Behavioral Statistics in Action

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BEHAVIORAL STATISTICS IN ACTION CHAPTER 1 An introduction to statistics Features of the book Tips for doing well in statistics A note

ote about notation and rounding Hypotheses Variables Scales of measurement Nominal scales Ordinal scales Interval scales Ratio scales Summary Key terms Problems Chapter 2 Frequency distributions Ranked distributions Frequency distributions Grouped frequency distributions Constructing the class intervals: how big and how many? Constructing the class intervals and determining frequency: setting limits and counting raw scores Apparent limits and real limits What you see versus what is meant Midpoint: the center of the class interval Cumulative frequency Relative frequency and cumulative relative frequency Cumulative percent Chapter 3 basics in constructing a graph The axes Plotting the data: histograms and polygons frequency histogram frequency polygon relative frequency polygon cumulative frequency polygon cumulative relative frequency polygon cumulative percent polygon stem-and leaf diagrams changing the shape of a graph

Chapter 4 Measures of central tendency the mean the median Quartiles the mode mean, median, or mode: a question of skew Box plots frequency distribution The mean The median The mode Chapter 5 Measures of variability the range mean deviation Average mean deviation: it all adds up to nothing the variance: The mean of the squared deviations standard deviation: the square root of the variance computational formulas calculating variability from grouped frequency distribution Chapter 6 Scaled scores and standard scores: How to change apples into oranges scaled score Adding or subtracting a constant: no change in variability multiplying or dividing by a constant: a concurrent change in mean and standard deviation Standard scores Chapter 7 The normal curve characteristics of the normal curve finding proportions and percentages finding percentiles Chapter 8 Correlation the nature of correlation the correlation coefficient The covariance Computing the correlation coefficient Computational formulas for the covariance and correlation Coefficient the significance of the correlation coefficient Interpreting the correlation coefficient: what do the numbers mean? The coefficient of determination

Chapter 9 Regression Making predictions via linear regression The z-score method: using Y to predict X The z-score method: using X to predict Y The regression line: faster predictions The standard error of the estimate Chapter 10 Probability theory and sampling Probability theory Sampling The standard error of the mean The central limit theorem The z test Chapter 11 Experimental design Developing a hypothesis Identifying variables Factors in experimental design Between-subjects, within-subjects, and mixed designs One-group experimental design Completely randomized designs Important aspects of experimental design Necessity for control Experimenter bias and demand characteristics Statistical significance Chapter 12 t Tests Z tests T tests Single-sample t test T test between two independent sample means T tests for correlated samples Power and t test Chapter 13 One-way analysis of variance Analysis of variance: one test is better than many Hypothesis testing and analysis of variance Conducting an analysis of variance Two methods for estimating the population variance Computation of the mean square between groups Computation of the mean square within groups The F test Computational formula for F

Chapter 14 Two-way Analysis of variance Main effects Interaction Computation of sums of squares for two-way analysis of variance Computation of degrees of freedom for two-way analysis of variance Computation of the mean squares for two-way analysis of variance Computation of the F ratios for two-way analysis of variance Significance of the main effects Significance of the interaction Chapter 15 Chi-square and other nonparametric statistics Chi-square The mann-whitney u test The wilcoxon t test The kruskal-wallis test

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