Obama's Draft Registration Card Forged Per AZ Sheriff Arpaio Investigation and Retired ICE Agent Stephen Coffman

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Barack Obamas Selective Service System (Draft) Registration Card is Back Dated and Forged.
Get copy of this report at: http://www.scribd.com/doc/164956489/

For More Details and Indications of Forgery and Back Dating for Obamas Selective Service Draft Registration Card See Below Linked To Reports by (1) Debbie Schlussel and Sheriff Arpaios Cold Case Posses (2) Initial Report & Later (3) Sworn Affidavit
(1): http:/www.debbieschlussel.com/4428/exclusive-did-next-commander-in-chief-falsify-selective-serviceregistration-never-actually-register-obamas-draft-registration-raises-serious-questions/ (2): http://www.scribd.com/doc/83682940/AZ-Sheriff-Joe-Arpaio-Cold-Case-Posse-Report-Obama-DocsForged-Probable-Cause-Crimes-Committed?in_collection=3624690 (3): http://www.scribd.com/doc/141560833/Sworn-Affidavit-Provided-to-Alabama-Supreme-Court-by-AZCCP-Investigator-Michael-Zullo-Obama-ID-Docs-are-Forged?in_collection=4253162

EXCLUSIVE: Did Next Commander-in-Chief Falsify Selective Service...


never actually register and, instead, did friends of his in the Chicago federal records center, which maintains the official copy of his alleged Selective Service registration commit the crime for him? Its either one or the other, as indicated by the release of Barack Obamas official Selective Service registration for the draft. A friend of mine, who is a retired federal agent, spent almost a year trying to obtain this document through a Freedom of Information Act request, and, after much stonewalling, finally received it and released it to me. But the release of Obamas draft registration and an accompanying document, posted below, raises more questions than it answers. And it shows many signs of fraud, not to mention putting the lie to Obamas claim that he registered for the draft in June 1979, before it was required by law.

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The official campaign for President may be over. But Barack Obamas Selective Service registration card and accompanying documents show that questions about him are not only NOT over, but if the signature on the document is in fact his, our next Commander-in-Chief may have committed a federal crime in 2008, well within the statute of limitations on the matter. If it is not his, then its proof positive that our next

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Commander-in-Chief never registered with the Selective Service as required by law. By law, he was required to register and was legally able to do so until the age of 26. But the Selective Service System registration (SSS Form 1) and accompanying computer print-out (SSS Print-out), below, released by the Selective Service show the following oddities and irregularities, all of which indicate the document was created in 2008 and backdated: * Document Location Number Indicates Obama Selective Service Form was Created in 2008 First, there is the Document Location Number (DLN) on the form. In the upper right hand corner of the Selective Service form SSS Form 1, there is the standard Bates-stamped DLN, in this case 0897080632, which Ive labeled as A on both the SSS Form and the computer printout document. On the form, it reflects a 2008 creation, but on the printout, an extra eight was added in front of the number to make it look like it is from 1980, when it was actually created in 2008. As the retired federal agent notes: Having worked for the Federal Government for several decades, I know that the standardization of DLNs have the first two digits of the DLN representing the year of issue. That would mean that this DLN was issued in 2008. The DLN on the computer screen printout is the exact same number, except an 8 has been added to make it look like it is from 1980 and give it a 1980 DLN number. And 1980 is the year Senator/President Elect Obama is said to have timely registered. So, why does the machine-stamped DLN reflect this year (2008) and the DLN in the database (which was manually input) reflect a corrected DLN year of 1980? Were all the DLNs issued in 1980 erroneously marked with a 2008 DLN year or does the Selective Service use a different DLN system then the rest of the Federal Government? Or was the SSS Form 1 actually processed in 2008 and not 1980? Its quite a coincidence . . . that is, if you believe in coincidences, especially in this case. Far more likely is that someone made up a fake Selective Service registration to cover Obamas lack of having done so, and that the person stamping the form forgot (or was unable to) change the year to 80 instead of the current 08. They either forgot to fake the DLN number or couldnt do so. And guess where the Selective Service registrations are marked and recorded? Lucky for Obama, its his native Chicago. From an article entitled, Post Office Registration Process, on the Selective Service website: When a young man reaches 18 he can go to any of the 35,000 post offices nationwide to register with Selective Service. There he completes a simple registration card and mails it to the Selective Service System. This begins a multi-step process which results in the mans registration. Each week approximately 6,000 completed registration cards are sent to the Selective Service Systems Data Management System (DMC) near Chicago, Ill. At the DMC these cards are grouped into manageable quantities. Each card is then microfilmed and stamped with a sequential document locator number. The processed microfilm is reviewed to account for all documents and to ensure that the film quality is within strict standards. After microfilming, the cards are keyed and then verified by a different data transcriber. The Document Locator Number (DLN) is an automatic function (Selective Service record-keeping, specifically the DLN is described on pages 7-8 of this Federal Register document), with the first two digits comprising the year, and it was not changed to 08 in error. So if the form was filed and processed in 1980, how did it get a 2008 DLN?! * Obamas Selective Service Registration Form is Apparently 1990 Form Altered to Appear Like 1980 Form On the SSS Form 1, in the lower left hand corner is the form number (SSS Form 1) and the month and year

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version of the form, labeled as B. On this particular Form 1, it clearly shows the month as FEB (February), and the year is either 80 or 90. The retired federal agent investigated further:

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Magnification of the form both physically (with a 10x glass) or with different image software does not reflect a clear cut result of either a 80 or a 90. But, checking the history of SSS Form 1 (see http://www.reginfo.gov/public /do/PRAViewICR?ref_nbr=198002-3240-001#), its apparent that in February 1980, the Selective Service agency withdrew a Request for a new OMB control number for SSS Form 1 (see also, here)meaning the agency canceled its previous request for a new form, and one was never issued in FEB 1980. Since under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96-511, 94 Stat. 2812 (Dec. 11, 1980), codified in part at Subchapter I of Chapter 35 of Title 44 a federal agency can not use a form not approved by OMB (Office of Management and Budget), its nearly impossible for Senator/President-Elect Obamas SSS Form 1 to be dated Feb 1980. And since that makes it almost certainly dated Feb 1990, then how could Barack Obama sign it and the postal clerk stamp it almost ten (10) years before its issue?! Simply not possible. The lower right hand corner reflects that the Obama SSS form 1 was approved by OMB with an approval number of 19??0002, labeled as C. The double question marks (??) reflect digits that are not completely clear. * Barack Obamas Signature is Dated After Postal Stamp Certifying His Signature Barack H. Obama signed the SSS Form 1s Todays date as July 30, 1980, labeled D. But the Postal Stamp reflects the PREVIOUS days date of July 29, 1980, labeled E. Yes, Obama could have mistakenly written the wrong date, but it is rare and much more unlikely for someone to put a future date than a past date. (Also note how Barry made such a cute peace sign with the b inside the O of his signature. Touching.) * Postal Stamp is Incorrect, Discontinued in 1970 Then, there is the question as to whether the Postal Stamp is real. The postmark stamplabeled Eis hard to read, but it is clear that at the bottom is USPO which stands typically for United States Post Office. However, current postmark validator, registry, or round dater stamps (item 570 per the Postal Operations Manual) shows USPS for United States Postal Service. The change from Post Office to Postal Service occurred on August 12, 1970, when President Nixon signed into law the most comprehensive postal legislation since the founding of the RepublicPublic Law 91-375. The new Postal Service officially began operations on July 1, 1971. Why was an old, obsolete postmark round dater stamp used almost ten (10) years after the fact to validate a legal document . . . that just happened to be Barack Obamas suspicious Selective Service registration form? * Form Shows Barack Obama didnt have ID The SSS Form 1 states NO ID, labeled F. Since thats the case, then how did the Hawaiian postal clerk know that the submitter was really Barack H. Obama, who may have been on summer break from attending Occidental College in California. How would they determine whether the registrant was truly registering and not a relative, friend, or other imposter? * The Selective Service Data Mgt. Center Stonewalled for Almost a Year on Obama Registration, Until Right Before the Election. The retired federal agent who FOIAd Barack Obamas Selective Service Registration Form notes: Early this year, when I first started questioning whether Obama registered I was told: Sir: There may be an error in his file or many other reasons why his registration cannot be confirmed on-line. However, I did confirm with our Data Management

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Center that he is, indeed, registered with the Selective Service System, in compliance with Federal law. Sincerely, Janice L. Hughes/SSS


Then, they suddenly found the record on September 9, 2008 (prior to my October 13, 2008 request), and stated that his record was filed on September 4, 1980. Did they temporarily change the date on the computer database? On the previous FOIA response, they stated that it was filed on September 4, 1980. In my second request I mentioned that Obama could not have filed it in Hawaii on September 4, 1980 as he was attending Occidental College in California, the classes of which commenced August 24, 1980. * Other Questions: Missing Selective Service Number, FOIA Response Dated Prior to FOIA Request, Missing Printout Page Where is Obamas Selective Service number (61-1125539-1) on the card? And the retired federal agent notes that the Selective Service Data Management Center prepared its response to his FOIA request prior to the request having been made: The last transaction date is 09/04/80 [DS: labeled "G"], but the date of the printout is 09/09/08 [DS: labeled "H"]. My FOIA was dated October 13 so why did they prepare the printout BEFORE I submitted my FOIA? I gave them no heads up that I was sending it. In fact it was not mailed until late Octoberaround the 25th. Also, notice the printout was page 1 of 2 [DS: labeled "I"]. Hmmm . . . where is the other page, and whats on it? A lot of questions here. And a lot of huge hints that this government-released, official Barack Obama Selective Service registration was faked. Either he signed the fake backdated document, or someone else faked his signature and he never registered for the draft (and lied about it). Which is it? Its incredible that our impending Commander-in-Chief either didnt register for the draft or did so belatedly and fraudulently. The documents indicate its one or the other. *** UPDATE: Heres another irregularity that points to fraud, as spotted by reader Joyce: My husband printed the information provided on your web site regarding Barack Obamas Selective Service registration discrepancies. I noticed that the DLN number in upper right corner (labeled A) has only ten (10) digits with the first two being 08 , but the DLN number shown on the computer screen printout has eleven (11) digits with the first two being 80. It clearly indicates that the 8 was added at the beginning of the DLN number, in order to appear that it was issued in 1980 and wasnt simply a reversal of the first two digits as the retired federal agent noted. This in itself appears questionable. I would think there is a standard number of digits in all DLN numbers. **** UPDATE #2, 11/14/08: Retired Federal Agent Source Reveals Himself: The recently retired federal agent has requested that I disclose his identity so that there is no question as to the source of the information. His name is Stephen Coffman. He retired last year from the position of the Resident Agent in

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Charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcements (ICE) Galveston, Texas office. He has over 32 years of government service and has held a Secret or higher security clearance for the majority of those years. He filed the FOIA with Selective Service and has the original letter and the attachments. He first notified the Selective Service of his findings and they ignored the questions. He can be reached via email at [email protected]. UPDATE #3, 11/17/08: Some Obamapologists are claiming this is a fake and want to see evidence that retired agent Coffman actually got these documents from the Selective Service System Data Management Center. Below are scans of the letter and envelope that accompanied Barack Obamas fraudulent registration for the draft (Ive cropped the blank white space):

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March 1, 2012



Investigators advised Sheriff Arpaio that the forgers committed two crimes: first, in creating a fraudulent document which the White House characterized, knowingly or unknowingly, as an officially produced governmental birth record; and second, in fraudulently presenting that document to the residents of Maricopa County and to the American public at large as proof positive of President Obamas authentic 1961 Hawaii long-form birth certificate. During the six-month-long investigation and after having developed probable cause to believe the long-form birth certificate is a computer-generated forgery, investigators began examining other evidence of President Obamas life history including:.


100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: [email protected]


This is the principle preliminary finding of a six-month on-going Sheriffs Cold Case Posse law enforcement investigation into the authenticity of Obamas birth certificate and his eligibility to be president.


reporters, A six month long investigation conducted by my cold case posse has lead me to believe there is probable cause to believe that President Barack Obamas long form birth certificate released by the White House on April 27, 2011, is a computergenerated forgery. I do not believe that it is a scan of an original 1961 paper document, as represented by the White House when the long-form birth certificate was made public.



(Phoenix, AZ) Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio in a press conference today told


Arpaio suspects forgery

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President Obamas Selective Service card is most likely also a forgery, revealed by an examination of the postal date stamp on the document; To quell the popular idea that Obama was actually born outside the United States, we examined the Records of Immigration and Naturalization Service cards routinely filled out by airplane passengers arriving on international flights that originated outside the United States in the month of August 1961. Those records are housed at the National Archives in Washington, D.C. Interestingly, records from the days surrounding Obamas birth, August 1, 1961 to August 7, 1961 are missing. This is the only week in 1961 were these immigration cards cannot be found.

When and Why Sheriffs investigators became involved



Sheriff Arpaio agreed to accept the investigation and assigned it to his Cold Case Posse at no expense to the tax payers for a thorough examination. The Sheriffs Cold Case Posse, consisting of former law enforcement officers and lawyers with law enforcement experienced, spoke to dozens of witness and examined hundreds of documents, and took numerous sworn statements from witnesses around the world.

Additional findings by investigators


100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: [email protected]


The Tea Party members petitioned under the premise that if a forged birth certificate was utilized to obtain a position for Barack Obama on the 2012 Arizona presidential ballot, their rights as Maricopa County voters could be compromised.



In August 2011, 250 members of the Surprise Arizona Tea Party, residents of Maricopa County, presented a signed petition asking Sheriff Arpaio to undertake this investigation.



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Suspecting that the long form birth certificate is a computer generated forgery, they now say they have identified persons of interest in the case. Sheriffs Investigator Mike Zullo says, We have also determined during the course of our investigation that the Hawaii Department of Health engaged in what we believe is a systematic effort to hide any original 1961 birth records that they may have in their possession. Sheriff Arpaio added, A continuing investigation is needed to not only understand more about the creation of the alleged birth certificate forgery, but also to determine who, if anyone, in the White House or the state of Hawaii may have authorized it. The Matter of the Selective Service Registration Card

Sheriffs Investigators were then led to investigate Presidents Obama selective service registration card allegedly filled out in Hawaii in 1980. Investigators compared Obamas card to others filled out in same year and to at least two cards filled out in the same local. The year stamp that is used on selective service registration cards should include all four digits of the year, for example 1980, the year Obama may have registered with selective service. However, investigators note that Obamas registration card is highly unusual having a year stamp including only two digits, 80 which appears to be an inverted number. Additionally, those numbers are offset by a significant amount suggesting that the stamp was somehow manually manipulated.

Investigators use video presentations to back up the evidence



The Cold Case Posse produced six technical videos to demonstrate why the Obama long-form birth certificate is suspected to be a computer-generated forgery. The videos were designed to display the testing used by the investigators to examine


100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: [email protected]






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various claims made when the April 27 document was posted on the White House website for public dissemination. The videos consisted of step-by-step computer demonstrations using a control document.

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Additionally, the videos demonstrated that the Hawaii Department of Health Registrars name stamp and the Registrars date stamp were computer-generated images imported from an unknown source into an electronic document, as opposed to actual rubber stamp imprints inked by hand or machine onto a paper document. The fact that we were able to cast reasonable suspicion on the authenticity of the Registrar stamps is especially disturbing, since these stamp imprints are designed to provide government authentication to the document itself, Zullo said. If the Registrar stamps are forgeries, then the document itself is a forgery.



Absent the authentic Hawaii Department of Health 1961 birth reco rds for Barack Obama, there is no other credible proof supporting the idea or belief that this President was born in Hawaii, or in the United States for that matter, as he and the White House have consistently asserted, Arpaio said.


Arpaio further stressed the Hawaii Department of Health needs to provide, as part of the full disclosure, evidence regarding the chain of custody of all Obama birth records, including paper, microfilm, and electronic records, in order to eliminate the possibility that a forger or forgers may have tampered with the birth records.

100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: [email protected]



As I said at the beginning of the investigation, Arpaio said, the President can easily put all of this to rest. All he has to do is demand the Hawaii Department of Health release to the American public and to a panel of certified court-authorized forensic examiners all original 1961 paper, microfilm, and computer birth records the Hawaii Department of Health has.




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They also illustrate point-by-point the investigators conclusion that the features and anomalies observed on the Obama long-form birth certificate were inconsistent with features produced when a paper document is scanned, even if the scan of the paper document had been enhanced by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and optimized.

Conclusive remarks

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Sheriff Arpaio stresses that these are preliminary findings and concluded by suggesting a Congressional investigation might be warranted. Arpaio asked that any other law enforcement agency with information referencing this investigation be forwarded to his office. I want to make this perfectly clear. I am not accusing the sitting President of the United States of committing a crime. But there remain a lot of questions which beg for answers and we intend to move forward with this investigation in pursuit of those answers, hopefully with the cooperation of all parties involved, Arpaio said.

Links to the Videos Used during the press conference are below.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.




100 West Washington, Suite 1900, Phoenix, Arizona 85003 Phone: (602) 876-1801 Fax: (602) 258-2081
Media Contact: [email protected]




http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ID_KfcmG9gs http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=S40WKxKSlHc http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=jzDWmXNBvto http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=yQ0Wvp91JXg http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=3S6O_AjIln8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=CHAM3hRI8_Y



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16 Dec 2013 issue Washington Times National Weekly edition - pg 5

Obamas Selective Service Draft Registration Form Back Dated and Forged!


Invalid U.S. Postal Stamp

Write/Call Your Congressperson. Demand Speaker John Boehner Hold Hearings and Investigate This!
For the details about Sheriff Joe Arpaios investigative report and evidence of forgery of various Obama ID docs contact Mike Volin and request a copy of the Sheriffs Kit report at: http://tinyurl.com/mjaf3c3 or call Mike Volin at: 570-394-2570


More info about this forged doc here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/164956489

Paid for by: CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret) blogging at: http://cdrkerchner.wordpress.com

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