135 The Munafiq - Some Revealing Insights

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At the end of this article I have included 3 charts and an explanatory note, as follows: 1.

A Chart (Series 4) that lists the titles of the 10 Six Minute Talks with the corresponding Talk Number. These Scripts or Articles could be read or downloaded from ScribD 2. A Chart (Series 3) that lists out the series of talks that covers the subject Muslim History or Islamic History. This interesting subject is covered in two approaches. One set of talks (Talk Nos 114 & 116) are an outline of what happened, and The second lot of talks (Talk Nos 117 to 119) is a description of the reaction of the Muslim world or the Muslim Populace to the changes or the social tribulations that were taking place right throughout this history. 3. A Chart (Series 2) that lists out the 16 Talks (or Episodes) under the series Knowing Allah Taaalah or Knowing GOD These Scripts or Articles too could be read or downloaded from ScribD 4. Notes to these talks or to these scripts/ articles

The main objective of these talks (and therefore the scripts of these talks), is to stimulate thinking. Sensible, rational and logical thinking. So, my message, think, think & think! Be sensible, be rational and be logical.

#135 The Pretending Mumin Some Revealing Insights

Dear Friends,

Alhamdulillah, we are once again blessed with another month of Ramazaan. Many of us have sincere intentions of using this great opportunity to better ourselves so that in the eyes of Allah we would be deserving of his guidance and his acceptance. Let us see as to how or as to what would be the best way to achieve these noble resolutions. The Quran is a reading of the book of guidance. But then, it is a book of guidance to only those that deserve to be guided. Who are those people? The Quran itself gives us an indication of who those people are; (2:2) That Book has no doubt in it - a guidance for the MuththaQi (the Godanxious) So then, obviously we ask the questions, Who are the MuththaQi? How do I recognize them? Am I one of them? How do I become one of them? and so on. In the Aayaths that follow, Allah lists out some of the qualities of the MuththaQi. Let me read the next Aayath;

(2:3) who believe in the Unseen, and are steadfast in Salh (prayer), and spend out of what We have provided them;

Then we realize that MuththaQi refers to a category of people that Allah has classified as good and that these MuththaQi possess qualities, which Allah describes. (2:3) who believe in the Unseen, and are steadfast in Salh (prayer), and spend out of what We have provided them;

As we keep on reading the Quran, we realize that along with this category of people known as the MuththaQi, Allah introduces or describes to us a number of categories of people. 1 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

Some of these are categories of good people and others could be referred to as the categories of evil people Not only does Allah provide us with the names of what he categorizes as good people and evil people but then, he also provides us with the information as to how he categorizes them. In the Quran itself we read Aayaths that names these different categories and then we also read the different recognizable qualities that they possess. This is really interesting. [Do not get confused. Remember there are two things. Categories & Qualities Categories of people, and Qualities that those people possess Do not get confused] In earlier talks I discussed the presence of these many different categories as well as the many different qualities and then I zoomed - in to two of these categories along with their respective associated qualities. The first of these categories was on Takabbur and the second was on being Muslim. For todays talk too I want to concentrate on a category, which is the category of the Mumin or believer. But then we read in the Quran that there are Mumins and then there are those who pretend to be Mumins. We call them the Munafiqs. I find the Aayaths that describe those who pretend to be Mumins to be really enlightening. On deep thought and contemplation we suddenly begin to realize that some qualities we admired as being real thoroughbred qualities of a Mumin are in fact pointing out to us the quality of a pretender! A Munafiq! This really takes us by surprise. But then I do realize that it is relatively easy to detect evils in others. The main task would be to then turn the search light, the detecting light towards me, towards myself, and to really seek out whether those qualities that were fooling me all this time, is really in me or not in me. So let me read the Aayaths that describe these qualities, let us think and see whether we can identify them. It is human nature that we can observe evil qualities in others. But then the true purpose is to turn the searchlight inwards and see whether we can detect these qualities in our selves. And then it becomes time for the true test. How do we eliminate these qualities from our character from our personalities? Interesting! In the first Rukun of Surah Baqarah Allah brings this fact of Hypocrisy to our attention. To me this is the most frightening Aayath in the whole Quran. (2:8) And among men there are some who say, We believe in Allah and in the Last Day, yet they are not believers. 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

To all of us, anyone who declares

which means We believe in Allah and the Last Day, has to be a Mumin a believer. But then Allah informs us some of them arent! Why? Allah answers that question in the next Aayath. (2:9) They try to deceive Allah and those who believe, while they are not deceiving anyone except themselves, and they do not realize

Remember they are not trying to deceive everyone. They are trying to deceive Allah and the Mumins! Does that not indicate that they are deviously trying to manipulate the teachings of Islam the instructions of the Quran to their advantage? In our words we would say they have a hidden agenda What is happening, why is this? Allah answers that question too. (2:10) In their hearts there is a malady, so Allah has made them grow in their malady; and for them there is a grievous punishment, because they have been lying.

Should we not be provided with more pointers or indications to what they are doing? In the next few Aayaths, Allah, beautifully and in a few words explains three of their intrigues. Really there is so much material in these Aayaths for those of us who wish to seek and wish to learn.

(2:11) When it is said to them, Do not spread disorder on the earth, they say, We are but reformers.

(2:12) Beware, it is, in fact, they who spread disorder, but they do not realize.

Amazing isnt it? These people claim to be Mumins and as Mumins they propagate reforms, particularly their interpretations of what they promote as Islamic reforms or Muslim reforms. 3 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

But then Allah is instructing us to observe their programs carefully. Only then would we be able to detect the components of their deception. They are servicing their own programs. They are mischief makers, the Mufsidheen. Who are these people? Do I possess those characteristic? Allah then discloses another of their characteristics. (2:13) And when it is said to them, Believe as people have believed, they say, Shall we believe as the fools have believed? Beware, it is, in fact, they who are the fools, and it is they who do not posses ilm (or knowledge)

Allah points out to us that these people would differentiate Muslims according to what they term as knowledge They would claim that their ilm or their knowledge is superior to that of the ordinary people. Allah informs us that these people, who profess their superiority because of their superior ilm, are in fact the fools the Sufahaa -

And then Allah also informs us that in spite of their claim of superior knowledge, they would not be able to discern that they are in fact the actual fools Again; Who are these people? Am I one of them?

And then Allah describes a third characteristic that they demonstrate.

(2:14) When they meet those who believe, they say, We Believe; but when they are alone with their satans, they say, Indeed, we are with you; we were only mocking.

Who are these people? Should we not always be on the lookout? And the questions that should always bother us are; Am I one of them? How do I find out? 4 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

Allah then describes the consequences of their duplicity.

(2:15) It is Allah who mocks at them, and prolongs them in their transgression.

(2:16) These are the people who have bought error at the price of guidance; so their trade has brought no gain, and they were not guided.

Frightening isnt it? They proclaim;

which means We believe in Allah and the Last Day But then we are shown qualities in them that expose them as: 1. The Mufsidheen or mischief makers 2. The Sufahaa or the fools 3. Tells us that Allah mocks at them 4. That they are wandering as rebels

5. That they are indulging in a terrible transaction described as the bartering of guidance for error!

( Fee ThughyaaniHim YaghmaHoon)

What a loss! There are other Aayaths in the Quran that describe to us certain qualities or actions of people, these actions indicate that these people enjoy some status and position in religious society, but then Allah points out deviousness in their overall plans. When we read these Aayaths and do some deep thinking, then what we see really takes us by surprise. Let me read to you a few such interesting Aayaths. (2:41) And have faith in what I have revealed, confirming what is already with you, and do not be the first to deny it, nor take a paltry price for My verses. Fear Me alone. (2:42) and do not confound truth with falsehood, and do not hide the truth when you know (it).

135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

In these two Aayaths we find 2 Dos and 4 Donts What are the 2 Dos? 1 2 Have faith in what I have revealed confirming what is already with you Fear Me alone

What are the 4 Donts? 1 2 3 and do not be the first to deny it nor take a paltry price for My verses and do not confound truth with falsehood

and do not hide the truth, and you possess ilm (knowledge?)

So should we not ask the question, Who are these people? And more importantly Am I one of them? The next Aayath that I wish to read, again it is very interesting and after some thought we would realize that it is very enlightening.

(2:44) Do you enjoin righteousness upon others while you ignore your own selves, although you keep reciting the Book? Do you not use your AQL?

This Aayath describes 4 characteristics of people who are obviously holding some influential positions in society. Let me once again read to you those 4 characteristics. (See next page)

6 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

1 2 3 4

Do you enjoin righteousness upon others? while you ignore your own selves although you keep reciting the Book? Do you not use your AQL?

Does not these 4 qualities together point out to us that these people are actually pursuing their own goals but then they are presenting it as religiosity? So should we not ask the question, Who are these people? And more importantly Am I one of them? What are the other signs or pointers or qualities of these Munafiqs those who claim to be Mumins but are not Mumins? There are many such Aayaths. I shall now read to you one more such Aayath and then Insha Allah list out the evil characteristics described.

(4:60) Have you not seen those who claim that they have believed in what was revealed to you and what was revealed before you?

They want to take their disputes to the Tght, while they were ordered to reject it. Satan wants to mislead them to a remote wrong way.

Who are the Taghut? That is something we have to work out. Obviously the Taghut are not good people The indications are that these people go to the Taghut because they see some worldly advantage in doing so. So now let me read to you a list of the evil qualities or characteristics of those, whom Allah says are not Mumin, or are Munafiq or are pursuing dheeni or religious programs so as to fulfill their own worldly pursuits, ambitions and goals.

7 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

Remember there are many more such Aayaths and many more characteristics described, but for beginners such as such this list is quite a load for our won intellectual stimulation. Read, Observe and Think! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 And among men there are some who say, We believe in Allah and in the Last Day yet they are not believers They try to deceive Allah and those who believe while they are not deceiving anyone except themselves and they do not realize In their hearts there is a malady so Allah has made them grow in their malady and for them there is a grievous punishment because they have been lying. When it is said to them, Do not spread disorder on the earth they say, We are but reformers Beware, it is, in fact, they who spread disorder but they do not realize And when it is said to them, Believe as people have believed they say, Shall we believe as the fools have believed? Beware, it is, in fact, they who are the fools and it is they who do not posses ilm (or knowledge)

8 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

(Continued) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 When they meet those who believe, they say, We Believe; but when they are alone with their satans they say, Indeed, we are with you; we were only mocking It is Allah who mocks at them and prolongs them in their transgression These are the people who have bought error at the price of guidance so their trade has brought no gain and they were not guided Have faith in what I have revealed It confirms what is already with you Fear Me alone 3 Dos Have faith in what I have revealed It confirms what is already with you Fear Me alone 4 Donts 33 34 35 36 and do not be the first to deny it nor take a paltry price for My verses and do not confound truth with falsehood and do not hide the truth, and you possess ilm (knowledge?)

30 31 32

135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

(Continued) 37 38 39 40 Do you enjoin righteousness upon others? while you ignore your own selves although you keep reciting the Book? Do you not use your AQL?


Have you not seen those who claim that they have believed in what was revealed to you

42 43

and what was revealed before you? They want to take their disputes to the Tght while they were ordered to reject it. Satan wants to mislead them to a remote wrong way.



How do we recognize the ploys and strategies of Shaithaan? Interesting isnt it? There is so much thinking, observing, listening and seeking that we have to do. And If we do this sincerely and with humility and a missionary zeal, then Insha Allah, Allah has assured us that he will guide us. I have just read a few Aayaths from the Quran regarding the pointers to the qualities of those who claim to be Mumins and also of those who are obviously enjoying positions of influence from amongst the Mumins but then Allah is instructing us observe carefully, you may notice some evil qualities in some of them. These instructions are really revealing. But then as I have kept on repeating, it is relatively easy to seek out the faults or the weaknesses or the evils of others. The real test would be to turn the seeking light towards ourselves and hunt out those evil qualities that we ourselves possess. Learn to read these Aayaths. Learn to recognize these Aayaths. Learn to detect these signs and then learn to eliminate them from our lives. 10 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

An important step to implementing all these well meaning intentions would be to try our hardest to learn Arabic Language the Arabic of the Quran. Today Alhamdulillah there are so many sites, very innovative sites on the Web that give us opportunities to learn Arabic with interest. Many of these sites are free and the instructions are in English. It is our loss if we do not seriously pursue this opportunity. Let the rest of our lives be devoted to not just reciting the Quran, but let us all take meaningful steps to learn Arabic, and then Insha Allah we could by reading the Quran learn about the many categories of people both the good categories as well as the evil categories and then, again Insha Allah, we should also learn about their diagnostic qualities and learn to recognize these qualities. And most importantly, we would also learn to look at ourselves and to discern the qualities we possess, as described in the Quran. We could then strengthen the good ones and strive to eliminate the evil ones. I sincerely hope and pray that all of you benefit from these talks as much as I benefit from preparing and then presenting these talks to you. May Allah Taaalah guide us all and accept us all. Jazza Kalla Khairan. Assalamu Alaikum

Imtiaz Muhsin Colombo Sri Lanka [email protected] You Tube Channel - HaneefanMusliman

11 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights


Series 4

The Talks Numbered 125 to 134 are a series of Six Minute Talks presented in the month of Ramadhlaan (2013). The titles are as follows: Talk No Talk Number & Title 125 The Muslim 126 Shaithaan 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 How did the Prophets Earn? The Swudhoor Scoldings the Prophet Received Understanding Allahs Justice Arabic language of the AQL Pretending to be Mumin Jinns and Insaan The Mu'min Comments


http://www.scribd.com/doc/152866510/128-The-Swudhoor http://www.scribd.com/doc/152867109/129-Scoldings-the-ProphetsReceived http://www.scribd.com/doc/152944005/130-Understanding-Allah-sJustice http://www.scribd.com/doc/153575145/131-Arabic-The-Languageof-the-AQL



1 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

Series 3 Note on Talks on History of Muslims

As Muslims it is necessary that we are aware of the History of Muslims over the last 1400 years. It is necessary for us to realize the winds of change over these last 1400 years especially since Muslim Populations have been through quite some turbulent times. I have covered this vast area in 5 talks. (This is insufficient) The first two talks were on the history and the next three talks were from another viewpoint. I discuss the response of the Muslims due to the many changes that were affecting their lives their religion and thus their culture. These Talks are numbered and titled as follows: Talk No 114 116 117 118 119 Topic The History Series The Effects of 1400 Years - Part 1 Effects of 1400 years - Part 2 The Muslim Response Series The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the Caliphates of the Khulafaa Ur Raashidheen The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events surrounding the beginning of the Ummayyads The Religious Response of Muslims due to Events in the Period of the Muslim Empires Date Broadcast Jan 25th 2013 Feb 8th 2013 Feb 22nd 2013 March 29th 2013 April 5th 2013

2 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

Series 2 The Talks numbered 054 to 071 is under a series titled Knowing Allah Taaalah or Knowing GOD
The details of the scripts of these 16 Episodes (Talks) are as follows;
Talk No Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Talk Number & Title 054 Ilm Knowing Allah 055 Rationality - The Foundation of Islam 056 Is Man Special? 057 Ar Rahmaan - The Beneficent 058 Nature or GOD? 059 Our Relationship with GOD! Sub Series: 060 Is this what we are created for? (Is this what we are created for? Part 1) Sub Series: 061 What do we see on Earth (Is this what we are created for? Part 2) Sub Series: 062 Who are WE? Where do we fit in? (Is this what we are created for? Part 3) Sub Series: 063 Our benefits on Earth (Is this what we are created for? Part 4) Sub Series: 066 What makes us 'Stand Out'? What makes us 'Special'? (Is this what we are created for? Part 5) Sub Series: 067 Who is in charge? (Is this what we are created for? Part 6) Sub Series: 068 What ALLAH Teaches Us, About Himself (Is this what we are created for? Part 7) Sub Series: 069 Our Special Faculties How they should be used, How they should not be used! (Is this what we are created for? Part 8) Sub Series: 070 The TWO Paths 071 Is this what we are created for? A review of Parts 1 to 8 from the Sub Series Is this what we are created for? Date Broadcast th Dec 9 2011 Dec 16 2011

Details of Picture on Cover Wellawatte Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka Parasangaswewa Mosque (a remote village) in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka Mutwal Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka The Akbar Mosque in Slave Island, Colombo, Sri Lanka Mosque in Matara, from the Southern Province of Sri Lanka Beach Mosque at Kalmunaikudi in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka A Mosque in the Kurnegala District, Sri Lanka Maradana Jummah Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka Colpetty Jummah Mosque, in Colombo, Sri Lanka The Jummah Mosque at Natpidimunnai, in the Ampara District, Sri Lanka The Devatagaha Mosque in Colombo, Sri Lanka A Mosque in a rural village in the Ampara District, in Sri Lanka The Jummah Mosque in Oluvil a village in the Ampara District, Sri Lanka The Dhanakawewa Jummah Mosque in a remote village in the Anuradhapura District in Sri Lanka Mosque at Madhavakulam in the Puttlam District, Sri Lanka A Mosque by a river in the Eastern Province, Sri Lanka

Dec 23 2011 th Dec 30 2011 th Jan 6 2012 th Jan 13 2012 Jan 20 2012 Jan 27 2012 Feb 3 2012



Episode 8


Episode 9

Episode 10

Feb 10 2012 Feb 17 2012 Feb 24 2012 Mar 2 2012



Episode 11


Episode 12


Episode 13

Episode 14

Mar 9 2012


Episode 15 Episode 16

Mar 16 2012 Mar 23 2012



3 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

Please Note
1. I have had the great privilege, (since Aug 2010), of presenting talks on the weekly Radio Program Culture of Islam [Friday 5.30 to 6.00 am, Radio Sri Lanka - FM 97.4] 2. Since these are Radio Talks, I refer to, or address the audience as listeners 3. I am well aware that the audience to these talks would consist of people belonging to a variety of faiths. So as to make people of all faiths feel included, I very often use words and names that are common to all religions. 4. For these reasons, I use the name GOD, as well as Abraham, Moses, Jesus etc as well as the names Allah, Ibrahim (Alaihis Salaam), Moosa (Alaihis Salaam), Easa (Alaihis Salaam) etc 5. Muslims by habit usually say Sallallahu Alaihiwasallam, when the name of Prophet Muhammad is mentioned, and Alaihis Salaam' when the name of a Prophet is mentioned. However, in these series of talks I have reduced the use of these prayers & sayings to the bare minimum. 6. Muslims, also by habit, use a number of Arabic prayers or sayings, such as Alhamdulillah, Insha Allah and so on. Again, I have reduced the use of these prayers or sayings to the bare minimum. 7. Sometimes I have to write Arabic words in the English script. I have devised my own way of writing Arabic in English, as follows;

th TH

s Ss SW


H h


Information on these talks along with all download links can be found on my on my Blog (http://imtiazm.wordpress.com/) The dates or the schedules of these talks can be viewed on the Facebook Page (http://www.facebook.com/ImtiazMuhsin786) The Scripts of these talks can be downloaded from www.ScribD.com (http://www.scribd.com/imtiaz_muhsin_1) (www.ScribD.com Author Imtiaz Muhsin) The audio files of these talks can be downloaded from YouTube (YouTube Channel Imtiaz Muhsin) The YouTube Link to this talk is at

All Praise and Thanks is due to Allah and Allah alone Alhamdulillah!

4 135 The Pretending Mumin Some Insights

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