Kalina Christ Off

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Neuroimaging Tutorial

Neuroimaging Tutorial
Kalina Christoff, Ph.D. University of British Columbia

What lies behind pictures of brain activations?

Behind the scene

1. Data Acquisition 2. Data Preprocessing

3. Statistical Analysis

4. Display & Interpretation of Results

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

Neuroimaging modalities

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Electroencephalography (EEG) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)


NonNon-invasive Relatively high spatial resolution

(higher than PET, EEG, TMS)

Relatively high temporal resolution

(higher than PET, TMS)

Combines anatomy and function


MRI: very high resolution picture of brain anatomy

fMRI: image reflecting levels of blood oxygenation

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial


Spatial resolution

1 mm

4 mm

8 mm

Temporal resolution
TR: Time of Repetition HRF: Hemodynamic Response Function

TR = 3 sec

TR = 1.5 sec

TR = 0.75 sec

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

The BOLD Signal

(blood oxygeneation level dependent signal)

The vascular system supplies blood containing oxyhemoglobin to active regions of the brain The influx of oxygenated blood to regions that are active reduces the local concentration of deoxyhemoglobin which increases BOLD signals

Hemodynamic Response Function (HRF)

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

a lot of computers involved some very complex physics a big magnet

Principles of Magnetic Resonance

No radioactivity involved Uses magnetic field (measured in Tesla, e.g. 3T Scanner) Works at the level of protons Measures protons protons spin relaxation time Can be made sensitive to water content or oxygenation level

Practical implications (most important)

Cannot bring metal into the scanner

Hair grip

Metal dental work

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

Practical implications (most important)

Cannot bring metal into the scanner

Practical implications (most important)

Cannot bring metal into the scanner Environment is generally quite noisy Head motion can be severely detrimental

Head Motion

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

activations due motion

TaskTask-correlated motion Watch out for: activations that trace the outline of the brain

Preventing Motion

Restraining the head Asking participants to remain still PrePre-training using a mock scanner

Correcting for motion

Part of data prepre-processing

Ti m

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

Motion correction

Original timetime-series

Corrected timetime-series

Spatial normalization

Another step of data prepre-processing Allows us to combine data across individuals Matches each individual brain to a template

Variability of brain shape and size

(the brains of four different neurologically healthy adults)

Kalina Christoff

Neuroimaging Tutorial

Original image

Spatially normalised

Spatial Normalisation

Template image

Deformation field

Templates for normalization

Created by averaging hundreds of healthy control individual brains

e.g., the MNI template (created by researchers at the

Montreal Neurological Institute)

Are matched to a common stereotaxic space

x, y, z coordinates can be provided a.k.a. Talairach


Special populations benefit from special templates

e.g., children childrens brain template for ages 88-12

1. Data Acquisition

2. Data Preprocessing

3. Statistical Analysis

4. Display & Interpretation of Results

Kalina Christoff


Neuroimaging Tutorial

SPM: Statistical Parametric Mapping

a voxelvoxel-based statistical analysis for every voxel in the brain:

- ask how similarly to the task it behaves
voxel1 voxel2



SPM: Statistical Parametric Mapping

a voxelvoxel-based statistical analysis for every voxel in the brain:

- ask how similarly to the task it behaves - voxels that behave similarly are assigned warm warm colors in result displays - the more similar to the task, the warmer the color - voxels that bear no relation to the task are thresholded thresholded (not displayed)

Group analysis: fixed vs. random effects

Fixed effects analysis

Similar to simple averaging across individuals Results are not generalizable to the population
(outliers can strongly influence averages)

Kalina Christoff


Neuroimaging Tutorial

Group analysis: fixed vs. random effects

Random effects analysis

Results are more robust and replicable Generalize to the population Is a more conservative but statistically appropriate approach

Displaying results

The chosen statistical threshold determines what is displayed (and classified) as activated

T = 2.10 P<0.05 (uncorrected)

T = 3.60 P<0.001 (uncorrected)

T = 7.15 P<0.05 (corrected)

Displaying results
too lenient acceptable preferable

T = 2.10 P<0.05 (uncorrected)

T = 3.60 P<0.001 (uncorrected)

T = 7.15 P<0.05 (corrected)

Kalina Christoff


Neuroimaging Tutorial

The next time your read a neuroimaging paper paper

Try to find out:

Is there any evidence for motion artifacts (false activations)? Was an appropriate template used, if normalization was applied? applied? Was random effects analysis performed at the group level? Was the statistical threshold used acceptable?

Kalina Christoff


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