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Laws of Logarithms


Simplifying logarithmic expressions is like simplifying algebraic expressions. In this section, you will develop some laws for logarithms that you can use for simplifying logarithmic expressions.

Developing the Laws of Logarithms Recall that logarithms are exponents, Thus, you can apply the laws of exponents to logarithms. Recall the three basic exponent laws. Exponent Laws Product Law: Quotient Law: Power of a Power Law:

Example 1




Therefore, mn (a x)(a y) mn a x y

How do you combine logarithms with the same base? Consider the expression log 5 log 2. Is log 5 log 2 log 7? Or is log 5 log 2 log 10? The base of log 5 and the base of log 2 is 10. So use your calculator to calculate the sum. log 5 log 2 1, which means that log 5 log 2 log 10.
Adding Logarithms with the Same Base

Express loga m loga n as a single logarithm. Let loga m x and let loga n y . Therefore, loga m loga n x y . Also, since loga m x , a x m . Since loga n y , a y n .

Rewrite mn a x y in logarithmic form.

However, from above, loga m x and loga n y . loga mn x y So, loga mn loga m loga n .


ax ay ax y ax ay ax y (a x) y a xy



Law for Logarithms of Products loga mn loga m loga n The log of a product of factors equals the sum of the logs of the factors. Use the law of logarithms of products to evaluate log6 4 log6 9. log6 4 log6 9 log6 (4)(9) log6 36 2 Simplify. Evaluate.

Example 2

Subtracting Logarithms with the Same Base

Express loga m loga n as a single logarithm.


Also, since loga m x , a x m . Since loga n y , a y n . Therefore,

m n m n

a x y in logarithmic form. Rewrite n




m loga m loga n, n 0 loga n

The log of a quotient equals the log of the dividend less the log of the divisor.

Use the law for logarithms of quotients to simplify log2 18 log2 9.

log2 18 log2 9 log2 9 log2 2 1

ax y
m m x y loga n



However, from above, loga m x and loga n y . m loga m loga n . loga n

Law for Logarithms of Quotients

Simplify. Evaluate.

Let loga m x and let loga n y . Therefore, loga m loga n x y .


Now find the difference between logs with the same base.


Example 3

Finding the Logarithm of a Power

What is the value of log3 92?


In general, if p N and using the law for logarithms of products, loga m p loga m loga m loga m loga m p times

Now evaluate 2 log10 2 2 log10 5.

loga m p p loga m ( m > 0, p R ) The log of a power equals the exponent of the power times the log of the base of the power.

2 log10 2 2 log10 5 log10 22 log10 52 log10 (4)(25) log10 100 2

Example 4

Evaluate log2 8 .

Evaluating the Logarithm of a Power


log2 8 log2 (8) 2

1 2 1 2 3 2

log2 8 (3)

p loga m

Law for Logarithms of Powers

Use the law for logarithms of powers. Use the law for logarithms of products. Evaluate. Apply the law for logarithms of powers. Evaluate and simplify.

log3 92 log3 (9)(9) log3 9 log3 9 2 log3 9 2(2) 4

Apply the law for logarithms of products. Simplify. Evaluate.


log3 92 log3 81 4 Another solution is to use the law for logarithms of products.

It is often necessary to use the laws of logarithms to solve logarithmic equations.

Example 5 Solving a Logarithmic Equation
log3 36 log3 18 log3 2. Solve for x in log3 x 2 1


Express the right side as a single logarithm with base 3. 1 log3 36 log3 18 log3 2 log3 x Use the law for logarithms of powers. 2 log3 x log3 (36) 2 log3 18 log3 2 Simplify. Use the law for logarithms of log3 x log3 6 log3 18 log3 2 products. Use the law for logarithms of log3 x log3 (6)(18) log3 2 quotients. (6)(18) Simplify. log3 x log3 2 log3 x log3 54 x 54


1. 2. 3. 4.

If m and n are positive numbers, a is a positive number other than 1, and p is any real number, then the following laws hold true: Law for Logarithms of Products: loga (mn ) loga m loga n Law for Logarithms of Quotients:
m loga m loga n, n 0 loga n

If loga m loga n , then m n , provided a > 0, and a 1. This result is true only when the logarithms have the same base.


Evaluate log8 16 log8 4. Evaluate log 2000 log 2. Express 2 log3 5 3 log3 2 as a single logarithm. Give an example to show that the law for logarithms of powers works.


Law for Logarithms of Powers: loga m p p loga m If loga m loga n , then m n , provided a > 0, and a 1.


Equivalent Logarithms




(a) log2 320 log2 20 (c) log6 4 log6 9 (e) log8 16 log8 32 (a) log2 (14 9) (c) log7 (25)
1 2

(b) log2 144 log2 9 (d) log 4 log 25 (f) log3 27 log3 9
735 (b) log5 40

2. Use the laws of logarithms to expand each expression.

(e) log3 (15)4 (a) (c) (e) (g) log 25 log 4 log2 83 log6 3 log6 12 log4 32 log4 2
3 3

3. Evaluate each expression without using a calculator.

(a) log3 9

4. Evaluate, using the law for logarithms of powers.


(c) log6 36 (e) log8 64


5. Knowledge and Understanding: Evaluate and then state the logarithmic law

e im

that you used. (a) log8 6 log8 3 log8 2

3 (c) log3 54 log3 2

log8 16 (e) log8 2 3 log8 2 2

6. Express each expression as a single logarithm.


(a) 3 log5 2 log5 7 (c) 2 log2 3 log2 5 1 log4 8 log4 2 (e) log4 3 2

(d) log6 (9 8 7)
81 (f) log4 30

(b) (d) (f) (h)

log3 18 log3 6 log3 9 2 log5 15 log5 9 log2 (32)4

(b) log3 27 (d) log5 125

(f) log4 16

(b) log2 32 (d) log5 125


(f) log2 8

(b) 2 log3 8 5 log3 2 (d) log3 12 log3 2 log3 6 (f) 2 log 8 log 9 log 36



1. Evaluate each expression by first using the laws of logarithms.


7. Evaluate log2 (8)(32) log7 (49)(7 ).


8. Given x log2 5 and y log2 3, evaluate each expression in terms of x

and y . (a) log2 15

9. Solve for x .

(b) log2 0.6

(c) log2 125

10. Express as a single logarithm. Assume all variables are positive.

(a) log2 x log2 y log2 z (c) log6 a (log6 b log6 c ) (e) 1 log3 x 2

12. If loga w loga x loga y , express w in terms of x and y . 2 13. Communication: Explain the similarities between the laws of exponents and

the laws of logarithms.


14. Use a calculator to evaluate each expression to two decimal places.

(a) log 48 (b) log 40 (d) log 200 log 50 (e) (log 20)2

15. Application: The loudness, L, of a sound is related to the sounds intensity,

, where L is measured in decibels, I is measured in I , by L 10 log I0 watts per square metre, and I 0 is the intensity of a barely audible sound. By how many decibels does the loudness increase if the intensity of the sound from a tuning fork is tripled?



16. A barely audible sound has an intensity of I 0 1012 W/m2.

Use the formula in question 15 to calculate the loudness of each sound. (a) a falling pin: I 1011 W/m2 (b) quiet conversation: I 106 W/m2 (c) subway: I 103 W/m2 (d) jet at take-off: I 1 W/m2


11. If log3 x 0.2, find the value of log3 x x .

(b) log5 u log5 v log5 w (d) log2 x 2 log2 xy log2 y 2 (f) 3 log4 x 2 log4 x log4 y (c) log 94 (f) 5 log 5

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

log2 x log2 5 log2 10 log3 x log3 18 log3 3 log x log 84 log 5 log 7 log x 2 log 4 3 log 3 log5 x log5 8 log5 6 3 log5 2


Logarithms Practice Questions

Attempt these questions without a calculator. Evaluate each of the following. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. log3 27 log2 128 log4 0.25 log 0.0001 loga a3 log5 625 log3 log3
1 27

31. log x = log 4 log 2 32. log x =

1 2


1 4

34. log2 16 + log2 x = log2 32 35. log x2 = 2 36. 2 log x + 3 = log(x5 )

37. log 2 + log 5 + log x log 3 = 2 38. 2 ln x + 3 = 5 ln x

log3 243
1 4

10. log9 3 11. log8

12. log9 243 13. log4

1 128

14. log2 16 + log2 8 15. log 2 + log 5 16. (log2 16)(log2 4) 17. log3 54 log3 18
1 5

2 2

18. loga 5 + loga

19. log 125 + log 32 log 4 20. log2 18 2 log2 3

1 2

21. log 16 + 2 log 5 22. log2 (2 ) 23. log 25 log 5 24. eln x 25. e ln(1/x) 26. ln(ex ) 27. ln(exx ) 28. ex+ln x 29. ln x2 e2x Solve each of the following equations for x. 30. log x = log 4 + log 2

1 2

Simplify each of the following expressions.


43. ln x = ln c + ln d 44. a + ln x = ln(x + a) 45. 4x = 2 46. 9x (33 )4 = 1 47. 2x+1 = 43x2 1 48. ln + 2 ln(x2 1) = 6 (x + 1)2 If x = log 2 and y = log 3, express the following in terms of x and y .
2 49. log 3

39. log x = 4 log 2 2 log x 40. log x log(x 1) = 1 41. ex = 25 42. ln x = 2y 50. log 6 51. log 4 52. log 9 53. log
4 9

54. log 60 55. log 36 56. log 54 Express the following as a single logarithm. 57. log x + 5 log y ln(x2 + 1)
1 2 1 2 1 2

59. 1 + log x + 60. 2 ln x

1 2

log(x 3)

ln(x2 + 3) + 3 ln(sin x)

log z ln(x3 + 5)

33. 3 log 2 + log 3 = log x

1. By expressing these numbers as powers of 10, and without using a calculator, calculate the logarithms to base 10 of the following numbers. a. 10000 e. 10 b. f. 10 4 10
1 100

c. 0.001

1 g. ( 1000 ) 3 10

d. 1012.3 h.
1 0.001

2. Simplify the following expressions. a. 10log10 37.23 e. 1010

log10 x

f. log10 10

x+y z

g. 10log10 (

3xy ) z

3. Rewrite the following expressions so that they involve just one logarithm. a. log10 x3 2.5 log10 y c. 5 log10 3x 4 log10 (xy + z 2 ) e. log10 (x + y ) 3 log10 4 4. Simplify these expressions. a. log2 2x 2x+y b. 5log5
x+y 3

b. log10 6 + log10 x2

5. Rewrite the following expressions so that they involve only one logarithm. a. 2 log3 (x + y ) 3 log3 (xy ) + log3 x2 b. log6 xy 4 log6 (x + y ) c. 4 log17 xy 2 + log17 (x2 + y 2 ) 2.5 log17 x

6. Using a calculator, nd the following logarithms. a. log3 17 a. y = 10x b. log5 2

12. ln ee21 15. eln 2
9 2

c. log22 14 c. y = 4x 21. ln(e2.4 x6 )

7. Write each of the following functions in the form y = ekx for a suitable constant k . b. y = 7.5x d. y = ( 1 )x 4 10. log2 16 13.
ln e7 log11 121 ln 3 27

Without using a calculator, nd the following numbers. 8. log10 1019 9. loge e 5 e

14. 5log5 32.7 20. log3
x3 y 2
1 27z 2

11. log17

173 17

Rewrite the following expressions using the rules of logarithms, and simplify where possible. 3 1.3 z 7 x2 17. log10 100 18. ln xy 19. log4 4 x2 y3 9y e1.37 22. log5
125x3 0.2y 2


Using the rules of logarithms, rewrite the following expressions so that just one logarithm appears in each. 23. 3 log2 x + log2 30 + log2 y log2 w 24. 2 ln x ln y + a ln w 25. 12(ln x + ln y ) 27. log7 10 log10 x2 log7 49x 26. log3 e ln 81 + log3 5 log5 w 28. log10 0.1 log6 x 2 log6 y + log6 4 log4 e

Given that loge 5 1.6094, and loge 7 1.9459, nd the following numbers without using a calculator except to perform multiplication or division. 29. log5 e 30. log5 7 31. log5 72 32. log49 5 33. log49 25 34. loge 25

f. log10 xy 1.7 log10 y 2 c. log7 49uv d. 3log9 3w

d. 2 log10 xy + 3 log10 (z 2 y 2 )

h. log10 1010

b. log10 10x


c. 10log10 (10


d. log10

10 2y

d. log4 8

16. e


Practice Problems

Solve the following equations: Remember that the arguments of all logarithms must be greater than 0. Also exponentials in the form of will be greater than 0. Be sure to check all your answers in the original equation.

1. 3 81 2. 8 4 3. 5 4. 14 3 11 5. 6 ln 3 0 6. log3 1 2 7. ln ln 3 4 8. 2 ln 3 4 9. 5 4 10. ln 2 6 11. 4 0.25

22. 3 81 23. log 5 24. log 3

12. 2 5 3 0

13. log 3 log log 32

17. 4 ln2 3 11 18. log log 6 2 log 4 19. 2 64 20. 5 25 21. 4

14. 2 log 4 0

15. log log 3 2 16. log 5 log 2 3



26. ln 4 ln 7 27. log 2 1 2 28. log 10 2 29. 3 500 30. 8 1000 31. ln 7.25 32. ln 0.5 33. 2 . 45 34. 100 . 20 35. 121 4 18 36. 251 12 37. log 2 1.5 38. log 2 0.65 39. log 5 7 40. 4 log 1 4.8 41. log log 3 3 42. 2 log log 1 1

25. log 2 log 100


Practice Problems Answers 1. 5 2.

22. 6 23. 243 24. 64

3. 1.609 4. 2.120 5. 134.476 6. 33 7. 163.794 8. 2.463 9. -1.139 10. 18.086, -22.086 11.

26. 3 27. 4 28. 35

13. 14.

15. 4 16. 3 17. 6.321 18. 96 19. 6 20. 2 21. 1


12. 1.099


32. 0.61 33. 6.23 34. 2.68 35. No Solution 36. 0.65 37. 15.81 38. 0.32 39. 64 40. 5.90 41.

29. 5.66 30. 3.32 31. 1408.10 42. 2
UPS 10


25. 50

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