Amphetamines Speed, Whizz, Uppers, Billy, Amph, Sulphate: Cannabis Marijuana, Blow, Hash, Ganja, Weed, Pot

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The document discusses various drugs like amphetamines, cannabis, and Rohypnol. It describes their effects, risks, and common street names.

Some common street names for drugs mentioned are speed, weed, coke, E, and poppers. The document also provides a table listing many other street names used by drug users and dealers.

Effects of amphetamines can include increased heart rate and blood pressure, reduced appetite, and feelings of happiness. Risks include insomnia, psychosis, aggressive behavior, and weight loss.

AMPHETAMINES SPEED, WHIZZ, UPPERS, BILLY, AMPH, SULPHATE What Are Amphetamines One of the most common Amphetamines

today is known as Speed. Amphetamines or Speed, as I will call it from now on, are synthetic stimulants which have been available since the 1930s. In the 1950s and 60s it was commonly prescribed by doctors for depression and as an appetite suppressant. It usually comes as a grey, white, or dirty white, pale pink or yellow powder, and is often contained in a 'wrap' which is a folded piece of paper that looks like a very small envelope. Illicit tablets containing amphetamine are available, but are much less common than the powder form of the drug. This drug can be snorted, swallowed, injected or smoked, it has also been known to be mixed with liquid and drank. Other street names for this drug are Whizz, Billy, Uppers and Sulphate. Amphetamines include drugs like Dextroamphetamine, Benzedrine, Ritalin and many other chemicals. Amphetamines were originally developed as a treatment for asthma, sleep disorders (narcolepsy) and hyperactivity. Many of the effects of amphetamines are similar to cocaine. Amphetamine commonly used today is illegally manufactured, as opposed to amphetamines diverted from legitimate sources. The amphetamine sulphate powder is 'cut' with other substances (e.g. brick dust, scouring powder, sugars, caffeine), and purity levels are often only three to five per cent. Amphetamine is the most impure illegal drug available in Britain. Effects And Risks Of Taking Amphetamines Effects of Amphetamines: Increased heart rate Increased blood pressure Reduced appetite Dilation of the pupils Feelings of happiness and power Reduced fatigue Risks of Amphetamines: Insomnia, restlessness Paranoid psychosis Hallucinations Violent and aggressive behavior Weight loss Tremors Mixing Viagra with Amphetamines increase risk of heart problems Are Amphetamines Addictive Addiction to and withdrawal from amphetamines are both possible. Amphetamine use also causes tolerance to its effects. This means that more and more amphetamine must be used to get "high." Like Cocaine withdrawal, amphetamine withdrawal is characterized by severe depression and fatigue. Users will go to extreme measures to avoid the "downer" that comes when the effect of amphetamines wears off. Heavy long term use can lead to mental illness. CANNABIS MARIJUANA, BLOW, HASH, GANJA, WEED, POT What Is Cannabis Cannabis is derived from the plant called Cannabis Sativa, which is grown all round the world. The Cannabis plant can also be grown in the UK, people trying to grow this plant in the UK on a commercial basis unfortunately hit problems as it requires specialist equipment and plenty of light and warmth. Cannabis comes in a few different forms those being resin, dried herbs and liquid, in the UK it is mainly resin. A block of Cannabis is formed from the resin which is extracted from the buds and flowers of the Cannabis plant. Cannabis resin comes from various sources but mainly from Morocco and Lebanon, it is usually hard and brittle from these countries and soft textured from the likes of Pakistan. Resin arrives in this country in different strengths, some being below average potency. Resin has acquired various different names some due to the strength, like Skunk, others due to peoples preferences. Most common names are Blow, Wacky Backy, Ganja, Dope, Hash or Hashish, Grass, Pot and many more. The other two forms of Cannabis which have been mentioned are dried herbs which are dried leaves and buds of the Cannabis plant. The liquid (oil) which is uncommon is prepared from the resin. The Price Of Cannabis The block of Cannabis to the left would cost around 40.00 Priced in 2001. How Is Cannabis Taken Cannabis can be smoked a number of different ways, it can also be eaten. Firstly smoking Cannabis, this is done by making a joint (hand rolled cigarette), depending on what cigarette papers are used a joint is usually made up of three standard paper, two joined together and one stuck at the back. Tobacco is then placed along the length of the joint, the

Cannabis is then added. Cannabis is usually in the form of a block of resin and needs to be warmed so it becomes brittle and can then be broken down into small particles which are spread evenly along the joint, the papers are then rolled to form a cigarette. One end of the cigarette is twisted round to seal the end then a roach would be added to the other end to compact the tobacco and Cannabis inside the joint. A roach is a small piece of rolled up thin card, possibly part of the packaging of the Rizla papers. The joints are this size as usually they are shared between a few people. The person smoking the joint would take a large inhale of the smoke and hold it in the lungs for as long as possible to enable the smoke to travel round the body in the blood stream like oxygen does, eventually reaching the brain giving them the high. Cooking Cannabis This drug can also be cooked, usually in the form of a cake, biscuits etc. The Cannabis is broken down into small pieces and mixed with the cake mixture and cooked as per the instructions on the cake mixture packet. Once the cake is made and ready for eating it would then be cut into pieces and shared. Inhaling Cannabis Inhaling just the smoke off Cannabis is done in a couple of ways. On the market there is plenty of smoking devices such as pipes with mesh grills. The Cannabis is placed onto the mesh grill, heat is applied the pipe is then sucked so that all the smoke off the Cannabis is inhaled. This method of inhalation tends to burn the throat as the smoke is rather warm when inhaled. Using A Bong Another way of inhaling this drug is to use a bong, with this method the smoke is drawn through water in a bottle causing the smoke to be cooled down before it is inhaled and obviously more enjoyable for the user. A bong is a bit like an Indian's piece pipe home, small plastic bottle, cigarette filter, plastic tube, i.e. a pen with the inside taken out, and a receptacle for burning the Cannabis in, for instance the outsides of a TV aerial plug. Effects Of Cannabis Cannabis is a widely used drug and has been for some time in the UK. The effects of Cannabis is determined on the individual, the state of mind the individual was in before taking the drug, i.e. depressed or happy etc. Main effects of a user would be very talkative, relaxed and happy. Colours and sounds also play a big part in the state of users, as these are more pronounced and usually help relax the user. Like other drugs Cannabis can have its bad side of effects, especially when higher dose's are taken. Some side effects include hallucinations and the user may become disorientated. This in turn can also lead to the user being anxious or depressed and possible suicidal. Some users will also become paranoid especially if taking the drug at parties with a lot of other people around. Nausea and vomiting can be present when too much of the drug is taken at once. When smoking Cannabis it usually hits the spot fairly quickly and can last from 1 to 3 hours depending on the amount taken. Just like heroin users, Cannabis users also get the munchies and dry mouth. Cannabis is classed as a drug that is fairly safe to use without any serious long lasting damage to physical or mental health. Cannabis is still dangerous due to the damage to the lungs through smoking, it is also said that it is not a drug that is addictive, to some people it is, also using cannabis with tobacco the user could get addicted to the nicotine in tobacco and get dependent on cigarette's. COCAINE COKE, CHARLIE, SNOW, C What Is Cocaine Coca Plant Leaf & Cocaine Cocaine is a drug that comes under the heading of stimulants. This drug will give the user a temporary illusion of limitless power and hallucinations, some being BAD TRIPS (see Bad Trip). Cocaine comes from a South American Coca plant. It is a white powder and is either snorted or injected intravenously. Once the effects of the drug start to wear off the user will usually be left feeling depressed, on edge and craving for more. The user could also suffer from paranoia whilst using the drug. Cocaine and Crack Cocaine like Heroin is very additive. Bad Trip A bad trip is where the user will imagine seeing something grotesque and awful. In all instances the user will believe what's going through their mind is really happening. In one instance a user hallucinated that their arm was getting longer and longer, heading towards the road. The user believed their hand was going to be run over by a bus, it was so real the user chopped off their own hand. How Is Cocaine Taken This is a simple method where the user will chop up the powder very fine with a razor blade or other very sharp tool. It will the be placed on a flat smooth surface in a straight line and snorted up the nostrils with a straw or other tube object. Cocaine can also be injected, smoked or by chewing the coca leaf. Effects Of Cocaine Heart rate increases Blood pressure rises Possibility of a brain seizure Strokes Heart attack

Rise in body temperature Paranoid or violent behaviour Hallucinations Loss of interest with friends and family Loss of appetite Decreased sex drive No interest in usual activities, sports, hobbies etc. Headaches Dizziness Insomnia Overdose On Cocaine Death by overdosing on Cocaine is not uncommon. Overdosing can cause a serious increase in blood pressure, which may result in bleeding in the brain causing the possibility of a stroke. Overdosing with Cocaine can cause heart and respiratory problems resulting in death. Prolonged use of Cocaine can affect the nervous system, causing constriction of blood vessels, irregular heart beat and dilation of the pupils. CRACK COCAINE METH, CRYSTAL, CRACK What Is Crack Cocaine Crack is a form of Cocaine which can be smoked, after it has been chemically modified. Crack Cocaine has the same downside effects as Cocaine. The other disadvantages are respiratory problems and lung disease. Crack Cocaine is a more powerful drug than Cocaine powder and creates a 'high' much more quickly. This is because in this form it enables the user to smoke the drug, which comes in the form of small rocks (a rock is a small square piece - see picture above), each about the size of a raisin. Smoking crack is less complicated than snorting or injecting and therefore, people have switched to this form of drug taking. It is called crack because of the sound it makes when it is smoked. Methamphetamine's is the scientific name used for this chemical, street names are Meth, Crystal, and Crank. Its effects include a very intense high followed by a fast down (crashing). It is extremely addictive. Users will take other drugs to compensate coming down from a high quickly. Taking more than one drug at the same time is known as 'mixing'. Mixing increases the dangers of drug taking and can lead to unpredictable effects. Drugs can interact in the body, and such interactions can be harmful to the user, and may even be life threatening. Mixing crack with other drugs can cause a dangerous physical reaction with serious risks. Crack Cocaine is available in many parts of the UK, and has become more affordable to young people. Thin pieces of Crack are sometimes sliced off a 'rock'(a rock is a small square piece - see picture above) and sold at a lower cost. In some areas, the availability of Cocaine powder has been reduced because of the amount of Cocaine that is being converted to Crack Cocaine. Crack Cocaine is similar to Cocaine in its effects, although Crack Cocaine is much more intense and extreme in its effects. The effects of Crack Cocaine can be felt by the user almost immediately and last for about 10 minutes. Feelings of well-being, exhilaration, a loss of appetite, increased confidence and an indifference to pain and fatigue are experienced by the user. However, the Crack user often experiences hallucinations and paranoia. After the 'high', feelings of nausea, restlessness, sleeplessness and exhaustion are common. This is referred to as 'crashing', where the user falls into a depression. The user may crave another 'hit' to overcome these feelings. Heavy users sometimes take Heroin to dull the craving caused by use of Crack Cocaine. Crack Cocaine is highly addictive, however reports that crack is instantly addictive are false. How Is Crack Cocaine Taken As previously mentioned Crack Cocaine is smoked, using a holder, by sucking a naked flame onto the crystal and inhaling the fumes. As the crystal heats up it explode, which is the cracking sound which can be heard. Effects Of Crack Cocaine Heart irregularities Blood pressure rises Possibility of a brain seizure Strokes Convulsions Heart attack Rise in body temperature Paranoid or violent behaviour Hallucinations Loss of interest with friends and family Loss of appetite

Decreased sex drive No interest in usual activities, sports, hobbies etc. Headaches Dizziness Insomnia Crack Babies Various media have reported stories of 'Crack Babies', babies born addicted to Crack Cocaine and lacking the will to live. However, evidence indicates that such reports are exaggerated and that a baby will recover from the addictive effects of Crack Cocaine within a few weeks. Babies do have withdrawal symptoms and in some cases are given medication to counteract the symptoms. A more severe problem is the high incidence of birth defects associated with the use of Crack Cocaine. If a woman uses Crack Cocaine regularly while she is pregnant, the baby may be born with heart and lung problems. Overdose On Crack Cocaine In rare cases, users have died from overdose. An overdose can cause spasms and the user may lose consciousness or fall into a coma, which can be fatal if medical help is not provided. Prolonged use of Crack Cocaine can affect the nervous system, causing constriction of blood vessels, irregular heart beat and dilation of the pupils. Bad Trip A bad trip is where the user will imagine seeing something grotesque and awful. In all instances the user will believe what's going through their mind is really happening. ECSTASY (MDMA) DOVES, DOLPHINS, FANTASY, E, MITISIBUSHI What Is Ecstasy As with all drugs there are various names to describe Ecstasy, for instance 'E', Doves, Fantasy or Dolphins. This type of drug usually comes in a tablet form of different shapes, sizes and colour, but usually their are white. The chemical name for this drug is MDMA (Methylendioxymethamphetamine), which is similar to an amphetamine. A large percentage of Ecstasy on sale today does not contain MDMA, some tablets have been found to contain Heroin. Ecstasy is usually taken by mouth and would start to give the user the effect in approximately 20 to 60 minuets (known as coming up), the effects of Ecstasy could last up to 7 hours, part of this being a coming down period as the drug starts to wear off. Ecstasy is mainly imported from Holland although it is believed that it may be being manufactures in the UK. This drug has been around for years and it is not new to the market as some people believe. This drug was first developed in the 1914 and was being used in America in the 60's. It has been used regularly since the 80's and nowadays is usually taken at "Rave" nights. The big problem with this drug, as with many others drugs, the user does NOT know what is in the tablet until it is to late. A lot of Deaths have been caused due to Ecstasy in the UK. Effects And Risks Of Ecstasy Effects of Ecstasy: Users feel alert and in tune with other people Emotions, sounds and colours seem more intense The energy buzz from Ecstasy gives users the ability to dance for hours A sense of calmness Tingling of the skin Increase Temperature Increase Heart Rate Makes you sweat and your pupils to dilate In some people it can cause nausea Risks of Ecstasy: Depression Paranoia Anxiety Mood swings Panic attacks Insomnia Thickening of the blood causing heart attacks, strokes etc. Liver and kidney problems Tightening of the jaw In some instances DEATH What To Do Whilst Taking Ecstasy

To minimize the risks whilst taking Ecstasy, firstly be very careful how you use this drug, the less you take, the less chance you have of having problems. Eat and sleep regularly, take a break from taking Ecstasy. The major problem with Ecstasy is heat stroke. When dancing you will increase body temperature take a break and drink lots of fluids (not alcohol), about one pint per hour in small amounts. Try drinking isotonic drinks or fruit juice and eat salty foods to replenish salt levels. Is Ecstasy Addictive Unfortunately there is little information on Ecstasy even though it has been around for so many years. The simple answer is no it is not addictive, such as the likes of Heroin and Cocaine. However the user could become dependent on the drug. HEROIN SMACK, GEAR, H, BROWN, SKAG, HORSE, JUNK What Is Heroin Heroin is one of a group of drugs which are derived from the Opium Poppy which are collectively know as Opiates. Other examples are Codeine and Morphine, which are commercially produced as painkillers. Heroin is derived from Morphine which is a white powder in it pure form, on the street it is more of a brown coloured powder, due to the additives added. It has been know for powdered milk, talc, curry powder, washing powder and other substances to be mixed with pure Heroin to increase the volume. Synthetic (man made) opiates are called Opioids these are also produced as painkillers such as Pethidine, Methadone and Diconal. How Is Heroin Taken A drug addict will often start taking Heroin by smoking the drug this is commonly called "Tooting". The user will place the Heroin onto silver foil and warm it up from underneath with a lighter or candle. As the Heroin melts it turns into a ball of fluid, which will roll along the silver foil, leaving a trail of black residue (lines on the silver foil, see picture above). Once it gets to this stage it gives off fumes which are inhaled using a ball point pen with the centre removed or a silver foil rolled up into a tube, or a similar implement. After a short period of use addicts will find themselves doing more and more lines in a day due to more of the drug being required to have the same effect. Once this starts happening and more drugs are required the addicts find themselves spending more and more money. Often the next step is to start injecting as this will hit the spot much faster and less of the drug is required. Injecting Heroin Injecting Heroin is like a ritual for the user. Once the Heroin is purchased the preparation starts. Firstly everything will be put out on display and placed in order. The kit includes, Heroin, syringe with needle, spoon, lighter or candle, cigarette filter, belt, citric acid and water. The Heroin is put onto the spoon with citric acid, the right amount of water will then be mixed with the Heroin and citric acid, (the citric acid is used to breakdown the Heroin so it can be injected). At the same time the spoon is held over the heat source so all the three substances are mixed together. Once mixed, a cigarette filter will be placed onto the spoon, the solution will then be drawn up the syringe through the filter, this is to filter out any impurities. It is now ready to be injected into a vein usually in the arm. The belt or similar implement such as a shoe lace is tied tightly around the arm to stop the blood flow, this will cause the veins to stand out for easier injection. After long periods of use the veins will become damaged and other areas of the body are used for injecting into. Other places used are in the groin area, behind the knees or in serious cases in the neck. It has been know for addicts veins to collapse. Effects Of Heroin Short term effects of Heroin: Sedation / Drowsiness (known as gouching) Euphoria (the feeling of well being) Reduced Anxiety No feeling of pain (analgesia) Serious effects AIDS due to sharing needles Skin infection from injecting Collapsed veins due to injecting Poisoning due to additives added to the drugs by dealers Liver damage Rotten teeth due to "tooting" Overdose Addicts usually don't intend to overdose. The reasons for overdosing are few but can be very serious and has in the past resulted in death. If an addict has been restricted from taking the drug for a long period of time, for example, due to imprisonment. The addict could overdose if they were to use the same amount of the drug they were taking before they had the long spell of not using. Another reason for overdosing is due to the strength of Heroin. Some dealers will mix other substances with the Heroin making it weaker. If a pure bag of Heroin was taken, this could amount to a serious overdose.

What To Look For Sleep pattern will change dramatically (usually lack of sleep during the night) Staying in the bedroom away from others who don't use the drug Not mixing with others Not going out with usual friends to the pub etc. Silver foil will start to disappear Lack of money Hyper and more energy than usual Personal items (stereo's, games machines, computers etc.) get sold to feed the addiction Money starts to disappear Dramatic weight loss Looking pale and gaunt in the face (no colour) Eye pupils very small, with little reaction Don't keep personal hygiene up to standard Loss of interest in cooked meals / depressed appetite Eating lots of sweet foods like chocolate bars and yoghurts Lies (a drug addict will tell blatant lies to try and cover his tracks) In trouble with the law Parents often mistake the effects of Heroin use with alcohol use (but no smell of alcohol would be present) Why Is Heroin Addictive It's not just Heroin that is addictive, other Opiates are just as addictive. After a short period of use taking Heroin or other Opiates, it changes the way the nerve cells in the brain work. These cells rely on the drugs for them to function and end up being dependent on it. When a regular user stops taking the drug the nerve cells become very active and start craving for the drug, which causes withdrawal symptoms, which is commonly known as COLD TURKEY. Cold turkey is a common name for a drug addict who is going through the withdrawal symptoms to try and kick the addiction, also know as detoxification or detox. This usually occurs between 8 and 24 hours after the last intake of the drug. There are a lot of symptoms as the body starts to get all it's feelings back, after the long term drug abuse. Most addicts will have similar symptoms, such as diarrhoea, aches and pains, cramps in the stomach, vomiting, sweats and cold chills. The person who is having the withdrawal symptoms may feel that they are dying (and in a lot of cases go straight back on Heroin after a couple of days). Those who manage to carry on will have the symptoms for between 4 to 8 days. Unfortunately still not much help is available at this stage the only thing to do is take painkillers and diarrhoea tablets which may help a little. Treatment There is no magical cure for an addict to stop the habit. Unfortunately some people say an addict will come off Heroin once they are ready, this could be after 12 years or more. A couple of common treatments are Methadone & Naltrexone Methadone: This is a commonly used method to stop the use of Heroin, it is usually in a liquid form and is taken orally. Unfortunately Methadone is just as addictive as Heroin. Addicts are weaned off over a matter of months, then in some cases offered Naltrexone whilst getting counselling. Naltrexone : This is a blockers and stops any effect Heroin has on the user. Before Naltrexone is administered the user must be clear of Opiates and Opioids for at least 7 - 10 days. A urine test is normally carried out to ensure the body is clean. The addict must be under supervision for at least an hour to ensure there are no side effects. Naltrexone is taken in tablet form daily, also counselling would be given to get the addict back into society. Most establishments offering the above treatment would do random drugs test on known addicts. Implants: This is done under a local anaesthetic and involves an implant of Naltrexone, which is released into the body slowly. What Next After the cold turkey stage the battle is still on. This is just the start of the recovery period. The next step is to get the brain sorted out, as the craving is still there and the addict still wants their fix. At this stage counselling and blockers are usually needed to help the addict through the everyday tasks they have to contend with. The main thing to try and do is keep the addict occupied. Addicts at this stage are often unemployed, possibly homeless with nothing to do. Get them to seek employment, there is also a lot of college courses for young and old, anything will do to keep their brains occupied. Try and encourage them to take up some form of hobby or other interests. One of the worst things they can do is hang around with other users as they will go straight back into using again, and the whole process starts from the beginning.

KETAMINE SPECIAL K, K, VITAMIN K What Is Ketamine Ketamine is known on the street as K, Special K and Vitamin K. Ketamine is an anaesthetic and is also used by vets as a tranquilizer for horses and other large animals. This drug has pain killing properties and can cause psychedelic experiences that may be disturbing. Legally Ketamine is only available as an injectable liquid. When produced illegally, it comes in tablet form or as a powder that is snorted up the nostril's. Ketamine can cause the user to feel as though they are having an out of body experience and hallucinations for up to three hours. During this high, a user may be physically unable to move. Ketamine should never be used with other drugs or alcohol as this can cause death. Effects And Risks Of Taking Ketamine Effects of Ketamine: Inability to move muscles Numbing of the body Insensitivity to pain (which can lead to serious injury) Hallucinations (like LSD the effects are influenced by the user's mood and environment) Risks of Ketamine: Cardiovascular failure (heart stops) Coma or death Breathing problems Is Ketamine Addictive Long term effects of recreational use of Ketamine are still not really known. LSD ACID, TABS, MICRODOTS, BLOTTERS, TRIPS, DOTS What Is LSD LSD is a hallucinogenic drug which is derived from a fungus which effects grasses and other cereal grains, that can be manufactured fairly easily. The chemical name for LSD is Lysergic Acid Diethylamide, as with other drugs it has many street names for instance Acid, Tabs, Blotters, Batman or Trips. LSD is water soluble, odorless, colourless and tasteless, and usually comes in tiny squares of paper with a picture on one side. The picture has no relevance at all to the strength or effect the drug will have. The pieces of paper is either sucked or swallowed, and would usually take effect in approximately 30 minutes to one hour and last up to 12 hours. When users goes on a trip (taking LSD) or tripping (as the effect of the drug begin to work) it will cause different effects with different users, depending on their state of mind, where they are and who they are with. Sometime users experience BAD TRIPS which at the time can be terrifying, unfortunately once the trip starts there is no way of stopping it. Effects And Risks Of LSD Effects of LSD: Objects, sound and colours may become distorted Sense of time and movement may slow down or speed up Users will experience a different trip every time Difficulty in differentiating between one's self and one's surrounding Emotional reactions like sadness, fear or happiness Risks of LSD: Feeling paranoid or out of control can leave users shaken for long periods of time afterwards Feeling hot, dizzy and nausea Palpitations and blurred vision Increases in heart rate and blood pressure Muscle weakness Chills Flashback reaction - these are the effects of LSD that occur even after the user has not taken LSD for months or even years, where parts of a previous trips are relived LSD can complicate problems such as anxiety, depression or schizophrenia Having a bad trip can be terrifying, users get confused and forget it's the drug which is causing the effect Long term users of LSD can become mentally ill Is LSD Addictive

No long term dangers are known, although LSD is not addictive, some users could become psychologically dependent on the drug. Tolerances to the effects of LSD develops quickly and users must increase their intake of the drug to get the same effect. MAGIC MUSHROOMS SHROOMS, MUSHIES, HAPPIES, SILLIES What Are Magic Mushrooms Magic Mushrooms are derived from several types of mushroom which grow wild in the UK. The main type used is Psilocybe Semilanceata commonly known as the Liberty Cap Mushroom. These mushrooms can only be picked at certain times of the year. To prepare Magic Mushrooms is quite easy as they can be eaten raw, cooked in food, dried for smoking or stewed to make tea. Nicknames for these mushrooms are Mushies, Shrooms, Sillies or Happies. Effects And Risks Of Magic Mushrooms Effects of Magic Mushrooms: Magic Mushrooms have a similar effect as LSD but a trip would usually be a lot milder and shorter Users tend to laugh a lot Objects, sound and colours may become distorted Sense of time and movement may slow down or speed up Users will experience a different trip every time Difficulty in differentiating between one's self and one's surrounding Risks of Magic Mushrooms: Magic Mushrooms often cause stomach pains, sickness and diarrhoea Selection of wrong type of mushroom could cause serious illness and even fatal poisoning Palpitations and blurred vision Increases in heart rate and blood pressure Flashback reaction - these are the same effects as LSD that occur even after the user has not taken Magic Mushrooms for a period of time, where parts of previous trips are relived Can complicate problems such as anxiety, depression or schizophrenia Having a bad trip can be terrifying, users get confused and forget it's the drug which is causing the effect Are Magic Mushrooms Addictive Magic Mushrooms are not addictive like Opiates. Due to the availability of the mushrooms, some users may turn to other drugs to obtain their trips on a regular basis. OXYCODONE (OXYCONTIN) OXY, OC KILLER What Is Oxycodone OxyContin, developed in 1996, is popular among Heroin users and people already addicted to other prescription painkillers. OxyContin, and its generic name Oxycodone, is a specific drug in the Oxycodone family of narcotics. Oxycodone is also found in prescription painkillers such as Percodan and Tylox, but the dosage is much smaller. Oxycodone is similar to codeine, but is more potent and has a higher dependence potential. It is effective orally and is marketed in combination with aspirin (Percodan) or acetaminophen (Percocet) for the relief of pain. Designed as timerelease tablets, addicts and other users take the tablets and crush them into powder and take the drug by snorting the powder or dissolve it in water, filter out the insoluble material, and injecting like Heroin. By doing this, the user enables the full dosage to hit the body at once, which can overwhelm the nervous system and shut down the heart. Some users ingest OxyContin with Ecstasy which is even more deadly. Effects of OxyContin (tablets) are similar to Heroin or Morphine. (Euphoria, sleepy, tired). Oxycontin (Oxycodone) has been described as a drug that is as close to Heroin as you can get. OxyContin is a respiratory depressant. When used with other depressants like alcohol or other depressant drugs you have the accumulative effect which, causes your breathing to stop, cardiovascular system stops, then your heart will stops functioning. Effects And Risks Of Oxycodone Effects of Oxycodone: Dryness of the mouth Confusion Sedation Light-headedness Respiratory Depression Nausea Vomiting

Headache Sweating Constipation Risks of Oxycodone: Slow breathing Seizures Dizziness Weakness Loss of consciousness Coma Confusion Tiredness Cold Clammy Skin Small Pupils More Information On Oxycodone OxyContin (tablets) delivers the narcotic Oxycodone to patients battling pain from cancer or other debilitating conditions. Oxycodone itself is nothing new - it's been used in a variety of painkillers since the early 1960s. However, OxyContin contains a much higher concentration of the drug that, like Heroin, is derived from Opium. Oxycodone is an opiate and, as with most opiates, is addicting. Some people find opiates very appealing and with even moderate use, can find themselves using more than they want to. With regular use, the body becomes physically dependent upon the substance, causing withdrawal symptoms if use is ceased. ROHYPNOL ROOFIES, R2, ROCHE, LA ROCHA, ROPE, RIB What Is Rohypnol Rohypnol (Flunitrazepam) is a type of benzodiazepine, a class of drugs that depresses the central nervous system. You may have heard of Valium, these are also benzodiazepines used as sedatives and antianxiety agents. Rohypnol was developed as a sleeping aid. It is also used in therapy settings to relax patients and to get them talking. Rohypnol is manufactured in Europe and Latin American and is sold in many countries around the world. These pills are round, white and smaller than aspirin. Rohypnol is inexpensive and used a lot in the United States, it has become popular with school and college students. Rohypnol is used mostly at parties, and usually taken with alcohol. It has a synergistic effect with other drugs such as alcohol. This means that one drug increases the effect of the other. Because Rohypnol is colorless, odorless and flavorless, it can be slipped into drinks unnoticed. This is one reason this drug is so dangerous. People may consume it without knowing. It dissolves quickly and takes effect in 20-30 minutes. Its effects can last 8-12 hours. Within the past few years, Rohypnol has become known as the "date rape" drug. People will come home from a party and have no idea what happened to them because they unknowingly ingested Rohypnol, passed out, and woke up several hours later with no memory of the evening. Although overdoses are rarely fatal, emergency services are sometimes required because Rohypnol can cause a person to vomit, hallucinate, have trouble breathing and fall into a coma. When Rohypnol is combined with alcohol the outcome is usually worse. Withdrawal symptoms may occur and include headaches, sore muscles, hallucinations, convulsions, and possibly seizures 1-2 weeks after quitting the drug. Effects And Risks Of Taking Rohypnol Effects of Rohypnol: Amnesia (memory loss) Muscle relaxation Lower inhibitions: An inhibition is when you feel like you can't do something. When inhibitions are lowered, people feel as if an obstacle has been removed. Therefore, they can talk more freely and feel less shy. Vomiting Hallucinating Trouble breathing Coma. Risks of Rohypnol: Hallucinations Convulsions Possibilities of a seizures 1-2 weeks after quitting the drug. Is Rohypnol Addictive

Continued, repeated use of Rohypnol may result in addiction and although Rohypnol is a sedative, it can cause aggressive behavior in some people. Street Names Used By Drug Addicts and Dealers Street Name Acid Amph Anavar Billy Blotters Blow Brown Burgers C Charlie Coke Crack Deca-Durabolin Dianabol Diazepam Disco Biscuits Dolphins Dope Dots Doves Draw E Echoes Fantasy Flunitrazepam (Rohypnol) Ganja GBH Gear Grass H Harry Hash Horse Definition LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Speed (Amphetamines) Anabolic Steroids Speed (Amphetamines) LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Cannabis (Marijuana) Heroin Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Cocaine Cocaine Cocaine Crack Cocaine (Smokeable form of Cocaine) Anabolic Steroids Anabolic Steroids Tranquillisers Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Cannabis (Marijuana) LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Cannabis (Marijuana) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Tranquillisers Cannabis (Marijuana) GHB (Gammahydroxybutyrate) Heroin Cannabis (Marijuana) Heroin Heroin Cannabis (Marijuana) Heroin

Hug Drug Jack Junk K Kix Liquid Gold Marijuana Mazzies Microdots Mitsibushis Mushies Nitrazepam Poppers Puff Ram Rock Rock Hard Roids Rolexes Shit Shrooms Skag Skunk Smack Snow Special K Speed Spliff Stanozolol Stone Sulphate Sustanon 250 Tabs Tac Temazepam (Mazzies) Thrust

Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Heroin Heroin Ketamine Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite Cannabis (Marijuana) Tranquillisers (Temazepam) LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Magic Mushrooms Tranquillisers Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite Cannabis (Marijuana) Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite Crack Cocaine (Smokeable form of Cocaine) Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite Anabolic Steroids Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA) Cannabis (Marijuana) Magic Mushrooms Heroin Cannabis (Marijuana) stronger substance Heroin Cocaine Ketamine Speed (Amphetamines) Cannabis Cigarette (Marijuana) Anabolic Steroids Crack Cocaine (Smokeable form of Cocaine) Speed (Amphetamines) Anabolic Steroids LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Cannabis (Marijuana) Tranquillisers Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite

TNT Tranx Trips Uppers Vitiman K Wacky Backy Wash Weed Whizz XTC

Alkyl Nitrites including Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite and Isobutyl Nitrite Tranquillisers ( trade name Valium, Ativan, Mogadon) LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamide) Speed (Amphetamines) Ketamine Cannabis (Marijuana) Crack Cocaine (Smokeable form of Cocaine) Cannabis (Marijuana) Speed (Amphetamines) Ecstasy ( Chemical Name MDMA)

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