Raj Endangered Animals

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-----10 Endangered Animals---1.

White-headed Duck

At the turn of the 20th century there were more than 100,000 Whiteheaded Ducks. Now, they are on the brink of extinction because their habitat for the winter has become polluted, leaving them homeless for the winter.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 48 cm

Where they live

The White-headed Duck lives over a broad range that spans the Eurasian continent from Mongolia, Russia, and India in the east to Algeria and Spain in the west. They also live on the African continent.

What they eat

The White-headed Duck likes to eat insect larvae and lug worms.

What they are like

They almost look like a boat when they swim because of the way they prop their head and tail up. You can always spot a male duck by its beautiful and brilliant colored blue bill.

2. Babirusa

A noticeable characteristic of the Babirusa is the tusk on male Babirusa. The tusk pierces through the facial skin. Their numbers are declining because of hunting and deforestation

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 87-110cm Tail length: 20-32cm Weight: 60-100kg

Where they live

The Babirusa lives in the forests of Indonesia and the Philippine Islands.

What they eat

They eat fruits that have fallen to the ground, and insects.

What they are like

Babirusas like to bathe in mud. It really is a bath for the Babirusa because this is how they remove parasites from their skin.

3. Asian Elephant (Indian Elephant)

Male Asian Elephants are hunted for their tusks, and their numbers are becoming smaller. Hunting them is forbidden, but their trouble goes on.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 5.5-6.4m Tail length: 120-150cm Weight: 2-5t

Where they live

They live in the plains and forests of India and Sri Lanka.

What they eat

They eat grass and plant roots, fruit, and tree bark. They have to eat a lot every day, because their bodies are so big.

What they are like

Asian Elephants are very clever, so people have used them as helpers from long ago. They can even do math!

4. Asiatic Black Bear, Himalayan Black Bear

The Asiatic Black Bear lives in many countries in Asia. You can tell them by the crescent moon pattern on their chests. They are in danger of extinction now because the forests where they live are being cut down and because they are used in medicine.

Size & weight (Adult)

Height at the shoulder: 50-120cm Tail length: 6-10.5cm Weight: Male 50-120kg/Female 40-70kg

Where they live

The Asiatic Black Bear lives in many countries across Asia from Iran to Japan.

What they eat

The Asiatic Black Bear mainly eats nuts and fruit. It sometimes eats animals and insects as well.

What they are like

Compared to other bears, the Asiatic Black Bear is small and does not often attack other animals. It is not as scary as you might think at first.

5. Black Rhinoceros

The horns of the Black Rhinoceros are sold at a high price in some countries. They were hunted for their horns and one time, the number dropped to under 2,500.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 280-300cm Weight: 350-1300kg

Where they live

Black Rhinoceroses live in the midwestern area of Africa.

What they eat

Black Rhinoceroses mainly eat leaves and branches of bushes. Sometimes they also eat grass.

What they are like

Black Rhinoceroses are actually gray. They love playing in the mud, so their bodies are usually in the color of the mud!

6. Chimpanzee

Lately, people enter forests where chimpanzees live. The Chimpanzees have been getting sick from people's diseases. In addition, people are hunting the chimpanzees. Their numbers are becoming fewer and fewer.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: Male Approx. 85cm / Female Approx. 78cm Weight: Male 40-60kg / Female 32-47kg

Where they live

Chimpanzees live in the plains and forests of Africa.

What they eat

They eat many kinds of food from plant leaves and seeds, to insects and even other small animals. Chimpanzee's favorite food is fruit.

What they are like

They are very clever, and can use tools well. They can catch bugs using sticks, and crack nuts using rocks.

7. Dama Gazelle

The Dama Gazelle is the largest species in the family of gazelles. Poaching and habitat conversion into deserts threatens their existence. At this rate, the Dama Gazelle is headed toward extinction.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 140-165 cm Tail length: 25-35 cm Weight: 40-75 kg

Where they live

The Dama Gazelle lives in Africa in the Sahara desert and its surrounding grasslands.

What they eat

They eat grass, leaves, and twigs.

What they are like

While most animals that live in the desert are nocturnal, the Dama Gazelle is active during the daytime. Apparently, they can survive without drinking much water.

8. Hippopotamus

The Hippopotamus is the second largest animal on land after the elephant. Today, they are in danger of extinction because an

increase in hunters seeking their teeth and meat.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 290-505cm Weight: 1000-4500kg

Where they live

They live by water bodies from central to southwest Africa.

What they eat

From early evening to night, the Hippopotamus moves ashore and eat grass.

What they are like

Because of its physique, people falsely see the Hippopotamus as a sluggish and slow animal. Actually, it is quite ferocious. In fact, Hippopotamuses kill more people in Africa than any other animals.

9. Indian Rhinoceros

The Indian Rhinoceros's horn has been popular as a medicine for a long time. To get the horn, the Indian Rhinoceros was hunted. Now, only about 200 remain.

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: 3.1-4.2m Tail length: 60-80cm Weight: 1.5-3.5t

Where they live

They live in swamps and forests in India and Nepal.

What they eat

They are plant-eaters and like grass, bark, and sometimes fruit. They look strong but do not attack other animals.

What they are like

Indian Rhinoceroses have 1 horn, African Rhinoceroses have 2. The armor-like skin, is divided up, and is a quality only the Indian Rhinoceros has.

10. Lion

The lion is the king of all animals, and the jungle. They are so strong that have no natural enemies. However, people kill them, and their habitat was taken. We are worried about their disappearance...

Size & weight (Adult)

Body length: Male 2.6-3.3m / Female 2.4-2.7m Weight: Male 150-240kg / Female 120-185kg

Where they live

Many Lions live in the African Savanna. They are also in Indian forests.

What they eat

Lions eat animals like zebra, gnu, and wild boar. They also sometimes eat larger water buffalo, smaller birds and some fishes.

What they are like

Lions are like common cats. Like cats, they sleep during the day. When you see them at the zoo, they don't move much do they!

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