General Leaflet 010813

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HIS WEEK WITNESSED A momentous victory against the Tories savage austerity. Tory health secretary Jeremy Hunts plans to cut services at Lewisham hospital, including A&E and maternity, were quashed. This followed a months-long campaign in the local community that mobilised tens of thousands onto the streets. The victory at Lewisham shows that its possible to take on the Tories and win. It is a beacon to all those fighting this governments onslaught on our jobs and services, pay and condtions. In the very same week, the urgent need to fight was underlined when the extent of the scandal of Zero Hour Contracts was revealed. Sports Direct employs a staggering 20,000 workers on zero hours terms. As another royal scrounger was born, heir to a landed estate with an annual income of 19 million, it was exposed that Buckingham Palace hires workers on Zero Hours contracts. Meanwhile 13 out of 32 local councils in London are using the contracts. These contracts mean workers are guaranteed no hours each week. They could be called in for a full weeks work, or could get none at all. It means the ultimate flexability for bosses to entirely structure the workforce around what is profitable for them. These contracts represent an assault that undermines hard won conditions, pay and job security and are a direct affront on the trade union movement. They must be opposed. As working class people scored a victory against the Tories in Lewisham, some 160 big contracts in the NHS are being advertised.

Get organised! Join the national NHS demonstration on 29 September...

On that day, Unison, Unite and the GMB, have called a national NHS demonstration, now backed by the TUC, at the Tory party conference. Now, in every workplace, union branch and community its crucial we push to get big numbers there.


Postal workers vote to ballot for national strikes

Private sector vultures are now in a battle to snatch up 5 billion of NHS work thats gone out to tender. The Tories are out to destroy the NHS as we know it. They are a cabinet of millionaires, for millionaires. They aim to reshape society in the interests of their big business chums. Meanwhile Labour has spent its time trying to distance itself from the trade unions, reinforcing the Tory mantra for cuts and attacking workers who strike back to defend their livlihoods.


In June the Peoples Assembly saw 4,000 come together to discuss alternatives to austerity. This was the biggest event of its kind since the onset of the economic crisis. The 29 September is a chance to mobilise massive resistance to Tory austerity and give our movement a huge boost to gear up for the fights to come. Teaching unions have already announced regional strikes throughout the autumn, with a national joint strike in November. Postal workers, firefighters and civil service workers could move into battle this autumn too. With a weak coalition its possible to defeat austerity, but it means getting organised in every workplace and union branch now to build the mass, determined fightback we need.

A mass campaign at Lewisham forced Hunt to back down. And this wasnt an isolated example. Last month campaigners battling to defend the Whittington hospital in north London were cheered when they forced a huge climbdown from plans for a mass sell off worth 17 million. These victories for local campaigns show clearly why every single trade unionist, activist and campaigner must be in Manchester on 29 September.

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