day, meet the same people and deal with the same problems day after day, temps have a different job every six to eight months. They change offices, meet new co-workers, even have a new boss ever so often. However they receive few or no worker benefits. Temps are the first to be dumped in a recession / slowdown even though they are among the first to be hired when there is an uptick in the economy. Also it depends on the unemployment rate in the country. For a country having higher unemployment rate the bargaining power of the suppliers will be even lower. Recently by government policies the salary scale was improved for the temps, which can be viewed as a positive step in improving their status. On the whole however the suppliers can be seen to have less bargaining power with respect to the current scenario. Reasons include: i. ii. iii. iv. The Differentiation of inputs is low. Presence of substitute inputs is high because majority of the companies still go in for hiring of permanent employees. Supplier concentration is high. Importance of volume to supplier is low since the supplier in this case is the unemployed citizens of India.

5. Intensity of competitive rivalry Demand for temporary workers has been fueled by companies looking for greater workforce flexibility, faced with fast-paced market changes, including changes in consumer demands and shorter product life cycles. This has led to the growth of quite a few companies like the Team Lease, Kelly Services, Manpower, Ma Foi, Randstad, Planman HR etc in India. As of now the intensity of competitive rivalry is low. The temporary staffing industry continued to clock double-digit growth, of up to 20 per cent in terms of salary hikes over the last five years, the 2008-09 recessions being the only exception. The gap between average temporary and permanent salaries has narrowed considerably. Reasons Include: i. ii. iii. iv. Product differences are low since all the temps before recruitment by the client organization are trained in the necessary technologies. Diversity of competitors is low since as of now only a handful of firms have established themselves in this industry. Corporate stakes are high. The exit barriers are low.

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Planman HR Company Profile

About Planman HR Founded in 1996 by world-renowned management Guru and Economist Professor Arindam Chaudhari, Planman HR started its operations as an offshoot of 25 years of research of the global economy undertaken by leading researchers and academicians globally. Planman is a management consulting firm and hence, in all its business interests incorporates extremely high levels of commitment. Planman HR specializes in providing comprehensive and end-to-end HR consulting service to its Clients. Clients are facilitated in meeting their manpower objectives and also help in offering industry analysis on market trends, new HR initiatives and competitive strategies which in turn help clients realize their growth plan. Its pan India presence, with a team of more than 200 consultants are operating out of offices in Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad and Kolkata, giving it a strong competitive advantage and helping its clients get enhanced multi-location service delivery.

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Services provided by Planman HR

1. Search and Selection

Planman HR provides career-related consulting services across industries. It goes a step forward to ensure that the person not only fits the stated job profile but is the right person fit for the organization keeping in mind the organization's work culture. Its search methodology combined with other capabilities has given its search practice a leadership position in the market place. One of its key business values is speed. Each of its teams is led by a Vertical Heads having extensive industry experience along with the core team of consultants and the support team of research associates.

Search Methodology STAGE 1 -Define Objectives and Specifications Study of the client's business environment and work culture. Specifications from the client relating to the Job specification and description.

STAGE 2 -Starting comprehensive search Search is made on the basis of in-house as well as an external database. Mining internal databases and use of companys widespread network to reach the right candidate as per specifications. Screening and evaluating the candidates. Short listing a few candidates to give the client a liberty of choice. Once the right candidate is reached its not only skill set but also check for cultural fitment in line with the clients needs. Page 20

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STAGE 3 -Interviews and feedback Act as a facilitator between the client and the candidate and help schedule interviews. Follow up with the candidate as well as the company. De briefing the candidate in the post interview stage.

STAGE 4 -Referral and Joining Conducting reference checks for the selected candidates. Assisting the client in salary negotiations, if required.

2. HR Outsourcing

The magnitude of business operational complexities has never been as intense as what is witness today and this situation is all the more aggravated when it comes to human capital, which is giving nightmares to HR departments of nearly each and every company. The continuous effort of identifying, attracting and screening potential employees didnt really exist 10 years ago. Nowadays, with a rich supply of job seekers beating down HRs doors, the dilemma is how to separate the best prospects from the noisy pack a tremendously time consuming burden on a companys hiring resources. The prevalent situation has led to the concept of Temporary Staffing (commonly known as temp staffing). It is now used by the clients to optimize the staffing costs substantially. Planmans innovative staffing and HR resources solutions are tailored to enable organizations meet the challenges of today's fast changing business environment. Its highly skilled consultants are well versed with particular industry sectors, enabling them to have a thorough understanding of the assignments. Clients are helped by sourcing staff, sometimes at a very short notice. They are helped further by solving co-employment issues and providing the administrative management of temporary employees, including HR management, payroll and benefits administration. Also if a client decides to engage the temporary on a permanent basis, Planman has the conversion scheme. Its focus is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency as well as costreduction, thus enabling the customer to concentrate on its core business activities.

Planman partners with customers to source the requisite personnel for the manpower staffing requirements. The personnel are brought on board on rolls of Planman HR.

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Transfer of the newly recruited personnel on Planmans roll and thus Planman takes the complete responsibility of servicing the payroll and other benefits. The customer identifies and transfers the existing set of employees onto Planman payrolls through its transfer of employees procedure. Continuous servicing and processing of the personnels payrolls and other allied HR activities.

Temporary Staffing Solutions Planmans innovative staffing solutions are tailored to enable organizations meet the challenges of todays fast changing business environment. Planman works closely with clients to identify, engage, train and retain successful people that organizations would need to create success stories. Its focus is on raising productivity through improved quality, efficiency as well as cost-reduction, thus enabling the customer to concentrate on its core business activities. Planman caters to various industriesfrom Banking, Hospitality, Telecommunications, Healthcare, BPOs to KPOs, FMCGs and IT recruitments. Planman HR specializes in alleviating its clients valuable corporate resources by providing the staffing solution and allows the firm to focus on its core business.

Recruitment Capability

Strategy Working together with its clients, Planman evaluates the situation and determines a search strategy for finding the best candidate. An important aspect to this process is a clear understanding of the clients culture, the position, responsibilities and necessary qualifications needed to do justice to the position. Once the profile is developed, Planman defines its search strategy, including target sectors, companies as well as levels which result in finding the best person for the job.

Candidate Identification and Assessment Planman conducts preliminary research for developing an initial candidate list. It contacts, meets, assesses and validates a short list of potential candidates through telephonic and personal interviews. The team then prepares a confidential candidate Indus Business Academy Page 22

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assessment report, which is then presented to the client for review. When the client is ready to proceed on the list, the team assists with coordinating the interviews as well as taking and incorporating regular feedback.

Search Completion, follow up and hand holding Planman consults with its clients to review top candidates and support the selection process. It frequently provides support in the negotiations between the client and candidate. Even after the position is filled, it conducts ongoing follow-up with both client and candidate to ensure success of the hired executive.

Performance Management Goal setting and performance appraisal system Employee performance Monitoring and feedback management Incentive and benefits planning and administration

Payroll, Leave, Statutory compliance and compensation Administration Leave and attendance administration Payroll and salary administration PF, ESI, Gratuity and employee Health Insurances Expense reimbursements and allowance management

3. Training and Development

Top performing organizations are in a constant need to build highly motivated and a self-directed team of professionals. Planman Consulting provide a stack of training solutions that can help the client organization build these competencies. It achieves this through specific behavioral and functional training interventions. Its training programs offer value by helping individuals apply concepts to complex business situations, hence increasing productivity and efficiencies at work. Planman Consulting helps individuals align themselves to the organizations goals and acquire skills to augment their effectiveness, thus improving bottom lines and enhancing their career. Planmans team of trainers is a prominent mix of academicians, industry experts and widely experienced Facilitators who provide its clients with cutting edge services and solutions.

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4. HR Consulting and Advisory In todays world, only technology and capital do not provide a competitive edge. The next frontier of competitive advantage is Talent and People. Planman helps organizations develop, re-design and deploy HR systems and processes. It helps its clients to: Align HR with business strategy Evaluate and implement technology to simplify HR processes Identify skill gap Improve productivity through effective Performance Management Systems Attract and retain key talent by developing appropriate reward systems Drive growth using incentive plans Determine compensation of critical staff using Position Specific Salary Benchmarking Develop / design HR policies

5. Manpower Planning Planman ascertains the peoples capability required to deliver business goals. Its model takes into account business environment, competition, growth plans and cost optimization. It assists its clients to re-deploy, fill specific skill gaps and manage exits thus enhance productivity.

Manpower Planning Framework

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6. Performance Management The business environment today is more complex than ever. While human resource professionals clearly understand the importance of optimal performance management, they often face significant internal obstacles. Regularly tracking progress against performance goals and objectives also provides the opportunity to recognize and reward employees for performance and exceptional effort, contributing to job satisfaction and productivity. Employees want to feel successful, to do well at their job and feel they are making a valuable contribution. In order to ensure this happens, employees need a clear understanding of individual goals and how they fit into the larger organization. Planman works with the clients to develop customized solutions as to enhance employee productivity and deliver business goals. It delivers end to end customized solutions: defining performance metrics, developing goal setting process, review and feedback mechanisms.

7. Compensation and Benefits Planman takes a total rewards approach to Compensation and Benefits combining monetary and non - monetary aspects while providing customized solutions to its clients. Its compensation solutions are built around key business drivers as to reward employee performance which spurs business growth. Planmans compensation plans are designed to differentiate performance and reinforce desirable employee behaviors. Its expertise in incentive / bonus plan designing helps the client enhance employee performance. Its solutions are focused on keeping a low fixed cost base yet using compensation as a tool to drive performance and enhance productivity. It also undertakes position specific salary benchmarking which helps its clients decide compensation for critical positions.

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History of Planman HR

Founded in 1996 by renowned economist Prof. Arindam Chaudhuri, Planman Consulting started its operations as an offshoot of 25 years of research of the global economy undertaken by leading researchers & academicians at IIPM. Planman is a management consulting firm and hence, in all its business interests, Planman incorporates an extremely high level of consulting commitment for its clients. Planman attempts to improve dramatically the process performance of global corporations through its consulting enterprise. IIPM is one of the leading and most respected business schools in India. Live case studies and industry examples of IIPM and Planman have been noted and honored at diverse institutions and organizations. The value that IIPM and Planman commit to bring to corporations is that of thrilling change and dynamic vision; and these programmes are a furtherance of such commitment.

HR CONSULTING and ADVISORY Planman HR enables organizations realize HR strategies more concretely by aligning HR processes to Business Strategies thus making HR strategic. The new focus of Competitive Business edge is on two points: Talent and People. Planman HR helps its clients identify and address critical talent issues, drive higher levels of performance and ensuring retention strategically and ensure a higher employee engagement thus higher HR effectiveness. Planmans innovative Search and Selection, Staffing and HR resource management solutions are tailored to enable organizations meet the challenges of today's fast changing business environment. Its consultants are highly skilled and well versed in particular industry sectors enabling them to have a thorough understanding of the assignments. It helps clients by sourcing staff, sometimes at a very short notice. It helps them further by solving co-employment issues and providing the administrative management of temporary employees, including HR management, payroll and benefits administration.

TRAINING and DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING It provides a stack of training solutions that can help organization build competencies. It is achieved through specific behavioral and functional training interventions. Its training programs offer value by helping individuals apply concepts to complex business situations, hence increasing productivity and efficiencies at work. Its team of trainers is a prominent mix of academicians, industry experts and widely experienced Facilitators who provide its clients with cutting edge services and solutions.

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EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS Planman HR conducts regular EDPs (Executive Development Programs) for its clients and the larger corporate management community in various aspects of Business and Management. These EDPs are regularly conducted by IIPM professors along with some of the best known professors from the top B-Schools from across the globe as a part of their Global Outreach Program of IIPM. Live case studies and industry examples and insights provided by IIPM and Planman consultants in these forums and workshops have been noted and appreciated by attendees from diverse organizations. The value that IIPM and Planman HR EDPs bring, deliver the commitment to initiate thrilling changes and inculcate a dynamic vision to the participants and their organizations.

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Sector wise Breakup

Retail Seventymm Services Pvt Ltd Media HT Media Ltd MAA Television Network Ltd IT IBM India Pvt Ltd Ascendas Gherzi Eastern Ltd Education Merck Limited India Consulting Deloitte Food Industry Danisco Dominos Health Care Health Staff of Eastern Province Consumer Goods Best World Business Links Real Estate ACL Emaar MGF Logistics Shekar Logistics Pvt Ltd Banking

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ICICI Home Finance Internet Broadband Tikona Digital Network Sify Technologies FMCG ICI India Ltd Telecom TATA Communications Reliance Telecom IDEA Cellular Ltd

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SWOT Analysis of Planman HR

Strength Tools to improve human resources activities (e.g., interview guide and training manual) Experienced workforce dedicated to mission. Employees feel part of the team Experienced, resourceful, dedicated workforce Strong community partnerships / collaboration Continuous Quality Improvement promotes teamwork Proactive management team A holistic practice orientation

Weakness Lack of professional identification, or identity crisis A lack of preparation to manage the stress of our work Diminished ResourcesIncreased Consumer Demand Failure to communicate formally and informally, both cross-functionally and within departments No continual evaluation and updating of human resources practices and policies Lack of accountability of managers and employees to achieve clear and measurable performance levels

Opportunity Availability of advanced technologies to foster more effective human resources activities Availability of information about best practices in human resources in the consulting world Leadership training for possible advancement Promote teamwork across divisions Identify / tap into staffs hidden strengths

Threat Other organizations may attract employees and business away Staff turnover Fewer people willing to work in the temp staffing industry

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Competitors Analysis

1. ABC Consultants ABC is considered the pioneer of organized recruitment services in India. With a presence of over 40 years in the field, ABCs placement of executive talent is second to none. They focus mainly on middle and senior management needs and recruit across industry segments for both MNCs as well as Indian companies. Areas of expertise include Automobile, Consumer Services, Financial Services, R&D, Pharmaceutical, and Media among others.

ABC Consultants Building CareersBuilding Organizations is their bottom line

2. Manpower MANPOWER Services India Private Limited is a 100% subsidiary of Manpower Inc. USA. It places people in permanent positions, temporary positions, contract jobs and volume hire services for India. Recognizing that every industry is different and has specific needs, Manpower has expertise in manufacturing, infrastructure, healthcare, technology and consumer services to provide clients with value added recruiting solutions.

Manpower Welcome to a world of opportunities

3. Kelly services Kelly is credited with founding the staffing industry in 1946. It has maintained its position as a leader since. Recognizing that people are its key resource, Kelly invests heavily in them. Providing in-depth solutions across all sectors, Kelly serves clients around the globe as well as in India for both permanent and temporary positions.

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Kelly founders of the staffing industry

4. Ma foi Randstad Ma Foi is a part of Randstad, the worlds second largest HR services company, and has over 20 years of experience in Human Resource Management and Consulting. Understanding that human capital is a very valuable asset, they identify the best possible candidates and connect them with their clients. Other than staffing and HR services, Ma Foi also focuses on payroll outsourcing, back office recruiting, corporate training and content writing.

Ma foi Randstad providing HR solutions

5. Adecco Adecco is Indias fastest growing HR company. It provides end-to-end HR solutions focusing on executive recruitment and temporary staffing services. Apart from the 80,000 plus professionals that it has placed at client sites, it also has an in-house team of 800 specialists to customize HR solutions. The sectors covered are IT and IT-enabled services, Telecom, Media, Consumer Services and Financial Services.

Adecco end-to-end HR solutions Indus Business Academy Page 32

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6. TVA Allegis Allegis is the US largest staffing firm. After acquiring TVA Infotech in India, TVA Allegis has now emerged as the forerunner in the field of recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). They provide RPO services across industry verticals and flexible solutions to suit varying customer needs. TVA is there with the clients from the start of the hiring process to the end where quality people are recruited and trained for the project.

TVA Allegis managing human capital

7. Genius Consultants Ltd. Genius Consultants was started primarily as a Recruitment Consulting Organization but has grown to enter other areas such as Temporary Staffing, Permanent Staffing, Payroll Processing, Background Screening and Investigation and Compliance Management. It is aimed at being a one-stop shop for all the problems a client may have. Genius has placed around 55,000 middle and senior level executives in sixteen countries. They also manage the payroll for 18,000 employees and have done 34,000 background checks.

Genius Consultants Ltd. total staffing solutions

8. A.F.Ferguson & Co. A.F.Ferguson & Co. provides specialist management consultancy services in various sectors. They also have a wealth of Chartered Accountants within and using these resources, provide services to a large domestic and international network.

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A.F.Ferguson & Co. specialist management consultancy services

9. HR-One Management Consultants (P) Ltd. HR-One is Indias first CRISIL rated HR Company. It focuses on the entire gamut of HR services starting from talent search, temporary staffing, training and HR consulting. With a team of 200 HR specialists from all verticals of industry, HR One has expanded its services bringing in a larger pool of clients ranging from Fortune 500 companies to entrepreneurs.

HR-One Management Consultants (P) Ltd. Indias first CRISIL rated HR Company

10. Planman HR Planman Consulting is Indias largest multi-interest consulting service. With people as its core strength, Planmans work force includes individuals who have developed core competencies across different industries. This enables them to directly add value to specific clients. The sectors it covers includes IT, Knowledge Outsourcing, Global Strategy and Investment Consulting, HR and Financial Consulting.

Planman Consulting a multi-interest consulting service

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Organizational Structure of Planman HR

Karnataka Head (Branch Head) Mr. Suresh Kumar

Recruitment Team

(Retention Executive) Mrs. Veena

Operations / Admin / Payroll Team

(Recruitment Head) Mrs. Rajeshwari Sahadev (Operations Head) Mrs. Shaila

Mrs. Mahalakshmi Mr. Raj Mohammed

Mr. Rajanna Mr. Ashfak

Mr. Shriram

Mr. Vijay Kumar

Mr. Harish

The organizational structure adopted by Planman HR is quite suited keeping in mind the industry it serves. There is a clear line of authority and distribution of work flow. This helps employees to know as in what needs to be done by them, and what is expected of them. This setup also does-not put a lot of pressure on a particular individual, rather it focuses on distributing the work among every one more or less equally. Hence the organizational structure adopted by Planman HR best suits its functioning and the industry it serves. Indus Business Academy Page 35

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Analysis and Interpretation

There is no doubt that the world of work is rapidly changing. As part of an organization, HRM must be equipped to deal with the effects of the changing world of work. This means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes, workforce diversity, changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives, contingent workforce, decentralized work sites and employee involvement are the issue for confront. It is a big challenge for the HRM department to support the organization by providing the best personnel for the suitable position in shortest possible time. Starting with getting the requirements list till final planning, recruitment and selection for them is a great task. Moreover selecting and attracting the suitable candidates in time is a challenge. The cost of recruitment is significant. So, proper planning and putting those plans into action is the task that require more focus and improvement. Equal opportunity and sourcing is also a vital part.

Objectives of the Study

Broad Objective To know overall about the company Planman HR and also to know each and every part of the Temporary Staffing and Payroll process of the company.

Specific Objectives 1. To focus on major elements of Recruitment and Selection process of temporary employees. 2. To focus on the process of Recruiting and selecting candidates. 3. To focus on the use of modern techniques.


Source of Information 1. Primary The primary information was collected through face to face interview, observation and participation in the recruitment and selection process. Indus Business Academy Page 36

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2. Secondary The secondary information was collected from websites and other relevant sources. Both primary and secondary data sources were used to generate this report. Primary data sources are scheduled survey, informal discussion with professionals and observation while working at different desks. The secondary data sources were information from internet websites and relevant sources.

Scope of the research The report deals with the recruitment and selection process in terms of theoretical point of view and the practical use. The study will allow learning about the recruitment and selection issues, importance, modern techniques and models used to make it more efficient. The study will help to learn the practical procedures followed by the leading organizations. Moreover the study will help to differentiate between the practice and the theories that direct to realize how the organization can improve their recruitment and selection process.

Limitations of the research The main limitation of the study was the collection of information. Because most of the information is confidential, so the company people didnt want to disclose them.

Aim of the study To analyze the present recruitment methodology of temporary employees in small and big organizations, proposing modifications and improvements for the same.

Background of the study Recruitment is the process of identifying and attracting a group of potential candidates from outside the organization for employment. Once these candidates are identified, the process of selecting appropriate employees for employment begins. This means collecting information about the candidates from various sources, measuring and evaluating information about these candidates, qualification, skill requirement and experience (if applicable) for specified positions.

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Issues, Global and National Overview

Temporary staffing agencies provide solutions to their client's personnel problems by providing a short-term work force that consists of skilled workers available at a moment's notice. There are many factors that affect a staffing company's success, including employee work ethics, the staffing company's reputation, ethical issues, including competition, global and local political condition and the economy.

Issues relating to the Temp Staffing Industry

1. No-Shows: One of the most challenging aspects of running a temporary

staffing agency is employees failing to arrive on the job site. Commonly referred to as "no-shows," this is the fastest way to lose a top client. Noshows are most common on short-term assignments that provide no opportunity for a permanent or long-term position. The key to minimizing noshows is to build a strong team of employees that can be counted on, regardless of the length of the assignment.
2. Reputation: A temporary staffing company is only as good as the temporary

employees it sends to its clients. Many agencies focus on volume rather than high quality employees. Unfortunately, bad news spreads rapidly and a few simple hiring mistakes can cause a major road block for future business growth. If a difficult employee creates a situation on a job site, prompt and professional attention to the situation is the best way to protect the staffing agency's reputation.
3. Ethics: Some clients will have unethical requests, such as not hiring minority

or disabled employees. It is a staffing company's legal and ethical responsibility to meet all Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. These unfortunate and common requests are not only unethical, but also illegal. Other staffing companies may be willing to take the chance by hiding unethical practices. It is always best to leave these types of clients for the competition, regardless of the potential profits.
4. Competition: Areas that have a high concentration of potential clients also

tend to have a large number of temporary staffing agencies. This type of competition can be fierce, and a common strategy many staffing agencies use is significant underbidding. While there may be the occasional client that feels negotiating a lower-than-standard fee is worthwhile due to volume, this practice should be avoided as it lowers the profit margins throughout the entire market over time. Setting minimum fees and standing by that price may cost a staffing company a few low paying clients. However, the clients that do pay a reasonable fee are the companies the staffing agency should strive to serve.
5. Economy: Many industries are greatly affected by fluctuation in the economy.

An example of this is the construction industry, which is directly tied to the housing industry. When the economy is suffering, the demand for new homes declines. This has a trickle-down effect that will leave a temporary staffing agency that only works in construction with no assignments for their Indus Business Academy Page 38

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employees. Diversifying the staffing agency's specialties is the best way to protect the bottom line. With industry diversity, a staffing company can shift employees from a slow moving industry to one that actively requires a temporary workforce. For example, construction workers without available assignments due to lack of new home construction often can be placed in warehouse or manufacturing positions.

Staffing Companies: The Global Experience Staffing companies globally support companies and workers in adapting to seasonal changes in the economy. The increase in structural changes in recent years has brought a new set of challenges to economies and labor markets. Globalization, demographic evolution, unpredictability and complexity combined with new attitudes to work have resulted in economies across the world experiencing deep structural shifts. For labor markets, the consequences are severe: persistent high level of unemployment (which hits young people disproportionately hard), the need for new skills for new jobs, low occupational and geographic work mobility, a risk of segmentation of labor markets, low labor market participation rates (especially for women and older workers) and the need to reconcile diverse forms of labor relations with decent working conditions. According to the report staffing companies are well placed to enable adaptation to these structural changes. With its international reach and specialized market knowledge, the sector facilitates adaptation to change in labor markets that are becoming increasingly complex, volatile and unpredictable.

Some of the key observations made in the study are: Higher the agency work penetration rate, lower the unemployment rate. ermanent contracts. te to reducing undeclared work. eople to enter and stay in labor markets. Agency work is often their first opportunity to gain work experience. .

Staffing Companies: The Indian Experience In India, where the labor market is highly fragmented, organized employment (based on formal, written employment contracts) has been stagnant for many years leaving unorganized employment (without written employment contracts or undeclared) jobless. By creating new, formal job opportunities each year, the temporary staffing industry plays a key role in reducing both unemployment and undeclared work. For the workers, the industry provides decent work, safe working conditions and a Indus Business Academy Page 39

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reassurance that they will be paid. The contract duration of a typical temp job in India varies between 2 months to 18 months this is very close to the global mean duration of 3 months to 24 months. In emerging markets such as India, where employability is a significant problem, Temporary Staffing firms are serving a crucial role. As the area of human resource management becomes more strategic and more global, recruitment, especially of temporary employees is becoming more important and critical to the organization. While most companies seem to have recognized this, there are some that are lagging behind. As a consequence they are doing many things that would make their management of human resources as effective as possible. In doing so doing, some of the things that are being observed are: 1) The roles that the HR department and its HR professionals have traditionally played are changing substantially; 2) The competencies required by the HR professionals to play these new roles are also changing rapidly with dramatic implications for the current HR staff and leaders; 3) The HR professionals are working more closely, in partnership, with line managers, employees, suppliers, representatives of labor unions, strategic partners, members of community organizations and placement consulting firms in order to be more effective in managing the firms human resources; and finally, 4) The structure of the HR department and the HR function are being reshaped in order to better serve the various stakeholders of HR in order to make the management of people and the organization more effective.

Objective of the study 1. Champion sustainable growth of the Staffing Industry 2. Provide an authoritative voice to the Staffing Industry 3. Establish quality standards for the Staffing Industry at large and a code of conduct for the members 4. Increase visibility and enhance the image of the Staffing industry and strengthen its representation 5. Promote Staffing as an effective enabler of socio-economic growth 6. Developing Staffing Industry as a choice of employment Indus Business Academy Page 40

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Findings and Recommendations

1. Fragmented Market Space Indian staffing industry is very fragmented, clustered mainly around the metro political cities and IT hubs leaving a large geographical landscape un-assed.

Recommendation This is a disguise in boon as the fragmented market space provides an opportunity for the staffing firms to grow by consolidating particularly in fragmented markets by strategic acquisitions. Moreover, the process is accelerating as general staffing companies are seeking a stronger foothold in the professional staffing markets in order to achieve a more diversified service range and access to the more profitable specialist segments.

2. Deregulation The regulatory framework of labor market creates a significant influence on the staffing market size and growth rates.

Recommendation There is a direct relationship between the regulatory frameworks of labor markets and staffing market size more flexible labor markets lead to higher penetration rates for the staffing industry.

3. Economic Environment Demand for HR services is sensitive to changes in the level of economic growth. In good times, when GDP expands, demand for temporary employees increases. In a downturn, companies tend to reduce their quota of temporary employees before permanent staff, resulting in lower revenues for the staffing business, with a negative impact on profitability and the financial position.

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Recommendation Given the importance of the staffing industry, it is important that management at country level is aware of economic developments in order to adapt the cost base to revenue trends. Corporate and regional management need to maintain an active dialogue so that capacity can be judged as and when necessary. Close monitoring of monthly results and update forecasts ensures a rapid response to business developments.

4. Client attraction and retention The staffing firms business potential and long-term profitability depends on attracting and retaining clients. Client satisfaction breeds loyalty and leads to consecutive assignments. Failure to provide this is a business risk.

Recommendation Staffing firms can conduct a local client satisfaction survey with management-defined short-term targets. The results will help to draw up strategies and gear the services to client needs. In addition staffing firms can also continue to review and improve the delivery model.

5. External Talent attraction and retention The success of staffing firms depends on their ability to attract and retain external talent who possess the skills and the experience to meet clients staffing needs. With talent shortages in certain sectors and intensive competition for skilled individuals, providing suitably qualified candidates is both a challenge and a risk. The continued success of staffing business depends on the ability of the staffing firm to offer attractive conditions to retain colleagues.

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Recommendation A key to retaining external talent is to offer consecutive assignments and competitive wages. Staffing firms can continually evaluate and upgrade the supplied pool of qualified people to keep up with changing client needs and emerging technologies.

6. Notion and Reality that the individual rules The rapid rise of a new class of employees comprising essentially of young people with an entirely new set of expectations and motivations when combined with the talent shortage, has shifted the power from the employer to the individual, resulting in the retention of talent becoming all the more elusive. This significant role reversal has triggered considerable changes in the way companies project themselves as employers. While strengthening their brand equity, the companies have to emerge as an individual centric management rather than a homogenous group management.

7. Streamlined Processes Many staffing companies still use Excel spreadsheet and even handwritten notes to manage central processes like recruiting, prospecting, matching applicants to orders etc. Todays staffing industry depends on the speed to find top talent and fill job orders, using manual processes like these puts the staffing firms at a risk of losing clients to the competition.

Recommendation The staffing solution automates the time consuming aspects of staffing office business processes such as client, applicant and order management so that the employees of the staffing firm can focus on filling more job orders and better serving the clients. It also streamlines the pay-to-bill process, improving efficiency and reducing errors so that the staffing firms can increase cash flow. As a result employees are empowered to work more efficiently and effectively to grow the business.

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8. Efficient Order Management Manual processes can be challenging for a single-office company. Yet for a company that operates in multiple locations, manual processes can become cumbersome. This can significantly inhibit the ability to fill job orders quickly and, ultimately, grow the business.

Recommendation The staffing solution provides a single source for managing and viewing job orders and assignments, thus eliminating the need to search through stacks of handwritten job orders and assignments to understand the pipeline or track down a recruiter to get the status of an order.

9. Front to back Integration Different systems create multiple versions of information that impede the ability of a staffing firm to manage the business efficiently. Decentralized information prevents the employees from having real time visibility into available resources, open orders and client requests. And this in turn prevents from having real time insight into the pipeline, cash flow and business trends.

Recommendation The staffing solution completely integrates the front and back-office systems to provide a consistent, centralized data source for clients, applicants, orders, projects and billing information. The firms employees can easily view and share the same data directly from a web browser. By connecting employees throughout the organization to a single source of information, efficiency can be increased dramatically, reducing errors and eliminating redundancy.

10. Powerful Search and Match Capabilities One of the most important tasks for a staffing firm is to find the best resource for a job. Even with an ample pool of job orders and a top-notch pool of Indus Business Academy Page 44

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resources, staffing firms may not realize the full potential for profitability unless they efficiently and effectively match the resource to the job profile.

Recommendation The staffing front office solution delivers the extensive search and match capabilities that make it easier to find the right person for any job based on skills, location, availability and billing rate from a single labor pool. It not only increases the operational efficiency but also reduces the risk of losing business to competitors.

11. Simplified Workforce Management Good recruiting means finding, bringing on board, and retaining the best talent. It means quickly identifying the right person for a job without paying fees for skills that already exist in the system. This problem can be overcome if the staffing firms can source across geographic areas.

Recommendation The staffing solution provides the ability to the staffing firms to manage their pool of employees, subcontractors and applicants in a single, centralized repository while minimizing duplicate entries and non-fictional information. Thereby staffing firms can easily track and update a resources skills and availability anywhere anytime to enhance their sourcing process.

12. Scalable Architecture Large clients are increasingly expecting the staffing solution providers to manage all their staffing and human resource services needs to achieve greater efficiencies, coat savings and quality of service. As growth in the staffing industry today is being driven by new business models like singlesource partnering and vendor-on premise contracts, it becomes essential that the staffing firms equip themselves to provide their clients with consistent, high-quality service across states.

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Recommendation The staffing solution not only provides the staffing firms with international expansion capabilities but also supports the multinational client operations. It handles multiple currencies, multiple languages, global payroll and billing functions and local employment laws, so that staffing firms can execute on the international staffing objectives effortlessly. It can also scale to support the staffing firms operations round the world, with employees requiring only a simple web brouser to access the information they need.

13. Proactive Relationship Management Each day a staffing firm employee spends on an average about 40% to 60% of their time at administrative tasks such as reminders and to-do lists. These tasks are no doubt important to manage the client accounts, but they also take the time away from developing deeper and more meaningful client relationships.

Recommendation The staffing solution streamlines the client administration process by using delivered templates and empowering clients with online self-service, thereby allowing the staffing firm employees to spend more time on the development of each client into a more profitable, long term business partner.

14. Use of Technology for Staffing Industry Staffing firms use technology mainly for optimizing costs and gaining strategic outcomes such as enhanced service delivery.

On the other hand staffing companies must balance the desirable outcomes with the challenging consequences of technology implementation such as training costs and misalignments between software and strategy that can threaten the bottom line

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Recruitment is an important issue for any organization. Recruitment and selection allows an organization to access the vacancy and choose the best personnel who will lead the organization in future. So the organization should give more emphasize on selecting a person who can carry forwarded the organization in terms of development, values and ethics. Mainly the precious resource for any organization is their knowledge based efficient workers. The organizations should more cautious on this issue to ensure the quality and ethics. From the above discussion we can easily understand that Planman HR is one of the top Temp Staffing Company of Bangalore and India. It covers the whole of India by its wide spread network. Its primary aim is to provide temp staffing solution to needy organizations. At this moment the company is in growing position. But the strategies of the company will make the company number one Temp staffing company of Bangalore and India. We can see the Human resource practice, recruitment and selection process, employee satisfaction and relations at Planman HR are a very developed and effective one. As a company having PAN India presence, for making the process more effective Planman HR should analyze the recruitment and selection process of other multinational company of home and abroad. That can make Planman HR perfect in recruiting people and the company will get efficient professionals, that will increased the productivity as well as revenue. The most important key source factor of Planman HR is its efficient human resource. Its decisions are based on facts from market research and coverage survey. The company also monitors it's competitor's activities and is proactive in marketing decisions. Temporary staffing is a nascent industry in India and is gaining acceptance very rapidly. The benefits provided by it both to the companies and workforce are a lot which are very helpful for a growing economy like India. The industry improves efficiency of the system because organisations can focus on their core businesses and takes care of the seasonal fluctuations. Companies are also accepting this method of temporary staffing because it helps them get away with labour issues. Temporary staffing seems to be a change for good but there are some challenges ahead of the industry also. Changes are required in labour legislations to conform them to contemporary economic changes. Employment of temporary employees in core activities with lesser remuneration as compared to permanent employees creates rift and must be controlled.

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Apart from this, there is a need for the principal employers to understand that temporary staffing provides them staffing flexibility and should not view it as a means to exploit labour which in the long run can affect the productivity and competitiveness in todays knowledge economy.

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Reference Indian Staffing Industry Research 2012

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Glossary Temporary employee A temporary employee is defined as an employee whose job only lasts for a limited time or until the completion of a project. 'A permanent employee is guaranteed continuing work. They can stay in their job until they decide to leave or their employer makes them redundant. Some seasonal workers have long-term relationships with a particular employer and return to the same job each season, and therefore may believe they have a guarantee of continuing work. Nevertheless, employees in seasonal jobs are classified as 'temporary' in the main survey outputs and in this paper because their job does not provide continuous work around the year.

Temporary employment agency worker A temporary employment agency worker is defined as a temporary worker who is paid by, or through, a temporary employment agency and placed by this agency to perform work at the premises of a third party customer enterprise, that is, someone other than the business enterprise that pays their wage or salary.

Casual worker A casual worker is defined as a temporary worker who only works when their employer asks them to, on an as-needed basis, whose work is typically done in short episodes. A casual worker may be asked to work a shift, for a few days or, less often, for several weeks at a time. Casual workers do not have any guarantee of regular ongoing work.

Fixed term worker A fixed term worker is defined in the survey as a temporary employee who is hired until a fixed date or until a project has been completed. This includes replacement workers who are employees contracted to temporarily replace another employee who is absent on leave.

Seasonal worker A seasonal job is a job that only exists at certain times of the year, because the work does not need to be done year round. Whether a job is seasonal is reasonably clear cut in some industries (such as fruit picking or meat processing). In others, it can be unclear. For example, people who are employed to work during school terms (and are not paid at other times of the year) are technically doing seasonal work, but they may not see themselves as seasonal workers. Classification within the Survey of Working Life relied on self-definition.

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The basis on which seasonal workers are employed varies. They can be employed on a casual basis (to work as required by the employer); hired to work continuously until a certain date; or hired to work continuously until a project has been finished. Knowing that someone works in a seasonal job does not fully describe their employment relationship.

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