SistemasInteligentes Clase1 Intro Ala AI

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Sistemas Inteligentes Clase 1: Introduccin a la Inteligencia Artificial

Javitt Higmar Nahitt Padilla Franco, C.Ph.D. Depto. de Ingeniera Elctrica y Computacin Instituto de Ingeniera y Tecnologa Universidad Autnoma de Ciudad Jurez

Why Study AI?



AI Examples: Cars that drive themselves

2005: DARPA Grand Challenge
Race of Autonomous vehicles across California desert Vehicles are given a route as a series of GPS waypoints But they must intelligently avoid obstacles and stay on the road About 130 miles of dirt roads, off-road, normal roads, bridges, tunnels, etc Must complete in less then 10 hours

AI Examples: Cars that drive themselves (contd)

2011: Google self-driving cars 2012: Stanford's Shelley race car

The Turing Test Jerry: my name is jerry. ALICE: Hey jerry. Jerry: do you know Turing? ALICE: A brilliant and tragic figure in the history of computer science. Jerry: who else do you know? ALICE: Hugh Loebner, Robby Garner, and Steven Spielberg Jerry: which lm do you like? ALICE: My favorite movie is Teknolust. Have you seen it? Jerry: no. ALICE: I would recommend you check it out. Jerry: what is it about? ALICE: Science fiction. Jerry: do you remember my name? ALICE: Your name is jerry, seeker.

AI Examples: Chatbots
Valerie: CMU Robot Receptionist in Newell-Simon hall

ALICE: 2004 Loebner Prize winner

ELIZA: psychotherapist

AI tasks:
I shallow natural language processing I pattern matching

The Loebner Prize in Artificial Intelligence "The First Turing Test"

AI Examples: IBM's Watson

Jeopardy (2011)

AI Examples: Natural Language - Speech Recognition

"speak or enter on the keypad your card number (tiny vocabulary, high accuracy needed) "how can I help you? (large vocab, low acc) dictation (large vocab, high acc)

AI concepts: Hidden Markov Models, A* search, . ..

AI Examples: Natural Language - Machine Translation

The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. (2005/6/29)

IBM statistical machine translation models US gov major consumer

Why Vodka? (Russian) Now?

AI Examples: Natural Language - Question Answering

IBM Deep Blue vs. Kasparov (1996/7) 1997 match, 6 games: K, DB, draw, draw, draw, DB IBM stock up $18 billion

AI Examples: Game Playing - Chess

Search: two-player zero-sum discrete nite game with perfect information

AI Examples: Web - Search

Ranking is everything
smart people in Google, Yahoo!, Bing, etc. e.g. Peter Norvig (Google)

Google: PageRank (graph theoretic) + lots of secrets Entire Search Engine Optimization (SEO) insdustry
promote your website's rand in search engines some bad reputations (spam, etc.)

AI Examples: Web - News Aggregation

Automatically selects/arranges items from multiple sources Compared to manual organization (e.g. CNN)

Unsupervised machine learning: clustering

AI Examples: Web - Advertising

AI Examples: Web - Driving Directions

AI Examples: Web - Information Extraction

AI Examples: Web - Collaborative Filtering

Recommender systems: recommendations based on other users' behavior e.g. Amazon

e.g. Netfix

Unsupervised learning

AI Examples: Robotics - Shoes

Adjust cushioning by speed, road surface (Adidas 1)

AI Examples: Robotics - Robocup

AI Examples: Robotics - Animal-like

Boston Dynamics: LittleDog

Boston Dynamics: BigDog/AlphaDog http://

AI Examples: Robotics - Humanoid

Asimo (Honda)

PR2 (Willow Garage)

Petman (Boston Dynamics)

Actroid (Kokoro)

AI Examples: Robotics - Hubble Telescope

Scheduling: who gets to see what when
30,000 observations per year Many constraints
Earth blocks view every 95 minutes Halts when in South Atlantic Ocean radiation belt Must avoid bright Sun, Moon, illuminated Earth Disruption of plan for e.g. supernova

Search: Constraint satisfaction problem

M. Johnston and G. Miller 1993 SPIKE: Intelligent Scheduling of Hubble Space Telescope Observations

AI Examples: Robotics - Mars Rover

Autonomous driving on Mars (part time) Robot motion planning

AI Examples: Robotics - Art


Are these intelligent?

Public perception of AI?

Artificial Intelligence: AI (2001) by Steven Spielberg The movie was originally to be titled A.I., but after a survey it was revealed that too many people thought it was A1. The title was changed to A.I. Artificial Intelligence to prevent people from thinking it was about steak sauce.

Google bought ESP

Slides adapted from those used by Prof Jerry Zhu and Bryan R. Gibson at the University of Wisconsin-Madison

Tarea 2
Elabore un prrafo para cada subtema Que entiende por inteligencia? Cuales son los principales retos de la Inteligencia Artificial? Cuales son las fortalezas de la AI? Cual es el tema que mas le atrae de la AI y por que?

Sistemas Inteligentes Clase 1: Introduccin a la Inteligencia Artificial

Javitt Higmar Nahitt Padilla Franco, C.Ph.D. Depto. de Ingeniera Elctrica y Computacin Instituto de Ingeniera y Tecnologa Universidad Autnoma de Ciudad Jurez

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