Second Five Year Plan

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Second Five Year Plan (1956-1961)


THIS REPORT sets out the proposals of the Planning Commission for the Second Five Year

The Plan was considered in draft by the National Development Council which passed the
following Resolution on the 2nd May, 1956:

"HAVING considered the Draft Second Five Year Plan,

"THE National Development Council places on record its general approval and acceptance of the
objectives, priorities and programmes embodied in the Plan; and

"RELYING on the enthusiasm and support of the people;

"AFFIRMS the common determination of the Central Government and the Governments of all the
States of the Union of India to carry out the Plan, and to improve upon the targets set out in it;

"CALLS upon all the citizens of India to work wholeheartedly for the full and timely realisation of
the tasks, targets and aims of the Second Five Year Plan."

2. The beginning and the end of a Five Year Plan are vital dates in the nation's history. Each Five
Year Plan is both an assessment of the past and a call for the future. It seeks to translate into
practical action the aspirations and ideals of the millions in the country and gives to each of us the
opportunity of service in the common cause of eliminating poverty and raising standards of living.

3. The First Five Year Plan ended in March 1956. Its approach and outlook are part of our
common thinking. It has laid the foundations for achieving the socialist pattern of society—a
social and economic order based upon the values of freedom and democracy, without caste,
class and privilege, in which there will be a substantial rise in employment and production and the
largest measure of social justice attainable.

4. Work on the Second Five Year Plan has been in progress for about two years. In April 1954,
the Planning Commission requested State Governments to arrange for the preparation of district
and village plans, especially in relation to agricultural production, rural industries and co-
operation. The preparation of such plans was undertaken as it was felt that in sectors which bear
closely on the welfare of large numbers of people, local planning is an essential .means for
securing the maximum public participation and voluntary effort. While plans for districts and
villages and for national extension and community project areas have to be fitted within the
framework of State plans which, in turn, take cognizance of plans prepared from the point of view
of the economy of the country as a whole, the district is still the pivot of the whole structure of
planning. At this point plans from different sectors come intimately into the life of the people.

5. The study of wider aspects of national planning also commenced during 1954. Towards the end
of the year the assistance of the Indian Statistical Institute was obtained for the study of technical
and statistical problems relating to national planning, and a number of working papers were
prepared at the Institute. In March 1955, the results of these and other studies were brought
together in Professor P. C. Mahalanobis's 'Draft Recommendations for the Formulation of the
Second Five Year Plan' (referred to as the 'plan-frame') and in a 'Tentative Framework for the
Second Five Year Plan' which was prepared by the Economic Divisions of_the Ministry of Finance
and the Planning Commission. These documents were considered in April 1955 by the Planning
Commission's Panel of Economists, which drew up a 'Memorandum on Basic Considerations
Relating to the Plan-Frame'. Members of the Panel also prepared a number of studies on
individual aspects.

6. The 'plan-frame' and the other documents mentioned above were considered by the National
Development Council early in May 1955. The National Development Council generally agreed
with the basic approach of the draft 'plan-frame' and 'tentative framework' and with the policy
considerations relating to it which were put forward in the Memorandum of the Panel of
Economists. The Council also agreed that the Second Five Year Plan should be drawn up so as
to be capable of leading to an increase in national income of about 25 per cent over a period of
five years and of providing employment opportunities to 10 to 12 million persons. Further, the
Council directed that the Second Five Year Plan should be drawn up so as to give concrete
expression to policy dficisions relating to the socialist pattern of society.

7. Between July and December 1955, the Planning Commission held discussions with Central
Ministries and with State Governments. Discussions with each State afforded an opportunity to
review the broader aspect of individual State plans in consultation with Chief Ministers Detailed
examination of the proposals of States took place in working groups in which senior officials from
the Central Ministries, State Governments and the Planning Commission collaborated.

8. During January 1956, a Draft Memorandum embodying the proposals which emerged from
these discussions was considered by the National Development Council and the Consultative
Committee of the Members of Parliament. In the light of these discussions and other comments, a
Draft Outline was published in February 1956 for general information and for eliciting comments
and suggestions. Suggestions received on the Draft Outline were taken into consideration in the
preparation of the Draft Second Five Year Plan.

9. In the course of the past year certain considerations have impressed themselves upon the
minds of those concerned with the formulation of the Second Five Year Plan. A Plan for a period
of five years has to be viewed in the social and economic perspective of a longer period. It has to
be worked in a flexible manner so that, through annual plans, adjustments are effected in the light
of economic and financial trends, increase in production in agriculture and industry, and progress
in different sectors of the Plan. Close coordination has to be arranged in the related fields of
industry, transport, minerals and power, so that the expenditure incurred on each group of
connected projects yields the maximum return. As the National Development Council recognised,
to offset inflationary pressures associated with a period of rapid development, it is imperative that
the targets of agricultural production proposed in the Plan should be further improved upon. At
each stage adequate supplies of food and cloth and of essential consumer goods will have to be
provided at reasonable prices and a careful watch on the working of the national economy

10. Our Second Five Year Plan seeks to rebuild rural India, to lay the foundations of industrial
progress, and to secure to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for weaker and under-
privilteged sections of our people and the balanced development of all parts of the country. For a
country whose economic development was long retarded these are difficult tasks but, given th.e
effort and the sacrifice, they are well within out capacity to achieve.

11. The Plan which is now presented to Government for submission to Parliament is a result of
the labours of large numbers of persons in the Central Government, in the States at various
levels and leaders of thought and opinion in every part of the country. In its preparation men and
women in all walks of life have given generously of their time and experience. The enthusiasm
and the widespread participation which have gone into the making of the Second Five Year Plan
are the best augury for its fulfilment.

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