Working in Hot Environment
Working in Hot Environment
Working in Hot Environment
FAINTING (COLLAPSE) A worker who is not accustomed to hot environment and who stand erect and immobile in heat may develop fainting. Upon lying down, the worker should soon recover. By moving around, and thereby preventing further fainting.
Temporary state of discomfort and mental or psychological strain arising from prolonged heat exposure. The affected person is susceptible to decline in task performance, coordination and alertness.
The symptoms become minimal by a period of gradual exposure to hot environment.
Sweating; dizziness; fatigue; nausea; vomiting; headache; fainting; rapid pulse; cool, moist skin; pale or flushed complexion; dilated pupils; near normal body temperature. No sweating (or sweating profusely); hot, dry, red skin, high & rising internal temperature, pupils constricted; mental confusion, loss of consciousness, convulsions, or coma; FATAL IF TREATMENT DELAYED!
Sustained exertion in heat; failure to replace water lost in sweat; may develop slowly over several days if you lose more water than you consume.
Remove to cooler environment; keep at rest on back with feet elevated; fan & sponge with cool water; 1/2 cup of water every 15 minutes; seek medical attention. CALL FOR MEDICAL HELP IMMEDIATELY BRAIN DAMAGE AND DEATH MAY RESULT IF TREATMENT IS DELAYED; remove to cooler environment; keep at rest on back with feet elevated; cool by any means possible - hosing, immersion, rubbing ice on the skin; give nothing by mouth.
Drink a cup of water just before you work in the heat & 1/2 cup every 15 minutes during work.
Heat Stroke
Failure of sweating mechanism brought about by sustained exertion in unacclimatized workers; obesity, lack of physical fitness, recent alcohol intake, dehydration, & cardiovascular disease may be predisposing factors.
Monitor yourself while working in severe heat; drink a cup of water just before you work in the heat & 1/2 cup every 15 minutes during work.
Provide sufficient amount of cool water and drinks, to be available for out-door workers and encourage frequent drinking.
Rest shady areas provided with fans.
Drink water..