WHO Step Ladder For Pain

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Three-Step Analgesic Ladder For Management of Cancer Pain

These guidelines have been tabulated and developed by

Chairman Department of Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Beth Israel Medical Center New York, New York


ancer pain is extremely prevalent, occurring in more than three fourths of patients with advanced disease. Numerous studies have confirmed that the experience of unrelieved pain has potentially devastating effects on quality of life. The effective management of pain is a therapeutic imperative and central to the palliative care provided to all cancer patients. Pain continues to be undertreated, despite 2 decades that have witnessed the development of consensus-based guidelines for the management of cancer pain and intensive educational efforts on the part of professional societies, the philanthropic community, and industry. Undertreatment cannot be condoned, particularly in light of available evidence that pharmacotherapy with both opioid and nonopioid drugs can provide adequate relief to most patients. Although a multimodality strategy can augment pain relief, diminish the effect of pain that persists, and improve related outcomes, the mainstay approach to moderate or severe cancer pain continues to be opioid-based therapy. The analgesic ladder, which was promulgated by the World Health Organization in the late 1980s, was the first guideline to codify an opioid-based treatment for cancer pain. Combined with straightforward dosing guidelines, it has had a significant effect on

NONOPIOID ANALGESICS for mild to moderate pain

Half-Life, h Dosing (approx) Schedule Recommended Maximum Starting Dose, Recommended mg/d* Dose, mg/d

Patients who present with mild to moderate pain should be treated with a nonopioid analgesic. An adjuvant drug should be used if a specific indication for one exists. Adjuvant drugs include treatments for opioid side effects or other comorbid conditions and adjuvant analgesics, which are drugs with primary indications other than pain that are analgesic in selected circumstances.

Generic Name


See Key, Endnotes, and Routes of Administration

p-Aminophenol Acetaminophen derivative (paracetamol)

COX-2 selective inhibitors Celecoxib





Overdose causes hepatic toxicity. Minimally anti-inflammatory. May not be preferred as first-line analgesic or coanalgesic in patients with bone pain. Its lack of GI or platelet toxicity may be important in some cancer patients. When used at high doses, liver function tests should be done regularly. Compared with other NSAIDs, COX-2 drugs are less toxic to GI tract and have no effect on platelets. Although expense is a concern, many clinicians now use the COX-2selective drugs as first-line agents in medically frail or elderly patients who may be predisposed to GI toxicity or unable to tolerate GI hemorrhage, should it occur. Adverse cardiovascular effects that led to the withdrawal of rofecoxib and valdecoxib are now believed to be a COX-2 effect, which may be important not only in the COX-2selective subclass of NSAIDs, but also in the nonselective COX-1/COX-2 subclass. In the US, the label for all NSAIDs now includes a boxed warning indicating that these drugs may increase the risk of thrombotic events. Although the risk is small, it should be assumed to be a class effect of NSAIDs generally. Standard for comparison. May not be tolerated as well as some of the newer NSAIDs. Unlike other NSAIDs, choline magnesium trisalicylate and salsalate cause minimal GI toxicity and have no effect on platelet aggregation, despite potent anti-inflammatory effects. Although a better safety profile in cancer patients is not confirmed, may be preferred in some cancer patients on this basis. Less GI toxicity than aspirin.






Aspirin Choline magnesium trisalicylate Diflunisal

3-12ll 9-17

q4-6h q12h

2,600 1,500 1, then 1,000 q12h 1,000 1, then 500 q12h 1,500 1, then 1,000 q12h 800 100 1,200 150

6,000 4,000








See comments for choline magnesium trisalicylate and endnote.

Propionic acids

Fenoprofen Flurbiprofen Ibuprofen Ketoprofen

2-3 5-6 1.8-2 2-3

q4-6h q8-12h q4-8h q6-8h

3,200 300 3,200 300

See endnote. See endnote. Available over the counter. Available over the counter.

Volume 9 2006

Oncology Special Edition



NONOPIOID ANALGESICS for mild to moderate pain

Recommended Maximum Half-Life, h Dosing Starting Dose, Recommended (approx) Schedule mg/d* Dose, mg/d

Generic Name


See Key, Endnotes, and Routes of Administration

Propionic acids






Available over the counter as tablets and as a suspension. Some studies show greater efficacy of higher doses, specifically 1,500 mg/d, with little to no increase in adverse effects; long-term efficacy of this dose and safety in a medically ill population are unknown. However, it should be used cautiously. Available over the counter. Some studies show greater efficacy of higher doses, specifically 1,650 mg/d, with little to no increase in adverse effects; long-term efficacy of this dose and safety in a medically ill population are unknown. However, it should be used cautiously. Once-daily dosing may be advantageous in some patients. Only immediate-release tablets are indicated for pain management. See endnote. Available in sustained-release and rectal formulations. Higher incidence of side effects, particularly GI and CNS, than with propionic acids. Parenteral formulation available. Use should be limited to treatment of acute pain; recommended maximum duration of treatment is 5 d.

Naproxen sodium Oxaprozin Acetic acids Diclofenac Etodolac





42-50 2 7 4-5 4-7

q24h q6h q6-8h q8-12h q6h

600 150 600 75 15-30 q6h I.V., IM 10 q6h PO 300 600 1,000 7.5 20 150 500 1, then 250 q6h 300

1,800 200 1,200 200 120 I.V., IM 40 PO 400 1,800 2,000 15 40 400 1,000

Indomethacin Ketorolac

Sulindac Tolmetin Naphthylalkanone Oxicams Nabumetone Meloxicam Piroxicam Fenamates

7.8 2 20-35 15-20 50 1.3 2

q12h q6-8h q24h q24h q24h q6-8h q6h

See endnote. See endnote. Studies in noncancer populations suggest relatively good safety profile. Once-daily dosing may be advantageous. COX-2 selective at lower doses.* Administration of 40 mg for >3 wk is associated with high incidence of peptic ulcer, especially in the elderly. See endnote. Not recommended for use longer than 1 wk, and therefore not indicated in cancer pain therapy.

Meclofenamic acid Mefenamic acid






Not a first-line drug because of risk for serious bone marrow toxicity. Not preferred for cancer pain therapy. If used, need CBC every 2 wk for 1 mo, then monthly, in addition to other monitoring.


SHORT-ACTING OPIOIDS for moderate pain

Dose (mg) Equianalgesic to Aspirin ll Half650 mg Life, h

Patients who fail the 1st-step regimen or who present with moderate pain should be treated with an oral opioid for moderate pain as well as with a nonopioid analgesic and an adjuvant drug, if the clinician has evidence for the efficacy of the adjuvant. In current clinical practice, the 2nd step is applied flexibly; it may be skipped in lieu of treatment with a 3rd-step drug or primary treatment with an adjuvant analgesic in selected syndromes. In the treatment of continuous pain, analgesics should be given on a regular basisby the clockso that the next dose is given before the effect of the previous one wears off. These short-acting drugs are also used as rescue medications, given as needed for breakthrough pain during treatment with a long-acting opioid.

Generic Name

Peak Effect, h

Duration, h



See Key, Endnotes, and Routes of Administration

Morphine-like agonists

Codeine Dihydrocodeine Hydrocodone Meperidine (pethidine)

32-65 15-20 50

2-3 4 3-4

1.5-2 0.5-1 1-2

3-6 4-5 4-6 3-5

Same as morphine. Same as morphine. Same as morphine.

Usually combined with acetaminophen or an NSAID. Only available combined with aspirin and caffeine. Only available combined with acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen.

Same as morphine plus Contraindicated in patients using MAO inhibitors, in whom dangerous hyperthermic syndrome may develop. CNS excitation (eg, tremulousness, seizures) from accumulation of toxic metabolite, normeperidine; prolonged, high dosing and renal insufficiency predispose. Same as morphine. Considered a 2nd-step drug when combined with aspirin or acetaminophen. New combination product containing oxycodone and ibuprofen also will be useful.

Oxycodone Propoxyphene HCl

2.5 65-130


1 2-2.5

3-6 3-6

Same as morphine plus Toxic metabolite, norpropoxyphene, accumulates with repetitive dosing but norpropoxyphene toxicity does not appear seizures and cardiac toxicity to represent a clinically significant problem at the doses typically used to treat pain (adults: 65 mg-130 mg q4h prn, with overdose. up to 3 doses daily); often combined with acetaminophen or an NSAID. Same as hydrochloride. Same as morphine, with more risk for psychotomimetic effects and less risk for respiratory depression at high doses. Dizziness, nausea, constipation most common; seizure rare. Same as propoxyphene HCI. Can cause withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent patients; not recommended for cancer pain therapy.

Propoxyphene napsylate Agonist antagonist Pentazocine

100-200 30

12 2-3

2-2.5 1.5-2

3-6 2-4






Mechanism: binds to -opioid receptor, weakly inhibits reuptake of norepinephrine and serotonin, enhances serotonin release; only 30% of analgesia is naloxone reversible; maximum recommended dose 400 mg/d (300 mg/d for patients aged 75 y); higher doses (eg, up to 600 mg/d) sometimes used. Seizure risk increases if coadministered with drugs that lower seizure threshold. Now also available with acetaminophen in a combination tablet.


Oncology Special Edition

Volume 9 2006


SHORT- AND LONG-ACTING OPIOIDS for moderate to severe pain

Dose (mg) Equianalgesic to Morphine Half10 mg I.V. Life, h

Patients who fail the 2nd-step regimen or who present with moderate to severe pain should be treated with an opioid indicated for such pain. The clinician should consider the addition of a nonopioid analgesic or an adjuvant drug. In the treatment of persistent pain, analgesics should be given on a regular basisby the clockso that the next dose is given before the effect of the previous one wears off.

Generic Name

Peak Effect, h

Duration, h



See Key, Endnotes, and Routes of Administration

Short-Acting Morphine-like agonists Morphine 10 IM 20-60 PO** 3 2-4 0.5-1 1.5-2 6 4-7 Constipation, nausea, sedation most common; respiratory depression most serious; itch, dry mouth, urinary retention uncommon; sexual dysfunction possible; hypotension and inappropriate ADH secretion rare. Same as morphine. Same as morphine + CNS excitation; contraindicated in those on MAO inhibitors. Same as morphine. Standard of comparison for opioids. Multiple routes available (see Routes of Administration). Survey data indicate that a switch from immediate-release morphine to controlled-release morphine should be done at same milligram dose. Pharmacokinetics of newer extended-release formulation may suggest once-daily administration. Multiple routes available (see Routes of Administration). May become available as a modified-release formulation with a long duration of effect. Not preferred for cancer pain because of potential toxicity. Available as a single agent and in combination with aspirin or acetaminophen; at higher doses used as a single agent for patients with severe pain or or who have developed tolerance; no parenteral formulation. No oral formulation. May become available as an oral formulation, including a modifiedrelease formulation. Efficacy and safety in the treatment of cancer-related breakthrough pain has been established in controlled trials. Onset is faster than oral rescue doses. No relationship exists between effective OTFC rescue dose and baseline opioid dose. Therefore, all patients should be started on a relatively low dose (200 mcg or 400 mcg) and dose should be titrated to effect. This contrasts with guidelines recommending rescue opioid dosing at 5%-15% of total daily opioid dose.

Hydromorphone Meperidine (pethidine) Oxycodone

1.5 IM 7.5 PO 75 IM 300 PO 2030 PO 1 IM 10 PR

2-3 3-4 2-4

0.5-1 1-2 0.5-1 1-2 1

4-5 4-5 2-4 3-6 3-6

Oxymorphone Agent specifically indicated for breakthrough cancer pain

0.5-1 1.5-3 0.3-0.5

3-6 4-6 Related to blood levels of the drug

Same as morphine. Same as morphine.

Oral 800 mcg transmucosal PO fentanyl citrate (OTFC)

Partial agonist Mixed agonists antagonists


0.4 IM




Same as morphine, except less risk for respiratory depression at higher doses. Same profile of effects as pentazocine, except for lower risk for psychotomimetic effects. Same as pentazocine, except for lower risk for psychotomimetic effects. Same as buprenorphine, except for greater risk for psychotomimetic effects.

May cause withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent patients; has ceiling for analgesia and less abuse potential; sublingual tablets available in United States; may be useful in nondependent/nontolerant patients with cancer pain (ie, on the 2nd step of the analgesic ladder). Agonistantagonist. No oral formulation; may cause withdrawal symptoms in opioiddependent patients; not recommended for cancer pain therapy. Agonistantagonist. No oral formulation; may cause withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent patients; not recommended for cancer pain therapy. Agonistantagonist. Oral preparation combined with naloxone or acetaminophen in United States; may cause withdrawal symptoms in opioid-dependent patients; not recommended for cancer pain therapy.


2 IM





10 IM





60 IM 180 PO


0.5-1 1-2

3-6 3-6

Long-Acting Morphine-like agonists Levorphanol Methadone 2 IM 4 PO 10 IM 20 PO 11-16 15150+ 0.5-1 0.51.5 6-8 4-8 Same as morphine. Same as morphine. With long half-life, accumulation occurs after dose is begun or increased. Available as a racemate; the D-isomer is an NMDA antagonist, which may account for unexpectedly high potency in some patients who are switched from another drug. This uncertainty about potency, together with concern about a long and variable half-life, necessitates caution in the use of this drug. When a patient is switched from another drug, the calculated equianalgesic dose should be reduced by 75% to 90%. Prolonged monitoring may be needed during dose titration. Multiple routes available. Patches of different sizes can deliver 12, 25, 50, 75, or 100 mcg/h. Dosing interval is 48 to 72 h. Dose usually adjusted every 3 d if needed, and multiple patches may be used. Available formulations vary in duration of effectfrom 8-12 h, to 12-24 h, to 24 h.

Fentanyl transdermal system Modifiedrelease morphine Modifiedrelease oxycodone

25 mcg/h 20-60 PO**




Same as morphine.




Same as morphine.

2030 PO




Same as morphine.

Available as a single agent and in combination with aspirin or acetaminophen; at higher doses used as a single agent for patients with severe pain or or who have developed tolerance; no parenteral formulation.

practice around the world. Although more recent guidelines emphasize the need for flexibility and the potential value of skipping steps and selecting specific drugs based on patient assessment, all continue to emphasize the value of opioids for moderate to severe chronic pain, the importance of dose individualization through a process of repeated titration, the use of analgesic polypharmacy in many cases, and the ongoing need to manage side effects to optimize the balance between pain relief and adverse drug effects.

ic pain in populations with chronic painhas been widely debated, and various definitions have been created and published in the medical literature.1 The broadest definition is probably the most useful: BTP is any transient and clinically significant pain that flares over baseline pain that is adequately controlled by any analgesic regimen.14

Breakthrough Pain
Breakthrough pain (BTP) is a serious clinical problem,likely afflicting thousands of patients.Despite its seriousness, BTP is underappreciated by clinicians. The terminology used to describe BTPepisod-

Epidemiology, Impact, and Characteristics Studies of populations of patients with cancer pain have revealed that 50% to 90% of patients experience BTP.2-7 In a survey of hospice patients without cancer, 63% had BTP.8 A survey of patients with chronic noncancer pain identified a prevalence of 74% among patients taking opioid analgesics.9 In the population of cancer patients, BTP is associated with a more severe pain syndrome,3-5

reduced responsiveness to opioid therapy,10,11 painrelated functional impairment and psychological distress,5 and an increase in the economic burden for patients and the healthcare system.12 Although characteristics and location of a patients BTP are usually the same as those for the patients baseline pain, there are notable differences in how BTP manifests between individuals.1,3-9 The frequency of flares varies from fewer than 1 per day to many per hour; most patients experience approximately 3 flares per day. Most episodes are brief (<30 minutes), but on occasion a patient will experience BTP for hours. BTP can reach peak intensity over a period of minutes, but can also increase more gradually. BTP can appear without warning or be predictable, and predictable pain has a broad array of potential precipitants. One type of BTP, called end of

Volume 9 2006

Oncology Special Edition



Adjuvant analgesics comprise diverse classes of drugs that have other indications but also have analgesic properties in specific circumstances. These drugs should be used when the clinician has evidence of their utility. Dosing Schedule Starting Dose, mg/d Usual Daily Dose, mg/d Comments See Key, Endnotes, and Routes of Administration


Rationale for Use




Extensive survey data and controlled trials support efficacy in neuropathic pain.

Neuropathic pain

Carbamazepine, clonazepam, gabapentin, lamotrigine, levetiracetam, oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, pregabalin, tiagabine, topiramate, valproate, zonisamide
Mexiletine TCAs, SSRIs, SNRIs, others




Gabapentin is now widely used, but many other anticonvulsants can be considered. Pregabalin, an anticonvulsant with a mechanism similar to that of gabapentin, was recently approved and has been studied extensively as an analgesic.

Other sodium Controlled studies in painful diabetic channel blockers neuropathy. Antidepressants Proven analgesics in a variety of nonmalignant pain states.

Neuropathic pain Neuropathic pain; pain complicated by depression or insomnia Pain from infiltration of neural structures; bone pain; pain in patients with faradvanced disease Neuropathic pain

q8h Variable

450 Variable

600-900 Variable Begin after opioid titrated. Evidence best for tricyclic drugs. Although minimal supporting data for serotonin-selective drugs, paroxetine has some support. Better support for mixedmechanism drugs including duloxetine and venlafaxine. Higher doses used in epidural cord compression and various pain emergencies; lower doses suggested in other conditions. Dexamethasone may be preferred because of low mineralocorticoid effect, but others have been used (eg, prednisone).


Extensive anecdotal experience in the treatment of pain and other symptoms confirmed by a single controlled study of methylprednisolone. Controlled study in trigeminal neuralgia. Controlled study and anecdotal reports. Controlled studies and anecdotal reports. Controlled study. Anecdotal reports.



Variable (eg, 10-20 mg 1, then 4 mg q6h or less) 15 200 IU 60 Variable




q8h q12h Repeat monthly Variable

30-120 200-400 IU Variable

Refractory bone pain Calcitonin and neuropathic pain Refractory bone pain Refractory bone pain Pain due to bowel obstruction Bisphosphonates (pamidronate) Strontium 89 Samarium 153 Anticholinergic drugs (eg, scopolamine and glycopyrrolate), octreotide Methylphenidate Dextroamphetamine Modafinil


Clinical experience and controlled trials of Reversal of opioiddextroamphetamine in postoperative pain and induced sedation methylphenidate in cancer pain.

bid bid qd

5 5 100

10-40 10-40 200

dose failure, occursat the end of a dosing interval. The etiologies and types of mechanisms underlying BTP are asvariable as those of the baseline pain to which they usually relate. The optimal management of BTP depends on a detailed assessment. If the information available does not allow a detailed understanding, further work-up with imaging studies or other tests should be considered.

standing dose. Even those with BTP at other times may benefit, however, if the standing analgesic dose is increased.13 An empiric increase in the regularly scheduled opioid dose to a level just below treatment-limiting side effects should be considered as a trial in all patients with BTP, even those with wellcontrolled baseline pain.

Management of Breakthrough Pain

There have been few studies of BTP. A rational empiric approach includes three steps: 1) treatment of the etiology or precipitating causes, 2) optimization of the baseline analgesic regimen, and 3) trial of symptomatic interventions.

Treatment of the Etiology Or Precipitating Causes Primary therapy for the cause of the BTP, such as radiotherapy to a bony lesion,should be provided if it is feasible, does not subject the patient to excessive risk, has a reasonable likelihood of reducing the frequency or intensity of the pain,and is consistent with the goals of care. Cases of BTP that are precipitated by specific phenomena may be amenable to primary management of the precipitant.Examples include the treatment of cough-related pain with an antitussive and the treatment of suprapubic pain caused by bladder spasm with an anticholinergic drug. Optimizing the Baseline Analgesic Regimen Patients with end-of-dose failure may be helped by shortening the dosing interval or increasing the

Trials of Symptomatic Interventions The use of a rescue dosea supplemental dose of an analgesic provided on an as-needed basis in combination with the regularly scheduled analgesicis the most widely accepted approach for cancer-related BTP.2 The rescue drug could be a nonopioid or an adjuvant analgesic such as ketamine,14 but most experience has revolved around the use of opioids. Although opioid rescue dosing is being used for BTP associated with chronic noncancer pain, there are no published safety and effectiveness data to date and the treatment should be used only if the assessment clearly suggests that benefits exceed risks. There has been little systematic study of the opioid rescue dose. Some guidelines suggest that the rescue drug should be identical to the regularly scheduled opioid, but there is no evidence to support this recommendation. Although the typical BTP time course suggests that the ideal rescue drug should have a rapid onset of analgesia and a short duration of action, rescue dosing with a short-acting oral opioid drug has been widely used. There is presumably substantial variation in patient responses and studies are needed to better assess the impact of onset time for different populations with BTP. Notwithstanding the latter observation, a rapid onset of analgesia does appear to be favored by those

with BTP. Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate (OTFC) was developed on this basis and is currently the only formulation specifically approved for the management of cancer-related BTP. The development of OTFC raised consciousness about the problem of BTP and yielded a series of studies, pharmacokinetic15 and pharmacodynamic,16,17 that both established the safety and efficacy of this drug and led to refinement of a study methodology for future clinical trials. Other formulations are in development for BTP, most attempting to replicate the concept of rapid onset via a transmucosally delivered lipophilic drug that was successfully commercialized in OTFC. Based on clinical experience,the appropriate dose of the rescue drug has been proposed to be approximately 5% to 15% of the total daily opioid dose. Controlled trials did not confirm this guideline for OTFC16,17 and dose titration from a low dose (200 mcg or 400 mcg) is recommended in all cases. One study of morphine-treated patients indicated that 20% of the daily dose could be used safely.18 Regardless of the starting dose, titration of the rescue drug based on the patients response is an important principle. The timing of the rescue dose is conventionally determined by the route of administration. Most guidelines suggest a minimum interval of 2 hours for oral administration and 15 to 60 minutes for parenteral and oral transmucosal administration. If the rescue dose causes treatment-limiting side effects,various strategies may be considered in a manner identical to the approach to patients with a poor response to a regularly scheduled opioid regimen.19 These include rotation of the rescue drug or the entire regimen to a different opioid, coadministration of a drug to treat the side effect,and coadministration


Oncology Special Edition

Volume 9 2006

of a pharmacologic or nonpharmacologic approach to reduce the opioid requirement. The importance of the opioid rescue dose should not obscure the potential benefits of other approaches.For example,neuropathic BTP may respond to the administration of an adjuvant analgesic, usually an antidepressant or anticonvulsant.13,20 Nonpharmacologic treatments are very helpful for some and include cognitive strategies (particularly if BTP is predictable), physical therapy or bracing, and various complementary treatments. Interventional approaches, such as injection therapies, neural blockade, and neuraxial analgesia, must be considered if BTP is refractory to other strategies.

4. 5.

Portenoy RK, Hagen NA. Breakthrough pain: definition, prevalence and characteristics. Pain. 1990;41:273-281. Portenoy RK, Payne D, Jacobsen P. Breakthrough pain: characteristics and impact in patients with cancer pain. Pain. 1999;81:129-134. Fine PG, Busch MA. Characterization of breakthrough pain by hospice patients and their caregivers. J Pain Symptom Manage. 1998;16:179-183. Hwang SS, Chang VT, Kasimis B. Cancer breakthrough pain characteristics and responses to treatment at a VA medical center. Pain. 2003;101:55-64. Zeppetella G, ODoherty CA, Collins S. Prevalence and characteristics of breakthrough pain in patients with nonmalignant terminal disease admitted to a hospice. Palliat Med. 2001;15:243-246. Portenoy RK, Bennett D, Rauck R, et al. The prevalence and characteristics of breakthrough pain in opioid treated patients with chronic non-cancer pain. J Pain. In press.

with bone metastases. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2004;28:505-510. 14. Carr DB, Goudas LC, Denman WT, et al. Safety and efficacy of intranasal ketamine for the treatment of breakthrough pain in patients with chronic pain: a randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. Pain. 2004;108:17-27. 15. Lennermas B, Hedner T, Holmberg M, et al. Pharmacokinetics and tolerability of different doses of fentanyl following sublingual administration of a rapidly dissolving tablet to cancer patients: a new approach to treatment of incident pain. Br J Clin Pharmacol. 2005;59:249-253. 16. Christie JM, Simmonds M, Patt R, Coluzzi P, Busch MA, Nordbrock E, Portenoy RK.Dose-titration, multicenter study of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate for the treatment of breakthrough pain in cancer patients using transdermal fentanyl for persistent pain. J Clin Oncol. 1998;16:3238-3245. 17. Hanks GW, Nugent M, Higgs CM, et al. Oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate in the management of breakthrough pain in cancer: an open, multicentre, dose-titration and long-term use study. Palliat Med. 2004;18:698-704. 18. Mercadante S,Villari P, Ferrara P, et al. Safety and effectiveness of intravenous morphine for episodic (breakthrough) pain using a fixed ratio with the oral daily morphine dose. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2004;27:352-359. 19. Mercadante S, Portenoy RK. Opioid poorly-responsive cancer pain. Part 1: Clinical considerations. J Pain Symptom Manage. 2001;21:144-150. 20. Lussier D, Huskey AG, Portenoy RK. Adjuvant analgesics in cancer pain management. Oncologist. 2004; 9:571-591.





1. Mercadante S, Radbruch L, Caraceni A, et al. Episodic (breakthrough) pain. Consensus conference of an expert working group of the European Association for Palliative Care. Cancer. 2002;94:832-839. Svendsen KB, Andersen S, Arnason S, et al. Breakthrough pain in malignant and non-malignant diseases: a review of prevalence, characteristics and mechanisms.Eur J Pain. 2005;9:195-206. Caraceni A, Martini C, Zecca E, Portenoy RK, a Working Group of an IASP Task Force on Cancer Pain. Breakthrough pain characteristics and syndromes in patients with cancer pain: an international survey. Palliat Med. 2004;18:177-183.

10. Mercadante S, Maddaloni S, Roccella S, et al. Predictive factors in advanced cancer pain treated only by analgesics. Pain. 1992;50:151-155. 11. Bruera E, Schoeller T,Wenk R, et al. A prospective multicenter assessment of the Edmonton staging system for cancer pain. J Pain Symptom Manage. 1995;10:348-355. 12. Fortner BV, Okon TA, Portenoy RK. A survey of pain-related hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and physician office visits by cancer patients with and without breakthrough pain. Pain. 2002;3:38-44. 13. Mercadante S,Villari P, Ferrera P, Casuccio A. Optimization of opioid therapy for preventing incident pain associated



ADH ........................................................ antidiuretic hormone bid ............................................................................ twice daily BUN .......................................................... blood urea nitrogen CABG .......................................... coronary artery bypass graft CBC ................................................. complete blood cell count CNS ....................................................... central nervous system COX-2 ........................................................... cyclooxygenase-2 GI ...................................................................... gastrointestinal IM ........................................................................ intramuscular IU ................................................................. international units I.V. ............................................................................ intravenous MAO ......................................................... monoamine oxidase NMDA .................................................... N-methyl-D-aspartate NSAID .......................... nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug PCA ................................................... patient-controlled analgesia PO ............................................................................... by mouth PR ................................................................................... rectally qd .............................................................................. once daily SNRI ................ serotoninnorepinephrine reuptake inhibitor SSRI ..............................selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor TCA ...................................................... tricyclic antidepressant

Although the oral and transdermal routes are preferred, alternative routes of administration will be required for a substantial number of patients at some point in their course. Buccal: Supporting data meager (for oral suspensions, etc). Method currently unavailable and impractical. Epidural: Repetitive bolus; continuous infusion. Intracerebroventricular: Rarely indicated. Limited survey data available. Intranasal: Available for butorphanol; not used in cancer pain management. Intrathecal: Repetitive bolus; continuous infusion: Clearest indication is pain in lower body with poor relief and side effects from systemic opioids. Epidural catheter can be percutaneous (from lumbar region or tunneled to abdomen) or connected to subcutaneous portal, depending on patients life expectancy. Intrathecal usually administered via implanted pump. Benefits of long-term intrathecal infusion in selected patients demonstrated in randomized trial (Smith TJ, et al. J Clin Oncol. 2002;20:4040-4049). Morphine, hydromorphone, fentanyl, and others in use, combined with local anesthetic or clonidine. Intravenous: Repetitive bolus; continuous infusion; PCA (with or without infusion): Indicated if other routes are unavailable or not tolerated, or if patient has an indwelling I.V. access device. Oral: Preferred route of administration for long-acting opioids in cancer pain management. Transdermal available for fentanyl. Oral transmucosal: Controlled clinical studies of oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate show efficacy in cancer-related breakthrough pain. Rectal: Available for morphine, oxymorphone, and hydromorphone. Although few studies available, customarily used as if dose is equianalgesic to oral dose. Subcutaneous: Repetitive bolus; continuous infusion; continuous infusion with PCA: Ambulatory infusion pumps permit outpatient continuous infusion. Can be accomplished with any parenteral drug. Drug mixtures to treat multiple symptoms and long-term hydration also feasible by this route. Sublingual: Buprenorphine effective, and sublingual tablet available in the United States. Efficacy of morphine controversial. Transdermal: Available for fentanyl.

* Consider using lower than recommended starting dose in the elderly, in patients on multiple drugs, and in those with renal insufficiency (one half to two thirds recommended dose). Doses must be individualized. Low initial doses should be titrated upward if tolerated and clinical effect is inadequate. Doses can be increased in weekly increments. Studies of NSAIDs in the cancer population are meager; thus dosing guidelines are empiric. Although clinical experience suggests that any of the NSAIDs may be analgesic, pain is an approved indication only for those drugs noted. Half-life for aspirin increases with dose. At relatively high doses, consider monitoring for adverse effects, eg, by checking for occult fecal blood or for changes in liver function tests, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine assessments, or urinalysis. ll Oral dose that provides analgesia equivalent to 650 mg of aspirin. Starting dose may be higher or lower, and dose titration is needed after therapy is begun. Dose that provides analgesia equivalent to 10 mg of IM morphine. The equianalgesic dose should not be interpreted as the starting, standard, or maximum dose, but rather as a guide; particularly useful in switching drugs or changing routes of administration. Depending on patient characteristics and prior opioid exposure, the starting dose can be lower or higher, and dose titrationeither upward or downwardis repeatedly necessary in virtually all patients. ** Extensive survey data suggest that the relative potency of IM to PO morphine of 1:6 changes to 1:2 or 1:3 with long-term dosing.

Volume 9 2006

Oncology Special Edition


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