Quotes From Self-Remembering - Burton

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from: "SELF-REMEMBERING" by Robert Earl Burton

SUBTLE LIGHTBODY - ASTRAL BODY Death stands in the cards of the physical body, but we can be immortal. His numerous I's to survive and penetrate into the present is the crucial baHle. We transform lead into gold, if we convert the many I's in self-remembering. Sex energy is the energy deposit in our body. It belongs to an other order than the four lower centers. The sex center is a mechanism provided to rene maHer, including the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the impressions we receive. Mechanically it uses the four lower centers, but its higher, invisible purpose is to serve self-remembering. The sex center transforms hydrogens into ner energies, and through self remembering the results of the transformaNon penetrate into the pineal gland, the "throne of the soul." By improper work of the centers, sex energy is misused. One can use sex energy for the lower centers, or for higher centers, or both. We try to use them mainly for higher centers and use sex energy the best if we transform negaNve emoNons into an astral body. ReproducNon is superior in some respects and that it is exalted to the point, as the majority of mankind feel liHle or no tendency to penetrate to the divine. Sex, as well as religion makes man remain in his sleep. Sex has its jusNcaNon, an ascending soul may get along with or without sex. The wise man uses it primarily to create his astral body. On a higher level, the sex center serves the pineal gland, the seat of the soul, to ignite the transformaNon of sex energy. All of our manifestaNons are associated with the sex center. The higher centers, th core essence of ourself, our personality, they need all the energy of the sex center, and so do the negaNve feelings, imaginaNon and idenNcaNon. Our life is therefore a struggle to the energy of the sex center to feed our higher centers. Sex energy can be used for physical associaNon, for transformaNon, or both. Man is oRen a good creature, but he has his dark sides, especially in the intellectual part of the insNncNve center, the "King of the Cross". He will be indierent, to deceive us about his cunning. We must not underesNmate him, the lower seeks to destroy the higher. However much the body struggles, he can not remember in himself and will always try to prevent us from, being present, even if he wins anything of it. We can soothe the beast within us to a certain extent so that we give him food. But we must also master the insNncNve center thus by keeping it in check. There is no part of the insNncNve center which would have interest to wake up. The "King of Hearts", our conscious mind (the thought-free awareness), is a tool created to produce higher centers, the insNncNve center was created to protect the body-organism during his earthly life. To control the manifestaNons of the insNncNve center, we need the skill to do, namely the fact that it dominates the laws of chance. Our bodies are invenNons of higher powers, and they are designed to be self-remembering and to create a soul. The vessel, which was given to us, is truly a machine and has a soul or a dominant force. If we can not control the body, so we are the machine. The astral body can oat freely, he is breathing on his own, divine way, separated from the physical body. The beauty feeds our astral body. We can transform our physical body with an astral body. We have nine lives, the last of them is immortal. Everyone entering the path will be immortal, which is the purpose of the road. We need to make available the unexpected, the predictable can be used badly. We encountered the miraculous, the heavenly inuence. We are people who use our powers for building a magneNc center to nd celesNal inuence.

Quotes collected and chosen by Peter Todesco

Quotes from: "SELF-REMEMBERING" by Robert Earl Burton

If we remember our Self, we belong to a dierent order of creaNon. With self-remembrance we carry more than a biological life, we are becoming aware of the way. People can become gods by self-remembering and transforming suerance. Every angel is a terrible shock to us, so we wake up, every angel is terrible. Angels help us in creaNng the astral body. Our prayers were answered, now we must endure it. We have to try without self-pity, to endure the challenges of suering. It is strange, but the heavenly inuence smashes us into immortality. The real baHle is not fought with another person or an event, but with our own minds, with our many 'selves'. Only one quesNon is important: being present or not present. Every second that we remind ourselves of our Self, is ours, for all eternity. Higher powers have created our physical bodies, and they have methods with which they retain aRer the death of the body the immortal moments that created our soul in the course of earthly life. Consciousness is unforgiving, and higher centers will not allow to be penetrated by anything other than self- remembering. Talk about self-remembering means to pracNce only, instead of doing it. It does not maHer when one comes to this earth, the criNcal quesNons are always addressed to people and the universe. When you enter the path you will nd the hidden meaning of life in the universe. If you enter the way, transforming of suering during the development becomes a life-aatude. Once you are on the path, it's almost as if you were to die. There is a tacit understanding that everybody entering the way, have to play dicult roles. There are a fewer quesNons, once you enter the path, because one learns to appreciate the idea of self- remembering and understands that what we are looking for, is a state and no quesNon. The system says in his theory that you can not enter the way, unless another person was placed on your own rung of the ladder. When you enter the path, then you pull a delegate with a similar appreciaNon to wake up. A man entering the way, is responsible for awakening to his goal, and to stay faithful. Reliability diers from the other students. We should allow ourselves to lose no energy by dealing with our future desNny, but work hard and accept the results. Jesus was wearing a crown of thorns as a symbol that transformaNon of suering is the method through which the higher centers emerge. It is cumbersome to constantly go beyond our abiliNes, but awakening calls just that. If we accomplish but liHle eort, so we descend. I would not teach or use my power for it if I did not feel that immortality is a possibility, and the death an illusion to who enter the road. Robert Earl Burton

Quotes collected and chosen by Peter Todesco

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