September 2013 Lamplighter

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Vol. 6 Issue 9 September 2013


Our Church Staff

Gary Burden
Senior Pastor 919-631-6789

Bethesda Homecoming Sunday September 22, 2013

Time to notify previous church members and family/friends to worship with you on this Homecoming Sunday and to fellowship with lunch afterwards.
We are delighted that Terry Ellis, son of our own Lyde and Dot Ellis, will be our guest speaker.

Landon Orr
Assoc. Pastor of Discipleship & Evangelism 919-229-9379

Chastity Comeau
Admin. AssistantFinances

Pat Baucom
Admin. Assistant - Publications

THREE NEW ADULT SUNDAY EVENING SMALL GROUP STUDIES WILL BEGIN SEPTEMBER 8th See page 6 for details on these studies. How to Radically Begin a New Church Year: Follow Me
Having previously read David Platts books Radical and Radical Together, my recent vacation reading included Davids latest book, Follow Me. Lead pastor of the Church at Brook Hills in Birmingham, Alabama, David knows how to simply and succinctly put his finger on the real issues when it comes to being a true follower of Jesus Christ. He demonstrates how Western culture has drained the lifeblood out of Christianity and replaced it with a watered-down version of the gospel that is so palatable it isnt even real anymore. But true joy is found in answering Jesus call to Follow Me. Those two words are loaded, and must not be taken lightly. His is a call to die and a call to live. A great way for each of us to begin this fall and a new church/Sunday School year would be to prayerfully read the book. I challenge you to do it. But in my space here I want to share the outline of A Personal Disciple-Making Plan from the book and encourage us all to prayerfully follow it as a means of Following Him. Begin this September by recording your answers to the following questions:
Continued on page 2

This Months Highlights

September Highlights Note from the Pastor Note from Debbe Upcoming Events September Calendar Financials A Note from Landon Extended Session Birthdays Anniversaries p. 1 p. 1 p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 p. 5 p. 5 p. 5 p. 6 p. 6

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1. How will I fill my mind with truth? How will I read Gods Word? How will I memorize Gods Word? How will I learn Gods Word from others? 2. How will I fuel my affections for God? How will I worship? How will I pray? How will I fast? How will I give? 3. How will I share Gods love as a witness in the world? Who? How? When? 4. How will I show Gods love as a member of a church? Where? What? 5. How will I spread Gods glory among all peoples? How will I pray for the nations? How will I give to the nations? How will I go to the nations? 6 How will I make disciple makers among a few people? How will I bring them in? How will I teach them to obey? How will I model obedience? How will I send them out? With you on the journey, answering the call: Follow Me.

Two and one-half years ago, I wrote these words in my first Bethesda newsletter article: I believe that music has a special way of touching the soul and provides a way for us to actively worship our God. Music is such a gift; lyrics and melodies draw us together, soothe and inspire. As my favorite hymn says, Theres within my heart a melody, Jesus whispers sweet and low; Fear not, I am with thee, peace, be still; In all of lifes ebb and flow. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest name I know. Fills my every longing, Keeps me singing as I go. As you probably know by now, I have resigned my position as Music Director at Bethesda. I have accepted fulltime employment with Johnston County Schools as a Health Occupations Teacher at Clayton High School. As a Registered Nurse, I will be a lateral-entry teacher, and required to complete college coursework towards my teaching license. Due to these commitments, I am not able to continue with my part-time position at Bethesda. I am so thankful for the opportunity to serve God through music leadership with the sweet fellowship of believers at Bethesda. You have certainly welcomed me and my family, and we treasure the friendship and time shared together. "I thank my God every time I remember you, I always pray with joy because of our partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on until completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Philippians 1: 3-6) Though sometimes he leads through waters deep, Trials fall across the way, Though sometimes the path seems rough and steep, See his footprints all the way. Feasting on the riches of his grace, resting neath his sheltering wing, Always looking on his smiling face, That is why I shout and sing. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest name I know. Fills my every longing, Keeps me singing as I go. Keep singing and God bless Debbe Langdon

Gary Burden

THANK YOU DEBBE LANGDON Debbe began her ministry with us in March of 2011, and she brought a refreshing spirit to our music ministry and worship services. As she moves into other areas of work beyond Bethesda, we will greatly miss her. But we thank her for being available to the Lord and to us. We are a better church family because of her and her dedicated service!

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iChoose Pregnancy Support Services Annual Fundraise Walk

Steps for Life September 28, 2013 10:00 Registration - 10:30 Walk Clayton Community Park Put your feet into action and Steps for Life!

Operation Christmas Child Letter from Madagascar

Terry and Sondra Gatewood received a letter from Ravonjiarisoa Synphonie, who received one of the shoe boxes they sent last year. Syphonie is a 9 year old little girl who lives in the region of Toamasina, on the east coast of Madagascar on the Indian Ocean. The little region named Toamasina [tomasin], meaning "like salt" or "salty", Jesus tells us that we are to be the salt of the earth, Matthew 5:13. How fitting that this letter came from a region meaning like salt. Praise God he has allowed us to be a part of this ministry for his glory. Below is excerpts from her letter, see full letter on bulletin board, in foyer. Please ignore the grammatical errors in this sweet letter and see the heart of this little girl.

Its Time for the Heavenly Hoedown Saturday, September 14th Beginning at 1:00 PM
Round up your friends and neighbors and come on down. Vittles and Belly Wash Provided
Sloppy Joes & Chili Onion Rings & French Fries Nachos and Cornbread Cobbler

Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend.

Also, if you would like to help with any of these vittles, please sign up on the sheet in the foyer.

AWANA of Bethesda Baptist Church is sponsoring a booth at this festival and we need volunteers to help at various times. If you will give a few hours of your time on this date, please sign-up on the sheet in the foyer.

Dear Friends and God bless you all! Hello, I write you with pleasure and the big joys and especially greet you in the name of God, our Lord. I am a small Malagasy girl, the one that you sent heap of gifts. I thank you a lot for these gifts and especially to God, because it is thanks to him that you have some feelings for us children of the poor country as at home and again more of children of a poor family. My name is Ravonjiarisoa Synphonie, I am 9 years old and Im in class 7th. Even my parents, my family is all happy while believing that of the foreign families, very far from us can present us the love, thanks to God. It is very exact that we are all equal God servant. I now let you and I will like that you answer me my letter. See you next time my friends or my parents exactly. We love you very much and God love me and you as your family. Next time I send you my picture and our pictures family. VELOMA! (Goodbye) = Baye! Synphonie

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1 Weekly Sunday Service No Evening Activities 8 Breakfast Fellowship Weekly Sunday Service 15 Weekly Sunday Service 16 9 2



4 5 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule




Labor Day Church Office Closed

Deacons Mtg. 7:00 PM


11 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule




Ladies Night OutBowling

Seniors Heavenly Hoedown Luncheon 1:00 PM

19 20


18 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule

21 Clayton Fall Festival 95 PM




25 AWANA and Weekly Wed. Schedule



Homecoming Sunday

28 iChoose Annual Fundraiser Walk Steps for Life Clayton Community Park

29 Weekly Sunday Service


Sunday Schedule
9:15 am ....................................................................Bible Study Fellowship 10:30 am ......................................................... Morning Worship Celebration 6:00 pm .......................................... LifeLine...Get Connected (Small Groups)

Wednesday Night Schedule

6:30pm ........................................................... Awana, Youth Bible Study 6:45 pm ..................................................... Adult Prayer and Bible Study Choir Rehearsal

Student LifeLine SPK CHOIR (Shout Praises Kids) - Grades 1-5

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Believe it or not (and I cant) September is right around the corner. Personally, this summer has gone by faster than any other I can remember, and, while I do wish I had one more week in there to tie up some loose ends before school starts, I can honestly say I am ready to get back into my normal routine. Here are two things to be thinking about as we move into the fall: Are you serving where you want to serve? September 1 marks the time when people shift on and off ministry councils and committees, Sunday School classes start fresh, and volunteers are gathered for service all across the board. The nominating committee works hard to find these volunteers, but they do not have a direct line with God to let them know where he is calling you to serve. If you feel led to serve in any areas this upcoming year, please let us know. Do you think the church would benefit from a ministry that it does not yet have? Start it! If you rely on church leadership to start all the churchs ministries so many will get left out. God has equipped each of us with passions and desires that make us uniquely qualified for certain types of ministries. The leadership at Bethesda may not share your passions, and would never think of ministering in places that you feel led to minister. If you dont know where to get started let me know, I will be more than happy to work with you to help you get a ministry off the ground. There are so many good things happening at the church for us to be excited about, and I am ready to see what God will do with each of us as we start into this next year.


Sunday, Sept. 1 - AM Babies: Kathleen McLamb & Cherilyn Murphy 2s: Heather Henry & Tori Smith 3s/4s: Julie Brueggen & Lewis Chong K-3rd Kids Church Frances Burden & Jacob Smith Sunday, Sept. 1- PM Sharon Johnson & Sharon Levin Wednesday, Sept. 4 Brittany Arant & Ginger Starling Sunday, Sept. 8 - AM Babies: Brigitte & Larkin Creech 2s: Missy Urban & Tara Baker 3s/4s: Mandy & Brianna Windham K-3rd Kids Church Ginger Starling & Angel Duncan Sunday, Sept. 8 - PM Jane & Johnnie Gatlin Wednesday, Sept. 11 Brittany Arant & Ginger Starling Sunday, Sept. 15 - AM Babies: Sondra Gatewood & Jane Gatlin 2s: Brittany & Andrew Arant 3s/4 s: Wendy & Chris Gatewood K-3rd Kids Church Terry Gatewood & David Duncan Sunday, Sept. 15 - PM Nicole & Seth Langdon Wednesday, Sept. 18 Brittany Arant & Ginger Starling Sunday, Sept. 22 - AM Babies: Faye Wells & Jan Culpepper 2s: Wendy Beasley & Sara Orr 3s/4s: Kristol & Nick Flanigan K-3rd Kids Church Leigh & Will Smith Sunday, Sept. 22 - PM Sarah Jay & Sondra Gatewood Wednesday, Sept. 25 Brittany Arant & Ginger Starling Sunday, Sept. 29 - AM Babies: Faye Parrish & Elvis Farr 2s: Sondra Gatewood & Louise Gilmore 3s/4s: Mary Chong & Angel Duncan K-3rd Kids Church Nicole & Michael Ritchie Sunday, Sept. 29 - PM Bill & Julia Stephens Wednesday, Oct. 2 Brittany Arant & Ginger Starling

Facts & Figures for August 2013

Date S.S. AM Worship 145 140 130 178 593 148 Budget Offering 4,798.85 6,529.30 4,468.61 5,871.00 21,667.76 5,417.00 His Vision Our Mission 1,545.00 995.00 780.00 770.00 4,090.00 1,023.00

July 28 Aug. 4 Aug. 11 Aug. 18 Total Avg.

88 104 85 117 394 99

Preschool Regis. Desk Diane Duncan

Average Attendance & Offerings for August 2012 Avg. 109 158 6,288.22 1,291.00

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4967 Highway 70 West Business Clayton, NC 27520 Phone: 919-553-7678 Address Service Guaranteed

Hosea: Gods Redeeming Love, by Pastor James - Mercy Triumphs for Ladies, see details below. Ladies Join us on Sunday night , September 8th for Beth Moores Bible study on: JamesMercy Triumphs
Be inspired to put you faith into action in practical ways as we get to know the man and the Book of James. Join Beth Moore as she explores such concepts as joy, hardship, faith, wisdom, singlemindedness, the tongue, humility, prayer, and more. This interactive study will begin on September 8 and end in December. Contact Frances Burden (919-5535530) by Wednesday, September 4th to order your book. The discounted cost is $15.

Were on the web!

September Birthdays
Ava Creech Linda Lee Jerry Gilmore Carness Underwood Lynne Raker Neta Jones Lehman Godwin David Creech Frank Avery Rosa Johnson Dolly Bryant Chris Johnson Bill Stephens Audrey Langdon Diana Lee Brianna Windham Adam Johnson 9/1 9/4 9/5 9/5 9/8 9/9 9/11 9/12 9/15 9/15 9/18 9/19 9/24 9/25 9/26 9/26 9/30

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and coura geous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go, the Lord said to Joshua. (Joshua 1:9) Why was it that Caleb and Joshua were able to look beyond the giants of the land that paralyzed everyone else with fear? This courageous faith was the focus of Awana training this year. Would you pray for us that we would be steadfast this year, following as God leads our ministry, staying encouraged throughout the year. Sometimes even the youngest can seem like giants among us. We need each member here at Bethesda praying us through. Sept. 4 Bring a Friend 11 God Bless America 18 Cubbies Parents Night 25 Stuffed Animal Kingdom

Ron & Carole McNeece Brian & Kathleen McLamb Ron & Diane Whitman 9/13 9/20 9/25

Sunday school and children church literature- Please place your old Sunday school and children church literature in the marked box in the workroom. This recycled literature is used to help pastors and laypeople teach and disciple fellow believers. Studies show that 80 percent of Christian believers outside of the U.S. have no Christian literature available to them.

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