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The name or term "Unicron" refers to more than one character or idea. For a list of other meanings, see Unicron (disambiguation). This article is a featured article, and considered to be one of the most informative on this wiki. Main | Toys & Merchandise Unicron is the eternal arch-enemy of his twin brother Primus. Also known as the Lord of Chaos, the Chaos Bringer, and the Planet Eater, he is dedicated to consuming the multiverse. His massive form is powered by the consumption of planets, moons, stars, and even the very fabric of existence. Unicron will not be sated until his ultimate goal is attained: to bring an end to the annoying creation boasting independence around him, and find peace by becoming the living center of a swirling, infinite torrent of nothingness at the end of all things. To undertake this seemingly overwhelming task, Unicron is able to travel across realities at will, a meandering plague upon existence itself.[1][2] Integrated
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into his systems are incomprehensible quantum computers which calculate probabilities forward and backwards in time, in perpetuity, giving his processors an ever changing, evolving map of the multiverse.[3] With these abilities at his disposal, Unicron has thus far devoured approximately 22.56% of known universes. [4] The only thing that he fears is Primus's essence, contained inside the Matrix. To a being of chaos and uncreation, this font of life is a poison. Frequently, Unicron will make deals with lesser beings, promising them vast new powers in exchange for their servitude. These minions are sometimes stripped entirely of their free will, but others follow him willingly. Service to Unicron, however, is a double-edged sword, for it causes insanity and loss of self. And in the end, Unicron's plans ultimately call for their consumption as well.

Unicron is frightening. Unicron will destroy... will destroy space.

High Wire, "Uprising"

1 In the beginning 1.1 Evolution of the Primus/Unicron myth 1.1.1 Unicron's story 1.1.2 The Keeper's story 1.1.3 Primus's story 1.1.4 Fleer and DK 2 Generation 1 continuity family 2.1 Marvel Generation 1 comics 2.1.1 Earthforce 2.1.2 Marvel UK future timelines 2.2 Generation 1 cartoon continuity

He's been ignoring Galactus's C&D letters.



Unicron - Transformers Wiki

2.2.1 The Transformers cartoon 2.2.2 Japanese cartoon continuity Kiss Players/Teletraan Go! Go! Beast Wars II cartoon Beast Wars Neo cartoon 2.2.3 Beast Wars manga continuity Beast Wars II manga Beast Wars Neo manga 2.3 Dreamwave Generation 1 comics 2.4 G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers 2.5 Beast Era cartoon continuity 2.5.1 Beast Wars cartoon 2.5.2 3H comics 2.5.3 IDW Beast Wars comics 2.5.4 Beast Machines cartoon 2.6 Universe CD-ROM 2.7 United 3 Unicron Trilogy 3.1 Toy pack-in comics 3.2 Dreamwave comics continuity 3.2.1 Dreamwave Armada comic 3.2.2 Energon comic 3.3 Cartoon continuity 3.3.1 Armada cartoon 3.3.2 Energon cartoon 3.3.3 Cybertron cartoon 3.3.4 Cybertron comic 4 TransTech 5 Live-action Transformers movie series 5.1 Titan Magazines 6 Aligned continuity 6.1 Aligned novels 6.2 Prime cartoon 6.3 Arms Micron toy bios
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6.4 Rescue Bots cartoon 6.5 The Covenant of Primus 7 Games 7.1 Transformers game 7.2 Transformers: Prime - The Game 8 Toys 9 Notes 9.1 Foreign names 10 External links 11 References and footnotes

In the beginning
Before the dawn of time, Order and Chaos existed within an extra-dimensional entity known as The One. To explore the fledgling universe, he created the astral being known as Unicron, and then subdivided him, creating his twin, Primus. Both brothers were multiversal singularities, unique in all realities, but whereas Unicron could only exist in one universe at a time, moving between them at will, Primus existed simultaneously in all realities at once. It is suggested, in fact, that the two brothers embody the basic concepts of realitygood and evil, order and chaosand that their continued existence is necessary for the stability of the multiverse. As Unicron and Primus went about their appointed task, venturing through the cosmos, it became apparent to Primus that Unicron was a corrupt being, and he took it upon himself to stop the threat posed to all of existence by his sibling. In combat, Primus was no match for Unicron. In cunning, however, he proved himself to be his brother's superior when he shifted their battle to the astral plane, and then back to the physical world once more, only to have both their essences manifest within metallic planetoids, leaving them both trapped. It was with this act of sacrifice that Primus hoped to contain Unicron's evil forever. Unfortunately for him, over time, Unicron learned to psionically shape his prison into a giant metallic planet, and Primus followed suit, becoming the mechanical world of Cybertron. When Unicron then learned to transform his planetary form even further, into a gigantic robot form, Primus adapted the idea to suit his own ends, creating a group of thirteen robots that possessed the ability to change shape, like Unicron.
Saay, that shield looks familiar.

"No, Frenzy is red!"

The war between Unicron and Primus came to its seeming end during a climactic battle in which one of the Thirteen, Megatronus Prime, who would forever afterwards be known as The Fallen, betrayed Primus and became an acolyte of Unicron. The battle ended when the Fallen and Unicron were sucked into a black hole and disappeared from reality. With Unicron gone for now, Primus entered an eons-long slumber, his self-imposed sleep
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preventing Unicron from detecting him through the mental link the brothers shared.

Evolution of the Primus/Unicron myth

The Primus/Unicron backstory has evolved and been rewritten a good number of times since it first originated in the Marvel Comics series. The version recounted above is the current iteration, which has slowly solidified across a wide swath of media (beginning around the time of Armada). Before the Primus/Unicron mythos reached its present form it went through several distinct versions in the Marvel Generation 1 comics and elsewhere. Unicron's story The first time the Primus/Unicron backstory appeared was in the UK comic continuity, from Unicron himself, in the story "The Legacy of Unicron!", when he recounted it to Death's Head. Per Unicron's telling of events, he was a primal force of evil at the dawn of the universe, who led a legion of Dark Gods against his mortal foe, Primus, Lord of the Light Gods. Events proceeded to play out basically as described above, though the role of the Light and Dark Gods would diminish with each subsequent retelling of the story, until the current version, in which Primus and Unicron are alone, and have a unique origin. The Keeper's story The second time the story was told was in the United States book by the Keeper, an ancient mechanoid who guarded Primus's head at the center of Cybertron. This telling is effectively the same as the previous UK story, but mentions that their battle was towards the end of the era of gods, that Primus and Unicron were the last of their respective pantheons, and Primus had to defeat Unicron before he could take his place with the other gods in the "Omniversal Matrix". Primus's story The third time the story was told was also in the United States Marvel series, this time by Primus, when he gathered all his children together to prepare for Unicron's coming. It was with this telling that we learned that Unicron predated the current universe, and had destroyed the previous universe which existed before the current one. He had slept peacefully, alone in the void of un-creation that remained, until fragments of the old universe that he had overlooked reacted, causing the Big Bang and birthing the current universe. The "sentient core" of this new universe recognized the threat that Unicron posed, and so created Primus to counter his evil and be guardian of the new creation. Fleer and DK The first modern retelling of the origins of Primus and Unicron did not come from Generation 1-oriented media, but from a set of Armada trading cards released by Fleer. It was the backstory printed on Unicron's card which introduced the concept of the two being brothers created to explore the new
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universe by an extra-dimensional entity, here named the "Allspark". This was subsequently expanded on and combined with aspects of the various Marvel Comics stories in Transformers: The Ultimate Guide, published by Dorling Kindersley and written by Simon Furman, who had written all three prior tellings in the first place. Here, the entity Fleer had called the "Allspark" was redubbed "The One", and the modern iteration of the myth detailed above was firmly established, and went on to form the backbone of subsequent fiction such as Universe and Fun Publications' Cybertron comics.

Generation 1 continuity family

Marvel Generation 1 comics
Eventually, millions of years later, circa the Earth year 1990, a group of Transformers discovered the sleeping form of Primus at Cybertron's core. When a battle erupted, a stray laser blast struck Primus, briefly jolting the god awake and causing him to emit a multiverse-shaking "Primal Scream" that alerted Unicron to Primus's location. Primus himself immediately slipped back into his sleep, but it was too late. The Primal Scream While devouring the planet Ghennix, Unicron took note of three criminals who were attempting to escape their fate. Unicron destroyed their vessel and recreated the three as Hook, Line, and Sinker. As the distance to Cybertron was vast and he was too large to teleport, he ordered them to retrieve a Galvatron from a possible future to serve as his herald. All Fall Down Though this Galvatron was angry at being plucked from his victorious Um, forget this, please. timeline, Unicron tortured him until he agreed to be his herald. Still, this Galvatron secretly plotted his eventual treachery. Unicron sent all four of them to attack Cybertron and pave the way for his coming. Eye of the Storm

Note: Unicron declares himself to not be the same entity that this future-Galvatron remembers. The "main timeline" Unicron being a different individual from "alternate future" Unicron is also asserted by Hook, Line, and Sinker. Unicron was retroactively established as a multiversal singularity in later fiction published after Marvel Comics.

Unicron is furious that he's been miscolored again.

So close to Cybertron he could taste it , Unicron decided to forgo consumption of the planet Jhi and hasten on his way to the ultimate confrontation. His herald Galvatron, however, captured Autobot leader Emirate Xaaron, forcing him to fully awaken Primus. Suspecting treachery on Galvatron's part, Unicron sent Hook, Line and Sinker to retrieve him from the subterranean tunnels of Cybertron, but Galvatron destroyed them, and Primus was woken
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from his slumber. Unicron's arch-foe possessed Xaaron's body and summoned Transformers from all across the universe back to Cybertron.

Out of Time!

Unicron shut down his higher mental functions and drifted for the remainder of the journey to hide himself from detection by Primus. At this point, a mental command that Unicron had placed in some of Primus's creations was activated, resulting in the formation of a cult of Unicron-worshipers, who gathered to destroy the leader of the united Autobots and Decepticons. These Unicron cultists were drawn out when Optimus Prime was named commander of Primus's army. The cultists tried to assassinate the Autobot leader; they failed, but distracted the Cybertronians long enough for Unicron to sneak up on the planet. The Void! After Unicron dug his fist into the planet and ate the flesh of his mortal enemy, he noted that this was the finest meal he had ever tasted. However, he was somewhat disappointed to find that the gathered Transformers were simply so terrified of him that there was no resistance to his attack. As he devoured Brainstorm from the tip of his finger, he admitted that despite their lack of showmanship, they were at least delicious. Unicron's unchecked rampage was soon ensnared by Primus himself, speaking through Emirate Xaaron's body. For a short moment, Unicron was restrained, but when he deduced that this ruse was a big show put on by an insignificant portion of Primus's power, he broke free and destroyed the avatar of Primus, killing both Xaaron and his creator. Galvatron, who was worried his treachery was going to waste, attacked Unicron, hoping his bravery would stir the Transformers into action. Galvatron was smacked down, but his gambit paid off as the Transformers snapped out of their collective stupor and began a counter-attack against the Chaos-Bringer. Countless Transformers died in this assault, including the Decepticon leader Scorponok. But Transformers weren't the only ones attacking him. Briefly fazed by the illusion-casting powers of the human Neo-Knight Rapture, Unicron's systems were attacked by the electrical powers of Circuit Breaker.

He's got the whooooole world, in his feet...

After being clocked by the Ark, Unicron received another surprise: the thought-lost Creation Matrix had returned, along with its vessel, Thunderwing. Unicron was at first confused, as he'd sensed the Matrix's destruction, but quickly realized that the Matrix had not been destroyed, but had merely been masked by its seduction by evil. And in the realm of evil, Unicron had no equal! Thunderwing was destroyed, but the Matrix fell to the planet's surface. Fighting the evil within the Matrix, Optimus Prime grabbed the artifact and launched into Unicron's maw, where the Creation Matrix was opened. While being pummeled by the flood of life unleashed by the Matrix, Unicron's body could not maintain structural integrity and exploded.

For soon you will have life. Sweet life.

On the Edge of Extinction!

In an alternate 2005, Unicron's consumption of the planet Lithone was heralded first by strange pink mists[5] that leaked from his planet mode's maw. On route to Cybertron, he encountered an injured Megatron and the bodies of his troops. He offered them new bodies in exchange for hunting down the
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As Galvatron was sent forward, Unicron devoured Moonbase One and Moonbase Two. Judgment Day! Galvatron returned to Unicron with the Matrix, but he intended to use it to make Unicron his slave. In retaliation, Unicron attacked Cybertron in earnest, as the planet was helpless against his assault. Ultimately, during a battle that took place inside Unicron, Rodimus Prime claimed the Matrix of Leadership from Galvatron and the Planet-Eater was destroyed from within. Only his head survived, and it remained in orbit over Cybertron. The Final Battle! The Big Broadcast of 2006
The Planet-Eater!

Note: In the UK version of the story, the events of "The Big Broadcast of 2006" were a fabrication invented by Wreck-Gar. Also, the UK printing of the animated film adaptation altered the date from 2005 to 2006 to match Target: 2006. In another alternate 2005, a dying Megatron was found by Unicron. Unicron refashioned Galvatron into his herald, A Savage Circle and through their combined efforts, Unicron succeeded in devouring Cybertron. In the aftermath, he allowed Galvatron and his Decepticons to rule Earth. Rhythms of Darkness!

So, seriously, what was up with this stuff?

Earthforce Note: These stories do not fit into the normal Marvel continuity. See Earthforce for details. After Grimlock accused Optimus Prime of being too focused on Unicron's imminent arrival, to the detriment of Earth's troubles, the Dinobot Commander was allowed to create an Earthforce. Break-Away! However, Prime had his work cut out for him. With an attempted Decepticon alliance ruined beyond all recovery and the Matrix still lost, Optimus had to turn to the original site of the Underbaseas the Underbase was linked to the centre of Cybertron, the Autobots could tap into that centre (and thus Primus himself) as a substitute Matrix. The Magnificent Six! Marvel UK future timelines In the parallel timeline of Earth-120185, Unicron did not arrive at Cybertron until the year 2006, consuming the small planet Lithone on his way. As he drew closer to Cybertron, Unicron came upon the damaged bodies of Decepticon leader Megatron and several of his Decepticon followers, who had been jettisoned into space following a major battle at Autobot City on Earth. Unicron extended Megatron a bargain, offering to rebuild him and his troops into new beings to serve him, and tortured the recalcitrant Decepticon leader into accepting. The Planet-Eater! Now reborn as Galvatron, Megatron immediately began scheming to destroy his "master", using a time-jump mechanism to travel back in time to 1986, where he constructed a solar cannon
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that was powerful enough to destroy Unicron's physical form. Fully aware of his pawn's actions, Unicron took control of the minds of Hot Rod, Kup, and Blurr and had them follow Galvatron back in time to foil his plan. Target: 2006 After Galvatron returned to 2006, he fought Rodimus Prime within Unicron, where he was defeated and thrown out into space. He still had remote to the time-jump mechanism and used it to travel back to 1986 again, where he planned to take over the Decepticons so he'd be ready for Unicron when he arrived 20 years later. Fallen Angel Only Unicron's head survived the explosion of his body, and it floated off through space to eventually crash-land on the planet Junkion. There, the still-conscious Unicron used mind control to force the native Junkions to build And then Rodimus drove up through his him a new body out of the planet. At the beginning of entire body to escape through Unicron's other eye. 2008, he pulled Cyclonus, Scourge and Death's Head into his thrall and used them to re-ignite the stalemated Cybertronian war in order to keep the Autobots distracted from his activities. Amused by Death's Head's repeated attempts at defiance, he told him about his origin, only to find himself now under attack by Rodimus Prime and an Autobot strike-team. This almost went wrong, as Rodimus (at Death's Head's suggestion) tried to use the power of the Matrix on the astral plane. Here, however, the Matrix strengthened Unicron and the monster intended to merge with it for greater power. Ultimately, however, he was defeated by Wreck-Gar, who had planted explosives under the head's building site while the Chaos-Bringer was distracted. His head was destroyed, and his mind was sealed within the Matrix. The Legacy of Unicron! On New Year's Day 2009, Unicron attempted to turn the Matrix towards evil and merge with it again, the only way he could bear being trapped within it. White Fire He reached out from within it Silly Junkions, you can buy loose Unicrons and took control of Rodimus Prime's body, Edge of Impact only to on eBay for just $20! be stopped when Kup ripped the talisman out of his chest. Unfortunately, this meant they lost their chance to purify the Matrix and that Unicron would be ready for them next time. White Fire In 2010, he repeated the trick and transformed Rodimus's body into a copy of his own before being forced back. In the far future of 2356, Unicron's essence still resides within the Matrix, steadily withering the struggling body of Rodimus. Aspects of Evil!
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Rodimus rejects Unicron's endorsement of the coal industry.

Generation 1 cartoon continuity

The Transformers cartoon Voice actor: Orson Welles (English, The Movie), Roger C. Carmel (English), Toshio Ishii (Japanese), Mizuho Suzuki (Japanese, The Movie), Jean-Claude Michel (French, The Movie), Manfred Schmidt (German, "Ghost in the Machine"), Thomas Rau (German, "Grimlocks New Brain"), Werner Abrolat (German, The Movie TV Dub), Thomas Albus (German, Generation 2 "Ghost in the Machine") Unicron was constructed by the ancient genius known as Primacron at the dawn of the universe. Primacron had hoped that Unicron would scour the galaxy clean of life, leaving a blank slate for him to experiment upon, but naturally, Unicron had no desire to be the servant of another, and turned on Primacron, badly wounding him and his assistant, and setting out into the depths of space. Call of the Primitives Note: The cartoon's account of Unicron's origin is very much at odds with the current understanding of him as a multiveral singularity. This, of course, is because the cartoons were written long before the Marvel Comic storyline that created the Primus/Unicron myth, and much longer before the retcon that applied the story to all Transformer continuities. Consequently, the animated universe is easily the one piece of Transformer fiction that is least compatible with this retcon and there has as yet been no attempt in official fiction to re-write Unicron's animated origin to tie in with it.

So anyway, in this one continuity I'm built by a monkey. Sorry.

I see you down there!

In the year 2005, Unicron made his most famous attack upon Cybertron. While heading towards the planet, he consumed the small world of Lithone, making it perfectly clear how great of a threat he was to the entire universe. As he continued on his way, Unicron's powers allowed him to become aware of the death of Optimus Prime, who handed the Matrix of Leadership to Ultra Magnus just before dying, which angered him tremendously. He then came upon the bodies of several wounded and dying Decepticons, who had been dumped into space following a recent battle on Earth. He extended a proposition to the Decepticons' leader, Megatron, offering to rebuild his body and those of his troops in exchange for their destruction of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership. Tortured into accepting, Megatron was transformed into Galvatron, and his followers became Cyclonus, Scourge, and the Sweeps.

While Galvatron set about reclaiming leadership of the Decepticons, Unicron arrived at Cybertron, and proceeded to consume the planet's two moons. Outraged that Unicron would do this to a planet that he viewed as his, Galvatron found himself the victim of mental torture by his creator, and ordered to
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Earth to complete the task given him. The ensuing chase finally climaxed in a showdown on the planet of Junk, where Galvatron seized the Matrix and returned to Unicron, only to reveal that he intended to use the talisman to make Unicron his slave. Amused by his pawn's arrogance, Unicron transformed into his gigantic robot mode and ate Galvatron. Unicron then tore into Cybertron, as Shockwave and the rest of the Decepticons on the planet fought back, to little effect. Unicron swallowed many spaceships, and one, which contained the young Autobot Hot Rod and his comrades, crashed through Unicron's eye. Hot Rod and Galvatron battled deep inside Unicron, and ultimately, Hot Rod was able to retake the Matrix from the Decepticon. Transformed by its power into Rodimus Prime, he defeated Galvatron and opened the Matrix inside Unicron, destroying his body from within. Unicron's head was blown clear during his death throes, and became caught in Cybertron's gravity, turning it into a new moon for the planet a grisly testament to the satellites he had destroyed. The Transformers: The Movie
Unicron smash!

In the year 2006, Cyclonus, Scourge and the Sweeps visited Unicron's head, seeking to locate Galvatron, who had been hurled into space at the conclusion of his battle with Rodimus Prime. After accessing the remaining databanks and replaying footage of the final battle, Cyclonus extrapolated Galvatron's trajectory and current location.
Five Faces of Darkness, Part 1

Incoming message from the Big, Giant Head!

On the planet home to the monster known as Chaos, Astrotrain proclaimed that Galvatron would be "more famous in history than Unicron" once Galvatron destroyed Cybertron with his newly-built death crystal cannon. Chaos

Later, the ghost of the deceased Decepticon Starscream reactivated Unicron's head in order to make a bargain with him; in exchange for Unicron restoring his body, Starscream would recreate Unicron's. Stealing new optic circuits and a transformation cog for Unicron from Metroplex and Trypticon, Starscream was then directed to connect Unicron's head to Cybertron, so that the planet could become his new body. Starscream initially attempted to do this by using Trypticon's body, but Trypticon was deactivated by the Decepticons. Unicron restored Starscream's body so that he could finish the task, but Starscream (somewhat predictably, being Starscream) double-crossed Unicron and refused to complete the necessary connections. Just then, explosives set by the Autobots were detonated, hurling Unicron's head off the planet, beyond its gravity, and out into space. Ghost in the Machine

Unicron's glad he got that Triple-A membership.

Seeking a supply of the dangerous particles known as anti-electrons, Galvatron and the Decepticons traveled to Unicron's head, only to come under attack from the defenses of the barely-aware giant. Also present was the Dinobot, Grimlock, who used components from Unicron's head to create the Technobots to fight Galvatron's forces. The Technobot Strafe disconnected enough of Unicron's internal mechanisms to deactivate his systems.
Grimlock's New Brain




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While a much older Primacron mused about how his new creation, Tornedron, would succeed where "the other" had failed, the giant, damaged head of Unicron was visible floating along in the depths of space, where it had apparently faded to a dull grey. Call of the Primitives Japanese cartoon continuity
Kiss Players/Teletraan Go! Go!

Following his destruction in 2005, Unicron's lifeforce was scattered across time and space, fragmented and parasitized into Autobot and Maximal leaders throughout history. In 2007, three of his servants, the Sparkbots, sought to recreate their master, and tricked the human singing group, the Kiss PlayersMarissa Faireborn, Atari Hitotonari and Shaoshao Liinto helping them in their task by telling them that they were gathering the fragments of the so-called "Allspark". Primus was forced to take action to stop their mission, appearing as a giant golden hand to steal away the energy fragments before the Sparkbots could collect them, but eventually, the evil trio collected enough to accomplish their dire task. Fleeing back in time to Earth's prehistoric past, they unleashed the energy and Unicron began to form around them. Following the Sparkbots back to the past, Primus unleashed the full firepower of his mobile battle platform's cannon, sealing Unicron's energy and the Sparkbots deep within the planet. He then created the mighty Brave Maximus to serve as a guardian and ensure that the evil
Kiss Players radio drama #51

Bwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

being was never again reborn.

Unfortunately for everyone except Unicron, Brave Maximus would go on to leave the Earth in 2007, leaving the chaos-bringer's life-force unguarded. Kiss Players radio drama #39
Beast Wars II cartoon

Oh god ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

At some point in the far future, human beings discovered Unicron's lifeforce within the Earth, and attempted to harness it for their own means. This resulted in the devastation of the planet Earth, reducing it to a ruin, Emissary of the Fourth Planet but the fame of this "mysterious energy" that had been called "Angolmois" was far-reaching, and eventually, tens of thousands of years after the end of the Great War between the Autobots and Decepticons, the Predacon leader Galvatron attempted to harvest it for himself. The New Forces Arrive! Using his artificial planet, Nemesis, he sucked all the Angolmois energy out of the planet and into the craft. However, after the interference of Lio Convoy and Lio Junior, all the Angolmois energy was sealed into capsules and ejected from Nemesis as it self-destructed. Farewell! Lio Convoy
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Beast Wars Neo cartoon

Voice actor: Tetsuo Komura (Japanese) Teams of Maximals and Predacons, led by Big Convoy and Magmatron respectively, then raced to collect the Angolmois capsules, as their energy effects were wreaking havoc on planets all over the galaxy. Big Convoy, Move Out They eventually collected all the capsules only to find themselves attacked by the mysterious and freakish Blendtrons. The Blendtrons, in truth servants of Unicron seeking to engineer his rebirth, proved nearly invincible, and stole the capsules from each team. Mysterious Beast Warriors!? They released the Angolmois energy and allowed it to possess Galvatron's dead body, restoring Unicron to life in a new form. Unicron Revived!? Unicron absorbed the last remaining ounce of stray Angolmois energythe Blendtrons themselvesand left to settle his score with Cybertron. Great Convoy attempted to hold Unicron off with the entire Maximal armada, but Unicron's fiery serpent mode proved too much and he effortlessly destroyed the armada and Great Convoy along with it. Unicron then possessed Vector Sigma, the mother computer of Cybertron, effectively possessing the planet, and morphed Cybertron into his

Unicron didn't take kindly to being part of the Macy's Parade.

new body.

End of the Maximals!?

Unicron then briefly exited Vector Sigma to deal with the last remaining Cybertronian resistance. The Final Battle Big Convoy, his Maximal new recruits, Lio Convoy and Magmatron all fought side-by-side against Unicron, but all they managed to do was stall him. Big Convoy then powered up his Big Cannon with his own Matrix, transforming it into the Matrix Buster. Big Convoy shot Unicron with the weapon, the powerful blast seemingly destroying the Chaos Bringer. The Final Battle Unicron's spirit was then evicted from Vector Sigma, returning Cybertron to normal. Graduation Ceremony!!

Beast Wars manga continuity

Beast Wars II manga

After his destruction in 2005, Unicron's displaced lifeforce became trapped within the planet Earth, where it was eventually discovered and manipulated by humankind (who were unaware of its origins). This resulted in the devastation of the planet, but the fame of this "mysterious energy" that had been called "Angolmois" was far-reaching, and eventually, twenty million years after Unicron's destruction, Double Cross the Predacon leader Galvatron travelled to the deserted Earth (now known as Gaea) and attempted to harvest it for himself.




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A Maximal energon survey team was sent to the planet Unicron, but it lost contact with Maximal Army Central Headquarters.[6]
Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank!

Galvatron eventually succeeded in sucking-up all the Angolomois energy on Gaea into his artificial planet Nemesis. All Hands, Make a Special Attack on the Evil Planet! The Maximals journeyed to Nemesis to stop him, only for Lio Convoy to become corrupted by the Angolmois energy, turning a Predacon. Lio Convoy was able to channel the true spiritual energy of Gaea through his Energon Matrix and dispel the taint, restoring himself. He then used that same power to destroy Nemesis, the Angolmois, Galvatron and the Predacons. Win the Battle of Light and Darkness!
Beast Wars Neo manga

On the planet Gaea, a group of Predacons somehow came into possession of a mysterious spheroid object known as the Black Ball. The strange artifact was of some importance to the Predacons; it may in fact have told Magmatron that he could rule the galaxy once he had the seven Angolmois capsules. When Big Convoy came to rescue five Maximal rookies who were trapped in the Galvaburg II on Gaea, the Maximals found the Black Ball and retrieved it. After the Maximal returned to the Gung Ho, they attempted to analyze the Black Ball. However, the Black Ball activated the ship's warp engine. The 5 Rookies During the warp, the Black Ball began to speak, telling the "Reply hazy, try again" Maximals about the Angolmois capsules, which originated from the final conflict between Lio Convoy and Galvatron on Nemesis. It also told them that there were seven Angolmois energy capsules scattered across the galaxy in total. The Maximals were warned that they must retrieve all the capsules to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands, or the galaxy would be in extreme danger. The Gung Ho subsequently arrived at the planet Luxor, where one of the capsules was located. There Are 7 Capsules The Black Ball guided Big Convoy's team to various other places where capsules were located. When Magmatron, who was in a healing chamber in the Dinosaur due to wounds caused by Big Convoy, learned that he lost his troops in the battle on Jrmungandr, the Black Ball suddenly appeared. The Black Ball told Magmatron that it could see he was short-handed and offered Magmatron some "helpers"the Blendtrons, who emerged from within the Black Ball. A Battle Fought Alone The Black Ball told both Big Convoy and Magmatron of the planet where the last capsule was located. Magmatron faced off with Big Convoy there, and ordered the Blendtrons to attack the Maximals. One of the Blendtrons, however, chose to attack Magmatron instead. The action of the Blendtrons
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baffled both Big Convoy and Magmatron alike. The Black Ball then arrived on the planet's surface. It was revealed that the Black Ball was actually Unicron himself, or more specifically, his essence, while the Angolmois energy was his life force. Unicron absorbed the six capsules and reformed his head out of the Black Ball. He then revealed that the last capsule was actually both Big Convoy and Magmatron, who were evolved by the power of the Angolmois capsule on their home planet in the 7th Cosmos. Big Convoy teamed up with Magmatron to fight against Unicron, but both failed. Big Convoy was saved by Heinrad, who told him about Unicron's existence and the plan of the Ruler of Time and Space to erase the universe and create a new universe without Unicron, the "cancer". After Heinrad was forced to leave due to his interference, Magmatron was chewed up and spat out by Unicron. Double Cross Unicron then headed to the planet Cybertron. He latched onto the planet like a parasite and turned it into his new body. Unicron desired to consume Big Convoy, the last half of the capsule, in order to make his right eye fully functional once more. His physical body was destroyed by Big Convoy after a harsh battle with Big Convoy's crew. However, Unicron's essence emerged from his physical remains and plastered itself onto Big Convoy's body, trying to possess him. Big Convoy removed the Matrix from his chest and unleashed its power, sacrificing himself and successfully destroying Unicron once and for all. Return to Zero

Dreamwave Generation 1 comics

Unicron's servant, The Fallen, tried to bring about his second coming by breaking the Seal of Primus, but failed. Conflagration Unicron sent a wave of drones and heralds into the universe, with the Alpha Drone, Scourge, arriving on Cybertron 3000 years ago, amidst the Great Shutdown, which he ended when he reactivated Shockwave for research purposes. Generation 1 #0 Shockwave happily shot him and experimented on him, and through these experiments became interesting in uncovering the secrets to Cybertron's history. This curiosity led him to steal the Matrix of Leadership and activate Vector Sigma, which sent a beam across space that roused Unicron from his slumber. Revelation Now awake, but not at full power or consciousness, Unicron set out on a course towards Earth(!). The planets he consumed along his way, including the planet Lithone, accelerated his rejuvenation quicker than Quintesson spectators had calculated. Using the raw materials Unicron harvested from Lithone, he created a new batch of drones based on a second body template.

"Say, do you remember that time Leonardo



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Leonardo tried to open that convenience store across the street?"

Subsequently, Cyclonus burst free from his birthing pod.

Generation 1 #0

Note: Unicron was to be part of a plotline in 2005, starting from #13, but even his might was helpless against Pat Lee's business skills. The reason for the Quintessons' interest in Unicron was never revealed.

G.I. Joe vs. the Transformers

Here, Unicron enslaved the population of the worlds he ate to maintain his inner works; one race included the Beastformers. He is known about in Transformer legend, and is said to have been banished from his homeworld. Thousands of years ago, when humanity was at a primitive stage, Unicron turned up to devour the Earth. The ancestors of Cobra-La, however, had developed a metal-eating spore that could potentially kill Unicron. They came to an agreementthey would go into exile, while Unicron would merely eat human civilisation once it had developed to a useful point. Eventually they did, and Unicron began broadcasting announcements of "I Return" as he headed towards Earth. Black Horizon, Part 1 of 2 Unicron reached Earth and transformed so as to consume civilization in robot form. Japan was devastated and humanity collectively wet itself. But the world was saved by Cosmos and Flint, who flew into the Chaos-Bringer and doused his organic looking brain with Cobra-La's metal-eating spores. Unicron was killed, the world was saved, and G.I. Joe went on to explore the dead monster's innards.
Black Horizon, Part 2 of 2

Who needs all those TV monitors, anyway?

Note: Despite being written after the retcon that established Unicron as a multiversal singularity, this story pays little heed to that concept, refraining from touching upon the Primus/Unicron mythology and instead claiming Unicron was banished at the hands of his own race. Of course, this is only what the Cobra-Lavians believe about Unicron, so there's wiggle room. His strange organic brain, meanwhile, was explained in The AllSpark Almanac II, which revealed that this particular body of Unicron's came from the universe of the GoBots, who share that feature. His uncharacteristic willingness to only eat parts of worlds and leave their populations alive to serve him, and his death-by-fungus, however, are harder to explain away.

Unicron, Wreck-Gar, what's the diff?

Beast Era cartoon continuity

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Note: From most stories of Unicron told in this continuity, it is apparent that he staged an attack upon Cybertron in 2005 as he did in several other timelines, and that his head orbited Cybertron following his destruction as it did in the Generation 1 cartoon. Beast Wars cartoon Voice actor: Blu Mankuma (English), Hidetoshi Nakamura (Japanese) When Starscream appeared on prehistoric Earth and was questioned by the stranded Predacons about how he came to be this way, Starscream "explained" that his body was destroyed by Unicron while serving his master, Galvatron. This was, of course, a misrepresentation, and it was revealed later that it was actually Galvatron himself who killed Starscream. Possession When the Vok spoke with Optimus Primal in Earth's pre-history, they took the form of Unicron's head, claiming that they scanned his mind and chose Unicron as an "authority figure". Other Voices, Part 1 Megatron would later invoke the name of Unicron by referring to Tarantulas as "Unicron's spawn" in a derogatory manner. Nemesis Part 1
This model must have taken them, what, three minutes?

3H comics After the dawn of time, Unicron recruited the Quintessons to seek out the location of his nemesis, Primus. But when the Quintessons discovered Primus, now having taken the form of the planet Cybertron, they decided to delay reporting their findings so they could first exploit Primus to their own ends. After finding the "singular threat" to Unicron and discovering how to subvert it, they used it to create a race of robotic beings which they could sell to other worlds for a price. Disclosure After his destruction in 2005, Unicron's essence was sent spiraling through time and space, to crash on prehistoric Earth, prior to the conflict known as the Beast Wars which would occur on the planet. It is unclear if this was a deliberate attempt by Unicron to preserve his power or not, but this "Dark Essence" seemed to lack any real sentience, suggesting that it was merely Unicron's "power", while his spark remained in his intact head in the future. The Dark Essence was discovered by a Predacon known as the Hunter, who recognized the dark god's power, and fashioned from the Essence the Matrix of Conquest, a twisted version of the Autobot Matrix of Leadership which he
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used to conquer and rule over an apocalyptic 32nd Century future, under the name Even Unicron's crap is evil. "Shokaract". Resistance against Shokaract resulted in an attempt by his opponents to travel back in time and destroy the Dark Essence on prehistoric Earth, thereby erasing Shokaract from history, but the villain travelled back in time to stop this effort. A massive battle between him and Transformers from throughout the multiverse ensued, but eventually, thanks to the efforts of the Covenant, history was altered so that Unicron's essence never arrived on prehistoric Earth, erasing this timelineand Shokaractfrom existence. Terminus Just after the Beast Wars ended on prehistoric Earth, the Vok assembled a team from the remains of that war to counter Tarantulas, Unicron's spawn. Primal Prime, the leader of the Vok's team, had visions of a future apocalypse, involving Unicron, that encompassed every timeline in the multiverse. Primeval Dawn Part 2 After Tarantulas ripped the Matrix of Leadership from Primal Prime's torso, he oversaw the construction of a transwarp portal that would allow him to bring his prize as an offering to Unicron. Primeval Dawn Part 3
Unicron makes his own light saber noises.

Note: Though 3H folded before this story could be completed, Tarantulas would of course not be successful, and the Matrix would be returned to its rightful place. (Because, you know, the Universe stories took place chronologically after it.)

Predicting that Unicron will eventually show up is a pretty safe bet, really.

One week after the Great Reformatting, the Predacon gangster Cryotek succeeded in acquiring the Divine Light, one of the Quintessons' discarded attempts to subvert the will of Primus. As Cryotek used it steal Primus's power for himself, Sentinel Maximus warned him that flaunting Primus's power would catch the attention of Unicron and doom them all. Cryotek laughed at this, since Unicron had been dead since three centuries earlier, and the idea of his resurrection was a fairytale believed only by the naive. Wreckers: Finale Part II Cryotek was defeated, and one year later Unicron struck once more. His body ruined and trapped between universes, he sought to revitalize himself by abducting Transformers from across the multiverse and pitting them against each other within the Cauldron, a dark dimension contained within his own body, absorbing their energon radiation and eventually consuming their sparks. He chose to kidnap several Autobots and Maximals from the technorganic Cybertron, but that was also the staging ground from which Primus chose to launch a counterattack. Primus gathered an army from many different universes and put the resurrected Optimus Primal at its head. Abduction These "Children of Primus" raided Unicron to free his captives from their prison cities, battling Unicron's own legion of "Minions" all the while. These conflicts escalated for months or perhaps longer, their intensity rivaling the Great Wars. [7] This all came to an abrupt end during the final battle, when Unicron simply vanished due somehow to the Unicron Singularity. Revelations Part 2
Guys. GUYS. Get that ring in the right place, or he'll never be able to eat.




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IDW Beast Wars comics Sometime after a series of events similar to those of Lio Convoy and Big Convoy's experiences on Gaea in another universe, Unicron's heralds, the Blendtrons, were instructed by the Chaos Bringer's essence to gather the Angolmois capsules scattered across the galaxy, which contained Unicron's energy. The taint of Angolmois would cause unrest and violence across Cybertron as the planet tore itself apart in renewed savage mindless conflict. At the same time, Unicron's chosen yet unwitting vessel, Shokaract, was fed Angolmois by the Blendtrons, having been convinced that it would grant him the power to be reborn as a god. In one potential timeline, this did indeed happen as Unicron was reborn from Shokaract's corrupted form, and the Chaos Bringer proceeded to consume Cybertron itself. The Ascending #1 However, this was averted before it came to passthanks to the actions of the in-temporallimbo Magmatron, who alerted Ravage and by extension Lio Convoy to Unicron's plan and enlightened Shokaract when the tyrant was temporarily shunted into Magmatron's personal purgatory. Realizing what his ascension actually entailed, Shokaract tore the Anti-Matrix from his chest, sacrificing himself and ending Unicron's plan at re-ascension. The Ascending #4


Beast Machines cartoon During Megatron's rule of Cybertron, Rattrap once compared the Predacon's big floating head as a "monument to Unicron", implying that the Chaos Bringer's head orbited Cybertron after his defeat. By the time of Megatron's rule, however, it had apparently left the planet's orbit, as it was never seen.
Prometheus Unbound

Universe CD-ROM
In a universe where Optimus Primal led the Autobots and Reptilion led the Decepticons, a ship arrived once a year when the Transformers' civil war reached a fever pitch. The ship abducted every Decepticon it could find and promptly left. These Decepticons were brought to Unicron, who was preparing them for an eventual, ultimate battle for the universe. But unknown to even Unicron, Primus, the sentient core of Cybertron, was amassing an army of Autobots that rivalled Unicron's army of Decepticons. Could Primus meet Unicron's challenge, or was the universe doomed? Universe CD-ROM




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I'm gonna steal every single Decepticon every single year. Nobody investigate, mmmkay?

During the United battle, the Decpticons revived Unicron from the astral plane. Unicron took an Autobot spaceship as his new body, which he altered into a tank. Ark Unicron bio Optimus Primal entered into battle against this new threat. During the fight, Primal's ship, the Axalon, mysteriously gained a spark and became a Transformer. The Axalon was then the Autobot's greatest hope of defeating Unicron. Axalon bio

Unicron Trilogy
Toy pack-in comics
The Transformers were unaware of Unicron's gradual approach during the climax of their civil war. Galvatron was defeated and imprisoned, and just when he had escaped, the Planet-Eater suddenly appeared over their planet. Only time would tell if the Transformers could possibly defeat him! Armada Volume 4 Apparently, they could, and years later Galvatron was reborn as Megatron deep inside the core of the defeated Unicron. Energon Volume 1 The threat of Unicron still loomed over the Transformers. Energon Volume 2 Energon Volume 4

Check out my tiny buildings!

Dreamwave comics continuity

Dreamwave Armada comic The nearly-dead body of a dying Cybertron's Optimus Prime was sent ahead by Unicron to his next target universe, as a "calling card". Additionally,
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Unicron sent a group of heraldsincarnations of Bludgeon, Dirge, Galvatron, Scourge, and Thunderwingto this second universe to find the Mini-Con Matrix and kill that universe's Optimus Prime and Megatron. The heralds did not realize that their target Optimus Prime had been accidentally transported to the initial, dying Cybertron. Worlds Collide, Part 1 of 4 Optimus Prime found one lone survivor, Spinister, and begged him to tell him what was going on. Spinister told him that the "heart of darkness, the root of all evil" had ravaged their world. Worlds Collide, Part 3 of 4 When Unicron loomed over them, Spinister surrendered himself to his fate. The southern hemisphere is known as the Spinister soon returned as an avatar for Unicron, who found this Optimus Prime's presence to be "footsmell" region. an "anomaly". Soon Jetfire managed to trace Optimus Prime to this dying universe and travel there to rescue him. Using the power of the Mini-Con Matrix, Prime and Jetfire were able to combine into Jet Optimus and fire a powerful shot into the heart of Unicron. Though they were too late to save this Cybertron, they could return home and prepare for Unicron's coming there. Worlds Collide, Part 4 of 4 Optimus Prime called for an alliance with the Decepticons and the Mini-Cons, hoping to unite their forces against the coming Dark god. After warping to Cybertron's surface, Unicron himself arrived, and announced that they would all soon be consumed. During the following battle, Unicron was curious about the Transformers Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox and Terrorsaur, and abducted them for future purposes. Unicron was ultimately defeated by the MiniCon Matrix, boosted from the additional power of two universes' Mini-Cons. This universe's Megatron, having made a bid for Unicron's power, was standing on the surface of the planet-eater when he was destroyed, and his body was also lost, his spark trapped within Unicron's remains. The End Energon comic Ten years later, his broken body was still left floating in space after his defeat. Despite his damaged form, his core presented huge potentials for power, and so Alpha Quintesson gathered together a group of Decepticon dissidents under the leadership of Scorponok and transformed them into "Terrorcons". He promised these Terrorcons this power in exchange for their services. Meanwhile, Megatron's consciousness was trapped within this core, and it called out to Optimus Prime to help free him. Alpha Quintesson was secretly working for Unicron himself, and he sent the corrupted forms of Airazor, Cheetor, Rhinox, and Terrorsaur, his "Four Horsemen", to Cybertron to distract the Autobots from Unicron's revival. This Evil Reborn Optimus Prime, who received Megatron's message, turned to the Autobot High Council for permission to dedicate an army towards Unicron's return and his intent to consume alleged huge amounts of energon on Earth, but the Council dismissed these concerns as paranoia. While they did not grant Prime his army, they did permit him to travel to Earth alone. Before Prime could get out of the building, Unicron's Horsemen struck. Prime and the Council realized this was an act of war perpetrated by Unicron, and so Prime's original pleas were finally heard. As drones continued to repair Unicron, Megatron managed to assert his will on these drones, who fashioned him a new body.
What Lies Beneath

After defeating Scorponok and his Terrorcons on Earth, Optimus Prime stepped through a portal back to Cybertron to assemble a team of
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reinforcments... but instead on the other end of the portal he found himself within Unicron himself, summoned by Megatron's consciousness. Omni-Potent Optimus Prime argued with Megatron, denying that he would ever help his thought-dead foe inhabit his new body. Megatron countered with images of a massive-scale Terrorcon attack on Earth. Alpha Quintesson had used Unicron's power to reconfigure Tidal Wave into Mirage, and Moscow, Toronto, and Los Angeles were under heavy Unicron has a big negative universe Cyclonus collection. siege. Still, Optimus Prime resisted helping Megatron, even with the promise of teaming up to destroy the remnants of Unicron, as he feared releasing Megatron in his new body would be unleashing an equal evil. Finally, after images of carnage on Earth overwhelmed him, Optimus Prime caved to Megatron's demands, and Prime began travelling through Unicron under Megatron's direction. After falling in some goo, Prime located the sensor array that was keeping Megatron's consciousness from entering his new body. It worked, and Megatron was free... though Optimus Prime was subsequently located by Unicron's internal defenses. He is last seen having defeated these antibodies, with a bandolier and his hand-held cannon, telling Unicron he was coming for him.

You never see him transform to robot mode.


Note: In unreleased issues: Previously, Unicron had destroyed Quintessa, and Alpha Quintesson was the sole survivor. With the Initiator, Alpha attempted to escape Unicron, only for his ship to be pulled to the planet eater. Doomsday Redux! The energon used for Unicron's reactivation came not from Earth, but from Nervissa, a fact Optimus Prime discovered after connecting to Unicron's consciousness. Armageddon Part 1 Alpha Quintesson sought to destroy Unicron and had a seismic-shock warhead teleported to Unicron. Armageddon Part 2 In the later chaos of an alternate-universe Quintesson invasion of Cybertron, Unicron awoke and began to strike out against the Transformers. Realizing that their planet was open to Unicron's attack, the Quintessons attacked Unicron, to no avail. The Quintessons are destroyed, and the Transformers manage to delay Unicron enough for the warhead to explode, destroying the planet. The shockwaves from Unicron's destruction created a black hole from the portal to the alternate-universe Quintessa. Armageddon Part 5

Cartoon continuity
Unicron was evidently very active in this universe at various points in time, although the precise chronological order of his activities is unclear.
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At some undetermined point in the past of this universe, Unicron was approached by the survivors of Planet X, a world that had been destroyed in a war with the inhabitants of the Giant Planet, Gigantion. In return for the chance to gain revenge on Gigantion, the survivors swore loyalty to Unicron, and "Planet X" became something of a code-phrase that identified those in the service of the planet-eater. Note: Liner notes included with the DVD release of Galaxy Force in Japan claim that Planet X is actually the body of Unicron from a parallel universe. This would not appear to be compatible with the Western storyline, nor, indeed, with the date later given to the planet's destruction on the TakaraTomy "World of the Transformers (http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/TF/bible/index.html) " website. Additionally, Cybertronian legend refers to an attack by Unicron on the planet that was ultimately thwarted by the mighty Autobot warrior, Omega Supreme. Omega Supreme Armada cartoon Voice actor: Mark Acheson (English), Katsumi Ch (Japanese) Unicron's first attack on Cybertron in the present day was an indirect one, over a million years in the making, begun when he opted to disguise his dormant body as Cybertron's moon. From this secret vantage point, he implanted his own cells within the planet, where they germinated and grew into the small race of robots known as the Mini-Cons. Unicron hoped to use the Mini-Cons to increase the ferocity of the Autobot/Decepticon war, and feed off of the energies released in the conflict, but an encounter with a group of time-displaced human children planted the seed of sentience and free will within the Mini-Cons, who ultimately rebelled against their creator and fled Cybertron, crash-landing on the planet Earth. Origin When the Mini-Cons were reawakened a million years later in 2010, they were detected by the Autobots and Decepticons, who followed their signal to Earth. First Encounter Unicron also picked up the signal, and dispatched That's no moon! his minion Sideways, an inhabitant of Planet X who would occasionally serve as an avatar for Unicron's spark, to carry on his work. Gale Sideways escalated the conflict by manipulating control of the three Mini-Con weapons, the Star Saber, the Skyboom shield and the Requiem Blaster, but eventually arranged for all three to be returned to Cybertron, where he stole them and used them to reawaken Unicron. Shedding his moon disguise and transforming to robot mode, Unicron turned on Cybertron, only to be met with resistance in the form of the united armada of Autobots and Decepticons Alliance , and his own Mini-Cons, who had linked together and formed a giant duplicate of his body. Union Now at full power, however, it was child's play for Unicron to exert control over his creations, and bring the Mini-Cons under his thumb once more. Again, it was thanks to the Autobots' human alliesthe same children who had been sent back in time and given the Mini-Cons free will in the first placethat
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the Mini-Cons struggled free of Unicron's control, including the three Mini-Con weapons, who broke free and left Unicron's body deactivated. Believing the threat over, Galvatron then challenged Optimus Prime to their final battle, only for the hatred and ferocity of their fight to awaken Unicron once more. To end the circle of hate that gave Unicron life, Galvatron allowed himself to be consumed by the monster, and in a brilliant flash of light, Unicron apparently ceased to exist. Mortal Combat

The Power Cosmic gives you wrinkles.

Don't mind me, just chillin'.

Energon cartoon Voice actor: David Kaye (English), Mark Acheson (English), Nobutoshi Canna (Japanese), Fredrik Beckmann (Swedish) In truth, however, Unicron had survived, and for the next ten years, continued to consume planets in other regions of space. One such planet was the world known as Planet Q, whose inhabitants fought back by detonating the planet's core in Unicron's face. Badly damaged by the explosion, Unicron fell into a state of dormancy, but the life essence of the planet's rulerthe being who would come to be known as Alpha Q continued to exist within him, and began a not-entirely-sane plan to use Unicron's powers to recreate everything the Chaos-Bringer had ever destroyed. Alpha Q: Identity Recreating the armies of Planet Q as "Terrorcons", Alpha Q had them attack Autobot facilities on Earth and throughout the solar system to gather the energon that would be necessary for his plan to work. Cybertron City Unbeknownst to Alpha Q, Megatron's corpse and spark remained within Unicron, and he slowly siphoned off some of the gathered Energon, allowing him to be reborn in his own new body. To escape Megatron's fury, Alpha Q jettisoned Unicron's head and escaped in it, while Megatron took over Unicron's body, and continued to gather Energon in order to rebuild Unicron to use as his ultimate weapon. Megatron Resurrected As the climax of this plan neared, a joint attack by Alpha Q, the Autobots and their human allies saw all of Earth's Energon channeled into Unicron's head, which Alpha Q then rammed into Unicron's body. Unicron Unleashed The positively-charged Energon of Earth reacted with the negatively-charged Energon running through Unicron, tearing open a fissure in
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If I need to steal Trypticon's eyes again, I quit.


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reality leading to a new area of space where planets Unicron consumed were recreated, and sustained through the Energon radiated from Unicron's head, which had now become a glowing red sun. Open Fire! Ripped Up Space Unicron's body, damaged once more, lay in the dark reaches near the fissure, and the Decepticons began to raid Alpha Q's new planets for the Energon necessary to revive Unicron again. A Heroic Battle This time, they succeeded, and Megatron directed Unicron's body to retrieve his head, extinguishing the Energon Sun and killing Alpha Q in the process. But the power of Unicron proved too Unicron sported awesome much for Megatron to control, as Unicron began to take over Megatron's body. colors during Energon. The Power of Unicron The Autobots made a valiant but futile attempt to stop him, but Unicron decimated them. Just as things seemed hopeless, a surge of power came that allowed Optimus-Supreme to grow to Unicron's size and powered up the other Autobots, Optimus Supreme and after a long and hard battle Optimus destroyed Unicron's body. Unicron Perishes

Unicron should stop eating so many Blizzards.

None of the Transformers were aware, however, that Unicron lived on in two forms: his miniscule Spark, floating in space, and his consciousness, which lay buried in Megatron's mind. With quiet, subconscious nudging, Unicron led Megatron to a massive reservoir of "Super Energon" beneath Cybertron's surface, Ambition which transformed him into Galvatron upon his first exposure. Wishes After a series of failed battles, Galvatron proceeded to expose himself to the Super Energon once again, and this time grew to a gigantic height. Galvatron Terror Unicron seized control of his body again for a new vessel and set out to rejoin with his Spark, but a Primus-empowered Optimus Supreme engaged him in battle once more, and drew all of Unicron's consciousness out of Galvatron and sealed it within his own Spark. Destructive Power Enraged, Galvatron prepared to destroy Unicron's Spark, but it merged with him, enlarging him again, leading to another battle with Optimus Supreme, this time bolstered by the combined energy of all his troops' Sparks. Spark Meanwhile, Primus merged with the Super Energon, creating a foundling sun which arrived at the site of the battle. Taking control of his body for a brief moment, Galvatron made the decision to plunge himself into the infant sun to rid himself of Unicron's possession. The super energon mass, having now received Unicron's spark, ignited into a powerful red sun which gave new life to Alpha Q's worlds. The Sun
"How could this puny thing be Unicron?" Kicker Jones "Geodude geeeeoooo geodude."




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Cybertron cartoon The bitter Overhaul was a loner, but his attitude changed when, in deep space, he was trapped underneath some debris near the remains of Unicron and saved by Optimus Prime. Honor Primus's plan to trap Unicron in the heart of a new sun failed when the star collapsed into a massive black hole (sometimes known as the "Unicron Singularity") that threatened the entire multiverse. The collapse of the sun also allowed Megatron to escape, but not before integrating what remained of Unicron's body into himself, increasing his power to nightmarish new heights. Fallen

Ssssh, don't tell Galaxy Force that I'm here!

In addition to strengthening the Decepticon leader, the Armor of Unicron apparently gave Megatron access to a few of the Chaos Bringer's reality-warping powers, including the ability to unleash a devastating Energon aura Starscream Showdown , create new Transformer bodies, upgrade and repair fallen Transformers Darkness , and tap into the power of the Cyber Planet Keys. Revelation Fury The Decepticon leader's newest plan also held hints of the dark god's old agenda, as he intended to use the Keys to accelerate the black hole's growth and destroy the entire universe (albeit with the intent to remake it in his image afterwards).

The cause ofand solution toall of our continuity problems.

Unfortunately for Unicron and Megatron (who again upgraded into Galvatron), the black hole would be sealed away by Primus himself after the Autobots restored his full power. End The Armor of Unicron would be overwhelmed and destroyed along with its wearer in a final battle with Optimus Prime, wiping away the last traces of Unicron from the universe. Unfinished

Cybertron comic Unicron's heralds Ramjet and Nemesis Prime arrived on Cybertron, intent on unleashing the Dead Matrix on Primus's vulnerable essenceas the Matrix was the antithesis of Unicron, so too would the Dead Matrix ensure the destruction of Primus, thereby totally destabilizing the multiverse and reducing it to a sea of entropic chaos. For the first time, it would be possible for Unicron to strike at Primus in all realities simultaneously, ending their cosmic feud once and for all. Balancing Act, Part 2 Ramjet and Nemesis Prime were ultimately stopped by Vector Prime and allies Sentinel Maximus and Omega Prime, plucked from the midst of the Universe conflict by the multiverse-warping energies of the black hole. Revelations Part 1 The Dead Matrix, however, was taken by Unicron's servant
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Soundwave and cast into the heart of the black hole, freeing Unicron's spark, which entered the planet Yst and immediately began to sow chaos and disorder. Re-energized by the hatred and violence than ran rampant on Yst, Unicron formed a new, diminutive body for himself, born into the universe when Yst exploded. Revelations Part 3 During the time that followed, from behind the scenes Unicron orchestrated a civil war between the Mini-Cons stationed on Cybertron's moons. Revelations Part 4 When Sentinel Maximus led a team of Autobots to stamp out the escalating conflict, Unicron's involvement was revealed, and he joined the battle himself alongside Soundwave. With no further use for the Mini-Cons, he murdered several of them and tried to capture Skyfall and Landquake, whom he had plans for. Revelations Part 5 However, before Unicron could achieve victory, Primus was reawakened, and the dark god fled as Cybertron transformed into its robot mode. Revelations Part 6

Sorry, did that previous image indicate that Unicron was still huge?

The Planet-Eater's back, and you're gonna be in trouble.

Within the Primax 984.0 Gamma universal stream, the appearance and subsequent destruction of Unicron and the destruction of Primus's avatar, On the Edge of Extinction! as well as the tainting of the Matrix caused by Thunderwing, created a great many splinter timelines. These events, as well as an earlier, undefined event related to Megatron, resulted in the creation of yet another splinter timeline, Primax 207.0 Epsilon. This universe overwrote a Gargent universe. Withered Hope

Live-action Transformers movie series

Titan Magazines

I'm certain I can speak for all those pledged to the Decepticon cause when I say Unicron spells one thing, and that's trouble with a capital 'running and screaming'.
Barricade, #6 (Vol.2) While the Transformer race appears ignorant of Unicron, Starscream has knowledge of him and encountered him #12's Star Screams in an event where Unicron attempted to devour Cybertron. #19's Star Screams We don't know how Starscream witnessed this (did he hop universes?) but it has left him terrified. #17's Star Screams
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In 2009, both Barricade and Ironhide would also be aware of Unicron's existence. His sheer might scared him. want to see Unicron in the third film and it sickens them. #13's Law and Disorder

#6's Law and Disorder

They know that you

Note: The following events occur in a splinter timeline where Megatron won the battle of Mission City. Stockade and his Decepticon chums attempted to rebirth Cybertron by sending out a summons that would attract any entity related to the lost AllSpark, and then drawing that entity into Cybertron once it arrived. As that entity announced itself to be "Unicron the Anti-Life!", they felt like a right bunch of plonkers.
Return to Cybertron: Part 2

"The psoriasis is barely slowing him down!"

Unicron moved swiftly, transforming Cybertron into a scarier looking physical form and causing the planet's surface to becoming hostile to the Transformers on it. Stockade's attempts at communication were met with contempt and a strange attack. The new Unicron then warped into the Sol system, shot down an Autobot shuttle, and went "OM NOM NOM" at the sight of Earth. Return to Cybertron: Part 3

The downed Autobots regrouped with Stockade's Decepticons and worked to take away the Nucleon that was powering Unicron's physical form. They succeeded in this by causing it to blow up and catch fire, which caused Unicron to draw on more Nucleon to recover, which fueled the fire and so on until the source ran out. Unicron disappeared, though whether he was dead or just gone is ambigious. Return to Cybertron: Part 4 Either way, the changes Unicron had made to Cybertron remained. The teleportation equipment he'd created was used by the Autobots to finally end the war. Revolution Part Three

Aligned continuity
Aligned novels
Unicron was defeated in his attempt to destroy Cybertron very early in its history, but emanations of his presence remained and were gathered and stored on Trypticon Station. This substance was a violently addictive poison that could pass on to another bot once its user died, and was dubbed the Sparks of Unicron or Dark Energon. Ultimately Megatron achieved what Unicron did not by contaminating the core with Dark Energon, forcing the planet to shut down and reboot. Exodus

Prime cartoon
Voice actor: John Noble (English), Hidetoshi Nakamura (Japanese), Jos Lavat (Latin American-Spanish), Marco Balbi (Italian), Jrgen
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Kluckert (German), Markus Bckman (Finnish) According to legend, at the beginning of time, Unicron and Primus battled each other for eons, with neither side remaining victorious for long. Until, that is, Primus created the Thirteen. These Thirteen defeated Unicron and cast him into space. Over time, matter gravitated towards Unicron's fallen form, eventually forming a planet which found an orbit around a distant star. Prophesies foretold that should a certain planetary alignment occur, gravitational forces would wake Unicron from his slumber. In Optimus Prime's later view, Unicron had likely begun to transcend physical form. One Shall Rise, Part 1 In his three years in space, Megatron discovered the solidified form of Dark Energon, rumoured to be "the blood of Unicron". A worried Starscream referred to Unicron as a legendary "destroyer", and called his blood the "Anti-Spark" as well. Darkness Rising, Part 2 Megatron injected a piece of Dark Energon into himself and announced that he could hear Unicron's thoughts, much to Starscream's concern. Darkness Rising, Part 3

Unicron ate the corners of this image. See, 'cuz he's evil.

Some time later, as a planetary alignment foretold in a prophecy from the Covenant of Primus was drawing near, Megatron began to see visions of the future brought on by the sliver of Dark Energon that dwelt within his body. In one such vision, Megatron glimpsed the shadowed face of Unicron himself, and claimed that it was as if he could hear Unicron's own thoughts. Knock Out and Airachnid were less than convinced, but kept that fact to themselves. Much to everyone's shock, a volcano near the site of Optimus and Megatron's battle exploded and released a load of Dark Energon from the Earth's core. One Shall Fall As storms, earthquakes, and volcanoes erupted simultaneously across Earth, the Autobots began to suspect that Earth itself had Unicron as its core, explaining why Dark Energon was expelling from within. Meanwhile, Megatron ordered the Decepticon Miners to mine the Dark Energon that spilled and at the same time he sought Unicron's attention at the maw of a volcano. Megatron presented himself as Unicron's herald and servant, an enemy of the Primes, but Unicron dismissed the Decepticon leader. If Megatron had failed to destroy the last of the Primes thus far on his own, Unicron believed Megatron's help was worthless. Similarly, Optimus Prime sought out Unicron elsewhere, traveling to the area which the Autobots believed to be the strongest epicenter of his consciousness. Unicron formed from a cliffside as a stone likeness of his old body near Optimus, while the Autobot leader made a passioned plea to the Chaos Bringer to spare the planets' inhabitants. Unicron denied Optimus's pleas, as he considered the humans "parasites", and he birthed multiple copies of himself from the landscape that surrounded Optimus Prime. One Shall Rise, Part 1

"Disappointed that I'm not the size of the moon or bigger? We'll soon fix that."



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Optimus, soon joined by his fellow Autobots, blasted his way through increasingly larger Unicron avatars, until finally Unicron produced one even the Autobots couldn't beat. It raised a foot to crush Optimus, only for Megatron to lend a hand by blasting its head off. While the Autobots retreated to base to consider Megatron's plan, the Decepticon leader engaged more of the stone Unicrons, smashing them as fast as Unicron could produce them. Eventually, Megatron disappeared through the Autobot GroundBridge. A short time later, Megatron and the Autobots used the GroundBridge to reach the core of Earth itself, where Still not big enough for you? Unicron's eye peered around. One Shall Rise, Part 2 As they moved through the interior of the ancient robot, the Autobots and Megatron were attacked by a swarm of flying drones, Unicron's own antibodies. The group fought them until they reached Unicron's spark chamber, and Optimus Prime and Megatron ventured inside. As Optimus attempted to fight off waves of power from Unicron, Megatron was forcibly possessed by the ancient god and set against the Autobot leader. Before Unicron could strike through Megatron, Optimus unleashed the full power of the Matrix on Unicron, overwhelming him, and quite possibly extinguishing his spark. One Shall Rise, Part 3

"So hey, Prime, I guess we're kind of like Ozzy and Drix, huh?" "Shut up."

Much later Agent Fowler was giving a briefing to General Bryce about the Autobots' mission and brought up their encounter with Unicron. Bryce misunderstood and believed Fowler was talking about a unicorn, threatenening Fowler with a psychological evaluation. He relented after the misunderstanding was cleared up. Grill

Arms Micron toy bios

The awakening of Unicron from within the Earth sent ripples that echoed into the multiverse, drawing the attention of Lio Convoy in another universe. Travelling across realities, he arrived to find that the Autobots and Decepticons had already defeated Unicron, but elected to remain in this world for a time to safeguard against his potential return. Arms Micron Leo Prime bio Using his ancient sword and the power of his Energon Matrix, Lio Convoy carved up the remains of one of Unicron's rock-and-stone avatars to create the powerful Gaia Armor, severing its link to Unicron himself but allowing it to retain the power of Dark Energon. Arms Micron Gaia Armor bio

Rescue Bots cartoon

Rescue Force Sigma-17 was sufficiently aware of Unicron for Heatwave to remark that Boulder's throwing skills would be insufficient to hit the backside of Unicron with a lobbing ball. Christmas in July

The Covenant of Primus

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The Covenant of Primus

Further information in this article is coming soon as it pertains to information that has not yet been officially released.
See the relevant policy page for the reasons why, and do not add further information pending review. This tag expires in 118 days

Transformers game
Voice actor: Matthew King (English) After the Autobots defeated the Decepticons on Earth and had secured the majority of the MiniCons there, Unicron made his appearance above Cybertron, intent on destroying the planet. Optimus Prime's team of Autobots and the Mini-Cons returned home via a warp gate to see the Chaos Bringer unleash a wave of destruction upon the great cities of their planet. The Mini-Cons joined together to form the Matrix Cannon, the Vanguard Booster and the Nemesis Shield for the Autobots to use against Unicron. The Autobots flew into Unicron's maw and blasted their way into his energy core, damaging it enough to send Unicron spiralling out of control and destroying him. Transformers

Transformers: Prime - The Game

Unicron takes a shot in the mouth.

Eons ago Unicron created Thunderwing to serve him and destroy the Matrix of Leadership. After Unicron's demise a meteor of Dark Energon with Thunderwing sealed within crashed on Earth, Optimus Prime came across the meteor and found Thunderwing who revealed that he was a minion of Unicron and his mission was to destroy the Matrix. Thunderwing even went as far as to seek help from the Decepticons for the repairs needed. However he failed thanks to the combined efforts of Prime and Jack Darby and fell into a volcano. Transformers: Prime - The Game




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Toys Notes

Since Unicron is a villain and because I was fooling around at that time, I decided to make him look demonic with goatee, horns, bat-like wings and eagle talons for feet. I got the idea of Unicron from the planet Saturn and Satur. Actually, the original name was "Ingestor," but the writer changed it to Unicron when he saw the design, probably because of the "horns."

character designer Floro Dery, Floro Dery's TransFormers Exhibit And Interview (http://transformersph.blogspot.com/2007/06/floroderys-transformers-exhibit-and.html)

Before the Transformers brand even existed, Takara designer Hiroyuki Hataike drew up a "Planet-Robot" toy for the Micro Change line, a design that would eventually inspire Unicron. In early preproduction for The Transformers: The Movie, Unicron was referred to as the Entity. A model sheet from later in the movie's preproduction revealed that, at one point, the planet Unicron would turn into the robot Flamboyantcron Ingestor. An early rough draft of the film detailed some of the specifics of this; the disembodied voice of Ingestor would have presented itself to Megatron as merely the master and custodian of the planet Unicron, communicating from somewhere within the planet. He would remake the Life Spark of Megatron and other fallen Decepticons into Galvatron and his troops, and implore them to bring him energon to feed the planet, consumed with straw-slurping and lip-smacking sounds. Only at the draft's climax were Ingestor and Unicron revealed to be one and the same, as the energy the planet had been absorbing was revealed to be required to power the planet's transformation into robot mode. We used "robot" loosely, though; many pieces of organic terminology are used throughout the draft to describe planet and robot forms, such as the planet being covered in what appeared to be grass trees but which were actually the hairs of his humanoid form. At the end of the early rough draft, Unicron is destroyed completely by the Life Spark of Optimus Prime. [8] Character designer Floro Dery claims his designs for Unicron were very large and complicated. For example, there were three drawings of Unicron's internal organs that were 2'x7' each. Dery also explains that Unicron's television monitor-covered core is "like security monitors in a building," and that he must watch these screens manually to know what is going on, rather than the information being diverted directly into him from the screens' source. And finally, the orbiting moon that is seen in the discarded Generation 1 prototype by Takara (see Unicron/toys) was intended to be "a kind of mini-Unicron, like Mini-Me of Dr. Evil." Floro Dery's kind of eccentric. [9] Floro Dery's production notes as shown on his designs for Unicron (then "The Entity") reveal some very interesting things that don't quite come through in the original film or were dropped: The spheres on Unicron's rings are meant to be roughly equivalent in size to Earth.
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The surface of Unicron was originally a dense jungle of metal and mechanical creatures. Dery's roundabout reasoning for giving Unicron rings is explained: "Saturn sounds like Satur [presumably meaning satyr]. Satur is synonymous with the Devil. The Entity is a Devil-like planet. This is the reason why I designed the Entity like the planet Saturn." A moon is included (as in Takara's G1 toy prototype), but never explained aside from being flashy and conductive. All the circular portions on the planet's surface were to flash and reflect different colors to "dazzle the viewers" and eliminate the epileptics in the audience.

That's no moon. No seriously, ignore that moon.

An earlier version of Unicron's head showed up during Unicron's transformation scene in The Transformers: The Movie. Originally animated for The Transformers: The Movie promo, this version has no facial hair and has extra greebles all over his face. It also colored the helmet entirely gray, save an orange mohawk. In IDW's comic book adaptation of the animated film, Don Figueroa drew a hybrid between the two designs, combining the facial hair and the orange mohawk. The Unicron Trilogy, the series of Transformers franchises that includes Armada, Energon, and Cybertron, was so named by Hasbro designer Aaron Archer because of Unicron's importance in each story. He shaved! [10] Roberto Orci was interested in having Unicron in the then untitled Transformers 3. Unicron has the ability to create tainted worlds, but none have yet been discovered. The animated film and the following season of the cartoon are extraordinarily consistent about Unicron never actually moving his mouth while speaking, suggesting his voice may be broadcast as opposed to physically produced. Armada similarly features a lack of mouth movement, however, he DOES move it while speaking once. Transformers: Prime features another exception, with Unicron actually speaking with his mouth more often.

Foreign names
Japanese: Unicron ( Yunikuron) Hungarian: Unikron, Unikornisz ("Unicorn") Korean: Unicron ( Yunikeuron) Mandarin: Unicron (Taiwan, , Yu N K Lng), Yzhu Dd (China, , "Emperor of the Universe") Polish: Unicron, Rogacz (The Horned One), Jednoroec (Unicorn)

External links
Unicron on TFU.info (http://www.tfu.info/2003/Unicron/Unicron/unicron.htm)
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Unicron's Universe profile at NFTA.net (http://www.ntfa.net/universe/english/index.php?act=view&char=Unicron) Photo gallery and review of Green Lucky Draw Unicron (http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/content.php?/pages/transformersreviews/gallery/766/micron+legend/Green+Unicron+%28Lucky+Draw%29.html) Inflatable Unicron store display gallery (http://www.transformertoys.co.uk/content.php?/transformersgallery/merchandise/25/merchandise/Unicron+Japanese+Store+Display.html)

References and footnotes

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Titanium Series 3" Unicron profile Universe Armada Series Unicron bio Profile, Hasbro Transformers Collectors' Club issue 10 According to the Transcendent Technomorphs' records in "Withered Hope." The original script called this an "electronic mist". It sets you on fire and melts you. This is possibly a vague hint to the role Unicron would play in the greater Beast Wars II-Neo story, or a reference inserted by the author before Unicron's inclusion as the source of Angolmois was decided upon. Optimus Primal's bio in the Transformers Collectors' Club comic #9 Auctions Transformers: The Movie script (http://boltax.blogspot.com/2010/12/heritaage-auctions-transformers-movie.htmlHeritage) @ Disciples of Boltax Zobovor's Interview with Floro Dery (http://web.archive.org/web/20060625115408/http://members.aol.com/tfencyc/interview_dery.html) [1] (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/transformers-movie-just-movie-31/ask-roberto-orci-roundup-january-14---mythology-money-shots-jolt-militaryand-bringing-chaos-166603/)

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