Theoretical Approach Counseling)

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Paper: Counseling Master of Social Work Semester - III


Both counsellors and psychotherapists work from a variety of theoretical approaches with their clients. These therapies range from the type
of psychoanalysis, originally practised by Sigmund Freud and later developed into other forms of analytic psychotherapy by his pupils,
through humanistic psychotherapy (based on personal growth and self development) to the behavioural therapies used for dealing with
specific phobias and anxieties.

The following is an alphabetical list of commonly used theoretical approaches with brief descriptions of their meanings:

Adlerian therapy

Adlerian Therapy, originated by Alfred Adler, focuses on creating a therapeutic relationship that is co-operative, encouraging and practical.
Adlerian counsellors help clients explore their unique ’lifestyle’ and ’private logic’ (their core beliefs about self, others and the world) to
increase understanding of and challenge habitual patterns of behaviour and hidden goals. It is an educative process of dialogue, insight,
encouragement, re-orientation and enablement towards useful involvement in and contribution to society.

Behavioural therapy

This therapy is based on the belief that behaviour is learnt in response to past experience and can be unlearnt, or reconditioned, without
analysing the past to find the reason for the behaviour. It works well for compulsive and obsessive behaviour, fears, phobias and addictions.

Cognitive analytical therapy

This combines cognitive therapy and psychotherapy and encourages clients to draw on their own resources to develop the skills to change
destructive patterns of behaviour. Negative ways of thinking are explored and treatment is structured and directive involving diary-keeping,
progress charts, etc.

Cognitive behavioural therapy

This combines cognitive and behavioural techniques. Clients are taught ways to change thoughts and expectations and relaxation techniques
are used. It has been effective for stress-related ailments, phobias, obsessions, eating disorders and (at the same time as drug treatment)
major depression.

Cognitive therapy

Uses the power of the mind to influence behaviour. It is based on the theory that previous experiences can adversely affect self-perception
and condition attitude, emotions and ability to deal with certain situations. It works by helping the client to identify, question and change
self-denigrating thoughts, thus altering habitual responses and behaviour. It can help pessimistic or depressed people to view things from a
more optimistic perspective.

Eclectic counselling

An eclectic counsellor will select what is applicable to the client from a range of theories, methods and practices. Justification is based on the
theory that there is no proof that any one theoretical approach works better than all others for a specific problem.

Existential counselling

Existentialists believe that life has no essential (given) meaning: any meaning has to be found or created. Existential counselling involves
making sense of life through a personal world view and includes a willingness to face one’s life and life problems.

Gestalt therapy

The name is derived from the German for "organized whole". Developed by Fritz Perls, it is based on his belief that the human response to
experiences is summed up in a person’s thoughts, feelings and actions. The client gains self-awareness by analysing behaviour and body
language and giving expression to repressed feelings. Treatment often includes acting out scenarios and dream recall.

Client-centered counselling
Devised by Carl Rogers and also called "client-centered" or "Rogerian" counselling, this is based on the assumption that an individual
(client), seeking help in the resolution of a problem he (or she) is experiencing, can enter into a relationship with another individual
(counsellor) who is sufficiently accepting and permissive to allow the client to freely express emotions and feelings. This will enable the
client to come to terms with negative feelings, which may have caused emotional problems, and develop inner resources. The objective is for
the client to become able to perceive himself as a person, with the power and freedom to change, rather than as an object.


Paper: Counseling Master of Social Work Semester - III


This is based on the work of Sigmund Freud, who believed that the unacceptable thoughts of early childhood are banished to the
unconscious mind but continue to influence thoughts, emotions and behaviour. "Repressed" feelings can surface later as conflicts,depression,
etc or through dreams or creative activities. The analyst seeks to interpret and make acceptable to the client’s conscious mind, troublesome
feelings and relationships from the past. "Transference" onto the analyst, of feelings about figures in the client’s life, is encouraged. This
type of therapy is often used by clients suffering high levels of distress and can be a lengthy and intensive process.

Transactional analysis

This is based on the belief that everyone has a child, adult and parent self within them and, within each social interaction, one self
predominates. By recognising these roles, a client can choose which one to adopt and so change behaviour. This form of therapy has
produced the term "inner child", used to describe unfulfilled needs from childhood.



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