HF Soul Defensemiand

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Psi-phenomena have been with us since time immemorial - irrespective of whether they are accepted or not by scientific or power-political lobbies or authorities of instruction. Very often the mechanism of psychic and behaviour-disturbing attacks is astonishingly simple, yet it is not talked about or it is dismissed as pseudo-scientific. These data have been denied in most cases to the people at large, although vast and terrifying possibilities of abuse are reflected every now and then by surprisingly plain patterns of behaviours. The fascination of and the curiosity about the unseen, which for centuries has supplied a steady stream of followers to the esoteric and occult societies, is not in the least due to the command over such supra-normal forms of energy. It is attempted in this booklet to acquaint the reader with this subject, to highlight modes of operation and to help provide an effective self-protection against such subtle and heinous attacks. Even the attempt to understand what seems to be incomprehensible should resolve part of the difficulties encountered in handling Psi-forces.

In every school of thought or science which is dealing with man in terms of a spiritual beingness whether they are called esoterics, magic, occultism, masonry, the religions, or psychology and psychiatry it is known that there is not only the Right-hand Path, but also the Left-hand Path where White Magic is turned into Black Magic, the friendly Nature Spirits become demons, evil entities, instead of friendly spirit-beings are called upon, and psychic abilities are not used any longer to help others but to harm or control them.

These aberrated adepts then are those who we can trace as the sources of psychic or mental attacks, attacks which, if made with cunning, can even manifest themselves physically resulting, in extreme cases, in the death of the body or bringing about insanity gradually, on the spiritual level. The above mentioned subjects are, however, of such power that they cannot be abused for attack only but they do also provide the know-how of counter-measures and defence. There is a second group of powerful attackers that have joined the ranks of the black adepts during the last twenty years and these are the so-called Psi-scientists. Under the guise of Parapsychology they are running experiments with extra-sensory abilities for the benefit of secret services and international warfare. They have reached by now a position where they can impose upon entire populations with their machines as well as upon dangerous individuals, the degree of dangerousness being determined not least by the ability to perceive such attacks and the courage to talk about them. It is curious after all that the mass media are still continuing to ridicule people who are perceiving and denouncing this type of warfare, and to look down on them as deplorable nutties, whereas at the same time the research projects into the subject of Psi-

phenomena are being sponsored with billions of dollars by the Eastern and Western governments alike.


A psychic or mental attack is an attack on the spirit, the awareness or even on the subconscious of another person. How can one distinguish a mental attack from unwanted conditions that have their origin in ones mind or ones body? This is quite simple. If you are feeling emotionally upset without actually having a very good reason for it; if your own opinion is that you are physically in good shape, and yet you are having difficulties with your body; if you are usually in good control of your subconscious and your instincts and can usually create or erase thoughts at will by taking responsibility for your own condition and mindset, and all of a sudden, these are trying to control you then you can assume that something is amiss from another source. BUT, here is a well-meant piece of advice, first look at yourself, your own thoughts, at your sub conscious, and at your body and see whether all is well prior to assuming that a psychic attack is going on. If it isnt your own creation or its not your item, when you spot this fact it should vanish unless its a co-creation being put in to your space by another or attracted to your thoughts or body by the gravity of attraction, like attracts like or the gravity of Duality which is opposites attract. There are processes in the following pages to handle all of these types of viewpoints. Many spiritual professionals have demonstrated that bodies have 90% more circuits and automaticities than do the spirits who operate them so they need clearing as well, after the interference is handled. And finally one can examine ones own considerations concerning these beings having been attached to one, these are analyzed for logic value in ones life. This can be a very enlightening process for those that sincerely care for themselves.

Mental attacks are taking place every day throughout the world. They are being carried out by persons, non-incarnate beings, Artificial Intelligence and devices, or by a combination of both.


Generally the attacker is invisible and he will try to prevent his identity from becoming known. This is extremely difficult for him to do, since a psychic attack is possible only if there is a personal relationship or a communication line between the attacker and the victim. What could that line look like? Let us take a direct attack by one person on another person. In this case the attacker must know his victim very well. Since he is, however, known by the victim, he must proceed very carefully so as not to be noticed by the victim. To give you an example: If you have to think very often of your bad mother-in-law, maybe you are also suspecting her of having perhaps some unusual mental abilities, and every time you are getting pains in your stomach, you have to think of her, you will sooner or later realize that this lady might do something that is producing this situation time and again. This means that the attack would be discovered. So the attacker will always try to sneak into the subconscious of his victim. The best way to do this is to evoke certain emotions within the victim, such as fear, grief, rage, apathy, and so on, which are depressing the awareness of a person. Then, by telepathic suggestion, he can get his insinuations across, which when made at the same emotional level will be accepted by the victim as his own thoughts.

If the attacker targets a person who is knowingly in control of his sub conscious due to psychic training, then he doesnt have any such chance. He will therefore have to use other means. These may consist of direct attacks on the body of the victim, although still by psychic means. This can create a fixation or chaotic psyche in weak beings who need to come up to a certainty that they can control their own minds and bodies before they are able to tackle an adept implanter of thoughts and creations.. A trained adept can build up a mental field within the body of his victim that disturbs or blocks the flow of body electricity, the magnetic field, and thus is upsetting the balance of the body. lt is popular among these suppressive beings to make an attack on the solar plexus. Such an attack results in loss of energy, a feeling of being constantly tired and limp, or even stomach pain. In the case of an attack on the head and neck it can produce migraine, or a strong headache. Even heart attacks can be generated by use of psychic energy. When the victim is thus preoccupied with his body, the attacker will try to get the person under his control by means of telepathy. Similarly, this is applies to attacks by non-incarnate beings, also called ghosts. Those who think that this is humbug should familiarize themselves with the research work done by famous scientists of big universities. Some non- incarnate beings can cause a great deal of harm and bad conditions in the same way as the other attackers; however, it is far more difficult to identify them. If such a being is particularly powerful there can even be material manifestations such as Poltergeist effects. Most can be freed from ones space by simple inspection but a few need processes applied to them like the ones that follow. There are coaches worldwide who help people free the more stuck cases of entities. In case of mechanical attacks the attacker is exploiting the knowledge of his victim, for example concerning political or economic link-ups as his sources of information such as newspapers, radio and television broadcastings in terms of his communication lines. Another example; the mass media are reporting the planned changes of law that would severely restrain the fundamental rights of the citizens. People get upset when a politician who is generally popular gets up and delivers a speech asking the people to be reasonable. At the same time the government has the entire country radio-swept by means of telepathic suggestion TO STAY CALM ... STAY CALM... ; and hardly anyone notices that it was not simply the appeal by that politician that prevented the citizens from protesting but in fact it was enforced by a coded beam weapon.


1. 1.1 Attacks by Other Beings Direct Attacks

A direct attack is directed straight at the awareness or sub conscious. The victim feels in a bad mood, has difficulties in concentrating, is extremely sensitive to criticism, is showing unusual emotional ups and downs, and is more prone to accidents than normally. If the attack has been successful this person will do things that normally are not in line with his personality, he seems to be confused overall; the person will often be sick, and in some cases, may even die. 1.2. Attack on Awareness and Sub consciousness In this case there is the phenomenon that the attacked person has the feeling his sub conscious is talking to him and giving him orders or he is hearing voices in his head. The time of day best suited for such attacks is the time of transition between being awake

and asleep. One of the often used evil tactics is to bring about bad dreams which are followed up by the telepathic suggestion during the phase of awakening. In this case the victim wakes up feeling crushed or introverted or something to that effect and has the sensation of not being himself and is running the risk of causing accidents and doing things which he normally would never do. 1.3. Attack on the Body In this case the attacker is employing energy fields in order to inflict damage to the health of the victim. The illnesses so produced are almost without exception classified as psychosomatic by orthodox medicine. In principle this is correct, since they are occasioned by a psychic attack. The effects however are very tangible. These attacks are mainly directed at the central nervous system. In this way they can, for example, produce sciatica, shingles, migraine, gastritis, and so on. In case of an attack on the system of genetic control of the body the resultant manifestations can be various forms of paralysis, cardiac attacks, asthma and similar things. lt cannot be completely ruled out that even rheumatism and cancer may be generated in this way. 1.4. Indirect Attacks An indirect attack can take place in two different forms and will be used in all instances where the victim has great psychic abilities and there is the risk of discovery or vengeance, or where the victim is not personally known to the attacker. If the attacker is afraid of being recognized by the victim, he will sometimes use his power via another person in order to get that one to attack the victim selected by the attackers insinuations. This form is also used when the attacker does not have any personal links with the victim. He will then seek out a weak, easy-to-control personality that is known by the victim and will not raise his suspicion. There is another highly subtle and perfidious type of attack. This is to hit a family member or close friend of the victim in order to wear him out indirectly to such a degree that his mental perceptions are severely blocked, and the direct attack can proceed unhindered. An example: A is to be neutralized by F. F is now attacking As wife who in turn is having depressions. The attention of A is very much fixed on his wife so that F is now able to sneak into As sub conscious. Another example: Due to the attacks launched by F, the wife of A falls ill with sciatica which is so severe that she cannot move about the house anymore. So A has to look after the kids and do the household chores in addition to his job; he does not have any time to think and to analyze and he is so preoccupied with his family and himself that he is no longer any risk to F. Should that not do the trick, Ps chances to sneak into the sub consciousness of A are at least much better.


How does one recognize a mechanical attack? The first symptoms are the same as already described in part 1., the only difference being that one cannot locate the source, apparently. Should you not be able, not for all your life, to discover any person behind the attack, it should stem from mechanical devices.

What kind of equipment is this that can be used for these purposes and how do they work? 1. LIDA This is a Soviet-built machine to control people by means of pain. The component parts of pain are heat, cold and electricity. This machine can, at large distances, cause the human mind to sense one or all of the three components of pain. 2. Tepaphone The Tepaphone is a generator of high-frequency waves which are influencing the aura of a human being. This equipment was developed in 1956; it is portable and has a range of 50 to 100 meters. The Operator of the machine directs it to the victim by putting a photograph of the victim into the central unit of the transmitter, together with a description of the wanted results. In this way mental pictures are being produced at the end of the involuntary receiver that cause him to do certain actions. Example: The target (victim) is riding in his car the same way along the highway every day. On the top of a bridge, which he has to pass under, a delivery van is parked containing a hidden tepaphone. This tepaphone is sending to the person a picture of a car standing across the middle of the road, leaving but the side-lane for passing and is immediately in front of the approaching car of the target. In the very last second he jerks the steering wheel around- and bangs into the car driving on his right-hand side. The victim, if he can still talk, let him just try and explain to the police how and by what means this accident could happen! (This mental attack variety is particularly popular for disagreeable personalities in the greater Los Angeles area.) The tepaphone may also be used for suggestions of a hypnotic effect. 3. Eckhoffs TELEPATHIZER It works in the same way as the tepaphone but not so forcefully with pictures and suggestions. Instead it is more subtle through influencing the aura of a person and through feeding of concepts and decisions. This type of machine does not necessarily have to be directed to individual persons but can be used in general to impose upon large crowds of people at longer distances. This is based on a patent by Nicola Tesla. Its ways of application are almost unlimited, and evidence of the effectiveness of these devices during election times and mass psychosis has already been collected. 4. High-frequency Flow Generator This machine has been in Operation since 1971 (based also on one of Teslas patents) is boosting and focussing the signals to such a degree that they can be sent via satellite and hence across a distance. It is mainly used to paste certain. emotions on an entire geographical area, for example, fear, apathy and so on, very often together with simple commands such as, be calm... be calm... be calm. or vote for XYZ..., vote for XYZ.., vote for XYZ..., or Communists are not so bad, really. . .---There are no limits to its mode of operation. 5. ELF Generators These generators are being used in both the Eastern and Western power-block states. ELF means Extreme Low Frequency and comprises the range 1 to 100 Hertz. This is also the band of telepathy. If an ELF-transmitter is sending fields in the range of 6,67 Hertz and below, they produce at the persons subjected confusion, fear, depression, tension, nausea, longer reaction times, de-synchronization effects in electro-encephalograms,

and other vegetative disturbances. These ELF - transmissions have an infinite range of propagation and can be sold to the populace in a most convenient way, as they can be sent inconspicuously at any time along with other signal carriers like television, radio, telephone, satellite radio, and even on power mains in houses. In the case of television it works particularly well, since the ELF-signals are reaching, via retina and brain, directly into the central nervous System where, depending on the bodys constitution, they will after some time trigger various psychic-physical reactions that will of course never be related to the true causes, given the inconspicuous way in which they have been generated. Since the human brain itself is producing magnetic oscillations, the range of 10 Hz and above is used to overlay and block these oscillations, as a result of which the suggestions and commands given by the machines mentioned before can penetrate unimpeded. 6. UV -Photons In this case information is transmitted directly to the cells of the human body. This information is stimulating the cells into certain actions such as, for example, uncontrolled growth of body cells (producing tumours) or procreation of viruses and bacteria in the body (infectious diseases) or dying of cells (deficiency of immunity). These UV-photons, just like the ELF-waves, are also ridingon communication lines such as the telephone, television, and so on. WHO? Who is employing such methods of psychic warfare? All the secret services on this planet, nearly all the military, most governments, psychiatrists, witches, occultists, some sects, and so-called priests, some even activelypassively like the nearly 1000 members of the Jim Jones Sect who committed their startling suicide in Jonestown, Guyana. What value to the perpetrators? It helps the politician for re-election when, during the weeks proceeding Election Day, he has suggestions sent to the voters as to whom they are to elect. Dictators and other power-players without scruples get rid of their adversaries without much ado; they can keep the populace calm and content, they can stir up revolution or kill them at their wish. Stock markets can be manipulated in the same way as fashion trends and political opponents. Disease can be produced to distract a population, or in case of war, to kill entire nations. Since these weapons are invisible and precise, you can, of course, also get rid of enemies and undesired individuals. In urban conglomerations such as the Rhein-Main area or the Ruhr-district in Germany, it was found that as of mid-1982 machines have been used shortly before the quarterly date for giving notice of termination of work in order to generate fear among the people for their living. Every time, two weeks before the date, there is a wave of rumour about intended close-downs of factories and disgruntled seniors that is being spread over the area, closely resembling mass psychosis. These transmitters have been located in the vicinity of major banks and TV-towers. (See also next chapter under mechanical prevention.)

How can you protect yourself against it? First, what you could consider as a matter of fact: Do not take anything that could reduce your awareness of perceptions, including drugs, psycho-pharmaceuticals, large quantities of alcohol, auto-suggestions, hypnosis, and many medicines. Raise your perceptic abilities by sufficient sleep, healthy and proper food, and by making sure you are getting enough exercise. Do use your common sense if something you are about to do seems to be strange or is rubbing you the wrong way. Look to see if the idea is really your own. Do not fool around with occult, black spiritualistic New Age or esoteric matters. Nonincarnate beings are attracted to such people or even called in, and if one of these beings is really evil, it can be very difficult to get rid of it -- quite apart from the mental and physical harm it can cause. In this case get help from a professional in the processes to free these beings and yourself. It takes two terminals in this universe to discharge various charges, even mental and emotional spiritual charges. The extra free attention of another trained person can aid the freeing process when one is stuck or overwhelmed. IMPORTANT: These attacks are really dangerous only if the victim does not know the existence of such attacks or is not willing to accept the fact that there are such attacks. When you understand that such attacks can take place, the person who is doing them will have to expect his discovery and will therefore exert a greater restraint on himself. What can you do when you notice an attack? #1. If it is an attack on your awareness Telepathically do the steps below: a) b) Find out who is making the attack by tracing it to its source. Indicate by sending the attacker the thought that you have recognized who he is and ask him what his intention is towards you, what he believes about you and what his purpose is towards you. He may remove his attention from you at any point in which case- end off - because youve handled him. c) If he persists in his attack telepathically ask him; 1.) What have you done to me?(get his answers telepathically) 2.) What problem were you trying to solve by doing that? 3.) What havent you said to me? 4.) What problem were you trying to solve by not saying that? (Do these questions 1,2,3,4 repeatedly until no more answers, a realization and he removes his attention from you. You will gain more certainty of your knowledge as well as vital data on the attackers game)

D.) You can direct him to freedom by clearing who he is as a spiritual being and the way to Source again. Most entities can be cleared from ones space this way easily or just by inspecting and intending the entity to go free. E.) Scan any considerations you have concerning the being having been connected to you and spot the considerations value and importance to you. This returns your logic.


The attack is on the sub consciousness

In this case there will be mainly misemotions that indicate the attack, or strangely clear dreams which are to suggest certain reactions to you. Proceed as under 1. It is to be noted here that some attackers who have an understanding of occultism and Black Magic also like to do the following: If the victim is in the possession of an object which is the property, or a present of the attacker, then the attacker may stick his plea or his suggestion to this object so that you would come to this object time and again, instead of the attacker when looking for the source of the attacks. In this event find out where the object is from and proceed with its owner as under 1. 3. The body is under attack a) b) c) d) 4. Proceed as under 1. If this does not handle the matter: Take a hot bath and then a cold shower. Go away from the locale where the attack took place. Do the steps in #1. above.

Indirect attack on yourself a) b) Identify the attacker. In your awareness, visualize a picture of him and ask him mentally who is giving him orders. The mental picture of that person will then show up. Make it clear to this being that you are aware of his tricks. Proceed as in #1 but on the one giving him orders first.

c) d) 5.

Indirect attack through an attack on a person close to you

a) Get into physical contact with this person (by holding his hands for example) if possible. b) Jointly do the steps described under 1, or have the person do the steps under 3.


Attacker is a non-incarnate spirit Just proceed in the same way as in the other cases of attack.

If the attacker is very persistent or particularly evil, go see a person who is well versed in the subject of occultism and freeing entities. What can you do in case of a mechanical attack? When you notice that the attack does not have a recognizable sender, you are dealing with a mechanical attack. In this case you can do the following: a) Find out the direction the attack is coming from. Trace it to its source and cut the beam telepathically. Send the thought that this is illegal and to stop doing it. b) The line will snap back on the sender or Artificial Intelligence. You should get the feeling of something exploding at the other end. You may suddenly see your picture there. This means that the sender was aiming at you, personally, and was working with your photograph. The attack will stop instantly, for the machine needs to be operated by a person and the person who is lending himself to the operation will now fear that he will get this treatment himself at a boosted rate from his seniors - and this is extremely uncomfortable.

If the weapon used is one of the machines mentioned earlier that are working at a distance, you will notice that you may not perceive the small explosion. The messages will however stop. C.) Do step #1 if they persist.

1. Mental Measures of Prevention There is a simple drill which will help you to create something like your personal protection shield. Sit down on a chair in the middle of a room. Briefly glance back at the two upper corners of the room to the night-hand and left-hand side behind you. Close your eyes. Visualize the picture of the two upper corners behind you and keep it there (mentally) as long as you can, without any other thoughts or pictures getting into it. At the start this might require a little effort, but if you drill it a little bit every day, You should be able to do this for ten (10) minutes. What is the good of that? Every person can fill or have a certain space. This space may be so small as to not be able to look beyond the tip of ones nose, or it can be so large as to give one the feeling of being able to embrace the entire universe. Maintaining corners will help you to enlarge you space and keep it that way. If you visualize your space as a sphere in the middle of which is your body, You can make the walls of the sphere impenetrable to attacks of both the individual and mechanical types by having the firm intention that nothing of this kind can come through. This should keep off part of such attacks. Another protective measure is to systematically train in the telepathic abilities inherent in every human being. A trained telepath can recognize and block off any attack on the awareness and even the subconscious, as well as emotional attacks. He can also perceive such attacks that are not directed at a specific person but are sent with a certain amount of dissipation, and he can warn others. Courses are be-

ing delivered and they are actually helping to develop an efficient ability of recognition and defense. You could also get literature in the esoteric department of a bookstore where you will find the old magic formulae to fend off evil spirits, black witchcraft, and other unpleasant beings - for the attackers often use magic as well. Amongst the attacks by meaning of magic techniques there is, for example, Voodoo, which is using dolls that have been baptized in the name of the victim and then get pierced with needles, and the victim is then feeling pain at these points. it is interesting to note that the research of the voodoo phenomenon resulted in the construction of the UVPhoton machines. Another technique consists of sucking off life-energy. This is a process by which the electric field of the body, the aura, is being discharged by means of magic rituals and the energy is channelled back to the attacker. This type of psychic vampirism leaves the victim in a state of utter exhaustion which can often last for weeks. 2. Mechanical Prevention A certain amount of protection is provided by all of the devices protecting against earth radiation or indicating it. These devices discover geological zones of interference and/or eliminate such interference factors.

Attacks and warfare at the psychic level are taking place. On earth psychic attacks have been used throughout history including the present time. Very rarely have the culprits been found out, yet thousands of innocent people were executed, ridiculed or institutionalized. In this context one need but look at the witch-hunts that are being staged today publicly in the yellow press or clandestinely in prisons or psychiatric institution. Just what they are called is different. As long as these attacks originate from confused individuals they are trivial. When they are, however, knowingly backed up by evil intentions, we are faced with something more severe. But when these attacks are being conducted as means of alternative warfare with the approval or understanding of the governments, they are am attack on the fundamental nights and the dignity of man and that cannot be tolerated. And the racket of conferences on disarmament and prohibition of all A-, B-, and C- weapons is nothing more than ballyhoo in the face of the peoples of earth. For what is the good of obviating the risk of physical war, if, at the same time, we are made into enslaved working robots that can be manipulated by the push of a button! However, before we go now and bring governments tumbling down, we should examine very carefully whether these who govern are not perhaps them selves will-less puppets on the strings of a power-clique that is operated by psychic control. At present the only chance of survival is to become familiar with the means of mental self defence and to make sure that the data gets quietly and widely known. Using wherever possible the help of civic movements and so on, we should try to get a say in such legislation that will prohibit the use of psychic weapons. All of us have to do something to improve our knowledge and spiritual abilities so that we can create a NEW CIVILIZATION in which it is impossible to condition man through mental implantation like a Pavlov dog. This is mans only chance for a future in PEACE and FREEDOM.

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