Database: GATE CS Topic Wise Questions

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Some key takeaways from the passage include examples of relational algebra operations like selection, projection, union, difference, examples of functional dependencies, decomposition of relations, BCNF, etc.

The basic relational algebra operations (σ, π, ∪, -) are mentioned.

The passage states that the functional dependencies XY → Z and Z → Y are satisfied by the given instance.



GATE CS Topic wise Questions Database

YEAR 2000 Question. 1

Given the relations employee (name, salary, deptno), and department (deptno, deptname, address) Which of the following queries cannot be expressed using the basic relational algebra operations (, , A , , + ) ? (A) Department address of every employee (B) Employee whose name is the same as their department name (C) The sum of all employee salaries (D) All employees of a given department

Question. 2

Given the following relation instance. X 1 1 1 3 Y Z 4 5 6 2 2 3 3 2

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database
Which of the following functional dependencies are satisfied by the instance ? (A) XY " Z and Z " Y (B) YZ " X and Y " Z (C) YZ " X and X " Z

(D) XZ " Y and Y " X

Question. 3

Given relations r (w, x) and s (y, z), the result of select distinct w, x from r, s : is guaranteed to be same as r, provided : (A) r has no duplicates and s is non empty (B) r and s have no duplicates (C) s has no duplicates and r is non empty (D) r and s have the same number of tuples

YEAR 2001 Question. 4

Consider a schema R(A,B,C,D) and functional dependencies A " B and C " D. Then the decomposition of R intoR1 (AB) and R2 ]CD g is : (A) Dependency preserving and lossless join (B) Lossless join but not dependency preserving (C) Dependency preserving but not lossless join (D) Not dependency preserving and not lossless join

R (A, B, C, D) R1 (AB) & A " B , C " D R1 (AB) & R2 (CD). So dependencies are preserved during decomposition. But for lossless join. R1 (AB) + R2 (CD) " R1 (AB)
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R1 (AB) + R2 (CD) " R2 (CD) Since A " B &C " D So lossless join not possible. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 5

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database

Suppose the adjacency relation of vertices in a graph is represented in a table Adj (X, Y). Which of the following queries cannot be expressed by a relational algebra expression of constant length ? (A) List all vertices adjacent to a given vertex. (B) List all vertices which have self loops (C) List all vertices which belong to cycles of less than three vertices (D) List all vertices reachable from a given vertex

The database contains the adjacency list of the graph. So relation algebra with face problems when while calculating the length of cycle self loops come, then the query would execute in one tuple only. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 6

Let r and s be two relations over the relation schemes R and S respectively, and let A be an attribute in R . Then the relational algebra expression A = a ]r A s g is always equal to : (B) r (A) A = a ]r g (C) A = a ]r A s g (D) None of the above

Given query performs natural join between r & s , & then project attribute A where A = a . This same result is produced by the query A = a (r) A s . This query selects attribute A = a from r & then performs join operation results are same. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 7

R,(A,B,C,D) is a relation. Which of the following does not have a

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lossless join, dependency preserving BCNF decomposition ? (A) A " B, B " CD (B) A " B, B " C, C " D (C) AB " C, C " AD

(D) A " BCD

R (A, B, C, D) In option (A) & (B) there exists transitive functional dependency, so incorrect for BCNF . In option (C) AB " C C " AD So AB " AD B "D In option (D) all attributes depend upon same key so in BCNF . Hence (D) is correct option.
Question. 8

Which of the following relational calculus expressions is not safe ? (A) {r | 7u ! R1 (t [A]) = u [A]^ J7s ! R2 (t [A] = s [A])} (B) {r | 6u ! R1 (u [A]) = "x" & 7s ! R2 (t [A] = s [A]^ s [A] = u [A]))} (C) {t | J (t ! R1)} (D) {t | 7u ! R1 (t [A] = u [A])^ 7s ! R2 9t [A] = s [A])}

In option (C) {t (t ! R1)} is not safe since no criteria for selection of tuple has been given. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 9

Consider a relation geq which represents greater than or equal to, that is, (x, y) ! geq only if y # x: Create table gaq ( Ib integer not null ub integer not null primary key Ib foreign key (ub) references geq on delete cascade):
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Which of the following is possible if a tuple (x, y) is deleted ? (A) A tuple (z, w) with z > y is deleted (B) A tuple (z, w) with z > x is deleted (C) A tuple (z, w) with w < x is deleted (D) The deletion of (x, y) is prohibited

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Tuple (x, y) is deleted. Here y $ x lb is primary key ub is foreign key

Since y refer to same key z . & in table A x a primary key is deleted so all enteries from table B will also be deleted. And also all enteries referencing it in y will also be deleted. So a tuple (z, w) with w < x will also be deleted. Hence (C) is correct option.
YEAR 2002 Question. 10

Relation R with an associated set of functional dependencies, F , is decomposed into BCNF . The redundancy (arising out of functional dependencies) in the resulting set of relations is. (A) Zero (B) More than zero but less than that of an equivalent 3NF decomposition (C) Proportional to the size of F+ (D) Indetermine.

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BCNF (Boyce Cold Normal Form) Since R is decomposed in BCNF then no redundancy in the resulting set may occur and all transitive dependencies are removed. Hence (A) is correct option.
Question. 11

With regard to the expressive power of the formal relational query languages, which of the following statements is true ? (A) Relational algebra is more powerful than relational calculus. (B) Relational algebra has the same power as relational calculus. (C) Relational algebra has the same power as safe relational calculus. (D) None of the above.

Expressive power is the capacity of formal query languages to express various query statements, so relational algebra is as powerful as relational calculus only if calculus is safe relational calculus. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 12

AB+ -tree index is to be built on the Name attribute of the relation STUDENT . Assume that all student names are of length 8 bytes, disk blocks are of size 512 bytes, and index pointers are of size 4 bytes. Given this scenario, what would be the best choice of the degree (i.e. the number of pointers per node) of the B+ -tree ? (A) 16 (C) 43

(B) 42 (D) 44


Size of 1 record of index = 8 + 4 = 12 bytes. Let no. of pointers required = P No. of index values per block = P 1 (P 1) 8 + 4P = 512 12P = 520 P , 44

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Hence (D) is correct option.

Question. 13

Relation R is decomposed using a set of functional dependencies, F ,and relation S is decomposed using another set of functional dependencies, G . One decomposition is definitely BCNF , the other is definitely. 3NF , but it is not known which is which. To make a guaranteed identification, which one of the following tests should be used on the decompositions ? (Assume that the closures of F and G are available). (A) Dependency-preservation (C) BCNF definition

(B) Lossless-join (D) 3NF definition

BCNF is more stricter than 3NF . So if we check database for BCNF then it will definitely be in 3NF . Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 14

From the following instance of relation schema R (A, B, C), we can conclude that : A 1 1 2 2 B 1 1 3 3 C 1 0 2 2

(A) A functionally determines B and B functionally determines C (B) A functionally determines B and B does not functionally determines C . (C) B does not functionally determines C (D) A does not functionally B and B does not functionally determines.

A is said to Be functionally determined by B only is A has same

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value for same values of B for every corresponding tuple. In given database. A 1 1 2 2 B is 3. So B is functionally determined by A . But this relationship is not true for any other pair. Hence (B) is correct option.
YEAR 2003

B 1 1 3 3 here if A is 1 then B is necessarily 1 & if A is 2 then

Question. 15

Which of the following scenarios may lead to an irrecoverable error in a database system? (A) A transaction writes a data item after it is read by an uncommitted transaction (B) A transaction read a data item after it is read by an uncommitted transaction (C) A transaction read a data item after it is written by an committed transaction (D) A transaction read a data item after it is written by an uncommitted transaction

(A) read & then write. (B) read after read (C) read after committed write (D) read after uncommitted write Option (D) is a condition for inconsisting Option (D) is correct option
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Question. 16

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database

Consider the following SQL query select distinct a1, a2,....... an from r1, r2,..... rm where P For an arbitrary predicate P ,this query is equivalent to which of the following relational algebra expressions? (A) (B) (C) (D)
a1, a2,... an

(r1 # r2 # ......rm)

a1, a2,... an

(r1 21 r2 21 ...... 21 rm) (r1 , r2 , ...... , rm) (r1 + r2 , ...... + rm)

a1, a2,... an

a1, a2,... an


Here the SQL query selects distinct attributes, in relation algebra it doesnt require any symbol but only projection. P is the predicate in relation algebra, from has multiple relations, this is join in relation algebra (RA). (r1 # r2 # ..... # rm)
a1, a2

Hence (A) is correct option.

Question. 17

Consider the following functional dependencise in a database: Data_of_Birth " Age Name " Roll_number Age " Eligibility Roll_number " Name

Course_number " Course_name Course_number " Instructor (Roll_number,Course_number) " Grade The relation(Roll)number,Name,Date_of_brith,Age)is (A) in second normal normal form but not in third normal form (B) in third normal form but not in BCNF (C) in BCNF (D) in none of the above
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Date of Birth " Age Age " Eligibility so transitively Date of Birth " Eligibility Name ? Roll no. Given relation C (Roll no. Name, Date of Birth, Age) Roll no. & Name are keys. 1. Age is functionally dependent upon date of birth which is non key, so 2NF is not applicable. 2. In 3NF , every non key should be non transitively or fully dependent upon all the keys, but here this is not the case, so not in 3NF . 3. In BCNF every non trivial functional dependency in the relation is a dependency on a super key. So also not in BCNF . So it is in INF only, since no repeating tuples. Hence (D) is correct option
Question. 4

Consider the set of relations shown below and the SQL query that follow: Students:(Roll_number,Name,Date_of_birth) Courses:(Course_number,Course_name,Instructor) Grades:(Roll_number,Course_number,Grade) select distrinct Name from Students, Courses, Grades Where Students,Roll_number=Grades. Toll_number and Courses. Instructor=Korth and Courses. Course_number=Grades. Course_number and Grades.grade=A Which of the following sets is computed by the above query? (A) Names of students who have got an A grade in all courses taught by Korth (B) Names of students who have got an A grade in all courses (C) Name of students who have got an A grade in at least one of the courses taught by Korth (D) None of the above
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Names are unique since selected distinct, so one person will be selected only once, inspite of the has grade A in any no. of courses taught by korth. So if a name appearing, it is not necessary that he had grade A in all the courses, but it has A in at least 1 course. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 5

Consider three data items D1,D2 and D3 and the following execution schedule of transactions T1, T2 and T3. In the diagram, R (D) and W (D) denote the actions reading and writing the data item D respectively. T1 T2 R(D3); R(D2); R(D2); R(D2); R(D3); R(D1); R(D1); W(D2); W(D3); R(D1); R(D2); W(D2); W(D1); (A) The schedule is serializable as T2; T3;T1; (B) The schedule is serializable as T2; T1;T3; (C) The schedule is serializable as T3; T2; T1; (D) The schedule is not serializable


Let us draw a flow diagram between the three schedules, an edge between two schedules is there if there exist read-write or write-write
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dependency in between them. So we draw the graph.

Since there exist a cycle between T1 & T3 so there is no serializability. Hence (D) is correct option
YEAR 2004 Question. 6

Let R1 (A, B, C) and R2 (D, E) be two relation schema, where the primary keys are shown underlined, and let C be a foreign key in R1 referring to R2 . Suppose there is no violation of the above referential integrity constraint in the corresponding relation instances r1 and rl2 . Which one of the following relational algebra expressions would necessarily produce an empty relation? (A) D (r1) C (r1) (C) D (r1 D C ! D R2) C (r1)

(B) C (r1) D (r1) (D) C (r1 D C = D R2)

C is an attribute in R1 but D is a key in K2 . So consider C (r1) D (r2) So the result of this query would be all those tuples which are in C (r1) but not in D (r2). Since D is a key so it has all the possible values of C . So difference would always be empty. Hence (B) is correct.
Question. 7

Consider the following relation schema pertaining to a students database:

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Student(rollno,name,address) Enroll(rollno,courseno, coursename) where the primary keys are shown underlined. The number of tuples in the student and Enroll tables are 120 and 8 respectively. What are the maximum and minimum number of tuples that can be present in (Student*Enroll), where * denotes natural join? (A) 8,8 (C) 960,8

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(B) 120,8 (D) 960,120

The boundary cases are when either all the tuples of Enroll table belong to one roll no. , so there can be at most 8 roll no & courses no. combinations or the other case is when all the tuples belong to different roll no. this also has 8 tuples. So (8,8) = (max, min) Hence (A) is correct option
Question. 8

It is desired to design an object-oriented employee record system for a company. Each employee has a name, unique id and salary. Employees belong to different categories and their salary is determined by their category. The functions get Name., getld and compute Salary are required. Given the class hierarchy below, possible locations for these functions are: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) getld is implemented in the superclass getld is implemented in the suclass getName is an abstract function in the superclass getName is implemented in the superclass getName is implemented in the subclass getSalary is an abstract function in the superclass getSalary is implemented in the superclass
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(viii) getSalary is implemented in the subclass

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Choose the best design (A) (i),(iv),(vi).(viii) (C) (i),(iii),(v),(vi),(viii)


(B) (i),(iv),(vii) (D) (ii),(v),(viii)

Employee ID & employee name are independent of subclasses; manager engineer or secretary, so these should be implemented in super class, but salary is part of employee dependent, so abstract get salary should be in super class & its actual implementation in subclass. Hence (A) is correct option.
Question. 9

The relation scheme student Performance (name, courselNo, rollNo, grade) has the following functional dependencies: name, courseNo " grade RollNo, courseNo " grade name " rollNo rollNo " name The highest normal form of this relation scheme is (A) 2 NF (B) 3NF (C) BCNF

(D) 4 NF

Name, course no. " grade Roll no. course no. " grade Name, Roll no are candidate keys grade depend upon both super keys. So it is 2NF , non key attribute grade depend upon super keys fully. But not in 3NF , since grade is not fully dependent upon all candidate keys.
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Hence (A) is correct option.
Question. 10

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database

Consider the relation Student (name, sex, marks), where the primary key is shown underlined, pertaining to students in a class that has at least one boy and one girl. What does the following relational algebra expression produce? name (rsex = females (Student)) Pname (Student
(sex = female / x = male / marks # m)

rn, x, m (student))

(A) names of girl students with the highest marks (B) names of girl students with more marks than some boy student (C) names of girl students with marks not less than some boy student (D) names of girl students with more marks than all the boy students

This query first computes join where marks are less than or equal to marks are less than or equal to max marks, & then selects the name of all the girl students with more marks than all the boys students. Hence (D) is correct option.
Question. 11

The order of an internal node in a B* tree index is the maximum number of children it can have. Suppose that a child pointer takes 6 bytes, the search field value takes 14 bytes., and the block size is 512 bytes. What is the order of the internal node? (A) 24 (C) 26

(B) 25 (D) 27

The structure of a block (node) of B+ tree

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Total if let P pointers than (P 1) 14 + P # 6 20P 14 20P P 1 search fields. = 512 = 512 = 526 P 526 20 , 26 Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 12

The employee information in a company is stored in the relation Employee (name, sex, salary, deptName) Consider the following SQL query select deptname from Employee where sex=M group by deptName having avg (salary)> (select avg(salary)from Employee) It returns the names of the department in which (A) the average salary is more than the average salary in the company (B) the average salary of male employees is more than the average salary of all male employees in the company (C) the average salary of male employees is more than the average salary of employees in the same department (D) the average salary of made employees is more than the average salary in the company

Select average (salary) from employee selects average salary of the company. So the query returns the names of all the male employees of all the departments whose average salary is more than the average salary in the company. Hence (D) is correct option.
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YEAR 2005 Question. 13

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Which one of the following is a key factor for preferring B+ -trees to binary search trees for indexing database relation? (A) Database relations have a large number of record (B) Database relations are sorted on the primary key (C) B+ -trees require less memory than binary search trees (D) Data transfer from disks is in blocks

B+ trees each node size is kept almost same to the block size of the system this cause on record data transfer from disk to memory one block at a time. Hence (D) is correct option.
Question. 14

Which-one of the following statements about normal forms is FALSE? (A) BCNF is stricter than 3 NF (B) Loss less, dependency-preserving decomposition into 3 NF is always possible (C) Loss less, dependency-preserving decomposition into BCNF is always possible (D) Any relation with two attributes is BCNF

(A) BCNF is stricter than 3NF , is true. (B) True, dependency preserving lossless decomposition into 3NF is always possible, by removing transitive functional dependences. (C) False, lossless dependency preserving decomposition is not possible in all the cases, when all non trivial functional dependencies are not dependent upon super keys. (D) Certainly relation with two attributes is in BCNF , both will consist of super key. Hence (C) is correct option.
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Question. 15

Let r be a relation instance with schema R = (A, B, C, D). WE DEFINE R1 = A, B, C (r) and r2 = AD (r). let S = r1 * r2 where * denotes natural join. Given that the decomposition of r into r1 and r2 is lossy, which one of the following is TRUE? (A) s 1 r (C) r 1 s

(B) r 1 s = r (D) r * s = s

r 2 r1 & r 2 r2 s = r1 ) r2 ) denotes natural join. So here s would have all the combinations of r1 = A, B, C(r) & r2 = A, D(r) product & certainly have more tuples than original r . So r 1s Since s would have all the tuples of r but also has some extra. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 16

Let E1 and E2 be two entities in an E/R diagram with simple singlevalued attributes. R1 and R2 are two relationships between E1 and E2 where R1 is one-to-many and R2 is many-to-many. R1 and R2 do not have any attributes of their own. What is the minimum number of tables required to represent this situation in the relational model? (A) 2 (C) 4

(B) 3 (D) 5

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Since R2 is many to many so E1 has some primary key so one tables for E1 & to represent many to many relationship 1 table for R2 which will have the common attribute of E2 . R1 & E2 can be merged. So total 3 tables are required. Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 17

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database

The following table has two attributes A and C where A is the primary key and C is the foreign key referencing A with on-delete cascade. A 2 3 4 5 7 9 6 C 4 4 3 2 2 5 4

The set of all tuples that must be additionally deleted to preserve referential integrity when the tuple (2,4) is deleted is: (A) (3,4) and (6,4) (B) (5,2) and (7,2) (C) (5,2)(7,2) and (9,5)

(D) 1

On delete cascade says that deletion of a primary key value should delete its all foreign key references. So in (2, 4) 2 is primary key so tuples (5, 2) & (7, 2) should be deleted, but in (5, 2) 5 is also a key so (9, 5) also deleted cascade. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 18

The relation book (title, price) contains the titles and prices of different books. Assuming that no two books have the same price, what does the following SQL select title from book as B
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where (select count(*) from book as T where T. price>B.Price)<5 (A) Titles of the four most expensive books (B) Title of the fifth most inexpensive book (C) Title of the fifth most expensive book (D) Titles of the five most expensive books

It selects all those book titles where the price of the book has difference than most expensive book not more than 5. So it selects five most expensive books. Hence (D) is correct option.
Question. 19

Consider a relation scheme R = (A, B, C, D, E, H) on which the following functional dependencies hold: {A " B, . BC " D, E " C, D " A} What are the candidate keys of R ? (B) AE, BE, DE (A) AE, BE (C) AEH, BEH, BCH


A " B , BC " D , E " C , D " A We start form set of all the attributes and reduce them using given functional dependences ABCDEH ABCDEH ABCEH {BC " D} ABEH {E " C} BCDEH {D " A} AEH {A " B} BEH {E " C} ABCDEH ACDEH {A " B} ADEH {E " C} DEH {D " A} So candidate keys are AEH , BEH & DEH
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Hence (D) is correct option.
YEAR 2006 Question. 20

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database

Consider the following log sequence of two transactions on a bank account, with initial balance 12000,that transfer 2000 to a mortgage payment and, then apply a 5% interest. 1. T1 start 2. T1 B old = 12000 new = 10000 3. T1 M old = 0 ne = 2000 4. T1 commit 5. T2 start 6. T2 B old = 10000 new = 10500 7. T2 commit Suppose the database system crashed just before log record 7 is written. When the system is restarted, which one statement is true of the recovery procedure? (A) We must redo log record 6 to set B to 10500 (B) We must undo log record 6 to set B to 10000 and then redo log records 2 and 3 (C) We need not redo log records 2 and 3 because transaction T1 has committed (D) We can apply redo and undo operations in arbitrary order because they are idempotent

Here transaction T1 has been committed at record 4 so no need to redo them, since balanced commit & start. This is the step done for recovery. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 21

Consider the relation account (customer, balance) where customer is a primary key and there are no mall values. We would like to
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rank customers according to decreasing balance. The customer with the largest balance gets rank 1. Ties are not broken but ranks are skipped: if exactly two customers have the largest balance they each get rank 1 and rank 2 is not assigned. Query 1 : Select A. customer, count (B. customer) from account A, account B where A. customer Query 2 : Select A. customer, 1+count(B. customer)from account A, accountB where A, balance<B, balance 7 group by A. customer Consider these statements about Query 1 and Query 2. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Query 1will produce the same row set as Query 2 for some but not all databases Both Query 1 Query 2 are correct implementations of the specification Query 1 is a correct implementation of the specification but Query 2 is not Neither query 1 nor Query 2 is a correct implementation of the specification Assigning rank with a pure relational Query takes less time than scanning in decreasing balance order the assigning ranks using ODBC (B) 1 and 3 (D) 3 and 5

Which two of the above statements are correct? (A) 2 and 5 (C) 1 and 4

Consider an example Customer Balance Correct Rank Query 1 (Rank) Query 2 (Rank) A B C D E 40 36 36 44 44 3 4 4 1 1 3 5 5 2 2 incorrect 3 4 4 1 1 correct

Query 1 is incorrect implementation Query 2 & 1 will give similar result when all balances are distinct, so
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statement 1 is correct. Statement 4 is also correct. So option (C) is also correct. More effective query. Select A : customer , 1 + count (B : customer) from amount A , account B where A balance < B : balance group by A : balance
Question. 22

CS Topicwise 2001-2010 Database

Consider the relation enrolled (student, course) in which student, course) is the primary key, and the relation paid (student, amount) where student is the primary key . Assume no null values and no foreign keys or integrity constraints. Given the following four queries: Query 1: Select from enrolled where student in (select student form paid) Query 2: Select student from paid where student in (select student from enrolled) Query 3: Select E. student from enrolled E, paid P where E. student= P student Query 4: Se3lect student from paid where exists (select*from enrolled where enrolled student=paid.student Which one of the following statements is correct? (A) All queries return identical row sets for any database (B) Query 2 and Query 4 return identical row sets for all databases but there exist database for which Query 1 and Query 2 retrun different row sets (C) There exist databases for which Query 3 returns strictly fewer rows than Query 2 (D) There exist databases for which Query 4 will encounter an intergrity violation at runtime

Query 1

Return student names for different courses, so one student name may occur more than one time. Query 2 Student listed in paid, one student for one time only. Query 3 Repeating students. Query 4 One student selected only once from paid. So (A) is false. (B) is correct since (2) & (4) return same rows, but since three is
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repeating, so even when one student enrolled in one course only then Query 1 and Query 2 results in some rows otherwise their result is always same. Query 3 cant return few rows than Query 2 in any case. Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 23

Consider the relation enrolled (student, course) in which (student, course) is the primary key, and the relation paid (student, amount) where student is the primary key. Assume no null values and no foreign keys or integrity constraints. Assume that amounts 6000, 7000,8000,9000 and 10000 were each paid by 20% of the students. Consider these query plans (Plan 1 on left, Plan 2 on right) to list all courses taken by students who have paid more than x.

A disk seek takes 4 ms . disk data transfer bank width is 300 MB/s and checking a tuple to see if amount is greater x takes 10 s . Which of the following statements is correct? (A) Plan 1 and Plan 2 will not output identical row sets for all databases (B) A course may be listed more than once int the output of Plan 1 for some databases (C) For x = 5000, Plan 1 executes faster than Plan 2 for all databases (D) For x = 9000, Plan 1 executes slower than Plan 2 for all databases
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Plan 1 selects some tuples which are greater than x , this is best strategy for query evaluation to perform selection as early as possible, to reduce size of the relation. So plane 1 will execute faster than plan 2 for x = 5000 . Since all the tuples required gets selected. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 24

The following functional dependencies are given: AB " CF, AF " D, DE " F, C " G, F " E, G " A. Which one of the following options is false? (B) {BG} + = {ABCDG} (A) {CF} + = {ACFEFG} (C) {AF} + = {ACDEFG}

(D) {AB} + = {ACDFG}

AB " CD AF " D DE " F C " G F " E G " A Let us take {AF} + AF AFE {F " E} AFDE {AF " D} = Y ACDEFG Hence (C) is correct option.
YEAR 2007 Question. 25

Information about a collection of students is given by the relation studInfo (studId, name, sex). The relation enroll (studID, CourseId) gives which student has enrolled for (or taken) what course(s). Assume that every course is taken by at least one male and at least one female student. What does the following relational algebra expression represent? courseld ((studId (sex = "female" (studInfo)) # courseId (enroII)) enroII) (A) Courses in which all the female students are enrolled (B) Courses in which a proper subset of female students are enrolled
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(C) Courses in which only male students are enrolled (D) None of the above.

studId (sex = female (studInfo) selects student id of all females. This is joined with all courses (unique) from enroll table. This results into all the combinations female students can take all the courses. Difference from enrol cause all the female student ids i.e the sub result eliminated, so virtually whole result is empty. Hence (A) is correct option.
Question. 26

Consider the relation employee (name, sex, supervisorName (with name as the key. supervisor Name-gives the name of the supervisor of the employee under consideration. What does the following Tuple Relational Calculus query produce? {|employee(e) 0 (6 #) [Jemployee (x) 0 x.supervisorName ! 0 = "male"]} (A) Names of employees with a male supervisor (B) Names of employees with no immediate male subordinates (C) Names of employees with no immediate female subordinates (D) Names of employees with a female supervisor

The sub-query finds employees who are male & have supervisors. So sub-query results all male employers with at least 1 supervisor and whole query results all those employee names with no immediate female subordinates. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 27

Consider the table employee (empId, name, department, salary) and the two queries Q1, Q2 below. Assuming that department 5 has more than one employee, and we want to find the employees who get higher
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salary than anyone in the department 5, which one of the statements is TRUE for any arbitrary employee table? Q1 : Select e. empId From employee e Where not exists (Select*From employee s Where s. department=5 and s.salay>=e.salary) Q.2 : Select e. empId From employee e Where e.salary>Any (Select distinct salary From employee s Where s. department=5) (A) Q1 is the correct query. (B) Q2 is the correct query (C) Both Q1 and Q2 produce the same answer (D) Neither Q1 nor Q2 is the correct query

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Query Q2 is correct to calculate all the employee ID's where salary is greater than any employee of dept no. 5. So correct. But Q's sub-query is opposite also not correct no comparison after where clause. Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 28

Which one of the following statements is FALSE? (A) Any relation with two attributes is in BCNF (B) A relation in which every key has only one attribute is in 2NF (C) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in 3NF relation (D) A prime attribute can be transitively dependent on a key in a BNCF relation.

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(A) True, since any relation with 2 attributes is in BCNF . (B) True since in 2NF non prime attributes should fully functional dependent upon keys. (C) A prime attribute can functionally dependent on a key in 3NF relation, this statement is tree. (D) But in BCNF transitivity is eliminated. So false. Hence (D) is correct option.
Question. 29

The order of a leaf node in a B+ tree is the maximum number of (value, data record pointer) pairs it can hold. Given that the block size is 1K bytes, data record pointer is 7 bytes long, the value field is 9 bytes long and a block pointer is 6 bytes long, what is the order of the leaf node? (A) 63 (C) 67

(B) 64 (D) 68

Construction of B+ tree node here. 6 bytes block 7 byte data 9 byte value 7......... 7 pointer pointer So let P be no. of child pointer then data values = P 1 6 + (P 1) # 9 + P # 7 = 1024 16P 3 = 1024 16P = 1027 P = 1027 16 , 64 Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 30

Consider the following schedules involving two transactions. Which one of the following statements is TRUE? S1:r1 (X); r1 (Y); r2 (X); r2 (Y); w2 (Y); w1 (X)
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S2:r1 (X); r2 (X); r2 (Y); w2 (Y); r1 (Y); w1 (X) (A) Both S1 and S2 are conflict serializable (B) S1 is conflict serializable and S2 is not conflict serializable (C) S1 is not conflict serializable and S2 is conflict serializable (D) Both S1 and S2 are not conflict serializable

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Consider S1 schedule S1 r1 (X) " read X process 1 r1 (Y) " read Y process 1 r2 (X) " read X process 2 r2 (Y) " read Y process 2 w2 (Y) " but this write cause r1 (Y) w1 (X) Value obsolete, so not conflict serializable. S2 r1 (X) X read by 1 r2 (X) X read by 2 r2 (Y) Y read by 3 w2 (Y) Here also no problem since only r1 (X) Transaction 2 has read Y & w1 (X) It is manipulating r1 (Y) is after that so conflict serializable. Hence (C) is correct option.
YEAR 2008 Question. 31

A clustering index is defined on the fields which are of type (A) Non-key and ordering (B) Non-key and non-ordering (C) key and ordering

(D) Key and non-ordering

Clustering index is used when we have clusters of similar database enteries for a particular attribute.
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So indexing is done by ordering all the instances of attribute & clustering the same values, so index entry for only the first item is needed only. This attribute has repeating values. So cant be primary key, so non key. Hence (A) is correct option.
Question. 32

Let R and S be two relations with the following schema R (P, Q, R1, R2, R3) S (P, Q, S1, S2) Where {P, Q} is the key for both schemes. Which of the following queries are equivalent? I II III IV P (D S) P (R) D P (S) P (P, Q (R) + P, Q (S)) P (P, Q (R) (P, Q (R) P, Q (S))) (B) Only I and II (D) Only I, II and IV

(A) Only I and II (C) Only I, II and III



Projects P after joining R & S for common attributes P & Q . Selects P from R & P from S & then join so may have same tuples as I.

III Selects P from common PQ attributes & common tuples in R & S So same as equi join between R & S . IV Selects P from R which are only in S . So I, II & III are equivalent. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 33

Consider the following relational schemes for a library database: Book (Title, Author, Catalog_no, Publisher, Year, price)
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Collection (Title, Author, Catalog_no) Which the following functional dependencies: I. II. III. Title Author " Catalog_no Catalog_no " Title Author Publisher Year Publisher Title Year " price

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Assume {Author, Title} is the key for both schemes: which of the following statements is true? (A) Both Book and Collection are in BCNF (B) Both Book and Collection are in 3NF only (C) Book is in 2NF and Collection is in 3NF (D) Both Book and Collection are in 2NF only

In relation collection Title Author " Catalog_no. So non key attribute Catalog_no. is fully dependent upon key attributes. So it is in 3NF . Relation Book is in 2NF Publisher and year attributes are transitively dependent upon title Author, so 3NF is not there. Hence (C) is correct option.
Question. 34

Consider a file of 1684 records. Each record is 32 bytes long and its key field is of size 6 bytes. The file is ordered on a non-key field, and the file organization is unspanned. The file is stored in a file system with block size 1024 bytes, and the size of a block pointer is 10 bytes. If the secondary index is built on the key field of the file, and a multi-level index scheme is used to store the secondary index, the number of first-level and second-level blocks in the multi-level index are respectively (A) 8 and 0 (B) 128 and 6 (C) 256 and 4 (D) 512 and 5

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The size of a block So total of bits required for So option (C) 256 &4 Hence (C) is correct option.

= 1024 bytes = 210 bytes first level & second level should be 10. = 28 = 22

Data for Q. 49 & 50 are given below.

Solve the problems and choose the correct answers. Consider the following ER diagram

Question. 35

The minimum number of tables needed to represent M, N, P, R1, R2 is (A) 2 (C) 4


(B) 3 (D) 5

There are 3 entity set, but 2 relations R1 & R2 only. R1 is one to many from P to M . & R2 is one to many from P to N N is weak entity set here. Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 36

Which of the following is a correct attribute set for one of the tables for the correct answer to the above question? (A) {M1,M2,M3,P1} (C) {M1,P1,N1} (B) {M1,P1,N1,N2} (D) {M1,P1}

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Two tables in the scenario will be M1, M2, M 3, P1 which is for relation R1 & N1, N2, P1, P2 with P1 as primary key N1 is a weak entity set. This is for relation R2 . Hence (A) is correct option.

YEAR 2009

Question. 37

Consider two transactions T1 and T2 and four schedules S1, S2, S3, S4 of T1 and T2 as given below : T1: R1 [x] W1 [x] W1 [y] T2: R2 [x] R2 [y] W2 [y] S1: R1 [x] R2 [x] R2 [y] W1 [x] W1 [y] W2 [y] S2: R1 [x] R2 [x] R2 [y] W1 [x] W2 [y] W1 [y] S3: R1 [x] W1 [x] R2 [x] W1 [y] R2 [y] W2 [y] S4: R2 [x] R2 [y] R1 [x] W1 [x] W1 [y] W2 [y] Which of the above schedules are conflict-serializable? (A) S1 and S2 (C) S3 only (B) S2 and S3 (D) S4 only


Conflict serializable schedules Schedule S1 T1 R (x) T2 Schedule S2 T1 R (x)

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Cycle exists between T1 & T2 Schedule S 3 T1 T2

No cycle Schedule S 4 T1 T2

No cycle Cycle exists In S2 & S 3 no cycle exists, so conflict serializable. Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 38

The following key values are inserted into a B + tree in which order of the internal nodes is 3, and that of the leaf nodes is 2, in the sequence given below. The order of internal nodes is the maximum number of tree pointers in each node, and the order of leaf nodes is
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the maximum number of data items that can be stored in it. The B + tree is initially empty. 10,3,6,8,4,2,1 The maximum number of times leaf nodes would get split up as a result of these insertions is (A) 2 (C) 4

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(B) 3 (D) 5

Order = 3 so any node can have 3 child nodes i.e 3 pointer values. 10, 3, 6, 8, 4, 2, 1

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Total 4 splits Hence (C) is correct option.

Question. 39

Let R and S be relation schemes such that R = {a, b, c} and S = {c} . Now consider the following queries on the database : I. II. III. IV. R S (r) R S (R S (r) # S R S, S (r)) {t | t ! R S (r) / 6u ! s (7v ! r (u = v [s] / t = v [R S]))} {t | t ! R S (r) / 6v ! r (7u ! s (u = v [s] / t = v [R S]))} Select R.a, R.b

From R, S Where R.c = S.c Which of the above queries are equivalent? (A) I and II (B) I and III (C) II and IV

(C) III and IV

Query IV is a natural join between R & S . The similar result we obtain from Query II. Hence (C) is correct option.

Common Data for Q. 54 & 55:

Consider the following relational schema: Suppliers(sid: integer, sname:string, city:string, street:string) Parts(pid:integer, pname:string, color:string)
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Catalog(sid:integer, pid:integer, cost:real)
Question. 40

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Consider the following relational query on the above database : SELECT S.sname FROM Suppliers S WHERE S.sid NOT IN ( SELECT C.sid FROM Catalog C WHERE NOT IN ( SELECT FROM Parts P WHERE P.color?blue)) Assume that relations corresponding to the above schema are not empty. Which one of the following is the correct interpretation of the above query? (A) Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied a non-blue part. (B) Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied a non-blue part. (C) Find the names of all suppliers who have supplied only blue parts. (D) Find the names of all suppliers who have not supplied only blue parts.

The sub-query results all those parts which are not blue. The sub-query returns all those suppliers which have the blue parts. And final return from the query are the supplier ids of all those suppliers which supplied a non blue part.
Question. 41

Assume that, in the suppliers relation above, each supplier and each street within a city has a unique name, and (same, city) forms a candidate key. No other functional dependencies are implied other than those implied by primary and candidate keys. Which one of the following is TRUE about the above schema ? (A) The schema is in BCNF. (B) The schema is in 3NF but not in BCNF.
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(C) The schema is in 2NF but not in 3NF. (D) The schema is not in 2NF.

Sname city forms the candidate key. Suppliers (sid, sname, city, street) Sname is primary key. Sid, sname is also key. City"street exists. Street is functionally dependent upon city. Sname" city. So transitivity occurs. So data base is in 3NF but not in BSNF .
YEAR 2010 Question. 42

Consider a B+ -tree in which the maximum number of keys in a node is 5. What is the minimum number of keys in any non-root node? (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3

(D) 4

Given the no. of keys = 5 So order of any non root node = 6 This is maximum order Minimum no. of key = bP l 1 2 = b5l 1 = 3 1 = 2 2 Hence (B) is correct option
Question. 43

A relational schema for a train reservation database is given below. Passenger (pid, pname, age) Reservation (pid, class, tid)
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Table : passenger pid 0 1 2 3 pname Age

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Sachin 65 Rahul 66 Sourav 67 Anil 69

Table : Reservation pid class 0 1 2 3 4 5 AC AC SC AC SC AC tid 8200 8201 8201 8203 8204 8202

What pids are returned by the following SQL query for the above instance of the tables ? SELECT pid FROM Reservation WHERE class= AC AND EXISTS (SELECT) FROM Passenger WHERE age>65 AND = (A) 1,0 (C) 1, 3

(B) 1, 2 (D) 1, 5

The sub-query places a equity-join between 2 tables and select age >65. So pid 1, 2 & 3 are selected. In the main query from 1, 2 & 3 only 1 & 3 have class AC . Hence (C) is correct option.
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Question. 44

Which of the following concurrency control protocols ensure both conflict serializability and freedom from deadlock? I. II 2-phase locking Time-stamp ordering (B) II only (D) Neither I nor II

(A) I only (C) Both I and II


Two phase locking protocol works by running a transaction in two phases, in first phase locks on various data items is achieved only, once second phase i.e unlocking phase start, no locks can be granted then. So due to waiting to have lock, deadlock may occur. But time stamp protocol due to consideration of time stamp provide both conflict serializability as well as deadlock avoidance. Hence (B) is correct option.
Question. 45

Consider the following schedule for transactions T1, T2, and T3 : T1 Read (X) T2 Read (Y) Read (Y) Write (X) Write (X) Read (X) Write (X) Which one of the schedules below is the correct serialization of the above ? (A) T1 " T3 " T2 (C) T2 " T3 " T1


(B) T2 " T1 " T3 (D) T3 " T1 " T2

Drawing the dependency graph where an edge between two transactions exits if there is read write or write-write conflict between them.
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Applying topological sort gives order T1 " T3 " T2 Hence (A) is correct option.
Question. 46

The following functional dependencies hold for relations R(A,B,C) and S(B,D,E): B"A A"C The relation R contains 200 tuples and the relation S contains 100 tuples. What is the maximum number of tuples possible in the natural join R D S ? (A) 100 (C) 300 (B) 200 (D) 2000


R has 200 tuples & has 100 tuples, the common attribute for natural join is B in both relations consider a condition cohen all tuples in S has distinct value of B , So a natural join can have maximum 100 tuples. Hence (A) is correct option.

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By NODIA and Company

Available in Two Volumes

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