6th Grade Reading Common Core I Can Statements

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I Can Common Core!

6th Grade Reading

I Can Read Fiction

I can use the text in a story to support my analysis of the story and to draw inferences. RL.6.1 I can use details from the text to determine the theme or message of the story. RL.6.2 RL.6.2

I can give a summary of the story without adding my opinions or judgments. I can describe the sequence of events in a story or drama and tell how the
characters change as the story moves toward a conclusion. RL.6.3 I Can Understand Fiction

I can figure out the meanings of words and phrases in a story and think about
how they are used to illustrate the authors meaning. RL.6.4

I can think about how parts of a story, play or poem fit into the overall text and
affect its meaning. RL.6.5

I can explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker
in a text. RL.6.6 I Can Use What I Know to Understand Fiction

I can compare and contrast the difference between reading a story, drama or
poem to listening or watching the story in an audio or video format, including the various perceptions that come with reading or listening/watching. RL.6.7

I can compare and contrast similar themes in various genres. RL.6.9 I can read and understand stories, dramas and poems at my grade level and above
(with help where needed). RL.6.10 I Can Read Nonfiction

I can use the text in piece of nonfiction to support my analysis of the information and to draw inferences. RI.6.1 nonfiction. RI.6.2

I can use details from the text to determine the central message of a piece of I can provide a summary of a piece of nonfiction without adding my opinions or
judgments. RI.6.2

I can analyze how people, events or ideas are introduced, illustrated and
elaborated upon in a piece of nonfiction. RI.6.3 I Can Understand Nonfiction

I can figure out the meanings of words and phrases in a piece of nonfiction text.

I can think about how various sections in a piece of nonfiction fit into the overall
structure of a text and how that affects the development of the ideas in the text. RI.6.5

I can determine an authors point of view in a text and explain how it is

presented in the text. RI.6.6


I Can Use What I Know to Understand Nonfiction

I can better understand a topic or issue by analyzing information presented on

the same topic, but in different media or formats. RI.6.7

I can evaluate arguments or claims in a text and distinguish between those that
are supported by reasons and evidence and those that are not. RI.6.8

I can compare and contrast one authors presentation of events with that of
another authors presentation of the same events. RI.6.9

I can read and understand different types of nonfiction at my grade level and
above (with help where needed). RI.6.10

I know how a narrators or speakers point of view influences a story. RL.5.6


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