Parental Alienation

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from NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

EDITOR’S NOTE: Dr. Douglas Darnall is a practicing licensed psychologist and the CEO of
PsyCare, Inc., an outpatient psychiatric clinic in Youngstown, Ohio. He is the author of DI-
TION (Taylor Publishing Company, 1998). In the following essay, Dr. Darnall, drawing largely
from his book, discusses how attorneys and judges can serve clients by recognizing, dealing
with, and seeking to stop and prevent parental alienation. Because the essay is based largely on
Dr. Darnall’s book and because he is not a legal or academic professional, a bibliography of
sources employed in his book appears at the end of the essay instead of traditional footnotes.


During the crisis of divorce, most parents fear whether their children will emerge unscathed.
Any reasonable and empathetic parent sincerely believes in the value of his or her children hav-
ing a healthy relationship with both parents. Ideally, parents deliberately work on comforting
and reassuring the children that no harm will come to them. At the same time, both try to
strengthen their parent-child relationships without degrading the other parent or causing the chil-
dren to feel divided loyalty. They encourage visits, talk kindly of the other parent in the chil-
dren’s presence, and set aside their own negative feelings to avoid causing the children distress.
They are sensitive to the children’s needs and encourage positive feelings toward the other par-
ent. This outcome is the goal of not only the parents and children, but also the attorneys and
judge involved in the case.

However, any number of events can destroy the fragile balance of peace between parents. If this
happens, an injured parent may seek comfort by aligning with the children, especially since be or
she may feel threatened by the children’s love for the other parent. A pattern of alienation usu-
ally begins without any malicious or conscious intent to harm or destroy the relationship be-
tween the other parent and the children. Though most parents mean well, they are often unaware
of how subtle behaviors and comments can hurt the relationship between the children and the
targeted parent. In effect, alienation can occur in even the friendliest of divorces.

In unfriendly divorces, the effects are predictable. Custody litigation or struggles for parenting
time creates unavoidable competition between parents. Children feel pulled in many directions
as long as both parents want custody or feel they must fight for their fair share of time. Afraid of
losing custody, a parent may feel an urgency to align with the children to help ensure victory.
The other parent may retaliate with an insurgence of passion for winning their cause. They may
have difficulty accepting that they must compete against each other to prove to the court that
making them the custodial parent is in the children’s best interest. The struggle between two pas-
sionate parents is a byproduct of modern-day divorce, and it sets the stage for


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

alienation.Alienation will continue as long as divorces — and custody battles — continue to in-
crease at alarming rates. More fathers are becoming more comfortable in a nurturing and care-
taking role and no longer adhere to the belief that they are genetically predisposed to be the
inferior parent, and as a result they are seeking and being granted custody. Therefore, courts no
longer automatically assume children are better off living with their mother. Meanwhile, moth-
ers are realizing that the all-American dream of marriage, a home, and children is not a guaran-
tee of emotional fulfillment. Many women now want an identity in both the workplace and the
home. The high costs of living and supporting a family force women to work outside the home
even when their children are very young. Consequently, women can no longer argue for custody
because of an inherent birthright or ability to care for the children at home.

After the attorneys are gone and the case is closed, the parents must somehow pick up the pieces
and establish a working relationship for the children’s best interest. The issue for attorneys and
the court is what they see as their role and responsibility for setting the stage in helping families
to repair damaged relationships. Attorneys who take an active role in educating clients about pa-
rental alienation, parental alienation syndrome and where to get help if needed can help families
get on with their lives with some semblance of harmony. While attorneys and judges should not
become therapists, they can help set the stage for parents to work together in harmony by educat-
ing divorcing parents during litigation about parental alienation and how such behavior impacts
the children.


In 1994, approximately 2.4 million Americans obtained divorces, including the parents of more
than one million children under the age of eighteen. Nearly as many unmarried couples with
children will separate. Thanks to sky-high divorce rates and recent increases in the number and
viciousness of child custody battles, there has been a marked increase in parental alienation.
Children suffer from a breakup because they are torn, trapped, precariously balanced, as if one
wrong move could cost them all their parents’ love and acceptance. This can easily lead to disas-
trous effects on children. Various studies show that youngsters exposed to even mildly alienating
behaviors may have trouble learning, concentrating, relaxing, or getting along with their peers.
They have been known to develop physical symptoms and/or serious behavior problems. Clearly
then, parental alienation can be a major factor in the pain of divorce.


There has been a lot of confusion about the definitions of parental alienation and parental al-
ienation syndrome. For purposes of this essay, parental alienation is any constellation of behav-
iors, whether conscious or unconscious, that could evoke a disturbance in the relationship
between a child and the targeted parent.

This definition is not the same as Dr. Richard Gardner’s definition of parental alienation syn-
drome, which he coined in his 1987 work, “The Parental Alienation Syndrome and the Differen-
tiation Between Fabricated and Genuine Child Sex Abuse.” Gardner defined parental alienation
syndrome as “a disturbance in which children are preoccupied with deprecation and criticism of
a parent-denigration that is unjustified and/or exaggerated.” Dr. Gardner explained the term is


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

similar in meaning to brainwashing, except the motivation for the alienating parent has both con-
scious and “subconscious or unconscious components.” Dr. Gardner further explained, in “The
Parental Alienation Syndrome: Second Edition,” that parental alienation syndrome “arises pri-
marily in the context of child-custody disputes. Its primary manifestation is the child’s campaign
of denigration against a parent, a campaign that has no justification. It results from a combina-
tion of a programming (brainwashing) parent’s indoctrination and the child’s own contribution
to the vilification of the targeted parent.”

Parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome differ in important respects. First, parental
alienation syndrome focuses on the child’s behavior. It is often visible when a child refuses vis-
its, expresses unjustifiable hatred towards the targeted parent, displays no fear of the court, har-
bors irrational beliefs shared by the alienating parent, and cannot see any good in the targeted
parent. Children may have motivations that make alienation worse. Their desires for immediate
gratification or avoiding discomfort makes them vulnerable to siding with the alienating parent.
Children, often unknowingly, become advocates for alienating parents by serving as spokespeo-
ple for their parent’s hatred. The only exception to keep in mind is if children displaying these
symptoms have been truly sexually, physically or emotional abused, as the child’s feelings could
then be justified.

Parental alienation, on the other hand, focuses not on the child’s behavior, but on the parent’s
behavior. Parents can and will alienate without necessarily leading to parental alienation syn-
drome. The risk is that once severe parental alienation syndrome takes hold of the child, the
process is almost impossible to reverse. That is why preventing and understanding parental al-
ienation is so important. Parental alienation is reversible, most often through education. This is
where the role of the attorney and the court becomes so important. They are usually the first to
see the parental alienation and are in the best position to thwart the potential damage to the

There is a second major difference between parental alienation and parental alienation syndrome.
Dr. Gardner emphasized that parental alienation syndrome requires the child to be an active par-
ticipant with the alienating parent in degrading the targeted parent. If a child were able to ignore
a parent’s persistent attempts to degrade the other parent, then, by definition, parental alienation
syndrome could not occur. Parental alienation focuses more on the parent’s behavior than on the
child’s role in degrading the victimized parent. Thus, parental alienation can occur well before
the parent’s hatred permeates the child’s beliefs about the targeted parent.

It is important to keep in mind that understanding parental alienation is not an issue of who is the
alienator, or “bad guy,” versus the targeted parent, or “good guy.” A common mistake made by
attorneys and mental health professionals is trying to place blame. Assigning blame is under-
standable, because many states consider which parent is most willing to foster a healthy relation-
ship between the children and the other parent as a factor in determining the child’s best
interests. However, finding the most cooperative parent doesn’t always solve the problem of al-
ienation, since alienators usually feel as victimized as the targeted parent. The roles of the al-
ienator and the target alternate between parents. The same parent can be both the alienator and
the target depending on how he or she is behaving. Generally, one parent triggers the other. The


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

targeted parent then feels defensive and, in turn, retaliates with alienating behavior. The roles
become blurred, because alienation is a process, not a person or outcome.

Parental alienation varies in severity, as seen in the behaviors and attitudes of both the parents
and the children. The severity can be of such little consequence as a parent occasionally calling
the other parent a derogatory name or as overwhelming as a conscious campaign to destroy the
children’s relationship with the targeted parent. There are three main kinds of alienators, and
preventing or stopping alienation begins with learning how to recognize the three types of al-
ienators, because the symptoms and strategies for combating each are different.

First, naive alienators are parents who are passive about the children’s relationship with the other
parent but who occasionally do or say something to alienate or reinforce alienation. Most well-
meaning parents will occasionally be naive alienators.

Second, active alienators also know better than to alienate. Their difficulty is that the hurt and
anger they feel continues to fester. They are very vulnerable to triggers, usually pushed by the
ex-spouse, causing the parent to lose control over his or her behavior or what he or she says to
the children. After they have calmed down and see reason, they may feel very guilty about how
they behaved.

Finally, obsessed alienators have a fervent cause to destroy the targeted parent and any vestige of
a relationship the children have with the targeted parent. Rarely does the obsessed alienator have
enough self-control or insight to recognize how his or her behavior is hurting the children. In
fact, he or she feels justified: His or her crusade is to protect the child from the evil of the court
and targeted parent. A qualified evaluator may observe that the obsessed alienator’s beliefs are
irrational and even delusional. The obsessed alienator is always looking for support and affirma-
tion that his or her cause is justified from so-called experts. These are usually the parents who
bring an entourage of supporters, including the child, to court without being asked to do so by
the court or attorney.

Obsessed alienators pose the most severe problems for attorneys and judges. Attorneys for ob-
sessed alienators can inadvertently cause alienation by giving their client the message his or her
behavior and cause are justified. It is very common for obsessed alienators to shop for an attor-
ney or evaluator that will support their cause. Once the attorney starts to question the alienator’s
behavior and motives or raises questions about the child’s best interest contrary to the alienator’s
goals, the attorney is usually fired and the alienator begins shopping again. These clients also
usually want to manage the case and have attorneys do their bidding. They can be difficult for
judges, because they want the court to punish and humiliate the targeted parent by denying visits
and affirming the alienator’s allegations.

Attorneys with an obsessed alienator as a client are in a difficult situation. They are ethically
bound to represent the client’s interest, and yet they are conscious that children’s lives are in-
volved. Once the attorney starts to lean away from the obsessed alienator’s cause, the attorney
will begin to see his or her client’s rage and manipulation. The client’s obsession may intensify,
sometimes to the point that he or she appears delusional, perhaps making accusations that the
court is fixed or the attorney or judge is being paid off. In these circumstances, when the


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

attorney believes that the children’s interest are being threatened and not represented, the attor-
ney should consider asking the court to assign the child a guardian ad litem. This helps the attor-
ney out of an ethical dilemma and offers the child some protection.


1. In Parents

Below are the more common symptoms of parental alienation. Many of these behaviors will
look familiar, because some alienation occurs in all divorces. Some symptoms may come as a
surprise, because many don’t think of the behavior as something that can hurt children. Common
symptoms include:

• Supporting the child’s refusal to visit the other parent without reason;
• Allowing children to choose whether or not to visit a parent, even though the court has not
empowered the parent or children to make that choice;
• Telling the children about why the marriage failed and giving them the details about the
divorce settlement;
• Refusing the other parent access to medical and school records or schedules of
extracurricular activities;
• Blaming an ex-spouse for not having enough money, changes in lifestyle, or other problems
in the children’s presence;
• Refusing to acknowledge that the child has personal property and denying the child control
over taking personal possessions to the other parent’s home;
• Rigid enforcement of the visitation schedule for no good reason other than getting back at
the ex-spouse;
• Assuming the ex-spouse is dangerous because he or she had made threats in the past during
an argument;
• False allegations of sexual abuse, drug and alcohol use or other illegal activities by the other
• Asks the children to choose one parent over the other;
• Reminding the children that the children have good reason to feel angry toward their other
• Suggesting adoption or changes in name should a parent remarry;
• Giving children reasons for feeling angry toward the other parent, even when they have no
memory of the incident that would provoke the feeling, and especially when they cannot
personally remember the incident or reasons for being angry;
• Special signals, secrets, words with unique meanings, or a private rendezvous arranged
between the child and one parent;


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

• An intention to use children as witnesses against their other parent;

• Asking the children to spy or covertly gather information to be used later against the other
• Setting up temptations that interfere with visitation;
• Giving the children the impression that having a good time on a visit will hurt the parent;
• Asking the children about the ex-spouse’s personal life;
• Rescuing the children from the other parent when there is no danger.
This list is not meant to be conclusive of all possible symptoms. As one learns more about paren-
tal alienation, one can add to it.

2. In Children

The symptoms of parental alienation describe a parent’s behavior towards the child. It says noth-
ing about how the parent’s behavior impacts the child’s behavior or attitudes towards the tar-
geted parent. If parental alienation is successful and influences the child against the targeted
parent, then the observer will see symptoms of parental alienation syndrome For example, if a
child doesn’t appear to have a problem with visits, one can safely conclude that parental aliena-
tion syndrome is not severe or present. That is not to say that parental alienation is not occurring,
and in time the child may display severe symptoms of parental alienation syndrome. Often, chil-
dren appear healthy until asked about the targeted parent. Some of the behaviors an observer can
expect to see in the parental alienation syndrome child include:

• A relentless hatred for the targeted parent;

• Parroting the alienating parent;
• Refusing to visit or spend any time with the targeted parent;
• Having many beliefs enmeshed with those of the alienating parent;
• Holding delusional or irrational beliefs;
• Not being intimidated by the court’s authority;
• Reasons for not wanting to have a relationship with the targeted parent based only on what
the alienating parent tells the child;
• Difficulty distinguishing between personal memories and what he or she is told;
• No ambivalence in a child’s feelings; feeling only hatred without the ability to see any good
in the targeted parent;
• No capacity to feel guilty about behavior towards the targeted parent or to forgive any past
• Sharing the alienating parent’s cause to destroy the relationship;
• Hatred extending to the targeted parent’s extended family without any guilt or remorse.


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

Children displaying these tendencies may well by the subjects of parental alienation by one par-
ent. If this is the case, attorneys and judges need to know how to help stop it, as well as deter and
prevent further alienation.


Attorneys may be the first to see symptoms of alienation, and they can therefore help dilute the
severe effects, as well as prevent more severe problems in the future, by recognizing an obsessed
alienator. Attorneys need to know strategies for dealing with each kind of alienator. Typically,
naive and active alienators can learn to curb their behavior with education. The obsessed aliena-
tor will, at some point, require professional intervention, though that is the last thing the ob-
sessed alienator wants to hear.

It is helpful to recognize the more common symptoms of parental alienation that occur during
litigation and understand how attorneys may unwittingly contribute to the problem. Learning to
recognize alienating behavior will help attorneys better serve clients as they transition from a
dysfunctional and hurting family into, hopefully, two healthy and loving families. What attor-
neys do and how attorneys work with these families can have a lasting influence for many years
to come. Set forth below are some of the common situations in which an attorney may see alien-
ating behavior by a client or a client’s former spouse. Strategies for combatting alienation are
discussed in Part V, infra.

1. Expecting the Children to Keep Quiet

It is natural for a parent to ask their children upon their return home, “How was your visit?” or
“Did you have a good time?” Such questions are usually harmless. Parents should not become
paranoid about asking children innocent questions about visits. However, there is a difference
between these casual questions and asking for specific information that serves their personal

One of the less malicious forms of alienation is expecting children to keep secrets. It can be very
harmful to a child to be told by a parent to say nothing about what is happening with the divorce
to the other parent. The child is not only placed in the uncomfortable position of lying to protect
the alienating parent, but he or she is getting the subtle message that something is wrong with the
targeted parent. The parent’s rationale is that some things are none of an ex-spouse’s business.

Asking children to keep secrets puts them in a difficult situation because it forces them to divide
their loyalties between parents. Therefore, parents should not blame the children when they learn
of secrets with the ex-spouse. Without being punitive, parents may ask the children about the
secrets. If the child does not want to talk about the secrets, the parent should not push the issue.
When the parent is alone with the ex-spouse, the parent can tell him or her that he or she has
learned about the secrets. Without attacking or degrading the ex-spouse, the parent can explain
his or her concern about how the secrets place the children in the uncomfortable position of hav-
ing to lie and deceive. Usually, parents ask the children to keep secrets when they expect that the
other parent will get angry about something or try to restrict the ex-spouse’s activities with the
children. Rather than asking the children to keep secrets, parents need to see if they can come to


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

some agreement about the issue. If parents cannot get satisfaction, they should consider discuss-
ing the issue with a counselor, or have their attorney discuss the issue with the ex-spouse’s attor-
ney. Someone has to tell the offending parent to stop having secrets.

2. Having Secrets and Codes with the Children

When children and one parent have secrets, special signals, a private rendezvous, or words with
special meaning, there is potential for damage to the children’s relationship with their other par-
ent. It is one of the most blatant forms of alienation. Telling the children, “Don’t tell your
mother,” “This will be our little secret,” or “When I say ‘whimsy,’ call me tomorrow,” creates
an exclusive relationship that psychologically excludes the other parent. The secrecy implies
there is something wrong with the other parent that justifies such behavior. The victimized par-
ent is portrayed as not understanding or as someone who “doesn’t want us to have fun.” Regard-
less of the excuses, the results are the same. The children are alienated from the victimized
parent while the other parent is characterized as a special person who understands.

There are many reasons a parent would have secrets or private rendezvous with their children.
The most frequent excuse is that the ex-spouse “will not allow me more time with my children.”
Thus, parents say the ex-spouse “would have a fit if she knew the truth about the times I see my
children.” Sometimes, having a special relationship with the children makes the alienating parent
feel powerful. It is almost like getting one over on the former spouse. The child becomes an un-
witting vehicle for the parent’s hostility.

However, having secrets, private codes, or rendezvous are damaging to children because they
learn to deceive and lie. They become very confused from not knowing what is morally correct.
If a parent has secrets with his or her children, he or she needs to stop the practice immediately.

3.Using the Children as Spies Against the Other Parent

Children get a very damaging message that demeans the targeted parent when they are asked to
spy or gather information covertly about the other parent. The subtle message is, “Mom is bad”
or “Dad is doing something wrong.” These messages will cause the children to become suspi-
cious of the targeted parent and to pull away emotionally. If the alienating parent is clever, he or
she may lead the children to believe they are playing a game while gathering the information.

There are many reasons why a parent would use the children to gather information covertly
about the other parent. The parent may be sincerely concerned for their children’s safety and
welfare. On the other hand, he or she may want to gather information that they can use later
against the other parent. Whatever the reasons for spying, it is wrong. It teaches children to lie
and sneak, and most important, to betray someone they love.

Of course, a parent’s motivations for having children gather information may be even more
clearly selfish. A noncustodial parent struggling with paying bills may want to know how his
ex-spouse is spending “his” money. The custodial parent may have reason to believe that the ex-
spouse is hoarding money rather than paying a fair share of child support. Knowing local courts
often echo very traditional values, a mother may want to know if the children’s father is having


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

his girlfriend spend the night. Drinking and driving, punishing the children excessively, allowing
their children to engage in reckless or dangerous activities, or failing to supervise are all reasons
courts may restrict or ban visits.

Parents seeking to prove allegations often need the children’s cooperation to gather information
about when and where these questionable activities occur. A parent may think that if he or she
can prove to the court that the other parent is mistreating or neglecting the children during a
visit, the court will issue an order restricting visits to daytime hours or eliminate them altogether.
Such parents may believe the end justifies the means because they are so intent on restricting or
eliminating visitation. Attorneys should be cautioned not to participate in such deceit.

Attorneys, however, are in a difficult position, because they may need information from the chil-
dren that will help their case. Getting this information without hurting the children and without
hurting the children’s relationship with the other parent can be very difficult. This is part of the
balancing act attorneys must perform. Before deciding the extent of involving the children in a
case, it may be helpful to keep in mind the possible pitfalls: becoming a major contributor to al-
ienation or, worse yet, inadvertently hurting the children.

Before deciding to gather information, the parent and attorney should ask themselves why they
need this information. Is it pertinent for the litigation? If so, can the information be gathered by
other means rather than asking the children? If the decision is made to ask the children, the in-
quisitive parent should be reminded about the risk to the children.

4. Using the Children as Witnesses in Court

A variation of gathering damaging information is using the children as witnesses against the
other parent. When a parent decides to seek custody, he or she realizes the need to build a case
against the ex-spouse to impugn their competency to parent. The parent, along with the attorney,
knows this requires information. Boyfriends spending the night, drinking, smoking in the pres-
ence of an allergic child, or using drugs are all arguments that have been used to settle a custody
dispute. As discussed earlier, the parent may draft the children into service to gather information
covertly against the other parent. While the process is occurring, alienation evolves between the
children and the targeted parent.

Attorneys must be careful about the possible consequences of using the children in court.
Though the information they can provide is important, the attorney and parent must realize how
the child will feel after the testimony. Often they feel guilty, fearful that the targeted parent will
be angry, or depressed because of the betrayal. Children who are actually enthusiastic about tes-
tifying against a targeted parent are frequently severely alienated and thus will usually have very
biased testimony. These children cannot be trusted to be truthful or objective. The only excep-
tion is when it is known the targeted parent has abused the child, and even then the court must be
cautious. Children victimized by abuse are usually embarrassed and withdrawn, and thus they
are not enthusiastic about telling their story before the court and their parents.

While children don’t belong in court, sometimes it can’t be helped. Hopefully, their appearance
comes after a lot of reflection about how the disclosure of the information serves the best interest


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

of the children and weight against the harm it can cause the relationship with the targeted parent.
On the other hand, if the information only serves the parent’s interest in winning the case, the
children should not testify.

5. Dealing with Children Who Volunteer Information

If the children volunteer information about what occurs in the ex-spouse’s home, parents should
casually listen to what they say. They should not interrogate the children by asking numerous
questions. Instead, the children should be trusted to disclose any significant information. When
they are ready, they will usually tell a parent if there is something wrong. Parents should listen
to what their children say without getting upset, making judgments or accusations. Otherwise,
the children will become upset, causing them to temper their story.

A parent who doesn’t know how to ask his or her children questions can give them the wrong
impression of what actually occurred. This can be dangerous and can lead to false allegations.
Parents, and usually attorneys, are not properly trained to interview children. This is why a
trained professional is needed to ask children questions about sexual abuse or some other serious
offenses. Parents should not ask their children questions about the ex-spouse’s behavior that may
impugn their character unless the parent has a good reason to believe the child’s safety is at risk.
Satisfying one’s curiosity is not sufficient reason for risking harm to a child’s relationship with
the other parent. Asking the children a provocative question will serve no purpose other than to
cause great discomfort.

If a parent has more questions, he or she should direct them to the ex-spouse. It is important to
remember that children are capable of lying, and their recall of past events is very susceptible to
distortion, especially if an unqualified evaluator interviews the child. Further, parents can pre-
vent problems by not asking their children or ex-spouse about an alleged incident unless they
have good reason to believe something actually happened. One parent asking children questions
without a basis to do so will raise doubts in the children’s minds about the other parent’s integ-
rity. Though the questioning parent believes the reason for asking was innocent, he or she may
precipitate alienation between their children and the other parent.

Finally, remember that children’s accounts about what happened will not always be accurate.
This is because of their young age, biased perception, and limited vocabulary. Younger children
will take shortcuts explaining themselves because it is easier. Children may agree with a parent
before they really understanding what the parent is trying to say.

This happens frequently with younger children because they are usually more concerned about
pleasing a parent than being accurate in what they tell them. Asking child, “Are you telling me
the truth?” is meaningless, because children always say, “Yes.”


These common situations, as well as others, manifest themselves in specific situations. One of
the major effects of alienation is confusion and problems relating to visitation and parenting.
Visitation or parenting time is important. The amount of time children spend with noncustodial


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

parents is often a barometer of alienation. Those who have regular contact and meaningful rela-
tionships with both parents benefit in many ways. This is why courts encourage frequent visits,
assuming the tensions between parents don’t harm the children.


Parenting time can be messy. The transfer of children from one parent to another and phone calls
to make or change visiting arrangements provide the perfect breeding ground for conflicts and
power struggles. Parents need to learn about the different ways parenting time is used to cause or
reinforce alienation and what tactics can be used to prevent or resolve these problems before
they become insurmountable. Unfortunately, there are many ways for one or both parents to use
parenting time as a weapon against the other parent. Even the children can get into the act and
cause problems.

This has implications for both custodial and noncustodial parents. Custodial parents often say,
“He doesn’t pay his support on time, so why should I worry about his visits?” This allows them
to justify their refusal to allow the ex-spouse parenting time. Courts, on the other hand, do not
accept this argument. In most jurisdictions, a parent cannot withhold parenting time because his
or her ex-spouse is behind in child support. Parents may not like what they hear, but they need to
be told by their attorney that paying support has nothing to do with parenting time. If the court
order entitles the other parent to parenting time, the offended parent cannot take it on his or her
own to withhold that time. As these issues are separate, parents must continue to allow parenting
time and discuss what to do about the child support with their attorneys. It is surprising how fre-
quently an offended parent’s attorney has not told the parent that parenting time cannot be used
as leverage to get support or to punish a former spouse.

Noncustodial parents, on the other hand, often ask, “Why should I continue to pay child support
if I can’t see my kids?” The answer is that the money is for the children’s care, which continues
regardless of whether or not the parent is getting a fair share of parenting time. Like the custo-
dial parent, these parents need to be told by their attorneys that they cannot stop paying child
support to retaliate for not getting parenting time. The children still need to be fed and clothed.
The court views withholding child support under these circumstances as punishing the children,
not the uncooperative parent. Unfortunately, the court does not have very effective sanctions
when a parent refuses to cooperate with visits. Ideally, sanctions should not harm the children or
the children’s relationship with either parent.

Many problems with parenting time would be eliminated if parents followed the court order.
However, parents who rigidly follow the court-ordered schedules often do so to satisfy their own
needs rather than those of their children or ex-spouse. A request for a change in the schedule
may be met with an angry rebuttal: “Why should I let you bring Tracy home late? You wouldn’t
give me the same courtesy.” The rejecting parent may feel a sense of power from denying the
other parent’s request.

Conversely, excessive requests to change scheduled visitations are often disruptive and should be
discouraged. Watching parents argue about changes in parenting time can remind their children
of past fights. To keep peace, the children learn to keep quiet and not ask for any changes in


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

visits. They learn to keep their desires to themselves. Former spouses need to learn how to work
together on the issue of parenting time. Often, their attorneys can help educate them on these is-
sues, which can do a lot to prevent future problems and helps the children. Following are several
tips to keep in mind when educating clients on these issues.

First, if a parent wants to reschedule parenting time or bring the children home late, it should be
cleared with the other parent before asking the children. Parents should not get the children ex-
cited over a special event that could be vetoed if the other parent doesn’t agree to change the

Second, after getting approval from the other parent, ask the child how they feel. It is acceptable
for a parent to ask for their children’s input, but not in a way that makes children feel they must
choose one parent over the other. One must be careful not to make the children feel caught in the
middle. Parents can communicate their feelings about this by choice of words, tone of voice, and
so on.

Finally, as mentioned earlier, parents must not set up temptations that interfere with the other
parent’s parenting time. This is unfair to everyone and will surely cause problems. These general
tips will help solve some of the more common and simple parenting time problems. Following is
a discussion of more specific situations and how one can deal with them.


The issues discussed above manifest themselves in specific situations. Below are some of the
common situations attorneys are likely to see when practicing in this area. The examples include
tips on dealing with the problems.

1. “I Don’t Want to Visit, and You Can’t Make Me!”

The most common symptom of alienation is the child’s unwavering insistence on not wanting to
visit the targeted parent. Some of their reasons may sound reasonable, while others are ridicu-
lous. A teen in love would rather be with the boyfriend than seeing dad; sometimes an important
ball game conflicts with mom’s weekend. Even with good reasons, however, changing visits
should only be an occasional interruption to a consistent pattern of visits. When the excuses be-
come a pattern, one can reasonably expect that a parent is trying to alienate the other parent from
his or her children. In such a case, an obsessed alienator is often behind the excuses.

The noncustodial parent has good reason for being suspicious when the other parent frequently
cancels visits. The cancellations are a reminder of the custodial parent’s power over the time the
noncustodial parent spends together with the children. Noncustodial parents fear an abuse of
power because there is little they can do about it other than file an expensive contempt charge
against the custodial parent for failure to cooperate with visitation. The noncustodial parent must
trust the custodial parent’s motives and judgment for canceling a visit. For example, he or she
must believe that a child’s illness is serious enough to justify canceling a visit. If ex-spouses dis-
trust each other, reasons for withholding visits may be seem like excuses.


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

2. “Sweetheart, Do You Really Want to Visit Daddy This Weekend?”

Courts differ on the matter of how much control a child has on deciding whether or not to visit a
parent. Some courts insist that the noncustodial parent’s right to have a visit has priority over the
wishes of the child. Other courts argue that children of a certain age, say sixteen, know what
they want and should exercise greater control over visitation. Still other courts are vague about
the child’s power to decide. The important point is that the children’s right to decide should be
part of the court order and not up to the discretion of the custodial parent. If the court order is
vague, mediation can help resolve the dispute and is less expensive than going back to court.

Courts must maintain the position that a parent should not offer his or her children choices that
are contrary to court orders. Doing so sabotages the court’s authority. Judges faced with such a
parent can remind the parent that children have no choice about other matters, such as attending
school, and visitation is similar.

However, it is difficult for a parent to know what to do when children complain about visits at
the same time the court insists on compliance with the visitation order. The parent may want to
support the children’s wishes while knowing he or she could be held in contempt by the court.
The parent’s desire to please the children and frustration for having to enforce the visitation or-
der will incite anger. The parent’s anger may be inappropriately directed toward the ex-spouse
for insisting upon seeing the children. However, to avoid the possibility of alienation, a parent
should not give the children a false impression that they have a choice about visitation when, in
fact, there is no choice. The custodial parent has a responsibility to ensure that this does not hap-
pen. The message is worth repeating: Children who are actively involved with both parents are
more likely to be better adjusted than children alienated from one of their parents.

3. “If the Kids Don’t Want to See You, What Can! Do?”

Rather than taking responsibility for interfering with visits, many alienating parents place the
blame on the children. This can take many forms. First, the alienating parent can pretend to be a
sympathetic harbinger of bad news: “Isn’t it a shame that the children don’t want to visit you?”
Alternately, a parent may make a passive attempt to alienate by appearing neutral and unin-
volved while denying any responsibility for the child’s behavior. Such a parent may say, “My
son knows what he wants. I’m not getting involved.” Other alienating parents may profess a lack
of control over the children’s wishes: “I can’t force them to visit! If they don’t want to go, that’s
their choice.”

Finally, the alienating parent may not believe a court order is necessary to do what he or she
wants. In fact, the alienating parent is often self-righteous in the belief that he or she is defend-
ing the children’s rights, thus providing a justification for defying the court: “Nobody, not even
the court, is going to tell my children they have to visit you. They have rights too.” This final
standoff between parents usually occurs with obsessed alienators, because nothing anyone does
or says Will change their position. They get very angry when anyone, including the court, chal-
lenges their authority to make this decision. How the targeted parent feels is completely unim-
portant to them. The targeted parent is now helpless because he usually can’t get his point across
to the alienated child, and the alienating parent has made her position clear that she is not going


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

to do anything to help. Often the only choice the targeted parent has in this situation is to return
to court.

4. “Dad, I Can’t Go to Disneyland. It’s Mom’s Weekend.”

Both parents should know the children’s visitation schedule. The schedule outlined by the court
will allow parents an opportunity to plan vacations and spend recreational time with their chil-
dren. There should be no confusion regarding where the children are going on any particular
week or weekend.

Parents know how easy it is to entice children to spend time with them. They know their chil-
dren will want to go anywhere they think will be the most fun. Dangling a temptation like a trip
to the amusement park or the beach will cause the children to feel torn between wanting to go
and wanting to spend time with their other parent. This is a common alienating tactic. Children
will typically not empathize with their targeted parents’ dilemma. Instead, they are driven by
their immediate desire to have fun. The children are frustrated and angry when a parent insists
on the visit that interferes with something they would rather do. The children will vilify the par-
ent who tells them they cannot go, while they will adore the other parent.

Parents should not invite children on a special activity when they know it interferes with the
other parent’s time with the children. They should ask the other parent about it first. They
shouldn’t even say anything about the activity to the child until they talk to their ex-spouse. If a
parent says something to the child first and the other parent says, “No,” the asking parent sets up
the other parent for their child’s wrath and hurt. Parents may justify the invitation by saying they
are just thinking of the children. This puts the targeted parent in a no-win situation:

If the non-offending parent insists on having the entitled visit, the children may feel resentful,
but if that parent allows the children to go for the weekend, he or she will miss the time spent
with the children.

This situation leads inevitably to alienation, and so parents must strive to avoid it.

Further, parents must keep each other informed of matters which affect parenting time. For ex-
ample, whether the children are home or on a visit, both parents should know if their children
are leaving town for an extended time. Such special occasions require parents to work together
by negotiating changes with visits. The children should be given an opportunity to express their
feelings about attending the function without interference or coaxing from either parent. For the
children to feel comfortable about their choice, parents must set aside their feelings and consider
their children. Otherwise, the children are again victimized.

5. “I Have a Date. Why Do I Have to Visit Dad This Weekend?”

When children become teenagers, their social life becomes more independent. Visits which in-
terfere with their social life can become an annoyance, especially when they fall in love. Almost
any teen would rather be with a boyfriend or girlfriend than with a parent, particularly when vis-
its prevent access to their friend. Parents need to empathize with their children’s desires and not


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

take what seems like rejection personally. Instead, the noncustodial parent needs to be flexible
and willing to negotiate. If a parent fights, he or she may get the visit, but this is scant comfort if
a teen’s attitude makes the visit miserable. Parents need to be told by the court to negotiate with

6. “Mom, Will You Come Get Me? I’m Bored.”

Rescuing is a subtle alienating tactic, because it allows the rescuing parent to appear as a con-
cerned and caring parent trying to do what’s best for the children. Any responsible parent seeks
to protect children from any potential harm or threat to their safety, even if the threat is from the
ex-spouse. When parents believe they have reason to be concerned, they will be vigilant and lis-
ten closely for anything that seems a potential threat or sounds out of the ordinary. At the same
time, wise parents realize their children’s account of what happens on a visit may be misunder-
stood or distorted. A wise parent will be cautious before reacting to what children say.

A parent going through a bitter divorce has a lot of hurt and bitterness that will influence his or
her perceptions about the children’s safety, the other parent’s competencies, or the child’s sense
of responsibility. Sometimes an unbiased friend, or an attorney, has to help the parent put risk in
realistic perspective. This is particularly true when the parent has been abused and questions
whether or not the children are safe and properly supervised by the other parent.

Sensing the parent’s apprehension, the children may also start to fear being with the other parent.
They approach the visit with a critical eye, looking for any fault in the visiting parent. Their de-
meanor is reserved. They may be looking for a blunder: drinking a beer, having a girlfriend or
boyfriend over, getting angry. In the most nightmarish cases, kids panic at the thought of visit-
ing, shriek and cry, run away, or call home begging to be rescued. Most often, however, the only
fault children find with the visit is boredom. As soon as they feel uncomfortable, for whatever
reason, they call home asking for the other parent to pick them up. The parent, sitting home wor-
rying, is quick to jump in the car and come to the children’s rescue.

When a child is rescued, he or she calms down and feels relieved. The immediate relief from
leaving the visit reinforces the desire to be rescued. The next time the child is with the other par-
ent, the problem gets worse: The child expects to get rescued, even though there is no threat to
his or her safety. Therefore, parents should not rescue their children from the other parent unless
there is a very real threat. Taking such a drastic action can cause alienation. Wanting to come
home because of boredom is not a sufficient reason for rescuing.

7. “One of These Days, I Know He’s Going Again.”

Sometimes there is so much bitterness between the spouses that the mere sight of the other’s face
triggers intense rage. Whether the rage is justified is not the issue; parents always have a way to
rationalize their anger. When parents cannot control their anger and be civil with each other,
contact between them may need to be limited to a public or a supervised setting.

Many parents don’t understand the limits of a restraining or protection order. Some question the
value of a restraining order, but it can be effective with parents who respect the law. A


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

restraining order is no guarantee that a parent’s safety is protected, although it is more helpful
than harmful. Some parents not intimidated by the legal system may ignore a restraining order,
perhaps because they do not believe their ex will call the police or sign the complaint. They may
also simply not care. Unfortunately, this happens too often with high-conflict divorces. Police
and counselors at battered person’s shelters will attest to their frustration when a spouse makes a
complaint but won’t follow through with prosecution. An alternative to a restraining order that
offers a helpful alternative in controlling the threat of violence is visitation centers.

Recently, visitation centers have emerged as effective methods for providing a safe and super-
vised setting for picking up and dropping off children after parenting time. Counties and courts
without such centers may want to consider starting one. They are also very helpful in providing
parent mediation and possible counseling for high-conflict parents. Domestic violence is a diffi-
cult issue, and unfortunately it is beyond the scope of this essay. However, it is crucial for attor-
neys to be aware of the role of domestic abuse in cases of divorce and parental alienation.

8. “Sorry, Sweetheart, I Can’t Come to Your Recital It’s Not My Time to Visit You.”

Courts can prevent much misunderstanding by being specific in outlining the parent’s rights to
attend the children’s activities. Often, the noncustodial parent believes that he or she must have
the custodial parent’s permission to attend the children’s activities. This sets up a potential
power struggle between parents. Many parents, usually fathers, feel very humiliated by asking
for permission. To avoid a possible fight and the humiliation from losing the argument, noncus-
todial parents refuse to ask permission. They just don’t show up. Unfortunately, the children do
not understand this. The children often interpret a parent’s absence as rejection, not understand-
ing the hurt the parent may feel not attending the activity. The child may assume the noncusto-
dial parent does not want to attend, even if the rejection is caused by the custodial parent’s lack
of cooperation. The noncustodial parent misses the opportunity to see their children perform.
The children are hurt. Everyone loses, except the alienating parent.

To avoid misunderstanding, court orders outlining parental rights should include a specific state-
ment encouraging both parent’s participation in the children’s activities. If possible, a parent
should not have to ask the other parent’s permission to attend the children’s activities. Both par-
ents need equal access to such events as athletics, school parties, teacher conferences, gradua-
tions, or recitals. Attorneys should remember the following tips when confronting these issues:

• Courts need to encourage both parents to attend the children’s activities;

• Parents should be encouraged to plan the children’s social activities together if the activities
are expensive or may potentially interfere with parenting time;
• Parents should be warned not to schedule the children in too many activities, since numerous
activities interfere with parenting time;
• Custodial parents have more power than noncustodial parents do because they have physical
possession of the children, and courts that sanction this power run the risk of enhancing the
conflicts and hostilities between parents;


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

• Children’s activities are for everyone to enjoy, so parents sometimes must be reminded to put
their feelings aside and support the other parent’s desire to attend school activities, games, or
• A subtle form of alienation occurs when the custodial parent,. knowing the other parent made
a promise to do something during their time, refuses the visit, since the child may blame the
innocent parent;
• Children should not completely dictate who attends their activities; if having both parents
present causes them tension, parents can help by being polite and focusing their attention on
what their child is doing rather than on each other;
• Parents should make a conscious effort to give children permission to greet the other parent
when both attend the same activity.

9. “She’s Got Gymnastics or Swimming Every Weekend. You Can’t Expect Her to Visit.”

In recent years parents seem to be enrolling children in every outside school activity possible.
There seems to be a belief that healthy, well-rounded children must be very busy or their peers
will reject them. Very young children may start in dance, gymnastics, or karate. Older children
are busy with music lessons, soccer or scouts. Parents frequently complain about the time spent
chauffeuring children from one activity to another. Running around is exhausting.

Children should not be scheduled in so many activities that parenting time becomes impossible
or restricted. Overscheduling is an act of alienation that causes stress to the children and inflicts
damage to their relationship with their other parent. “If your father really cared about you, he
wouldn’t expect you to choose between scouts and visits. He should understand there are times
when you are too busy to visit,” is a statement that rationalizes a parent’s attempt to alienate. In
essence, the parent is saying that the children’s activities are more important than any relation-
ship the child could have with the other parent.

Attorneys need to be alert when a parent schedules children in too many activities. This practice
is usually motivated by a parent’s desire to live vicariously through the children’s successes. Par-
ents may have an unconscious need to enhance their own self-esteem through their children’s
successes. They hope for bragging rights to embellish their own sense of self-importance. They
appear driven in the quest for their children to succeed. They are usually the parents who yell the
loudest at ball games, get visibly angry when a referee makes a bad call, or are quick to publicly
criticize their children for a less than perfect performance.

There is no reason why one parent cannot be as actively involved as the other. If parents cannot
solve their differences about children’s schedules, mediation or a court order to change the chil-
dren’s social activities may be required. However, returning to court is an expensive and usually
not very effective way to resolve problems between parents. The parents will continue to feel
bitter after the hearing. What is best for the children is not always best for the parent. When it
comes to visits, the children’s interest should come before the parent’s.


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364


At this point, it should be relatively easy for an attorney to detect signs of parental alienation
syndrome. Before one can act, however, it may be necessary to confirm one’s observations by
obtaining more definite information. This section focuses on various methods of obtaining more
definite information about alienation.

It is important to remember, however, that allegations of abuse complicate the matter. When
there are allegations of abuse, finding the truth becomes more difficult and usually requires an
expert investigation. Most investigations are conducted by the state’s children’s service agency.
This is fine if the investigator is adequately trained and qualified to conduct the investigation. If
not, this poses a problem. The likelihood the child will distort his story or get confused increases
as more people interview him. For this reason, it is best for the attorney to try to get the most
qualified person to conduct the investigation as quickly as possible.


It may eventually become necessary to build a case for alienation, perhaps as part of a change of
custody or other such proceeding. This can be difficult because of the problem of getting suffi-
cient evidence to prove the other parent is trying to alienate the children. An attorney is often
dependent on the client’s account of the other parent’s actions, and this is often not much help.
One useful way of getting admissible evidence is asking the alienating parent questions in a
deposition that will elicit responses demonstrating alienation. After the deposition, the attorney
will usually require an expert witness, such as a qualified therapist or psychologist, to review the
deposition and testify in court to the evidence supporting parental alienation.

Sometimes the deposed parent will see through some of the questions and give the attorney ap-
propriate answers. This itself represents important information, because such a parent is likely to
be either a naive or active alienator. It is not likely that the actions of either a naive or active al-
ienator will give sufficient justification for an involuntary change of custody. In such a case,
gaining or changing custody will require a different approach.

Deposing obsessed alienators is easier, because they vehemently believe what they do and say.
They are more open, because the intensity of their anger doesn’t allow them to maintain suffi-
cient self-control and think about the questions. The angrier they get during the deposition, the
more useful information they offer. Their weakness is that they believe so strongly in what they
are doing. They cannot see the possibility that what they are doing is wrong or hurts their chil-
dren. To them, the other parent’s attorney is the enemy and deserves contempt.

The questions below are designed to elicit alienating responses during a deposition. It will be
necessary to rewrite many of the questions to make them more relevant to a particular case.

1. How would you describe your children’s relationship with Parent prior to the divorce?
2. Have you had occasions since the divorce when you felt angry towards Parent?


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

3. Could you explain to the court the various reasons for your anger? (This line of
questioning helps assess the Parent’s possible motivations for parental alienation).
4. Since the date of the divorce have you ever made negative comments to your kids about
5. What type of comments have you made about Parent to your kids?
6. Since the date of the divorce, have you ever argued with Parent about visitation?
7. (If yes) Could you explain your reasons for arguing or why the arguments about visitation
occurred? What were the issues?
8. What have you been doing to help encourage the relationship between Parent and Child?
9. Have you ever talked with your children or asked your children about Parent’s personal
10. Have you failed to return the children from a visit? Why?
11. Have you ever commented to your children since the date of the divorce concerning any
lack of money that was a result of the divorce?
12. Have you ever asked your children since the date of the divorce any questions regarding
with which parent they want to live?
13. Since Child has been living with you, has Child ever talked to you on the telephone
complaining about their time with Parent?
14. (If yes) After hearing Child’s complaints, have you felt a need to pick him up from their
Parent’s home without Parent’s consent?
15. Have you shown either of your children any of the legal documents associated with this
case? What documents have you shown? Why did you show them?
16. Do you believe that Parent exaggerates Child’s medical, psychological or health problems?
17. (If yes) Could you explain these exaggerations to the court?
18. Do you perceive yourself as having a very different parenting style than Parent?
19. Do you believe that Parent should follow your recommendations or beliefs about rules and
20. (If yes) Have you tried to communicate to Parent your beliefs about rules and discipline?
21. Do you believe that you have good reason for being critical of Parent’s parenting skills?
22. Has Child ever suggested to you that he had a good time with Parent?
23. Have you ever heard any complaints from the children about their safety?
24. (If yes) When you heard the children complain, what did you do to communicate with
Parent the complaints?
25. Have you ever expressed your anger toward Parent in the presence of your children?


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

26. What do you think Parent’s role as a divorced parent should be with the children?
27. What do you think the relationship should be with their stepparent?
28. Have you heard Child make allegations of abuse by Parent?
29. Have you ever known Child to exaggerate or lie to get what he or she wants?
30. What do you believe should be the Child’s relationship with Parent’s family?
31. (If negative) Would you explain your reasons why your Child’s should not have a
relationship with Parent’s extended family?
32. Do you believe that Child has good reasons for not wanting to live with Parent? Why?
33. Do you believe that Child is old enough or is sufficiently maturity to decide for himself
whether or not he should visit Parent?
34. Have you suggested to Child since the date of the divorce that he has the right to choose
for himself whether or not to visit his Parent?
35. Since the date of the divorce would you say that there are occasions when Child is too busy
to visit his Parent?
36. What have you done to help strengthen the relationship between Child and Parent?
37. Do you believe you have any responsibility to help strengthen the relationship?
38. (If no) Why not?
39. (If yes) Would you explain the steps you have taken to help strengthen the relationship
between Child and Parent?
40. Do you believe that you know better than Parent as to what is best for Child?
41. (If yes) Could you explain the reasons for your belief?
42. Do you believe that Parent does not discipline Child?
43. Are you ever concerned that Parent is excessively punitive with Child? Why?
44. Since the date of the divorce, have you personally witnessed Parent being excessive with
45. Have you ever filed a complaint with the local Children’s Service Board (your jurisdiction
may have a different name for the investigative agency)?
46. Could you explain the reasons for your report? (This line of questioning may offer some
insight into a parent’s motivations for alienation, but at the same time it could open up a
can of worms that will require a lot more testimony.)
47. Do you believe that Parent should follow your rules when it comes to how visitation is to
be accomplished?
48. Do you believe that Parent should follow your rules or suggestions about how Child should
be raised?


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

49. Do you believe that there are aspects of your private life that Parent has no business
50. Have you conveyed to your Child that he should not share any information or activities to
Parent about your private life?
51. (If yes) Could you explain how you have communicated to Child that he should not share
certain information with Parent?
52. What information about your life did you not want Parent to know?
53. Have you had any discussions with Child about your plans to gain his custody?
54. (If no) You mean to tell me that Child doesn’t even know you are going to court to seek
his custody?
55. (If yes) Then please explain what you and Child have discussed about how you are going
to get custody?
56. Would you explain what those plans are?
57. Have you ever listened in on phone calls between Child and Parent?
58. Have you ever asked Child to get information for you or report for you on any of Parent’s
behavior since the date of the divorce?
59. Do you believe that the court has any right to tell you what to do with respect to your
children and their relationship with Parent?
60. Would you describe Parent as a good parent or a poor parent?
61. Could you explain your reasons for your opinion?
62. Who initiated the divorce between you and Parent?
63. Could you explain the reasons for the divorce? (This line of questioning again is to assess
possible motivation for parental alienation. The question is looking for continued
bitterness, a sense of betrayal or anger.)
64. Do you blame Parent for the divorce?
65. Are you and Parent able to talk with each other without arguing?
66. (If no) Could you explain why you are not able to communicate?
67. Is Child presently having visits with Parent?
68. (If no) Could you explain to the court the reasons?
69. What is Child’s attitude about seeing his Parent?
70. (If the child has resisted visitation) How long have you observed these behaviors?
71. What have you done personally to help Child overcome these feelings and encourage
visitation with his Parent?


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

72. Do you believe that whatever problems have occurred between yourself, Child and Parent
that these problems should be worked out?
73. Do you believe that working out these problems is in Child’s best interest? Why or why
74. What do you see as your role in helping work out any problems that exist between Child
and Parent?
There are many more questions that will bring out a parent’s attitude about the child’s relation-
ship with the other parent. As one becomes more familiar with parental alienation, more ques-
tions will come to mind.


Another method of obtaining information is a court-ordered psychological evaluation. Such an

evaluation can be very stressful because of the time involved, the cost and uncertainty about the
results. In a climate of mistrust and hostilities, parents and attorneys are often suspicious about
the fairness and ethics of the evaluator. The American Psychological Association has published
recommended standards for conducting custody evaluations, but they are not ethical standards,
per se. Some states have adopted specific standards, while other states rely on the APA guide-
lines, which may not be enforceable if there is a question about an ethics violation.

Before selecting an evaluator, it may be helpful to consider the following guidelines to avoid
possible ethical violations and other complications. Many of the guidelines are taken from my
experience working with the courts and the “Guidelines for Custody/Parenting Evaluation and
Reports” adopted by the Ohio State Board of Psychology.

The most important issue is that the evaluator should be familiar with professional standards and
guidelines for conducting custody evaluations. Therefore, he or she should be familiar with state
laws about the allocation of parental rights and responsibilities. Further, if state law defines “best
interest of the child,” the evaluator must understand the definition and how it applies to the

As a practical matter, the request for an evaluation should be accompanied with a court order
signed by the judge or magistrate. The court order should outline the names of the parties to be
evaluated, the name of the evaluator, person or persons responsible for payment, and a statement
describing the purpose of the evaluation. Another practical concern is that fees for the evalua-
tion, and who will pay them, should be established before beginning the evaluation. Don’t ex-
pect or assume an insurance or managed care company will pay for the evaluation, as most
don’t. Remember also that if the evaluator bills the insurance company, the billing will have to
include a diagnosis, which could be brought up in court. Most evaluators will expect payment in
full before the report is dictated, since a dictated report can usually be subpoenaed. An experi-
enced evaluator will not dictate until the evaluation is paid in full.

During the evaluation, the evaluator must remain impartial and objective. He or she is a gatherer
and reporter of information. Therefore, he or she should keep clear and concise records and


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

should not make any recommendations or psychological descriptions of individuals that were not
part of the evaluation.

It is also important that the children and all significant parties should be part of the evaluation,
although the evaluator may decide to limit the evaluation of younger children to observing their
interaction with each parent. The participants should be told the purpose and scope of the
evaluation before they proceed. Before the evaluation begins, I usually say, “The purpose of the
evaluation is to give the court additional information that will help in making a decision. When I
complete the evaluation, I will write a report for the court. It is important that you understand
that there is no confidentiality. The judge or magistrate, attorneys and maybe you and your
spouse will read the report. There is no privacy. If I make a recommendation to the court, the
court is not bound by my recommendation because both sides can introduce additional testimony
to which I may not be privy. The judge will see the entire picture, while the evaluator sees part
of the picture.”

Everyone included in the evaluation must be told, before the evaluation begins, the limits of con-
fidentiality. They should know that much or all of the information gathered could be part of the
report. This should also be told to the children in a way they can understand. Of course, they
have the right not to participate in the evaluation or disclose information. This is especially im-
portant for children, in that they should not be forced or threatened into saying something that
they will later regret when the information becomes public. The participants must sign a written
release of information during the initial interview.

Evaluators must also guard against any ethical violations. One of the most questionable ethical
violations occurs when the evaluator has a dual relationship with a parent or child, often because
the parent or child is a former client of the evaluator. Other examples of a dual relationship are
when the evaluator has had a previous business or social relationship with a party to the action.
This can be a problem in a rural setting where there are few evaluators and everyone knows eve-
ryone else. In this situation, the parties may have to hire an evaluator from another county.

Finally, remember that psychologists frequently use tests to supplement the evaluation. The test
results should not be used alone for making conclusions about custody. Instead, the conclusions
and recommendations about what is in the children’s best interest should be drawn from the in-
terviews, observations, social history, test results, and information gathered from the interviews.
Ideally, the information comes together into a cohesive picture.


Alienating and targeted parents often return to court. They are frustrated and angry because they
feel helpless, and now they are looking to the court for help. At this point, the parents usually
can no longer speak with each other without shouts of bitterness, accusations, or silence. Judges
realize it does no good to order parents to cooperate with each other, because the orders usually
fall on deaf ears. Therefore, the court may have to take a different approach.

Courts that understand alienation will recognize the importance of identifying and hearing high-
risk cases quickly. The longer the court takes, the more damage will occur to these families and


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

children. Signals of high-risk cases likely to reappear in court and require quick intervention of-
ten involve: complaints about visits being withheld; children frequently not returned on time
(later than a half-hour); threats to abduct the children; allegations of sexual, physical, and/or
mental abuse; alcohol or drug abuse; a severe mental disorder interfering with visits or the chil-
dren’s adjustment; and children refusing to visit. Judges need a mechanism to identify these
cases and schedule a hearing as soon as possible. The court should not allow any unfounded de-
lay tactics or continuances to prevent the case from proceeding as scheduled.

In my years of experience with the court, I am frequently surprised at how often cases get re-
solved after I have given parents the opportunity to vent their frustrations and feelings. Many
times, parents just want to feel like they are respected and heard. They are often very receptive
to a little education about parenting and the issues I have described in my book. About a quarter
of the cases that I see no longer contest the custody recommendations because they understand
the reasons for the recommendations and have had an opportunity to ask questions to someone
they perceived as impartial.

Courts may be wise to find a mechanism by which parents can be heard, ask questions and re-
ceive helpful education. This mechanism must be fair and monitored by the court for compli-
ance. Some courts use a guardian ad litem or an employee of the court to offer parental
education. Parents involved with mild cases of alienation can benefit from education and im-
proved awareness about what they are doing and how it effects the children. Sometimes having
the parents complete a psychological evaluation helps the court gain better insight into the dy-
namics of the case.

In cases of more severe alienation, both parents should be ordered to a therapist. The court
should compile a list of qualified therapists willing to work with these families and the court,
including qualifications for working with high-conflict parents and an understanding of parental
alienation. Whether the children need to participate in the therapy should be left up to the thera-
pist. The therapist needs to send monthly compliance reports to the court while maintaining the
parent’s confidentiality. This process can be very helpful for high-conflict parents before they
introduce a shared parenting plan to the court. While this process is going on, it is important that
the court not withhold visits unless there is a question about the children’s safety. Withholding
visits adds to the risk of reinforcing alienation because the children could believe there is really
something wrong with the targeted parent.

In cases of severe alienation involving an obsessed alienator, the court must act quickly. Both
parents need an immediate psychological evaluation, and the child or children need therapy be-
cause they will be very confused and may be expressing hatred towards the targeted parent.
While the children are in therapy, they may be better off staying with a relative while having
visits with both parents. Admittedly, there is no research supporting the recommendation that the
children should be separated from the obsessed alienator while the parents are being evaluated
and counseled. Logically, however, if the child stays with the obsessed alienator, he or she can
sabotage the counseling and efforts of the court to resolve these issues. However, if the child is
placed against his wishes with the targeted parent, the child could be frightened and rebellious.
Thus, neither option is perfect. Nevertheless, it is imperative that the children continue to visit
with both parents unless there is a concern about the children’s safety, in which case, supervised


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

visits may be necessary. Finally, any investigations of allegations of abuse or neglect should be
conducted while the therapy is occurring.


Attorneys need to recognize the symptoms of alienation and how to respond to the three differ-
ent types of alienators. What is not clear is how to rehabilitate the severely alienated child or the
obsessed alienator. The reason is simple: There are presently no tested protocols for rehabilitat-
ing the severely alienated child or the obsessed alienator. A clearer picture is starting to emerge
from the hazy fog of uncertainty, but there are still many unanswered questions to be researched.
Deciding which strategies are best for dealing with alienation will depend on whether a parent is
targeted by a naive, active, or obsessed alienator. Attorneys, mental health professionals, and
judges will have different perspectives about what to do with alienation. Naive alienators should
rarely appear in court because of alienating behavior. Active alienators, unable to control their
feelings and outbursts to the detriment of all, and obsessed alienators, hoping to cut off all con-
tact between the children and the other parent, are the alienators most often seen in court. When
a parent is the target of any kind of alienator, there are some things he or she needs to keep in
mind to lessen the damage and hurt to the children.


The first option is to combat alienation by working to help oneself. This response must be tai-
lored to the kind of alienation at issue.

1. The Naive Alienator

Remember that naive alienators are usually ignorant about what they are doing and have no ma-
licious intent. A parent dealing with a naive alienator should not panic and should instead trust
his or her relationship with their children. Children learn early that their parents will say things
they don’t mean. They are very adept at letting things go in one ear and out the other. If parents
believe there is a problem trusting children’s reaction to alienation, they need to focus on
strengthening the relationship rather than retaliating against the other parent. They should moni-
tor their own reactions and behaviors so they don’t start their own alienating campaign. They
should try talking to the other parent without making accusations or attacking. The other parent
may appreciate their comments if the targeted parent says them with some sensitivity. Attorneys
may suggest the following practices to clients in this situation:

• Be sure that the majority of time with children is positive, and avoid yelling and screaming
which will drive children away;
• Praise children for what they do well; if all they hear is criticism, they will learn to avoid the
source of the criticism;
• Play with them at their developmental level and do what they, rather than what parents, want
to do;
• After discipline or punishment, make a point to make up;


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

• Listen to what the child has to say;

• Give hugs and kisses if they are receptive;
• Brag about the children to others;
• Attend school sport and social functions;
• Have their pictures around the house.
Strengthening the relationship with children takes time. Parents need to be reminded by their at-
torney to be patient and resist any desire to retaliate. Retaliation only makes matters worse and
hurts the children.

2. The Active Alienator

How a parent deals with the active alienator is similar to the naive alienator. Parents must stay
calm, trust their relationship with their children, and resist retaliating. The difficulty a parent has
with the active alienator is the parent’s inability to control the rage and hurt built up inside. The
feelings can interfere with the targeted parent’s relationship and time spent with the children.
Together, both parents need education and counseling to focus on the issues causing the prob-
lems. Sometimes, the active alienator requires individual therapy to help with their loss and
grief. A parent should support these efforts without being punitive. Taking this tactic, the chil-
dren will be better off in the long run. Attorneys can be very helpful to their client if they are
targeted for alienation by suggesting that they:

• Don’t panic;
• Become a supportive listener;
• Guard against becoming an alienator, beginning by knowing the symptoms;
• Resist the temptation to argue or get defensive if the problem continues, and try to talk
openly about what one is seeing and feeling. Work on keeping the relationship with the child
• Don’t violate court orders;
• Begin a log of activities if problems with parenting time develop;
• Don’t be intimated into stopping parenting time, and remember that attorneys can be crucial
in advising parents of their rights.

3.The Obsessed Alienator

Dealing with an obsessed alienator is more complex and difficult than dealing with the other two
types of alienators, because the alienating parent has already had considerable success in alienat-
ing the children from the targeted parent. The children may refuse to have anything to do with
the targeted parent, making it next to impossible for the parent to talk with them and try to repair
the damage. No matter how frustrated and angry a targeted parent feels, however, he or she
should not give up on the children. The targeted parent should find some support, either from


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

family, his or her attorney, a counselor, or other parents. Parents need to be sure to do whatever
they and their attorney believe is necessary to keep visits going. Even if the other parent refuses
visits, the targeted parent should keep trying and should maintain a log of his or her activities.
Also, it is very important that the parent does not violate any court orders or do anything that
forces his or her attorney to defend the parent’s behavior. A common tactic used by some attor-
neys is to deflect the issues by attacking the targeted parent and forcing his or her attorney to de-
fend the parent’s behavior. Parents should behave themselves so this does not happen.

The most difficult part of dealing with the obsessed alienator is keeping one’s anger in control
and not retaliating. Though it is understandable, retaliation usually does nothing more than cause
the targeted parent more problems. In fact, the obsessed alienator will frequently use the targeted
parent’s retaliation, pointing out to the children how the parent behaved and reinforcing the ar-
gument that the parent isn’t worthy to see the children. Again, the targeted parent is put on the
defensive without having any access to the children to blunt the other parent’s blows. Whatever
the parent does, he or she must stay focused on keeping the relationship with the children strong
and not entangle them in the fight with the alienating parent.

When a targeted parent begins to sense that the children are becoming alienated, he or she should
immediately tell an attorney or mediator about what is happening. Parents should then look into
getting a court order to get the children in therapy as soon as possible, with the understanding
that the therapist will be reporting to the court. The therapist should monitor and report to the
court the compliance to the court order. The therapist should also understand parental alienation
syndrome. The following suggestions are other methods of attacking the problem of obsessed
alienators. Attorneys can advise their clients of these suggestions:

• Don’t give up on the children;

• Keep anger and hurt under control;
• Don’t retaliate;
• Be sure the court supports continued visits;
• Don’t stop going to visits; if the other parent refuses, keep showing up unless the court order
says otherwise;
• Keep a log of activities, especially relating to visitation;
• Focus on keeping the relationship with the children positive, and don’t pump them for
information or begin counter alienation;
• Don’t wait to intervene; if there is a problem, contact an attorney or get back into mediation;
• Seek a court order requiring both parents to get into family therapy;
• Monitor one’s own behavior to prevent counter-alienation;
• If the problem continues, try to understand to what the other parent is reacting; if necessary,
try to talk openly about what is occurring;
• Don’t violate court orders;


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

• Use legal mechanisms like a guardian ad litem to monitor the parent’s compliance to the
court order.
These suggestions should help, but they do not guarantee that the problems will be solved to
everyone’s satisfaction. There is no magic bullet. That is why early detection and prevention be-
fore the alienation gets out of hand is imperative. Courts, mental health professionals, and legis-
lators continue to look for effective treatment protocols for parental alienation and parental
alienation syndrome.


Parents thinking about returning to court to seek change of custody need guidance from their at-
torney. Many times they have very unrealistic expectations about their chances of winning the
case and haven’t thought about the possible consequences of pursuing this course. Parents may
feel mixed emotion when children say, “I want to live with you.” They may be excited by the
compliment and yet overwhelmed by the thought of the responsibility and lifestyle changes. Lo-
gistically, they may foresee many problems. They may not have a babysitter or adequate space.
Living in an undesirable neighborhood for raising children could cause them concerns. While a
parent gingerly inquires about their children’s reasons, the parent can imagine how their ex-
spouse will feel when he or she hears the news.

I do not recommend a parent seek a change of custody unless the child initiates the request or
unless the parent has very good reason to believe the change would be better for the children.
The attorney must tell the parent about the risks in seeking custody. If he or she loses, the rela-
tionship with the other parent can be seriously jeopardized, and alienation will intensify. The
other parent may no longer be flexible and cooperate with changes in parenting time. Plus, this
could be an expensive price to pay for a long shot.

Below are several specific points attorneys should discuss with their clients before deciding to
seek custody. After considering these points and getting some education from the attorney, the
parent should be able to make a more informed decision about whether or not to proceed.

First, when children are asked where they what to live, they may lie and say what they think a
parent wants to hear. They do not mean to be malicious. Instead, they want to avoid hurting any-
one’s feelings. Often their stated desire to live with a parent is their way of saying, “I want
mommy and daddy back together.” This is particularly true with young children. The children’s
fantasy that somehow their parents will reconcile is very persistent, even with teenagers. Even
when one parent has already remarried, the children often express the hope that their parents will
get back together again.

Second, when thinking about a contested change of custody, parents should be told that the proc-
ess could move very slowly. This may cause reconsideration of a decision made quickly or in

Third, parents need to learn about the laws for changing custody and the workings of their local
court. Remind parents that it is the court, not their children, that decides custody. Parents should


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

try to learn from their attorney the likelihood of success in getting custody. In many jurisdic-
tions, getting an involuntary change of custody is nearly impossible unless there is a legal provi-
sion for the children to choose where they want to live. Otherwise, the parent must prove to the
court that their children’s best interest is served by their living with them. This often involves
one parent publicly degrading or attacking the ex-spouse to support the argument that a change
is necessary. Successfully attacking the ex-spouse’s capacity to parent adequately is very diffi-
cult. Typically, courts are justifiably biased in the belief that the children are better off remain-
ing with the custodial parent to preserve stability.

Fourth, parents need to be reminded not to make promises to the children about the outcome of
the court proceedings. If an ex-spouse fights the other parent’s attempt to gain custody, the time
it takes in some jurisdictions to change custody can exceed a year. The attorney can give parents
a better idea as to how long the process may take if the change of custody is contested or argued.
Even if a parent feels confident telling their children, “After today’s hearing you will come to
live with me,” they should not make promises they cannot keep. This can be very unsettling to
the children. Often cases are continued when the court realizes that a full hearing is needed to
settle the case. Even after the judge hears the testimony, it may take days or weeks for a

Fifth, if possible, the parent should raise the question about seeking a change of custody to the
other parent. The ex-spouse may feel hurt and angry, but it is better for the parent to raise the
issue rather than having children do the dirty work. The issue is between the ex-spouses, not be-
tween the children and their other parent. Parents should not have their children be the harbinger
of bad news. If a parent is afraid to talk to their ex-spouse about a change of custody, they
should think about how their children will feel.

Finally, when a parent hears for the first time that their ex-spouse is seeking custody, they
should not drill their children for answers about where they want to live and why. Parents need
to keep their composure. They should reassure their children of their love while making no harsh
declarations about what they are planning to do. Parents need to take time to calm down and
consult with their attorney to learn the best course of action. The attorney will advise parents
what to do next.


There is a difference between counseling and mediation. Counseling helps individuals or fami-
lies alleviate emotional pain or change maladaptive behavior. Counselors usually have a mini-
mum of a master’s degree in counseling, social work, or psychology. In most states, they are
licensed. A mediator is trained to work with couples teaching problem solving skills and resolv-
ing conflicts. Many mediators are not trained mental health professionals and have no training in
family therapy or systems theory. Though their function is both helpful and beneficial, they are
not equipped to work with high-conflict parents struggling with parental alienation or parental
alienation syndrome.

1. Mediation


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

Mediation is a cooperative effort between divided parents and a neutral third person to develop
healthy ways of settling differences about the care of their children. After a history of fighting
and failing to solve differences, mediation may initially sound like a fantasy. In fact, however,
mediation works. I think there will be a time in the future when all parents going through a di-
vorce will be expected to have a family mediator to help resolve conflicts. The process makes
sense, because going to court is too expensive, attorneys are biased for their client, and parents
usually do not have the skills to resolve serious conflicts without some help. This is usually why
most parents got a divorce in the first place. Unfortunately, having a neutral professional is ex-
pensive, time-consuming, and unavailable within a reasonable physical proximity to many fami-
lies. When it is available, however, mediation can accomplish a great deal in less time than
family psychotherapy and more cheaply than going to court.

The neutral third party may be a counselor, attorney, or a psychologist who has received special-
ized training in mediation. When looking for a qualified mediator, parents need to ask the indi-
vidual whether he or she is a member of either the Academy of Family Mediators or their state
association. Parents should be leery of someone who puts out a shingle and calls him or herself a
mediator without documented qualifications and references. Requirements for becoming a me-
diator vary from state to state. To play it safe, parents may want to rely on a mediator recom-
mended by their local domestic court or attorney, and they should obtain a court order
mandating mediation. The details of the order are important; attorneys would avoid a lot of con-
fusion if the court order contained the following information and was signed by the judge.

The order should contain the name and address of the mediator as well as the names of all the
family members ordered to mediation. This list could include the names of the stepparents,
grandparents or anyone that is actively involved with the children. Though a family member’s
name may be listed in the motion, the mediator or counselor will have the choice to decide who
needs to attend the sessions. If a family member is not on the list, the mediator will have no
authority to require the member’s participation. This can cause a delay while the attorneys seek
to modify the original order.

The order should also state how the services are to be financed and who is responsible for pay-
ment. A court order cannot mandate an insurance company to pay for services not part of the
insurance benefit package. Rarely will an insurance company pay for mediation even if the serv-
ice is properly billed. Thus, the responsibility for payment should be assigned to a parent or par-
ents and not an insurance company.

Finally, the order needs a description of the services to be provided and of the mechanism for
reporting back to the court. This may include a letter by the mediator describing the services
provided, naming the participants, and outlining recommendations. The mediator or counselor
will be careful to respect the participant’s confidentiality.

When a complete order gets the parties into mediation, the parents and the mediator seek agree-
ments on how they can best take care of the children. The initial session generally begins with a
discussion of the mediation process and an explanation by the parents of their concerns for the
children’s schooling, social activities, health care, safety, visitation, and rules. The emphasis is
on having the parents make decisions together that will benefit the children. The mediator will


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

discourage the parents from making accusations or laying blame. Little emphasis is made on
looking at past mistakes. This is because parents usually do not agree on what happened in the
past anyway. At the completion of the first session, the parents and the mediator decide whether
to continue the mediation process. If they agree to continue, another session is scheduled.

In the following sessions, usually five or six, the parents share in a cooperative process of learn-
ing and making decisions. Together, they outline their points of agreement and then begin learn-
ing ways to work together to settle their differences. This is a give-and-take process in which the
mediator may have to remind the parents about what is best for the children. The mediation usu-
ally concludes with a written agreement between the parents. The plan, which may be submitted
to the court, includes only those points of agreement.

Mediators are bound by an ethical code assuring the parents confidentiality. What they report to
the court is limited to the signed agreement between the parents. The mediator may ask the par-
ents to agree not to repeat what is said in mediation to anyone else. However, confidentiality
could be forfeited if the mediator has reason to believe that one parent may physically harm

Using a mediator to help parents from divided homes to resolve differences is becoming increas-
ingly popular. The reason for the popularity is that it works. Parents who participate in making
decisions and feel their concerns are heard are more likely to comply with a mediated agreement
than a court order. This encourages parents to work together, and this is good for the children.
Research has proven repeatedly that children make a better adjustment to divorce when they
know their parents communicate and work together for their best interests. However, some con-
tinue to think of mediation as a fad. For others, mediation is a viable alternative to returning to
court every year or two to settle disputes. While the process is clearly not a panacea for all the
ills that trouble divorced families and their children, for many it is an effective method of resolv-
ing disputes.

2. Counseling

There are some family or personal problems that mediation is not intended to solve. Someone
who has a mental disorder, abuses drugs or is abusive to people will require a more intense
therapeutic intervention with a counselor, social worker, psychologists or psychiatrist. Most me-
diators are not qualified to work with those who need help specifically with parental alienation
and parental alienation syndrome. From my experience, the counselors most effective at working
with high conflict issues have been trained in family systems therapy, have knowledge of the
laws and court, and understand the workings of alienation. Our court in Trumbull County, Ohio
has put together a pool of counselors to work with these families. To participate in the pool,
counselors had to go through our training and agree to report compliance back to the court. This
has been working very well.

Some attorneys suspect that clients may need counseling but are not sure when a referral is ap-
propriate. Most people start counseling to get relief from psychological or emotional pain. While
everyone has days when one feels depressed, on edge, or anxious, having these feelings does not
mean a person needs therapy. Rather, therapy is helpful when a person does not bounce back or


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

recover from psychological pain or persistent pain, and when poor coping skills interfere with
daily functioning. A person has good reason for getting professional help when he or she is miss-
ing work, no longer enjoying pleasurable activities, drinking more, having trouble controlling
anger, or withdrawing from friends and family.

Specifically, active alienators who are frequently triggered and expose the children to their anger
may need therapy, since they usually have trouble separating ex-spousal issues from parental re-
sponsibilities. Obsessed alienators always need therapy, but they will often refuse to go and may
be offended by a suggestion that help is necessary. Others who commonly need therapy are par-
ents who spend too much time thinking about their divorce and having been betrayed by the sys-
tem; parents who can’t help driving by the marital home hoping for a glimpse of the ex-spouse
or children; and parents who often think about their next phone call to the ex-spouse or the chil-
dren and cannot seem to stop him or herself from making the calls. Other warning signs include
an increase in the use of alcohol and drugs or an increase in high-risk behavior such as drinking
and driving, unprotected sex, stalking, and harassing phone calls.

Sometimes parents have the idea, often reinforced by mental health professionals, that people
should seek professional help whenever they suffer a trauma or a major loss, because they can’t
help but become emotionally scarred if the crisis isn’t somehow dealt with professionally. This
thinking is not always true. For thousands of years, people have suffered crises without getting
therapy. Most seemed to get along fine, stumbling along for a while but often becoming stronger
for their experience. They continue to function quite well and make tremendous contributions. I
sometimes think many mental health professionals are arrogant to think they are the only ones
qualified to help someone through a crisis. This is not always true. When parents do need help,
however, they may need to be remind by their attorney that there is no shame in doing so. What
is shameful is recognizing there is a problem and doing nothing about it. Some parents also need
the reassurance that counseling will not hurt their case.

If a parent decides help is necessary, he or she should schedule an appointment with a local psy-
chologist, clinical social worker or family therapist. There are local organizations that sponsor
workshops or groups for people adjusting to their divorce. Other good sources are the family
court, friends who have had an experience similar to the parent’s, or local support or advocacy
groups like Parents Without Partners, ACES or Fathers for Equal Rights.

When considering a therapist, a parent should not hesitate to interview the person to see if he or
she is qualified. One should ask for therapists’ qualifications and fees even if some therapists
may be put off. Many parents have asked for mine. Remember that a parent trusts the therapists
with their own or their child’s well being, and their services are also expensive. A parent should
ask them for other qualifications: How many times have they testified in domestic court?. How
many years of experiences do they have working with families? Who is the psychiatrist with
whom they are working in the event medication or a psychiatric evaluation may be needed?
What are the fees? There are no rules or specific qualifications that will assure a parent of the
clinicians qualifications. One must use one’s best judgment.

There should be chemistry between the parent seeking therapy and the therapist. Sometimes this
takes a while to establish, as with any other close relationship, so parents should not give up too


NORTH DAKOTA LAW REVIEW, Volume 75, 1999, p 323-364

easily. To do a good job, the counselor may have to tell the parent some things they won’t want
to hear at first. This is particularly true if the parent has been alienating their children. On the
other hand, if the parent’s gut instinct is that the counselor is off target and consistently puts
them down or makes them feel more depressed, the parent should trust his or her instincts and
look for another therapist.


Many parents hope for a magic potion to solve the problems of alienation. Sadly, no such potion
exists. For the time being, education, early recognition, prevention, expedient litigation, visita-
tions centers, and qualified high conflict family therapists are our best home for helping children
and their parents. To reduce the number of casualties, there will need to be legislative reform
founded on good research, validated intervention protocols for alienated children and parents,
changes in social or sexist attitudes, and qualified interventionists. Though change is slow, legis-
lators across the county are taking another look at what is happening in the courts. There contin-
ues to be an uneasy feeling that something is wrong and the system could better serve families.
In-formed attorneys and judges, however, can help improve the system.


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