Comparison of Design of Steel Roof Truss Using IS 875 and SP 38
Comparison of Design of Steel Roof Truss Using IS 875 and SP 38
Comparison of Design of Steel Roof Truss Using IS 875 and SP 38
. Engineering Sci.
Short Communication
Department of Civil Engineering, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, INDIA 2 Design Engineer,Design Cell M. P. Housing Board, Head Office Bhopal, Bhopal, INDIA
In this paper, the steel roof truss having 12 m span has been analyzed with design of tubular sections of truss members. The analysis presents comparison for weight of tubular member sections, with the help of which, comparative study has been done between design of truss as per revised provisions of wind load calculations given in IS 875 (Part 3):1987 and designs obtained as per calculations made in SP 38(S&T):1987; Handbook for typified designs for structures with steel roof trusses. Indian Standard Code IS: 875(Part 3)-1987 includes consideration for different conditions of class of structure, topography factor, enlarged provisions of permeability conditions, Terrain, height & structure size factor and various wind zones. These provisions of wind load calculations are different from the considerations used in SP 38(S&T):1987.Because of which, there are considerable variations in design of truss. Hence comparative analysis of design of steel roof truss is needed. Keywords: Terrain, topography, permeability condition, typified designs.
A standard truss is a series of triangles - a stable geometric shape that is difficult to distort under loads. Regardless of its overall size and shape, all the chords and webs of a truss form triangles. These triangles combine to distribute the load across each of the other members, resulting in a light structure that is stronger than the sum of the strength of its individual components. Trusses are provided to support roof covering. The weight of roof covering through purlins is transferred at joints along the rafters. These joint loads cause axial forces tensile or compressive in all the members of a truss since all the joints of a truss are assumed to be hinged. Finally all loads including self-weight are transferred to the supports through the joints at supports. The trusses may be constructed of wood or of steel. Wooden trusses may be used for smaller moderate span; whereas steel trusses may be provided for smaller to larger spans as steel is stronger than wood. Trussed roof covering is economical proposition for warehouses, assembly halls, hangers, etc. Steel trusses are economical, lighter in weight, more durable, more fire-resistant and easier to fabricate. Truss Configuration used A configuration which is compound of (a) Fink or fink fan, (b) N-truss has been used and A-type truss has been analyzed. The analysis of A-type truss has been done as simply supported on columns on the basis of relevant Indian Standards for the following different parameters:
Span length of A-type trusses (metres) = 12, Spacing between trusses (metres) = 6.0, Roof slope=1 in 3, Column height = 9(metres), Wind zone = III, Permeability = Large, Classes of structure = A, B, C and Terrain category = 1 and 2 They studied to optimize the roof trusses under loads specified according to current Turkish code, TS 498 and to show the differences between the optimum designs of roof trusses1. The spatial trusses using hollow section steel are introduced at the roof structures of hall in Ningbo International Conference Exhibition Center. Built up columns that consist of four steel pipes, batten beams and diagonal cable bracings are arranged at the interior of the exhibition halls to reduce span of the roof structures so that it can have much lower material cost compared to without interior columns2.They have done the optimization of steel roof truss calculating design forces for members of truss considering various permeability conditions3. They analysed steel roof truss for large permeability condition comparing design forces4.
Wind load calculations according to IS: 875(Part 3)-19875. Design Wind Speed (Vz): Design Wind Speed can be expressed as follows: VZ = Vb.K1.K2.K3 Where, Vz = design wind speed at any height z in m/s, Vb=basic wind speed in m/s, K1= probability factor (risk coefficient) given in Table 1 of IS: 875(Part 3)-1987, K2= terrain, height and structure size factor and K3= topography factor.
Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 9472 Vol. 2(5), 47-49, May (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci. Design Wind Pressure (Pz): The design wind pressure can be expressed as follows: Pz = 0.6 Vz2 Where, Pz = design wind pressure in N/m2 at height z, Vz = design wind velocity in m/s at height z. Wind Pressures and Forces on Buildings/Structures: The wind load, F, acting in a direction normal to the individual structural element or cladding unit is: F = (Cpe Cpi).A.Pz Where, Cpe = external pressure coefficient, Cpi = internal pressure coefficient, Pz = design wind pressure, A = surface area of structural element or cladding unit. Design Problem: Plan area = 12.0 m X 42.0 m, Roof truss span = 12.0 m, Roof slope=1 in 3, Height of column = 9.0 m, Basic wind speed = 47 m/s, Type of roofing = A.C. Sheeting, Location of shed = Delhi, Type of truss = A-type, Permeability = Large Wind Load Criteria According to IS: 875(Part 3)-19875 Wind Load = (Cpe-Cpi).A.Pz, Risk coefficients (K1) = Topography factor (K3) = 1.0 Basic wind speed (m/s) Vb = 47 (For Delhi), Area = 6*6.32*2, Total wind load = (Cpe-Cpi).A.Pz Wind Load on one panel point = {(Cpe-Cpi).A. Pz}/10; no. of panels = 10 For Large permeability, (Cpe-Cpi) = 1.5
Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 9472 Vol. 2(5), 47-49, May (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.
Table-2 A type Steel Roof Truss (Large permeability, terrain category 2) Steel A-Type Roof Trusses (Tube Section ,12m span) Span=12 m Slope=1 in 3 Permeability=Large As per IS:875 for Terrain Category-2 Members Nos. Length(m) As per SP:38 Class of structure A B C TIE 1 1.2 80L 80M 90L 80L TIE 2 2.4 80L 80M 90L 80L TIE 3 2.4 80L 80M 90L 80L RAFTER 4 1.27 65L 65H 80L 80L RAFTER 5 1.27 65L 65H 80L 80L RAFTER 6 1.27 65L 65H 80L 80L RAFTER 7 1.27 65L 65H 80L 80L RAFTER 8 1.27 65L 65H 80L 80L WEB 9 0.4 20M 25L 20H 20M WEB 10 1.2 20M 25L 20H 20M WEB 11 0.6 20M 25L 20H 20M WEB 12 2 20M 25L 20H 20M WEB 13 1.44 25L 32L 32L 32L WEB 14 1.22 20M 25L 20H 20M WEB 15 1.44 25L 32L 32L 32L WEB 16 1.56 50L1 50M 50M 50L1 WEB 17 1.56 50L1 50M 50M 50L1 Total sum of Tubes Weight(N) 1978.744 2543.54 2436.73 2137.42 Difference in weight(N) w.r.t. SP:38 -564.796 -457.986 -158.676
This can be observed from Table 1 and 2 that the weight of designed tubular sections obtained as per IS 875:1987 are greater than that of obtained as per calculations made in SP 38:1987in case of terrain category 1 and 2 for large permeability condition. .Above result shows large variations in design of sections of truss members due to difference of considerations of wind load calculations in SP 38 andIS 875. Methodology of analysis given in SP38:1987 should be reviewed and various criteria of wind load calculations given in IS 875:1987 (such class of structure, risk coefficient, terrain conditions, topography factor and permeability conditions) should be incorporated. 3.
Trusses, Ningbo International Conference and Exhibition Center, (2003) Dubey S.K., Sangamnerkar Prakash and Soni Prabhat, Design optimization of steel roof trusses, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in steel structures, (2011) Dubey S.K., Sangamnerkar P., Soni Prabhat, Analysis of Steel Roof Trusses under Normal Permeability Condition, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies, 1(4), 8-12 (2012) Indian Standards IS: 875(Part 1)-1987: Code of Practice for Design Loads (Other than Earthquake), Part I: Dead Loads., Part II: Live Loads, Part III: Wind Loads (1987) Indian Standards IS: 875-1964 (1964) SP38(S and T) 1987-Handbook of typified designs of structures with steel roof trusses (with or without cranes) based on IS Codes (1987)
1. Togan Durmaz and Daloglu, Optimization of roof trusses under snow loads given in Turkish Codes, International conference on Engineering Structures, 28-33, (2006) Zhong, Chunguang, Jing, structure Design of HSS Roof
6. 7.