Becoming Farmers

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Becoming Farmers: Author(s): Anna Belfer-Cohen and A. Nigel Goring-Morris Source: Current Anthropology, (-Not available-), p.

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Current Anthropology Volume 52, Number S4, October 2011


Becoming Farmers:
The Inside Story by Anna Belfer-Cohen and A. Nigel Goring-Morris
Neolithization processes in the Levant differed from those in Europe. A major population growth was already occurring in the former at the onset of the Late Glacial Maximum. Population growth was not linear but rather reected local circumstances, both external and internal. In addition to changing environmental conditions, the social implications of growth in community sizes within specic areas should be taken into account. The solutions and mechanisms that people devised during the transition to agriculture in order to counter the stresses stemming from those developments pertain to the tempo and scope of the changes as well as to endemic traditions.

This article focuses on the internal social issues associated with the processes of Neolithization in the Near East, with particular emphasis on the Levant. It is intended to be read in conjunction with our other article in this volume, Neolithization Processes in the Levant: The Outer Envelope (Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2011). It is vital to emphasize the marked local geographic variability within the general region of the Levant, a point frequently overlooked in sweeping treatments of Neolithization phenomena. Change was not homogenous throughout the region, with regard to either intensity or pace. Developments were affected by circumstances pertaining to the shift from mobile to increasingly sedentary lifeways, the scales of community sizes together with associated mating and social networks, the nature of interactions within and between communities, and worldviews evolving in terms of ideology and ritual. It is important to stress the rst-time nature of these processes all through the sequence of human prehistory, a case in point in the Near East. Moreover, the processes entailed the domestication of multiple elements; Neolithization was not just about subsistence. We can also observe the domestication of landscape, re, water, social institutions, and even the gods (e.g., Cauvin 2000). Ethnographic analogies are at best ambiguous even without the problematics of considering recent and subrecent popuAnna Belfer-Cohen and A. Nigel Goring-Morris are Professors in the Department of Prehistory, Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem 91905, Israel [belferac@]). This paper was submitted 13 XI 09, accepted 12 XII 10, and electronically published 27 VII 11.

lations as living fossils. Facing the problem of translating material data into behavioral patterns, one should also remember that human conduct is frequently unpredictable, and hence the application of common sense and optimized models sometimes can be counterproductive. Nevertheless, some basic tenets of human behavior directly reect the constraints of our inherent neurological wiring as Homo sapiens sapiens (e.g., Dunbar 1996; Johnson 1983; Kosse 1994; Wobst 1974). With the rapid accumulation of archaeological data in the Near East, it seems that we have to view Neolithization from the perspective of the longue dure e (Braudel 1993). These processes had already begun during the Early Epipaleolithic (ca. 23,000 years ago) and were heralded through seemingly minor but in retrospect signicant changes in human behavior. Thus, we begin our overview almost 15,000 years before the emergence of the fully edged Neolithic package of village farming communities.

Setting the Stage

Epipaleolithic groups in the Levant were mobile-band societies, just as in the preceding Upper Paleolithic (table 1), but the scale of individual territories in some areas shrank as a result of increased packing, leading to relatively higher population densities at local as opposed to pan-Levantine levels (e.g., Bar-Yosef 2001). Here, the magic numbers of ca. 25 individuals for small-scale mobile-band societies with mating networks encompassing some 250500 individuals are relevant (e.g., Wobst 1974). Virtually no data are available at this time for the northern Levant (see Goring-Morris and BelferCohen 2011), and accordingly, our discourse focuses on the south. Shifts and realignments throughout the course of the Early and Middle Epipaleolithic are documented, demonstrating that the nature of diachronic and synchronic social interac-

2011 by The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. All rights reserved. 0011-3204/2011/52S4-0005$10.00. DOI: 10.1086/658861


Current Anthropology Volume 52, Number S4, October 2011

Table 1. Duration of the Epipaleolithic and Neolithic entities in the Levant

Period Early Epipaleolithic Middle Epipaleolithic Late Epipaleolithic PPNAa Early PPNB Middle PPNB Late PPNB Final PPNB Early Pottery Neolithic Approximate range (cal BP) 24,00018,000 18,00015,000 15,00011,600 11,60010,500 10,50010,100 10,1009500 95008750 87508400 84007600 Duration (yr) 6,000 2,900 3,500 1,100 400 600 750 350 800

quantities of ochre and especially lime plaster (probably for hafting) as well as increased variability in hearth types in Mushabian sites provide evidence for increasing concerns with pyrotechnology, presaging future developments (e.g., BarYosef and Goring-Morris 1977; Goring-Morris 1988; Kingery, Vandiver, and Pickett 1988).

The Natuan
With the beginnings of sedentism during the Late Epipaleolithic Natuan in the Mediterranean core area at least (Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2011; g. 1), there is clear evidence for signicant increases in community sizes, with hamlets of up to 75100 individuals (?), and perhaps no less important, for those communities lasting over extended periods of time. Calibration of 14C dates demonstrates that the duration of the Natuan was considerably longer than previously assumed, 13,500 calendrical years as opposed to 2,000 years before (see, e.g., Bar-Yosef 1983; Stutz 2004). Social mechanisms were necessarily of great importance to and had a great impact on enabling the Natuans in some areas to stay together in larger sedentary groups for the rst time in the archaeological record. The increased community sizes apparently crossed a critical threshold in terms of social interactions. The changes indeed represent a radical experiment of long duration; thus, the Natuan phenomenon should not be viewed as simply intermediate between Paleolithic and Neolithic lifeways. It is important to consider the impact of the Natuan novelty in terms of the changes in social organization that occurred along its sequence. These clearly relate to a dramatic increase in the range and scope of the material culture remains (e.g., Bar-Yosef 2002). Overall, it is hardly surprising that from the very beginning of the Early Natuan there are indications of scalar stress (Johnson 1982), which is accompanied by a dramatic increase in artistic/ symbolic activities (e.g., Belfer-Cohen 1988a; Belfer-Cohen and Bar-Yosef 2000; Boyd 1995; Edwards 2009; Valla 1989). The degree of Natuan sedentism varies from one area to another. This is reected by the combination of increased idiosyncrasy at the individual community level and regional variability (e.g., Belfer-Cohen 1988a; Stordeur 1991; Wright 1978). Social and mating networks would also likely have been diverse. Some Natuan groups may have continued to be organized along the lines of small-scale bands, the basic unit being the nuclear family. But in more favorable settings, Early Natuans probably adopted quite different patterns of domicile, whether by extended family, moieties, or the like, as reected by the dramatic shifts in the size of architectural remains (e.g., at Wadi Hammeh 27 and el-Wad; Edwards 1991; Goring-Morris 1996; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2008 and references therein). Another notable feature is the internal and external organization of space, with areas or whole sites designated for special activities (e.g., burial grounds and cemetery sites such as Nahal Oren, Hilazon Tachtit, and Raqefet; Grosman 2003; Grosman and Munro 2007; Lengyel and Boc-

Note. Discrepancies between this table and table 1 of Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen (2011) derive from uncertainties of 14C dating. PPNA p Pre-Pottery Neolithic A; PPNB p Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. a The Round-House Horizon in the Upper Tigris region (in two phases) is estimated at ca. 12,75011,75010,750 BP cal.

tions across the region as a whole would have been quite variable (g. 1). Localized packing of groups west of the rift valley is reected in the different stylistic elements displayed by the chipped-stone assemblages, indicating that specic Kebaran group encounters commonly occurred on a one-to-one basis. The excellent organic preservation at Early Epipaleolithic Ohalo II (ca. 22,00024,000 cal BP, OxCal 4) on the shores of Lake Lisan represents a rare window on palimpsest short-term occupations in a refugium-type setting (Weiss et al. 2008). In other not-so-distant areas east of the rift valley, networks differed in geographic scale, as portrayed by largescale Early Epipaleolithic aggregation megasites (e.g., Kharaneh IV and Jilat 6; Garrard 1998; Muheisen and Wada 1995), where the intensity and scale of social interaction would have been on a quite different level (i.e., multiple bands converging on a seasonal basis; see Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2011). The later emergence during the Middle Epipaleolithic of a distinct regional entity in the more arid margins of the Negev and Sinaithe Mushabian, synchronous with the Geometric Kebaranmay indicate the creation of local boundaries between specic mating networks (Goring-Morris 1995). Evidence for symbolic activities during the Early and Middle Epipaleolithic tends to be sporadic, but when found it is quite sophisticated (e.g., the engraved plaque from Urkan e-Rubb II; Hovers 1990). It remains unclear to what extent the tiny Mediterranean marine mollusk assemblages recovered in south Sinai sites were directly procured or derived from smallscale exchange (Bar-Yosef and Killebrew 1984). The relative paucity of burials throughout the Earlier Epipaleolithic indicates different means of relating to specic localities and the wider landscape than in the later periods. Still, some changes may be detected during the course of the Middle Epipaleolithic (e.g., in the Geometric Kebaran sites of Neve David, Uyyun el-Hammam, and Wadi Mataha stone bowls sometimes accompanied burials; Kaufman and Ronen 1987; Maher 2005; Stock et al. 2005). The presence of small

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Figure 1. Reconstructed ranges of some Early Epipaleolithic groups in the southern Levant based on the technotypological and stylistic attributes of lithic assemblages. Note different scales of ranges east and west of rift valley.

quentin 2005; Stekelis and Yizraely 1963). One can refer also to the symbolic spatial arrangements within structures (e.g., the monoliths at Wadi Hammeh 27 and Rosh Zin; Edwards 2009; Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2003, 2008) or the various pebble arrangements, including an anthropomorphic one at Eynan (Boyd 1995; Perrot 1966; Valla 1989). Indeed, there is an exponential increase in elements pertaining to a

wide range of symbolic behaviors, including changes in attitudes toward the dead and accompanying funerary practices. The overall numbers of Natuan burials within sites increase dramatically. They now represent location markers within the landscape, whether as burial grounds adjacent to living quarters, as foundation deposits (?), or as separate dedicated cemeteries (e.g., Perrot and Ladiray 1988). Indeed, it appears that


Current Anthropology Volume 52, Number S4, October 2011

we can detect the beginnings of a dialogue with the dead by members of the living community (and see Belfer-Cohen 1995; Stekelis and Yisraely 1963). Another indication of communal activities above the level of individual nuclear families concerns the sizes and distributions of groundstone utensils. The presence of huge mortars as well as off-site bedrock mortar arrays provides another indication of communal activities, perhaps simply the scaling up of earlier egalitarian band principles (Belfer-Cohen and Hovers 2005). The range and quantities of raw materials and types of jewelry and other symbolic items expand considerably to include not only marine mollusks but also colored minerals, clay, animal bones and teeth, and so forth (e.g., BarYosef Mayer 2005; Bar-Yosef Mayer and Porat 2008; BelferCohen 1991; Marechal 1991; Weinstein-Evron and Ilani 1994). While some items were produced locally on site, others derive from considerable distances and obviously involved regional exchange networks, but usually these were internal, within the Natuan world itself (e.g., basalt groundstone tools; Weinstein-Evron, Kaufman, and Bird-David 2001); the sporadic appearance of obsidian toward the end of the period is an exception (Cauvin 1991; Delerue 2007; Valla 1999). Artistic manifestations include rare gurines of all kinds and raw materials (e.g., a female ochre gurine from Hayonim Terrace; Valla 1999). Another interesting phenomenon is the appearance of decorated items that are rarely observed in earlier contexts: bone tools and groundstone utensils. Why do people decorate seemingly mundane items? Are they used on special occasions? Are they produced as goods to be exchanged or as poorer-quality imitations as grave goods (e.g., the bone tools deposited in grave XVII at Hayonim Cave), to be removed from circulation? Do the patterns denote signatures of ownership (Edwards 2007)? Concurrently, there is also a plethora of incised stone and bone plaques with abstract schematic patterns reminiscent of those observed on items from contemporary Paleolithic horizons in Europe (e.g., Bar-Yosef and Belfer-Cohen 1999; Belfer-Cohen and Bar-Yosef 2009; Svoboda 1997). Jewelry and symbolic/artistic motifs differ in intensity and type from one base campsite and region to another, most probably denoting territories and group identities and afliations as well as personal status (e.g., Belfer-Cohen 1991; Garrod 19361937; Stordeur 1981). Such items are found all through the Natuan sequence even though they largely disappear from Late Natuan grave contexts. Many Natuan burials reect considerable investment of time and effort. While there is signicant variability in mortuary practices, some general patterns can be discerned, several of which remain ambiguous. For example, there are more primary individual burials in the Early Natuan as opposed to more secondary burials in the Later Natuan, when postmortem skull removal is documented, a precursor of subsequent Neolithic developments (Belfer-Cohen 1988b). There are also instances of family burials (e.g., Hayonim Grave VII;

Belfer-Cohen, Schepartz, and Arensburg 1991]). Although the burials are seemingly orderly and in well-dened spaces, there is great variability in the position of the interred individuals as well as in who was buried in any specic grave (whether single burial, multiple burials, burials of mixed sexes, or burials of young and old). Besides the individually decorated burials of the Early Natuan (making up ca. 10% of the total burials), there are also unique burials of the kind exposed at Late Natuan Hilazon Tachtit: the shaman burial (Grosman, Munro, and Belfer-Cohen 2008) or the gazelle-horned individuals in Grave 10 at Eynan (Perrot and Ladiray 1988). The joint human and dog burials observed at both Eynan and Hayonim Terrace represent another unique mortuary practice presaging later developments (Davis and Valla 1978; Tchernov and Valla 1997). How does all of the above tie in with what we know about the nature of the Natuan entity? Most probably the Natuan reects aspects of emerging social identity in the face of sharing space with distant and second-tier kin for extensive periods. At the same time, the increased packing of sites as well as other indications of territoriality (and see Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2011) brought about latent competition both within and between sites. Given postulated community sizes, some mating networks incorporated more than the individual base camp. Thus, there must have been at least two points of public social reference for each individual besides her/his private status regarding gender, age, or matrimony. It seems that Natuan lifeways, at least in the core area, brought forth community identity (on the level of the individual base camp), a concept that hardly existed previously; this may explain the individual styles seen in various domains in any given base camp. We do not know how the individual dened her/himself within their community or within the Natuan as a whole because currently we lack the means to isolate which attributes pertain to the personal, the community, or the broader mating-network identity. Undoubtedly there was a need for more markers of identity within these more socially complex contexts. Another factor to consider relates to the issue of possible local surpluses, whether associated with subsistence (primarily but not only vegetal, on a seasonal basis) or of an artisan-related or symbolic nature. Such surpluses would have required regulationwhether at the family, community, or some intermediate leveldesignating new social agendas (i.e., those individuals/families/ communities with more personal goods versus those with less). In this new world full of novelty and tension, the question arises as to whether we can detect a rise in personal or intercommunity violence? There is indeed sporadic evidence for violence during the Natuan (Bocquentin and Bar-Yosef 2004), but it should be emphasized that signs of trauma can also reect mundane, everyday accidents. Here, as an aside, we note that although we are dealing with scientic endeavors and hard-core data, one cannot escape the feeling of changing research fashions. The mode changed from observing pre-

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historic populations as brutish and violent in the early twentieth century to considering them in the later 1960s/early 1970s as ower children, not aware that they were on the verge of becoming us (i.e., violent, greedy, impatient, etc.). Of late, the pendulum appears to have swung back, and now research focuses on potential indications for violence that tie in with the changing ways of life (e.g., Bocquentin 2003; and further aeld, Solecki, Solecki, and Agelarakis 2004).

Pre-Pottery Neolithic A
The Pre-Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) is a short-lived phenomenon both with regard to what preceded as well as what succeeded ita mere 1,000 years (and see Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2011). However, the scale of change for the PPNA of the southern Levant is of a different order of magnitude in comparison with that of the northern Levant, where there was apparently a radical increase in population size and in the accompanying elements of social organization. In this context, the systematic colonization of Cyprus already from the PPNA (if not earliera matter of some debate) represents an important contribution unequivocally demonstrating the budding off of groups on the mainland to found settlements in new territories (Guilaine and Le Brun 2003; McCartney et al. 2007; Peltenburg et al. 2001). Undoubtedly, similar processes occurred also around the Mediterranean core area on the mainland itself (e.g., Abbe ` s 2008). In the south, certain sites became nodes of regional or even panregional interactions as reected in the exchange of obsidian and its relative abundance in various sites. Such an example is Jericho, which may have functioned as a center for the distribution of various mineralsobsidian, malachite, and salt, among others. Surpluses would have enabled the development of a protomarketforces of supply and demandand would have encouraged increasing social interaction. Nevertheless, social organization continued to be based on the concept of families, and a certain tendency toward privatization at the individual family level is observed (e.g., groundstone tool furniture within each structure; BelferCohen and Hovers 2005; Rosenberg 2008). We suggest that individual domiciles would likely have been spatially organized along kinship lines, that is, as extended families within the wider community or as wards or the like (although the available data remain ambivalent on this issue). In general the southern PPNA articulates more comfortably with the Natuan than with the following Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB). An illustration of this is the nature of PPNA burials, which often continue in the manner of the Late Natuan. Could it be that the lack of burial ornamentation and grave goods reects an improvement through time (observed already in the Late Natuan) of social mechanisms that replaced the simple beads and feathers system of social nomenclature? However, for another approach invoking the promotion of egalitarian principles, see work by Kuijt (1996). Quantities of gurines made of soft stone and burned clay

are found (Hershman and Belfer-Cohen 2010) together with decorated stone plaques in abstract designs (Bar-Yosef and Gopher 1997; Edwards 2007). At the same time, there may have been a greater dichotomy between private and public domains as reected in communal edices, such as the unique tower, walls, and silos of PPNA Jericho with a concentration of burials nearby (Kenyon 1957). Do these represent endeavors to strengthen social cohesion? It seems plausible that the larger PPNA communities correspond to aggregations of residual local Natuan populations together with refugees from the periphery contracting back to refugia following the debilitating effects of the Younger Dryas. The hierarchy of PPNA site sizes, in addition to reecting different subsistence modes, undoubtedly had signicant social implications at the local and regional levels. This would have included differentiated relationships between nuclear and extended families and larger kinship lines at community and intercommunity scales. In the north, too, domicile was apparently also organized by nuclear families clustered into extended family compounds, each associated with a communal ritual semisubterranean structure as at Jerf el-Ahmar, Tell Abr 3, and Mureybet (Stordeur 2007). It is interesting to note that these sociocultic structures were originally interpreted as typical residential ones (e.g., Mureybet: Stordeur et al. 2001; and Qermez Dere: Watkins 1990). However, in the north there is an additional ritual phenomenon that emerged during the course of the PPNA and locally continued through the earlier part of the PPNB in the form of massive supraregional cult sites (e.g., Go bekli Tepe and possibly Karahan; C elik 2000; Hauptmann and Schmidt 2007; Schmidt 2005, 2006). These huge monumental sites are found in prominent watershed locations away from the linear riparian habitation settlements in the low-lying plains. They would have required the mobilization and organization of large groups (on a quite different scale from the tower of Jericho) because their construction would have involved longterm investment to quarry and move massive pillars weighing tens of tons. The abundance of rich and intricate artistic manifestations portrays the intense investment of time and effort in the ritual sphere. The overall spiritual domain of the northern PPNA far surpasses that of the south in terms of both scale and in the motifs depicted. In particular, the iconography focuses on wild and frightening bestiary often having emphatically gendered phallocentric connotations (Hodder and Meskell, forthcoming). What remains elusive is the sociocultural background to such an explosion. It is of interest to note that the larger structures/units are the oldest, similar to phenomena observed within the Natuan sequence (Goring-Morris 1996). Furthermore, at Go bekli as elsewhere in the north, there is evidence for repeated intentional inlling and burial of structures before the construction of new ones zdog (O an 2006). Perhaps such sites fullled another function in that they portrayed the wealth and the merchandise of individual com-


Current Anthropology Volume 52, Number S4, October 2011

munities; they would thus become active centers of social (competitive?) interaction sanctioned by cultic activities, with the separate units in these ritual megasites representing individual groups within the regional framework. In this they may parallel the individual ritual features in the habitation sites, which are associated with clearly dened compounds of extended families (and see above). Currently we are unable to decipher the association between particular social units and their specic symbolic vocabulary, but there is clearly evidence for the existence of such an association (e.g., some complexly incised designs at Jerf el-Ahmar approximate pictograms; Stordeur 2004). It is quite obvious that as social circles increased in scale and scope, there was a need for more markers/symbols of identity at all levels of social interaction. Accordingly, we witness a phenomenon reminiscent of the concept of amphyctyoniesleagues of neighboring communities associated with sacred locales (Belfer-Cohen and Goring-Morris 2002:144; Schmidt 2005)known to exist in protohistoric and later periods in the Eastern Mediterranean. Indeed, these Pre-Pottery Neolithic (PPN) phenomena could nd parallels in the Chaco phenomenon of Great Houses and associated kivas in the American Southwest (e.g., Cordell 1994; Kantner 2004; and see articles in American Antiquity 66 [2001]). Both correlates appear to provide avenues for further investigation in analyzing the scope and scale of the north Levantine PPN reality. This complexity reects the additional commitments of societywhether at the level of the individual, the nuclear and extended family, or the communityin order to maintain and consolidate regional cohesion at the supracommunal level. In the south, these nodes may often have been the actual settlements themselves, located in strategic settings. The differences between the southern and northern Levant are clearly perceptible; while in the south most of the ritual behaviors are more or less on a private level, in the north there are in addition large-scale interactions pertaining to the ritual domain, indicating that we are facing a multitiered system (i.e., adding yet more rings to the social onion).

Pre-Pottery Neolithic B
The PPNB of the south emerges after a signicant break with the PPNA, albeit with various elements of continuity of earlier traditions. By contrast, the transformation in the northern Levant is relatively seamless. The primary trends in the south regarding social organization include the later emergence, during the Late PPNB, of the megasite village phenomenon (e.g., Ain Ghazal, esSiya, and Basta; Gebel 2004; Goring-Morris, Hovers, and Belfer-Cohen 2009; Mahasneh 2004; Rollefson 2001). Whether one adopts a maximalist or minimalist approach in terms of estimating population sizes, these likely double or triple the size of the largest communities inferred for the PPNA (Kuijt 2000; Simmons 2007). This would have signif-

icantly increased the complexity of social and other interactions at the intra- and intercommunity levels. Undoubtedly, the individual now faced considerable competition, both within and between communities. On the other hand, the individuality as reected in the stone masks and plastered skulls with modeled faces can be interpreted as personalized representatives of the community rather than actual privatization (other interpretations vary considerably, from trophies to gods; see discussions in Kuijt 2008). Apparently, as communities burgeoned, not all members could take an active part in all and every aspect of their existence, whether economic, social, and/or cultic. In consequence, the community as a whole was represented by individuals, perhaps personifying groups ancestors, who thus epitomized the group itself. There is some evidence within settlements of the designation of separate areas for communal and cultic purposes (e.g., Beidha, Ain Ghazal, and Atlit Yam; Byrd 1994; Galili 2004; Rollefson 2000). These installations display some continuity from the Natuan as reected by monoliths and paved areas (Goring-Morris and Belfer-Cohen 2003). Further elements of continuity may also be reected by the cult-cumcemetery site of Kfar HaHoresh, which is located in a prominent yet secluded neutral place (i.e., extraterritorial relative to nearby low-lying village sites; Goring-Morris 2005). The glimpses we gain of the rituals performed indicate that we are facing primarily intensications and embellishments of past customs more than elements of a new order (BelferCohen and Goring-Morris 2002, 2005). By contrast, in the northern Levantine PPNB, there is a greater degree of continuity from the local PPNA that is reected in many elements as well as further innovations. The colonization of central Anatolia as well as the continued colonization of Cyprus most probably represents the need for new territories as overall population densities increased within core areas on the mainland. From the beginning of the PPNB, impressive Houses of the Dead make their appearance within habitation sites (e.g., zdog at Djade and at C ayo nu ; Coqueugniot 2006; O an 1999); whether these represent charnel houses of ancestors or of enemies remains debatable (e.g., Testart 2008). Concurrently, PPNA traditions of designated cult structures continued (e.g., zdog at Nevali C ori and at C ayo nu ; Hauptmann 1999; O an 1999; for detailed discussion of some of these issues see Croucher 2006; Verhoeven 2002a, 2002b, 2002c). Interestingly, the large-scale cult sites such as Go bekli Tepe ceased to function sometime during the course of the PPNB; this may reect a degree of social disintegration and a retreat back to the individual community. The rise of surpluses within the PPNB koine also undoubtedly inuenced the social and ritual fabric. The whole notion of organized exchange networks affected and brought about nonkin social segmentation. In this context, one should consider the emergence of incipient craft specialization involving artisans and associated merchants who would have operated not just systematically within but also between com-

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munities (e.g., Barzilai 2009; Quintero 1998 with regard to lithics). Indeed, one may even speculate about the emergence of protoguilds, because we witness high levels of artisan competence executed in particular raw materials and dispersed over large geographic areas. It is not clear as to whether the products of such know-how were circulated by wandering individual specialists or whether secrets of the trade were disseminated among a network of a chosen few who acted in unison. Whatever the case, all of the above would have fostered further levels of communication between communities. The end of the PPNB world likely relates to a wide array of interconnected factors, whether climatic changes, demographic pressures including diseases, and declining yields (Cohen and Crane-Kramer 2007; Goring-Morris and BelferCohen 2010; Rollefson and Ko hler-Rollefson 1989). This was more marked in the southern Levant than the northern Levant. Yet in terms of economy, the PPNB represents a point of no return. Human subsistence in the Levant continued thereafter to be based in one form or another on the suite of domesticates (plants and animals) initiated during the PPNB (as well as the addition of pastoralism). Breakdowns in social interactionsbrought about, among other things, by the rise in contagious diseases and interpersonal violence (as perhaps reected in more multiple burials in the Late PrePottery Neolithic B [LPPNB])heralded the demise of the PPNB koine. Vagaries in the history of research have led to an emphasis on the presence of a major break between the PPNB and Early Pottery Neolithic, but to the contrary, recent research indicates numerous elements of continuity, albeit with local trajectories rather than the previous pan-Levantine scope of the PPNB (e.g., Garnkel and Miller 2002). What is lost is the unique character of the PPNB as reected in its social interactions and networks and its material culture components related to the sacred and ritual, in short, the attributes considered as the hallmarks of what is traditionally referred to as a particular culture.

The role of climate change (and especially rapid climate change) in the Neolithization process is certainly a factor to be considered at various specic points in time. Climate did change at a global scale, but the impact and effects of the changes differed in various and varied environmental settings with diverse technological and social milieus, bringing about different, particularistic responses of the human populations exposed to those climatic changes. Overall, the climatic changes caused internal bottleneck situations in the passage from the Natuan to PPNA, from PPNA to PPNB, and at the end of the PPNB, all of which require more detailed investigations. Sometimes these bottlenecks may have acted as tipping points or threshold events in the sense of providing catalysts for realignments of social systems. As an example, one may cite the likely presence of a refugium at low elevations

in the southern Levant during the shift from the Natuan to PPNA by way of the short-lived Khiamian entity. There are inherent uncertainties regarding the mode and tempo of changes in subsistence that are assumed to go hand in hand with social structures and systems and that accordingly inuence our perceptions. Moreover, it seems to us that if during the course of Neolithization, changes occurred sporadically and took a long time to gel and take root and that their courses of evolution differed from one region to the next, we need to readjust the ways in which we review and evaluate the social realm. Undoubtedly, human groups modied their attitudes to the environment in accordance with the role it played within the Neolithization process. Starting at least by the Natuan, the rst orderly burial grounds functioned as location markers in the landscape. These burial customs persisted through the following Neolithic sequence, indicating the continuity and persistence of ancient traditions. Accordingly, Neolithic groups looked back and took comfort in relying on the past and its institutions rather than inventing a complete package of new order regulations. Changes took time and were initially of marginal impact (e.g., skull removal and skull modication). Still, it is of interest to note that there was a general consistent trajectory throughout the Levant in terms of the persistence of local traditions. Debates have arisen regarding possible population movements as opposed to the diffusion of ideas and local continuity. For example, PPNB skull plastering originated as a southern Levantine phenomenonthe foundations of which lie in Natuan skull removalbut persisted into the Late zbek 2009). It is of interest to note Neolithic in the north (O that some ritual phenomena, though rare, persist through the entire sequence, thousands of years apart, as exemplied by the pebble depiction at Natuan Eynan, which recalls the human bone arrangement at PPNB Kfar HaHoresh and also the stone drawings at Late Neolithic Khasm et-Tarif and Biqat Uvda (Avner 2002; Goring-Morris 2005; Perrot 1966). Changes observed in institutionalized behavior were generally of a minor magnitude; just as decorated burials in the Early Natuan did not exceed ca. 10%, so too PPNB plastered skulls do not exceed 10% of total burials. There were changes, from an emphasis on primary to multiple secondary burials during the course of the Natuan, a situation mirrored toward the end of the PPNB. Perhaps these similarities reect stress, with differences stemming from specic circumstances. What do the Early Natuan decorated burials represent and why did they disappear? Most of the otherwise unique burials were in the Late Natuan and thenceforth were not decorated. Still, animal themes were part and parcel of burial rituals from the Natuan through the PPNB, whether the Late Natuan Hilazon shaman burial (Grosman, Munro, and Belfer-Cohen 2008), the burial with a gazelle-horn headdress at Eynan (Perrot and Ladiray 1988), turtle carapaces at el-Wad, Hayonim Terrace, and Eynan, and so forth (Garrod and Bate 1937; Valla 1999). By the PPNB they include complete or partial


Current Anthropology Volume 52, Number S4, October 2011

animal skeletons and pars pro toto (e.g., fox mandibles; Goring-Morris and Horwitz 2007; Horwitz Kolska and GoringMorris 2004). These coassociations occur but sporadically. Do they represent professional personal achievements or some manner of status differentiation? What do animal bones as grave goods denote? Are they talismans, totemic afliation signs, and/or remnants of ritual feasting (e.g., Twiss 2008)? Furthermore, the concept of the House of the Dead in the northpresent in Djade , C ayo nu, Aswad, Tell Hallula, and C atalho yu k (Du ring 2009; Guerrero et al. 2009; Stordeur and Khawam 2009 and see references above)could represent lineages or other social associations (and see Kuijt 2008 for a discussion of societal consolidation and the creation of communal memory). Scalar stress began to be signicant from the Natuan onward, the common explanation for the exponential rise in artistic activities and representations and accompanying stylistic variability (Belfer-Cohen and Bar-Yosef 2000 and references therein). Without delving into a detailed discussion of the social correlates of stylistic variation (e.g., Conkey and Hastorf 1990; Jochim 1987; Stark 1998; Wiessner 1989; Wobst 1977, 1999 and references therein), there was a growing need for additional markers of status/afliation/kinship. For example, competition for potential partners would have increased both within the community as well as between communities. From the beginning of the Natuan through the entire Neolithization sequence, the thickness of the different social layers varied; there were circles of family, kinsmen, the village, nearby communities, exchange partners, and the list grew to encompass the whole PPNB koine. There were now in the PPNB levels of segmentation that were not necessarily always based on kinship (and see, e.g., Du ring 2006; Hodder 2005; Hodder and Cessford 2004). Whereas in the Earlier Epipaleolithic, contacts between external groups were more sporadic, by the PPNB the whole system involved much more intense interactions, especially with regard to the outer ringsstrangers now became permanent xtures of the everyday world, and people had to devise new codes of behavior toward new strata of social interaction. Additionally, in many areas sedentary communities existed virtually cheek by jowl with mobile foraging communities, and this differentiation by economic mode of existence called for yet another societal differentiation (e.g., David, Sterner, and Gavua 1988; Kent 2002 for an ethnoarchaeological perspective). If, as Schmidt (2006) claims, the isolated hilltop site of Go bekli Tepe is characterized only by cultic (rather than domestic) structures, then it is possible to hypothesize that this was a sacred site serving as an aggregation locale for neighboring competitive groups within a neutral setting much in the manner of the later classical amphictyony (BelferCohen and Goring-Morris 2002). Such a situation could have served to mitigate and facilitate intercommunity relations regarding the extended mating, exchange, and other networks

that burgeoned as part of the growing complexity of the Early Neolithic Levantine koine. Was violence an integral element to the observed social processes of Neolithization? Interpersonal violence is without doubt a human constant. And certainly at Proto-Neolithic Zawi Chemi Shanidar there is evidence for extensive head traumas that could correlate with violence on an intercommunity scale (Solecki, Solecki, and Agelarakis 2004). During the Natuan, the evidence for intercommunity violence is more equivocal, but later the presence of multiple burials in the LPPNB could potentially be interpreted (in addition to the possibility of poor health) as yet another mechanism for structured social intercourse. Indeed, it has even been suggested that slavery may have been a feature of PPNB lifeways (Bar-Yosef and Bar-Yosef Mayer 2002). We believe the above represent signicant issues that merit further discussion with respect to Neolithization processes in the Near East and that ultimately were not just about the origins of agriculture per se. Thus, we encounter societies guided by combinations of both new and old principles that had undergone profound modications. Human societies are, by denition, conservative institutions that cling to the symbols that dene them. It was the radical transformations in interpersonal and especially intercommunity relations that herald the real revolution.

We are grateful to the organizers (Doug Price and Ofer BarYosef) and fellow participants of the Temozon Wenner-Gren workshop The Origins of Agriculture: New Data, New Ideas (Merida, Yucatan) in March 2009 for a most stimulating and intensive exchange of data and opinions concerning agricultural beginnings around the world. Thanks are due to the Wenner-Gren Foundation for the superb organization of the event and especially to Leslie Aiello and Laurie Obbink for their personal commitments to the success of the meeting. We also acknowledge the support of the Israel Science Foundation funded by the Israel Academy of Sciences (A. BelferCohen: grants 855/03 and 202/05; A. Nigel Goring-Morris: grants 840/01, 558/04, and 755/07).

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