Crusader Connection Vol2 No2
Crusader Connection Vol2 No2
Crusader Connection Vol2 No2
Vol. 2 No. 2
A publication dedicated to the Marian/Mater Dei Catholic High School Community
SummerCrusadertoprint.indd 1 9/1/09 1:56:23 PM
3 Message from the President
4 The Annual Report
10 Technology in the Classroom
12 Student Honors
13 Visual and Performing Arts Night
14 Science Academy
16 Graduation and College Acceptances
18 Class of 2009 - Student Recognition
22 Winter Sports
23 Spring Sports
24 Mens Soccer Championship
26 Womens Basketball Championship
28 Alumni News
30 Alumni in the Spotlight, Harris Quesnell
32 Student Calendar
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blessed by the generous response of our alumni and friends who have allowed our
Very Rev. Peter McGuine (Chair) Annual Crusade to reach its highest level of participation and total amount received
in the history of our school. This issue of the Crusader Connection includes our
Rev. Peter Escalante 2008-2009 Annual Report to donors. We hope that we have recorded your name
Sr. Maria Paz Uribe and gift appropriately and if we’ve made any mistakes I’d like to personally apolo-
gize and ask that you call or write us to tell us of our error. Mainly I’d like to thank
Steven Boudreau, Esq. you for the gift that you’ve made to us in the midst of these very trying economic
troubles and ask God to continue to bless you for your faith in Mater Dei Catholic
Ms. Linda Bugelli High School.
Mr. Gordon Day ‘74
We invite you to enjoy the many accomplishments of our students and staff as out-
Mr. Tom Finch ‘82 lined in this Crusader Connection. Our recent graduates have left a lasting mark as
Crusaders of the Class of 2009. Their goals and aspirations can be seen in the pages
Mr. Rene Olivo that follow. They will always have a home here no matter where their life journey
Mr. Thomas Clayton Beecher, Ex-Officio leads them. You can also read about some recent innovations in technology that
Mater Dei is spearheading along with State Championships and a discussion with
Mr. George Milke, Ex-Officio one of our very first graduates, Harris Quesnell, Class of 1964! All this and so much
more await your review.
from 7/1/2008 – 6/30/2009
$49, 300
Distributions: ($5,000)
(Scholarships for Michael Rodriguez
and Lauren Elise Judal)
TUITION 7,010,131
OTHER FEES 742,553
TOTAL REVENUE $ 9,629,921
2% 3%
dents will have the opportunity to come out and watch.
MDCHS: Is this something that you would like to explore as
a career move in the future or is teaching your career?
Mr. Van Wyk: This is my second career in a sense. I tried a
few different careers right out of college: mortgage banking, This class is so cool. It’s nice
human resources, biotechnology…but I think I finally found
something I enjoy and is rewarding at the same time. My to not have to carry a book
future goals are to teach Russian Literature and the Latin around and be able to access
MDCHS: What do you like most about being a teacher? our homework from anywhere.
Mr. Van Wyk: I know it is cliché, but it doesn’t feel like “go-
It saves on paper and
ing to work.” It’s great being at a Catholic school. I’ve sub-
stituted at a few public schools and worked at one for a year, I can’t lose my homework.
and the difference is obvious. There is a level of respect and
generosity at this school among the students and faculty that
is hard to come by.
MDCHS: What piece of advice would you give to your
students, in particular the graduating seniors?
Mr. Van Wyk: Just to do the best in everything you do and would type about 2 pages of text to write a program that
hold on to their Catholic Faith and the values taught by would alphabetize a list. It is now completely obsolete. How-
your parents. They will probably be doing jobs that haven’t ever, there is value in the process itself. Sometimes it’s hard
even been invented yet and that they had no idea they would to adapt and hopefully, through programs like this paperless
be doing. I went to a 3-week “computer camp” when I was system, the students will learn to flourish with the diversity of
13-years-old to learn a computer program called “Basic.” I tools available to them.
Violeta Arista-Palacios
Dianne Acevedo SOP HOMORES
Janine Dacayo
Mario Delgadillo Rafael Blanco
Mariana Burkle Jeffrey Alvarez
Jamie Espino
Rafael Carrillo-Baylon Ivanna Ames
Frances Fernandez
Brenna Gates Jasmine Cota Vivian Ayon-Heredia
Axel Gonzalez Kacy Espinoza Jessica Baumgardner
Jesus Gutierrez-Nunez Sergio Fourzan Samantha Baxley
Ebone Henry Mariana Gomez Nallely Beltran
Adriana Hernandez Marie Elaine Guilas Daniela Blancas
Danae Johnson Andrew Haines Ariel Cabrera
Soo-Jin Kim Erickson Julve
Valeria Cardenas
Luisa Lopez Nora Leyva
Michael Carton
Ailin Mendez Alicia Lopez
Alfredo Lucero-Canaan Alison Castaneda
Paulina Millan Mikayla Conlin
Christina Padilla Andrea Lucero-Canaan
Patrick Mayor Alejandra Contreras
Tanya Plascencia-Lliteras
Diane-Leah Moore Sergio Fernandez
Mariano Rayon
Andrea Navarro-Gomez Claudio Gage
Michael Rodriguez
Andres Schramm-Flores Paola Odriozola Diego-Emilio Galan
Maria Trueba De Buen Diana Paredes Kristin Gonzales
Toni Vasquez Alejandra Perez-Madrigal Elizabeth Gonzalez
Laura Watts-Cesena Maria Pimentel Christine Hillmann
Vanessa Wood Yazmin Razon Anthony Jaquez-Moreno
Diana Zoura Johanna Rhein Andrea Martinez-Casillas
Michel Sanchez
Jose Martinez-Rebollar
FRESHMEN Catherine Valenzuela
Theodore Matula
Pedro Osuna
Angela Beck Ilse Gutierrez-Nunez Brandon Nguyen Ligia Quijada
Leslie Bustillo-Moreno Jeff Guzman Teresa Padilla Roberto Quijano-Luna
Mark Camacho Thomas Hahn Eva Perez-Cecenas Maryel Quintero
Edith Camargo Alexis Hawley Ariana Rodriguez Ricardo Rosales
Theresa Chiappe Vannia Hernandez Jonathan Rodriguez
Isela Ruiz
Daniela Contreras Cassandra Huinquez Nina Salazar
Hollie Keene Carla Sanchez
Mallory Davenport Sabrina Scott
Kenny Espinoza Cristina Kelbaugh Paola Torres Raul Silva-Martinez
Caleb Galvez Stephanie Licht Brianna Truffa Chloe Slovinsky
Alexa Garcia Maritza Lopez-Portillo Andres Velderrain Daniel Slovinsky
Jocelyn Garcia Viviana Marchena-Pompa Thomas Wright Isabel Stonehouse
Victor Gonzalez Alejandro Marquez-Escobedo
Stephanie Grimaldi Haley Mendoza
The Mater Dei Academy of Science experienced an extremely successful inaugural school year during 2008-2009. Sci-
ence Academy students were introduced to many facets of scientific endeavor. Field trips included a tour of Scripps
Green Hospital with Dr. Katya VanHerl and information concerning preparation for a career as a physician. Other
activities included a trip to North Island Naval Air Station. Academy students were introduced to Naval aviation and
the career choices necessary to become a helicopter pilot for the US Navy. Most memorable was the opportunity to
use the flight simulators to experience piloting a helicopter. Mater Dei Academy of Science students also visited the
open house at Scripps Research Institute and learned of the summer internships available there. They participated in
BioBridge at the Skaggs School of Pharmacy at UCSD and were able to present what they had learned to next year’s
science academy candidates.
In conjunction with the San Diego Science Festival and the San Diego Science Alliance, the Science Academy students
were invited to participate in the SDSA High-Tech Expo at the Del Mar Fairgrounds and the Small Wonders exhibit at
the UCSD Price center. Academy members also built models of various human organs that were part of Operation Balboa
at the San Diego Science Festival on April 4, 2009. Additional classroom activities were also a part of the Academy of
Science experience. Members were introduced to topics that included the nature of inquiry, data analysis, use of research
engines, evaluating sources, writing scientific papers, and materials science. Four of our academy students qualified for in-
ternships for the summer. Mariana Gomez and Paola Odriozola qualified for the Scripps Research Institute and Saman-
tha Baxley and Theodore Matula were selected for engineering opportunities at the Naval Air Station North Island. This
year was a valuable expeience for both students in the academy and for the faculty mentors. But, next year the academy will
double in size and the entire community will begin to see the fruits of labor from these budding scientists!
Kamela will be continuing her edu-
cation at UCLA, where she has re-
Toni will be attending the University of Cali-
ceived an academic scholarship and
fornia Irvine next year, where she plans to ma-
plans to walk on to the basketball
jor in Biological Sciences with an emphasis in
team. At this time, she plans on
Neuroscience. From there, she plans to begin
majoring in Pre-Global Studies.
her education in pre-med and further become
Kamela was a member of the State
a neurologist. Toni was the ASB President,
Champion Varsity Basketball Team,
an Executive Ambassador, a member of the
where she received the State Wom-
National Honor Society, a member of the
en’s Sportsmanship Award, and was
Campus Ministry Team, played with the Steel
a member of the varsity softball and
Drum Band and was a member of many nu-
track teams.
merous clubs. With her involvement in so
Kamela was also a member of the
many avenues on campus, Toni was named
Ambassador For Christ Corps and
Lady Crusader of the Year, along with being
Campus Ministry for 3 years. She
honored with the 4-Year First Honors Aca-
feels these clubs have given her “the
demic Excellence Award and ASB Executive
sense of security knowing God will
President Award. Toni feels that her involve-
guide me through life.” Kamela feels
ment in Campus Ministry helped strengthen
her faith has strengthened through
her faith and helped her build her own. Be-
her involvement in these clubs at
fore Mater Dei, she feels that she followed
Mater Dei and will deeply miss the
what her parents believed and now she can go
relationships she has created over the
out on her own with what her own faith has
past 4 years.
taught her.
Soojin is excited to be attending
the University of California at
Berkeley in the fall. She is plan-
ning on studying business and
plans to pursue a career in hotel
management, where she hopes
to work overseas or around the
world. She was a member of the
soccer team, Campus Ministry,
Yearbook, ASB and was an Am-
Axel was offered full scholarship to both UCSD
bassador for Christ. She received
and UC Berkeley in San Francisco. He has yet
an Academic Excellence Award
to decide which to take, but plans to major in
for her 4.0 GPA and two others
Biochemistry and will attend Medical School
for Chemistry and English. She
afterwards to push toward his career goal of
says she will miss the beautiful
becoming a Pediatric Surgeon. Axel was a
campus next year, along with all
member of the Ambassador for Christ Corps,
the nice and caring teachers.
ASB and the Cross Country Team. He was
also named the Valedictorian his senior year.
When asked what he would miss most about
Mater Dei, he said, “the warm family feeling of
the student body and teachers.”
Marcel received a full football scholarship to
Kent Prep School where he plans to major Diane will be attending the New
in Business Administration and Marketing. School of Architecture and Design
He had a few other scholarship offers to play in the fall where she will pursue her
at UNLV and Baylor University, but decided dream of becoming an architect.
that Kent Prep School was the right place She was an active member of the
for him. His career plans include finishing ASB, Campus Ministry, National
school with a Master’s and then market- Honor Society and an Ambassador
ing urban clothing and music. Marcel also for Christ. Diane is a 5th genera-
played baseball, basketball and ran track at tion graduate of Marian/Mater Dei
Mater Dei. In football, he was named team and she says she will miss her fam-
captain, Team MVP, 1st Team All-League ily commute the most every morn-
Offense for both his junior and senior years, ing she attends college. When asked
along with being named to the San Diego how her faith will help her in the
Scholar-Athlete and Leader Hall of Fame future, she said, “The retreats have
and the San Diego Union Tribune All-Aca- helped me grow closer to God and
demic Team. Marcel feels he has grown dra- I have learned that in the future I
matically in his faith while attending Mater need to always keep my faith first.”
Dei saying, “I began to pray more and thank
God for the things in my life.”
Under the leadership of Coach Chris Moeller, the
Crusaders had a very successful season. Playing
arguably the toughest schedule in school history,
the boys team ended their season with a tough
CIF Playoff loss to the Imperial Tigers. High-
lights of the season included a 3rd place finish
in the Imperial Tiger Desert Classic and wins
over league rivals Chula Vista, Bonita Vista, and This is the 2nd year that Wrestling has been of-
Hilltop. Senior RJ Rowan received first team all fered at Mater Dei and the program is making great
Mesa League honors and was also chosen as a strides. Under the leadership of Scott Ullsperger, the
first team All CIF Division IV team member. Crusader grapplers have shown great improvement.
Senior De, Anthony Tobe was a 2nd team all Highlights of the season were the dual meet vic-
Mesa Leaguer. The Crusaders will return a solid tory over San Diego High, hosting of soon to be
nucleus of underclassmen so the future looks annual Mater Dei tournaments, and competition in
very bright for the program the CIF Division lV Championships. Junior Jorge
Gamez became the first CIF Masters qualifier for
the Crusaders in 20 + years with his 4th place finish
in the Division lV championships. The future looks
bright for the Crusader grapplers.
The Girls soccer team maintained the winning tradition with a successful 2009 season. Under the leadership of new coach,
Mrs. Brenda Byrn, the Crusaders had a great year. Highlights of the season were a 2nd Place finish in the Lady Vaquero
classic, a victory over Chula Vista and ties against local rivals Bonita Vista and Otay Ranch. Post-season honors went to all
leaguer Lauren Elise Judal. The future looks bright for the Lady Crusaders who will return eight starters next year.
BASEBALL don’t be surprised if these girls are competing for a CIF cham-
pionship next Spring.
Under the leadership of veteran coaches Ed Johnson, Donny
Myers and Jim Martinez, the Crusaders had another successful
season. The Crusaders finished with an overall record of 19-17
and advanced to the CIF Division IV semi-finals, where they
lost to the always tough and eventual champion, Christian Pa-
triots. Highlights of the season were victories over league rivals
Eastlake, Bonita Vista, and Hilltop. Individual honors went to
Sergio Valenzuela ( Jr.) and Emmanuel Gutierrez (Sr. ), who
were both named 2nd team All Mesa League. The future is
bright for the Crusaders who return a solid nucleus of players
for the 2010 season.
The Men’s Soccer Team from Mater Dei Catholic High School (MDCHS) completed
a tremendous run of victories over the last three weeks of their season. It culminated in two separate
championships. The Crusaders first cruised through the San Diego CIF Division IV playoffs routing
their opponents by an aggregate score of 14-1. The Division IV playoffs culminated in a 2-0 victory
over Francis Parker at Granite Hills High School on March 7th for the San Diego CIF title. This vic-
tory qualified them for the State playoffs, which was to take place the following week. The Crusaders
were seeded number two in the Division III Southern California Regional Soccer Championships.
They had to win two games to qualify for the regional finals. They faced two quality teams from Los
Angeles in Annenberg and Animo Leadership. MDCHS was able to notch victories in each of those
Natalie Gerken, Class of
2000, an HR Specalist at
Booze Allen Hamilton,
a world wide consulting
company was one of the 2009 ANNUAL CRUSADER
presenters at Career Day.
As the new school begins you need think about getting your
MDCHS would like to thank the following alums for partici- golf clubs ready for the 33rd Annual Crusader Golf Tourna-
pating in this years Career Day for the junior Class of 2010. ment on Sunday, October 11 (A Charger Bye-Weekend). This
John Poole ’66, Patty Saminiego Robles ‘75, John Landicho ’81, year the tournament will be at Eastlake Country Club with a 1
Natalie Gerken ’00, Vanessa Gonzales ’03 and Bernando Lara PM shotgun start. This is a four person best ball scramble for-
’07 helped make this an informative and rewarding day for our mat so golfers of all level are invited to participate. Cost is $125
future Crusader Alum. This event is held each spring for the which includes lunch, dinner, goodie bag and much more. You
junior class to help them prepare for college selection and career can download a copy of the registration form at the school web
opportunities. site or go to .
Ambassador’s Induction 6:30 p.m.
1st Grading Period Ends
17 Mainly Mozart 7:00 p.m. 4 Christmas Choral Concert 7:00 p.m.
20 Parent Meeting 6:30 p.m. 5 California Ballet “Nutcracker” 7:00 p.m.
30 Student “Walk-a-Thon” 12 JV Parochial Football Championships
For the most up to date c alendar and schedule, please visit www.mate r deic
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