7Cs Exercise

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Business Communication Assignment # 1

1. The owner of a mutual fund stock wrote to the investment department of your bank that he wanted to sell shares. He asked, Just how does your bank want me to authorize this sale? How would you reply to this query keeping the 5 Ws and one H guideline in mind? 2. You are the president of an industry association and have received the following inquiry from an out of town member, I think I would like to attend my first meeting of the association, even though I am not acquainted with your city. Will you please tell me where the next meeting is being held? How would you reply to this letter keeping in mind Completeness of the message? 3. Find single word substitution for the following: a. Along the same lines b. Consensus of opinion c. Date of policy d. Due to the fact that e. During the time of the day f. During the year of

g. For a price of h. For the reason of that i. j. From the point of view of Have need of

k. In accordance with your request l. In due course

m. Allow me to say n. In reply, I wish to say o. Please be advised p. Please find attached 4. Rewrite the following keeping Conciseness principle in mind a. At this time I am writing to you to enclose the post paid appointment card for the purpose of arranging a convenient time when we might get-together for a personal interview. b. We hereby wish to let you know that we fully appreciate the confidence you have reposed in us.

Business Communication Assignment # 1

5. Write with a You attitude: a. I want to send my congratulations for.. b. We will ship soon the goods you May 4 order.. c. We pay eight percent interest on.. 6. Avoid unpleasant, negative words: a. When you travel on company expense, you will not receive approval for first class fare. b. To avoid further delay and inconvenience, we are sending this report by express mail. 7. Rewrite the following in Concrete form: a. This computer reproduces campaign letters fast. b. Our product has won several prizes. c. These brakes stop a car within a short distance. 8. Put action words (replace passive voice with active voice) a. Tests were made by us b. A full report will be sent to you by the supervisor c. The contract had a requirement. d. Mr. Shah will give consideration to the report 9. Show Courtesy by avoiding tactless & blunt language: a. Your letter is not clear at all b. Obviously, if you would read your policy carefully you will be able to answer these questions yourself. c. Apparently you already forgot what I wrote you two weeks ago. 10. Use Gender Friendly substitutes a. Mankind b. The best man for the job c. Manmade d. Manpower e. Businessman f. Salesman

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