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The document provides an overview of the MSc Mathematics program offered at Hazara University including the courses offered in the first four semesters and the research opportunities available.

In the first semester, core courses include Real Analysis-I, Differential Geometry, General Topology, Algebra-I and Ordinary Differential Equations. In the second semester, core courses include Real Analysis-II, Dynamics, Complex Analysis, Algebra-II and Set Theory & Mathematical Logic.

In the third semester, courses cover topics like Numerical Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, Functional Analysis, Algebra, Analytical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Measure & Integration, Algebraic Topology, Relativity and various applied fields of mathematics.



Department of Mathematics started with the start of the university in 2002.The Department has started M.Sc. in Mathematics since Spring 2005. It has also introduced BSc (Hons) four years programme approved by HEC. Besides this the staff of the department teaches mathematics and statistics in almost all the disciplines of the university. The Department has collaboration with the mathematical institute University of St.Andrews U.K and Gomal University D.I.Khan. Mathematics has been declared as a core subject for all levels in physical as well as social and management sciences by H.E.C. Mathematics has played and is playing a vital role in a rapidly changing world of science and technology. It has developed tremendously in the last century and these developments have further been accelerated by the use of information technology in every walk of life. This motivated to the discovery of varied new techniques in mathematics. Modern era of science and technology has proved that not only the natural sciences but the social and administrative sciences have also been developed to the extent that they too, need an input of mathematics. The MSc Mathematics programme started in Hazara University Dhodial Mansehra has been designed to produce better qualified and more competent manpower to meet the needs of the society in general. To provide expertise in Mathematics, to solve problems in other areas such as Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, Economics, Defense, Industry etc. It has further been designed to motivate, Create interest in Mathematics and thus help in creating a scientific culture in the country. Department has also planned to start M.Phil and PhD Programme in the near future.


FIRST SEMESTER COURSE. NO COURSE MSCMath-111 Real Analysis-I MSCMath-112 Differential Geometry MSCMath-113 General Topology MSCMath-114 Algebra-I MSCMath-115 Ordinary Differential Equations Total Credit Hours SECOND SEMESTER COURSE. NO COURSE MSCMath-121 Real Analysis-II MSCMath-122 Dynamics MSCMath-123 Complex Analysis MSCMath-124 Algebra-II MSCMath-125 Set Theory & Math. Logic Total Credit Hours THIRD SEMESTER *
MSCMath-231. Numerical Analysis-I MSCMath-232. Mathematical Statistics-I MSCMath-233. Functional Analysis-I MSCMath-234. Algebra-III MSCMath-2135. Analytical Mechanics-I MSCMath-236. Quantum Mechanics-I MSCMath-237. Measure & Integration-I MSCMath-238. Algebraic Topology-I MSCMath-239. Relativity-I MSCMath-2310. Fluid Mechanics-I MSCMath-2311. Electromagnetic Theory-I MSCMath-2312. Astronomy-I MSCMath-2313. Homological Algebra-I MSCMath-2314. Operations Research-I MSCMath-2315. Graph Theory MSCMath-2316. Applied Algebra-I MSCMath-2317. History of Mathematics-I MSCMath-2318. Riemannian Geometry MSCMath-2319. Integral Equations MSCMath-2320. Optimization Theory-I MSCMath-2321. Bio Mathematics

CREDIT HOURS 3 3 3 3 3 15

CREDIT HOURS 3 3 3 3 3 15

MSCMath-241. Numerical Analysis-II MSCMath-242. Mathematical Statistics-II MSCMath-243. Functional Analysis-II MSCMath-244. Algebra-IV MSCMath-245. Analytical Mechanics-II MSCMath-246. Quantum Mechanics-II MSCMath-247. Measure & Integration-II MSCMath-248. Algebraic Topology-II MSCMath-249. Relativity-II MSCMath-2410. Fluid Mechanics-II MSCMath-2411. Electromagnetic Theory-II MSCMath-2412. Astronomy-II MSCMath-2413. Homological Algebra-II MSCMath-2414. Operations Research-II MSCMath-2415. Advanced Topology MSCMath-2416. Applied Algebra-II MSCMath-2417. History of Mathematics-II MSCMath-2418. Continuous & Symmetric Groups MSCMath-2419. Partial Differential Equations MSCMath-2420. Optimization Theory -II MSCMath-2421. Category Theory MSCMath-2422. Reliability Analysis, Quality and Safety

*REQUIREMENTS FOR SELECTION OF COURSES IN THIRD AND FOURTH SEMESTERS A student is required to select five courses in each Semester from a variety of courses offered, (subject to the availability of expertise). Each course shall carry 100 marks and will be of three credit hours. In the fourth semester certain students (selected strictly on merit of the previous semester examinations) will be given an option to write a research report on a topic given by staff members supervising the reports. These students shall be required to submit the reports, well in time, before the final semester examination, so that these can be sent to the external examiners for evaluation. NOTE: In Case of students doing MSc in affiliated Colleges the courses of First and Second Semester will be considered as the courses of MSc Previous. The courses of Third and fourth semester will be the courses of MSc Final. After the final semester examination each student shall have to pass a comprehensive viva-voce examination carrying 100 marks.


Review of the real number system. Properties of real numbers, concepts of supremum and infimum of Sets of real numbers. Sequences and series; subsequences, cauchy sequences, completeness, convergence of series. Absolute and conditional convergence of series. Continuity: Properties of continuous functions, continuity and compactness, continuity and connectedness. Types of discontinuities. Differentiable functions. Mean-value theorems, continuity of derivatives. Implicit functions, Jacobians, Implicit function theorem, functional dependence, Taylors theorem for a function of two variables. Maxima and minima of functions of two and three variables. Method of lagranges multipliers.

1. 2. 3. 4. Addison-Wesley, 1978, Mathematical Analysis, Apostol. T. M. Addison-Wesley, 1965, W.Advanced Calculus, Kaplan. Rudin. 1976, W. Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill. S.C.Malik, 1984. Mathematical Analysis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.


Space curves. Osculating plane. the moving trihedron. Serret-Frenet formulae. Osculating circle. The concept of surface curves. Spherical and Cylindrical helices. Spherical Indicatrix, Involutes and Evolutes. First fundamental form of a surface. The second fundamental form. Normal curvature. Principal directions and principal curvatures. Gaussian and mean curvature. Euler's Theorem. Gauss-Weingarten and Gauss-Godazzi equations.

1. E.Weatherburn; 1961 Differential Geometry of Three Dimensions Cambridge Uni., . 2. Millman & Parker; 1977 Elements of Differential Geometry, Prentice Hall. 3. D.J.Struik; 1962. Lectures on Classical Differential Geometry Addison Wesley.


Definition of a topological space, open and closed sets. Neighbourhoods. Limit points. Closure of a set. Comparison of different topologies. Bases and sub-bases. Metric space. First and second axiom of countability. Continuous functions and Homeomorphisms. Product spaces. Separation axioms. Completely regular spaces. Normal spaces. Compactness. local compactness. connected spaces. Convergence and completeness. Baire's theorem.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. J.R.Munkres; 1975 Topology (A first course), Prentice Hall Inc,. T.Hussain; 1977 Topology and Maps, Plenum Press NY. A.Majeed; 1990 Elements of Topology & Functional Analysis, Ilmi Kitab Khana. S.Willard; 1970 General Topology, Addison Wesley NY. . F.Simmon; 1963 Introduction to Topology & Modern Analysis, McGraw Hill, NY.


Review of elementary concepts of groups. Cyclic groups, cosets, decomposition of a group, Lagrange's theorem and its consequences. Normal subgroups, homomorphism of groups. Quotient groups. Fundamental theorem of homomorphism, Isomorphism theorems, conjugacy classes. Centralisers and normalisers, permutation groups, Cayley's theorem. Endomorphism and Automorphism of groups, simple groups. (definition and examples), Rings and Fields ideals, quotient rings and homomorphism of rings.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J.B.Fraleigh, 1976 A First course in Abstract Algebra, Addision Wesley Company. I.N.Herstein, 1980 Topics in Algebra, Addison-Wesley. N.P.Chaudery, 1983 Abstract Algebra, McGraw Hill Book Co, New Dehli. L.J Golstein, 1973 Abstract Algebra, Prentice Hall NJ, A. Majeed, 1983 Theory Of Groups, UGC, T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1986 Essential student Algebra, Vol I-V, Chapman & Hall, 7. T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1984 Algebra Through Practice, Book I-VI, Cambridge University Press.



Second order linear differential equations: The fundamental existence theorem (without proof) Linear Operators, Fundamental solutions of the homogeneous equations, Reduction of order of a differential equation, Linear homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, the method of undetermined coefficients, the method of variation of parameters, the Cauchy Euler equation. Series solution of linear differential equations: Power series solution about an ordinary point regular singular points, Eulers equation, Series solutions near a regular singular point. Systems of first order linear differential equations. Boundary value problems, Linear homogeneous boundary value problems, Eigen values and eigen functions.

1. L. L. Pennisi., Elements of Ordinary Differential Equations. 2. Boyce & Diprima: 1986 Elemenary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems. John Wiley. 3. Robert M. Martin Jr. 1983 Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, McGraw Hill Book Company Inc. 4. L.R.Shepley: Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, John Wiley and Sons. 5. Colmb & Shanks, Elements of Ordinary Differential Equations McGraw Hill.


Multiple integrals. Line and surface integrals. Theorems of Gauss. Stoke and Green. Functions of bounded variation. The Riemann-stieltjes integral: Properties of Riemann-stieltjes integration Uniform convergence. Difference between pointwise and uniform convergence of sequences and series of functions, Weierstrass M-Test, Uniform convergence and continuity, Uniform convergence and integration, Uniform convergence and differentiation. Improper Riemann-stieltjes integrals: Infinite Riemann-stieltjes integrals, Tests for convergence of infinite integrals, Infinite series and infinite integrals. Improper Integrals of the second kind, uniform convergence of improper integrals.

4. 5. 6. 4. Apostol. 1978 T. M. Mathematical Analysis, Addison-Wesley. Kaplan . 1965 W.Advanced Calculus ,Addison-Wesley. Rudin. N. Y, 1976.W. Principles of Mathematical Analysis, 3rd Ed, McGraw Hill, S.C.Malik, 1984. Mathematical Analysis, Wiley Eastern Ltd.

Particle Dynamics: Projectile motion under gravity, constrained particle motion, angular momentum of a particle. Orbital Motion: Motion of a particle under a central force, use of reciprocal polar co-ordinates, use of pedal co-ordinates and equations, Kepler's laws of planetary motion. Motion of a system of Particles: Linear momentum of a system of particles, angular momentum and rate of change of angular momentum of a system, use of centroid, moving origins, impulsive forces, elastic impact. Introduction to Rigid Body Dynamics: Moments and products of inertia, the theorems of parallel and perpendicular axes, angular momentum of a rigid body about a fixed point and about fixed axes, principal axes. Kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a fixed point, general motion of a rigid body, momental ellipsoid, equimomental system, coplanar distribution.

1. 2. 3. 4. F.Chorlton; 1983.Text book of Dynamics, Ellis Horwood Ltd. L.A.Pars; 1953.Introduction to Dynamics, Cambridge Uni. Press. A.S.Remsey; 1962 Dynamics Part-I, Cambridge Uni. Press . J.L.Synge and B.A.Griffith; 1970 Principle of Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co.


Analytic functions. Cauchy-Riemnn equations. Harmonic functions. Contour integration. The Cauchy integral theorem. The Cauchy integral formula and related theorems. Power series. Uniform convergence of power series. Taylor's and Laurent's series. The calculus of residues. Singularities. Zeros. Poles and residues. The evaluation of the integrals of certain periodic functions. Indented contours. Integral involving multiple-valued functions.

1. 2. 3. 7. 8. 9. L.L.Pennisi; 1976. Elements of Complex Variables, Holt Rinehart & Winston NY. R.V.Churchil; 1960. Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw Hill Co. L.V.Ahlfors; 1966. Complex Analysis, McGraw Hill Co. S. Levinson and R. Redheffer; 1970. Complex Variables, Holden Day Inc. S.B.H.Anthony; Complex Function Theory, Holland N Y. M. Iqbal, 1998. Fundamental of Complex Analysis, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore,

Review of elementary concepts of vector spaces. Linear dependence/ independence of vectors. Vector spaces and subspaces, Direct sum of spaces, Linear transformations, Rank and Nullity of linear transformations, Algebra of linear transformations and representation of linear transformations as matrices. Change of bases, linear functionals. Dual spaces and annihilators, Eigen vectors and values, Cayley-Hamilton theorem. Diagonalization of matrices, Inner product spaces, Bilinear, Quadratic and Hermitian forms.

1. D.T. Finkbeiner, 1978. Introduction to Matrices and Linear Transformations, 3rd. Ed., N.H. Freeman and company San Francisco, 2. A.M.,Tropper,Linear algebra, Thomas Nelson & Sons,. 3. 1973. S.Lang.,Linear Algebra, Addison-Wesley. 4. K.R.Hoffman and Kunze, 1971 R.Linear Algebra , Prentice Hall. 5. I.N.Herstein, 1980.Topics in Algebra, Addison-Wesley, 6. K.H.Dar. 1998. First Step to Abstract Algebra, 2nd ed., Feroze Sons Pvt. 7. T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1986. Essential student Algebra, Vol I-V, Chapman & Hall. 8. T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1984.Algebra Through Practice, Book I-VI, CUP.


Set Theory: Functions, Relations, Partially and totally ordered sets, Axiom of choice, Hausdorffs Maximal Principle, Zorns Lemma, Well-Ordering theorem, Zormelos theorem and their equivalences, Finite, Infinite and Denumerable sets, Cardinal Arithmetic, Ordering of the cardinal numbers and Schroder-Bernstein theorem, Arithmetic and ordering of the ordinal numbers. Mathematical Logic: Statement forms and connectives, Tautology and contradiction, Logical equivalence, Algebra of propositions, Logical Implication, Arguments, Adequate systems of connectives. Applications: Definition and properties of a Boolean algebra ., partial orders in a Boolean algebra, switching circuit design, Lattices (modular, distributive, complemented).

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. R.R.Stoll: 1971. Set theory and Logic, Dover Publication Inc. N.Y. C.C.Pinter: 1963 Set theory, Addison- Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. N.Y. P.R.Halmos: N.J.1968.Nave Set theory. D.van Nostrand Co. Princeton, E.Mendelson: 1970 Boolean algebra and Switching Circuits Mc Graw Hill Inc. J.D.Monk, 1976 Mathematical Logic, Springer-Verlag N.Y..


Numerical Solution of Non-linear Equations: The simple iterative method, the bisection method, the method of false position, the secant method, the Newton-Raphson method, Rate of convergence of iterative methods. Numerical solution of polynomial equations by Bairstow method. Matrix Inversion: Elimination methods (Gauss, Gauss-Jordan and Jordans), Crouts Triangularization method, iterative method, Cholesky method, partition method. Eigen value problems: Rutishauser method, the power and inverse power method, Rayleigh quotient method, Jacobi's method, Given's method and House-holder's method. Numerical solutions of simultaneous linear algebraic equations: Solution by matrix inversion methods and Iterative methods (Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, successive over relaxation), convergence of iterative methods. Interpolation: Lagrange interpolation, Newton divided difference interpolation, Aitkens and inverse interpolations. The error of interpolating polynomials. Finite difference operators (forward, backward, central, average and shift) and tables. Newton's forward and backward difference formulas.

1. 2. 3. W.A.Smith; 1979. Elementary Numerical Analysis, Harper & Row Pub. Int. C.E. Froberg, 1974. Inroduction to Numerical Analysis, Addsion-Wesley Co. M.K.Jain, 1985.Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Comp., Wiley E. Ltd.


Probability and its various definitions and laws, Marginal and conditional probability, Bays formula, law of independence, Discrete and continuous random variables, Mathematical expectation, density function generating functions, distribution functions, characteristic function. Distribution: uniform, binomial, negative binomial, poisson , geometric and hyper geometric and their moments. Regression and Correlation, Partial correlation and multiple correlation. RECOMMENDED BOOKS: 4. A.Samad Hirai; Mathematical Statistics, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore. 5. S.M.Chaudhry; Introduction to Statistical Theory, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.

1. Hogg & Craig; 1978. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, The McMillan Co. 2. Mood & Garaybill; 1974. Introduction to Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill Co. 3. John & Walpole; 1980. Mathematical Statistics, Prentice Hall In.,


Normed linear spaces, the Holder and Minkowski inequalities. Linear Operators. Linear functionals. Annihilators. Banach spaces. Quotient spaces. Conjugate spaces. Principle of Uniform Boundedness, Hahn-Banach theorem in normed spaces, Open Mapping and Closed graph theorems and their applications. Topological Linear Spaces.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A.E.Taylor & D.C.Lay; 1980. Introduction to Functional Analysis, John Wiley & Sons. E.Kreyszig; 1978. Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications, John Wiley & Sons, W.Rudin; 1978. Functional Analysis, McGraw Hill. G.F.Simmons; 1963. Introduction to Topology & Modern Analysis, McGraw Hill. K.Yosida; 1967 Functional Analysis, Springer Verleg NY

6. Abdul Majeed; 1997. Elements of Topology and Functional Analysis, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore

Direct product of groups, subnormal series of a group, refinement theorem, composition series and Jordan Holder theorem, solvable and nilpotene groups, Sylow groups and Sylow theorems, free groups and finitely generated abelian groups.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. J.B.Fraleigh; 1976. A First Course in Algebra, Addison Wesley Co. I.N.Herstein; Topics in Algebra, Ginn & Co. P.M.Cohn; Algebra Vols, I & II, John Wiley & Sons. Abdul Majeed; Theory of Groups, University Grant Commission. T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1986. Essential student Algebra, Vol I-V, Chapman & Hall T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1984. Algebra Through Practice, Book I-VI, CUP


Generalized Co-ordinates. Constraints. Holonomic and Non-holonomic system. Conservation theorem. Principle of virtual work. D'Alembert's principle. Konning theorem. Euler dynamical equation of motion of rigid body about a fixed point. Properties of rigid body under no force. The rotating earth. Lagrange's equation for holonomic and non-holonomic system and their application. Energy Integral. Application of Noether's theorem. Equation of motion with or without Lagrange multipliers. Lagrange,s equation for impulsive force. Motion of a symmetrical top. Eulerian angles.

1. 2. 3. 4. H.Goldstein; 1987. Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley Co. F.Chorlton; 1983. Text Book of Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons. L.A.Pars; A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics, Cambridge Uni. Pr. E.T.Whittaker; 1970. A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies, CUP.


Inadequacy of Classical Mechanics. Wave particle duality. Schrodinger's equation. Harmonic oscillator. One dimensional motion in a potential well. Reflection by and transmission across a potential barrier. Uncertainty principle. Direct delta function. Operator formulism in Quantum Mechanics. Angular momentum. Pauli exclusion principle. Hydrogen atom.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. R.L.White; 1966.Basic Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co. NY, L.I.Schiff; 1955. Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd. P.T.Mathews; 1974. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co. Dicke & Wittke; 1966. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Inc. F.Mandl; 1966. Quantum Mechanics, Butterworth, London.7th Impression P.M.Mathews, K.Venkatesan; 8th Reprint, 1984. A Text Book Of Quantum Mechanics, Tata Mc GrawHill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 7. P.A.M.Dirac; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. 8. Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin; 1990. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific.


Lebesgue measure, Outer measure. Measurable set and Lebesgue measure, A non-measurable set, measurable function. The Lebesgue Integral: The Lebesgue integral of a bounded function. The general Lebesgue integral. Lebesgue integral and its relation to Riemann integral. Convergence in measure.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H.L.Royden; 1968.Real Analysis, The McMillian Co. D de Barra; 1981. Measure Theory & Integration, Eillis Horwood Ltd., P.R.Halmos. 1950. ,Measure Theory, Von Nostrand NY, A.Mukherjea; 1978. Real and Functional Analysis, Plenum and K.Pothoven Press, A.Rahim Khan; Introduction to Lebesgue Integration, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.


Categories. Functions, Paths and path connected spaces, Homotopy, Simplicial complex, Homotopy and homeomorphism of polyhedra. Subdivision and the simplicial approximation theorem . The Fundamental Group and Covering spaces, the fundamental group of circle, the fundamental group of covering spaces.

1. 2. 3. 4. E.H.Spanier; 1966. Algebraic Topology, Tata McGraw Hill C.Kosniowski; 1988. A First Course in Alegbraic Topology, Cambridge Uni. Pr. C.R.E.Maunder; 1980. Algebraic Topology, Cambridge Uni. Pr., J.Mayer; Algebraic Topology, Prentice Hall NJ.


Historical background. Gallillean transformations. The postulates of special relativity. Lorentz transformations. Simultaneity in special relativity. Length contraction and time dilation. Velocity addition formulae. The four-vector formulism and Minkowski space. Time four-vector and energy momentum four-vector. Equivalence of mass and energy. Relativistic Kinematics. Doppler's effect. Particle production and particle decay. Threshold and binding energies. Accelerational effects in special relativity. The principles of equivalence and gravitation effects in special relativity. The clock paradox. Tachyaons. Electromagnetism in relativity.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Adler,Bazin & shiffer; 1965 Introduction to General Relativity, McGraw Hill Co. Sears & Brehme; 1968 Introduction to the Theoryof Relativity, Addison Wesley. Derek & Lawden; An Introduction to Tensor & Relativity Science Paper Books. Synge; Relativity Vol,: I W.Rindler; Eessential Relativity. A.P.French; Special Relativity, The ELBS Nelson. C.Moller; Introduction to Relativity. Asghar Qadir; 1989. Relativity: An Introduction to the Special Relativity, World Scientific, M.Saleem & M.Rafique; An Introduction to Special Relativity.



Introduction, Fluid and Continuum hypothesis, surface and body forces, stress at a point, Viscosity, Newtons viscosity law; Viscous and Inviscous flows; Laminar and Turbulent flows; Compressible and Incompressible flows; Lagrangian and Eulerian descriptions; Local, Convective and Total rates of change; Conservation of mass. Inviscous Fluids, Irrotational motion, Boundary conditions, Streamlines, Vortex lines and Vortex Sheets; Kelvins minimum enery theorem, Conservation of Linear momentum; Bernoullis theorem and its applications; Circulation: Rate of change of circulation (Kelvins theorem): Axially-symmetric motion: Stokes stream function. Inviscous Fluids: Two-dimensional motion, stream function, complex potential and some potential flows; sources, sinks and doublets; Circle theorem; Method of images; Blasius theorem; Aerofoil and the theorem of Kutta and Joukowski; Vortex motion; Karmans vortex street.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I.G.Currie, 1974 Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw-Hill Co. Nazeer Ahmed, 1987. Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Press Inc., H. Schlichting, 1979. Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill Co. F.Chorltan, 1985. Fluids Dynamics, CBS Pub. & Dist. G.K.Batchelor; 1969. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge Uni. Press,


Equations of electrostatic and magnetostatic boundary conditions, Boundary value problems and methods of solution, Electrostatics and magnetostatics of macroscopic medium. Dipoles and Multipole. Dielectrics. Steady currents and their interaction. Varying Currents. Electromagnetic induction. Maxwell's equations.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V.C.A Ferrars; 1950 Electromagnetic Theory, ELBS London, Lorrain & Corson; 1970. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves,Toppan Company Ltd. C.A.Coulson; 1951. Electricity, liver & Boyd Edinburgh, A.S.Ramsey; 1952. Electricity & Magnetism, Cambridge Uni. Pr. J.R.Reitz, F.J.Milford & Christy; Foundation of Electromagnetic Theory.

Elements of spherical Astronomy. Astronomical Coordinate system. Celestical Navigation. Time. Planetary Motion. Celestial Mechanics. Artificial Statistics.Solar system, planetary study (albede, temperature and brightness of planets, planetary Atmospheres. Surface Feature and satellites).Earth Moon system (Dimensions and figure of Earth ,Earth's Atmosphere, refraction. Moon's Motion, Mass and size Moon's Surface). Suns interior and Layers. Quiet and Active sun, Interaction with Earth Atmosphere. Meteors, Comets and Asteroids. Inter planetary Medium. Evolution of Solar system.Use of Telescope and Astronomical Hand Books.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. W.M.Smart; 1962. Text Book on Spherical Astronomy Cambridge Uni. pr. H.S.Schild; Structure & Evolution of Stars Dover Pub. Pr. W.M.Smart; 1957.Foundation of Astronomy, C.U.P Jastraw & Thompson; Astronomy. M.Harwit; Astrophysical Concepts.



Tensor product of modules and groups of homomorphism. Direct and Inverse Limits. Categories and functions Projective and injective modules. Applications.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D.G.Northcott; 1960. An Introduction to Homological Algebra, Cambridge Uni Pr. L.O.Barbora; Homological Dimension of Modules, AMS P.Hilton; Lectures in Homological Algebra, AMS Carton & Osopaky; 1960. Homological Algebra, Princeton Uni. Pr. S.Maclane; 1970. Homology, Springer Verlog.


Introduction, Formulation and graphical solution of two variables linear programms, Simplex method, Method of Penality, the two-phase technique, Sensitivity analysis, Dual Simplex method, Duality, Sensitivity and parametric Analysis, Transportation and Assignment Models. Linear Programming: Advanced Topics.

1. H.A.Taha; 1982. Introduction to Operations Research , 3rd Ed. McMillan Pub. Company N.Y. 2. G.Hadley; Introduction to Linear Programming.


Undirected graphs, Geometric graphs, Abstract graphs, Isomorphism, Edge progressions chains and circuits rank and nullity, Degrees, Trees. Bipartite graphs, Unicursal graphs, Hamiltonian Graphs. Directed graphs, Arc Progressions, paths progression and cycle progression. Partition and distances in graphs, edge partitions, Arc partitions, Hamiltonian chains and circuits, vertex partitions, radius and diameter, minimal length problem. Foundation of electrical net work theory. Matrix representation, the incidence matrix, the circuit matrix, the cut set matrix, the vertex or adjacency matrix, the path matrix.

1. Robert G. Busacker and Thomas L. Seaty; Finite graphs and Networks 'An introduction with applications' , McGraw Hill Book Company.
2. Robin J. Wilson; 1985. Introduction to Graph Theory, Longman Scientific and technical, 3. Wai-Kaichen; 1976. Applied graph Theory "graphs and Electrical networks, North-Holland Pub.


Finite State Machines: Binary devices and states, finite state machines, covering and equivalence, equivalent states, a minimization procedure. Programming Languages: identifiers arrays , for statements, block structures in ALGOL. Boolean polynomials, connections with logic, logical capabilities of ALGOL, Boolean applications and subalgebras. Optimization and Computer Design: Computerizing optimization, logical design, the minimization problem.

1. G.Birkhoff & T.C.Bartee; 1970 Modern Applied Algebra, Mc Graw Hill Book Co. N.Y. 2. M.Minsky; Computation: 1967. Finite and infinite Machines, Prentice-Hall, 3. T.C.Bartee, I.L.Lebaw & I.S.Reed: Theory and Design of Digital Machine, Mc Graw Hill.



Chinese, Hindu, and Arabic Mathematics; European Mathematics 500 to 1600; The Seventeenth century Mathematics (the Dawn of modern Mathematics, the Calculus and related concepts).

1. Howard Eves; 1990. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, Saunders College Pub. Philadelphia , Sixth Ed., 2. Carl B. Boyer And Uta C. Merzbach; 1989. A History of Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., 2nd Ed.,


The concept of manifolds. Tensors defined on manifolds. Definite and indefinite metrics. Covariant derivative. Intrinsic derivative and Lie derivative. Parallel and Lie transport. Killing vectors. Curvature and torsion tensors. Bianchi identities. Geodesic deviation. Conformal transformation, and the conformal curvature tensor.

1. Livelock & Rund; Tensors, Differential Form and Variational Principles, John Wiley 2. D.Langwitz; 1977. Differential & Riemannian Geometry, Academic Press, 3. L.P.Eisenhart; Riemannian Geometry, Princeton Uni. Pr.


Classification of integral equations. Voltera integral equations. Relation between linear differential equations and Voltera's integral equations. Solution of the integral equation of second kind in series. The method of successive approximation and substitution. Method of Laplace Transform. Iterated Kernels. Reciprocal kernel. Voltera's solution of the Fredholm's equation. Fredholm's two fundamental relations. Fredholm's solution of the integral equation when D()=0, Solution of the homogeneous equation when D()=0, D/() 0, Solution of the homogeneous integral equation when D()=0. Characteristic constants and fundamental functions. Associated homogeneous integral equation. Kernels of the form ai(x) bi(y) Existence of at least one characteristic constant for a symmetric kernel. Orthogonality of fundamental functions for symmetric kernel. Schmidt's solution of the non-homogeneous integral equation.

1. 2. 3. 4. W.V.Lovitt; 1950. Linear Integral Equations, Dover Pub. Inc. A.J.Jerri; 1999. Introduction to Integral Equations with Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc. R.P.Kanwal; 1996. Linear Integral Equation, Academic Press.N.Y. H.Hochstadt; 1973. Integral Equations, John Wiley N.Y.



Statement of the problem, condition for optimality, concept of direction of search, alternating direction and steepest descent methods, conjugate direction method, conjugate gradient method, Newtons method, Quasi-Newton equation, derivation of updating formulae for Quasi-Newton equation, The Gauss-Newton method, The Levenberg-Marquart method, The corrected GaussNewton method, Methods for large scale problems.

1. 2. 3. 3. 4. Gill, P.E., Murray, E & Wright, H.H. 1981. Practical Optimization, Academic Press, Fletcher,R. 1980. Practical Methods of Optimization Vol.I & II, John Wiley and Sons, S.S. Rao., 1984. Optimization Theory and Application., Wiley Eastern Ltd, David G. Luenberger, 1968. Optimization by Vector Space Methods, John Wiley & Sons David G. Luenberger, 1965. Introduction to Linear & Nonlinear Programming. Addison Wesley Publishing Co. Sydney, 5. Bazaraa, M.S. and Shetty, C.M., 1979. Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms, John Wiley,

The history of a system in the course of irreversibility transformation. The statistical meaning of irreversibility. Evolution conceived as a redistribution. The programme of physical biology. The fundamental equations of the kinetics of the evolving systems. (General case; equations with one dependent variable; equations with two or three dependent variables). Analysis of the growth function.

1. A.J.Lotka; 1956. Elements of Mathematical Biology, Dover Publications, N.Y.



Numerical differentiation: Forward difference formulas, Central difference Formulas, error in numerical differentiation, extrapolation to the limit. Numerical integration: the rectangular, Trapezoidal and Simpson rules. Romberg integration. Method of undetermined coefficients. Numerical solution of Difference Equations: Formation of difference equations, numerical solution of linear homogeneous and nonhomogeneous difference equations with constant coefficients. Numerical solution of Ordinary Differential Equations: Initail Value Problems; Taylor's methods and truncation error. Eulers method and error estimates. Modified Euler method. Runge-Kutta methods. Predictor and corrector methods; Milne-Simpson method, Adams-Bashforth-Moulton method and Hamming's method. Method of undetermined coefficients for multisteps methods. Stability analysis of numerical methods. Boundary value problems; Finite difference method and the Shooting method.
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Finite difference method for solving Parabolic, Hyperbolic and Elliptic Equations

1. W.A.Smith; 1979. Elementary Numerical Analysis, Harper & Row Pub., 2. C.E. Froberg, 1974. Inroduction to Numerical Analysis, Addsion-Wesley Co. 3. M.K.Jain, et al: Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computation, Wiley Ltd.


Distributions: Rectangular, Triangular, Laplace, Gamma, Beta, Exponential, Normal and their moments. Sampling theory and distribution, transformation of variables, order statistics, theory of point and interval estimation, limiting distribution, sufficient statistics, statistical hypothesis and tests.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hogg & Craig; 1978. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics, The McMillan Co., Mood & Garaybill; 1974. Introduction to Theory of Statistics, McGraw Hill Co., John & Walpole; Mathematical Statistics, 1980. Prentice Hall Int., A.Samad Hirai; Mathematical Statistics, llmi Kitab Khana, Lahore. S.M.Chaudhry; Introduction to Statistical Theory, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.


Inner product spaces, Hilbert spaces, orthonormal bases, convexity in Hilbert spaces, operators in Hilbert spaces, Invariant sub-spaces. Decomposition of Hilbert spaces. Finite dimensional spectral theory, and spectral mapping theorem.

1. A.E.Taylor & D.C.Lay; 1980. Introduction to Functional Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, 2. E.Kreyszig; 1978. Introductory Functional Analysis With Applications, John Wiley & Sons, 3. W.Rudin; 1978. Functional Analysis, McGraw Hill, 4. G.F.Simmons; 1963. Introduction to Topology & Modern Analysis McGraw Hill, 5. K.Yosida; ,1967 Functional Analysis, Springer Verleg NY 6. Abdul Majeed; 1997.Elements of Topology and Functional Analysis, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore,


Operations on ideals, Isomorphism, Integral domains and fields, Embedability of an integral domain in a field, Field of quotients, Maximal, Prime and primary ideals and their properties, Divisibility theory in integral Domains, Polynomial rings, Division Algorithm, Remainder theorem. R(X) as a unique factorization Domain, Irreducible Polynomials, Primitive polynomials, Gauss's Lemma, simple algebraic Extensions, Transcendental extensions, Finite extensions of fields and related theorems, splitting field extensions. Elements of Galois theory.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. J.B.Fraleigh; 1976. A First Course in Algebra, Addison Wesley Co. I.N.Herstein; Topic in Algebra, Ginn & Co. P.M.Cohn; Algebra Vol: I & II, John Wiley & Sons. Burton; A First Course in Rings & Ideals, Addison Wesley Co. J.Lambek; Lectures on Rings & Modules, Blaisdel. T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1986. Essential student Algebra, Vol I-V, Chapman & Hall. T.S. Blyth & E.F. Robertson, 1984. Algebra Through Practice, Book I-VI, CUP.


Hamiltonian theory, Cyclic co-ordinates and Routh's procedure. Variational principle. Canonical transformation. Lagrange's and Poisson's brackets. Hamilton Jacobi theory. Theory of small oscillations. Normal co-ordinates and normal modes of vibration.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H.Goldstein; 1987. Classical Mechanics, Addison Wesley Co. F.Chorlton; 1983. Text Book of Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons, Gupta & Satya; Classical Mechanics, KRN, Meerath. L.A.Pars; A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics, Cambridge Uni. Pr. E.T.Whittaker; 1970.A Treatise on Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies. CUP.


Heisenberg equations of motion and equivalence of Schrodinger and Heisenberg physical pictures. Scattering theory. Born approximation. Partial wave analysis. Optical theorem. Time dependent & time independent perturbation theory. Selection rules. Klein-Gordon equation. Dirac's equation. Spin angular momentum.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. R.L.White; 1966.Basic Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co. NY, L.I.Schiff; 1955. Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Kogakusha Ltd. P.T.Mathews; 1974.Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, McGraw Hill Book Co. Dicke & Wittke; 1966.Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. Inc. F.Mandl; 1966. Quantum Mechanics, Butterworth, London. 7th Impression. P.M.Mathews, K.Venkatesan; 1984. A Text Book Of Quantum Mechanics, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 8th Reprint, 7. P.A.M.Dirac; 1990 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Riazuddin and Fayyazuddin; Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, World Scientific,



Measure spaces, Measurable functions. Integration, General convergence theorems. Signed measures. The Radon-Nikodym theorem. The L -spaces, Outer measure and measurability, The extension theorem, The Lebesgue Stieltjes integral, product measure. Inner Measure.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. H.L.Royden; 1968. Real Analysis, The McMillian Co., G de Barra; 1981.Measure Theory & Integration, Eillis Horwood Ltd., P.R.Halmos; 1950.Measure Theory, Von Nostrand NY, A.Mukherjea; 1978. Real and Functional Analysis, Plenum and K.pothoven Press, A.Rahim Khan; Introduction to Lebesgue Integration, Ilmi Kitab Khana, Lahore.


Homology theory: Homology groups, simplical homology, exact sequences. singular homology. Cohomology, Duality and Topological manifolds. The Alexander Poincar's duality theorem. General homotopy theory: some geometric construction. Homotopy classes of maps, Exact sequences, Fibre and cofibre maps.

1. 2. 3. 4. E.H.Spanier; Algebraic Topology, Tata McGraw Hill C.Kosniowski; 1988. A First Course in Algebraic Topology, Cambridge Uni. Pr. C.R.E.Maunder; 1980. Algebraic Topology, Cambridge Uni. Pr., J.Mayer; Algebraic Topology, Prentice Hall NJ.


Vector fields in affine and Riemann space. Applications of Tensor analysis. Closed and exact tensors. Tensor densities. Dual tensors. Vector fields on curves. Geodesics. Maxwell's equations in tensor form. Proper time and the equations of motion. Gravity as a metric phenomenon. The red shift. Criteria for the field equations. The Rieman curvature tensor and its symmetry properties. The Bianchi identities. The Einstein field equation. for free space.The Schwarzchild solution. Geodesics in the Schwarzchid space time. Black holes.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Adler, Bazin & shiffer; 1965. Introduction to General Relativity, McGraw Hill Co. Sears & Brehme; 1968. Introduction to the Theory of Relativity, Addison Wesley, Derek & Lawden; An Introduction to Tensor & Relativity W.Rindler; Eessential Relativity. C.Moler; Introduction to Relativity.


Viscous Fluids: Two-dimensional motion, stream function, complex potential and some potential flows; sources, sinks and doublets; Circle theorem; Method of images; Blasius theorem; Aerofoil and the theorem of Kutta and Joukowski; Vortex motion; Karmans vortex street. Viscous Fluids, constitutive equations; Navier-Stokes equations; Exact solutions of Navier-stokes equations, Steady unidirectional flow; Poiseuille flow, Couette flow, Unsteady Unidirectional flow; sudden motion of a plane boundary in a fluid at rest, flow due to an oscillatory boundary, Equations of motion relative to a rotating system, Ekman flow, Dynamical similarity and the Reynolds number, Boundary layer concept and its governing equations; Flow over a flat plate (Blasius solution); Reynolds equations of turbulent motion.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. I.G.Currie, 1974 Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, McGraw-Hill Co. Nazeer Ahmed, 1987.Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Press Inc. Schlichting, 1979. Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill Co. F.Chorltan, 1985. Fluids Dynamics, CBS Pub. & Dist., G.K.Batchelor; 1969. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge Uni. Press,


Energy, momentum (poynting) vectors and stress tensor of electromagnetic fields. Wave propagation, Waves in a conducting medium, reflection and dispersion. Lorentz formula. Wave guide and cavity resonators. Spherical waves. Field of a uniformly moving charged particle. Field of an oscillating dipole. Diffraction of a electromagnetic waves.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V.C.A Ferrars; 1950 Electromagnetic Theory, ELBS London. Lorrain & Corson; 1970.Electromagnetic Fields and Waves, Toppan Company Ltd. C.A.Coulson; 1951.Electricity, Cliver & Boyd Edinburgh. A.S.Ramsey; 1952. Electricity & Magnetism, Cambridge Uni. Pr. J.R.Reitz, F.J.Milford & Christy; Foundation of Electromagnetic Theory.

Planetary phenomena Astronomical Corrections. Proper motion occultations and eclipse. Stars in the milky way. Classification of Stars. H-R diagram. Stellar Interiors, Binary variable and peculiar stars. Exterior Galaxies. The physical universe, Cosmology, Use of telescope and astronomical hand book.

1. 2. 3. 4. W.M.Smart; Text Book on Spherical Astronomy, Cambridge Uni. pr., 1962. H.S.Schild; Structure and Evolution of Stars Dover Pub. Pr. W.M.Smart; Foundation of Astronomy, C.U.P Jastraw & Thompson; Astronomy M.Harwit; Astrophysical Concepts


Derived Functions. Homology and Cohomology theory of groups. Theory of homological dimension. Application.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. D.G.Northcott; 1960. An Introduction to Homological Algebra, Cambridge Uni Pr. L.O.Barbora; Homological Dimension of Modules, AMS P.Hilton; Lectures in Homological Algebra, AMS Carton & Osopaky; 1960. Homological Algebra, Princeton Uni. Pr., S.Maclane; 1970. Homology, Springer Verlog,

Matric definition of the standard LP problem, Foundation of Linear Programming, Revised simplex Method, Bounded variables, Decomposition Algorithm, Parametric Linear Programming. Application of Integer Programming, Cutting Methods, the Fractional (pure Integer) algorithm, mixed algorithm, Game theory, graphical solutions of two-person zero-sum games, mixed strategies, Graphical solution of (2xn) and (mx2) games, Solution of (mxn) games by linear programming.

1. H.A.Taha; 1982. Introduction to Operations Research , 3rd Ed. McMillan Pub. Company N.Y.



Directed sets and nets, subnets and cluster points, sequences and subsquences, quotient spaces, the Tychonoff theorm, completely regular spaces, the Stone-Eeih compactification, meterization theorms and paracompactness, function spaces.

1. J.L.Kelley, , 1975. General Topology, Springer Verlag 2. S.Willard; 1970.General Topology, Addison Wesley Pub. Co. 3. J.R.Munkers, 1975.Topology (a first course), Prentice Hill Inc.


Binary Group Codes: Encoding and decoding, block codes, matrix encoding techniques, group code, decoding tables, hamming codes. Lattices: Lattices and Posets,Lattices as Posets, Lattices and Semilattices, sublattices, distributive lattices, modular and geometric lattices, Boolean lattices. Polynomial Codes: Polynomial codes, advantageous properties, shift registers, formal communications Recurrent Sequences: Redar communications systems, difference codes, difference equations, formal power series, application to difference codes, recurrent sequences.

1. G.Birkhoff & T.C.Bartee; 1970. Modern Applied Algebra, McGraw Hill Book Co. 2. S.W.Golomb; 1964. Digital Communications, Prentice Hall 3. A.Gill; 1966. Linear Sequential Circuits, McGraw Hill.


The Eighteenth Century and the Exploitation of the Calculus; The Early Nineteenth Century and the Liberation of Geometry and Algebra; The Later Nineteenth Century and the Arithmatization of Analysis into the twentieth Century.

1. Howard Eves; 1990. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics, Saunders College Pub. Philadelphia etc, Sixth Ed. 2. Carl B. Boyer And Uta C. Merzbach; 1989. A History of Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y. 2nd Ed.,


Discrete and continuous groups. Parameterisation of a group. symmetric group and its representations. symmetric and action groups. Many parameter continuous groups and lie groups. Lie algebra. General linear, orthogonal and unitary groups. Young tableau.

1. M.Hammermesh; Group Theory, Addison Wesley 2. E.P.Wigner; Group Theory, Addison Press



Formulation of Equations. Linear First-order Equations. Quasilinear First-order Equations, Method of Lagrange. Cauchy Problem for First-order Equations. Linear Second-order Equations in Two Independent Variables. Normal Forms. Hyperbolic, Parabolic and Elliptic Equations. Cauchy Problem for Linear Second-order Equations in Two Independent Variables. Adjoint Operator. Self-adjoint Differential Operator for Equations in Two Independent Variables. Laplaces Equation. Separation of Variables One-dimensional Wave Equation.

1. R.Dennemeyer,. 1968. Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems McGraw Hill Co. N.Y. 2. I.N.Sneddon., 1957. Elements of Partial Differential Equations. McGraw Hill Co. 3. C.R.Chester., 1957 Techniques in Partial Differential Equations. McGraw Hill Co. 4. R.Haberman, 1993.Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier series and Boundary Value Problems. Prentice Hall Inc. 5. W.E.Williams: 1980. Partial Differential Equations. Clarendon Press Oxford.


Theory of constrained optimization, condition of optimality, methods for minimizing a general function subject to linear equality constraints, active set strategies for linear inequality constraints, special forms of the objectives functions, Lagrange multiplier estimates, Changes in working set, Barries function methods, Penalty functions methods, Methods based on Langrangian functions reduced gradient and gradient projection methods.

1. 2. 3. 4. Gill, P.E., 1981. Murray, E & Wright, H.H. Practical Optimization, Academic Press, Fletcher,R. 1980. Practical Methods of Optimization Vol.I & II, John Wiley and Sons. S.S. Rao., 1984. Optimization Theory and Application. Wiley Eastern Limited. David G. Luenberger, 1968. Optimization by Vector Space Methods, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 5. David G. Luenberger, 1965. Introduction to Linear & Nonlinear Programming . Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. Sydney. 6. Bazaraa, M.S. and Shetty, C.M., 1979. Nonlinear Programming: Theory and Algorithms, John Wiley & Sons,


Basic Concept of category, examples, epimorphisms monomorphisms, retraction, coretractions, initial, terminal and null objects, category of graphs, equailzers, products and dual notations, equivalence relations and kernel pairs, pull backs, inverse image and inter sections, constructions with kernel pairs, existence theorem coequilizers, functors, bifuntors, natural transformation, diagrams limit, colimits, universal problem and adjoint functors.

1. Herrifch H and Strecker G.E. Category Theory, Allys and Bacon 2. Maclane S. Categories for the working Mathematicians Heidlberge Barry Mitchell. Teory of Categories, Academic Press.



1. 2. Need for Reliability, Quality and safety History: Reliability, Quality, Safety Introduction to Reliability: Need for Reliability, Bathtub Hazard Rate Curve General and specific Hazard Rate functions, General and specific Reliability Functions, Mean time of failure, Failure Rate Estimation, Failure Data Collection, Sources and failure rates for selected items. Static Reliability Evaluation Models: Introduction, Series Network, Parallel Network, Series-Parallel Network, Parallel-Series Network, Bridge Network. Dynamic Reliability Evaluation Models: Introduction, Series Network, Parallel Network, Series-Parallel Network, Parallel-Series Network, Bridge Network. Reliability Evaluation Methods; Reliability Testing; Reliability Management and costing;

3. 4. 5.

1. Reliability, Quality and safety for Engineers by B.S.Dhillon, CRC Press, N.Y. 2005.



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