Biografy The Cullen and Bella's Fam

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Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson)

Edward Anthony Masen Cullen was born the son of Elizabeth & Edward Masen on
June 20, 1901. In 1918 at age seventeen, having lost his mortal family to a
particularly deadly strain of Spanish Influenza, Edward found himself at death's
door. Whilst receiving treatment in Chicago, he came under the care of the
enigmatic Dr. Carlisle Cullen. His mother had made a final wish that the young
doctor do all within his power to prevent the death of her son from the same
disease. It is unclear whether or not she was aware of the fate she was assigning
to him. Dr. Cullen complied with her request the only way he knew how: by
transforming Edward into a vampire.

Presently, Edward resides in the wintry town of Forks, Washington with his
"adopted" family: Dr. Carlisle and Esme Cullen, sisters Rosalie and Alice, and
brothers Emmett and Jasper. He attends Forks High School, sharing the
graduating class of Isabella Swan, human daughter of Police Chief Charlie Swan.
Despite almost ninety years of strict abstinence from human blood, upon
meeting Bella he was barely able to resist the urge to feed on her. The unique,
potent aroma of her blood proved to be a powerful temptation, awakening the
dormant beast within and very nearly destroying the life the Cullens has
constructed for themselves.

In degrees, Edward learns to overcome and to control his thirst for Bella, and his
fascination quickly evolves into passionate adoration. However Bella's penchant
for becoming embroiled in dangerous situations weighs heavy on his conscience.
When Bella is part of a near-fatal accident involving Tyler Crowley's van in the
school parking lot, Edward intercedes and Bella discovers his extraordinary
physical strength. After he rescues her again, this time from a gang of would-be
attackers in Port Angeles, she begins to realize that strength is only one of the
strange gifts he possesses. After this incident, the two become inseparable and
their love continues to grow and evolve into something profound. Edward finds
himself unwilling and unable to stay away from Bella, though he fears that he is
exposing her to danger and is soon sharing the secrets of his families various
"powers" and their individual histories.

Edward's gift is that he can read minds, hearing peoples innermost thoughts. He
has never encountered a person who is immune to his power... until Bella shows
up and he realizes that her mind is impenetrable. At first this infuriates him, but
it is also the catalyst for his obsession with her; How and why is her mind a
mystery to him?

As Bella comes to grips with the truth about the Cullen family, she continually
begs Edward to turn her into one of them. She dreads the fact that she grows
older than him day by day, and sees her humanity as more of a curse than a gift
as she is pursued by all manner of supernatural assailants.

His brothers and sisters include Alice, who can see the future, Jasper, who can
control others emotions, Emmett, who has supernatural strength (even for a
vampire), and the amazingly beautiful Rosalie. Though most of them trust their
natural instincts and avoid her because of her sweet smelling blood, they
eventually adjust to the change and support Edward's feelings for Bella. They are
all vampire offspring of the mysterious Carlisle Cullen and his vampire wife

While Jasper and Emmett's parents remain unknown, Rosalie and Edward talk of
their parents occasionally. Alice is from an asylum and doesn't know who created
her nor does she remember her past human life.

Edward is described as being impossibly beautiful. His face is angular and

perfect--high cheekbones, strong jawline, straight nose, and beautiful, perfect
lips. His hair, which is always in casual disarray, is an unusual bronze shade
inherited from his biological mother, Elizabeth. As a human, his eyes were an
emerald green. He is said to have a dazzling crooked smile. He stands 6'2", has a
slender yet muscular body, and is physically 17 years old.

Isabella Swan (Kristen Stewart)

Isabella ''Bella'' Marie Swan is the daughter of Charlie Swan of Forks, Washington
and Renee Dwyer of Phoenix, Arizona and later Jacksonville, Florida. Her parents
were married right out of high school and had Bella at a very young age. Charlie
and Renee later divorced and Renee moved to Phoenix, Arizona, due to not being
able to stand living in dreary, constantly overcast Forks any longer, taking
newborn Bella with her. Every summer Bella would come and visit her father for
a few weeks in the little cloudy town of Forks where her parents had lived.

Bella stopped going to Forks when she was a young teen because she did not like
it there. When Renee married Phil, Bella felt she was holding her mom back from
being able to travel with her baseball playing husband so she decided to move to
Forks to live with Charlie so her mom could be happy. This is just one of many
selfless acts demonstrated by Bella, which is part of her character.

This is where she met and fell deeply in love with Edward Cullen. After
discovering Edward's and his families secret, her life changed dramatically as
they grow ever more attached to one another. Bella, being known to attract
disasters, constantly keeps Edward busy saving her life from day to day events.

Bella is described as being very fair-skinned with dark brown hair and chocolate
brown eyes and a heart-shaped face. She has a wide forehead, large, wide-
spaced eyes, and prominent cheekbones. She is five foot four inches tall, but not
muscular, and weighs 110 pounds. She does not think of herself as beautiful, but
she is alone in this opinion.

Most of the guys at Forks High School are attracted to Bella. Mike, Tyler, and Eric
all ask her to the spring dance. She rejects all of them due to her fear of dancing
and being shy, social situations. She, instead, accepts an offer to travel with
Edward to Seattle, Washington that weekend. Later, after surviving an attack by
another vampire, James, she goes to the prom with a broken leg with Edward
Cullen escorting her. She doesn't know that her new friend Jacob Black, and her
new boyfriend Edward Cullen are mortal enemies. Jacob is a werewolf and
Edward is a vampire. Many years ago, before Bella was in Forks, Edward's family
hunted on Jacob's Quileute tribes' land. A treaty established between the tribe
and the Cullens leaves an uneasy peace between the two groups, that continues
to this day.

In New Moon, Bella turns 18 on September 13th. She receives a camera from
Charlie (her father) and a scrapbook from Renee (her mother). She accepts these
presents, despite her vehement resistance stated many times before her
birthday, that she didn't want to celebrate turning older than Edward. That
evening she goes to the Cullen's home with Edward where they throw a little
party for her, though she continues to protest the celebration.

While Bella unwraps her presents, she gets a paper cut which releases a single
drop of blood resulting in Jasper (the Cullen newest to the 'vegetarian' lifestyle)
attempting to pounce on Bella to drink her blood, but Edward pushes her out of
the way and saves her though she falls onto more glass which cuts her arm open
and she bleeds even further. Carlisle stitches her wound up and Bella goes home
without seeing Jasper again.

This event leads to Edward leaving Bella telling her that he doesn't love her
anymore and to take care of herself, resulting in her going into a zombie-like
state for months. She does the bare minimum to remain alive subsequent to
Edward leaving with the rest of the Cullen family. However, in January she 'wakes
up' after Charlie tries to send her home, back with Renee to Jacksonville. She
then becomes good friends with Jacob Black, partially to appease Charlie, at least
at first. Jacob helps Bella gradually recover from her depression over Edward
leaving. Jacob starts to fall in love with Bella, but she continues to love Edward
and won't let herself love Jacob as more than a friend.

Bella becomes very interested in extreme sports and does some very dangerous
things like riding motorcycles and cliff diving, when she discovers these
dangerous actions cause her to hear Edward's voice in her head cautioning her
to be more careful. The sound of his voice is so alluring to Bella she continues to
make unsafe choices over and over again just to hear Edward's voice.

Ultimately, these life-threatening decisions lead to a misunderstanding causing

Edward to believe Bella is now dead and Alice (who arrives to comfort the
grieving Charlie), and Bella end up racing to Volterra, Italy to attempt to save
Edward's life since he is about to expose the secret of the existence of vampires,
knowing the vampire royalty, the Volturi, will kill him for this action. Essentially,
Edward believes this suicidal action will allow him to join Bella in the after life, or
so he hopes, but either way he has no intention of remaining alive if Bella is

Charlie Swan (Billy Burke)

Charlie Swan is Chief of the Police Department in Forks and father to Bella - his
child with Renee after they got married fresh out of high school. Unfortunately
the partnership didn't last and Renee left for the sunny side of life in Phoenix,
Arizona with Bella as a baby. However, Bella would come visit with Charlie over
summer for a couple of weeks but dreaded it because of the constant gloomy,
rainy weather.

He is a very caring, but opinionated man, and doesn't really approve of Bella's
relationship with Edward. He is wary of Edward whenever he is around and tends
to ask a few questions here and there. Charlie is great friends with the Blacks,
especially Billy, though they don't always see eye to eye. Billy holds a strong
grudge against the Cullens because of the Quileute legends of 'the cold ones',
which Charlie has no knowledge of. Charlie feels Billy is being absolutely
ridiculous, as does Jacob, (though Bella knows better).

Charlie spends most of his free time fishing on the weekends, and watching
sports on TV every night. He often feels guilty for leaving Bella alone so much.

Alice Cullen ( Ashley Greene)

Alice Cullen (born Mary Alice Brandon) is the adopted daughter of Carlisle
and Esme, adoptive sister of Edward, Rosalie, and Emmett, and wife of
Jasper. Alice is described as being petite and pixie-like at 4'10", with a
graceful gait and hair that is short, spiky, and black. Her special ability is
to see the future, an enhanced version of her ability to have premonitions
as a human. However, her ability is limited; she is only able to see the
outcome of a decision once it is made. Due to this, decisions made in the
spur of the moment can not be foreseen. Alice can see futures involving
humans and vampires, though is unable to see the futures of werewolves
or half-breeds, such as Renesmee. In Breaking Dawn, Alice theorizes that
she can see vampires very clearly because she is one, can see humans
somewhat less clearly because she was one, and cannot see werewolves
or half-breeds because she never was one. Alice is portrayed as being
bubbly and optimistic, and loves and cares for Bella like a sister. Her
hobbies include shopping, make-overs, and throwing parties. Alice's early
history is very vague, as she remembers nothing of her human life and
woke up alone as a vampire. It is eventually revealed that she was born
around 1901 in Biloxi, Mississippi, and was kept in an asylum because she
had premonitions. Alice was changed by an old vampire who worked at
the asylum in order to protect her from James, a tracker vampire who was
hunting her. After doing some research, Alice found her grave and
discovered that the date on her tombstone matched the date of her
admission to the asylum. Through her research she additionally
discovered that she had a little sister named Cynthia, and that Cynthia's
daughter, Alice's niece, was still alive in Biloxi.

Throughout Twilight, Alice uses her ability to see the future and help Bella
when she is in danger. The two soon become friends, loving each other
like sisters. In New Moon, Alice foresees Bella jumping off a cliff and
assumes she is trying to commit suicide, though Bella actually was
partaking in the sport of cliff diving. Rosalie, believing Bella to be dead,
informs Edward. After discovering the truth, Alice accompanies Bella to
Italy to stop Edward from killing himself. They are successful, but are
taken to see the Volturi, who act as police of the vampire world. Through
Alice's premonitions, Aro is able to see that Bella will eventually become a
vampire and invites her, Alice, and Edward to stay with them. They all
refuse and return to Forks. In Eclipse, Alice, who proves to be an adept
fighter, joins in the fight to destroy a group of rampaging newborn
vampires, created by Victoria in an effort to take revenge on Edward. Alice
acts as Bella's maid of honor at her wedding in Breaking Dawn and helps
with Renesmee until leaving to search out a crossbreed after the Volturi
plan to destroy Renesmee, believing her to be an immortal child. Alice is
successful and the Volturi, not seeing a threat, leave.

Rosalie Hale (Nikki Reed)

Rosalie Lillian Hale was born to a middle-class family in 1915 in Rochester,

New York. Her father had a stable job in a bank while her mother was a
housewife. Her parents were social climbers and Rosalie, who was
extraordinarily beautiful, was the ticket they needed to reach their social
aspiration. She was clearly the favorite of her parents, with two younger

While growing up, Rosalie dreamed of a lavish life--a life with a rich
husband and children as beautiful as she was. Her parents influenced her
want of material things, which made her vain and conceited. She wanted
a big house that someone else would clean, with a large lawn that she
would play with her children on.

In Rochester, where she grew up, there was only one family that had what
her parents wanted--the Kings. Royce King owned the bank Rosalie's
father worked in. His son, Royce II, saw Rosalie for the first time and
began dating her. It was a quick courtship and the couple was soon
engaged. The engagement went too quickly and wedding plans were

Rosalie couldn't help but feel something was missing from her relationship
with him, despite the fact that Royce was everything she'd dreamt of. She
soon began wanting what her good friend Vera had--a husband who
wasn't necessarily rich, but one that loved her and was there for her, and
a small baby they could raise together lovingly.

One night she went to Vera's, and while walking home she realized how
late it was and she wished that she had called her father to escort her but
realized it was silly since the way was so short. As she continued, she saw
several drunken men. One of them turned out be Royce. Showing her off
to his friends, he ripped off her jacket and the pins from her hair. When
she cried out in pain, the men seemed to enjoy it. They proceeded to beat
and later rape her.

Royce and his friends left her dying on the streets. Carlisle Cullen came to
investigate the grisly scene, found her half-dead and tried to save her
humanly. Rosalie had never liked Dr. Cullen or his wife, Esme and her
brother, Edward, as he then pretended to be. It had bothered her that the
family was more beautiful than she was. Dr. Cullen, who turned out to be a
vampire, saved Rosalie that night by turning her into a vampire after he
realized she could not survive her wounds as a human. Despite the fact he
and his family are vampires, they only fed on the blood of animals, calling
themselves "vegetarians". Soon after becoming a vampire, she killed
Royce and his friends in vengeance but was careful not to spill a drop of
blood, knowing she couldn't resist that. For this particular reason, Rosalie
prides herself on never having fed on human blood.

Two years later, while hunting, she found a young man named Emmett
being mauled by a bear and ran him back to Carlisle. She begged for him
to save the dying Emmett, who reminded her of Vera's little boy Henry, by
changing him into a vampire. The two fell in love and were soon married.

Rosalie and Emmett currently reside in Forks, Washington, but they often
live away from the family as a married couple. Rosalie is the only one of
the Cullens (except Carlisle) to keep her last name, on account of her not
wanting to be a vampire. It is for this reason that she resents Bella for
wanting to be a vampire, for "throwing away" everything Rose ever
wanted but never had a chance to have.

Rosalie is described as being astoundingly beautiful, even for a vampire.

She is tall, statuesque and has wavy blonde hair to the middle of her back.
She is physically 18 years old.

Jasper Hale (Jackson Rathbone)

Jasper Hale (born Jasper Whitlock) is the adopted son of Carlisle and Esme,
adoptive brother of Edward, Emmett, and Rosalie, and husband of Alice. He was
born in Texas and joined the Confederate States Army in 1861 to serve in the
Civil War. Due to his extremely charismatic personality, he ascended through the
ranks quickly.

Jasper was turned into a vampire in 1863 by a vampire named Maria when he
was 20 years old. As a vampire, he gained the ability to manipulate the emotions
of those around him. Recognizing his high rank in the army, Maria decided to
change him into a vampire to help her claim territory in Monterrey. Jasper's
responsibility was to train young vampires and then kill them when they were no
longer useful (about a year after their transformation- when their strength began
to fade).

After about a century of this, he grew weary of the lifestyle and joined an old
friend, Peter, and his mate Charlotte. Jasper left the two eventually, not wanting
to feed on humans because he could feel his prey's emotions as they died. Alice,
foreseeing that they would be together, met him in a half-empty diner in
Philadelphia, and together they sought out the Cullen family. During their
companionship and travels, they soon fell in love and were later married.

Due to his past, where he was able to feed on humans whenever he chose,
Jasper lacks strong self-control. He is described as tall with honey blond hair, and
is muscular but lean and is physically 20 years old. His body is covered with
crescent-shaped scars, after the many years of fighting and training newborn

In Twilight, Jasper accompanies Alice and Bella when they are hiding from James.
He uses his ability to calm Bella when she is stressed or afraid. In New Moon, he
attacks Bella after she gets a paper cut, prompting the Cullen family to leave
Forks to protect Bella. In Eclipse, Jasper teaches the werewolves and vampires
fighting techniques to defend themselves against newborn vampires. In Breaking
Dawn, Jasper leaves with Alice to find a vampire-human hybrid, and returns with
her to defend Renesmee from the Volturi.

Emmett Cullen (Kellan Lutz)

Emmett McCarty was born in 1915 and was the youngest of three. He was being
mauled by a bear on a hunting trip when he was discovered by Rosalie, his future
wife. Rosalie saved him because he reminded her of her best friend's little baby
and didn't want him to die so she carried him to Carlisle, her sire, and asked him
to change him into a vampire. Since then, they have been in love and married.
Emmett drives a red Jeep Wrangler and now lives in Forks, Washington. He and
Rosalie spend much of their time traveling away from the Cullens as a married

Personality wise, Emmett is described as being like a big lovable teddy bear. He
likes to joke around a lot, and can be very competative. However, in Twilight,
when James first becomes attracted to Bella, Emmett leaves his normally joking
self behind, and is very serious, and ready to defeat James. In Eclipse, the third
book in the Twilight saga, when it is time to fight and destroy the new threat, he
is ready to help train not only vampires, but werewolfs too. He is a major asset,
and a lot of the things that happen could not have been achieved with out him.

Emmett McCarty Cullen loves all of his 'family' members, and will always do
anything to protect them, he is truly and utterly their protector.

Emmett is described as being very tall, muscular, and very intimidating. He has
curly dark hair and dimples, which make him look 'innocent'. He is physically 20
years old and stands at 6'5" and is the tallest of all the Cullens.

Dr.Carlisle Cullen (Peter Facinelli)

Carlisle Cullen was born in the 1640s to an Anglican pastor in London,
England. His mother died giving birth to him and was raised by his father
who believed in the existence of vampires, witches, and werewolves and
led hunts. He put his son in charge of the hunts although at first, he was a
failure. However, Carlisle found a coven of vampires living in the sewers
and he lead an attack on the vampires.

He chased after one of those vampires in the sewer, but he was bitten
since the vampire was too thirsty to continue on and Carlisle turned three
days later having stayed hidden in a sack of potatoes. Carlisle, disgusted
by his own existence tried many ways to destroy himself, but to no avail.
After trying to starve himself, he came across a wild animal and his thirst
overpowered him. Carlisle discovered he could survive off animal blood
rather than human, creating a new way for the vampires to exist
unnoticed among humans.

Carlisle studied in many areas but chose to stick to medicine deciding that
he rather help people with his new vampiric abilities. He works in Forks
hospital and is almost completely unaware of the appeal human blood
holds for him, but only after hundreds of years of practice. When the
Spanish Influenza broke out in the early 1900s, Carlisle came across a
dying teenager who had been orphaned in the pandemic. Overcome with
the need for companionship, Carlisle stole him away and turned him,
beginning his family, the boy was named Edward Masen.

Carlisle now has a wife, Esme, and five "adopted children": Edward, Alice,
Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper. Carlisle is described as being tall, blond, and
the look-alike of a model. He stands "6'2" and is slender yet muscular. He
is physically 23 years old.

Esme Cullen (Elizabeth Reaser)

Esme Cullen (born Esme Anne Platt and later Esme Anne Evenson) was
born in the later 1800s and lived in Columbus, Ohio where at age 16 was
treated by her future husband Dr. Cullen after she broke her leg from
climbing from a tree. She was forced by her parents to marry a man
named Charles Evenson but was abused by him.

After realizing she was pregnant, she left her husband and gave birth to a
son. After losing her son to a lung infection, Esme attempted to commit
suicide by jumping from a cliff (Edward tells Bella she "fell"). Presumed
dead, they didn't even take her to the emergency room and placed her in
the morgue.

Dr. Carlisle Cullen heard her beating heart and remembered her. He didn't
want her to die and decided to change her into a vampire like himself. She
was the second person he changed beside Edward. Consequently, Carlisle
and Esme fell in love and were married soon after.

Esme has no special power, only the ability to love very deeply and
accepts Bella immediately grateful for helping and being there for the first
time for Edward. She loves Bella as a daughter and often comforts her
through tough times. She loves her adopted children equally but grieves
the fact that she cannot bear children.

Esme is physically 26 years old and is '5'6" tall. She has caramel brown
hair, a heart-shaped face with dimples, and is slender yet rounded and

James (Cam Gigandet)

He major antagonist of the novel Twilight, James is depicted as a merciless
"tracker" vampire who hunts human beings or, in some cases, animals, for
sport. Fellow coven member Laurent says of James that he is unusually
gifted at what he does and always gets what he wants, though it is later
revealed that a then-human Alice Cullen escaped his clutches some time
ago by being turned into a vampire before James could attack. Unlike the
Cullen family, he drinks human blood as his food source. Towards the end
of Twilight, James is dismembered and set on fire (thus permanently
destroyed) by Cullen brothers Emmett and Jasper after luring Bella to an
empty ballet studio and nearly killing her. The shimmery scar left by his
venomous bite still remains on Bella's hand as a symbol of his
unsuccessful attempt on her life. James is described as having light brown
hair and being quite unremarkable and average-looking.

Jacob Black (Taylor Lautner)

Jacob Black is 15 years old in Twilight. He has two sisters, both of which have
moved away, one being married. He and his father, Billy Black, live in a small
house in LaPush, the Indian reservation home to the Quileute tribe. Jacob attends
the party at First Beach that Mike organizes and has a reunion with Bella after
many years, whom asks him about the ancient Quileute legends in a flirtatious
manner keeping her suspicious reasons to herself. Jacob reveals to Bella what
Edward is through the story of the "cold ones." Jacob doesn't believe the stories;
he writes them off, saying his "old man's lost his marbles," though Bella knows
better. Jacob does not play a major role in Twilight, though his characters
becomes one of the more pronounced in both New Moon and Eclipse. His father,
Billy Black, bribes Jacob to attend Bella's School Dance at the end of the year to
ask questions on behalf of Billy. Jacob was promised to be paid in car parts that
he needed, as Jacob has a rather special talent for car mechanics. Jacob plays a
huge part in Bella's life when Edward runs away, he becomes the main reason
Bella comes back out of her shell. Jacob falls for Bella but he knows he doesn't
have a chance because Bella is in love with Edward. He still tries to get her to fall
for him but in the end he "imprints" on Bella and Edwards child, Renesmee. Jacob
also becomes a main character in the last installment of the Twilight saga,
Breaking Dawn.

Jessica Stanley
Jessica Stanley is the preppy girl who Bella first makes friends with when she
moves to Forks. However, their friendship is strained because Mike Newton likes
Bella and Jessica likes Mike. And she gets jealous when he wants to spend his
time with Bella. It eventually ruins their friendship, not to mention Bella's over all
Jessica is petite, being a few inches shorter than Bella so she is probably about
5'1". She has dark curly hair and blue eyes.

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