Disk 6 The Poison in The Passion and Power of The Mind

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Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected].


6. THE POISON IN THE PASSION PART 1 The audio track is hypnotic warning that the visuals and audio allow us to drop our cognitive ability and possibly allow some sort of infiltration. Church Leaders: Billy Graham, Kenneth Copeland; Robert Schuller all agree its worth watching and is an accurate account, Tim le Hay positive. The Vatican states: if theyre critical of the film, theyll be critical of the gospel but which gospel is he talking about? Rick Warren: brilliant, masterpiece, historic. Darrell Bock substantially accurate. Pope John Paul 22ndit is as it was Sold 4.1 million copies on the first day, 611 mill USD It was made using 16th century Latin (with very deep occult relations (language of the inquisition). Flows directly out of Gibsons personal dedication to the Catholicism in one of its most mysterious formsthe 16th centuryMel Gibson Jesuit (Dr William Fulco) is the man who translated some of the scripts..Mel Gibson received his doctorate Ignasios Loyola University - founder of the Jesuit movement)..their goal is to destroy Protestantism and bring people back to catholism. The world seen from Romeif the mind doesnt understand, so much better People are heralding the movie as even greater than the Bible in its representation of Jesus death. Mel Gibson was renewing his Catholic faith and purchased a library of hundreds of books from a closed nunnery. Mel claims as he was reaching for a book on the library shelf, a supernatural intervention caused another book to miraculously drop into his hands. And that miracle book, not the Bible, not the Gospels, is the inspiration for the passion. The Dolorous passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to the Meditations of Anne Catherine Emmerich. Gibson claims like magic the book opened up a new world. Who is Anne Catherine Emmerich: born on the feast of the Virgin Marys own nativity: Sep 8 1874, she became a nun with supernatural visions very early in her life. She was frequently found practicing the occult art of levitation. She also practiced astral projection, claiming to have watched the actual execution of Kind Louis XVI and visited Marie Antoinette, queen

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

of France in prison. She experienced virtually every satanic supernatural and occult practice known (Dial-the-truth Ministries www.av1611.org/passion/passion.html). Occult means hidden/disguised. Levitation understood as tapping into supernatural being in a state of semi-cognitive state/hypnoses at which time). When her body was exhumed (thought body was stolen), it was not decomposed at all. Emmerich also bore the actual, physical wounds of Jesus Christ, called the Catholic mystic stigmata. At times the blood flowed so heavy from the supernatural stigmata wounds, the blood would completely soak the bandages and freely flow on the ground. For the last 12 yrs of her life, she only ate the Eucharistic bread and water (satanic transubstantiation). She claims to have seen the creation of heaven, the fall of the angels, the creation of the earth, the actual crucifixion of Jesus. These demonic crucifixion visions, became the inspiration for the movie..NOT the gospels! It is definitely not based in scripture, but in human experiences and emotions. The mass was the be all and end all for her. 1Tess 5:21 examine everything Exo 23:2 dont follow the masses 1Pet 5:8 be sober and vigilant First scene: Satan, who was enthroned, let loose his fury against Jesusthis is the only place where its acknowledged that Jesus is the Savior. Jesus is in absolute anguish, He leans forward, as he lifts up, someone is thereLooks up, looks up at the moon, camera turns and shows image of the being female who speaks as a male = baphomed (occult image of satan); to Jesus, torturing Jesus. Satan looks at Jesus, Jesus calling on God, moon covers over, in other words, God has left Him. He falls forward on his faceas satan speaks, moon opens up again..Underneath the dress..snake. Showing that Jesus in receiving his strength from the moon. Re-enforced, He crushes the head of the snake with his heel. UNBIBLICAL The Bible says in Luke 22:40-43 and there appeared an angel unto him from heaven Mary wakes up and is aware of the agony of Jesus - UNBIBLICAL They threw him off the bridge UNBIBLICAL. Hypnotic state 90% dont remember this image of Jesus being thrown off the bridge. In these scenes are hidden messages and traumatic scenes. Jesus receives a right blow over the head. Eye starts to swell closed. - UNBIBLICAL The pope says it is at it was..which gospel? Simon, son of John, why dost thou not answer me? - UNBIBLICAL

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

The wiping up of Jesus blood - UNBIBLICAL Why is Mary Magdalene wearing catholic clothing? Monica Balluchi played the role..google Monicaballuchi..757 000 websites depicting her in a pornographic positions. Mary giving Jesus His strength? - UNBIBLICAL Veronica wipes Jesuss face? Why is this in there give rise to the idea that there is a cloth with Jesus face imprinted in it Holy Face on the veil of Veronica 2006 - UNBIBLICAL Simon of Cyrene: he supported Jesus untrue. He did not help Jesus, Mark 15:21 he carried the cross - UNBIBLICAL Mary is at the feet of the cross, body is taken offplaced in the arms of the blessed virgin? UNBIBLICAL and not true he gave the body to JosephPieta in St. Peters Basilica in Vatican City depicts Jesus in Marys arms. The stations of the cross is the Catholic sacred ritual where they walk the footsteps of Jesus. It is vital to the catholic faith..the stations of the cross are commonly referred to by Catholics as the passion. There is no doubt the underlying foundation of the passion is the 14 stations of the cross. It is a catholic ceremony from where Jesus is condemned to crucifixion and fulfils a certain process. 1. Jesus is condemned Luk 23:24 2. Jesus carries his cross John 19:17 3. Jesus falls the first time not in the Bible 4. Jesus meets his mother not in the Bible 5. Simon of Cyrene helps carry the cross not in the Bible 6. Veronica wipes Jesus face not in the Bible 7. Jesus falls a second time Not in the Bible 8. Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem Luk 23:27-31 9. Jesus falls the third time not in the Bible 10. Jesus is stripped of his garments (John 19:23 11. Jesus is nailed to the cross Mark 15:24 12. Jesus dies on the cross Mark 15:38 13. His body is given to Mary not in the Bible 14. His body is laid in the tomb Matt 28:60 Mel Gibson: the film features much from Catholic tradition that is not based directly on Scripture such as Jesus passing through the Stations

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

of the Cross and his mother Mary being by his side much of the way . They know things are involved that are not Biblical. The idea is trying to explain that the sacrifice on the cross and the sacrifice at the altar (mass) is the same thing? To them it is the same thing. The Eucharistic Mass belief is that at that point, Jesus (the eucharist) is taken out of heaven and placed into the monstrous, in other words sacrificed again. Luther, Calvin and Melanchton denied that the Mass is a sacrifice. The Catholics declare the mass is a true sacrifice..you cannot re-crucify Christ. Youre an abomination to the Catholic Church if you do not believe the Christ in His entirety is in that Eucharist you are re-crucifying Christ by eating the eucharist and drinking his real blood by drinking the wine. As the blood drops off the elbows..the movie shifts back to Christ drinking the blood, explaining according to them the (transubstantiation) blood of Jesus. Everytime you watch the movie..Jesus is re-crucified through the mass. Heb 6:6 Warning Heb 10:10, 14 sanctified one www.zenit.org/english Every morning before filming, Mel G and the actor received mass. The actor Jim Caviezel said in an interview concerning Marys omniscience role in the passion: I ask Mary to guide me and my careerThis film is something that I believe was made by Mary for her Son. Mary is depicted as the co-redemptress, strengthening Jesus see how Jesus is constantly being depicted as watching Mary she is the strength enabling Jesus..at the last moment, Jesus looks up at the Sun..symbol of satan An image is shown of the nails that form a hidden occult message - an upside-down pentagram. It is done in such a way that you cannot see it without pausing or looking specifically for it. Look at Mary looking at the camera, her hand is positioned in a strange way, sending a message - this signal points to the image of mary as the co-redemptrix, mediatrix with holes in her hands depicting her as such. (you have to see this image!!!)

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

Part 2 Hidden things in the movie.. This has to do with the false trinity = God the father, mother and child. Del Tackett (EVP of Focus on the family): It has been 3 weeks since I saw the rough cut of The Passion. It is still impacting my life. I cant stop thinking about it nor can I stop talking about it. I have never seen a film that has so affected my life. Satan makes a noise in one area, but do something wicket where you dont notice. The sub-conscious images are in your mind imprinted even if you cant remember it. The Hawaiian Council called this the most violent film ever seen Incredible violence is created in this film..our mind gets so focused on that, that we leave the backdoor open i.e. Hanging around the thiefs neck is a scapula that will enable him to go into paradise. It has nothing to do with Jesus. The upside down pentagram: 1Pet 1:13 protect your mind II Kor 4:4 Baphomet points to good and evil (combination offwhere good meets evil) 2 fingers up and 2 fingers down. www.ocultpedia.com. All ancient pagan religion have mother-child simbology. Via-dela-Rosa: satan on the right of Jesus, Mary on the left, so Jesus becomes the point where good and evil come together the same as baphomet. Also, Jesus is being wipped, Lucifer walks past with a child in his arms, the child stroking lucifers face. Satan is looking towards his left. They are depicting the connecting point between good and evil. They are depicting the spiritual opposite of Jesus Christ the birth of anti-Christ taking place. The one eye (Jesus one eye swollen closed from the punch on the bridge). Jesus depicted as the one-eyed Messiah also used as a symbol by Mel Gibson in his business ICON. Barabbas also was depicted with only one eye. The un-repented thief Jesus leans back (shows the horned hand). The thief looks up at the crow crow takes out his eye (right eye). Thus Mels movie house, Jesus, Barabbas and the thief are all depicted with one left eye. The All Seeing Eye is an import symbol of the supreme being. They want to depict Lucifer and Jesus Christ as one and the same. Jesus two fingers

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

pointing out up is showing Hes the good pointing at the moon. So the image of Lucifer is being superimposed on Jesus Christ. Resurrection - Jesus is showed in a position of meditation, looking up, light shining on Him, but then he closes his eyes and when he opens them, theres a new expression on his face. Jesus is however naked not BIBLICAL. The Council on Foreign Relations logo portrays the Antichrist as a one-eyed, left-eyed naked messiah riding a white horse. (Massonic and Occult). These are the people working towards a one-world order. Zecha 11:17. The one-world order messiah is depicted in this movie. SATANIC. Jeremy Rifkin: The Evangelical churches will be the driving force behind the new world order. Heb 6:6 impossible to bring them back from repentance if they continue to nail Christ to the cross.. Four that: main reasons for launching the film: They want you to believe Salvation is only available in the eucharist To place Mary in the role as co-mediatrix Announces the arrival of the antichrist (in an image of good) To subconsciously implant the idea that Jesus and Satan are one and the same

http://cuttingedge.org/detail The whole Christian world is silently going through the dramatic change in religious thinking. Until this shift occurs, antichrist cannot arise. Such a paradigm shift is now under way, powered by 3 major factors running together simultaneously: Purpose driven church (Rick Warren) Da Vinci Code The Passion of the Christ Christianity are being twisted to accept new ideas. The Jesuits have got their fingers in everything. Hand 17:11 search the scriptures daily..

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

The Battle for the mind Part 1 Rom 12:2; 1Pet 1:13; Heb 8:10; 1Kor 2:16; Tit 1:16 Overpopulation: is made out to be a huge problem. This is untrue, the CIA estimated population just over 6.6 billion people on earth need approx 50mx50m by family of four 625m square pp. 4 mil square m for whole population (size of Southern Africa). The ruling class is able to channel the info they want you to hear. Satans network include sports, magazines, sex and pornography, music, rave parties, cell phones, drugs, movies, food, internet, pcs, games, tv, homosexuality, spiritualism, secret societies, work all to keep you so busy so u dont have to ability or energy to study Gods Word. Exo 32:2-6 golden calf. What are the origins of sport: Polo sun game ball is a symbol of the sun The Olympic torch is also related to the suns cyclic rhythm in honor of Zeus. Bal hadad (sun worship symbol) displayed in all sports and Olympic symbols. When people visit the papacy, even the queen, has to dress in black to show his supremacy and acknowledge his power. In 2006, pope met with Muslim group and even they all dressed in black. Nimrod was seen as the first mason. Masonic handshake between pope and Tony Blair is shown. Shery Blare came dressed in white. Headlines: Blair may become catholic soon. Was actually catholic for 25 yrs already. Associations to Catholic Church: Madiba, Reagan, Clinton, Blair, Zuma, etc. Victome vs victor (blue/red tie) Masonic uniform: black/white/red. The secret organization the Order of skull and bone or the Order of Death. Praying hands glasses on nose-tip, eyes to heaven. Jesus and the Gurus horned hand sign of recognition between those that are in allegiance with each other and satan. It used to be done in secret, now it is done much more open and is more prevalent. George Bush showed this symbol regularly. Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Dio (rock band); king abdula; prince William, metallica, John Edwards, Yasser Arafat; spiderman; Ugeo shows the symbol of pahamet; owners of Mc Donalds ; Kid Rock, Beetles; Kenneth Copeland, Billy Graham, Copeland ministries, Avril

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

Compiled From Mark Woodmans DVD Range Gods Final Call (Order from 072 500 3934 or [email protected])

Livene; Meryl Streep movie: Angels; Bono is very influential on world economic forum wears a bent cross, Mandelas prison number was morphed from 4664 to 46664. He received an honorary knighthood suggested lord of lords as a possible title. Bono often covers up his right eye. (refer back). Bono is seen on the short list of the Worldbank Chief. Part 2

Christian music: Amy grant; Anton Levey (founder of church of satan back-cover of satanic Bible). Refer to DVD

Compiled by: Nicolene Filmalter ([email protected])

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