Do I Know You?: A Conversation Starter For Couples

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The document aims to spark meaningful conversations between couples preparing for or in marriage by providing questions on various topics like beliefs, past experiences, marriage expectations, finances, health, and more.

The document provides questions for couples to discuss various topics about themselves, their relationship, and marriage in order to gain a deeper understanding of each other and strengthen their bond.

The document discusses topics like beliefs, past experiences, marriage expectations, sex and intimacy, home life, children, career, finances, health, and copyright information.





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Congratulations are in order! Chances are, if youre reading this, you are preparing to take (or have taken) the biggest leap of faith of your life: marriage. Theres a certain mystery to marriage. The concept of two becoming one seems like a fine sentiment for plaques and greeting cards, but dont let those trinkets fool you. It is more real than the air we breathe. Becoming one (marriage) is a love story that unfolds with delight and surprises, conflict and frustrations, forgiveness and hope. A commitment full of profound joy and great responsibility. A promise of loyalty and unconditional love. I hope your mate is your closest and dearest friend. Someone you can laugh and chill with. Someone you can talk and cry to. Someone who loves you just the way you are. And someone who loves you enough not to let you remain that way. Marriage is always in motion, for better or for worse, and never leaves its subjects unchanged. This guide is meant to spark meaningful conversations to help you and your mate know one another better. Some of the questions will lead to some intense and profound dialogue. Other questions are designed to be a bit more light-hearted, but nonetheless significant. You will discuss your faith, your preferences, your sexuality, your views, your expectations, your history, and your future. It all matters. If youre preparing for marriage, my hope and prayer is that these questions will either draw you closer together or reveal any cracks in your relationship that may pull you apart. Take your time, take this seriously, and walk through each question together. Be honest. Be open. Be understanding. This is a dangerous task, but if youre going to lay down your life in marriage, be willing to do so with these questions. Finally, I encourage you to connect with a strong, married couple (not your parents) you both trust and admire. Ask them questions. Seek their advice. Listen to their stories. Ive found that experienced couples mentoring new couples to be very effective when preparing for marriage. Outdo one another in love. If you do, you both win.

Jason Salamun

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o Do you believe in God? Why or why not? Did you grow up with a particular faith? Are you a Christian? If so, how do you know? Whats wrong with the world? What difference did Jesus make? What is the Gospel? Why are we here?

Further Reading on Faith

The Reason for God Tim Keller Ragamuffin Gospel Brennan Manning Mere Christianity C.S. Lewis Crazy Love Francis Chan Simply Christian N.T. Wright Dug Down Deep Joshua Harris Vintage Jesus Mark Driscoll Whats So Amazing About Grace? Philip Yancey ReJesus Michael Frost & Alan Hirsch I Became a Christian and All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt Vince Antonucci Purpose-Driven Life Rick Warren

o o o

Do you believe the scriptures are the highest authority for life and faith?
How significant is being a part of a church community to you? Why or why not? Describe a time when your faith pulled you through a difficult time. How does what you believe influence your everyday life?

Whats one question youd like to ask God?

When I have learnt to love God better than my earthly dearest, I shall love my earthly dearest better than I do now. {C.S. Lewis}

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o What are your favorite childhood memories? What are your most painful childhood memories? Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Whats the story of your first kiss? Have you ever had your heart broken? Why have most of your previous relationships ended? Have you had any sexual partners prior to this relationship? If so, how many?

o o o

Have you ever been exposed to any sexually-transmitted diseases?

Have you ever been married or engaged to be married? Have you ever been abused (physically, emotionally, sexually)? Have you ever been arrested?

Is there anything you havent told your mate that they need to know?


Have you ever used illegal substances?

Have you ever been pregnant or got someone pregnant?

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o At the end of your life, how do you want to be remembered? Describe your personality... What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Who are your heroes? Why? Who would you like to meet? Who are your best friends?

o o o

How much time should be spent with friends once youre married?
Whats your idea of a relaxing day? What are your hobbies and interests? How much time do they take per week? How much television do you watch in a given week?


How often do you play video games?

What are your favorite television programs and films (if any)?

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o Do you watch sports? How often? Who are your favorite teams? Whats the most influential book youve ever read (and why)? What type of music do you enjoy? Do you like to dance? Do you have any pet peeves? What are your biggest fears? Are you afraid of death? o o o o o o o o o o o o o Do you get jealous easily? How do you act when you are tired? Do you like yourself? Why or why not? What would you change about yourself? Do you have any addictions? Shopping makes me... Who would you like to see in concert? What were you like growing up? Describe your sense of humor... What are your favorite foods and drinks? What foods and drinks do you dislike? Whats your stance on alcohol? Describe the perfect weekend...

o o

Do you worry easily?

What are your political views? Why? How do you feel about these controversial topics? o War? o Death penalty? o Abortion? o Homosexuality? o Same-sex marriage? o Racism?

Let me give you a Biblical view of marriage Its a flawed person married to a flawed person in a fallen world but with a faithful God.
{Paul Tripp}

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o When Im upset, whats the best, and worst, thing someone can say to me? Have you ever been told you have annoying habits? If so, what are they? What are your most embarrassing moments? What type of sleeper are you? What side of the bed do you sleep on? Any night time rituals? Are you a morning person, night person, or somewhere in between?

o o o

Where have you travelled to? Do you enjoy traveling? Where do you want to go?
Do you have any life goals, bucket lists, etc.? If so, what are they? How much should someone change for their spouse? What major change for the better have you made in your life and why?


Whats the greatest adventure youve experienced?

Im happiest when

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o Why do you want to get married? How did you know that you wanted to marry this person? What last name will be used? What kind of marriage did your parents have?
Sacred Marriage Gary Thomas

Further Reading on Marriage

5 Love Languages Gary Chapman When Sinners Say I Do Dave Harvey

How do you handle the conflict? As a couple, have you two ever had an argument? If so, how did you resolve it? What are some guidelines you can set now for those times when you quarrel?

Before You Say I Do H. Norman Wright Going All the Way Craig Groeschel War of Words Paul Tripp Choosing to Cheat Andy Stanley

o o o

On a scale of 1 to 10, how well do you communicate with your mate?

How often do you prefer to talk on the phone, text, or email one another? When is it okay for a marriage to end in divorce? What should the role of in-laws be in your marriage?

101 Things I Wish I Knew When I Got Married Linda & Charlie Bloom


Is it ever okay to complain to your parents about your mate?

In marriage, what is the role of the husband? The wife?

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter.

Real Advice From Happy Couples

God first. Spouse second. Go for walks together. Flirt. A lot. Fight complacency. Dont go to bed angry. 7-second kisses. Dont live with your parents. No ones perfect. Deal with it. Marry your best friend. Forgive and move on. It takes work, but its worth it. Have a sense of humor. No secrets. Pray together. Always be curious. Boring sex, boring marriage. Be spontaneous. Befriend other couples. Keep pursuing one another. The Golden Rule.

o o o o o o

How often will you go on dates? Should your partner keep any secrets from you or vice versa? Is it okay for your mate to be alone with someone from the opposite sex? Do they have friends of the opposite sex that make you uncomfortable? Should your mate have all passwords to websites, email and social networks? What are your two primary love languages? (Read 5 Love Languages to discover more) o Words of Affirmation o Physical Touch o Quality Time o Acts of Service o Receiving Gifts Ask your partner how you can better express love to them the way he/she receives it? Are you romantic? Does your mate believe you are? Looking ahead, do you see anything that could become an issue later?

o o o



Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o How do you think God views sexuality? How do you view it? What does it mean for two to become one? If you havent done so, please describe your sexual history to your mate . Do you believe in waiting until marriage to have sex? How often should a healthy married couple have intercourse? What sexual activities do you feel comfortable with? Are there any that dont ? Do you, or will you, use birth control? If so, what kind?

Further Reading on Sexuality

A Celebration of Sex Douglas Rosenau Intended for Pleasure Ed Wheat Sex, Lies, and Religion Randy Elrod Intimacy Ignited Lorraine Pintus, Linda Dillow Sex, Romance, and the Glory of God C.J. Mahaney Porn-Again Christian Mark Driscoll

o o o

How do you feel about your own body?

Should your spouse be your standard for whats attractive ? What do you find attractive about your partner? Do you masturbate? Will this change once youre married ?

Genesis 2:24-25 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 Proverbs 5:18-19 Job 31:1 Hebrews 13:4 Song of Songs


Whats your experience (past or present) with pornography?

What steps will you take to prevent lusting for someone youre not married to?

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o What makes a home? Geographically, where do you want to live? Describe your ideal home... Will you have pets? What kind? How many? Who will do the dishes? Who will do the grocery shopping? Who will do the laundry?

o o o

Who will cook?

Who will clean the bathrooms? Who will make the bed? What furnishings are you bringing into the marriage?


What will you need?

What are your home decor preferences?

By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures. {Proverbs 24:3-4, NIV}

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter.

o o o

What will you drive? Will you share vehicles?

If you live near parents, how much time should be spent with them? Will you have cable television? Will you have a television in your bedroom?

o o o

Whats your bed time?

Will you go to bed at the same time? What time? Do you need any personal space in your home? How will you make decisions?

Do you need to adjust your toilet seat habits?

I learned to put the toilet seat down... it makes you look like a warm, caring, sensitive human being. {Ralph Noble}

Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash. {Dr. Joyce Brothers}

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o Do you desire to have children? If so, how many? Do you believe children are a blessing from God? Do you have any special naming requests? How will you pass on your faith to your children? How long should you be married before having children? Whats your philosophy on discipline? Is spanking ever okay? If bringing children into the marriage, how should that be handled?

Further Reading on Parenting

Hints on Child Training H. Clay Trumbull Gospel-Powered Parenting William Farley Revolutionary Parenting George Barna SuperNanny Jo Frost Grace-Based Parenting Tim Kimmel Take Back Your Family Rev Run, Justine Simmons

o o o

Would you ever consider adoption?

What are some characteristics of a good parent? How affectionate will you be with your children? How much time should a parent spend with their child?

Proverbs 22:6 Ephesians 6:1-4 Proverbs 3:12 Proverbs 4:23 Deuteronomy 11:18-21


Who would we consider raising our children if something happened to us?

How did your parents raise you? What did they do right? What will you avoid?


Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What do you want to do now? What are you good at? What are you passionate about? How can your mate support your dreams? How can you support your mates dreams? How much do you need to earn?

o o o

How many hours a week will you work?

Will you continue your education? Are you highly-motivated, lazy, or somewhere in between? Will one of you stay home or will you both work?

"The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet."
{Frederick Buechner}


Will you retire? If so, what will it look like?

If money was no object, what would you spend your life doing?

Eve was not taken out of Adam's head to top him, neither out of his feet to be trampled on by him, but out of his side to be equal with him, under his arm to be protected by him, and near his heart to be loved by him.
{Matthew Henry}

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o Will you have a shared banking account? Are you a saver or a spender? What about your partner? How much money do you earn? How much money do you have? Who will pay the bills? Are you in debt? If so, what do you owe and to who? How do you feel about car loans, credit cards, and store charge cards? Do you budget? Will you budget?

Further Reading on Money

Total Money Makeover Dave Ramsey I Was Broke, Now Im Not Joe Sangl Money, Possessions, & Eternity Randy Alcorn The Millionaire Next Door Thomas Stanley Fields of Gold Andy Stanley The Blessed Life Robert Morris

o o o

Do you consider yourself to be a generous person?

Do you give to a church? What charities do you (or will you) contribute to? How much will you set aside in savings?

Gazelles, Baby Steps, and 37 Other Things Dave Ramsey Taught Me About Debt Jon Acuff


What do you waste your money on?

What are your financial goals?

Honestly discuss the following questions with your partner. Remember, this isnt a test; its a conversation starter. o o o o o o o o o o o o o Do you have any health problems that your mate needs to know about? What surgical procedures have you had? Do you exercise regularly? How important is nutrition in your life? Are there any changes you need to make to be healthier? What is the medical history of your family? Any cancer or other diseases? How much sleep do you need at night? Do you have any known allergies? What medications do you take? Are you a smoker? If so, will you continue to smoke? What is your stance regarding life-support? If you were to die first, how would you feel about your mate remarrying? What recharges your batteries?

End your time by asking questions to one another that were not covered in this guide. After youve completed all of the questions, ask one another this question:

Will you still marry me?

A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person. {Mignon McLaughlin}

About the Author

Jason Salamun is a family man, aspiring storyteller, and a crusader for the man. He writes regularly at GoodSirs.neta website devoted to equipping guys to be the heroes theyre meant to be. His life experience has led him to serve in the U.S. Air Force, direct Organizational Development at a Fortune 500, and launch and lead a church start-up. Currently, he is head of a Training & Development division of a large credit union. Dont be too impressed. He once lost a contest to see how many Fruity Pebbles he could stick in his nose. Jason enjoys fresh ideas, hearty laughs, & good parties. He is married to Gwyn and they have son and daughter. They make their home in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Friend him at and follow his journey on Twitter @JasonSalamun


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This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

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