AAR 54th Armored Field Artillery Batttalion, 3rd Armored Division, 26 June 44 Thru April 45

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The document appears to be an after action report from the 54th Armored Field Artillery Battalion describing their activities from June 1944 to April 1945 in support of combat operations in France and Germany.

The battalion provided artillery support to the 3rd Armored Division and later to other units as they advanced across France after the Normandy invasion, firing on enemy positions and targets of opportunity. They later supported the crossing of the Rhine River and advance into Germany.

The battalion reported 4 casualties during the period - Pfc Bisel on July 9 1944, Pfc McAnany on July 11 1944, Pfc Erhmantraut on July 10 1944, and Pfc Swain on July 28 1944.

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AAR/I 292
. . "

, '. . (,. I
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26 JUNE 44 THP.lJ APRIL 45.'"
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J10 255,
21 18K';'
SUBJECT: ACtion JgaiDSt Em.,.Bap'ta / JtbIr Action a.pcria..
TO : Tbil AdJutautGemr.:L, Wash1IBifo.iD. C ..
(Tbro\Wl'I Chanmla) ',' ',' '. . . .".
.. . '.' \.. \' '. .' ',','
1. Tb1a wxl.t laDd 111 JftDce on 25 JuIa..J144 &D! . '\li'",
a8samb17 ana in tha 'f'1Ointt7 of IsjgD7. On 26B18 .no. at DiY1aioD ... ...
It .'
. , . Srd Division,.. wrbal orders WeN iaauad to .,... CoJIbat Cc:. . .,:, .
which tlWl.UDit is a 'set, to tile T101n1t:r .. Cla1n ',:}':t:
tha 2fth Di'f'iaioD in &117 --IV attilak aiIl to ...... ...
south ot SI;. 1.0. Duri. luJit, lut.wJd.ttelll; ftz'iJa'" eo" ,.if.1
, ,
in gemral sUpja't ot tbl :5Oth Intantry Iii:riaion,. .'. . . .: .. ',' : ; '.1 .. ' .:'ft4
. . _ . ..' i. ':. _ J. i.: ".a,'
. 2. oD 261715 .l\UI8 lM4, ..-niqJ. _ '-..........,
_Di "AW.. B7 27P255 .JUDI 194.4, unit was in poaitlon in rioinit7 et". f.'Aaift............n.:.:.
W'IlIIN it n,ma1D1Ci ual;U 28J.500 J'uIII 19M... At 272110 JUDI 0.'..... ....'tJ
burst in __ of Cl' Do ouual.t:1u o. wht.IniJ.Gi ..
f'" . ". " '. ; ,,' . . ".' : ... '/ .
: S., A:t 2EROOO Juna 19M, 10 l11aswtti b7 Srd Al"a4'edDi'f'1e.t.on 1.J't,1lle.7,C"..
-IIi (attacbtd and marmd Kxb1bit -AW). B7'28lMO l1uIa at ... . ....
read7 to tin about -1 Idle north CoUYaiIll .. B1cUtzaf.lon_Ja7 ...
duriIg the night; At 290630 the two. torw*ti iD.fIIid1.ua . .... , . ' 0;.;1;11 .,..
their supported units of Tn ot Combat Coaand ftAw ..At 0'lIO
l1tted am all mts openad. At 0950 tba fkst. ,.....tioD ,.':,;.
90minued throtthout 29 am SO Jum (s.e attacbad B-1. fart __
"aft). . . .).' . .t(:;.
. ria ut.ioD'" r/roU.a 1I1t.h - -.,u..... lit ..:il.tt(
battery tire was encoWJtered.. Om cuualt7, 2nd Lt. Tuu ..., dDI: ..,,'. ,#' '"
was sUBtaiDld. Lt. Barnas was shot 'b7s-U arms f'1n.hUt .:.'.
QbiNI ve:r in a LD-& airplaDl. uri. tba .nt:l:n action t. [t .. :.., I _. ..
.:'.'; . W in CoDUDaD:i LiGson with tba Combat Coimand.
5. Ifba action was sucC8saf'u1in a
tba XIX Corps in tba 29th Infantry Division sector.
to be highly satisfactory.

.." ;..
, .
/ .
. , .. . .'
The entire
r ' : ..
,', 1'
" '

APO ,253
TO The Adjutant GerieraJ., Washington, D. C.
tThrough Channels)
1. In accordance AR345-l05 the follW'ing report is submitted:
!!. Original Unit: 54th Armd. F. A. Bn., jrd A.D.
b. Changes in organization:
c. Strength: I' July 1944 Off: 40
W/o: 3
EM : 719
31 July 1944 Off: 38
w/o: 3
EM : 108
Normandy, Fr;=.nee
e. 1iarches: See Appendix No. 1 - Narrative report
. Campaigns: '
U) Normandy
l2) Entire mpnth
UJ Secure mvasion beachhead and liberate France
(4) First U. S. Army
Battles: See Appendi.l No.1 - Narrative report.
h. Coxmnanding officers in impoz:tant engagements: Lt.Col. J. )(oor.
during entire period.
i. Losses in action:
Pfe Bisel, lobert L. 9 JiLly 1944
Pfe 1,icAnany, Cleo O. 11 July 1944
Pfe Erhmantraut, Leo F. 10 July 1944
Pfc Swain, Almon L. 28 July 1944

Tec 5 Leech, Glarence E 28 July 1944

Pfe klm, Entin 1. 28 July 1944
Pvt Anderson, H. 29 July 1944
Pvt Solomich, Charles :V. 30 July 1944
Pvt Vunvannon, horman F. .>1 July 1944
Pvt Holsclaw, Viillard H.. 31 July 1944
,;1. lormer and present members 'who have distinguished themselves:
None knOVIll.
k. Photogr8.phs:
1. Inclosures: Narrative ;;jtatement - Appen<iiX No.1
Unit Journal - A.ppendix No. 2
S-3 ;Vork Sheet - Appendix' No. 3
! .
Capt., 54th Armd F. A. Bn.
, '1'::
, .
-II .....
tiEPORT lt1)R IJ!ONTH OF JULy 1944
On 1 auly 1944 the Battalion was inposition m the Villars Fossard
Sector of the XIX Corps Sector. A salient had just' been reduced in the
29th Int. Div. Sector, CCA of the ,3rd A. D. providing the drive, this
Battalion being :in direct support of the Combat Command.
On 3 July 1944 the Battalion was dLsplacedto the vicinity of Le MDlay
m the V Corps Sector to be in general support of the 2nd Inf. Div. if the
occasion arose. However, until 7 July 1944 the battalion remUned in some
what an inactive status, keeping liaison with the 2nd Inf. Div. but doing
no firing at all.
On 7 July 1944 the iSattalion moved out to new positions in the vicinity
of the Airel Bridgehead where some firing was done in general support of the
30th Inf. Div. in the XIX Corps Sector. On8July 1944 about 2300 the battalion
moved acrossthe bridgehead at Airel uneventfully and took new positions just
acrossthe river. Considerable firing was conducted from these positions and
some enemy fire 'was received. At one tme a shell burst over the
Executive Half-track in C Battery area causing slight damage to the vehicle
but no personnel casualties although one man Vlas termed to have combat exhaustion
- as a result of the burst.
On 10 July 1944 the Battalion moved to positions in the vicinity of
. st. aean de Daye. The Battalion was now in [;8neral 51 pport of the 9th Inf,
Div. On the morning of 11 July information of an enemy counter attack ,'n. th
armour and patrols was received and defensive lines were immediately set up
. against a possible break through. Defensive lines consisted of bazooka
and machine gun nests assisted b,. men of the 9th Inf. Div.
At 0705 of' the II July the Battalion area received some shelling from enemy
artillery with no casualties. Again at about OU2\) more shelling was received
at which time one personnel casualt.y, Pvt. McAnany, was injured and evacuated
ani six vehicles were damaged. The vehicles were quickly restored to running
order. It was later thatthe shelling was intended to hit the town
of St. Jean de Daye but was falling mort. 'rhe counterattack was repulsed
a few hundred yards from the battalion posi tions but the combined efforts of
Infantry, Tanks" Tank destroyers and fighter bombers "lith terrific loss to
the enemy as was later evidenced by a trip through the battle area and witnessmg
burnt out and destroyed tanks.
New pas itions were taken about three miles Southeast on 15 auly 1944
and from there both the 9th Inf JJiv. and t13rd lnf uiv were given general
support by our guns. Generally, h01.'Tever, this position developed into an
area of majntenonce and preparations for ne'w operations. On 21 July a
false gas alert was circulated through the troops in the entire division
area caasi ng some anxiety among the troops until it was duly explained.
The period from 15 July to 26 July was generally consumed in planning
a new operation, named "Cobra" which was to be a main effort. D-Day was 24July
at l"lhich time a saturation bombing was delivered to the enemy from 3l me
two thousand planes. On 27 July the Battalion moved out for a drive through
Marigny through Cerisy la Salle to the vicinity of Coutances as a part of
Task Force X of Command A.
Numerous llllts Ylere made and firing done to assist the a.dvance of the
three battle groups of the Task li'orce. The Firing Batteries \'i'ere operating
directly vlith their respective Forward Observers and Batt.le Group Commanders.
A strone enemy counterattack at Cerisy la Salle was stopped and
put to route by the fire of C Battery directed by 1st Lt. Hamilton. li'rom
there to positions just south of Coutc::.nces the battle took on the appe"a-Cl!lce
of a road march from the standpoint of the Battllion.
On 28 July 1944 a Major Gardner of the USAAF and a member of the I'Tench
underGround apl,9.3red at the CP. l'l&jor Gardner had been shot do,,;'lIl Ot; 18 .
aIlG. Dad been in hid:i nr: & nce that tjme. 'rhe Frenchman had helped him ".vl.tn. __
food_.:?Ild Both men were'taken to GOA for interrozo.tion forvrarding.
11.5 t:1S ::onth ::m::Jed the 3attlli0n '/Tas headed" toward 1}::1,vray :Jnri from there
on to Paris.

Fl.J.D AALlIL.L.:'"RI BAT'.l.cJ..lCI
'f.,.." J\erort.. nf\erll.f:\- .Ae1.loa iieport.a.
to , The .\4J"'a. G,.aeral, ,. t.C. ('1111''' Cb&luM.1.)
.1n Acordt.J'lct. ""!toll a U.
..lollot .l1'4 "'tod ,,, '..e.tt.\eeI
OI'1ill1fll Ual" tie cbt.ote
1n 0l'lhm. ..UO" JIo
1 A,.net lN4 - Off. II
111' 1M
51 A1IIun - ctta II

!:,e.tlouf APO 211, 0/_ Po........., a..l., II..!.
fttrCMII I an:f!JJd1x #1)
... id,...
(1) - 10 otl'icL.J. .....
- CoJl't.1lll1Qu.
(II PlK'pO" - 1.1beraUoa of fuN. O.
A)tllnrtt, Orderic - ai, t'1'O, Ubj.
' (See Appendix 11)
Co.,.' Ottictll'. 10
1,0,"- 1...\io"
IlveA. ,..._- s. 1.ft
'tCl10"I, ADtoDie
l.lUl ..
..,.., rraaklJa I.
1 A.'"
...,.., CIAh.. .
.1 AC .,
D1 rala, 1 lUi ..
10.., ........ I. 1 .lui 44
11,..1\0.. RaJ'IIOad r.
&.111 "
l1t4liel, Lora.. J...
11_ "
.AwI "
..... L.
Alii "
Strip11., lie.,. 1).
'an '1' ......, Ct!wrlee D. , 1n 1.1-14.... Alii 44
.. --"
0001-, tanlel '.
.. "lC ..
C,Fet.oa, l1.111 .. A., C8i \&1.
AuK "
lJ.aCiula', I1Ua1'd i .. t AC"
fuMia, 1lenJaal.
11 i.,. ..
tie 1fe !." LlfjA.1I .,. '"
UUo\, '.nrae\\ 11 AC 64
1re.lIla, Chulol fl.
11 Ate"
......., iftl'l 2Dd L!6U\.. l' A1II ..
"'\hfta, li.obm '. 11 J.\C '"

L.1Pla, ired I. 11 AQI ..
nil...., l ... I.
17 '.,,

....., JoAn H. 17 AUI oW
..,MI1.., If;'!.'. A"
11 Au& '"
AUI ..

..HIII...., NellJOD HRESlt
1. z.... i ...so.. (4IOat.1....)
~ ... 1t,l11. 'a Alii ..
Il...... ~
I......., , .at L ..
..Md. let
1IftIl. at.... ..
" ' l ~ ' ' ' ' ' I.,
'l'dp , ..... I.,
-.....,..,... 1 ..
r".,... Ill.... 0.,
11.... , '.111 Ir.,
a A.c
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11 A\II
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1_".1M. .
:lJlimt '-"_ ........., ~ . t.Iktr/AIW _"I&epwM.
!O 11M ....... o..-'t ........, D.O. (.,.. OIIPrnela)
1. Ja 181 , . , , ~ AI )l6..lOJ, \all .11.... ..,.. U EO A",
e. i1IIIMe......' ..... .".
Jaol.al.-ee' 1 - Jarratlft. V - :"3 ;orit
Par tu ao-ndJIW uftS.eera
L. ..
iJa:,-t\&1n, 54th F. ,'. a,;.

) 10. Z. uw..
SUJaaOTI ___ Apin ...." ..... MUa
10 !be CleDIral, ... D.o. (!IIIIN Oba_.ta)
1. la .,... w1tIa d )I6.UJ, u. tel.lotdal u .-hIM",



" ""
" - 8U.... Oak Leaf
01.... to !IIecIal 7)
... ..
" ,,1"
APO 253,
; Dec..,.. 1944.
sutJBCTI lnin ApiD8t _., Ilepert. Afier/A.ttAr Aott.. aepert
1. la aooorduce ritaa All 345-105, the telln1a, "pert 18 nbait tN'
a. ur1ciaal Ua1tl 54tb ANDre. fWd ArtUle17 lattalUa.
b. Chan 1a Orpaisats.., I.e.
o St.reqtlll 1 NOT 44 - Oft I 43
./0' 1
30 ley b4 - utt. 44
./01 1

d. st&"-n., AFO 253, Postll&.t.er, i .. York, H.. York.
e. JIarobl., See Narratbe ,,1)
, Caapa1cuI
otl Northern France, Genaa.Jv.
(2 Duratioa: 6 June 44, te date.
\ J PurpeseI l)eteat Genaa.Jv.
\4) Author1t7 Ordering' Supr... CMmander, AM.
,. ..tt1esl See Narratift ,,1).
ll. eo-u
ng offic".1 Major Jolli P. SINK - entire period.
i. Lo... 1a actio. I
Kfiled in act10a or died ot _ada receiYed 1B acta!u
Printe Warren J. struss, 32 8lJ 246 23 NOT 44
(2) ..uaded 1a Actio.:
Print. bland H. Sweet, ;1 293 043 23 NOT 4h
j. Feraer and present .-bers whe baTe d18t1ncu1shed theaeelTe8 1a ac
1st Lieut. WlLLlXI"'f. TALIANT lrenz. Oak LiU Cluster
0-204h968 ill addition t. the S11
ftr Oak Leaf Cluster
J:reYiousl.1' aarded, te
the Air Medal.
1st Lieut. LEClHD.\S W. lEST,
u-1l76255 4th IronH Oak lAal Cluster 84
2 NOT 44
Tee 5 WUli.. J.
36 078 lrenze Star Medal 65 3 NOT 44
.. .. ..
Capt. IERTIWl LUlDl, 0-399496 65 J NOT 44
Set. Richard o. Vanderbl.....,
6 919 865 .. 67 15 Nov 44
Cpl. )lyles D. GtIiH, 37 on 492 .. 67 15 Nn 44
" "
Tee 5 Lars C. tar, 37 046 396 "
87 15 H.v 44
" "
Pfc. Louis M. Ceoozza, 31 036 0" "
67 15 Nov 44
00 If(). L ~ d Armd. DiY .)
ptc. 1I&ri7 T. Gab,y, 36 079 779 baa Star IidaJ. 87 5 Nev 44
Ptc. Lee A. Crivello, 36 078 28S" " 67 lS Nov 44 It
PIc. Marshall T. Thoap__..
37 19ts 226 " " It tJ7 15 Nev 44
1st. Ll8ut. Wn..LlAM I. TALlANT,
0-2044966 SUYer Star Medal. 88 16 lew' 4h
It. Poot. crapba' N....
1. Incloaures' ApptacHx Ifl - lIarrative.
Appendix 112 - 5-) Werk Sbeet
Appendix 1f3 - Jouraal
F.r the Coaanding Otr :leer:
Captain, S4th Arad. F.A. I
MO" .
&-.aur. Ant. Ala1 1;............. IIWIAfttR MU_ ......
TO . !h. f4atbiac--. i.1. (........ -Ie).
1. In Meo1'4.....itA All :J,45-1'1,. Uae tell..u, ..,... 1...........
a. Jrl,l...l at,. 54 u.... neW ...WI
D. c.."haac" in)rlaAh.U.. .....
e. 1 i)ee '" - Off. 4.4
. a/a. 1
& 6"
)1 Dee .u - ott. IJ
I/Oa 1
la '54
... 1_. APO '51, ,....._1'..... 'foIrk,
e. lawat.i_ "po,", 11)
t. Oaape1itl
(1) .... 01. &ad 1ela1...
(:?) hratl.1 In.\!ft period or .........
tJ) "1''''-''''' er , ot 0.........
(I.) Co..tAl Gen...l, BrOGU.
,. 8&1.t.1... .,.. aan..U.,.. (,,,nex
3. Coi.S'1& Xt1..r.. ....r J':JII' "'. S la, 1 OM - 4 he. 0
l.t.. eel. AlOlff , llM. \Iarta _1.... VJ
or perIod.
1. t.o., 1n anlOill.
(1) lUlled 1a aet.!. U' d1.c ..........1.... 1fl ....1M1 1i'
l.t. tot. ..t. 01 166 6.
Lt.. C.:tLTIJitDI t. lALoIS, 11 1'7r.' ,..
Ci'l. "W. It Otr*"'. )l r"'52 4 "S
(2):foundld 1A , cu...
2DCt Lt.. mD u. t.lG-lJ.Jl, 0 522 6U 11.DM 44
S/;:;,t. ::Ii)),*, I, ',i.sn, )6 Il' f)I/J lJPN44
T.. loiP J. "1"" )2 1?1 191
12 Dee "
!w. 6 '116 JU
26 Del "
S t:7 '1 n'2 trI .0.44
m. UatMft rlU'$, 42 'Y:I4 6:11 2fDee"
H" If.ll;w1 We 'ipi_p )? '"'ll 1?9 291M 44
,.,..., ',y """' ...... '.,.--."
()) ... i
.,.tim.)." !e]i'E. 1)1 1" ISl
. :
- _ .. .

~ ,
-RESfRlC1'ED . ~ .
. , .
it. f'not.o&rap-'laI . )tou.
1. molof'.ve., ,1 liaI'ra\lv. "PO"'.
112 Un1' JeuJ'Sal.
~ . ) ~ - ) -on SlIeet
"4 MpOr\ of CII __~ .

;le, ort.. otioD -ron
'1\; ,r:.. "djut.w1t. ;ashizlgton, .0.
tThrough Cn,annal8}
1. lD aooorcltnoe '\IIL )!8-lUS, the 1
a. uriainal lIrU\. Sl&th nr>ftCl Yield Ar'Ull.., ...\taliao.
b. Sa vrpD1,,\_I Ilona.
e. iitnna'lu 1 .fallUU 19i.$ ott - 1e3
Iv - _J.
. - 6Sl&
30 .Jcuar,y 1'1QS ot:t - ItO
'/0 - 1
tie AfO 2S), .0......., "'foi Yoft, I., tol'k.
e. lanbee. ::lee Marrati_ !iapan 11).
t. 0-._1,
'll .... ott de1gia.
2 Dura.t1s. ,:ut.1N..-1o<1 oowrecl b,r
1 iur;D._ ,(edaJot,1oa .... weak
-) l\l&hr i \7. STuVS..
I. .au.. ... lian-at,i" {"'HADdix n). .
D. OoB.anding vtA.,.... Lieu'. JolOMl .u:T dUBBUI.
i. Loa.'t.. ill "*1oDI
(1) killed in ilo\icIa
t'to. John M. :W18haD, )2 JU 9)1
Ora.. U1iftr';;. *u., )1 1). 01,
tto. c. ......, )l. oSo 221
'reo S Frank .r .l.&dlM, )) lJ&8 9lS
j. i'ornJel' nd ,reacrt. merJberlJ wilt, h,!ft dist1nggisbed tb.mselYM in ao
tloo: 100 OecoratjorL.- !.U!'1ng the.er.l.od.
k. r'hotova"" __
1. - -':", "tc't.
2 - l.'llit cUI"! .1..
1<1) --3ork;tl......
';4 - .... :? i,!, .;')l"t, "fn.s S4tb in "rhe ,tjat.tl. ot tue Bw.,. ...
,,5 - l,tJtL.U, Hc. Vll \lOri18, oocu....na f..t.. ;01.
.ill '1 i, gaD.
' .. ' .4

j ,'; ,.. it.. ":''"' r; .
v t., llJ.I ;,4t r. '1",0. ... .

The following
image(s) may be of
poor quality due to
the poor quality of
the original.
64TH jIFl..l; A .bT'l'A1.IOli
ra. Or4liu" ;1t.. t4th 1\ .'.:red F1t-1(1 A. tllier;r latt..lloa.
b. C"-':.R e 111 h"Le.
c. tha 1 Fe'r..ary 1945 Oi:! - ';0
ii/O - 1
Ek - 8N
OfC - 4t
Vi/O - I
.. - 140
d. Stat1, Del APO PoltMster. New Ivrit, N teu"k.
e. l/;aJ'OI-"", r... ..ti" ,1).
f. e. pa1cnac
(1) o{a
tt. )'.0 4h to td ;"eb ..
PI..ll"iJO", of .ttoGcll o.:taLnt>t. (;ew... Anq.
(") AuIt.torlt1 ueneru. ..r.::}eaJt T of 0vn
Battl, So:t) .. 11).
a.. eo.-ndiDi Qftie..... 1.1....t.. Colo .eJ. MOft IiUIBAU.
1. to.... 1. Ae'UODC <s
(1) 11J..l.ed. in .A.ct.1oa - Rone.
(2) 1D !CUOD - None.
J. FC'rJ:,f!r aDd ,nuiit. becs woo ban dlar.1arulaned \.hesl ... ill
lut- 4nnI
Tee I; Jirt..Dk J .Rt.dl.lt&, :11 is 916 Br,n

(polth.JlO .aq)
Two t Cb&.dt"-s 'I. C lan, .. .,

let S..:t.. llennettl I. TnJ.rtbU, 14 006 Ju1

%t. f6.i.lJ. A. JAoWU"Ci, U lo.lQ a-I,
T.. <i Merl. I. ......1 v10 110,
" "
Tee 4 107 h. 'aD DJke, !7 lM I'i,
C Ill. Chn.rJ.e6 t. rt1180a. '17 :,18 .5l6,
TM 6 Joe w. Blanton, 071.
Tee 6 Stephen 1\. kulko...... :-1;) 14-"

'ee Ii iio...r-cl J. 11l.lte, 3t 1;;' ,
Tee 1) Alfred L. tiGltaboa Jr, \.!i6

Pt"e. Mere< G. Coat"r, 31 120

pre. nu'rell D. 1:7b 3$
... .. ltis, 8, 1b u.O 016,

" ' J. ilcClellan, 4-2 \.ll
pre. P-'!l.L.' . Jr, 14 .iS7,
__ / .. I .. ....,b. ,;,- 1115 IIOb, IJA
SronH llak
, '''''; ... Tni_...._. ,1 OQb lIu7, Cltl6ter to irons.
!::-uJr ,:H
. tl,- ....1.
!.- '"
,. ~ 1 I I n 10...
1. lDe.l.oai.ol', 11 - ""raUft 11epvn.
If. - VIllt Jovnal.
#I - 1-1 Work SbiMt..
2Dd 1.1e""t.. 6.t.a:. 'l"IId. '.".B:.
'u'_ jdJU\aD\
~ ...
< -2- .
to I
541'H All*UD ruw mILIEu BAn'ALIOI
&PO 2'),
23 April 194'.
inicm _&inn lne." "port. mer/After Aet.iOll .port
!he 14JutaDt General, h1Dcton, D. C. (!hrouch ohanDe1.).
In aocordaDoe .Uh &I )4'-10', the toUm,. Nporl 1. IlUbllltt.cll
a. 0rit;1D&l Unite 54th bmoN4 ft.14 l.niU.17 Battalion.
b. Gwli in OzopD1satlca. 10_.
o. St1"!lQltha 1 Iaroh 194' t - 42
I/O - 2
II - 640
.)1 194'
eft - 41
1/0 - 2
II - 6)6
d. AlO 2'), Po.t.ater, ... tork, tork.
krot... 8M lurat1...port (Appendix 11)
t. 00_ cure at.
(2 Durati0l11 1 Iaroh 194' to )1 larch 194'.
() Purpo1 Continuation ot at'-ok ..&inn Geran ln7.
(4 Aut.horit,. eo-ndil1i Oene1"al
IlU'Ope&Jl If ot 0pDa.
I. Batt.1e.. Se. larratb. (jppendlz 11).
h. Coaaandinc ottioer.. Ueut. Co10_1 IIONr I"'.
1. to.... in Aot.ionl
(1) IUlecl in Actionl let. abl'inlu I.. lateW, ,211,170,
1.t Lt. Georp I. Prat.', 01168421,
!eo " Jrt.hur I.. heDl, )60)76)6,
(2) Wounded L1 Aotion.
!eo , a.DJ7 ,. rorte, )4 rl9 3)8 1 ....
2nd Lt. haDei. C. Biota, 01 178 181 ) Mar
Pn. Ichrard. S. I&tto., )1 )26 )20 4 ...
!eo 4 I. 11111., 14 00) 192 26
feo , 'orbua J. BJ'OWD, )8 04) 940 26
!.o , Led. (11.41) Gi1_N, " )1) 26
PYt. 'l'bo.. C. Toapew, )8 0,., 420 26
1.t Sit. 1111i&ll I. YaDkouahMt, )6 1.l8 ru 26
Sit.. Idward J. B1aakOYich, Y7 046 2'1 26
J. r01"lller aDd pre..nt _libel". who haYe diBt.ingui.hed theaael... ill
I.. 001" Mild
Sit. Ialt.er C. Li.be, ,6 04) 677 811..1"
2nd Lt.. 'Yernon I. 1qm1re, 02 00, saO SU..r star 29
Set. HouBton L. Cre, )8 022 S4I Iron. Oak Leat Cluster
to Air Medal )1
x.. tol. lION! BOBB1lID, 0 292 976 Broil. Star ),
11 - lIars-ati .... Repon.
12 - Unit Journal.
" .. 5-3 Plork SbMt..
.. )RR IS FE lD'"Wi
2nd. Lieut., 54th 4rnId. 1.A. Bn.
,At-Bt. Adjutant.
To AooompaDJ Atter Aotion Report, 54th Armored Pield Artillery
Battalion, Karoh 1945r
At the ot the period, the battalion moved to positiona in vicinity
of Berrendort 1Jl lupport of CCR, whioh was attaoking to establish a bridgehead
aoroas the Ertt Canal. Q1 S lIaroh the battalioa advanced aoroaa the Erft intoprls
itionl at Hiederhaul., and oontinued to move torward at intervals to support the
WheIl the batta110D IlOved into Buadort on 3 lIaroh, the town was under enemy
artillery fir., and OD. enliated .an was killed. On the .ame day, one officer was
killed and one ofticer wal wounded direct tank fire on their forward
poiat. En., artillery and tank fire was reoeived throughout that day.
<a5 lIaroh the battaliOD WI.. transterred to ,upport of CCA in the 67th Armd FA
Groutaeat. The batta110n WI.. again IlOving forward, the leading elements of the com
bat ceu.nd reaohed Cologae. Shortly atter the battalion arrived in poiitions
at Veg.nich, a round of indirect anti-tank tire knooked out an )(-7 of C Battery,
o.e enlilted man WI.. slightly wounded. Q1 the same day, B Battery fired the first
rounda ot light artillery of the 3d Armored Division aorclII the Rhine River.
Prom 6 )(arch to 8 )(arch, the battalion was in a statio polition. On 8 March
the battalion WI., attaohed a. part of CCR to the 1st Infantry Division, and moved
to.Liblar iD the III Corp' Seotor, where maintenanoe of vehioles and rehabilitation
ot perlonnel were
On 13 )larch, the batta110n moved to Bruhl, in support of a defenaive .ector on
the Rhine River, and fired on observed targets. On 16 lIarch, the unit train. joined
the battalion at Bruhl.
OR 20 KarOh, the unit moved out across the Rhine River in support of the attaok
ot CCR. The attack moved forward rapidly and at the olose of the period, the batt
alion was in position. in the vioinit.y of Wilhet.aburg, prepared to continue the
attaok into Germaay.
. ..
.. !
SWJIWr. Act1DD Apin8t. 1Ma7, bpor\l After/W'w Act10D iepon
'l\.I The Adjutant D.O. (!bro. o!.nne1.).
1. In acr,ordanoe nt.h 1& )4S-1OS, tha tolloriDg repon 1.8 IMlID1tteda
a. Ong.iDal 1aa1tl 51Gb ANDrM..
b. CbaDg'. ill -=-.....
o. strengthl 1 April 1910 Oft' - Ia1 .
, . .,.-" : 6,1
ott - l'

* -622

0aI* P kUlA., o-U661S2
, 1. U. IlWIQlS O. BUUU488
aw. L. Sl'lUPLDo, 6
lat I-' J. StJrnai'j O-U68481.
fee S Wial\el' L. 011...., 4 1)8 S28
two S ..lien G. autb, 14 0i6
C2aI' IAHL L. 81'UP1,JlIG, 0-1168
0asJ' UL'LI B. WA.!SOII,
J&. 10M.
111 - larratlw Repon.
12 - Vn1t .Journal.
'l - S-l ViOrk ....
SUYV star
Bronze uak Leal ..
to Bron.. star
Bronz. star


Seooncl uak Lee.t Clu.-t.
\0 Bronz. S.
Bronze Oak lAat ..
\0 S.D.....
0.0. );0.

At __ _ \be , .. dS.8pl.aoM. ttr.. JINlu.. ...
.. eoJItm. ,_ ..."..., of OQ& til \bail' .,..t... of ....t.nc u. ... ....
.. 1.lft.. ldaa-. ta of 1oea1 -'1ca8 .... nnt.
oa S 19115,_.... MW__ pl.aoed"""*" of GUA,.a4. F
........... ... MUW tirirac ..... til or opwat1aa8 ..... tile
,De at. ,_ ...... Btnr. '
!lie "'alia I .-fted to tbe of GQ& _ 8 Aidl lf1aS
11...., aDCl ...-4 tu\7 Idl.. \0 lib.... rna, I.JII"i1 to U AlftI.,. ,.. at __
III .... --- ......... -- t,ra. albMM." "'..0". ..4,.,11'1'. ,...
...... aUJ.d fit ........ lDw....
GIl 11 Ap'il ..w,5a ........ til ..1_ Idle. '- 011...
"1'1, pod \1d.n to .a.re .. ...,
U April. 1,45, tM lat.WiaD ......... leU.., po..s.u- .. fIN
fUMe .s.. _:1111 ,be .,..
Qa 14 "Iftl 1'10 ,be Iule I1ftr ............. U. ""lie.,"_ ..
BleDdirt firiDl .;;;1...'.' daI1Jtc _e dq. 1M..., ......... _ .,
...... aD4 -U ...... cIIJ..af' t .. ____ .t ibI !uk ....., ad tile ".4_
a.recl _b ,_ tir. OIl tar.... of 'la' _,....
OIl 15 As-'U 1910, t.. Iat.Ws- __ to firs.. ..81\... -' J.-.. tuia.
Jlie8iDu .,.. .. er&"O
16 Ap'U 1'16, 0 ... __tied '- .-tAl ,.. ........
tbe _11_ of el...saa ,be ar ...u. of Sa of.... l1li ...
ooeup1M podt_ 10...... et 10\_.
. (ID 11 '1ri1 , .. ""'-118 .-to ftl'Sna pDlI1UGu .. r.t._. .,.
.,..eel to .flrSng poattlOD DOI't.'" ot 10'*. '
11 'ja":U l'laS, t_ "W_, IIMIIT 0, ..... t ...._ ..........
tiriDs se.1t1ou a\ .11 .., .. fll'. dtMk _ ....... ..
Je..s.ts on ,_ Ihalde JU,.T '1M 1 fWd An1l1M7'" tllel.... ill SIIUl AnI"
I. A. <k'o......
OIl 20 A.9I'U 1945 t.. Bat'&11oa. ...., -. nrsac poll.\s.. ..
tf. .,...Ie of d aD De.... 0 t.M IatWte.
n. 18)1'4 r1eld AnUl..,- to D1Y1a1aD ....1.
aD 2S A.prJl. 1,16 OQ& 1IU rel1..... '" ,_ lSAt.b W-17 DS.e.alGIl, ..d till
Batt.a1:1Aa aaro_cl t,o WU..1UIIIl to relit. ad NbabUiktJa .... fa. t.niu
rejomed tt. BattaUca, and tbe period ... nth tbl ..WielD IIt.m sa .... .ad
rebal:dJ.ltat,iaIl .tat_. '

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