6783430_00 / 0406
2.1 Air flow range 2.2 Nominal performance
4 4
4 5
3.1 Fundamental unit components 3.1.1 Horizontal configuration 3.1.2 Vertical configuration 3.1.3 Coil module 3.2 Identification 3.3 Description of the units 3.3.1 Horizontal configuration URxx Version URxxW Version URxxE Version 3.3.2 Vertical configuration URVxx Version URVxxW Version URVxxE Version 3.4 Accessories 11 3.4.1 Water cold coil module (BF accessory) 3.4.2 Module with water-type post reheating cold coil water type (MPW accessory) 3.4.3 Module with water-type post reheating cold coil electrical type (MPX accessory) 3.4.4 G4 efficiency filters (G4 accessory) 3.4.5 Silencers (SU accessory) 3.4.6 Circular flanges (FGC accessory) 3.4.7 Gates (SE accessory) 3.5 Vent positioning 3.5.1 Horizontal configuration 3.5.2 Vertical configuration 3.6 Free-cooling operation 3.7 Overall dimensions and weights 3.7.1 Base unit 3.7.2 Accessories
6 6 6 6 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 10 10
11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 14 14
4.1 Fan characteristic curves 4.2 Recovery performance curves 4.2.1 Winter operation 4.2.2 Summer operation 4.3 Water-type heating coil yield curves 4.3.1 Indoor heating coil (URxxW version) 4.3.2 Post-heating coil (MPW, BFDW accessories) 4.4 Pressure drop curves 4.4.1 Indoor water-type heating coil (URxxW version) 4.4.2 Post-heating water-type coil (MPW accessory) 4.5 Electric heating coil yield tables (URxxE, MPX version) 4.5.1 Indoor heating coil (URxxE, URVxxE version) 4.5.2 Post-heating coil (MPX accessory) 4.6 Cooling coil yield tables 4.6.1 Water-type cooling coil (BF,MPW, MPX accessories) 4.7 Noise data
15 17 18 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 25 25 25 29
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30 30 31
31 31 31
32 32
32 33 33 33
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 Sizes Technical spaces Inside components positioning and vent opening Support brackets positioning Unit lifting and positioning Coil module and silencer assembly Connection of ducts Hydraulic connections 6.8.1 Condensate discharge 6.8.2 Water coil connection 6.9 Electrical wiring 6.9.1 Earthing 6.9.2 Connection to the electricity mains 6.9.3 Connection to the electric heating coils 6.10 First start-up checks
34 37 38 39 41 41 41 42 42 43 43 43 43 47 49
49 50 51 52
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1. Operating principle
The heat recovery unit in the UR series is an essential machine for complying with the recent provisions in "smoke prevention" regulations involving all environments where there are smokers (law no 3 dated 16 January 2003 and later application regulation). The UR series brings together the ventilation, filtering and recovery sections into a single unit that also permits connection with various accessories for meeting the specific levels of comfort each environment requires. Environmental comfort is provided by the extraction of stale air from the room and the simultaneous replacement of new air from the outside. The air is filtered adequately by means of filters on both delivery and recovery. Energy recovery is provided by an efficient recovery unit with aluminium plates that makes it possible to save more than 50% of the energy in winter that would otherwise be lost through the expulsion of stale air. The careful design of the product has made it possible to reduce the dimensions and thereby make it extremely easy to install in suspended ceilings or in cramped areas, improving, among other things, the accessibility for the maintenance of all the machine components, as well. The range consisting of seven models (with rated air flow rates of 350 cu. m/h to 3300 cu. m/h), available in both vertical and horizontal versions, is the very best currently available on the market, thus uniting the compliance with antismoking law with the advantages, in terms of lower power consumption, deriving from a recovery system. The heat recovery units in the UR series have been designed for indoor installation and may not be installed outside.
Models Models
UR150 UR150 UR100 UR100 UR75 UR75 UR55 UR55 UR35 UR35 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [cu.m/h] Air flow rate [cu.m/h]
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Nominal air flow Available static pressure (for URxx and URVxx) (*) Heat recovery unit Efficiency (**) Recovered thermal power(**) Recovered cooling capacity (***) Motor ventilating assembly Number of fans Total maximum input power Power supply (voltage/[phases/frequency) Maximum input power Fan speed variation Electrical protection Insulation class Filters Classification according to EN779 Efficiency Inside water heating coil Geometry Rows Fin pitch Face area Air side pressure drop Thermal power (input air 8C; water 80/70C) Output air temperature (input air 8C; water 80/70C) Thermal power (input air 8C; water 70/60C) Output air temperature (input air 8C; water 70/60C) Thermal power (input air 8C; water 45/40C) Output air temperature (input air 8C; water 45/40C) Inside electric heating coil Thermal power Air side pressure drop Power supply(voltage/[phases/frequency) Stages Absorption Output air temperature (input air 8C; COIL MODULE Water-cooling coil Geometry Rows Fin pitch Face area Air side pressure drop Cooling power (input air 30C,RH 60%; water 7/12C) Air output conditions Water-reheating coil Geometry Rows Fin pitch Face area Air side pressure drop Heating power (input air 17C,RH 90%; water 80/70C) Air output temp. (input air 17C,RH 90%; water 80/70C) Thermal power (input air 17C,RH 90%; water 70/60C) Air output temp. (input air 17C,RH 90%; water 70/60C) Thermal power (input air 17C,RH 90%; water 45/40C) Air output temp. (input air 17C,RH 90%; water 45/40C) Electric-reheating coil Thermal power Air side pressure drop Power supply (voltage/[phases/frequency) Stages Absorption Air output temperature (input air 17C,RH 90%; m/h Pa % kW kW no kW V/Ph/Hz A IP
350 125 52.1 1.5 0.4
550 140 55.0 2.5 0.7
750 170 54.3 3.4 1
1000 150 54.4 4.6 1.3
1500 120 53.1 6.7 1.9
2100 120 52.7 9.3 2.6
3300 150 52.0 14.3 4.3
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 0.27 0.44 0.65 1.12 1.12 2 4 230/1/50 230/1/50 230/1/50 230/1/50 230/1/50 230/1/50 230/1/50 1.1 1.7 2.8 5 5 8.6 17.2 continuous continuous continuous continuous continuous continuouscontinuous 44 44 44 55 55 55 55 B F F F F F F G3 80 P2519 3 1.8 0.027 105 4.9 48 4.1 41.2 2.4 27.7 3 10 400/3/50 2 4.6 34 G3 80 P2519 3 1.8 0.047 86 8.1 50 6.7 43 4 28.7 3 10 400/3/50 2 4.6 25 G3 80 P2519 3 1.8 0.052 123 10.6 48 8.8 41.3 5.2 27.8 6 10 400/3/50 2 9.1 32 G3 80 P2519 3 1.8 0.092 74 15.5 52 13 45 7.7 30 6 10 400/3/50 2 9.1 26 G3 80 P2519 3 1.8 0.119 97 22.4 51 18.7 43.6 11.2 29.2 10 10 400/3/50 3 15.2 28 G3 80 P2519 3 1.8 0.165 99 31 50 25.9 43 15.4 29 15 10 400/3/50 3 22.7 29 G3 80 P2519 3 2.1 0.237 102 43 46 36.6 39.5 22 27 25 10 400/3/50 3 37.9 31
no mm m2 Pa kW C kW C kW C kW Pa V/Ph/Hz no A C
URVxx ; URVxxW
no mm m2 Pa kW C/RH
P2519 4 2.5 0.075 22 3.4 15.7/91 P2519 1 2.5 0.05 6 1.9 33 1.5 30 0.8 23.4 1.5 10 400/3/50 2 2.3 30
P2519 4 2.5 0.075 52 4.9 16.8/87 P2519 1 1.8 0.05 17 3 33 2.4 30 1.2 23.5 2 10 400/3/50 2 3 28
P2519 4 2.5 0.113 43 6.5 16.9/88 P2519 1 1.8 0.068 18 4.2 33.3 3.4 30 1.7 23.8 3 10 400/3/50 2 4.6 29
P2519 4 2.5 0.213 23 10.2 15.1/91 P2519 1 2.1 0.128 8 5.9 34.5 4.8 31 2.5 24.3 4 10 400/3/50 2 5.3 29
P2519 4 2.5 0.213 48 13.8 16.5/87 P2519 1 2.1 0.128 17 7.1 31 5.7 28.2 3 22.8 6 10 400/3/50 3 9.1 29
P2519 4 2.5 0.25 66 18.5 16.9/86 P2519 1 2.1 0.15 23 9.1 30 7.4 27.3 3.8 22.3 8 10 400/3/50 3 12.1 28
P2519 4 2.5 0.325 93 28 16.9/85 P2519 1 2.1 0.195 32 12.7 28.3 10.2 26 5.2 21.7 13 10 400/3/50 3 19.7 29
no mm m2 Pa kW C kW C kW C kW Pa V/Ph/Hz no A C
At full motor speed with a stretch of channelling at least 1 m long for delivery and with clean filters. Performance referring to: renewal air flow rate equal to the expulsion air flow rate; external air temperature on input -5 C, 80% RH; room air temperature 20 C, 50% RH. Performance referring to: renewal air flow rate equal to the expulsion air flow rate; external air temperature on input 34 C, 50% RH; room air temperature 26 C, 50% RH.
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3. Technical characteristics
6 3 7
4 2 1 3 8
1. Bearing structure with sandwich panelling fitted with pre-sheared plates 2. Static heat recovery unit with crossover flows 3. Flat filter with undulated septum 4. Motor ventilating assembly 5. Support brackets 6. Hot water heating coil (in the URxxW version) or electric heating coil (in the URxxE version) 7. Condensate collection tank 8. Electronic regulators
N.B. :
The horizontal configuration is supplied as standard with inspection from below for ceiling installation. The units can be supplied on request with top inspection for floor installation.
1 2 9 7 4
8 4 5
3 8 6
1. Bearing structure with sandwich panelling fitted with pre-sheared plates 2. Static heat recovery unit with crossover flows 3. Flat filter with undulated septum 4. Motor ventilating assembly 5. Electronic regulators 6. Feet 7. Support brackets 8. Condensate collection tank 9. Hot-water heating coil (in the URVxxW version) or electric heating coil (in the URVxxE version)
1. 2. 3. 4.
Load-bearing structure Support brackets Water-cooling coil (on the BF, MPW, MPX module) Post-heating hot-water coil (on the MPW module) or electric postheating coil (on the MPX module) 5. Condensate collection tank drain.
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V: vertical
module with water-type cold coil module with water-type post-heating and water cold coil module with electric-type post-heating and water cold coil G4 efficiency filters module with silencer septums circular flanges gates
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Vertical configuration
Example: UR75 + MPW75 + FGC1 + SE2 : UR unit in basic version in a horizontal configuration + coil module with water-cooling coil and hot-water type post-heating coil + circular flanges + gates.
VERTICAL configuration
(basic version)
(indoor water type heating coil version)
(indoor water type heating coil version)
(indoor electric type heating coil version)
(indoor electric type heating coil version)
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Condensate collection tank: this is made of galvanised steel and positioned under the heat recovery unit and under any water or electric coils supplied as accessories. It is easy to dismantle because of the rubber fitting lining the threaded discharge tubing with a diameter of G UNI 338 positioned near the sidewall of the unit. Electronic fan speed regulators: they allow the independent and continuous regulation of the fan motor speed for optimal flow regulation. The regulators have three speed indicators in addition to the indicator showing the direction of fan air flow. The electronic regulators are supplied as standard. Support brackets: these allow rapid and secure fitting to the ceiling or the floor.
Water-type heating coils in three rows with copper pipes, aluminium fins with P2519 geometry positioned downline from the heat recovery unit on the fresh air flow. The manifolds are fitted with threaded female attachments for the water to enter and exit. Sleeves with 1 G UNI 338 threaded attachment and bleed valve are supplied as standard.
Electric heating coil with reinforced finned coils with two or three stages according to the size positioned down line from the heat recovery unit on the fresh air flow. The coil is fitted with a safety thermostat with manual resetting.
Structure: the structure consists of self-bearing sandwich panels 20 mm thick made of galvanised steel plate with insulation formed by injected polyurethane (density 40 kg/m3). The steel sheet is fitted with pre-shearing near the opening for the aeraulic connections (in such a way as to permit the motorfan assemblies to be oriented in different ways), and near the exits of the manifolds of any water heating coil (URVxxW version) for plumbing connections. The structure has feet and two tanks for condensate collection, one positioned near the heat recovery unity and one near the motor extractor fan unit. Any condensate in the last tank is led directed into the lower tank through a flexible rubber tube. Inspection capacity : is guaranteed by easily dismantling the panels. Delivery and return motorfan assembly: the fans are centrifugal with blades and double extraction directly linked to the electric motors. The electric motors are single-speed and are commanded by electronic regulators for variation that is continuous and independent of the speed. The fans are extractor type on the recovery unit to ensure the maximum uniformity of flow on the recovery unit itself and thus the maximum yield.
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Filters: these are cell type with an undulating septum positioned before the recovery unit on airflow deliver and return. The standard filters are class G3 type in accordance with classification UNI EN 779 with weighted efficiency of 80%. They are 48 mm thick and are easily unthreaded for cleaning and replacement. Heat recovery unit: this is static with crossover flows made of aluminium sheets. During winter operation, the average efficiency is above 50% ensuring first-class energy recovery from the air expelled from the room. Condensate collection tanks: these are made of galvanised steel and are positioned under the heat recovery unit and under the motor extractor fan assembly . The condensate collection tank that leads to the outside if fitted with a G UNI 338 threaded discharge. Electronic fan speed regulators: by these it is possible to regulate the fan motor speed continuously and independently for optimal flow rate calibration. The regulators have three speed indicators in addition to the indicator showing the direction of fan air flow. The electronic regulators are supplied as standard. Support brackets: these permit rapid and secure fixing of the wall unit. Feet: four 60 mm high feet are situated at the lower corners of the structure for supporting the floor unit.
Water-type heating coils in three rows with copper pipes, aluminium fins with P2519 geometry positioned downline from the heat recovery unit on the fresh air flow. The manifolds are fitted with threaded female attachments for the entry and exit of the water, sleeves with 1 G UNI 338 threaded attachment and bleed valve. Both of these components come as standard.
Electric heating coil with reinforced finned coils with two or three stages according to the size positioned down line from the heat recovery unit on the fresh air flow. The coil is fitted with a safety thermostat with manual resetting.
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HORIZONTAL configuration
(module with water-type cold coil)
VERTICAL configuration
/ / /
(module with water type post-heating and water cold coil)
(module with cold coil and electric reheating)
(optional G4 efficiency filters)
(optional G4 efficiency filters)
(module with silencer septums)
(circular flanges)
(circular flanges)
Water-cooling coil on four rows with copper pipes and aluminium fins with P2519 geometry and a tank for collecting condensate with threaded diameter G UNI 338 drainage pipe. The manifolds are fitted with threaded female attachments for the water to enter and exit. Sleeves with 1 G UNI 338 threaded attachment and bleed valve are supplied as standard.
Only available in the horizontal configuration. This is an outside module that can be installed downline from the motor fan assembly on the fresh air flow, fitted with: Water-cooling coil with four rows with copper piping and aluminium fins with P2519 geometry. The manifolds are fitted with threaded female attachments for the water to enter and exit. Sleeves with 1 G UNI 338 threaded attachment and bleed valve are supplied as standard. Water-reheating coil with two rows with copper piping and aluminium fins with P2519 geometry. The manifolds are fitted with threaded female attachments for the water to enter and exit. Sleeves with 1 G UNI 338 threaded attachment and bleed valve are supplied as standard. Condensate collection tank in galvanised steel with threaded drainage pipe with diameter G UNI 338.
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Only available in the horizontal configuration. This is an outside module that can be installed downline from the motor fan assembly on the fresh air flow, fitted with: Water-cooling coil with four rows with copper piping and aluminium fins with P2519 geometry. The manifolds are fitted with threaded female attachments for the water to enter and exit. Sleeves with 1 G UNI 338 threaded attachment and bleed valve are supplied as standard. Electric reheating coil with reinforced finned coils with two or three stages according to the size positioned downline from the heat recovery unit on the fresh air flow fitted with a safety thermostat that can be reset manually. Condensate collection tank in galvanised steel with threaded drainage pipe with diameter G UNI 338. with diameter G UNI 338.
An accessory only available for the horizontal configuration. There are two modules that can be installed on the side turned towards the room fitted with silencer septums made of rock wool panels with surfaces in contact with the air protected by polyester film containing two or three stretched and micro-perforated galvanised zinc plates.
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A spirazione Fresh ariaair di rinn ovo extraction R ipresa air Room ar ia am biente return
R ipresa Room ariaair am bien te return
A spirazion e Fresh air aria di rin novo extraction
A spirazi Fresh air one aria di rinnovo extraction E spulsione Expulsionof aria viziata staleair
R ipresa Room air aria am bien te return
M an data aria Room air am bien te delivery
1 2
A spirazion e Fresh air aria di rin novo
Fresh air
Free-cooling function requires the expelled-air flow from the room does not affect the heat recovery unit going directly to the outside through a channel attached to the vent (A). The fresh air flow thus passes through the filter and the heat recovery unit without being touched by the heat exchangers. To use the freecooling function it is therefore necessary to have a channel to couple to the opening (A) and then position two gates with opposite action (B and C). When the external air temperature is near the ideal temperature for the room, the gate (C) is closed while gate (B) is open.
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Silencers (SU)
UR MODEL Dimensions A B C Weights SU 35 mm mm mm kg 800 380 300 25 55 800 380 300 25 75 800 430 330 30 100 800 550 390 36 150 800 550 390 36 210 800 620 390 45 330 800 820 390 60
Gates (SE)
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UR MODEL Dimensions A B
35 mm mm 290 250
55 290 250
75 290 250
210 \ \
330 \ \
4. Performance
The characteristic curves of the fans are shown in the following diagrams, for each base unit size in the horizontal and vertical configurations. The curves refer to the maximum and minimum fan speed. For intermediate speeds the curves move in the range between the two curves shown. The static pressure available is read on the ordinate, for a determined air flow expressed in m/h providing that a delivery channel equal to at least one meter is installed downline from the fan. The pressure drops for each accessory to be subtracted from the value of the useful static pressure read in function of the flow rate are shown in the table next to each graph. The static pressures are net of the pressure drops of the heat recovery unit and the clean filters.
UR35 ; URV35 Useful static pressure [Pa] 250 200 150 100 50 0 200 Max. speed Min.speed
Additional pressure drops [Pa] Flow rate [m/h] 200 250 300 350 400 450 UR/URV 35 E 10 10 10 10 10 10 UR/UR 35 W 37 56 79 105 134 167 ACCESSORIES BF 35 8 12 17 22 29 36 MPW 35 10 15 22 28 37 45 MPX 35 18 22 27 32 39 46 G4 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 SU 1 50 50 50 50 50 50
UR55 ; URV55 Useful static pressure [Pa] 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 Min. speed Max. speed
Additional pressure drops [Pa] Flow rate [m/h] 300 350 400 450 500 550 UR/URV 55 E 10 10 10 10 10 10 UR/URV 55 W 28 37 48 59 72 86 ACCESSORIES BF 55 17 22 29 36 43 52 MPW 55 23 30 39 48 58 69 MPX 55 27 32 39 46 53 62 G4 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 SU 1 50 50 50 50 50 50
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UR 75 ; URV 75
Useful static pressure [Pa] 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 Air flow rate [m/h] Min. speed Max. speed
Additional pressure drops [Pa] 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 58 69 81 94 108 123 138 155 172 ACCESSORIES 20 24 29 33 38 43 49 54 61 29 34 41 47 54 61 69 76 85 30 34 39 43 48 53 59 64 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Flow rate [m/h] UR/URV 100 E UR/URV 100 W BF 100 MPW 100 MPX 100 G4 100 SU 3
Additional pressure drops [Pa] 700 800 900 1000 1100 10 10 10 10 10 38 49 61 74 89 ACCESSORIES 12 15 19 23 27 17 21 26 31 37 22 25 29 33 37 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 50 50 50
Min. speed
Additional pressure drops [Pa] Flow rate [m/h] 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 UR/URV 150 E 10 10 10 10 10 10 UR/URV 150 W 38 55 74 97 122 150 ACCESSORIES BF 150 19 27 37 48 61 74 MPW 150 26 37 50 65 82 100 MPX 150 29 37 47 58 71 84 G4 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 SU 3 50 50 50 50 50 50
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Additional pressure drops [Pa] Flow rate [m/h] 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 UR/URV 210 E 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 UR/URV 210 W 35 47 60 74 90 108 126 ACCESSORIES BF 210 24 31 40 50 61 72 85 MPW 210 33 42 54 68 82 97 114 MPX 210 34 41 50 60 71 82 95 G4 210 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SU 4 50 50 50 50 50 50 50
Additional pressure drops [Pa] Flow rate [m/h] 1800 2200 2600 3000 3400 UR/URV 330 E 10 10 10 10 10 UR/URV 330 W 33 48 66 86 108 ACCESSORIES BF 330 31 44 61 79 99 MPW 330 42 60 82 106 133 MPX 330 41 54 71 89 109 G4 330 0 0 0 0 0 SU 5 50 50 50 50 50
For conditions other than the ones shown above, the values read in the diagram must be multiplied by the respective corrective coefficient in the following tables. The fresh air temperature on output from the heat recovery unit (Trh) is indicated in the last column of the table in the different external air temperature conditions.
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Efficiency [%]
58 57
UR 55 UR 100 UR 330 UR 150
UR 210
1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
Trh [C] 5 6 8 10 12 14
Table of contents
Efficiency [%]
54 53 52 Efficiency [%] 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250
UR 150 UR 75 UR 100 UR 35 UR 55 UR 210 UR 330
4 3 2 1 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250
K Efficienza 1 1 1 1
Trh [C]
27 28 29 30
4.3. WATER TYPE HEATING coil YIELD CURVES 4.3.1 INDOOR HEATING coil (URXXW VERSION) The heat power exchanged by the heating coils downline from the heat recovery units can be read for each unit size and in function of the air flow in the following diagrams. The diagrams refer to:
air temperature on input to the coil (that coincides with the air temperature leaving the heat recovery unit) equal to 8C;
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water temperature entering/leaving the coil equal to 45/40C, 70/60C and 80/70C respectively. For input air conditions of coils other than those shown above (6C, 10C, 12C), the value read on the ordinate in the diagram must be multiplied by the corrective coefficient (K) shown in the tables below.
20 15 10
UR 100 UR 210 UR 150 UR 55 UR 35 UR 75
5 0 0
1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
T air in [C] K
6 1,07
10 0,93
12 0,87
5 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250
T air in [C] K
6 1,04
10 0,96
12 0,92
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Thermal power [kW] (air 8C; water 80/70C) 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
UR 55 UR 35 UR 100 UR 75 UR 150 UR 210 UR 330
T air in [C] K
6 1,03
10 0,96
UR 150
UR 55
UR 75
UR 35
0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
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UR 330
UR 210
UR 100
UR 150
UR 55
UR 35
UR 35
1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
16 14 12 10
UR 210 UR 330
8 6 4 2
UR 35 UR 55 UR 100 UR 75 UR 150
0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
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UR 75
Water 45/40
Table of contents
UR 210 UR 330
UR 75 UR 150 UR 55 UR 100
UR 35
0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500 3750 4000 4250 Air flow rate [m/h]
K 0,85 0,75 1
Table of contents
UR model
Thermal power Air side pressure drop (*) Power supply Stages Absorption Thermal head (*)
(*) At nominal air flow
kW Pa V/Ph/Hz n A C 3 10 400/3/50 2 4.6 26
3 10 400/3/50 2 4.6 17
6 10 400/3/50 2 9.1 24
6 10 400/3/50 2 9.1 18
10 10 400/3/50 3 15.2 20
15 10 400/3/50 3 22.7 21
25 10 400/3/50 3 37.9 23
kW Pa V/Ph/Hz no A C 1.5 10 400/3/50 2 2.3 13
2 10 400/3/50 2 3 11
3 10 400/3/50 2 4.6 12
4 10 400/3/50 2 5.3 12
6 10 400/3/50 3 9.1 12
8 10 400/3/50 3 12.1 11
13 10 400/3/50 3 19.7 12
It is possible to read the operating data for the water cooling coil in the "coil module" in the following table for each unit size and dependent on the air flow rate.
Key Pa: Tia: Ur : Toa: Qtot: Qsen: Pw: DPw: DPa:
Pa [m 3/h] Tia [C] 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30
air flow rate Input air temperature Relative humidity air output temperature total refrigerating capacity sensitive refrigerating capacity feed water flow rate water side pressure drops (including the coil manifold pressure drops) air side pressure drop
Ur [%] 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Tua [C] 13,4 13,6 13,8 14,2 14,2 14,4 14,6 14,7 14,8 15.0 15,1 15,3 15,3 15,5 15,6 15,7 15,7 15,9 16.0 16,1 16.0 16,2 16,3 16,4 UR 35 [Water 7/12C] Ur [%] Qtot [kW] 95 1,63 95 1.80 95 1,98 95 2,12 93 1.90 93 2,11 93 2,33 93 2,58 92 2,15 92 2,41 92 2,68 92 2,97 91 2.40 91 2.70 91 3,02 91 3,37 90 2,64 90 2,98 90 3,37 90 3,76 89 2,88 89 3,28 89 3,71 89 4,16 Qsen [kW] 0,89 0,94 0,99 1,03 1,05 1,11 1,18 1,25 1.20 1,28 1,36 1,44 1,35 1,44 1,53 1,63 1,49 1,59 1.70 1,81 1,63 1,75 1,87 2.00 Pw [l/h] 280 309 340 365 326 363 402 443 370 414 461 511 413 465 520 579 455 512 579 647 496 564 638 715 DPw [kPa] 5,7 5,7 7,6 9,5 7,6 9,5 9,5 11,4 9,5 11,4 13,3 15,2 11,4 13,3 17,1 19 13,3 15,2 19 24,7 15,2 19 22,8 28,5 DPa [Pa] 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 17 17 17 17 22 22 22 22 29 29 29 29 36 36 36 36
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UR 55 [Water 7/12C]
Pa [m3/h] 300 Tia [C] 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 UR [%] 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Tua [C] 14,8 15,0 15,1 15,3 15,3 15,5 15,6 15,7 15,7 15,9 16,0 16,1 16,0 16,2 16,3 16,4 16,3 16,4 16,5 16,6 16,5 16,6 16,7 16,8 16,7 16,8 16,9 17,0 16,9 17,0 17,1 17,2 UR [%] 92 92 92 92 91 91 91 91 90 90 90 90 89 89 89 89 89 88 88 88 88 88 87 87 87 87 87 87 86 86 86 86 Qtot [kW] 2,15 2,41 2,68 2,97 2,40 2,70 3,02 3,37 2,64 2,98 3,37 3,76 2,88 3,28 3,71 4,16 3,13 3,57 4,05 4,55 3,37 3,86 4,39 4,94 3,61 4,16 4,73 5,33 3,86 4,45 5,08 5,71 Qsen [kW] 1,20 1,28 1,36 1,44 1,35 1,44 1,53 1,63 1,49 1,59 1,70 1,81 1,63 1,75 1,87 2,00 1,76 1,90 2,04 2,18 1,90 2,05 2,20 2,35 2,03 2,20 2,36 2,53 2,16 2,34 2,53 2,70 Pw [l/h] 370 414 461 511 413 465 520 579 455 512 579 647 496 564 638 715 538 614 696 783 579 665 755 850 620 715 814 916 664 766 873 982 DPw [kPa] 9,5 11,4 13,3 15,2 11,4 13,3 17,1 19 13,3 15,2 19 24,7 15,2 19 22,8 28,5 17,1 20,9 26,6 32,3 19 24,7 30,4 38 22,8 28,5 36,1 43,7 24,7 32,3 39,9 49,4 DPa [Pa] 17 17 17 17 22 22 22 22 29 29 29 29 36 36 36 36 43 43 43 43 52 52 52 52 61 61 61 61 70 70 70 70
UR 75 [Water 7/12C]
Pa [m3/h] 500 Tia [C] 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 27 28 29 30 UR [%] 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Tua [C] 15,6 15,8 15,9 16,1 15,9 16,1 16,3 16,4 16,1 16,3 16,5 16,6 16,4 16,6 16,7 16,8 16,6 16,8 16,9 17,0 16,8 16,9 17,1 17,2 16,9 17,1 17,2 17,3 17,1 17,2 17,3 17,4 17,2 17,4 17,5 17,6 UR [%] 92 92 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 87 87 87 87 87 87 Qtot [kW] 3,3 3,71 4,15 4,62 3,51 3,97 4,43 4,99 3,73 4,23 4,77 5,35 3,94 4,48 5,08 5,72 4,15 4,74 5,39 6,08 4,36 5 5,7 6,45 4,57 5,25 6,01 6,82 4,77 5,53 6,33 7,18 4,99 5,79 6,65 7,55 Qsen [kW] 1,88 2 2,13 2,26 2,01 2,15 2,28 2,44 2,15 2,29 2,45 2,62 2,27 2,44 2,61 2,79 2,4 2,58 2,77 2,96 2,53 2,72 2,92 3,13 2,65 2,86 3,08 3,3 2,77 3 3,23 3,48 2,9 3,14 3,39 3,64 Pw [l/h] 567 638 714 795 605 682 762 858 641 727 820 920 678 771 873 983 714 816 927 1046 750 860 980 1109 786 904 1034 1172 820 950 1089 1236 859 996 1144 1299 DPw [kPa] 5,7 7,6 9,5 11,4 7,6 9,5 11,4 13,3 7,6 9,5 11,4 15,2 9,5 11,4 13,3 17,1 9,5 11,4 15,2 19 9,5 13,3 17,1 20,9 11,4 15,2 19 22,8 11,4 15,2 19 24,7 13,3 17,1 20,9 26,6 DPa [Pa] 20 20 20 20 24 24 24 24 29 29 29 29 33 33 33 33 38 38 38 38 43 43 43 43 49 49 49 49 54 54 54 54 61 61 61 61
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LpTOT (A) 44,4 44,0 44,6 48,1 47,6 52,9 55,6
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Aermec S.p.A. I-37040 Bevilacqua (VR) Italy Via Roma, 44 Tel. (+39) 0442 633111 Telefax (+39) 0442 93566 0442 93730 www.aermec.com
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3. Introduction
This manual is an integral part of the documentation enclosed with the unit. It must be conserved for future reference and must accompany the machine throughout its life. The manual defines the purpose for which the machine has been built and establishes its correct installation and the limits of its use. This manual contains all the use, installation and maintenance instructions and the main accident prevention standards. You are advised to read and adhere carefully to all the instructions before beginning to install, start up, use, maintain and clean the unit.
Although during the design of the UR unit, hazards were adequately analysed, the use of the icons described below makes reading the manual easier by quickly drawing the attention of the reader to hazardous situations that cannot be avoided or sufficiently limited by the adoption of measures and technical means of protection. GENERAL HAZARD SIGNAL Carefully adhere to all the indications next to the icon. Failure to comply with the instructions may generate hazardous situations with possible damage to the health of the operator and user in general.
DANGEROUS ELECTRICAL VOLTAGE SIGNAL Carefully adhere to all the indications next to the icon. The signal indicates components of the unit or, in this manual, specifies actions that could generate electrically-related risks.
GENERAL PROHIBITION SIGNAL Carefully adhere to all the indications next to the icon that limit actions in order to guarantee better operator safety.
Before installation check that the units have not been damaged during the transport phase: the use of the damaged machine might be dangerous; Installation and extraordinary maintenance must be carried out by persons with the required qualifications in compliance with the regulations currently in force; Never store tools, spare parts, etc. in or on top of the unit. Any use other than that set forth in this manual can generate hazards and is therefore prohibited; Before beginning maintenance or cleaning operations, make sure that the unit is not live and that cannot be supplied unbeknownst to the people carrying out said operations on the unit; During the maintenance and cleaning phases be careful of possible burns deriving from the heating coils; Before starting up the unit make sure that the electrical components have been connected to the building's earthing system; Before starting up the unit, make sure that the fan vents have been channelled or fitted with an accident prevention mesh;
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The unit has not been designed for external installation: external installation requires special technical installation characteristics and features that the AERMEC S.p.A. engineering office can evaluate when asked to do so; Use proper Individual Protection Devices (IPD) for installation, maintenance and cleaning.
4. Unit Identification
The units are fitted with: an adhesive plate that summarises the main technical data such as the model, nominal air flow rate, heat recovery efficiency, electrical data and performance of any coils; an adhesive plate that indicates the gross weight and the customer as well as the model.
Each UR unit is identified by means of a serial number on the plates. For all future references and for all communication with AERMEC S.p.A. it is necessary to indicate the serial number.
5.1 Packing
CAUTION! The packaging of the unit must be disposed of in accordance with the regulations currently in force.
Before installation and use you are recommended to fully unpack basic unit and the all the components that accompany it. The units are supplied in packaged form with polyethylene film and normally rest on the wooden pallet with the following modes: the first five sizes travel in a horizontal position and are fixed with bolts to the pallets by means of brackets that will serve for anchoring the unit during installation; the UR210 and UR330 travel in a vertical position and are fixed to the pallet with hoops and with bolts by means of support brackets that cannot later be used for installation purposes. Some accessories will travel apart from the basic unit for transportation reasons and it is therefore the installer's job to reassemble them in accordance with the instructions in this manual.
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5.2 Transport
Refer to the weight indications on the plate on each unit in order to transport the unit safely. In any case, the following precautions must be taken when transporting the unit: the unit or any accessories may not be subjected to violent impacts of any kind in order to ensure the frame or internal components do not get broken; ropes or other devices that can impede movement must be used to properly anchor the unit and any accessories to the transport plane; during transportation the unit and any accessories must be protected to prevent the protruding parts such as coil plumbing attachments, condensate drains, electrical components etc. being knocked; during transportation the load must be protected from bad weather; CAUTION!! During transportation make sure the unit cannot move. Any movement that can generate possibly dangerous situations should be avoided by using suitable means of fixing the piece.
CAUTION! The units must not be used as supports for people or objects.
6. Installation
CAUTION! During the installation phase, wear proper individual protection devices (IPD)
CAUTION!! Installation and extraordinary maintenance must be carried out by persons with the required qualifications in compliance with the regulations currently in force;
You are recommended to carefully follow the indications in the sections below when installing the equipment. The sections are in chronological order so as make each phase of the installation easier. .
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N.B. : opening with pre-sawing must be fully made on the intake side of the unit. On the delivery side, the openings must be limited to the space necessary for the housing and fixing of the fan vents. .
UR MODEL Dimensions W mm L mm A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm F mm
1 57 3 2 262 96
3 90
3 2
1 57
1 57
1 62
1 62
3 2
1 57
UR100 UR150
1 25 0
1 5 00 3 2 1 62 298 298 1 62
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262 96
262 96
298 1 72
298 1 78
3 2
1 72 298
1 400
UR210 -
The dimention of the air outlet connection are 298x262mm. The air intake connection dimention from the internal ambient to external are 558x262mm
262 96
96 262
262 96
3 2
1 05 298 94 298
298 94 298 1 05
1 1 4 298 94 298
298 94 298 1 1 4
1 05 298 94 298
298 94 298 1 05
1 750
96 262
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3 2
262 96
3 90
3 2
262 96
3 90
D B 1"
UR MODEL Dimensions W A B C D E F
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UR MODEL Dimensions W A B C D E F
Before beginning operations a check must be made to ensure that sufficient space is available: for installing the delivery, expulsion and, if relevant, the free-cooling channels; for fitting the gates with antifreeze function or for the by-pass for free-cooling; for the power supply cables; for the installation of some components (three way valves, syphons for the condensate drain, etc.) without which the proper functioning of the unit is not guaranteed; for the correct maintenance and cleaning operations. The figures below show the necessary spaces for the proper installation of the units in a horizontal, vertical and coil module configuration.
In particular: for the condensate drain, a space of at least 200 mm must be allowed for to make the syphon; at the water coil a space of at least 400 mm must be allowed for to install the three-way valve and the relative servo-commands.
400 m m
400 m m
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400 m m
400 m m
200 m m
200 m m
800 m m
CAUTION! The vents opened with the saw could have small stretches of sheet steel with a cutting edge. During assembly of the channelling and any accessories pay attention to the sharp edges. N.B. : opening with pre-sawing must be fully made on the intake side of the unit. On the delivery side, the openings must be limited to the space necessary for the housing and fixing of the fan vents. . The position of the fans and any water heating coil (URxxW, URVxxW) or electrical heating coil (URxxE, URVxxE) inside the UR unit are easy to identify because the corresponding inspection panels are fitted with an adhesive plate indicating the hazard presented by live and moving parts (see figure on the right). The above-mentioned panels are fitted with screws needing a screwdriver to be undone. The panels near the filters are fitted with knobs to make maintenance and cleaning easier. UR (regulation system): If it is seen that the position of the fan and inside components is suitable for the requirements of the designed system the only thing that needs doing is:
opening the vents in the chosen position using a saw and following the pre-sawing lines on the steel sheet;
assembling the discharge sleeve of the condensate collection tank by cutting the polyurethane at the point of the hole provided for. The flange of the sleeve must be fixed with three bolts on the inside of the unit frame. The sleeve must then be connected to the tank with a stretch of rubber hose and clips. The external rubber gasket must be positioned flush with the panelling to stop air leaks; clean any excess polyurethane or sheet steel away that might damage the unit. If the fans are not oriented correctly, do the following:
remove the fan inspection hatches; dismantle the fans by undoing the four screws and disconnect the electrical cables if necessary; opening the vents in the chosen position using a saw and following the pre-sawing lines on the steel sheet; refit the fans in the required position and, if necessary, reconnect the electrical wires following the wiring diagram and using the holes in the frame for the wires to pass through; assembling the discharge sleeve of the condensate collection tank by cutting the polyurethane at the point of the hole provided for. The flange of the sleeve must be fixed with three bolts on the inside of the unit frame.
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The sleeve must then be connected to the tank with a stretch of rubber hose and clips. The external rubber gasket must be positioned flush with the panelling to stop air leaks; clean any excess polyurethane or sheet steel away that might damage the unit. refit the inspection hatches. If the position of the fans and any heating coils is not suitable for the system requirements designed, do the following:
remove the inspection hatches; remove the crossways bar by undoing the two screws at the end (only for horizontal position); remove the condensate drain by dismantling the two stops (only for the horizontal configuration); position the filter holder guides in the position required; dismantle the fans by undoing the four screws and disconnect the electrical cables if necessary; opening the vents in the chosen position using a saw and following the pre-sawing lines on the steel sheet; dismantle any water or electrical coil by undoing the four screws, position it in the position required and fix it with the screws. Make the openings at the manifold outlet with the saw (for water coils); refit the fans in the required position and, if necessary, reconnect the electrical wires following the wiring diagram and using the holes in the frame for the wires to pass through and cable clips; refit the condensate collection tank (only for the horizontal configuration) and fit the drain hose of the condensate collection tank making a cut in the polyurethane where the holes have been provided for. The flange of the sleeve must be fixed with three bolts on the inside of the unit frame. The sleeve must then be connected to the tank with a stretch of rubber hose and clips. The external rubber gasket must be positioned flush with the panelling to stop air leaks; clean any excess polyurethane or sheet steel away that might damage the unit. refit the cross bar (only for the horizontal configuration); refit the inspection hatches and position their screws that need a screwdriver near the fans.
You are advised not use cross bars near the inspection hatches as fixing systems so as not make the components inside the unit harder to maintain and clean.
CAUTION! Check that the characteristics of the walls and fixing systems used for the support of the unit and any accessories are adequate for supporting the mass of the unit with an adequate degree of safety.
The unit must be positioned on a flat plane to avoid: damage to the fan motor assemblies when the various masses are not well balanced the malfunctioning of the condensate drains.
The units and coil module and silencers have L-shaped support brackets for horizontal ceiling installation or floor installation or vertical wall installation.
N.B.: You are advised to place rubber dampers between the brackets and the walls to deaden the vibrations generated by the machine.
Refer to the following indications to correctly position the brackets: make holes in the wall corresponding to the points shown in the following figures; dismantle the brackets from the unit or the coil module or the silencers by undoing the screws corresponding to the holes B; screw the brackets to the wall with screws (not supplied) to be placed in correspondence with holes A; partially screw one screw for each bracket in correspondence to holes B to the unit or the coil module or the silencers;
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UR 35 55 75 100 150
UR 210
UR 330
UR MODEL A mm B mm C mm D mm E mm F mm
35 650 70 930 \ \ \
55 650 70 930 \ \ \
75 750 70 1030 \ \ \
MODEL mm mm mm mm mm mm
55 75 100 coil module 490 540 665 70 70 70 580 630 750 SU Accessory 415 465 585 70 70 70 580 580 580
Adhere to the following indications for positioning the unit: position the brackets as described in paragraph 5.4; lift the unit;
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hook the unit to the brackets on walls by means of the partially tightened screws slide the unit along bracket holes (B) ; tighten the other screws to the unit for each bracket corresponding to holes (B); tighten both the screws.
The circular flange accessory can easily be fitted at the rectangular vents using self-threading screws. As the UR330 is fitted with two parallel fans for each air flow, two circular flanges are required for delivery and extraction. For the installation of the channels the following are recommended: the preparation of sufficient brackets to support the channelling in order to prevent its weight bearing on the heat recovery unit; connect the delivery and recovery vents to the channels and put anti-vibrating joints (canvas) between them. The anti-vibrational joint must be screwed to the panel with anti-threading screws and the screws must be positioned inside the edge shown in the following diagram so as to ensure that the canvas joints are taut during the operational phase;
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set up an electrical earth wire that acts as the bridge on the anti-vibrating joint to ensure the equipotential between the channel and the recovery unit; set up the delivery channel with a straight stretch before the curves, branches etc. of approximately one meter and avoid the channel having branch stretches with an inclination of more than 7.
1 mt
max 7
H1 = 2P H2= H1 / 2 where P is the pressure expressed in mm of the water column (1 mm c.a. = 9.81 Pa).
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when screwing the manifolds and the hydraulic circuits make sure that you do not generate stresses that could damage the coil manifolds; provide for cut off valves to isolate the coil from the rest of the circuit should it need to be disconnected from the hydraulic circuit; for the connection of the water feed piping, follow the indications on the WATER IN and WATER OUT plates on the external panelling; fit the bleed valve at the highest part of the coil and a water drainage valve in the lowest part; when the connection has been made position the external rubber gasket flush with the panelling to stop air leaks; CAUTION! To avoid being burnt the pipes must be carefully insulated with suitable material until flush with the panelling.
6.9.1 Earthing
CAUTION! Every electrical user must be connected to the system's earthing system.
Use the connectors marked with symbol next to them to connect the earth of the unit and any accessories to the building's earth.
The electrical box placed sideways on the unit has connectors for earthing the unit's components and accessories.
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For the correct connection of the electrical heating elements follow these instructions: prepare adequate protection with differential thermal trip cut outs upline; always connect the safety thermostat to guarantee the interruption of the feed of the electrical battery in the case of excess temperature; the safety thermostat must be serial with the regulation thermostat (not supplied); the power feed of the coil must be interlocked with the fan function; always connect the earth cable of the electrical heating element with the terminal in the junction box. Remember, if there is the RG regulation system accessory is present, only two of the coil stages can be managed.
UR75E UR100E
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Before the first startup of the heat recovery unit check the following points: exact positioning of the panels for whose opening a screwdriver is necessary near the fan motor units; anchorage of the unit to the walls; connection of the unit to the building's earthing system; connection with the channels; connection of the condensate drain with syphon; insulation of the coil feed tubes; connection of the earth wires of the electrical components; absence of air in the water coils;
7. Usage
RU fitted with electronic regulators: A sticker must be placed on each regulator during installation to show the delivery and the expulsion fans.
For models UR35, UR55, UR75, UR100 and UR150: lturning on the delivery and expulsion fan is by turning the knob of the respective regulator from STOP clockwise until a click is heard; la flow rate regulation is by turning the knob continuously and independently for each fan into the position required; turning off the delivery and expulsion fan is by turning the knob of the respective regulator to STOP .
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For models UR210 and UR330: turning on the delivery and expulsion fan is by positioning the on button of the respective regulator at 1; la flow rate regulation is by turning the knob continuously and independently for each fan into the position required; turning on the delivery and expulsion fan is by positioning the on button of the respective regulator at 0;
8. Unit Maintenance
CAUTION! During the maintenance protection devices (IPD) phase, wear proper individual
CAUTION! Before accessing the unit for maintenance and cleaning make sure that it is not live and that it cannot be supplied unbeknownst to the person working on it and that the heat exchanger coils are not working.
CAUTION! During the maintenance phase the weight of the panelling could be heavy for the operator.
The UR series heat recovery units have been designed for requiring reduced maintenance and to make all operations easy. Some simple pieces of advice follow for the proper maintenance of the unit. Filters: Filter cleaning is imperative to maintain high air quality in the room. Synthetic filters on the UR unit can be regenerated with the aid of a jet of compressed air or they can be washed with cold water. To dismantle the filters: remove the inspection hatch with knobs; remove the filters; clean the filters; refit all the components in the reverse order. Condensate collection tank: Dirt can build up in the condensate collection tank. You are therefore recommended to clean the tank regularly and check the discharge piping is not clogged. To remove the condensate collection tank on the heat recovery unit: remove the inspection panelling; dismantle the cross bar; loosen the clip and remove the rubber fitting connecting the tank to the discharge hose; remove the tank support brackets; clean the tank; refit all the components in the reverse order. In order to access the condensate collection tank on the coil module, detach the module from the unit and dismantle it. Heat recovery unit: The heat recovery unit can be cleaned with a jet of compressed air or cold water. To dismantle the heat recovery unit: remove the collection recovery tank;
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remove the heat recovery unit support brackets; clean the heat recovery unit; refit all the components in the reverse order.
Motor ventilating assembly: The motor ventilating assembly needs to be checked to see how clean the rotor is and whether there is corrosion or damage, and that there are no abnormal noises. If necessary dismantle the motor ventilating assembly as follows: remove all the inspection panelling; disconnect the power cables; undo the four screws supporting each motor ventilating assembly on the structure; check the motor ventilating assemblies and replace them if necessary; refit all the components in the reverse order. Heat exchanger coils: To maintain an efficient heat exchange the coils must be cleaned with a jet of compressed air and the circuit (water coil) must be free from air. To dismantle the heat exchange coils: completely empty the coils (water coils); disconnect the coil from the hydraulic circuit; remove the condensate collection tank; undo the two screws that fix the coil to the heat recovery unit pack, undo the two screws fixing the battery to the unit's frame through the L shaped support bracket; check and clean; refit all the components in the reverse order. In order to access the condensate collection tank on the coil module, detach the module from the unit and dismantle it. The following table shows the operations for the maintenance of each component showing what type of check to make and the frequency of the interventions. The frequency is approximate and varies depending on the working and environmental conditions the heat recovery unit is in.
Phase Check dirt Check pack cleanliness Check dirt Check pack cleanliness
9. Waste
At the end of the life of UR series units they must be disposed of according to the regulations in force. The main materials the UR series systems are composed of are: galvanised sheet steel (panels, condensate collection tank, fans); aluminium sheet (coil fins, heat recovery unit, gates, electrical motor body); copper (coil pipes, electrical motor windings); foam polyurethane (insulation in sandwich panels); rock wool (silencers).
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Possible cause - Fan rotation speed too low - Distribution system pressure drop underestimated - Filters clogged - Extraction grill clogged - Coils encrusted - Fan rotation speed too high - Distribution system pressure drops overestimated - Non-assembly of the filters - Power not on - Electric motor burnt out - Excessive flow rate - Worn or defective bearings - Foreign bodies in the fan rotors - Clogged syphon - No syphon or one that has not been made properly - Input temperature not required - Air in the coils - Insufficient water flow rate - Water temperature too low - Fault in the regulation system - Dirty pack surface
- Reduce the fan speed - Assemble the filters - Check power - Replace the electric motor - Reduce the flow rate - Replace the bearings - Clean the impeller - Clean syphon - Fit a proper syphon - Bleed the coils - Increase the water flow - Check the water temperature - Check the regulation system - Clean the pack surface
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Aermec partecipa al Programma di Certificazione EUROVENT. I prodotti interessati figurano nella Guida EUROVENT dei Prodotti Certificati.
Aermec is partecipating in the EUROVENT Certification Programme. Products are as listed in the EUROVENT Directory of Certified Products.
I dati tecnici riportati nella presente documentazione non sono impegnativi. LAermec S.p.A. si riserva la facolt di apportare in qualsiasi momento tutte le modifiche ritenute necessarie per il miglioramento del prodotto.
Technical data shown in this booklet are not binding. Aermec S.p.A. shall have the right to introduce at any time whatever modifications deemed necessary to the improvement of the product.
I 37040 Bevilacqua (VR) - Italia Via Roma, 44 - Tel. (+39) 0442 633111 Telefax (+39) 0442 93566 - 0442 93730 www.aermec.com