Open Maple
Open Maple
Open Maple
mw Introduction A first example: Compute a derivative and evaluate it at a point Intermediate example: Newton's Method with symbolic differentiation Advanced example: An interactive curve fitting application
You can make direct calls to Maple 9 libraries from external programs through an API (application programming interface) called OpenMaple. OpenMaple is a suite of functions that gives compiled programs access to Maple routines and data structures . (This is the reverse of ExternalCalling, which gives Maple programs access to external data structures.) Use of OpenMaple is most straightforward from C, but experienced programmers can also connect from Java and VisualBasic. This demonstration shows the C source code for three programs that use OpenMaple. 1. Computing a derivative symbolically 2. Newton's Method for root finding 3. Real-time curve fitting application. (This example is available as an executable file Curve Fit.exe in the Download Code link on the Application Center.) These programs would be tedious to implement in C without OpenMaple. In the source code for the first two examples, OpenMaple data types are printed in green, and OpenMaple procedures are printed in blue.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* OpenMaple routines are defined here */ #include "maplec.h" /* Callback used for directing result output */
static void M_DECL textCallBack( void *data, int tag, char *output ) { printf("%s\n", output); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char err[2048]; /* Maple kernel vector - used to start and make calls to Maple. */ /* All OpenMaple function calls take kv as an argument. */ MKernelVector kv; MCallBackVectorDesc cb = { textCallBack, 0, /* errorCallBack not used */ 0, /* statusCallBack not used */ 0, /* readLineCallBack not used */ 0, /* redirectCallBack not used */ 0, /* streamCallBack not used */ 0, /* queryInterrupt not used */ 0 /* callBackCallBack not used */ }; /* ALGEB is the C data type for representing Maple data structures */ ALGEB r, l; /* Initialize Maple */ if( ( kv = StartMaple (argc, argv, &cb, NULL, NULL, err) ) == NULL ) { printf( "Could not start Maple, %s\n", err ); return( 1 ); } /* Compute the derivative of 1/(x^4+1) */ /* Output goes through the textCallBack() procedure */ printf( "Compute a derivative: \n\t" ); r = EvalMapleStatement( kv, "diff(1/(x^4+1), x);" ); /* Evaluate the derivative at x = 3 */ MapleAssign(kv, ToMapleName ( kv, "x", TRUE ), ToMapleInteger( kv, 3 )); r = MapleEval( kv, r ); MapleALGEB_Printf( kv, "\nThe derivative at x=3 is: %a\n", r ); return( 0 );
ToMapleFunction(kv, f, 1, x), x), x); if( !fprime || !IsMapleProcedure (kv, fprime) ) { MapleRaiseError(kv, "unable to compute derivative"); return( NULL ); } guess[1] = MapleEvalhf(kv, args[2]); tolerance = MapleEvalhf(kv, args[3]); /* Find a root (abort after 500 iterations) */ for( i=0; i<500; ++i ) { /* Check whether current guess is close enough */ if( fabs(EvalhfMapleProc(kv, f, 1, guess)) <= tolerance ) break; /* Apply Newton iteration x - f(x)/f'(x) */ guess[1] = guess[1] - EvalhfMapleProc(kv, f, 1, guess) / EvalhfMapleProc(kv, fprime, 1, guess); } if( i == 500 ) { MapleRaiseError(kv, "unable to find root after 500 iterations"); return( NULL ); } return( ToMapleFloat(kv, guess[1]) ); } int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { char err[2048]; /* Command input and error string buffers */ MKernelVector kv; /* Maple kernel vector - needed for all calls to Maple */ MCallBackVectorDesc cb = { textCallBack, 0, /* errorCallBack not used */ 0, /* statusCallBack not used */ 0, /* readLineCallBack not used */ 0, /* redirectCallBack not used */ 0, /* streamCallBack not used */ 0, /* queryInterrupt not used */ 0 /* callBackCallBack not used */ }; ALGEB f, root; /* Maple data-structures */ double x0, tolerance; /* Initialize Maple */
if( ( kv=StartMaple (argc,argv,&cb,NULL,NULL,err )) == NULL ) { printf( "Error starting Maple, %s\n",err ); return( 1 ); } f = EvalMapleStatement( kv, "x^4-1" ); /* Define f as the Maple expression x^4-1 */ x0 = 2.0; tolerance = .001; root = NewtonsMethod( kv, f, x0, tolerance ); /* display the result */ if( r ) { MapleALGEB_Printf(kv,"Root found is x=%a \n", root); } return( 0 ); }
static int prev_num_vertices = 0; static char* prev_fit_function = NULL; if( num_vertices < 2 || !FitFunction || (prev_num_vertices == num_vertices && prev_fit_function == FitFunctionName) ) return; prev_num_vertices = num_vertices; prev_fit_function = FitFunctionName; fit_size = 0; vertexArray = convertArrayToMaple(vertex,num_vertices); r = EvalMapleProc(kv,FitFunction,2,vertexArray,varX); if( !r || IsMapleNULL(kv,r) ) return; MapleAssign(kv,varEqn,r); r = EvalMapleStatement(kv, "Array(op([1,1],plot(eqn,x=-1..1)),datatype=float[8],order=C_order);"); /* Make sure the result of the above command is an rtable (Array) */ if( !r || !IsMapleRTable(kv,r) ) { printf("error, not an rtable\n"); return; } /* extract the data pointer from the array */ fit_size = RTableUpperBound(kv,r,1); fit = (double*)RTableDataBlock(kv,r); }#define FONT (void *)GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 #ifdef _MSC_VER /* windows */ #define CDECL __cdecl #else #define CDECL #endif /* global variables */ double width, height, xPos = 0.0, yPos = 0.0; double *vertex = NULL, *fit = NULL; int num_vertices = 0, vertex_size = 0;
int fit_size = 0; MKernelVector kv; char *FitFunctionName; ALGEB FitFunction, varX, varEqn; static char *FitFunctions[6] = { "BSplineCurve", "LeastSquares", "PolynomialInterpolation", "Spline", "ThieleInterpolation", NULL }; /* OpenGL: called when the window is resized */ void CDECL changeSize( int w, int h ) { /* we're storing these values for later use in the mouse motion functions */ if( h < 0 ) h = 1; width = w; height = h; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); /* Set the viewport to be the entire window */ glViewport(0,0,w,h); } /* OpenGL: draw a floating point number (for tic mark labels) */ void drawNumber( double num ) { char buf[30]; int i; sprintf(buf,"%.1f",num); for( i=0; i<strlen(buf); ++i ) { glutBitmapCharacter(FONT,buf[i]); } } /* OpenGL: draws the axes tic marks and labels them */ void drawTic( double tic, int X, int big ) {
/* label tic mark */ if( big && tic != 0.0 ) { if( X ) glRasterPos2d(tic<-0.6 ? tic : tic-.06, -0.1); else glRasterPos2d(tic<0 ? -0.23 : -0.2, tic<-0.6 ? tic+.03 : tic-.05); drawNumber(tic); } /* draw the tic */ glPushMatrix(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); if( X ) { glVertex2d(tic,big ? -0.04 : -0.02); glVertex2d(tic,big ? 0.04 : 0.02); } else { glVertex2d(big ? -0.04 : -0.02,tic); glVertex2d(big ? 0.04 : 0.02,tic); } glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); } /* OpenGL draws the x/y axes */ void drawAxes() { double tic; int big; /* x axis */ glPushMatrix(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2d(1.0,0.0); glVertex2d(-1.0,0.0); glEnd(); glPopMatrix(); /* y axis */ glPushMatrix(); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); glVertex2d(0.0,1.0); glVertex2d(0.0,-1.0); glEnd(); glPopMatrix();
/* tic marks */ for( big=1,tic=-1.0; tic<1.1; tic+=.25 ) { drawTic(tic,1,big); /* x tic marks */ drawTic(tic,0,big); /* y tic marks */ big ^= 1; } } /* OpenGL: writes the point cursor position on the top left corner */ void drawCoords(void) { char buf[50]; int i; glPushMatrix(); sprintf(buf,"[%.3f,%.3f]",xPos,yPos); glRasterPos2d(-.99,.85); for( i=0; i<strlen(buf); ++i ) { glutBitmapCharacter(FONT,buf[i]); } glPopMatrix(); } /* OpenGL: writes the title on the top left corner */ void drawTitle(void) { int i; glPushMatrix(); glColor3f(0.0,1.0,1.0); glRasterPos2d(-.99,.93); for( i=0; i<strlen(FitFunctionName); ++i ) { glutBitmapCharacter(FONT,FitFunctionName[i]); } glPopMatrix(); } /* OpenGL: draws a curve from the points given */ void drawLine( double *vertex, int num_vertices, int color ) { int i; if( num_vertices == 0 )
return; if( color == 1 ) glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); else glColor3f(0.0,1.0,0.0); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for( i=0; i<num_vertices; ++i ) { glVertex2d(vertex[2*i+0],vertex[2*i+1]); } glEnd(); if( color == 1 ) { glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); glPointSize(5.0); } else { glColor3f(1.0,1.0,1.0); glPointSize(3.0); } glBegin(GL_POINTS); for( i=0; i<num_vertices; ++i ) { glVertex2d(vertex[2*i+0],vertex[2*i+1]); } glEnd(); } /* OpenMaple: Turns a C array into something Maple recognizes. Note: Generally it is better to create the array in Maple and get a pointer to the data block. This way the data can be changed in-place with no conversions needed. In this case we are constantly resizeing the array, so, we create new Maple Array headers that point to the C allocated data. The data is not copied over to Maple each time this function is called. Maple directly accesses the data allocated by C in this program. */ ALGEB convertArrayToMaple( double *array, int size ) { ALGEB vertexArray; RTableSettings rts; int bounds[4] = { 1, 100, 1, 2 }; /* 2x100 rtable */
/* setup the array details */ RTableGetDefaults(kv,&rts); rts.data_type = RTABLE_FLOAT64; rts.num_dimensions = 2; rts.foreign = 1; rts.order = RTABLE_C; bounds[1] = size; /* create the vertex Array */ vertexArray = RTableCreate(kv,&rts,vertex,bounds); return( vertexArray ); } /* OpenMaple: Calls Maple to find a function that closely approximates the chosen points using the selected method. */ void curveFit(void) { ALGEB r, vertexArray; static int prev_num_vertices = 0; static char* prev_fit_function = NULL; /* don't regenerate the curve-fit if too few vertices, or if no new points have been added */ if( num_vertices < 2 || !FitFunction || (prev_num_vertices == num_vertices && prev_fit_function == FitFunctionName) ) return; prev_num_vertices = num_vertices; prev_fit_function = FitFunctionName; fit_size = 0; /* don't draw any curve if there is an error */ /* convert the vertex array to a Maple Array */ vertexArray = convertArrayToMaple(vertex,num_vertices); /* call the appropriate CurveFitting function */ r = EvalMapleProc(kv,FitFunction,2,vertexArray,varX); /* r will be NULL if there was an error (eg. BSplineCurve was used to fit too few points. Don't draw anything in this case. */ if( !r || IsMapleNULL(kv,r) ) return;
/* assign the result to the maple variable `eqn` (created at init time) */ MapleAssign(kv,varEqn,r); /* useful to uncomment when debugging */ /* MapleALGEB_Printf(kv,"Result is: %a\n", r); */ /* Use Maple's plot command to generate a list of points worthy of plotting. The guts of the following line is op([1,1],plot(r,x=-2..2)); */ r = EvalMapleStatement(kv, "Array(op([1,1],plot(eqn,x=-1..1)),datatype=float[8],order=C_order);"); /* Make sure the result of the above command is an rtable (Array) */ if( !r || !IsMapleRTable(kv,r) ) { printf("error, not an rtable\n"); return; } /* extract the data pointer from the array */ fit_size = RTableUpperBound(kv,r,1); fit = (double*)RTableDataBlock(kv,r); } /* OpenGL: draw the scene */ void CDECL renderScene(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); drawAxes(); drawCoords(); drawLine(vertex,num_vertices,1); curveFit(); drawLine(fit,fit_size,0); drawTitle(); glutSwapBuffers(); } /* OpenGL: handle mouse clicks -- add a new point to the vertex array */ void CDECL processMouse(int button, int state, int x, int y) { if( state == GLUT_DOWN ) { int i = num_vertices; if( vertex == NULL ) { /* alloc initial array of vertices */
vertex_size = 50; vertex = (double*)malloc(2*vertex_size*sizeof(double)); } else if( num_vertices == vertex_size ) { /* grow array of vertices */ vertex_size *= 2; vertex = (double*)realloc(vertex,2*vertex_size*sizeof(double)); } vertex[2*i+0] = (double)(2*x-width)/width; vertex[2*i+1] = (double)(height-2*y)/height; num_vertices++; } } /* OpenGL: handle mouse motion -- display position of cursor */ void CDECL setCursorPosition(int x, int y) { xPos = (double)(2*x-width)/width; yPos = (double)(height-2*y)/height; } /* OpenGL: quit when 'q' is pressed, clear screen when 'c' is pressed */ void CDECL processKeys(unsigned char key, int x, int y) { if( key == 'q' || key == 'Q' ) exit(0); else if( key == 'c' || key == 'C' ) { num_vertices = 0; fit_size = 0; } } /* OpenMaple: right-click menu -- allow choice of CurveFitting function */ void CDECL pickCurveFittingFunction( int option ) { char fullname[100]; FitFunctionName = FitFunctions[option]; /* get the Maple function name for the selected member of the CurveFitting package. */ sprintf(fullname,"CurveFitting:-%s;",FitFunctionName); FitFunction = EvalMapleStatement(kv,fullname);
if( !FitFunction ) { /* perhaps the Maple library couldn't be found? */ char *dir; /* set libname to $MAPLE/lib if $MAPLE exists in the environment */ if( (dir=getenv("MAPLE")) || (dir=getenv("MAPLE_ROOT")) ) { char *libpath; libpath = (char*)malloc((5+strlen(dir))*sizeof(char)); sprintf(libpath,"%s/lib",dir); MapleLibName(kv,ToMapleString(kv,libpath)); FitFunction = EvalMapleStatement(kv,fullname); } } } /* initialize OpenGL */ void initOpenGL( int argc, char **argv ) { int i; glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA); glutInitWindowPosition(100,100); glutInitWindowSize(320,320); glutCreateWindow("Line"); glutDisplayFunc(renderScene); glutIdleFunc(renderScene); glutReshapeFunc(changeSize); glutKeyboardFunc(processKeys); glutMouseFunc(processMouse); glutPassiveMotionFunc(setCursorPosition); glutCreateMenu(pickCurveFittingFunction); for( i=0; FitFunctions[i] != NULL; ++i ) glutAddMenuEntry(FitFunctions[i],i); glutAttachMenu(GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON); } /* OpenMaple: text output callback function */ static void M_DECL textCallBack( void *data, int tag, char *output ) { /* to see output on stdout, uncomment the following. */
/* printf("%s\n",output); */ } /* OpenMaple: error output callback function */ static void M_DECL errorCallBack ( void *data, M_INT offset, char *msg ) { /* show errors on stdout */ printf("%s\n",msg); } /* initialize Maple */ void initMaple( int argc, char *argv[] ) { MCallBackVectorDesc cb = { textCallBack, errorCallBack, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char err[2048]; ALGEB r; /* start Maple */ if( (kv=StartMaple(argc,argv,&cb,NULL,NULL,err)) == NULL ) { printf("Initialization error: %s\n"); exit(1); } /* get the function and variable names */ pickCurveFittingFunction(1); varX = ToMapleName(kv,"x",1); varEqn = ToMapleName(kv,"eqn",1); } /* main entry point */ int main( int argc, char **argv ) { initOpenGL(0,argv); initMaple(argc,argv); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }