Importance of Log Books

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What are log books? These are books used for keeping security records for reference purposes and access control. Importance of log books For accountability of personnel, items and occurrences.

TYPES OF LOG BOOKS Staff log in / out Any entry or exit in the plant must be logged and therefore the need to effectively use the log in / out system. In case of finger print system failure, there is a staff record book where to record. Contents of staff log book Date Name of staff Time in and time out Signature

Visitors log books For any visitor given access to the plant the visitors particulars must be entered in to the visitors log book and then given a visitors pass and must be submitted back on log out. Contents of visitors log book Date Visitors name Visitors address Contact telephone number QCIL Staff to be seen Reason for visit Time in and out Signature column for the visitor .

CONTRACTORS / SUBCONTRACORS LOG BOOKS All the contractors and subcontractors must log in /out both when entering and exiting the factory. The contractors IDs given must be put on all times so long as they are within the factory. Howe ever there is need for internal departmental supervisors to always monitor the contractors movements in areas where they are assigned work. They must stay with the contract ors pass even when going for lunch in the canteen.

Contents for the contractors log book. o Date o Name o Subcontractor company

o o o o

Affiliated department Time in and out. Signature Security comment and signature

KEY REGISTER All company keys must be left at security office. Any key given out and returned must be entered into the key log book. No one is allowed to go out with the company keys unless otherwise. If anyone happens to go out with it or not deposited at security, the person concerned will be required to put it in writing. Contents of key register Date Department Person responsible Security Signature Time in and out

CAUSES OF BAD KEY CONTROL Inadequate system recording. Poor supervision Laziness

Dangers of Bad key control

Unauthorized entry which may lead to malicious damage and loss. Therefore all keys must be sealed in envelopes before being deposited to security.

The security occurrence log book Serial no Date Time Occurrence no Nature of occurrence Action taken Name of security and signature Comment and signature of HOS

This is a book where you get all occurrences of the day which may include fire, theft, deployment, and any other that may occur.

Finished goods All finished goods that are taken out for deliveries must be recorded in this book.

Contents of Finished Goods o Date o Serial no.

o Description of item

o o o o o o o o

Batch no Quantity Gate pass no. Destination Vehicle no. Time out Comment Name and signature stores department and security

The alarm system book. All alarms that occur must be recorded in this book Returnable materials. For records of all items that are taken out and returned for various reasons such as maintenance and repair.

Contents of Alarm log book o o o o o o Date Time Alarm Location Cause Safety action taken o Remarks and comments o security and Engineering

Trainees log book.

This is for all the trainees records entered on daily basis. Contents of Trainees log book Date Name Time in Signature Time out Material outward register All materials going out such linens are recorded in this book Contents of material outward register Date Serial no Description Quantity Gate pass no Destination Vehicle no Time out Comments, name and signature of stores department and security

Returned material log book This is a recorded of all material taken out and returned.

Contents of Returned materials log book Date Serial no Description Quantity Gate pass no Destination Vehicle no Time in Comments, name and signature of stores department and security Other documents for access control include Staff pass out slip for all staffs going out for various reasons. Details such as name of staff, date , department, out time, in time and reason for going out and signed by coo, employ, HRM and department Head. Gate pass for finished goods signed by stores, security officer, stores manager and factory manager. Gate pass for all other items that are taken.

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