PVC and Fire

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PVC AND FIRE Many studies have shown that the initiation and development of accidental fires are

complex matters. A number of factors must be taken into account in assessing the contribution of any one material to a fire situation. These factors are dealt with in detail below. The various plastics materials used in the building and construction industries have differing reactions to fire. The high chlorine content of PVC polymer reduces its ignitability and also the heat it contributes to a fire, in comparison with other plastics. As the basic polymer is diluted with additives, the fire performance changes. High concentrations of organic materials will increase flammability; high concentrations of inorganic materials will reduce it. PVC formulations, like other natural and synthetic materials, give rise to smoke and to toxic gases when they burn. Significant reductions in the emission of smoke and hydrogen chloride may be achieved by the use of special additives. Independent studies1 have concluded that PVC fire gases are not significantly more toxic than those from other common building materials. It has been recognised in a number of studies2 that the substitution of traditional building materials by PVC brings no significant change to the hazards of accidental fires in buildings. In a detailed assessment of the overall fire-performance of a material many factors must be taken into account. The following pages will explain this in detail.

IGNITABILITY PVC is resistant to ignition. The temperature required to ignite rigid PVC is more than 150oC higher than that required to ignite wood. The ignition resistance of common flexible PVC formulations is lower, but with specialised formulations it may be significantly increased. In Table 9.1 ignition temperatures measured according to ASTM D1929 are listed for various natural and synthetic materials3. Table 9.1 Ignition Temperatures for Various Materials (ASTM 1929) PTFE (Teflon) Polyamide 6 ABS Rigid PVC Polystyrene PMMA Polyurethane-Rigid Foam Polyethylene Polypropylene Pinewood Paper Cellulose Nitrate Flexible PVC (Insulation) Flexible PVC (FRLA*) Flash-Ignition (oC) 560 420 390 390 350 300 310 340 320 240 230 130 330 400 Self-Ignition (oC) 580 450 480 450 490 430 415 350 350 260 230 130 385 410

*FRLA = Fire resistant, low acid emission FLAMMABILITY Once a material has been ignited, the associated hazard will be related directly to its flammability. One of the most reliable quantitative small-scale flammability tests is the Limiting Oxygen Index test, which measures the limiting concentration of oxygen in an oxygen/nitrogen mixture necessary for sustained combustion. A material with a LOI value above 21 (air contains 21% oxygen) should not burn in air at room temperature, and a value above 25-27 means that the material will only burn under conditions of very high applied heat. Rigid PVC has an oxygen index of 45-50, compared to 21-22 for wood and 17-18 for most thermoplastics. Oxygen index values above 27 can easily be attained with flexible PVC. The significance of this is that most rigid and flexible PVC will not burn alone without the application of heat from another source. Oxygen index values at room temperatures for various materials are listed in Table 9.24. Some highly plasticised PVC formulations, such as those used in shower curtains, may sustain combustion alone.

Table 9.2 Oxygen Indices for Various Plastics Polystyrene Foam Polyurethane Foam Polyaccial Plexiglas )PMMA) Polyethylene Polypropylene Polystyrene ABS SAN Epoxy Resins Polyester Resins Polyamide Polycarbonate PPO Polysulfone Silicone Phenolic Resin Polyamide Rigid PVC Flexible PVC PVDC (Saran) PTFE (Teflon) Wood 15 15 15 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 19 22 24 29 30 30 35 36 50 21-36 60 95 21-22

Flammability Handbook of Plastics. C J Hilado. 4th edn. Technomic. 1990


Burning materials release heat. The rate at which that heat is released largely determines the severity of the fire and the speed at which it spreads. Rigid PVC has a higher heat of combustion than wood or paper, but the rate at which it releases heat is significantly lower than for most organic materials4. This slow rate of heat release means that burning rigid PVC is unlikely to radiate enough heat to ignite nearby objects. Heats of combustion for various materials are listed in Table 9.3. The addition of plasticiser to PVC to make it flexible may increase the rate at which it releases heat when burning. With a careful choice of additives this effect can be limited.

Table 9.3 Heats of Combustion for Various Materials (KJ/Kg) Polyethylene Polypropylene Gasoline Polystyrene ABS Polyamide Polycarbonate PMMA Polyurethane Rigid PVC Paper Wood PTFE (Teflon) 46500 46000 44000 42000 36000 32000 31000 26000 25000 20000 18000 17000 4500

Flammability Handbook of Plastics. C J Hilado. 4th edn. Technomic. 1990


Many PVC formulations exhibit limited flame-spread in standard laboratory tests. For example they may achieve the 94 V-O rating in the Underwriters Laboratory vertical flammability test. In national building tests many PVC formulations qualify for the best possible classifications for combustible building materials and examples are shown in Table 9.4 Table 9.4 Typical National Building Test Performance Country UK UK France Germany USA a) b) Test Method Classification BS 476 Part 7 Class 1 (a) BS 476 Part 6 Class 0 (b) NF P92 501 M1 DIN 4102 Part 1 B1 ASTM E84 Class 1 Class 1 can usually only be achieved with PVC when it is reinforced or when it is fixed to a non-combustible backing such as concrete. According to BS 476, Part 7 materials which become detached from the substrate are unclassifiable. Class O of the UK Building Regulations, which is achieved by appropriate performance in both Part 6 and 7 of BS 476.

In contrast to most other thermoplastics, PVC formulations do not drip when burning, but instead develop a carbonaceous char which inhibits the spread of flame. The emission of hydrogen chloride as the PVC decomposes also inhibits combustion.

SMOKE EMISSION The smoke produced by burning materials is important because it may obscure exit routes from fire situations and it may induce disorientation in fire victims, so hindering their escape. Smoke is a result of the incomplete combustion of a burning material, and it is defined as a dispersion of solid or liquid particles in the combustion gases. The extent and type of smoke formation depends on factors such as fire intensity and oxygen supply, as well as on the nature of the material burning. Under non-flaming conditions, PVC formulations give similar smoke densities to those produced by wood. Under flaming conditions PVC produces greater total quantities of smoke. However, the low rate of heat release when PVC is burning means that the rate of smoke emission per unit of time is lower than for most organic materials, providing more time for safe escape from a fire. The smoke emission characteristics of materials may be compared in the US National Bureau of Standards smoke chamber under the conditions specified in standards such as BS6401 and values for a range of building materials are given in Table 9.5. Table 9.5 Smoke Emission Measurements in the US-NBS Smoke Chamber (BS6401 conditions) Material PLASTICS UPVC Polyethylene FR Polyethylene Polypropylene FR Polypropylene Polystyrene PMMA Plasticised PVC OTHER MATERIALS Hardboard Pine Plywood Chipboard Oak Plasterboard Wool Carpet Natural Rubber (Black) Thickness (mm) Maximum Specific Flaming Optical Density (DM) Non Flaming 400 590 790 550 820 476 63 430 580 83 780 162 600 960 117 650

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0.75

3 6 6 19 19 12 6 2

580 551 432 620 581 77 388 721

74 132 64 405 243 83 217 762

Edgerley P G and Pettet K The Effect of Pyrolysis and Combustion Temperatures on Smoke Density Fire and Materials Vol 2 No 1 pp 11-17 1978.

TOXIC GAS EMISSIONS All organic materials, natural or synthetic, give rise to toxic gases upon combustion. The major gaseous products of the combustion of PVC are carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride and water. Chlorine gas is never produced when PVC burns, and while the possibility of producing phosgene from burning PVC has been suggested, following reports of minimal quantities produced in laboratory experiments, it has never been detected in large scale fire tests and it is not considered a significant product of PVC combustion. Dioxins and furans can be formed when PVC materials are incinerated. However, it appears difficult to come to definite conclusions from laboratory tests as to the quantity of these materials produced from burning PVC in real fire situations. Investigations of fires where considerable quantities of PVC were burned have shown that much smaller quantities were produced than might be expected from laboratory tests. For example large quantities of PVC and PVC flooring were consumed in a warehouse fire in Holmsund in Sweden. Weather conditions at the time of the fire were ideal for measuring the quantities of dioxins formed. The analyses performed showed that the amount of dioxins and furans produced was one thousandth of those measured when a comparable weight of PVC was burnt in a Swedish refuse incineration plant in the 1980s. Moreover, several tests have shown that timber can be a source of dioxins under fire conditions, and so it would be difficult to establish only one source of these substances in building fires. A UK review has listed all the known sources of dioxins in the UK atmosphere, including accidental fires. The relative importance of the various sources is shown in Figure 9.1 and 9.2 in UK and Berlin respectively. Accidental fires represent a very small proportion of the total burden.
Accidental Fires Chemical Incinerators Municipal Incinerators Domestic Coal Fires Vehicle Exhausts Other Organic Materials Industrial Coal-Fired Plant Coal-fired Power Stations Hospital Incinerators

Figure 9.1 Estimated relative contribution to total TCDD released into the atmosphere from combustion sources.

Fires & Accidents Total Fire Burden

Figure 9.2 Total Dioxin Formation = 0.01% Source: Obermeier T Impact of Waste Incineration on Dioxin Emission Warner Bulletin, Feb. 1992
The presence of hydrogen chloride in fire gases will be very obvious to people nearby from the earliest stages of the fire, because it will cause irritation of the mucous membranes at concentrations much lower than those likely to cause a threat to health. Thus it will provide a warning of the fire not available from carbon monoxide alone. At higher concentrations, hydrogen chloride could cause damage to the lungs, but it is not more toxic to animal life than carbon monoxide, which is a major constituent of all fire gases. Hydrogen chloride is considerably less toxic than gases such as acrolein and hydrogen cyanide, which can be formed by the combustion of other common materials such as wood, leather or wool. The United Nations Organisation classifies materials on the basis of their toxicity into three categories or increasing severity: HARMFUL, TOXIC AND HIGHLY TOXIC. Hydrogen chloride is placed in the HARMFUL category along with carbon monoxide. Similar conclusions are drawn by the US Foundation for Applied Combustion Toxicology in their 1986 Code of Practice. Looking at the combustion products of PVC as a whole, research suggests that they are not significantly more toxic than those from other building materials. The toxic potential of various combustion gases is compared with everyday materials in terms of their LD50 values in Table 9.6.

Table 9.6 The Toxic Potential of Combustion Gases & Other Common Substances as Measured by Their LD50 Values Lethal Dose (LD50) Ethanol Carbon dioxide Methanol Chloroform Aspirin Hydrogen Chloride Carbon Monoxide Nicotine Hydrogen Cyanide Cocaine Toluene di-iso-cyanate Acrolein Strychnine Phosgene Dioxin Botulinus toxin 16000 1300 425 300 250 27 22 1 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.40 0.25 0.17 0.025 0.0002

Source: How Hazardous is PVC M M Hirschler Fire Prevention Nov 1987


Burning PVC gives off a mixture of gases, including hydrogen chloride. Most organic materials are capable of releasing corrosive combustion products. Wood, chipboard and cotton can all initiate corrosion of metal surfaces when they burn. Burning PVC has resulted in corrosion damage to electrical equipment in the vicinity. This has led to suggestions that PVC should not be used in construction applications. Against this should be set other factors. PVC components can be formulated to combine a good technical performance and high resistance to ignition and flame-spread. Formulations can also be designed to reduce the quantity of hydrogen chloride emitted. There have been suggestions that hydrogen chloride from burning PVC may damage steel reinforcement in concrete, or significantly weaken unprotected steel structures. The UK Fire Research Station has shown that reinforcement is not normally affected. It has also been confirmed that unprotected steel structures are distorted and weakened by heat rather than by hydrogen chloride. For applications with very high fire risks, for example oil rigs and nuclear installations, more expensive, high performance insulating materials are preferred to PVC. The cost of post-fire clean-up operations must be included in assessing the total cost of fire damage. Just as soot can be removed from affected equipment, so chloride corroded parts can be reconditioned. This is well recognised by fire salvage consultants and by insurance companies.

Literature References:1.

Huggett C and Levin B C (1986) Toxicity of Pyrolysis and Combustion Products of Polyvinyl Chloride a literature assessment NBSIR 85 3286 Fardell P J Murrell J M and Rogowski Z W (1984) The Performance of UPVC and Wood Double-Glazed Windows, when installed in a Life-size Compartment and Exposed to Wooden Crib Fires of Varied Rate of Growth and Intensity. FRS and BPF London NFPA (1982) Fire Facts National Fire Protect Association. USA Hilado C J (1990) Flammability Handbook of Plastics. 4th edn, Technomic, Lancaster Woolley W D (1973) Toxic Products from Plastics Materials in Fires. Plastics and Polymers Vol 41, p.280 Miljostyrelsen (1990) Miljovurdering av PVC og utvalgte materialer. Miljoprosjekt nr 131. Denmark. Rappe C. Markland S and Fangmark I (1990) Formation of Dioxins and Dibenzofurans During Incineration and Pyrolysis of PVC. PVC 90 Paper. Magee R S Plastics in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration a Literature Study. US Society of the Plastics Industry. Miljostyrelsen (1990) - Emissions undersogelse for pejse og braendeovne. Miljoprosjekt Nr 139, Denmark.



4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Department of the Environment. Central Directorate of Environmental Protection (1989) Dioxins in the Environment, Report of an Interdepartmental Working Group on Polychlorinated dibenzopara-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) Pollution Paper No. 27. London. Hinderer R K (1984) J Fire Science. 2.82 Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances (1982) National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Kaplan H L Grand A F Rogers W R Switzer W F and Hartzell G C (1984) A Research Study of the Assessment of Escape Impairment by Irritant Combustion Gases in Post-Crash Aircraft Fires. US National Technical Information Service. Springfield. Virginia. Report No. DOT/FAA/CTAlarie Y (1980) Proceedings of the Inhalation Toxicology and Technology Symposium. Sponsored by the Upjohn company. October 23-24. Basil K Leong Ed Ann Arbor Science (The Butterworth Group)

11. 12. 13.



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