Cinna Dock

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Windows like Skype window that goes hide into panel notification area are not visible to dock Tricky behaviour that is not a bug: 1. When you remove last app from dock and application is still open then you wil l get impression that remove action didnt work. It did but you need to close app lication to find this out, since by default every open application is placed at the end of dock (for same reason you will now have menu 'Pin to dock' available while app window is kept open) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CinnaDock All thanks to oryginal author of dock as stated in credits file: Original author: [email protected] Installation: 1. disable current dock extension (Cinnamon configuration->Extensions, untick Do ck) 2. extract [email protected] into ~/.local/share/cinnamon/extensions/ 3. as root copy provided gschema.xml to /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ 4. as root compile schema glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/ 5. logout and log back in ----------------------------------------before proceeding further please ensure cinnadock schema was loaded Alt-F2 dconf-editor please check if org.cinnamon.extensions.cinnadock exists and has settings simila r to that on a picture if not repeat above steps ----------------------------------------------------------------6. Cinnamon configuration->Extensions, tick CinnaDock (dock should aprear on rig ht with gnome-terminal icon in it, autohide flag should be off) 7. Middle-mouse click anywhere on dock will open up settings submenu (in most ca ses button number 2 is under mouse wheel) - set autohide flag and position the w ay you like 8. keep opening apps you plan to add to dock, when app is opened 'Pin to dock' R ight-click will be availabe (for already pinned 'Remove' will be there) - using both menu options you can line up icons as needed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TODO: JS related: 1. When Cinnamon core allows loading schemas from extensions, comply with define d way of doing so Theme related:

1. Apply Cinnamon's panel theme to dock so all is nice and consistant 2. Little led inicator when app window is opened to increase clarity (something like in docky) - if 2 windows of same app are opened maybe two little leds?? (or led with a little number??) - at the moment you have to look petty close at doc k to find out what is going on and there is no way to say if two windows of same apps are opened by looking at dock only ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Currently out of scope: 1. drag and drop 2. theming (would be nice if someone can pick this up - I can help with code cha nges to support theming if need be) 3. extending settings menu of autohide effect/duration etc

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