SOP No. 6

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1. REFERENCES: a) RA 340 as amended - An Act to Establish a Uniform Retirement System for the AFP to provide for Separation there from and for other purpose. b) PD 1638 as amended - Establish a New System of Retirement and Separation for Military Personnel of the AFP and for other purpose. c) SOP 13, GHQ, AFP dated 20 July 1994 - Processing of Retirement Benefit Claims and Transfer of Pension Application. d) Ombudsman Memo Circular No. 10 dated 24 January 1995 - Revised Circular on Ombudsman Clearance. e) Department Circular No. 03-A, DND dated 14 September 2000 - Codified Approving and Signing Authority on Military Personnel Administration Matters. f) AFPCR2 9-2001 GHQ, AFP dated 01 March 2001 - Policy Guidelines in the Processing of Retirement/Separation from the Military Service of AFP Enlisted Personnel. g) RA 9225 dated 25 August 2003 - An Act Making the Citizenship of Philippine Citizens who acquire Foreign Citizenship permanent, amending for the purpose of Commonwealth Act No. 63, as amended, and for other purpose.

2. GENERAL CONCEPT: The SOP was objectively crafted to efficiently facilitate and shorten the period of processing of all applications for retirement/separation and for pension claims/gratuities of AFP personnel and legitimate beneficiaries by empowering the Office of the Adjutant General (OTAG), AFP, AFP Pension and Gratuity Management Center (PGMC) and the Major Service (MS) Adjutants/PGABs with specific responsibilities to administer the centralized clearance system, ensure the completion of the required command and ombudsman clearances, service records and personnel documents, secure the approval of the retirement/separation applications, issue Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries to legitimate/acknowledged survivors and adjudicate cases/appeals on the late filing of retirement claims caused by the amendment of retirement orders, suspicious claimant and the like thru the creation of their respective MS Retirement and Separation Adjudication Board (RSAB) similar to AFP RSAB. Being the program managers of Personnel Services (PS) funds, Major Services can now process and pay the commutation of leave credits of their respective personnel thru MS PGABs and Finance Centers in coordination with the AFP Finance Center (AFPFC). Nonetheless, the commutation of leave credits of Technical and Administrative Service (TAS) personnel and Civilian Employees assigned with GHQ (CE-GHQ) shall be charged against GHQ PS savings, processed and paid by AFP (PGMC) and AFPFC. This SOP also allows the processing of application of retiring AFP personnel and those resigned/separated with government accountabilities or pending cases provided that specific remarks are reflected in the command clearances purposely to retire/separate them. However, their retirement/separation claims will only be released upon settlement. Also, incorporated is the re-entitlement of pension for retirees/beneficiaries who have lost their Filipino citizenship and reacquired same pursuant to RA 9225.


Furthermore, this SOP thru the offices of TIG, TPMG, TJAG, ESPA and GHQ Accounting office establishes the creation of an electronic database system of personnel with DLO cases (pending and resolved cases) and money/property accountability and the tracking mechanism of filed application for retirement claims accessible in the AFP website for verification and reference.

3. PURPOSE: This SOP prescribes the policies and procedures in order to expedite the processing of the applications of AFP personnel for retirement/separation and their corresponding retirement/separation entitlements, resumption of pension, restoration of pension and the transfer of pension benefits to pensioners legitimate beneficiaries.

4. SCOPE: This SOP covers the stages in accomplishing an application of retirement/separation claims starting from the correct completion of Personnel Action Form, submission of the required clearances, processing, funding and payment of entitlements (commutation of leave and lump sum or separation gratuities), resumption of pension, transfer of pension derivatives and restoration of pension for pensioners deleted in the payroll.

5. DEFINITION OF TERMS: As used in the AFP Pension Fund, the following shall mean: a. 36 months lump sum as opted by the retiree to claim, a three (3) year advance pension benefit is granted in lump sum amount equivalent to two and a half percent (2.5%) of monthly base and longevity pay but not to exceed eighty five percent (85%) of the grade next higher than the permanent grade last held for each year of active service rendered except those Officers retired under Section 11 or 12 of PD 1638, as amended which shall be computed on the permanent grade last held. b. Regular monthly pension as opted by the retiree to receive immediately after a month from his retirement date or after the completion of his 36 months lump sum, a monthly retirement pension is granted equivalent to two and one- half percent (2.5%) of monthly base and longevity pay but not to exceed eighty five percent (85%) of the grade next higher than the permanent grade last held for each year of active service rendered except for those Officers retired under Section 11 or 12 of PD 1638, as amended which shall be computed on the permanent grade last held and shall be based on existing DBM Circular pertinent rules. c. Retirement either optional or compulsory, as provided in Section 1 of RA 340, as amended and Sections 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 of PD 1638, as amended. d. Separation - as referred to in Sec 8(b), (c) (d) and Section 8 A of RA 340 and Sections 10 -16 of PD 1638. e. Survivors shall mean (1) Surviving spouse if married to the deceased (AFP Officer or Enlisted Personnel) prior to the latters retirement/separation and not legally separated by judicial decree from the deceased on grounds not attributable to said spouse; Provided that pension derivatives/entitlements shall be terminated upon the remarriage of spouse. (2) Surviving children of an Officer or EP born prior to his retirement/separation from the service and children adopted or acknowledged, while the deceased parent was still on active military service; Provided that entitlement of benefits shall be terminated when such children attain twenty one (21) years of age or get married.


(3) In default of those mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, surviving legitimate, adopted or acknowledged natural children who have reached twenty-one (21) years of age, or in their absence, his/her surviving parent(s), or in default thereof, his/her surviving unmarried brother and sister. f. Survivorship Benefit the amount of monthly derivative pension granted to legitimate beneficiaries equivalent to seventy five percent (75%) of the monthly retirement pension of the principal/retiree, which shall be divided among the legitimate beneficiaries. g. Accumulated Leave Benefits the earned salaries in the amount equivalent to the total number of leave credits accumulated by the retiree from the time he entered the service until to his retirement date. h. Resumption of Pension is the commencement of monthly pension after the 36 months advance pension thereby the retiree shall receive his annual retirement pension payable in equal monthly installment pursuant to existing DBM rules implementing the appropriate pension rate. This holds only when a retiree opts to avail the benefit of a 36 months lump sum instead of a regular monthly pension. i. Restoration of Pension reinstatement of the name of pensioner in the AFP pensioners list/payroll deleted for legitimate reasons.

6. POLICIES: a. MS Adjutants/PGABs shall secure and ensure the completeness of required documents and MS Command Clearances including Ombudsman clearance of their respective personnel applying for retirement/separation claim prior submission to AFP PGMC. Likewise, AFP PGMC shall secure all required clearances to check for any incurred accountability and DLO case from GHQ offices/units. Concerned offices shall provide clearance without delay indicating therein their specific remarks. b. The President has the signing authority to approve the application for optional retirement/separation to include posthumous separation of Regular officers, Reserve and TAS officers with SOT while Secretary of National Defense has the delegated signing authority to approve application for compulsory retirement of all officers. c. Department Circular No. 03-A, DND dated 14 September 2000, Codified Approving and Signing Authority on Military Personnel Administration Matters provides the delegated Signing Authority to the MS Commanders to approve the applications for the reversion of their MS officers without Security of Tenure (SOT), retirement of their respective MS Enlisted Personnel including members of the remaining Womens Auxiliary Corps (WAC), the commutation of accumulated leave credits and terminal leave of their MS personnel. MS Adjutants shall issue appropriate retirement/separation orders. d. Same DND Cir Nr 03-A provides the TDCS to approve applications for reversion of TAS officers without SOT, terminal leave and the commutation of accumulated leave credits of TAS officers. e. Pursuant to SOP No. 13 and Ombudsman Memorandum, commutation of leave credits is considered earned salaries of concerned government official or employee. Hence, no deduction shall be made from the commutation of leave credits of retired or separated personnel unless he/she authorizes the deduction to settle his incurred financial and property accountabilities while in the service. f. Pursuant to AFP Special Provision No. 7, General Appropriations Act of FY 2005 as re-enacted, Major Services shall pay the Separation Gratuity of separated Officers charged against their respective Personnel Services (PS) savings while the payment for TAS personnels Separation Gratuity shall be charged against GHQs PS savings.


g. As MS PGABs and Finance Centers shall be responsible in processing and payment of commutation of leave credits of their respective personnel, AFP PGMC shall process the payment of the commutation of leave credits of TAS personnel and CEGHQ and AFPFC shall implement the payment. h. AFP PGMC shall process all applications for retirement/separation claims in 36-month lump sum or regular monthly pension, resumption, restoration of monthly pension and transfer of pension to be paid by AFPFC. i. Retirement benefit claims of personnel shall be made ready for payment on the date of their retirement j. Section 31 of PD 1638 as amended provides that any agreement entered into by the retiree with other party/ies other than the AFP pertaining to the assignment, cession or conveyance of monthly pension not yet received by the former is illegal k. Upon the death of the principal pensioner and as requested by legitimate beneficiaries thru AFP PGMC, OTAG shall issue without delay the Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries to the legal dependents who were declared by the pensioner/retireee prior to retirement as basis for AFP PGMC to implement the Transfer of Pension within thirty (30) working days. Only contested claims shall be referred to the Office of The Judge Advocate General (OTJAG), AFP for adjudication. l. Sec 27, PD 1638, as amended provides that pension benefits of retirees/beneficiaries who have acquired foreign Citizenship shall be terminated and deleted from the list/payroll of pensioners upon loss of Filipino Citizenship. However, reentitlement of monthly pension shall be restored upon reacquisition of lost Filipino Citizenship pursuant to RA 9225. m. Request for amendments of retirement orders and late filing of retirement/separation claims shall be adjudicated by the AFP RSAB thru OJ1 and MS RSAB.

7. PROCEDURES: a. Processing of Retirement/Separation Application and Securing of Clearances at Major Services Level 1) MS Adjutants/PGABs shall request Command and Ombudsman Clearances of their respective personnel applying for retirement/separation. 2) Upon the approval of their Major Service Commanders, MS Adjutants shall issue reversion orders to Reserve Officers without SOT and retirement orders to Enlisted Personnel. 3) MS Adjutants/PGABs shall submit to AFP PGMC the retirement/ separation applications of their respective personnel (Regular Officers and Reserve Officers with SOT) in folders enclosed with the Command and Ombudsman clearances for processing and approval of appropriate authority. b. Processing of GHQ Clearances and Issuance of Retirement/Separation Orders 1) AFP PGMC shall secure required GHQ Clearances for all military personnel who applied for retirement/separation claim.


2) Upon the approval of appropriate authority, OTAG, AFP shall issue retirement/separation orders for Regular Officers and Reserve Officers/TAS personnel with SOT and indorse same to AFP PGMC. c. Processing and Payment of Commutation of Leave Credits. 1) For MS Personnel

(a) Upon completion of retirement/separation applications with required documents by all prospective retirees (officers including Generals and EP), MS Adjutants shall issue Statement of Service and Leave Records. (b) MS Adjutants/PGABs shall prepare Disbursement Vouchers (DVs) for the payment of Commutation of Leave Credits. (c) MS MFOs shall request funds from DBM, thru channels, for the payment of commutation of leave credits. (d) Accounting Service Units shall record/journalize funded DVs and MS Finance Centers shall execute the payment of commutation of leave benefits. 2) For TAS Personnel and CE-GHQ

(a) Upon completion of retirement/separation applications with required documents by TAS personnel and CE-GHQ, OTAG, AFP shall issue the Statement of Service and Leave Records reckoned from their date of entry in the military service up to the date of retirement/separation. (b) AFP PGMC shall process and prepare DVs for the payment of Commutation of Leave Credits of TAS personnel and the monetization of accumulated leave balance of CE-GHQ to be forwarded to GHQ MFO. (c) GHQ MFO shall request funds from DBM, thru channels, for the payment of commutation of leave benefits of TAS personnel and the monetization of accumulated leave for CE-GHQ. (d) GHQ Accounting Office shall record/journalize funded DVs and the AFPFC shall prepare the checks/ADA and execute the payments of the Commutation of Leave Benefits of TAS Personnel and the monetization of accumulated leave balance of CE-GHQ. d. Processing and Payment of 36-Month Lump Sum and Monthly Pension 1) AFP PGMC shall process thru validation the application for retirement claims in 36 months lump sum or in monthly pension and prepare DVs for submission to GHQ MFO. 2) AFP PGMC shall submit the listed number of retirees to be paid for the period with corresponding amount to claim. For retirees who have incurred money and property accountabilities with the government, AFP PGMC shall reflect subsequent deductions in their retirement benefit (Lump Sum Voucher). 3) GHQ MFO shall request funds from DBM, thru channels, for the payment of 36 months Lump Sum or monthly pension claim of retirees. 4) GHQ Accounting Office shall record/journalize funded DVs and forward same to GHQ MFO for final audit. 5) AFPFC shall implement the payment of 36 months Lump Sum or monthly claims of retirees. e. Payment of 36 months lump sum or regular monthly pension of AFP personnel who have pending criminal and/or administrative case/s with the Ombudsman.


1) Prospective retiree with pending case shall submit a written request for the release of his/her retirement benefits to the Chief, AFP PGMC who shall forthwith transmit same to OTJAG for legal evaluation. Non-submission of written request from the retiree shall mean he/she opted to clear the case before claiming his/her retirement benefits. 2) OTJAG, AFP shall litigate and recommend whether or not the retiree with pending case shall post a surety/indemnity, property or such other similar security bond. 3) The retiree shall be paid of his retirement entitlements based on the stipulated terms and conditions in the security bond. Surety/indemnity bond from AFPGIC and GSIS and property bond posted by the retiree are acceptable. Other forms of security may be acceptable on a case to case basis. 4) GHQ MFO shall ensure that funds for payment of the retirement benefits of the concerned retiree are readily made available. 5) AFPFC shall release the retirement benefits of a retiree with pending case docketed at the office of the Ombudsman provided that the preceding safeguards have been complied with. 6) AFP PGMC shall regularly furnish OTJAG and AFPFC list of military personnel with pending case at the office of the Ombudsman. f. Processing of Resumption of Pension 1) For validation and updating, pensioners shall appear personally to the AFP PGMC to ascertain with his Personnel Update Form not later than two (2) months before the effective date of resumption of pension. 2) AFP PGMC shall issue authority to AFPFC to implement the resumption of pension. If any, payment of arrears for prior years shall be done through generation of DVs and funding of which shall be requested by AFP PGMC. 3) AFPFC shall execute payment for the resumption of pension and those corresponding arrears for the current year. Arrears for prior years shall be paid upon the availability of funds. g. Processing and Payment of Regular Monthly Pension 1) Pension. 2) AFP PGMC shall issue to AFPFC the Authority to Gain the pensioner in the Alpha List of AFP Pensioners for implementation. If any, payment of arrears for prior years will be done through generation of DVs and funding of which shall be requested by AFP PGMC. 3) AFPFC shall execute payment of direct monthly pension and those corresponding arrears for the current year. h. Processing of Retirement Claims of Legitimate Beneficiaries of Posthumously Retired/Separated AFP Personnel 1) Beneficiaries shall submit application forms to MS Adjutants with required attachments. 2) For Officers, OTAG, AFP shall issue without delay Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries as basis for the claims of legitimate beneficiaries of posthumously retired/separated AFP Personnel. While for Enlisted Personnel, the MS Adjutants shall do same. AFP PGMC shall process and validate applications for Direct Monthly


3) Processing of pertinent documents and clearances shall follow the same procedures stated in para 7a and b. 4) AFP PGMC shall compute initial payment for the supplementary claim and subsequent placement of the beneficiary in the payroll as gains for the following month. 5) GHQ Accounting Office shall record/journalize funded DVs and forward same to GHQ MFO for final audit. 6) AFPFC shall implement the payment of derivative pension claims to the legal beneficiary/ies in their preferred mode of delivery. i. Processing of Transfer of Pension to Legitimate Beneficiaries

1) Beneficiary/ies shall submit application for transfer of pension to the AFP PGMC with the required attachments. 2) OTAG, AFP shall issue without delay Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries which shall be the basis for the transfer of pension claims to legitimate beneficiaries. 3) Contested claims filed by claimants other than those legitimate/acknowledged beneficiaries of the pensioner prior to his retirement from the active service shall be forwarded to TJAG for adjudication. 4) AFP PGMC shall compute initial payment for the supplementary claim and subsequent placement of the beneficiary in the gains payroll for the following month. Prior year claims will be paid through DVs and funding of which shall be requested by AFP PGMC. 5) GHQ Accounting Office shall journalize funded DVs and forward same to GHQ MFO for final audit. 6) AFPFC shall implement payment of derivative pension benefits to the legal beneficiary/ies in their preferred mode of delivery. j. Processing of Restoration of Pension

1) Pensioners/Beneficiary/ies who were deleted from the pensioners list shall submit application forms to the AFP PGMC with required documents as attached justifications. 2) AFP PGMC shall validate submitted documents and determine if the presented justifications of the Pensioner/Beneficiary/ies can be considered qualified for restoration of pension. 3) AFP PGMC shall issue authority to AFP FC to restore monthly pension.

4) AFPFC shall execute payment of the restored monthly pension and also the corresponding arrears for the current year, if any. Arrears for prior years shall be paid upon availability of funds.

8. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. AFP Prospective retirees applying for retirement benefit claim, those resigned/separated claiming for separation gratuity, Legal Beneficiaries applying for the transfer of pension claims and retirees/beneficiaries applying for reentitlement upon reacquisition of lost Filipino citizenship. 1) One (1) year before the date of retirement/separation, verify from previous unit assignments for money and property accountability/ies and pending legal


or administrative cases. Appropriate steps must be sought to expedite the resolution/clearing of same. Likewise, to ascertain the conformity of Personal and service records with government agency like the NSO, verifications must be made from Major Service Adjutants/OTAG ensuring the correctness of all entries/data and authenticity of all required documents. 2) In accomplishing AGO form 110 (Personnel Action Form), clearly state the type of retirement/separation and its effective date, option to the mode of payment either 36 lump sum or regular monthly pension and with contractual obligation/service, if any. 3) In accomplishing AFP Personnel Data sheet/Dependents Information, provide latest pictures of dependents and attached required personal documents as stated in AFP personnel Directive 01-05 dated 02 Jun 05 and execute an affidavit acknowledging/declaring therein the legal beneficiaries. 4) Submit completed application for retirement/separation to Major Service Adjutants/PGABs, thru channels, to reach PGMC/OTAG, AFP NLT (6) months before the effective date of retirement/separation 5) Retirees who availed the 36 months lump sum shall personally appear and submit an updated Pensioner Update Form (PUF) to AFP PGMC not later than two (2) months before the effective date of resumption of pension for validation. 6) Any AFP Personnel who incurred total and permanent physical disabilities while in the service and may be qualified to retire or be separated with CDD shall report to the nearest AFP medical facility with his medical records prior endorsement to the Disability and Separation Board (DSB), AFPMC for medical evaluation. 7) Upon the death of the principal pensioner, legitimate beneficiaries shall accomplish application forms for the transfer of pension to AFP PGMC for proper disposition. . 8) TAS officers who were assigned with the different Major Services and applying for retirement/separation from the active service shall accomplish AGO form 110 and secure MS clearance for money/property accountability prior endorsement by TAS offices of the MS to GHQ TAS offices. 9) Retiree/beneficiaries who have lost their Filipino citizenship and whose names were deleted from the AFP pensioners payroll shall adhere to the provisions of RA 9225 and submit documents to attest the reacquisition of lost citizenship to AFP PGMC for the restoration of pension. Also retirees whose names were deleted from the AFP pensioners monthly payroll due to legal reasons shall submit to AFP PGMC justification for restoration. b. Unit Personnel Offices 1) Provide assistance to all military personnel applying for retirement/separation claim by ensuring the correctness of entries in the Personnel Action Form and the completeness of the unit clearances, service related and personal documents. 2) Properly indorse the application for retirement/separation to the Major Service Adjutants/PGABs with the following basic requirements: (a) (b) (c) (d) AFP AGO Form 110 (Personnel Action Form) Unit Clearance Statement of Account(s)/Property Accountability/ies and Attached charge/s, if there be any.

3) Designate survivor personnel that will provide particular attention to Legal beneficiary/ies of AFP personnel who were posthumously separated from the


active service particularly in completing unit clearance, required service related i.e LOD documents and personal documents and update on the process of application for transfer of benefit claims. 4) To avoid intentional or unavoidable delays and over payment, furnish copy of Personnel Action Form of personnel applying for retirement/separation to apprise and allow the MS Finance Service Units to effect the stoppage of their pay and allowances on the date of their retirement/separation. 5) TAS offices shall endorse the application of their personnel for retirement/separation and reversion with completed basic requirements with MS clearance if needed, directly to AFP PGMC. c. Major Service Adjutants/PGABS 1) Examine thru validation the authenticity and completeness of all required documents in the retirement/separation applications submitted by Unit Personnel Office/PGAO. Concerned individuals with incomplete information and the Unit Personnel Office/PGAO will be notified the fastest available means to correct the deficiencies or processing will not be undertaken. 2) At the MS level, furnish copy of Personnel Action Form of personnel applying for retirement/separation to Major Service Finance Center and secure statement of last payment, DLO Clearances and Statement of Accounts. 3) With expressed consent and so as not to delay the application for 36 months lump sum benefit claim, assist those who have unsettled money or property accountability/ies and charged same against their commutation of leave credit. 4) Implement and administer the DLO centralized clearance system in securing the required command clearances including Ombudsman clearance and the completion of personal documents as attachment to the retirement/separation applications. 5) Upon approval of their respective Major Service Commanders, issue retirement/separation orders for retiring enlisted personnel including those personnel assigned in GHQ AFP and AFPWSSUs under honorable condition without prejudice for retirement benefits under PD 1638 as amended, effective on their date of retirement/separation from the active service. Likewise, issue reversion orders for Reserve Officers without SOT. 6) Issue the latest Statement of Service and Statement of Leave Records to all personnel who are applying for retirement/ separation and request to OTAG a copy of latest Statement of Service and Statement of Leave Records of retiring Generals/Flag Officers for the commutation of their leave credits. 7) Upon receipt of complete retirement application, validate and prepare DVs for the payment of the Commutation of Leave credits of retiring personnel including General/Flag officers and endorse same to cognizant MS offices for processing, funding and subsequent payment by Major Service Finance Centers. 8) Properly endorse to AFPPGMC the application for retirement/separation claims of all military personnel in folders enclosed therein the Command and Ombudsman clearances. Likewise, submit the application for the retirement/separation of Regular Officers and Reserve Officers with SOT to AFP PGMC for favorable endorsement to the appropriate approving authority. 9) Create Retirement and Separation Adjudication Board to adjudicate cases related to late filing of retirement benefit claims and amendment of retirement/separation orders.


10) Issue Certificate of Beneficiaries without delay to the legal beneficiaries of posthumously retired/separated personnel thru MS PGABs as basis for processing the retirement/separation benefit claims and other entitlements. 11) As a monitoring tool and for funding purposes, submit to AFP PGMC a monthly report on the status and number of applications for retirement/separation claims forwarded to and being processed by their respective MS offices. 12) Publish publicly the list of DBM funded commutation of leave credit claims. d. OTAG, AFP 1) Upon receipt of the approved application for retirement/separation of Regular Officers and Reserve Officers/TAS officers with SOT and for reversion of TAS officers without SOT by appropriate authority, issue retirement/separation orders. 2) Furnish copies of these officers retirement/separation orders to AFPPGMC, concerned Major Service Adjutant, concerned personnel and OJ1. 3) Issue the latest Statement of Service and Statement of Leave Records of all General/Flag Officers, TAS officers and CE assigned with GHQ applying for retirement/ separation. Furnish the MS Adjutants/PGABs a copy of latest Statement of Service and Statement of Leave Records for the commutation of leave credits. 4) Administer the centralized clearance system in coordination with OTIG, OTPMG, OTJAG and OESPA and Issue DLO clearance to all AFP personnel applying for retirement/separation claims as requested by AFP PGMC. State in clearance the specific remarks or status of those with resolved or unresolved/pending cases. 5) Forward the completed GHQ clearances of Officers and EP who have filed application for retirement/separation claims to AFP PGMC. 6) Issue Certificate of Beneficiaries without delay as requested by the legal beneficiaries thru AFP PGMC upon the death of the principal/retiree and also for TAS officers who were posthumously retired/separated while in service. 7) Administer and maintain the Non-current records of all retired and separated AFP personnel. 8) Adjudicate cases on the accreditation of government service as active service of retired/separated AFP personnel and TAS officer thru the Military Status Board. e. AFP PGMC 1) Examine thru validation the completeness and authenticity of all documents in the applications for retirement claims submitted by Major Service Adjutants/PGABS. Applications with incomplete documents/clearances or erroneously entered vital information shall be returned for rectification. . 2) Immediately endorse the application for the retirement/separation of officers to the approving authority thru channels and monitor same. 3) Secure GHQ DLO Clearances and Statement of Accounts for all military personnel applying for retirement/separation claims thru OTAG, AFP. 4) Upon receipt from OTAG, AFP the retirement/separation orders of all Officers and the required GHQ Clearances for both officers and EP applying for retirement claims, process and prepare the DVs covering their choice of mode of payment either 36 months Lump Sum or regular monthly pension. Same undertaking shall be done to process the benefit claims of those posthumously separated personnel including claims for commutation of leave credits of TAS personnel.


5) Issue to AFPFC the Authority to Gain the pensioner in the Alpha List of AFP Pensioners for implementation. Likewise, process and validate applications for resumption, restoration of pension and transfer of pension to legal beneficiaries. 6) For funding purposes, accomplish periodically the list of actual retirees claiming for retirement/separation benefits and TAS personnel claiming for commutation of leave benefits to be submitted to DBM, thru channels. 7) Upon release of SARO and corresponding NCA, prepare Obligation Slip (OS) and certify chargeability to the DV and forward same to GHQ Accounting Office. 8) Reflect deductions in the Lump Sum Voucher for retirees who have unsettled or outstanding government money and property accountability. 9) Adjudicate cases of late filing of retirement/separation benefit claims and appeal for amendment of separation orders thru AFP Retirement and Separation Adjudication Board. 10) Secure from OTAG the issuance of Certificate of Legal Beneficiaries to the legal dependents who were declared by the pensioner prior to his retirement and implement the Transfer of Pension within thirty (30) working days. 11) Publish publicly the list of DBM funded retirement/separation claims of all retirees and commutation of leave credit claims of TAS officers. f. GHQ MFO 1) Conduct pre-audit of all DVs and review the priority list of payees as attachment in the Special Budget Request to reach the approval of DBM for the issuance of SARO and NCA. 2) Upon receipt of SARO and NCA from DBM, issue Allotment Advice with corresponding NTA to AFP PGMC for the preparation of ALOBS and furnish a copy to GHQ Accounting Center for journalization/recording. 3) Conduct final audit and forward funded DVs to AFP Finance Center for the payment of retirement benefit claims to the retirees and beneficiaries. g. GHQ Accounting Office 1) Issue Clearances and Statement of Accounts to all AFP personnel applying for retirement/separation upon receipt of request from AFP PGMC. Retirees with unsettled or outstanding government money/property accountability/ies shall be issued the certificate of money/property accountability and accountability update form with specific remarks. 2) Upon receipt of SARO and NCA from GHQ MFO, journalize and certify availability of funds. 3) Return the funded DVs to GHQ MFO for final audit. h. AFPFC 1) Issue statement of Last Payment and Latest Pay Slip to retiring or to be separated TAS officers. 2) Issue certificate of deductions and official receipts to retirees who settled their incurred money and property accountability/ies thru payment. 3) Upon receipt from GHQ,MFO the funded DVs, prepare the check/ADA and implement the payment of the 36 months Lump Sum or regular monthly pension and derivative pension to concerned retirees and beneficiaries as payees without delay.


Same undertaking shall be done for the payment of commutation of leave credits of TAS Personnel. i. OTIG, OTPMG, OTJAG, OESPA and GHQ Accounting Office

1) Establish, update and maintain an electronic database system of personnel with DLO case (pending and resolved cases) and money/property accountabilities with the government. 2) follows: (a) Pending cases punishable by dishonorable discharge or separation with prejudice to retirement/separation benefits (b) Not deficient in filing of Statement of Assets and Liabilities (SAL) Net Worth and Disclosure of Business Interests and Financial Connections. (c) With cleared or unclear money and property accountabilities 3) Share the instituted database of personnel with DLO cases and money/property accountabilities accessible thru the AFP website for immediate verification and reference. j. Major Service MFO Indicate therein specific remarks on the cases or the accountability as

1) In the payment of the commutation of leave credits and Separation Gratuities of MS personnel, conduct pre-audit of all DVs and review the priority list of payees as attachment in the Special Budget Request to reach the approval of DBM for the issuance of SARO and NCA. 2) Upon receipt of SARO and NCA from DBM, issue Allotment Advice with corresponding NTA to MS PGABs for the preparation of ALOBS and furnish a copy to MS Accounting Center for journalization/recording. 3) Charge the payment of commutation of leave credits and the Separation Gratuities against MS PS Savings. 4) Conduct final audit and forward DVs to MS Finance Centers for the payment of commutation of leave credits to the retirees/payees. k. Major Service Accounting Office 1) Issue Clearances and Statement of Accounts to all personnel under their respective jurisdictions who are applying for retirement/separation and for the payment of their commutation of leave as requested by MS Adjutants/PGABs. Retirees with unsettled or outstanding money/property accountability/ies shall be issued the certificate of money/property accountability and accountability update form with specific remarks. 2) Upon receipt of SARO and NCA from MS MFO, journalize and certify availability of funds. 3) l. Return the funded DVs to MS MFO for final audit.

Major Service Finance Centers

1) Issue statement of Last Payment and Latest Pay Slip to personnel applying for retirement/separation under their paying jurisdiction. 2) As indicated in the Personnel Action Form of personnel applying for retirement/separation and to avoid overpayment schedule and effect the deletion from the payroll on the date of their retirement/separation from the active service.


3) Upon receipt from MS MFO the funded DVs, prepare the check/ADA and implement the payment of commutation of leave benefits to retired personnel without delay.

9. RESCISSION: All policies in conflict with this SOP are hereby rescinded.

10. EFFECTIVITY: This SOP shall take effect upon publication. BY COMMAND OF GENERAL ESPERON JUNIOR:

PATERNO E LABIANO Commodore AFP The Adjutant General

DISTRIBUTION: A Annexes: A Requirements for Retirement/Separation B Requirements for Resumption of Pension C Requirements for Transfer of Pension D Requirements for Restoration of Pension E Requirements for Posthumous Retirement/Separation F Requirements for Replacement of Pension Checks G Pensioner Update Form




Nr of Copies 2 2



To Be produced by AFP Personnel: 1. Personnel Action Form. 2. Physical Examination Report or accomplished waiver form that he/she is not interested for further medical evaluation for his/her present state of health before he/she get retired. (AFPMC for CDD but all other AFP Station Hospital for medical evaluation) 3. Duly Accomplished form of non-retraction of retirement/separation. 4. Certificate of Last Payment to be issued by Finance Service Units (FSU) Duly authenticated copies 5. AFP Personnel Datasheet and Dependents Information 6. Certification from Civil Service Commission for Civilian Service (if any) 7. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number To Be produced by Major Service PGAB: 8. Retirement/Separation Orders with Endorsement from Major Service Commander 9. Latest Statement of Service to be issued by Major Service Adjutant (Duly authenticated copies) 10. Statement of Leave Balance issued by Major Service Adjutant (Duly authenticated copies) 11. Major Service Clearances: a DLO: - IG - JAGO - Provost Marshal - OESPA b Ombudsman Clearance not earlier than six months before retirement c SAO d Base Housing Administration e Non Appropriated Fund (Water & Electric Bills) f Accounting Service

2 7 2 2 5

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5 3 3 2 2




Nr 1.

Requirements Submission of PUF two (2) months prior to resumption Required attachments of PUF: a. Retirement Order b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract (LCR/NSO) Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number

Nr of Copies 2 1 1 1 3





Nr 1. 2.

Requirements Application Form for Transfer (notarized) Pensioners Update Form (PUF) Required attachments of PUF: a. Retirement/Posthumous Order b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract with signature of both parties and contracted before retirement of the principal pensioner (LCR/NSO) Death Certificate of Principal Pensioner (LCR/NSO) Birth Certificate of unmarried children below 21 yrs old (LCR/NSO) Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the claimants name and the account number (LBP/UCPB/PVB/DBP only) *LOI to Bank from AFP PGMC/AFPFC needed Affidavit of being the surviving spouse of the principal pensioner and of having not remarried with corroboration NSO CRS From No.5 (Advisory on Marriages) of the deceased to be filed at NSO. Claim stub/OR will be submitted to MAU, AFP PGMC

Nr of Copies Original 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Photocopy 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

3. 4. 5.

1 1 1

5 5 5

6. 7.

Note: All photocopies should be authenticated by JAGO except Retirement Order Submit all requirements in one (1) long folder




Nr 1. Requirements Retired/Principal Pensioner a. Application for Claim b. PUF c. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number Widow a. Application for Claim b. PUF c. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the claimants name and the account number Parents a. Application for Claim b. PUF c. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number Guardian of Children who are Below 21 years old and unmarried a. Application for Claim b. PUF c. Birth Certificate of Children (NSO) d. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number RA 9225 a. Application for Claim b. PUF c. Passport (Old and New) d. Order of approval of Dual Citizenship e. Oath of Allegiance (BID if in the country, DFA Consulate if abroad) f. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number Required attachments of PUF for PRINCIPAL PENSIONER: a. Retirement Order b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract (LCR/NSO) Required attachments of PUF for DERIVATIVE PENSIONER: a. Retirement/Posthumous Order of Principal Pensioner b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract/Birth Certificate (LCR/NSO) d. JAGO Declaration of Legal Beneficiary Nr of Copies 2 2 2 2 2 2 2



2 2 2


2 2 2 2


2 2 2 5 5 2






Nr of Copies 2 2

To Be produced by Legal Beneficiary of AFP Personnel: 1. Application Form of Widow/Parent/s with whole body picture 2. Pensioners Update Form (PUF) Required attachments of PUF: a. Posthumous Order b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract/Birth Certificate (LCR/NSO) 3. Death Certificate (LCR) Birth Certificate of Deceased/Marriage Contract of Deceased and widow/ 4. Marriage contract of parents/Birth certificate of Children of deceased from NSO 5. Photocopy of Passbook (Single Account) showing specifically the retirees name and the account number To Be produced by Major Service PGAB: 6. Posthumous Retirement/Separation Orders with Endorsement from Major Service Commander 7. LOD/Casualty Report 8. Statement of Service from Major Service 9. Certificate of Legal Beneficiary/ies 10. Statement of Last Payment 11. Major Service Clearances: d. SAO e. Base Housing Administration f. Non Appropriated Fund (Water & Electric Bills) g. Accounting Service

2 7

7 2 7 7 2 2 2 2 2




Nr of Copies 2 2 2 2

Nr 1.

Requirements Retired/Principal Pensioner: h. Application Form i. PUF Derivative Pensioner: d. Application Form e. PUF Required attachments of PUF for PRINCIPAL PENSIONER: a. Retirement Order b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract (LCR/NSO) Required attachments of PUF for DERIVATIVE PENSIONER: a. Retirement/Posthumous Order of Principal Pensioner b. Photocopy of ID c. Marriage Contract/Birth Certificate (LCR/NSO) d. JAGO Declaration of Legal Beneficiaries





(Please see next page)


1) Type or Write clearly 2) Send or mail the accomplished form to MAU, AFPPGMC, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City 1110. 3) See back page for additional information. 4) Reproduction of this form is allowed.
Revised Form Nr. 1A (01 September 2007)

1) I-type o isulat nang maayos at malinaw. 2) Ipadala kalakip ang iba pang dokumentong kailangan sa MAU, AFP PGMC, Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City 1110. 3) Tingnan ang likod ng pahina para sa inyong gabay. 4) Maaaring magpagawa ng maraming kopya.


If not, indicate the date of death and Cause of Death (day, month, year) No

Is the Principal Pensioner still alive? (check box) Yes



4. Retirement/Separation Rank

5. AFP Serial Number

6. Branch of Service (Check box) PA PN PAF PC

7. Date of Birth (Day, Month, Year)

8. Address: (House Nr., Street, Barangay, Town or City, Province

9. Postal (Zip Code)

10. Telephone Nr

11. Cell phone Nr

12. Religion

13. Civil Status (Check box) Single Widow/er

14. Citizenship

15. Sex (Check box) Male

16. Date of Original Entry to the AFP (Day, Month, Year)

Married Separated 17. Date of Separation from the AFP (Day, Month, Year)

Female 18. Cause of separation from the AFP (check box) Compulsory Retirement Posthumous

Optional Retirement CDD 19. Authority of retirement/separation from the AFP (General Orders Nr, Para Nr, Date (month, day, year) (Attach copy of retirement/Separation Orders) (ex: GO Nr 1, Para Nr 20, GHQ, AFP dtd 01 Dec 1965, Pursuant Sec 1a & 10 in conjunction with sec 8, RA 340)

20. Are you receiving monthly pension? (check box) Yes No

21. If Yes, how much?

22. How do you receive your pension? (Check box) Local Pick-up Mailing Banking


I declare under the penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of existing laws, that this has been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct. 2 x 2 picture (AFP Pensioner) AFP PENSIONER (Signature Over Printed Name) DATE SIGNED (Day, Month, Year)




4. Date of Birth (Day, Month, Year)

5. Place of Birth

6. Citizenship

7. Relationship with the AFP Retired or separated AFP personnel Spouse Brother/Sister Parent Child

8. If the beneficiary isa spouse, write the date of marriage. (day/month/year)

9. If the beneficiary is a minor child (below 18 years old), write the name of guardian.

10. Address: (House Nr, Street, Barangay, Town or City, Province)

11. Postal (Zip) Code

12. Telephone/Cellular Phone Nr:

13. Civil Status (check box) Single Widow/er Married Separated

14. Sex (Check Box) Male Female

15. Religion

16. Are you receiving monthly pension? (Check box) Yes No

17. If Yes, how much?

18. How do you receive your pension? (Check box) Local Pick-up Mailing Banking

19. BENEFICIARYS SPECIMEN (IF DECEASED, IGNORE THIS BOX) I declare under the penalties of perjury pursuant to the provisions of existing laws, that this has been made in good faith, verified by me, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, is true and correct.

2 x 2 picture (Beneficiary)



BENEFICIARY (Signature Over Printed Name)

DATE SIGNED (Day, Month, Year)


1) If the AFP Retiree is still alive: Fill-up Section I; Fill-up Section II for future beneficiary/ies such as the Spouse and Children below 21 years old. If the AFP Retiree is already deceased: If married, spouse must fill-up Section I and II; If unmarried (single), the parents must fill-up Section I and II. Qualified to be Beneficiary/ies: For deceased married AFP Retiree/Principal Pensioner: - spouse and children below 21 years old; For Deceased Unmarried (Single) AFP Retiree/Principal Pensioner - Parents or - Acknowledged Natural Children below 21 years old


1) Retirement/Separation Order (GO/SO); 2) Marriage Certificate (For Married AFP Retiree); 3) AFP Retirees ID (Xerox back to back)



1) 2) 3) 4) Retirement/Posthumous Order; Declaration of Beneficiaries from JAGO, AFP; Pensioners ID (Xerox back to back); NSO issued Marriage Contract with signature of both parties if the beneficiary of the principal pensioner is the wife/husband or birth certificate of the principal pensioner if the beneficiary is/are the parent/s


FOR NON APPEARANCE OR SUBMISSION THRU MAILING OR COURIER, SUBMIT THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: 1) Whole body picture holding any current newspaper of major circulation; 2) Camera film or negative used for the picture; 3) Mail or send it to: Monitoring & Assistance Unit (MAU) AFP Pension Gratuity Management Center Camp Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo, Quezon City

For any inquiry or comment, you may text AFP PGMC at 0927 856 6748 or 0921-570-8483, email at [email protected]. or [email protected] or call at (02) 911-6001 local 6531. AFPPGMC can be accessed through its website:

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