ScopServ - Basic Installation Hierarchy For Telephony Server New Design v04 - 2 PDF

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Objects like telephony extensions, Class of Service, and Outgoing Lines require that other objects exist before they can be properly and efficiently configured. Configuring these objects in the correct sequence will make first time installation much more efficient and promote a better understanding of each objects intended function. Therefore the purpose of this document is to provide a visual walkthrough of a very basic but functional installation for one tenant. This tutorial does not include an overview of the overall network configuration but does cover a basic Telephony Firewall Configuration.
IMPORTANTE NOTE: It is best practice not to use Upper Case characters or Special characters when entering object names. Here is a basic checklist to perform when setting up a new server for the first time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Edit Telephony Modules Edit Channels Edit Feature Codes Commit Edit Services Startup Packages Manager Interfaces Card Detect (optional but at least one physical interface must exist) Create VoIP Account (optional but at least one physical interface must exist) Create Group Interface(s) Create Outgoing Line(s) Create Class of Service objects Security Settings Create Extensions Create Incoming lines Automatic Provisioning Service Commit and Services Restart
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BasicInstallationHierarchyforTelephonyServer ProvisioningPreRequisites

A TFTP Server must be running on network to provision supported IP Phones. Make sure that TFTP Service is running on the ScopTEL server under Server General configuration tab. If the ScopTEL DHCP server is being used then ensure that under Advanced Options tab that TFTP Server name is configured to point DHCP clients to LAN IP address of ScopTEL server. Also ensure only one DHCP server is servicing that subnet. Restart the DHCP Service if any changes are made to the DHCP Servers configuration. If a third party DHCP server is being used on network then ensure that DHCP server on network uses Option 66 (TFTP) and points DHCP clients to LAN IP address of ScopTEL server. Also ensure only one DHCP server is servicing that subnet.

Reboot any IP Phones connected to the network so they can download their configurations. If you are unsure that the phones are downloading their configurations there are two troubleshooting methods to verify configuration downloads are working. 1. Navigate to Tools > File Manager > TFTP Directory and inspect each configuration file for proper configuration values. Also put any required firmware update files into this directory if any phones require to have their firmware updated. 2. From a root CLI session you can monitor network traffic on TFTP port 69 with the following command (omitting all quotation marks) ngrep d any port 69. If DHCP is properly pointing client TFTP requests to the ScopTEL server then from this CLI session you can see any file requests being received from the IP Phone during its boot process. Verify the filenames are correct if you see TFTP traffic reaching the ScopTEL server.

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It is essential that prerequisite modules be enabled prior to anything being configured on the server. This is to ensure that only required VoIP protocols and PSTN hardware modules are loaded during startup. Edit and save the values for tab Configuration > Telephony > Configuration > Telephony Modules. Check off only the values you require. Recommended values are default values and Analog Interfaces (Zaptel), Digital Interfaces (Zaptel), SIP, IAX, Virtual Fax (requires Hylafax, IAXmodem, packages and related dependencies), Emergency Lines, Queues and Agents, Conferences, IVR Report/Logging, Scheduler, Asterisk Manager.

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You must edit your voice channels before you can finish committing your configuration. Configuration > Telephony > Configuration > Channels This is a good time to configure your preferred CODEC order based on your geographical region. For example in North America the default CODEC used by carriers for T1 and SIP voice channels is G.711 MuLaw. End points normally negotiate CODEC selection with other end points based on the first compatible CODEC listed in the preferred CODEC order. Note that server support for the G.729 CODEC is not possible without appropriate third party G.729 licenses or CODEC transcoding hardware. Transcoding is very CPU heavy therefore hardware transcoding is recommended if necessary since this offloads transcoding from the ScopTEL CPU.

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Each feature of the Telephony Server is activated by the user using DTMF feature codes. When the server recognizes DTMF feature codes entered via a users extension then the server verifies this feature request using the Class of Service configured for that extension. If the feature is not listed in the Class of Service configured for that extension the server denies the request and the Call Fails. The feature code list is basically a list of DNs (Directory Numbers). This list may be customized but the feature code must not match another Application, Extension, Outgoing Line, Emergency Line, or Special Line. In order to emulate En Bloc signalling each phone provisioned by the ScopTELs APS (Automated Provisioning System) must include fixed dial plan options/entries for each feature code. Edit Configuration > Telephony > Configuration > Features Code

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4. Commit

Once the modules, channels, and feature codes have been edited it is necessary to commit the changes to the server so that the proper service startup options can be configured and started. Any time a change in configuration is detected the Commit button will be visible at the top right hand corner of the ScopTEL Telephony GUI module screen. Click this button to reload all configurations after you have saved your required changes. Clicking on this Commit button will only write detected changes to the internal database configurations. If a full configuration rewrite is required then a Full Commit can be done from Configuration > telephony > Configuration > General screen. The Full Commit is only possible from this screen. Note: This Commit button appears as a normal Commit button at the top right corner of the Telephony GUI page. This screenshot displays a Full Commit from the General tab.
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Configuration>Telephony>Configuration> General>EditServices>Edit Check off the services required after a server reboot so they start automatically without manual intervention and so that they are loaded in the correct order. Apply Changes when you are done to return to the General screen.

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If a service cannot Commit or cannot start because it is not installed then you must install the required packages and dependencies. A valid software maintenance contract must be in place with ScopServ in order to update or install ScopTEL packages. To install any required packages navigate to Configuration > Server > Packages Manager > Version Information and click on any required links to install any required packages
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If any analog FXO/FXS or T1/E1 or BRI cards are installed then you must do a Card Detect to recognize and configure that hardware before the drivers and configurations can be properly loaded. Configuration > Telephony > Interfaces > Detect Cards Follow the popup windows to complete the card detection procedure and be certain to read and follow any instructions that will appear in those popup windows. After your PSTN hardware is detected and the required services are running it will be necessary to configure regional properties and gain settings for each of your PSTN cards and ports. If a change is made to any settings on the Interfaces tabs it is a good practice to Commit those changes and then restart the following services in the correct order. First navigate to the General tab The correct order to reset services is: Stop the Telephony Server Restart the Analog/Digital Modules (Zaptel/Wanpipe) Service Start the Telephony Server

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A typical VoIP Interface would normally use the industry standard SIP technology. Therefore this example will cover the creation of a CPE side (Customer Provided Equipment) SIP account. SIP trunks normally require a SIP Registrar for client authentication and a SIP Proxy to handle signaling and media. It is common for the SIP Registrar and SIP Proxy to be the same server but the SIP Registrar and SIP Proxy can reside on different servers. To create a new SIP Interface navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Configuration > Interfaces > VoIP Accounts and Click Add a New VoIP Account and choose SIP from the drop down list.

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The name field is mandatory and it is typical for the name of the SIP trunk to equal the SIP username provided by the SIP ITSP (Internet Telephony Service Provider). A SIP Friend allows both Incoming and Outgoing Calls and is most typical. In this example the name of our SIP trunk is 5555551212. When the General properties are entered click on the Server tab next to add the authentication properties and the address of the SIP Registrar and Proxy.
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Authentication Mode is normally Plaintext but the username and password are sent over the Internet using MD5 encryption. Authentication Mode = MD5 requires the MD5 hash entered into the text box and is not normally used. Enter the Username and Password into the corresponding fields in the GUI. Host Mode Specific is chosen when the server is authenticating to a SIP service provider. This is the option chosen to authenticate to an ITSP. This option requires that the ITSPs hostname or IP address is entered in the text field. Host Mode Dynamic is chosen when another SIP user agent is registering inbound to the server. Therefore the hostname and IP address can be left blank. In this example we are authenticating outbound therefore we must choose Host Mode specific. If Registration must be forced then check the box for Register as User Agent. When finished here click on the Network tab
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If the server is situated behind a third party NAT Router/Firewall then check off the box for Trunk Behind NAT. If the server is situated behind a third party NAT Router/Firewall then the third party Firewall rules must port forward the following rules to the LAN IP address of the ScopTEL server. 5060/udp 1000020000/udp. Also a static public IP address and/or FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) is recommended for the ScopTEL server to help negotiate Firewall related RTP issues. This IP address or FQDN is entered into the text field located at Configuration > Telephony > General > External IP or Hostname and the Server behind NAT ?[ ] option be checked [x]. It is common for most SIP ITSPs to require the Insecure options Port, Invite to be checked.The SIP Qualify Time is defined in seconds (default 300 seconds). The server will send a SIP qualify message to the ITSP every 300 seconds. This allows the ITSP to monitor the status of the SIP registration and latency. When finished here click on the Options tab.
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The correct DTMF mode must be selected to match with the requirements of the ITSP. Typically Automatic RFC2833/inband is selected. However most ITSPs support RFC2833 because it is more reliable. The CODEC selection must match the requirements of the ITSP and any supported CODECs not checked off will never be negotiated with the ITSP because they have not been allowed. The global Channel options defined in Configuration > Telephony > Configuration > Channels > Codecs will choose the first supported CODEC in the preferred order. No other options are required at this time so it is OK to click on the Add button.
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An Interface Group is a pool of physical interfaces. Configuration>Telephony>Configuration>Interfaces>Interface Group The Group Interface can be a collection of PRI, FXO, SIP, or other technology interfaces but it is normally a collection of only one technology. The purpose of an Outgoing Line Group is to isolate outgoing physical interfaces to specific Applications, Extensions, Outgoing Lines, Emergency Lines, Special Lines For example there are 10 FXO (analog PSTN lines aka POTS lines) ports shared between two companies. FXO ports 12 belong to Company ABC FXO ports 34 belong to Company XYZ Group 1 is a collection of FXO ports 12 Group 2 is a collection of FXO ports 34 Therefore Group 1 belongs to Company ABC and Group 2 belongs to Company XYZ. Later when the Outgoing Lines are configured those Outgoing Line prefixes can be configured to use either Group 1 or Group 2. Now these new Outgoing Line objects can be assigned to unique Class of Service objects which are then later assigned to extensions belonging to either Company ABC or Company XYZ. Therefore when an extension with an assigned Class of Service allowing access to Group 1 dials the outgoing line prefix 9 the extension will be allowed to dial from ports 12 Therefore when an extension with an assigned Class of Service allowing access to Group 2 dials the outgoing line prefix 9 the extension will be allowed to dial from ports 34 Both companies use the same outgoing line prefix 9 but cannot inadvertently dial out and incur expenses to the other company. The outgoing ANI is also displayed correctly for each company. 16 16
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To set up a new Interface Group navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Interfaces > Interface Group then Click Add a new Group Choose a numeric Group number. Description is optional but recommended. Dial Mode is normally in descending mode when the server is in a CPE environment to prevent Glare. Glare is when an incoming interface is ringing and an outgoing channel ring simultaneously and collide with one another. This leads to an outgoing user answering an incoming call unintentionally. Therefore if the incoming channels are ascending the outgoing channel selection should be in descending order. Click on the Add button to finish creating the Interface Group.

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Outgoing Lines use an outgoing prefix to select a physical Interface or Interface Group. The Outgoing Line prefix cannot conflict with the leading digit of any Application, Feature Code, or Extension. It is fine if the leading digit of an incoming DNIS matches the leading digit of an Outgoing Line because the Incoming Line context is not shared with the Outgoing Line context. Example Incoming Line DNIS =9234. Outgoing Line prefix = 9. This is a supported configuration. To create an Outgoing Line navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Lines > Outgoing Line then Click Add a New Outgoing Line. Enter a unique name for the new Outgoing Line. The name can match the dial pattern used for easier documentation of the configuration. Choose the correct Trunk/Technology for this Outgoing Line. Choose the correct Interface Group if applicable. Click on the Dial String tab

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One of the most powerful and unique features in the ScopTEL IP PBX is the ability to download the entire NPANXX dial plan for any supported Area Code and Prefix. This greatly simplifies the LCR (Least Cost Routing) dial plan configuration for the server. Hours and possibly days of configuration are reduced to seconds. However in this tutorial only a simple Custom Dial String option will be used. After clicking on the Dial String tab choose Custom Dial String and the page will automatically refresh.

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Custom Dial Plan Strings

X Z N matches any digit from 0-9 matches any digit form 1-9 matches any digit from 2-9 matches any digit or letter in the brackets (in this example, 1,2,3,7,8,9)

[1237-9] . !

wildcard, matches one or more characters wildcard, matches zero or more characters immediately

NXXXXXX 1NXXNXXXXXX 9011. matches a normal 7 digit telephone number matches an area code and phone number preceded by a one

matches any string of at least five characters that starts with 9011, but it does not match the fourcharacter string 9011 itself. matches a single # key press

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Dial String = Matching Pattern. Access Code = Outgoing Dial Plan Prefix. This digit is always stripped so never passed to the physical interface. Number of digit to strip = Number if leading digits stripped from the Dial String. Prefix to add to Number = The digit(s) prefixed to the outgoing call. Authentication (PIN) can be used to force user authentication before call is placed. Once all fields are completed click on the Dial Options tab
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Dial Options must be configured only if you wish to provide additional features such as call recording options and audio hook inherit. It is often useful to have a unique Music On Hold source for each Outgoing Line if the user places an outgoing call on hold. Once these fields are configured click on the Caller ID tab.

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On physical interfaces that support custom ANI to be set on outgoing calls it is useful to define a global Name and Number for outgoing calls. Fill in the custom name and number for outgoing calls here if the Outgoing Line > Trunk supports custom ANI Note that FXO interfaces do not support custom ANI but in this example the custom CallerID Number and Caller Name are configured.
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TheClassofServiceManagerisusedtocreateobjectsusedtoassignpermissionsorrestrictionstoOutgoingLines, IncomingLines,Extensions,FeatureCodes,orApplications.
The Class of Service Manager can be found by navigating to Configuration>Telephony>Manager>Class of Service To add a new Class of Service object from the manager click on the link to Add a new Class. Class of Service objects also control permissions and restrictions which vary depending on whether or not a Hot Desk Extension, Agent Extension, or Room (Hotel) Restriction Feature code has been invoked. For example an extension can have a Class of Service which restricts long distance Outgoing Lines when no Hotdesk Extension is logged but if a valid Hotdesk Extension logs in then the Outgoing Lines access is allowed. There is no limit on the number of Class of Service objects which can be created. Therefore many COS objects can be added to create granular security rules which can easily be applied to Outgoing Lines, Incoming Lines, Extensions, Feature Codes, or Applications. The Class of Service is one of the last objects to be built during a new installation because many prerequisites are required. Before a new Extension can be added a COS must be built so that the COS can be assigned to the new extension. Before a non default Feature Code can be created the matching module must be configured. Before a Feature Code can be included in a COS the Feature Code must be configured. Before an Application can be assigned to a COS the Application must exist. It is therefore more efficient to create any required Applications prior to adding any new COS objects so that the COS does not have to be edited more than once. Before an Outgoing Line can be included in a COS object the Outgoing Line must already exist. It is best practice to leave Incoming Lines>Options>Class of Service configured to the default System Default setting. This is because the PSTN interface also has a System Default COS value and the Incoming Line COS and the Interface COS must use matching values else incoming calls will fail. Unique requirements could dictate non default settings.

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Example1=basic(restrictedFeatureCodes) ClickAddanewClass

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Give the COS a name (in this example the name is basic Optional: fill in the description Click on the Services tab to configure the feature codes

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Click on the Select button to open a new window showing the available Feature Code list.

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In this example Call Recording, Channel Spy, Phrase Management, Do Not Disturb (DND), Call Forwarding options have not been allowed in the column to the right. Therefore if this COS is assigned to an extension that extension will not be able to access those excluded features. From the column on the left showing the available feature codes highlight each feature code required using a mouse and then click >> to assign those codes to the column on the right. Click on the OK button to close this window. Feature Codes listed in the right column will be added to the new COS once the new COS is saved.

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In this tutorial no Applications have been built. If any real world Applications have been built the Select button could be clicked to add access to any Applications using the same method used to add Feature Codes. Click on the Local Extensions tab to define access rules for Local Extensions.

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In this tutorial Enable All Local Extensions will be checked since this COS will allow any Local Extension to be called from any Extension with this COS assigned. Local Extensions can be put into groups using COS objects. This is done by building multiple COS objects each with a different list of allowed Extensions and assigning those COS objects to each Extension in the desired group. The same method is used to Select allowed Extensions as was used to assign access to Feature Codes. Click on the Outgoing Lines tab when finished configuring access to Local Extensions.
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In this tutorial Enable All Local Extensions will be checked since this COS will allow any Local Extension to be called from any Extension with this COS assigned. If multiple Outgoing Lines did exist then the Select button could be used to allow or disallow access to those lines. Outgoing Line Examples (using outgoing PBX prefix=9): 9XXXXXXXXXX (10 digit local number) 91XXXXXXXXXX (11 digit North American Long Distance code) To disallow the Long Distance Outgoing Line 91XXXXXXXXXX do not include this Outgoing Line in this COS. Click on the Miscellaneous tab when finished assigning Outgoing Lines.
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In this tutorial separate COS values examples for logged Agent Extensions and or Hotdesk Extensions will not be given. However if either of these options are checked then a COS to use when a logged Agent Extension or Hotdesk Extension is not logged versus logged can be defined. Once this is defined in this COS object then this COS object can be assigned to any Extension(s). When this tab is configured click on the Add button to finish creating this basic COS object.

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Here is the finished COS object = basic Additional COS objects should be built to provide more advanced permissive features access for more advanced users. Each COS object requires a unique name.

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SIP Phones are SIP User Agents.
For security, SIP User Agents must register to the SIP Registrar via username and password authentication. It is typical for the SIP protocol ports to be open or forwarded to the ScopTEL server if a third party Firewall is implemented. When the SIP ports are exposed on the Firewall it is common for hackers to attempt brute force attacks on the server. Such attacks systematically request authentication using common dial plan Extensions and trivial passwords. Examples of such brute force attacks: Extension range 1003000 Systematic Password attempts using passwords 10003000 Systematic Password attempts using passwords 0000, 1234, 1111, 4321, 123456, 7654321 Therefore if a secure password policy is used it will prevent the overall majority of hackers from registering a SIP Extension or SIP Trunk with the server for fraudulent purposes. Examples of secure SIP password policy Minimum password length of 8 alpha numeric characters. No Dictionary words Minimum 2 Upper Case characters used Minimum 2 numerals used Passwords should be unique for each extension The same policy enforcement should be in effect when configuring Voicemail Passwords except Voicemail Passwords cannot contain Alpha characters and must be numeric. A poorly implemented Voicemail Password Policy can allow a hacker access to thru dial capabilities from a mailbox configured to allow outdial capabilities. Therefore Voicemail Passwords must be strict regardless of inconvenience caused to end users. Voicemail Password should never match the extension number. Example: Extension 100, Voicemail Password 100 Voicemail Password should never be trivial Examples: 0000, 1234, 1111, 4321, 123456, 7654321

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To set a Global Password Security Policy navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Configuration > Security The SIP and IAX2 Password Policy is set independently of the Global Voicemail Password Policy. If the Options to automatically fix invalid password?[ ] is checked then noncompliant passwords will be made compliant after a commit (recommended). Here are the recommended Settings:

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It is common for SIP Extensions to exist for Remote Extensions (Nomadic users). It is highly recommended that the server be protected from malicious attacks by enabling the Firewall. Configuration>Network>Firewall>General>Server Type Server type is default with No Firewall. Firewall types are Single System, Gateway/Firewall If only one Network Interface exists then only Single System or No Firewall is possible. If two Network Interfaces exist then the server can be configured as a Gateway/Firewall which will enable outgoing NAT (Network Address Translation) and Firewall the configured WAN Interface. In this screenshot the Server Type is configured as a Single System (Firewall is enabled). It is also possible to set the Server Type and Inbound Services (Permit) options using the Configuration Wizard.

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In this example the Firewall Configuration Wizard will be used to set the recommended Firewall Configurations. From Configuration > Network > Firewall > General Click on the Configuration Wizard button

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InthisexampletheFirewallConfiguration Wizardwillbeusedtosetthe recommendedFirewall Configurations. Note:Inthisexampletheserveronlyhas oneNetworkInterfacetherefore Gateway/Firewall(NAT)isnot possible. From Configuration>Network>Firewall>Ge neral ClickontheConfigurationWizardbutton ChoosetheSingleSystemoption ClickNext

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It is recommended to use the default checkboxes for Inbound Services. However if remote SIP Phones must be provisioned offsite then it is possible to check the box for TFTP Server to allow the remote SIP Phone(s) to download their required configuration files. Click Next when done

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If the configuration is acceptable then click on the Apply Changes? checkbox and then click on Finish

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From the Summary page click on Close

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From Configuration > Network > General Click on Edit Services

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Check the Firewall option Click on Apply Change

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Click Commit to write the changes to the database.

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Click on Start Service Note that any future changes to the Firewall configuration will require another Commit and a Firewall Service Restart

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Typical Extensions types are: SIP Extension (IP Extension using the SIP protocol) IAX2 Extension (IP Extension using the IAX2 protocol) Zap Extension (analog FXS extension using Sangoma or Digium cards. Sangoma and Digium cards should not coexist in the same server) Voicemail Extension (Voicemail box only) Hotdesk Extension A Hotdesk Extension is an Extension that logs into a physical Extension using the Hotdesk Feature Code, HotDesk Extension number and required password. By logging into a physical Extension the HotDesk Extension can make and receive calls from any extension which allows the HotDesk Feature Code in its assigned Class of Service. Caller ID incoming and outgoing will be automatically manipulated to display HotDesk user information. Virtual Extension A Virtual Extension is a very advanced Extension type which allows a user to login to the ScopTEL GUI and use the Realtime Monitor and customize Call Detail Reports and other types of reports. Advanced options can be configured to ring multiple destinations and automatically forward copies of voicemail messages to multiple extensions User Options for Virtual Extensions include Follow Me, CampOn, Personal IVR destinations Custom Forwarding Rules can be defined for: Call Forward Immediate Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Call Forward Unavailable (forward when physical extension is offline) It is possible to Immediate Forward a Virtual Extension to make an Application available within an IVR context for inbound PSTN callers.

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Ring Group Extension A Ring Group Extension automatically Immediately Forward its calls to configured Follow Me destinations Advanced options can be configured to ring multiple destinations and automatically forward copies of voicemail messages to multiple extensions User Options for Virtual Extensions include Follow Me, CampOn, Personal IVR destinations Custom Forwarding Rules can be defined for: Call Forward Immediate Call Forward Busy Call Forward No Answer Call Forward Unavailable (forward when physical extension is offline) It is possible to Immediate Forward a Virtual Extension to make an Application available within an IVR context for inbound PSTN callers. Shared Extension A Shared Extension can be configured so that multiple extensions can ring when the pilot DN is dialed but depending on the busy status of the extension(s) one or more extensions can ring but the busy extension will not ring

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To create a SIP Extension navigate to Configuration > Telephony > Extensions Click on Add a New Phone

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Choose SIP from the list of available Extension types from the drop down menu

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The Username should match the numeric value of this Extension number Since the Security Policy enforces a strict SIP/IAX2 Password Policy the first prerequisite is to enter a compliant alpha numeric password into the Authentication > Password text box. Click on the General tab once the Authentication text is entered

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The tenant is the default tenant The type is IP to match the SIP end point The Extension number matches the Authentication Username Hardware ID is descriptive and does not have to be specified Class of Service is mandatory and determines what permissions are allowed for this Extension. Full Name is used for the Voicemail Directory and default CLID presentation Description is not mandatory Click on the Voicemail tab to configure Voicemail options

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Click on Enable Voicemail to enable Voicemail options Since this is the first extension to be configured on the server it will be the Global Operator for this tenant therefore: Act as an Operator is checked Use User defined CallForward will ensure that the User Options Call Forwarding rules will be enforced. The Act as an Operator option can be selected for additional Extensions if they should also ring when a caller dials 0. However it is typical for a system to have only one Operator therefore this option should not be checked for other extensions. The Voicemail Password must comply to with the Voicemail Security Policy The screenshot shows typical Voicemail settings Many advanced configurations are possible from this page including Voicemail to Email When finished click on the Phone Options tab

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Host Mode should be left default and the IP address field should be ignored because this is an advanced field used for problematic Remote Extensions behind a NAT Router If the SIP device is to be used on the LAN then the Phone behind NAT option should not be checked. If the SIP device is to be used as a Remote Extension located behind a NAT router then the Phone behind NAT option should be checked. Checking this option is normally sufficient to ensure that the Remote Extension can register with the server and two way speech paths are possible (assuming that the Firewall is and global NAT options are configured correctly) Qualify is default and allows the server to monitor the Extension for Registration status and packet latency. But not all SIP devices support SIP Qualify so this might have to be unchecked. DTMF mode is normally RFC 2833 Only CODECs supported by the SIP end point should be checked

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Incoming/Outgoing Call Limit can restrict the number of simultaneous calls supported by this Extension (default 8) SIP Alert (Auto Answer/Distinctive Ring) is used to configure this SIP end point to receive an internal page if the SIP end point is a supported device.

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In this example a Polycom SIP phone will be configured with supported CODECs and internal paging requirements Enable SIP AlertInfo passthrough must be checked Device drop down menu selection must select Polycom Paging and Intercom checkbox must be checked Click on the Caller ID tab when finished

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All Caller ID fields can be modified Default values will set the local and outgoing PSTN Caller ID to match the configured Extension Number and Name Unchecking either Internal Call or External Call checkboxes will allow the Caller ID configuration to be modified Note that External Call and Emergency Call Caller ID cannot be customized if the ITSP or PSTN providers trunks do not allow the Caller ID (ANI) to be rewritten It is highly recommended that the External Call and Emergency Call be modified to show either the published BTN of the customer or DID of the user. Failure to modify the defaults will result in only the Name and Extension number appearing on any outgoing external calls. Click on the User Options tab when finished modifications

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User Options define call forwarding rules, language, Music On Hold source file directory, default ring time, Call Recording options, Fax Detection Enabling any advanced options such as Follow Me, Personal IVR, Camp On, E911 Location will add new tabs and options to this extensions GUI interface and allow additional configurations

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A Call Forward No Answer to Voicemail rule is very typical in phone system configurations. So from the Call Forward on No Answer drop down menu select Voicemail to set up the default rule to this Extensions Voicemail box

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Monitor option On Demand Call Recording allows a phone with a valid Class of Service to record phone calls using the Call Recording Feature Code

Call Monitor options can be configured to force the recording of all calls made to and from this extension using the Force Call Recording option Click on the Web Authentication tab to continue

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The Web Authentication option allows the owner of an Extension to login to the ScopTEL GUI and access several unique features To access those features a unique login is created by checking the Enable User Web GUI and assigning a unique Username and Password for this Extension The user logs into the same IP address and management port as the administrator but uses this login to access their personal GUI login Click on the Security tab when finished with this configuration

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A password can be enforced when another extension or PSTN channel attempts to call this extension. If the password is not entered correctly then the Extension cannot be called. This setting is optional and rarely used Click Add when finished to complete adding this extension to the server

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Incoming Lines must be created to Route incoming calls to required destinations From Configuration > Telephony > Lines > Incoming Lines Click on Add a new Incoming Line

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Incoming Lines types are typically: Extension (DNIS) which are dialed numbers incoming on SIP/IAX2 or PRI trunks. Block (a sequential list of DNIS numbers) Port (TDM) which are analog FXO ports supported by Sangoma or Digium cards There will be two examples. Example 1 will define incoming lines on analog FXO ports. Example 2 will define incoming lines on a SIP trunk.

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Analog FXO ports are port based trunks The Incoming Line is used to define a destination for one or more FXO ports. Additional options allow to define custom schedules, Caller ID Prefixes, Music On Hold sources, Call Recording Options From the drop down menu list select Port (TDM) Click on the Select button to open a new window and add the required ports to the Incoming Line Click on OK when the required ports have been added Click on the Destination tab next
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DNIS rules apply to T1/E1 trunks with ISDN signaling and many ITSP SIP trunks route the same method The Telco forwards the dialed number to the physical interface so that this information can be used to route many dialed numbers to many destinations using the same physical interface. This is a very flexible and highly efficient method to route multiple numbers to various destinations using a single trunk There is no fixed length requirement for the DNIS digits There is no restriction preventing any Outgoing Line prefixes from matching the leading digit of any incoming DNIS digits This is Example 2 The Options tab must be configured to use the required SIP trunk in the Trunk selection menu All other tabs are common to both port based trunks and DNIS based trunks
ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


Set Destination #1 to the first required destination In this example the Incoming Line will ring Destination Extension 100 Choose the Extension(s) option from the menu drop down list

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


It is typical for the forwarding rules defined in the Extensions User Options to be required therefore the Use Userdefined CallForward checkbox needs to be checked else additional destinations must be configured on this Incoming Line Click on the Options tab when finished configuring the Destination

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


Choose an already configured Trunk from the Trunk drop down selection. In this example the SIP trunk = 5555551234 is used. The Options tab is also used to set shared Incoming Line fax detection, language, and the Music On Hold source among other options Click on the Caller ID tab after reviewing

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The Caller ID tab is used to add additional Caller ID prefixes or source routing to Incoming Lines In this example since the Outgoing Line that was configured requires a leading prefix of 9 a 9 will be added to the Incoming Caller ID prefix for each incoming call number. This adds the 9 to any incoming caller ID history feature provided by supporting SIP end points so that the user does not have to edit the call history to add the 9 prefix to the existing call history In this example the Company ABC: prefix is added to the incoming Caller ID name so that a receptionist/operator can easily distinguish inbound calls for each customer and answer the phone with the correct greeting response Click on the Add button when finished adding an Incoming Line

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The APS (Automatic Provisioning Service) is used to create the required configuration files needed for many SIP end points to work correctly The APS assigns SIP usernames and passwords, network options, time settings, QoS settings, dial plan options, firmware upgrade policies, soft key programming, DSS/BLF programming, security settings, DTMF modes, LDAP settings, Templates can be configured to simplify tedious configuration settings for as many supported SIP end points as required From Configuration > Telephony > Provisioning click on Add a new Provisioning System

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


A template should be configured first to simplify the creation of many supported SIP end points In this example a template will be created for a Polycom IP550 SIP phone The default tenant is selected The phone model is selected from the drop down menu of supported end points The Create Template checkbox is checked The template is given a name Click on the Firmware tab when these options are configured
ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The correct firmware stream must be selected If Polycom firmware version 3.0.4 is applicable to the hardware then choose the Use new provisioning option When all options are configured click on the Lines tab

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ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


It is highly advantageous to Customize number of Lines/Soft Keys The recommended Number of Line is 1 The maximum Number of Soft Key for this device is 4 When these options are configured a new Soft Key tab will appear in the GUI Click on the new Soft Key tab when finished configuring these options

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


For each supported key choose an option: None leaves the key empty Feature allows to select a preconfigured Feature Code Speed Dial allows to configure an internal or external speed dial key. If the Buddy Watch checkbox is checked, then this enables BLF (Busy Lam p Field) on this key In this example all three Soft Key keys are configured as feature codes Click on the Servers tab when finished configuring these options

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ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The SIP Proxy address must be configured. The address must be routable on the network. The Outbound Proxy address must be configured. The address must be routable on the network. In this example the eth0 address is used. This address will vary per installation and will probably not be the same as in this example. The IP address can use the optional IP/DNS Mapping feature if a FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name is preferred but a DNS A Record must exist on any DNS server(s) to resolve this FQDN. It is advantageous to use a FQDN address so that the SIP phone can communicate with the server either by its local or public IP address. This makes the SIP phone very portable. When these options are configured then click on the Network tab

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The Line Label option can be used to display either the provisioned extension number or name on the idle LCD display of the Polycom IP550 The Dial Plan text field can be customized to support En Bloc signaling as per the Polycom SoundPoint Admin Guide applicable to the correct firmware release Click on the Date and Time tab when finished configuring these options

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The default Date and Time settings are configured for North American Daylight Savings Time Rules These settings can be modified as per the Polycom SoundPoint Admin Guide applicable to the correct firmware release Click on the User Preferences tab when finished configuring these options

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ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


User Preferences can be edited to suit the requirements of the users The default settings are acceptable so after reviewing this page click on the Audio/Ring Tone tab

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


A majority of users prefer to disable Local UI sound effect A majority of users prefer to select Persistent Volume settings A majority of users prefer to disable Stuttered Dial Tone for Message Waiting Indication. This can be disabled since the Polycom IP550 supports a MWI light Click on the Security tab when finished configuring these options

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It is advised to uncheck the Enable Web Server option to prevent users from logging into their phones and making changes or harvesting configuration settings for malicious intent When finished configuring these settings click on the Add button.

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Configuration files are created and most SIP end points including Polycom download their required configuration files with names based on their MAC address To create a SIP end point specific configuration file for a supported end point click on Add a new Provisioning System

ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


Choose the correct model number from the Phone Model drop down menu Choose the polycomip550 template that was just created from the Phone Template drop down menu Fill in the MAC Address text box with the MAC address of the device When finished click on the Lines tab

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From the Key/Line 1 drop down menu select the required Extension from the available list. It is only necessary to add the extension to the Line 1 assignment since the Polycom firmware will allow 8 calls to be handled on this key using the LCD display. Click on the MicroBrowser tab when finished configuring this option

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ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


The MicroBrowser feature for Polycom phones is a feature unique to ScopTEL. This feature pushes phone status and ACD Wallboard Features directly to the idle LCD screen of each supported Polycom SIP end point. Supported devices include the IP450, IP550, IP650, IP670, IP500, IP600, IP601. To enable this feature check the Use Internal PBX services (Idle/Main) checkbox From the Extension drop down menu select the required Extension number to monitor the status of this Extension When finished configuring these options click on the Add button Polycom phones must have their default boot options changed in order to download provisioning files The default method is FTP. ScopTEL does not support provisioning via FTP. From the Polycom Administrative Menu, Network Options edit the Server Menu option to use TFTP or HTTP and reboot the device.

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Add as many COS objects as required, Add as many Extensions and APS files as required, Add as many Incoming Lines and Outgoing Lines as required More advanced features such as schedules and multiple Music On Hold sources can be added by referring to their supporting documentation From Configuration > Telephony >General When all is configured then all changes must be Committed to write them to the live databases. Click the Commit button The Telephony and Zaptel services must be restarted to properly load the required Zaptel/Dahdi settings into memory. To restart those services first navigate to the General tab The correct order to reset services is: Stop the Telephony Server RestarttheAnalog/DigitalModules(Zaptel/Wanpipe)Service Start the Telephony Server
ScopTELTM IP PBX Software


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ScopTELTM IP PBX Software

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