Dr. v. Hari Kumar On Meditation & Enlightenment

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Science of Meditation
There are three great happenings in the science of meditation : " The First Happening " " When we are with the normal, natural, simple, easy, soft, tender, shallow, tranquil, peaceful flow of the breath .. the mind becomes rather empty " Meditation is silencing the incessant chatter of the restless mind ! For that ... we ... begin ... with ... the ... breath ! The mind has to be with the breath ! That is the bottom-line! If the mind is not with the breath, it does, not become empty ! The mind has to become uncluttered and rather empty ! The mind has to lose all its unscientific socio-religious mental images and meaningless props ! In the same token, chanting of any mantra doesn't play any role in meditation ! The mouth has to be kept shut ! Since meditation is silencing the incessant chattering mind, we can't have any mental image whatsoever to concentrate upon ! No mental images whatsoever ! No visualization exercises ! And, again, no mantras in the mouth ! We have to attune ourselves to our natural and normal breath ! When we attune ourselves to the breath, the mind becomes by and by less tense ... and less dense ... and sooner than later, it becomes rather empty ! Breath is not a part of the body; but it is in the body ... and it is sufficiently material to focus upon ! Breath is the ambassador of pure consciousness in the body ! Breath is an incessantly happening thing. Breath does not age ! Breath is so simple ! Breath can be experienced ! Breath can be grasped ! Breath can be very easily attuned to ! Being with the simple, natural flow of the breath is the ' alpha ' in the science of meditation. " The Second Happening " " When the mind is rather empty, huge amount of cosmic energy floods into the physical body .. into the physical-ness "

A ' jungle-like mind ' doesn't allow cosmic energy to enter into the body-system. When the mind is like a forest, it becomes a great barrier ... it does not allow any cosmic energy to seep into the physical body. The 'jungle-like mind ' is so very impermeable. So very ' solid ' ! However, when the ' solid-like mind ' becomes a ' liquid-like mind ' or a ' vapour-like mind ', there is so much more porosity and the mind becomes that much more permeable .. and ... the cosmic energy floods into the physical body ... following the simple laws of natural physics ! The mind is the separator of the physical energy and the cosmic energy. When the mind is like a forest, it acts like a solid barrier ! So, to make our ' solid - like mind ' into a ' vapour - like mind ' ... where there are very few thoughts, and more number of gaps ... that is meditation ! And, the way is only through breath ! "The Third Happening " " When sufficient amount of cosmic energy enters the physical body .. the result is a reasonable amount of activation of the third-eye " The culminating result in meditation is the activation of our 'inner senses ' or the ' third-eye ' ! The end result of meditation is activation of our extra sensory perception ! The final result of meditation is activation of our SOUL CONSCIOUSNESS ! The final product of meditation is acquiring a SOLID SOUL ! In the case of a normal man, it is as if the soul is lost ! The soul is the paradise ! In the case of a normal person, the paradise has been lost ! The paradise has to be regained ... that is done in meditation. The physical body needs to become saturated with cosmic energy ! When the body is saturated with cosmic energy, when the black patches in the etheric body are dissolved, the soul's potential becomes gradually kinetic ! And, the soul has infinite potential, and Infinite capacity ! However, all that is just dry and barren as long as we don't awaken it through our mediation ! The science of meditation is the science of energy maximization ! The science of mediation is the true science of physical health ! The science of meditation is the true science of joy ! The science of meditation is the true unifying science ! It unifies all the divided sects of humanity ! Hail unto the science of meditation ! Meditation is the single most important method/practice by the help of which we progress in the acquisition of knowledge of Spiritual Science. And, Spiritual Science is the Science which studies.

The Nature of Life between Birth and Death Nature of life before Birth and after Death Nature of Consciousness Nature of Choices, Plans and Purpose of All Beings Nature of Happiness, Progress and Fulfillment Nature of Dreams and Out-of-Body Experiences etc.,

Spiritual Science and Enlightenment:True Religion and Spirituality have always been coming out with so many facts about Life and Death: The nature of Nature around us; The Purpose of Life etc! Day-To-Day Life and Common Problems:Problems exist in our day-to day life, either because we are weak in will, or because we are ignorant and stupid, or because we hold on to wrong belief systems. Problems also exist because of our tremendous self-importance, because of our laziness and lethargy. Problems, again, exist because we do want to live parasitically, i.e., at the expense of others. There will be no problems if only one would: 1.Make one's will strong; 2.Replace wrong beliefs by truths through the study of the Spiritual Science; 3.Totally remove one's self-importance; 4.Involve ceaselessly in any creative activity without ever wasting time, and 5.Learn to live symbiotically i.e., for the over-all benefit of all the parties concerned. How should one do Meditation? The important steps are as follows: 1.Take any comfortable posture. 2.Clasp your hands. 3.Close the eyes. 4.Observe the breath i.e., do conscious breathing. In conscious breathing, we have to be aware of our breath only and nothing else, i.e., our total attention should be on breathing alone. When one is actively doing conscious breathing, one's normal mind's broadcasting and receptor functions totally case and one is in a 'No-Mind' state. And, no sooner than the 'No-Mind' or Non Doing' state is achieved; the 'Other Mind' starts functioning. That is, one comes out in the Astral Body and begins to have new perceptions and new experiences. The latent Kundalini energy in the Etheric body is automatically aroused and one acquires many new capabilities by way of akening of the Inner Senses. Benefits of Meditation: The benefits of Meditation are manifold. Most physical afflictions, i.e., almost over 99%, are psychosomatic in nature, i.e., born in mind and later manifested in the physical. They arise because of mental worries; and all mental worries are because of a certain lack of clarity in analysis and thinking and consequent intellectual immaturity; this intellectual immaturity is due to a lack of basic spiritual knowledge. And, spiritual knowledge is obtained only through Meditation - by having out-of-body experiences. Our practical, Meditational Spiritual knowledge is further strengthened by studying all the existing literature in the field of Spiritual Science, wherein the experiences of meditations are astral travelers etc., are given in great detail. In short, 1.Most physical afflictions are because of Mental Worries. 2.All mental worries are because of Intellectual Immaturity. 3.All intellectual immaturity is primarily because of lack of Spiritual Knowledge.

A spiritually illumined person knows all the causes and, thus, all the corresponding effects -and has no worries; therefore, he/she becomes totally free of all physical afflictions in due course. In Meditation, one's energy is increased through in-flow of energy from cosmic energy sources; new information about alternate realities is obtained; and, consequently, there is a constant Expansion of consciousness.

Meditation enables us to be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Physically wonderfully fit Mentally perfectly agile Intellectually razor-sharp Emotionally full of calmness, friendship and joy Existentially full of positivity, creativity and spontaneity, and finally Spiritually illumined.

Through meditation, we come to know of our own eternality and of our infinite capabilities, in short, of our Godhood. Simultaneously, and as a corollary, we become aware of the Godhood of all other beings. The Unaware 'Seed/Sapling Gods' - that we are, through Meditation, reading books, and personal discussions grow into 'Aware Tree God' - full of beautiful 'flowers', 'fruits' and 'shade' for all! What is Meditation? Before we try for understanding what Mediation exactly "IS", it is better to know what Meditation exactly is "NOT"! Meditation is NOT 'Contemplation'" In English language, the phrase "meditate upon" is often used, which means "contemplate deeply" or "reflect upon the pros and cons", or "ponder on" etc. However, in spiritual parlance, the term 'Meditation' does not refer to 'contemplation' or 'pondering'. Meditation is primarily NOT an intellectual or mental exertion. Meditation is NOT 'Chanting': In Hindu tradition, Meditation or Dhyana is usually misunderstood as 'chanting' or repeating a divine name'. In fact, that is only "japa". Japa is constant repetition of a name or Mantra. Japa is very commonly resorted to still the mind. However, stilling the mind through Japa is a very, very long drawn-out process. Meditation is NOT 'Prayer': 'Prayer' is nothing but a 'petition' to some unknown power, with a request to take care of one's difficulties.Supposedly, the 'Gods' are to be carried away by the eulogizing and Petitioning and will readily resort to granting all the requested boons! Meditation IS 'Seeing': Meditation is not "contemplation"! Meditation is not "chanting"! Meditation is not "prayer"! Meditation is, primarily stilling all the waves of the Mind, and secondarily, it is 'seeing', or 'witnessing' the activity of the 'Self' or 'Consciousness'. Meditation is a non-intellectual, non-mental and non-verbal phenomenon.

Meditation is awakening oneself to Altered State of Consciousness: Meditation is awakening oneself to altered state of Consciousness, wherein one will perceive alternate frequency - reality system, which is all simultaneously coexisting with the present 'VIBGYOR' frequency universe. Our present time-space continuum is but one of the infinite number of other time-space continuums, which are all vibrating at different frequencies. When you are in the act of perceiving and interacting with the non-ordinary dimensions of COSMIC REALITY, you are said to be in Meditation. Cosmic Reality includes all the separate, but inter-connected, individual frequency-reality universes. Meditation is silencing the 'inner-talk' and seeing with the 'third eye': Meditation begins with the silencing of the normal mental activity. There is a constant 'inner talk' that is going on incessantly whenever a person finds himself/herself unoccupied. This continuous inner chatter is called as 'Chitta'. Rishi Pathanjali defined yoga as 'Chitta Vrithi Nirodhaha'. That is meditation is the total cessation of the inner mind. The immediate consequence of the cessation of this chitta, inner mind, is the happening of 'Seeing'. You begin to see flashes of alternate frequency realities. This 'seeing' is done with the help of the activated third eye. Third Eye is 'Ajna' Chakra. Ajna Chakra is the sixth great energy vortex in the Etheric Body. 'Etheric body' is the second of the second of the seven bodies of man; it is also called as 'Pranamaya Kosha'. When should we meditate? Any time is right time for Meditation! However, early morning i.e., pre-dawn hours are the best, as we would be in a proper state of freshness after a full night's sleep. Moreover, there would be darkness still around. Meditation should always be done in darkness and definitely so, for a beginner. In daytime, lights should be switched off and all windows closed so as not to let in any light. How long should we Meditate? One should sit for a minimum of 40 minutes in each Meditation Session. Shorter duration will not be of much help. Slowly, one gets habituated to devote more time. More the duration of a session, deeper would be the estate of Meditation. The Process of Meditation: The whole process of Meditation can be divided into different stages. In terms of Pathanjali and Buddha, they are as follows:

PATHANJALI BUDDHA 1.Asana Ana-Pana-Sati 2.PranayanaAna-Pana-Sati 3.PratyaharaVipassana 4.DharanaVipassana 5.DhyanaNibbana 6.SamadhiNibbana Asana or Comfortable Posture:"Be still and know Thyself" - this has ever been the constant refrain of all Seers. Stillness of the Mind cannot be achieved without a prior physical stillness. As such, learning to sit still absolutely quietly, and without any movement of the physical body whatsoever, is the first step in the process of Meditation.

Pathanjali has said 'Sthira Sukhamasanam', i.e. any comfortable and stable posture can be adopted. However, the best posture is the normal cross-legged sitting posture. This is called 'Sukha-Asana'. Further, the spine, the neck and the head should be kept, as far as possible, in one straight line. Bhagavad Gita has said 'Samah Kaya Shirogreevam'. The hands should be clasped together. This is so because the etheric energy that normally oozes out of the etheric finger-tips should be conserved and kept within one's own self. Eyes should be closed and then we go on to the next step. Pranayama, or Ana-Pana-Sati, or Observing The Breath: After having taken a comfortable and stable posture, having kept the spine erect, having clasped the hands, and having closed the eyes, one should immediately begin to observe one's own breathing.'Ana-Pana', is a Pali pharse to indicate 'in-breath' and 'out-breath'. 'Sati' means 'to be with'. Thus, 'Ana-Pana-Sati' means to be one with the in-breath and out-breath. Normally, man is not at all conscious of the breathing process that is constantly going on in the body. This is so because he is constantly involved in incessant listening, speaking, or thinking activities. Even while he is not doing any of the above, there is a constant 'inner chatter' that is going on, which occupies his inner attention. However, in Meditation, we are to do away with all these activities and concentrate solely on the breathing process. The objective is to be aware only of the breathing process and nothing else. This is called 'conscious breathing' - as against the normal 'unconscious breathing' that constantly goes on in the body. It is perfectly natural that the mind keeps straying off in the beginning and it should be our effort and mission to bring our attention again and again to our chosen object of breath. By and by, with constant practice, we would soon be able to achieve being one with the breath, to the exclusion of all other thoughts. While Ana-Pana-Sati is being practiced, a few points have to be remembered 1.There is no need for any 'deep' breathing. 2. No 'Kumbhaka' is to be attempted. 'Kumbhaka' is holding or withholding of the breath inside or outside. 3. Easy and natural breathing is to be done (as the physical body is naturally accustomed to). Has not "Taoism' repeatedly stressed that "Easy is Right, Right is Easy: Easy is Natural, Natural is Easy: Natural is Right, Right is Natural"? Keep to the Easy. Keep to the Natural - and you will always be Right! So, only easy and natural breathing is to be adopted. As Ana-Pana-Sati is practiced, we approach the next phase. 'Pratyahara' or Inwarding of The Outer Senses: What happens to you when you are one with your breath? You will encounter a wonderful new silence!Soon, you will find that the magnitude of breath becomes shorter and shorter. Finally, the breath becomes so short that it seems to take place only in the upper part of the nose or what is called as the 'nasika-agra'. This is the space between the two eyebrows.

We find, now, that the 'inner-chatter' has totally ceased and that we are in a state of deep inner silence. We enter into such a deep inner silence that we lost totally the awareness of our breathing process too. Now, we cannot hear outer sounds; we go beyond them. This stage is called 'Pratyahara' (Prathi+Ahara) i.e., total inwarding of the outer senses. 'Dharana' or 'Vipassana' or Activation of The Inner Senses: What happens when one is in a state of deep inner silence? "Things" will begin to happen! One will begin to encounter entirely new and unearthly phenomena! One may begin to hear new sounds, see new sights and smell new scents. One may see absolutely brilliant light and new worlds. One will find oneself face to face with several new reality systems. It is natural that in the beginning one would be unable to make 'head' or 'tail' of these new snapshots that one sees. However, one becomes an adept soon and a measure of control in 'seeing' would be achieved. This is the beginning of interaction with the new realities with a greater degree of will and purpose. This is the stage of establishing contacts with astral persons and having dialogues with them. Questions may be put and answers received - all telepathically. Now, we proceed to the next stage i.e., dhyana: The Sanskrit word "dhyana" is actually "dhiyana"."dhi" = the complex of subtle bodies, and "yana" = traveling.Thus, 'dhyana' means 'tavel in higher bodies', i.e., astral, causal or cosmic bodies. Remember that man has seven bodies. Suddenly, we may find ourselves outside our bodies and we may be traveling at a fast pace in new frequency-worlds. This is much like our traveling in a train while seeing the fleeting sceneries through the window. One may also encounter the classic "tunnel experience" i.e., one will see oneself traveling in a deep, tunnel-like hole, at the far end of which one will emerge out into brilliant light and bright worlds. This stage is called 'Dhyana'.It is, natural that in the beginning, it would be a rather random or spontaneous or uncontrolled traveling. But soon, with greater practice, one achieves willful and directed astral travel. And, at deeper levels of Meditation, one will also encounter another phenomenon called 'Kundalini Awakening'. 'Kundalini' is a force that is locked upon in the etheric body in the 'Muladhara Chakra', and when aroused, will help in the activation of subtler energy centers right upto the "Thousand Petalled Sahasrara". This results in the activation of one's higher bodies like the spiritual and cosmic bodies. Subsequently, corresponding higher worlds are visited with the help of these vehicles. Only Ascended Masters live in these worlds. Samadhi or Nibbana or Enlightenment: After an immense amount of 'dharana' or 'Vipassana' i.e., third eye seeing, and an immense amount of 'dhyana', i.e., astral travel, what naturally gets ensured is Enlightenment. Now, one would be able to see and know for oneself one's true multidimensional nature; and, also the nature of the whole "COSMIC REALITY". One would begin the research into one's own 'Akashic Records'. Whatever has 'happened' is 'happening' now, or will happen, in 'future' times, in the various parallel 'Physical' planes, is all automatically recorded or impressed in the etheric matter of the astral worlds. These records are readily available to trained astral vision.

Going through the whole tapestry of one's own infinite life-times, one would perceive the interconnecting thread of the Law of Karma kneading through all of them. One would gradually arrive at the grand understanding (as per 'SETH) that - "You create your own reality, wherever you travel, and in whichever dimension you find yourself". This state of understanding is Enlightenment. This is the stage of 'Samadhi'. Samadhi can be interpreted as 'Sama-dhi' or the state of perfect equanimity of intellect, or also as the stage of having obtained all the answers or 'samadhana's. This is the stage of 'Nibbana'. Now, in this state of Enlightenment, Samadhi or Nibbana, one is unaffected by all the dualities like birth/death; loss/gain; pleasure/pain etc. The restless natue of the mind is truly and finally overcome. The intellect is freed forever from the encumbering 'Chitta' and is available for the firs time for performing its ordained function of Research and Investigation into Cosmic Truth and Accumulation of Practical Wisdom.

Spiritual Philosophy
The New Age Spiritual Philosophy can be briefly summated as follows: God: Man is God, as all else is. Speck of E.C.K.: Man is an eternal speck of Energy, Consciousness and Knowledge, as all else is. Potentiality: Man's potentialities are infinite, as everything else's is. Cosmos: There are infinite universes. The present, visible, physical universe is only one among them. The infinity of universes is called as 'Cosmos'. Enlightenment: Enlightenment is understanding that you are a god amidst an infinity of gods. Enlightenment is understanding you yourself as the Ultimate Reality. Enlightenment is understanding that you alone create your own reality. Other gods create their own realities. Law of Karma: Man is responsible for his/her own actions. He /she reaps what he/she sows. The 'other' never comes into the picture. Only efforts give rise to effects. No-efforts mean noresults. Cycle of Incarnations: Man has several lives to live in the Earth School so that he/she may finally graduate out and reach the status of Over-Self and thereby complete the cycle of incarnations. Simultaneous Life-Times: All 'past', 'present' and 'future' incarnations are simultaneously happening. Realizing this, a person breaks out of the illusionary 'time' concept. Purpose of Life: Man, as anything else, is aglow with two expectations 1) to enjoy and 2) to know. Therefore, the purpose of life is i)To enjoy himself/herself and to enjoy the world/s at large, more and more. ii)To know himself/herself and to know the world/s at large, more and more.

Friendship: The joy of life is friendship! And, friendship is a feeling of tenderness towards all beings of the Cosmos. Good and Bad: Happiness is always obtained through 'Knowledgeable' and 'positive' actions. Unhappiness always results through 'ignorance' and 'negative' actions. There is nothing like 'good' or 'bad'! Meditation: Progress is obtained only through Meditation. Meditation, per se, is activating and perfecting the Inner Senses, called together as "Third Eye". Meditation is developing what is termed as ESP. Inner Chatter: Inner Chatter is the ceaseless mental activity, which becomes evident while the eyes and mouth are shut. For meditation to happen, first, the continuously existing inner chatter must cease. A no-though state must be reached. Ana-Pana-Sati: The technique to go into meditative state is practicing Ana-Pana-Sati i.e., being mindful of inhalation and exhalation, to the total exclusion of all thoughts. Problems: 'Problems' and situations in any given lifetime are self-picked before each embodiment. Thus, they only represent challenges to stimulate personality growth; they are not mechanical 'punishments' or 'rewards' automatically arising out of previous 'sins' or 'good works'. Event Formation: No event is totally predetermined or totally accidental. Only important events are 'Pre-planned' before each embodiment. Events are formed solely by the power of Free Will at each given moment in the present. Nothing is by chance; everything is by choice. Dreaming:'Sleep' or 'Dream' state is as much an active and personality-forming state as the normal 'wakeful' state. Dreams are awakeners of the mind to the past, the future to come, or the present to be enjoyed. Conscious dreaming, and better still, coming awake in the dream-scenario in the midst of dreaming, is foremost among New-Age spiritual practices. Vegetarianism: Vegetarianism, culminating in being a Fruitarian, is the cardinal New Age Spiritual Philosophy. Mankind is charged with responsibility towards the physical welfare and psychic development of its brethren, the Animal Kingdom. Healing: All healing must be through 'natural healing' and through the exercise of 'intent' and as a result of learning practical lessons. Swadhyaya: 'Swadhyaya' or reading the books written by Enlightened Masters and Third-Eye Yogis is a must. This is not optional, but mandatory. Exchange of Experiences: Meditators and Enlightened persons should exchange their meditational experiences and wisdom. This is not optional, but mandatory. Axis Change: The urgent spiritual task now is to prepare the mankind for the impending Axis change that is to catapult Earth into the New Age. Over-Self: All physical beings are part-expressions of tremendous and gigantic transphysical personality gestalts. Thus, men and women are Aspect-Selves of their own Source-Selves. Each Source-Self lives

through its Aspect Selves which exist in many dimensions of realities simultaneously. The Source-Self progressed through the trials and tribulations of its Aspect-Selves. This source-self is also called as Higher-self, Over-Self, 'Poorna-Atma' etc. Physical Immortality: Physical old age and physical death are not 'inevitable' and they are actually unnatural phenomena. They arise only out of ignorant thinking and ignorant activities. Physical immortality means ability to prolong physical living as long as we wish to. We should be able to transform the 'matter-body' into an 'energy-body'! Ultimate Reality: Matter is the Crystallization of Energy. Energy is the Creation of thought. Thought is the Function of Consciousness. And, Consciousness is the Ultimate Reality.
Mevlana Rumi


Enlightenmentisendlesstravelingofandexplorationintothenatureofformationofevents, scientificnatureofpersonalreality,scientificnatureofthepsyche! Enlightenmentislosingutterlyourselfimportance,reducingourselvestozero! Enlightenmentmeanstofindoutwhatwemostwanttodo,andthengoinganddoingit! Enlightenmentmeansnevertobeinhurry,nevertobeinworryandnevertowasteasingle moment! Enlightenmentmeanstoevertoliveinthepresent,andnevertothinkofthepastorofthe future! Enlightenmentis,understandingthatnothingisbychancebuteverythingisby choice!Enlightenmentistounderstandthattheonlysubjecttounderstand,theonlysubjectto bestudied,isSpiritualScience! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatyoucanneverbe'totally'enlightened! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatyouare"AllThatIs". Enlightenmentisfriendshipandfriendshipisanabstractfeelingoftendernesstowardsall cosmicbeings! Enlightenmentiscompassion;compassionisandphysicalisedfriendship! Enlightenmentisnevertolament,nevertoregret.Everyregretisafreshblunder! Enlightenmentistheabilitytolearnbothfromthesuperiorandfromtheinferior;bothfromthe wiseandfromthestupid! EnlightenmentistositsilentlyinfrontofaMaster! Enlightenmentissometimestodoubtandsometimestoquestion,butnevertomistrustthe basichumangoodnessandintegrity! Enlightenmentistobesincereandserious.Sincerityleadstoseriousness;seriousnessleadsto enlightenment! Enlightenmentisalwaystoactimpeccablyinagivenmomentaccordingtothegivensituation! Enlightenmentistheartofevermaintaininginnersilenceinthemidstofallthecacophony existingintheouterworld! Enlightenmentistoflowwithourownnatureandtoletothersflowfreelyintheirrespective ownparticularnatures! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatourpotentialitiesareinfinite! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatwecreateourownreality.Ourbeliefsformour experiences! Enlightenmentistodestroythe'society'mentally,sothatweliveinthesocietybutthe'society' doesnotliveinus! Enlightenmentistobe'selfish'tounderstandthatwearebornhereprimarilyforourown growthandforourowndevelopment! EnlightenmentistobealwaysinstateofRecklessness...Fearlessness...DareDevilness!

Enlightenmentistheabilitytoswingfreelyfromoneextremetoanotherextremeofemotions andmoods,likeachild! Enlightenmentisnevertoformroutines! Enlightenmentistheabilitytobearinfinitepainandinfiniteinsult! Enlightenmentistheabilitytofreelymixwithotherswithoutlosingourownselfconfidenceor uniqueness! Enlightenmentisnevertosuppressouremotions! Enlightenmentistounderstandthat'DEATH'isaSTUPIDIDEA!ThereisNONEEDTODIE,ifwe donotwantit! Enlightenmentistokeepourneckevererectindignityandnevertobowinguiltbeforeothers! Enlightenmentishearty,wholesomelaughtermostlyatone'sownself! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatwhatweseeatanygiventimeisonlyapartofthetruth, onlyonedimensionofit! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatwecannevergiveenlightenmenttoothers,andnobody cangiveenlightenmenttous! Enlightenmentistounderstandthat"thereisgoodandthereisbad"andalso"thereisnogood andnobad"!Enlightenmentmeanstorealizetheexistenceandvalidityofsuchparadoxical truths! Enlightenmentistounderstandthat"SamsaraisNirvana". Enlightenmentistototallyeschew"ONEGURU"concept! Enlightenmentistounderstandthat'Time'isthegreatestillusion! Enlightenmentisnevertoindulgeinjudgingothers.Judgmentisrankunenlightenment! Enlightenmentistounderstandthatbasicallytherearenorulesandregulationsforconduct.All lifeisfreeexplorationofitsownlikesanddislikes! Enlightenmentisevertoinvolveourselvesintheimmediatetaskoftheimmediatemoment! EnlightenmentistounderstandalwaysthatthesourceofallwisdomisMEDITATIONand nothingelse! Enlightenmentisequivalenttocreativity.Tobenoncreativeistobenonenlightened! Enlightenmentisevertothinkbeforewespeakandevertothinkafterwespeak! Enlightenmentisnevertogobyothersinstructions,otherdesires,othersthoughts! Enlightenmentistoalwaysfollowone'sowninnerconscience! Enlightenmentistounderstandthat'practice'isnaturalshadowofknowledge.Asnew knowledgeisacquired,oldpracticesgetdroppedautomatically! Enlightenmentistoknowthat"Matteristhecrystallizationofenergy";Energyisthecreationof thought;Thoughtisthefunctionofconsciousness;andconsciousnessisthefundamentum.

Masters Wisdom

There is a portion of your far deeper identity, who forms both the inner ego and the outer ego - who decided that you would be a physical being in this place and in this time. The Inner Science opens your range of perception, and allows you to interpret experience in a far freer manner. Be reckless in the expression of the ideal, and it will never betray you. We don't feel the need to conceal emotions; we know it is basically impossible and undesirable.


We build up energy for a new astral body from what we are doing on what is at that moment our 'Earth' or the world of physical existence. Earth is just a training school, and if we don't make a good job of it now - well, we keep on coming back, until we have more sense. When you die, i.e., when your physical body is finished with this Earth and your astral entity goes on to the astral world, it has to stand alone and answer for successes and failure.


We can have excuses or we can have health, love, longevity, understanding, adventure, money, and happiness. We design our lives through the power of our choices. You teach best what you most need to learn. There is no such thing as a 'problem' without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.


Meditation is an adventure, the greatest adventure the human mind can undertake. Science gives better houses, better cars, better technologies, better standards of living, but it cannot give us a significant life. It cannot give meaning to us. It cannot give us ecstasy. Whenever you start thinking of the future and the past too much, just relax, and pay attention to breathing. Everyday, at least for an hour, just sit in a chair, relaxed, making yourself collected, and close your eyes. Just start looking at the breathing. Don't change it, just look, watch; by watching it, it will become slower and slower.


Reading about metaphysical subjects is necessary. Books are undeniably a swift short cut to Enlightenment. Every physical illness, without a single exception, is the result of the initial cause of certain mental and emotional attitudes. What you eat and what you think is what you are. Fruit is the food most beneficial to your body's well being. The ultimate goal is to become a Fruitarian, eventually, part-time Breatharian. The first rule is to find what kind of work will allow you to labor with love. Every physical illness, without a single exception, is the result of the initial cause of certain mental and emotional attitudes. Physical immortality is natural and physical death is unnatural. As long as you can continue to strengthen your life urges, and ignore your programmed death urges, you will go on living. You die because you believe you must. Your mind and soul have submitted to it. Overself (the You of -you) knows better. Money must never change hands between esoteric teacher and student. All great truths are simple

SIX-DAY RESIDENTIAL TRAINING PROGRAM ON "REBIRTHING ANTI-AGEING " Venue:DIVYA RESORT,NearKeesaraVillage,PeddaparvathapuramVillage,Hyderabad. Date : September 6th 2011 to September 11th 2011 Contact : RAJANI Mobile : +91-94402 93903 Email : [email protected] * Contact for early bird offer

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