Lecture - 14 7.4 New Software Tools and Approaches: Object-Oriented Programming

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Various free email Web sites have sprung up on the Internet over the last few years.

The beauty of these free sites is that you can access them from literally anywhere in the world via a regular Web browser. So if you are traveling, you don't have to lose contact with those you communicate with on a regular basis. Nor do you need a particular email software program; you can use a regular Web browser to read your messages. Remember that these sites do not guarantee as much privacy or anonymity as may be advertised. The hidden cost is having to wade through all the ads on the page and the junk mail. Web browsers were not created until the early 1990's and were first commercialized by Mark Andreeson, who started Netscape, Inc. He actually created the software while he was still a college student. The name came about because the software allows you to "browse" the various documents stored on the Internet. The other popular browser is Microsoft's Internet Explorer. If you are an America Online subscriber, you probably use the AOL browser. Browsers are integrated in operating systems such as Windows 98 and easy access to them is available in most of the desktop software application programs such as Word 97 and Excel 97. As the book explains, groupware supports teams of people working together on a particular project. This style of software has probably done more to advance telecommuting and to create the " death of distance" by enabling people from any geographical location to work together via networks. We'll discuss groupware in more detail in future chapters. Bottom Line: Software application programs have progressed significantly through the years. They are easier to use now than ever before. Many of the programs don't require computer professionals and can easily be used by the average end-user. Most of the PC software tools available for nontechnical users are tightly integrated with the Internet and can share information much better.

Lecture - 14 7.4 New Software Tools and Approaches

It seems that no matter how many people work in the information technology department, there just aren't enough of them to satisfy the demand for businesses. And some businesses are too small to have their own information technology department. So what are they to do when they need special applications for their work processes? They can take advantage of new software tools designed for easier, quicker program development work.

Object-Oriented Programming
One tool they can use to accomplish their tasks is object-oriented programming. This programming language has become much simpler for nontechnical people to use. This

type of programming treats text, tables, pictures, or groups of data as an object that can be manipulated and programmed to do special functions. It requires some in-depth training and time to learn, but this kind of programming is very functional for small businesses or a particular department. It can save time and money by allowing the end user to develop a whole program without computer professionals. Just as Graphical User Interfaces made it easier to use software, program development is being revolutionized through the use of visual programming. Programmers don't have to write code; they can point and click, drag and drop, or draw to create programs. However, managers need to be careful that they understand the hidden cost of having end-users develop their own applications. Take into account the time necessary to learn the program language. You also run the risk of creating islands of information that may not be compatible with other areas or departments of the company. Some programs that may be created with object-oriented programming could easily be incompatible with other departments or the whole system and the rest of the business. In some cases, though, having the end-users develop their own programs with object-oriented programming could be the right solution to a shortage of professional programmers within a company or department.

Object-Oriented Programming Concepts

The terms used in this section, classes and inheritance, describe how object-oriented programming uses objects to develop a program. It may sound complicated but it really isn't. This figure shows you how class, subclasses, inheritance, and overriding works. Take a few minutes to study it.

FIGURE 7.13 Classes, subclasses, inheritance, and overriding.

Java is a new programming language that has come on strong in the last four or five years. What makes this language so enticing is that it is platform-independent. What we mean is that you don't need to worry about compatibility between separate operating

systems such as Windows, Macintosh, or UNIX. Regardless of the hardware or software you use, this language will fit them all. Many businesses and individuals have long lamented the closed systems that caused incompatibility between different platforms. It's been nearly impossible to share data between various hardware and software platforms. Many large mainframes couldn't pass information to small PCs without special programs. Data used in smaller, individual PCs couldn't pass information to larger Information Systems. Java solves these problems. Java can be used to create miniature programs called "applets". Applets perform very small, specialized, one-at-a-time tasks. When a user wants to perform the task, the coding is moved from the server where it's permanently stored and then executed on the client computer. When the task is completed, it's deleted from the client and reverts to the server computer. In essence, you use an applet once and then literally throw it away. Using applets reduces storage needs on client computers and PCs. Again, it doesn't matter whether the client is a PC or a terminal attached to a network. In fact, Java applets are being used on hand-held computers, and on many other non-computer appliances. Java also reduces the "bloatware" problem of huge software application programs with more functions than the average person could ever hope to use. You don't need a large application program to do a simple task. If you want to calculate the monthly payments for a car loan, you can use a simple Java applet instead of a huge spreadsheet program. Java threatens to unseat Microsoft as the software king because people won't have to buy an entire software program to get just one functional piece. Microsoft is trying to establish its own version of Java through the ActiveX programming language. Unfortunately, that may lead to the same platform dependency problem we had before, because Microsoft's version will run differently than the pure version of Java. To be sure, Java still has lots of bugs. It takes extra time to download a Java applet from a Web site and it runs slower on a PC than does a regular program. The issue raised in the text about alternative versions of Java was somewhat resolved by a recent court injunction that prevented Microsoft from diluting the pure Java code created by Sun Microsystems Inc. However, software developers are still hesitant to support one language over the other.

It's becoming quite common for the average computer user to create Web pages using the Hypertext markup language (HTML). In fact, by using the PC Software Tools we discussed earlier (Word 97, Lotus 1-2-3, PowerPoint), you can as easily create a Web page as you can a letter, chart, or database. While you don't have to be an expert in HTML, you should be familiar with how the coding works. The language is one of the easiest to learn and you can do it by getting a good book that explains how the code works. You can also access various free Web sites that will teach you the basics of the language. Combining HTML language into everyday applications is further integrating the Internet into everything we do. If you'd like a quick look at HTML code, use the page you're currently reviewing on the Web and follow these steps: If you're using Netscape Navigator as your browser: Click on View in the Menu Bar

Click on Page Source If you're using Internet Explorer or AOL: Click on View in the Menu Bar Click on Source Now you see a much different view of the page you were looking at. You see all the funny symbols such as < and > and the operative command tags such as title, body, and P. All of those are commands which the HTML language uses to display a Web page. Bottom Line: Java holds the greatest promise for cross-platform compatibility in computing. It promises to break down many of the barriers to simpler and less expensive computing. With the increasing use of the Internet, Java and HTML hold the keys to our computing future.

7.5 Managing Software Assets

At some point in your career you're likely to be involved in making decisions about the type of software your organization uses. While the software programs will change, the basic principles upon which your decision is based probably won't.

Software Trends
The computer software industry continues to create products based on how humans work instead of requiring people to work the way computers do. Methods of communicating with the machines are becoming more human-like with voice and touch input. Many of the improvements are being driven by the need to decrease the number of people employed by corporations and increase each worker's productivity. Stand-alone computers in the workplace are almost a thing of the past as networks become cheaper, faster, and easier to install and maintain. The most popular trend in corporations is to rely more and more on enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems as organizations move toward increased integration and teambased work processes. ERP systems allow the company to work as a whole instead of in separate bits and pieces or by relying on islands of information.

Software Maintenance and the Year 2000 Problem

Just as you have to maintain any piece of equipment to keep it working at its best, whether it's a car, bicycle, or your own body, you must maintain computer systems, both hardware and software. The Year 2000 problem (Y2K) has made this fact even more apparent. While most of the focus and fear has been on huge corporate systems, individual PC users must be aware that they too may have problems with the Y2K bug. Small businesses using just one or two computers may be as vulnerable as the larger companies. Many Quicken Small Business accounting programs widely used by Momand-Pop businesses aren't compatible with the date change and never will be.

You don't have to purchase expensive software in order to check your own system. Many software and hardware manufacturers have lots of information about their products on Web sites. Many of the software fixes are free for the downloading. Check these software sites for more information: Microsoft Operating Systems and application programs: http://www.microsoft.com/technet/year2k/ Quicken Accounting Software programs: http://www.intuit.com/corporate/year2000/ General information: http://headlines.yahoo.com/Full_Coverage/Tech/Year_2000_Problem/ The most feared Y2K breakdowns are in the banking and utility systems. The facts support the idea that these industries are the ones most ready for the Y2K change. The Federal Reserve is more worried about scams preying on peoples' fears of the Y2K bug than it is about problems with the computer systems. Don't be a victim of the hype: thoroughly check out any offer that sounds strange or too good to be true. The most intriguing question regarding Y2K could be: When does the new millenium actually occur; January 1, 2000 or January 1, 2001?

Selecting Software for the Organization

It's easy to get swept up in the excitement of a new software program coming to market promising huge gains in productivity or ease-of-use for a low price. Managers must make sure that the software is right for the organization before they spend thousands of dollars for a product that will sit on the shelf. When you are purchasing new software for yourself or your organization, answer the following questions: What is the organizational use of the software? Is the software easy to maintain and change? Is the software flexible enough to grow with the organization? How efficient is the software in terms of machine time? Is the software compatible with the current hardware? Can the current staff fully support the new software? Is the software widely used by other organizations, especially customers and suppliers? Is sufficient support available outside the organization if needed? Bottom Line: Managers must be aware of issues surrounding the management of software resources: compatibility, support, maintenance, and efficiency. Software is another resource that can enhance an organization or drag it down.

Discussion Questions:

Click on the Discussion icon in the top toolbar to answer the following Discussion Questions.

1. What are the advantages of using object-oriented programming in small businesses and individual departments? 2. Explain the difference between multiprogramming system software and multiprocessing system software. 3. What is a platform and how does this concept affect computing between different platforms? 4. What is Java and how is it changing the computing environment? 5. How can managers effectively integrate fourth-generation languages and PC Software Tools into their work environments? 6. Does the new millennium begin on January 1, 2000 or January 1, 2001?

Managing Data Resources 8.1 Organizing Data in a Traditional File Environment 8.2 The Database Environment 8.3 Designing Databases 8.4 Database Trends 8.5 Management Requirements Discussion Questions

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