Manila Media Monitor - JUNE 2009

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YEAR 12, No. 12 JUNE 2009 Home Paper of the 1999 Canadian Ethnic Journalists’ and Writers’ Club Winner for Best Editorial Toronto, Ontario

Community marks 111th Independence Day Farewell bash for
Ooops & Bloops

ConGen Mosquera
Liberal raises funds for
a formula?
Village of Unity
-7 Over a third of $75,000,
targetted for the construction
of 30 homes in a “Filipino-Ca-
Too old to nadian Village of Unity” in the
Philippines, was raised during
go to school? Proud salutations of the Uniting For A Cause: A
Not me, says “Mabuhay!” resonated Farewell Dinner-Dance For
The ConGen on May 22.
Nanay Rosa in mid-June in Canadian
Event organizing commit-
- 13 towns and cities where Fil- tee chairman Jojo Querubin
ipino communities are ma- said $12,760 in cash dona-
king a big difference. tions and $15,000 in pledges -
“Mabuhay!” is a Filipi- translating to at least 11 homes
in the village - were made
no vernacular that means during the event that honored
“Long Live!” but is most Philippine Consul General in
often used as a greeting of Toronto Alejandro Mosquera,
PIDC Dancing To patriotic acknowledgment, whose tour of duty would be
Be A Star launch - 37 lasting friendship and sin- completed by June’s end.
Cash donors included
cere respect. Tony and Milagros Kal-
“Mabuhay! I am proud loo who shared $10,000; the
Dancing To Be A Star to be a Filipino; just as I am proud to be a Canadian,” said longtime Toronto resident Leyteño Association of Ontar-
- 33 Risa Molina, 49, as she proudly waved a Philippine tricolor side by side with a Cana- io, $2,500; Jacque and Crissy
Live at dian Maple Leaf. Cuenca, one house; Yvette
PIDC Escalano, $160; and Appline
Molina is one of the tens of thousands of immigrant and temporary resident Filipinos who joined family, Aldea, $100.
Mabuhay! friends and neighbors in one of the many activities organized on different June dates by Philippine diplomatic ANCOP (Canada) Interna-
Festival posts and community groups across Canada to mark the 111th anniversary of the June 12, 1898 Declaration of tional, Inc. and Gawad Kalin-
(To page 3) ga, headed by its President and
CEO Ricky Cuenca, would

Manitoba LA cites Fil-Can presence;

facilitate the establishment of
Filipinos in Aurora Week the village and the construc-
tion of the homes.

1st BC MLA of RP descent takes oath

Besides the donations and
pledges, event proceeds total-
ling $4,294.79 would also go
The Filipino-Canadian com- “a handful of healthcare workers to the Village of Unity, said
munity in Manitoba and newly and a few others who originated Querubin.
sworn-in British Columbia Leg- from the Philippines made the “We did not reach our goal
islative Assembly member Mable decision to make Manitoba their of $75,000, but we will con-
Elmore have made their kababay- home.” tinue to look for potential do-
ans proud as both made recent He said that “over the last 50 nors to complete this village,”
history. years, the population of the Filipi- he added.
50-year milestone no community has grown through The committee chairman
In Manitoba, the legislative live births and immigration to an said the event became a great
assembly recognized 50 years of estimated 50,000 people.” success because of the people
Filipino immigration to Manitoba Manitoba, he added, socially who came and uncondition-
and cited the community’s impos- and economically benefited from ally shared - in ‘bayanihan’
ing social and economic presence the many contributions the Fili- fashion - their time, health and
in the province. pino community has made in all Aurora Mayor Phyllis Morris signs official proclamation wealth in a gathering meant
The assembly approved on sectors of Manitoba society. of “Filipinos in Aurora Week” from June 7 to 13, 2009, in to honor ConGen Mosquera,
May 26 a resolution from mem- He said the Philippines has council chambers. Witnesses are Philippine Consul General who wished for a community
ber Kevin Lamoreaux (Liberal, remained Manitoba’s primary Alejandro Mosquera (left) and Canada Philippines Business that would collectively help
Inkster). source of immigrants. Council president and proclamation author Forte Gerardo. (To page 14)
Lamoreaux cited how, in 1959, (To page 28) PR

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JUNE 2009

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JUNE 2009 3
a fervent love for their new
home in Canada.”
“(The June 12) ceremony
was an opportunity to hon-
our Filipino heritage and say
thank you for (the Filipino
community’s) contributions
to our province. By working
together, we help to make all
of Ontario stronger.”
Ignatieff greeting
Liberal Party leader Mi-
chael Ignatieff said that be-
yond remembering the addi-
tion of the Philippines to the
world’s family of nations,
celebrating the anniversary
of Philippine independence
“provides an important op-
Philippine Consul Imelda Panolong (2nd from right) leads officials and portunity to recognize the
community leaders in raising the Philippine tricolors at the Nathan Philips contributions made by the
Square on June 12. PR many people of Filipino de-
scent here in Canada to the

social, economic and cultur- World War II veteran Alex Parucha, a member of the
al fabric of our country.” Filipino American Veterans Association, proudly
“The Filipino communi- displays the Philippine flag. Parucha served as a
(From page 1) ty in Canada has grown sig- sergeant under the United States Armed Forces in
Philippine Independence. dia Monitor. City and Ontario Province nificantly in the last decade, the Far East and fought in Corregidor and Bataan;
On that historical date, But just the same, the officials read messages with an average of more marched in the 97-kilometer Bataan Death March
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Filipino community across highlighting the significance than 20,000 people each to Camp O’Donnell in Tarlac in 1942 and was held
raised the Philippine flag in Canada was treated to vari- of freedom day for Filipinos year choosing to immigrate as a prisoner of war by the Japanese at Camp
Kawit-Viejo, Cavite and de- ous civic, social, religious and their contributions to to Canada from the Philip- O’Donnell. He subsequently escaped. Parucha
clared the Philippine Islands and cultural activities cel- the city and province’s so- pines,” Ignatieff said. turned 92 on June 19. Photo: MARIO DIMAIN
free from 333 years of Span- ebrating a common history cial and economic growth. “Canada is now home to
ish colonial rule. and heritage. Community lauded more than 400,000 people of ceremonies, a breakfast-en- guests and visitors to an
“However, for many Flag-raising At Queen’s Park, site of Filipino descent, and we are tertainment program ensued open house.
Juan dela Cruzes in Canada, In Toronto, the Philip- the Ontario provincial par- all richer for their ongoing at the foyer of the Toronto Also on June 12 in
the mid-June celebrations pine flag was hoisted in sep- liament, the Ontario Liberal contributions to Canadian Police Service headquarters. Brampton, the Federation
might as well be a comple- arate flag-raising ceremo- Caucus said: life. The dedication and hard At the Philippine consul- of Filipino Canadians had
menting solemn declaration nies at the Nathan Phillips “The Filipino commu- work of Filipino Canadians ate, Consul General in To- its separate flag-raising cer-
of loyalty to adoptive land Square (8 a.m.) and Queen’s nity deeply enriches our so- have been instrumental to ronto Alejandro Mosquera, emony and activities.
Canada, which marks its Park (12 noon) on June 12. ciety, serving as a model of Canada’s success,” he said. Consul Imelda Panolong, Kalayaan, PIDC events
own special day on July 1,” In both occasions, Phil- connection to family, tradi- Other activities Vice Consul Edna Mae Earlier on June 6, the
Molina told the Manila Me- ippine Consular, Toronto tion and culture and sharing Between the flag-raising Lazaro and staff welcomed (To page 4)




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JUNE 2009 news
(From page 3)
Kalayaan Filipino Cultural ney of Philippine freedom
Organization (Kalayaan) through interpretative songs
and the Philippine Indepen- and dances from local talents
dence Day Council (PIDC) and the Culture Philippines
hosted a gala night at the Organization, Folklorico
Double Tree Hotel. Filipino Canada and Fiesta
The next day, Kalayaan Filipino dance troupes.
had its community picnic at Remember Dr. Rizal
the Mississauga Valley Park, Also on June 13, PIDC
with a Mass, parade and en- had its annual Independence
tertainment. Day fete dubbed as Salo-
On June 13, Kalayaan salo sa Earl Bales Park.
staged Malayang Pilipinas PIDC president Jun En-
at the Living Arts Centre. verga said the gathering
Written and directed by Eno highlighted by food-sharing, President Jun Enverga leads officers of the Philippine Independence Day Council in assuring the suc-
Mascalado Kalash, the pre- games and entertainment cess of the June 6 Independence Day Gala Night at the Double Tree Hotel by Hilton. At least 650 at-
sentation told of the jour- (To page 6) tended the event where Secretary of State Peter Kent was guest speaker. Photo: JOEL B.

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JUNE 2009 5
JUNE 2009 news
Some 4,000 magkababayans went to and had fun at the Philippine Independence Day Council (PIDC) Salo-salo Sa Earl Bales Park on June 7.
They shared food, exchanged ideas, played games, watched an entertainment program, and had more in the community picnic. Thirteen teams
competed in the volleyball championships and at least 14 booths were put up during the event. PIDC will cap its activities with the Mabuhay!
Festival at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on July 18. PR/Photo: RUDY CASTRO

(From page 4)
“not only exemplifies the FCT treat
cohesiveness of members For two days, on June 13
of the Filipino community and 14, the Filipino Centre
in Toronto. It also brings to Toronto (FCT) spearheaded
the fore the essence of be- its annual freedom day fes-
ing Filipino.” tivities with a Pista sa Nay-
Enverga said the salo- on (Town Feast) theme.
salo was also an occasion FCT publicist Aida D’ The Don Mills Aloha Dancers (above, left) under Linda Etzkorn and the Kayumanggi Dancers (above,
to honor Philippine national Orazio said the Santacruzan right) perform at the Filipino Centre Toronto Pista sa Nayon cultural show at Nathan Philips Square.
hero Dr. Jose Rizal and cel- on June 14 was a blast, AIDA D’ ORAZIO/Photos: NOLI’S GALLERY
ebrate his birth anniversary drawing a big crowd at the
on June 19. Nathan Philips Square. and cultural tradition as Annabelle Chipongian, Ms. 2nd runner-up, Reyna del Other reynas are Fiesta
Dr. Rizal is immortal- Fourteen women, they joined a procession Paraluman 2009, as Reyna Cielo; Nicole Malinay, Filipina Dance Troupe
ized with a bust in the park, beauty queens in their own around the square. Emperatriz; Rachelle Perez, Reyna de las Estrellas; and members Janine de Vera
a favorite gathering place of right, represented Biblical This year’s Reyna Elena Miss Teen GTA (Globe), Sheena Fortuna, Miss Teen as Reyna Banderada;
the Filipino community for characters and simulated the is Celine Zoleta, Miss Reyna de las Flores; Rachel Petite GTA, Reyna de las Margarita Arrojado, Reyna
years past. popular Filipino religious Manila 2009. With her are Ann Loberas, Miss Manila Virgines. (To page 11)
JUNE 2009 7


Liberal mindedness: Formula

for an independent country
See photo below? That one expected to burn the stage of your next publication.
went with an announcement Sunrise Restaurant when she “If you have received them
related to the celebration of unfolds a very special Fathers’ already, please ignore this email.” “Mom, after all we were able to pull up this big event without
the anniversary of Philippine Day show on June 20, 2009.” Minda must be exhausted your help,” seems to be what Rystle (2nd from left) -- oldest
independence day this month? Jen, please don’t do it. That dealing with the Filipino media. daughter of PIDC’s Rosemer and Jun Enverga is saying to
Just the exact formula for will be arson. (But of course, it was a slip of the her mom during Rosemer’s 50th birthday celebration as her
an independent country: liberal *** finger. She meant “Hello all”. She sisters Rocel and Reeza laugh about it, knowing that their
thinking people! E-mail received by Filipino- apologized in the subsequent e- mom has the golden touch in the organization and execution
*** Canadian publications in Toronto mail.) of big community events. The surprise party for Rosemer
A press release sent by on March 30 from PIDC Mabuhay *** was held at the Wyndham Garden Hotel in North York, On-
Philippine Courier publisher Festival Chair Minda Neri: Press release sent by NDP on tario on May 30. Photo: MANILA MEDIA MONITOR
Ramon Datol, under singer- “Hell all, June 4: “New Democrats Seek
restaurateur Cecille Araneta’s “If you have not received this to Ban Racial and Religious that since the time I arrived in tawag ako kaagad sa house nila
name states, “Sensuous full page ad from Jun Enverga, pls Profiling”. this country, there had been a and congratulated “ROSEMER”.
performer Jen Camacho is see attached and please include in … and I thought all the while ban on this. ***
*** Danio: Alam mo bilib na
Roasting of PIDC members bilib ako kay Rosemer, sa lahat
and Enverga family friends Danio ng bagay ma-aasahan mo ....
Penuliar and Gene Elamparo at the Gene: Ay naku talaga, ‘wag
surprise birthday party tendered mo lang paglulutuin, hah !!!
by Jun Enverga and daughters ***
Rystle, Rocel and Reeza to PIDC Danio: Gene, trivia questions
president, or rather PIDC first tayo about Rosemer. How well do
lady Rosemer Enverga, at the you know her ... what is Rosemer’s
Wyndham Garden Hotel, May 30: best leadership quality?
Danio: Gene do you know that Gene: DELEGATION !!!!
Jun was awarded a presidential ***
award recently and they went Danio: What is Rosemer’s
back home to see the president of favorite expression?
the Philippines? Gene: Hay naku terible,
Gene: Yah! I heard, kaya (To page 26)
A week before Father’s Day,
one father got a letter from his
From The around too long, children!
In my, and my wife’s case,
daughter, as follows:
“Dear Daddy,
“At the risk of sounding cliché,
Monitor’s Desk we are lucky as parents for our
children have repeatedly expressed
their love and gratefulness for the
12 years of dedicated
‘if anyone should ever write my way we reared them.
life story for whatever reason
ACE ALVAREZ At about this time last year,
community service
there might be, you’ll be there this corner published a letter of Managing Editor
between each line of fame and a son to his father – which came ACE ALVAREZ
glory, ‘cause you’re the best thing
that’s ever happened to me.”
Say those words now from our son, Christian.
This year, the note which
The father thought that the opened this column came from Associate Editor
letter was a copy of the lyrics of one wonder for him was why one Regardless that this piece was our daughter, Lennart Leigh GIE ALVAREZ
one popular song, but the daughter of his children only communicates written in time for Father’s Day, – a parent herself rearing three Contributing Editors
continued: with him on “Thanksgiving Day” and with the comments above young children with her husband Ben Viccari
Ricky Caluen
“One of my favorite memories (not even Christmas, nor New that brought to my recollection Matthew. Mag Cruz Hatol
is listening and watching you sing Year’s Day, nor his birthday), conversations about children, On behalf of my wife and Grace P. Freires
Manny Freires
karaoke at home years back. regardless of the fact that they I summon children, especially myself, I want to mention that Pete Lacaba
“I still get weepy, wishing that both live in the city – not far from the grown-ups, to express we are also grateful for having Mel Tobias
I could turn back the time. each other’s residences. their affection for their parents Lennart Leigh and Christian as our Editorial Assistants
“I still have your old (home) Yet, one of his children would (including their mother) while children, with the former giving Lennart Leigh Alvarez-Mahoney
recorded tape. call him and his wife daily, even they are around. us three bundles of our joy -- our Dods Andrada

“I once mentioned to someone only to say, “How are you today?” Oh yes, time is now as we grandchildren Russell, 9; Abigail, Contributors
that I’ve yet to see anyone else’s yet he stressed that when he and his boomers or zoomers won’t be 4; and Delilah, 2. (Photo below) Eva Agpaoa
Mario Dimain
heart break more than yours if wife reared them in accord Noel Perada
you were unable to grant your with the same guidance, Larry Torres
Edwin Acuna
children’s wishes. rules and equal love. Bien Garcia
“That is only one of the many One phone conversation Jeannie Pilapil
things that no one else has ever also brings a similar Account Executive
shown me in my lifetime.” situation. MYRNA SORIANO

The daughter closed her letter, One father mentioned Graphics

“I love you daddy. I love you more to me that his son had IDTech Solutions
than words can say.” just phoned him seeking
[email protected]
Some years back, a close advice, proceeded to tell
female friend told me after her dad me what it was about and Philippine Communication Facility
passed away that she was not able ended with, “It’s funny. My 974 Metrica Street
to see him as frequently as she had son phones me in situations 1008 Manila, Philippines
wanted with the very busy life that like this one, but never Tel/Fax: (632) 742-1484

everyone has in this country. remembers me on anything

Uttering with sobs, she said, now after he has married Published by
“I took it for granted knowing that and looking after his own 98 Comrie Terrace
he’s just around. Now, it’s too late children,” stressing, “But Scarborough, Ontario M1M 3T2
to do that.” what can we do, we never
In another situation, one father end to be fathers to these Tel. 416.285.8583
told me during a conversation that grown-ups.”
There is something not right cinctly: Corruption is a Way of is published and circulated
when a congressman is invited to Life. once a month

in Toronto and its suburbs.
a graduation ceremony, confirms It chronicled a day at a gov-
his attendance and then makes the ernment bureau and described all Manila MEDIA MONITOR is a
gathered throng wait for three hu- forms and manner of corruption publication dedicated
to the formation of positive
mid hours. that the writer witnessed in less values in the Filipino-Canadian
A representative from Iloilo, MAG CRUZ-HATOL than eight hours of transaction. social and business community.
known for running his own phar- There are hundreds of thou- Manila MEDIA MONITOR
maceutical company and recent- sands of such offices around the covers all aspects of interest
to the community it serves.
ly, for successfully pushing the country.
Generic Drugs Bill, recently stood
up hundreds of graduates at a lo-
Some things Filipinos There are at least 240 working
days annually.
Every effort is made
to verify the information published
cal school. It is unfathomable to imagine
He also sent the parents and have to live with the massiveness of corruption that
your one of only two
community papers in Toronto
(the other paper being ...
guests of the graduating batch happens just in one year. ‘the others’). The views and opinions
home and to their fields, not hav- Plastic is also inextricably at- human. They have replaced the Senator Loren Legarda was expressed, however, by individual
writers are not necessarily the
ing witnessed the ceremony they tached to our existence today, jeepneys and taxicabs as the de right in her calculation. opinion, nor reflect those, of the
anticipated for four years. it being the wrapper and bag of facto kings of the road and are in Of the billions earmarked for publisher. Thus, the publication
choice in virtually every business every local newscast for the amaz- accepts no responsibility in
Again, there is something bi- the national budget, forty percent connection with any liability
zarre when a man who gives up enterprise. ing variety of mishaps they figure goes to debt servicing. which might develop resulting
his career and political associates Sail from any pier of Manila, in. Thirty percent, at the very from articles published.

to squeal on them in favor of na- or Cagayan or Iloilo. In no time at all, the Philip- least, slips into the hands of cor- Manila MEDIA MONITOR
tional preservation gets harassed In nearly every square foot of pines may overtake Laos and rupt officials. accepts submissions, subject to
availability of space, but reserves
by government and ends up being water floats jellyfish-like items. Cambodia in the number of man- Little wonder the country the right to edit for publication.
incarcerated instead. A recent quixotic effort to gled citizens. is poor. Only 30 percent of its
Contributed articles must be
The Jun Lozada episode is all clean up the Pasig River brought It is easy to secure any form scheduled budget actually goes to in word document format.
too familiar because it finds repe- to shore (no pun intended) tons of of license in the Philippines: mar- manage the over seven thousand Photo releases must be with
tition in the controversies starring plastic that have been clogging up riage, professional, drivers, busi- islands populated by nearly 90 captions and in JPEG format.

JocJoc Volante of the fertilizer the erstwhile lifeline of the city. ness. In fact, even diplomas and million people. Item and photo submissions
scam, Virgilio Garcillano of the Pass by the infamous Smokey transcripts of academic records Thankfully, there is now a must be sent by e-mail via
[email protected]
Hello Garci shame and a string Mountain and you will see a mon- can be fabricated. mushrooming of movements
of others where whistle-blowers strous mound of soil, yield from Hence, we must contend with among the intelligentsia and the Articles published in
turned modern-day martyrs ended years of decomposition from all full-fledged college grads who youth sector seeking to restore may be reproduced only
up being crucified, tables having the garbage that had been spewed have never even attended a day moral ascendancy through elec- with the permission
by profligate households. at the university, driving motor- of the publisher.
been turned on them instead. tions.
It is becoming a way of life in Popping out of the mountain’s cycles with licenses acquired mi- All the above should be a thing SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISING,
the country. crevices are the resilient and eter- nus attendance at any traffic rule of the past. CIRCULATION and other inquiries
may be addressed at the following:
People seeking to set things nally durable plastic bags waiting school, going to phoney employ- That is the common battlecry.
right find themselves at the re- for another century before they ment agencies armed with coun- A lot of noise is being made. TEL. (416) 285-8583
ceiving end of accusations from are reclaimed as soil. terfeit documents. Could it be that by year 2022, FAX (416) 285-6862
the very officials whose salaries The motorcycles zip by, weav- A newspaper article published the Philippines will finally emerge
and lifestyles his taxes sustain. ing in and out of traffic, motor or locally months ago said it suc- as an Asian dragon?
JUNE 2009 9
in films like Munich, Defiance

Commentary and Copenhagen does not endear

himself to me as James Bond.
The new treatment shows for
Bond as a cold blooded killer and
BEN VICCARI a torturer and Craig plays his part
LETTER TO THE EDITOR so well, when he’s allowed to act
in between all those confusing
high-tech chases, that he repels
Love the Maple Leaf A matter of taste me.
This new, humorless Bond is
Dear Editor, light years away from the original
I enjoyed very much Ben Viccari’s article and I commend him created by Sean Connery, my all-
for writing about the man who brought Canada its own flag. time favourite.
I must share though some tidbits about the flag that was missing And Connery is no one-
in Mr. Viccari’s article. trick pony as he has proven in
Actually, we Canadians have to be thankful to the Egyptians for so many films like The Name of
the creation of the Maple Leaf flag of Canada. the Rose for which he merited
When Lester Pearson brokered that peace deal during the Suez Britain’s top movie award and
Canal crisis, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Peace, he wanted The Untouchables winning him
to send Canadian troops as peacekeepers in the Suez to seal the an Oscar.
peace deal with Egyptian President Gammal Abdel Nasser. Even though licensed to
Only problem was Nasser refused to accept Canadian peace- kill, the old Bonds as played by
keepers because Canada then was using the Union Jack as its flag. Many Canadian films have In a small northern Ontario Connery, Roger Moore, Pierce
The Egyptians did not want to see on their soil the hated Union tried so hard to be different that town they learn of a reclusive local Brosnan and others did so when
Jack, the flag of the British Empire. too often the result never lives up named Noel Snow who could be up against a real threat to their
That woke Canadians, especially Lester Pearson to the reality to the promise. the man they’re looking for. lives or the lives others.
that we should have our own flag. Now here comes Let Him Be, To divulge the rest of this plot Who can forget Connery in
So the search began for a flag design that would last years in which its makers insist isn’t a would be to deprive you of the From Russia With Love, the fight
the making. mockumentary but more properly suspense that builds in this fine to death in a railway carriage
In the meantime, opposition leader John Diefenbaker was vehe- a “documentary” that is to say a movie. between Bond and the Red Grant
mently opposed to the idea of replacing his beloved Union Jack. film made in documentary style Sean Clement as Tim and the Irish terrorist? Pretty low tech
He was even doubly incensed when the final design of the flag without the laughs. Kathleen Munroe as Kathleen stuff, but nail biting.
included red representing the British heritage of Canada and white The film asks What if John play well under the direction of I recall another sequence
representing Canada’s French heritage. Lennon hadn’t died from that Peter McNamee, who was also the when Connery threw an electric
Diefenbaker only saw the colour red which for him represented assassin’s bullet back in 1980? screenwriter. fan into a bath tub to polish off his
the liberal party. Let Him Be started a week’s Not only the principals but the adversary.
But as everyone agrees, the Canadian flag is a wonderfully de- run at the AMC Metropolis 24 entire cast are perfect in their roles
signed piece of artifact, well-balanced and unique among the flags Theatre, Dundas Square in Toronto as typical small town people.
of the world. on May 29. I particularly liked Barbara
In his intense opposition to the Maple Leaf flag of Canada, It was then to travel on to Baker as the owner of a diner and
Diefenbaker even went on to embarrass himself. Vancouver. Graham Wignall as Stanley Fields,
On the eventful day of the hoisting of the new flag, part of the Let Him Be plays like a Noel’s companion.
protocol was to lower the Union Jack so the new Maple Leaf flag real documentary film as Tim Unfortunately the sin of
can replace it. Bennett, a young Toronto film pessimism tempts us to consider
In front of thousands that gathered on Parliament Hill and with maker discovers a fragment of the distribution fate of many other
millions watching all over Canada and the world, as the Union Jack film showing an elderly man who Canadian films.
was being lowered, John Diefenbaker broke down and cried, sob- looks like Beatle John Lennon. It is fervently hoped that Let
bing like a boy that just lost his toy. He persuades his girl friend Him Be will find its way to DVD
That’s why we have to love the Maple Leaf as so much history and film making partner, Kathleen as quickly as possible.
was woven into it, and it was won through blood (in Suez Canal), to join him in a search for the man ***
sweat (of Lester Pearson) and tears (of John Diefenbaker). he believes really is the iconic Britain’s Daniel Craig, who has CONNERY AS BOND
MANNY BADE, Toronto, ON. Lennon proven himself a very good actor (To page 26)

Martin Nievera’s ren- introduction of the lyrics, Thee do our souls adore. lyrics of the anthem in my
dition of Lupang Hinirang
at the recent Pacquiao-
Hatton fight has stirred
is as rich as the nationalist
sentiments it hopes to
awaken in us.
Perspective Land dear and holy,
Cradle of noble heroes,
Ne’er shall invaders
Spanish 4 class (Philippine
Literature in Spanish).
The lyrics of the anthem
enough controversy as to General Aguinaldo had Trample thy sacred shore were actually first written
inspire the introduction of a march composed by a
RICARDO J.S. CALUEN ... in Spanish, the poem titled
a bill (it passed third and Filipino musician while In 1963, when I was Filipinas by Jose Palma
final reading recently) in the in exile in Hong Kong in Grade Two, President having been set into Julian
Philippine legislature that but he did not find this Diosdado Macapagal signed Felipe’s composition
criminalizes the improper satisfactory. a presidential proclamation in 1899 when the first
singing of the National
Anthem as arranged by
In the week preceding
the declaration of Philippine
If you gonna sing it, mandating that henceforth
the national anthem
Philippine Republic was
aborning in 1899.
composer Julian Felipe.
One could face stiff
Independence on June 12,
1898, the Caviteño musician
sing it right! would only be sung, in the
Philippines and abroad,
The Spanish version
was a tongue twister, were
penalties of up to P100,000 and composer Julian Felipe in its Pilipino version, or one to pronounce the words
in fines and two years in paid his respects to the renamed Marcha Nacional once propped me atop an Lupang Hinirang. with the Spanish lisp as my
prison for violating the new general while visiting with Filipina, Philippine Hymn empty kerosene can to be Thus did all school Madrid-educated professor
law (once signed by the Gen. Mariano Trias. and finally, Philippine the conductor and lead children start singing the Señor Faigal would insist:
President). It was then that National Anthem. the entire studentry in the anthem in Pilipino. Tierra de dichas,
Salient provisions of the Aguinaldo requested Felipe Going over the various singing. This version was del sol y amores,
bill call for the rendering to compose a march that versions of the lyrics of My music teacher Mom actually conceived in 1956 En tu regazo dulce es vivir.
of the National Anthem “can inspire our men to the national anthem - now had primed me to do the job, during the incumbency of Es una gloria para tus hijos,
according to Felipe’s fight the enemy – something officially called Lupang making sure I maintained President Magsaysay. Cuando de ofenden, por ti
marching tempo or within which embodies the noble Hinirang (Chosen Land the “4/4” beat - which is Gregorio Hernandez, morir ...
the range of 100 to 120 ideals of our race ... I want is the more accurate really the correct way of the Secretary of Education Minor revisions were
metronome, in 2/4 beat something more stirring and translation) - reminds me singing the anthem, not the at the time, formed a made in the 1960s in the
when played and in 4/4 beat more majestic.” how old I am. funereal tempo that many commission to revise the lyrics of Lupang Hinirang,
when sung. Hence, the original I learned to sing the sadly follow. Tagalog words of O Sintang the final opus being the
(It is impossible to sing title of Marcha Nacional English version (by Camilo At the time, I did not Lupa (composed by Julian handiwork of Felipe Padilla
the anthem following its Magdalo (referring to the Osias and the American fully comprehend the Cruz Balmaceda, Ildefonso de Leon, which is what we
original martial beat - it will Katipunan council to which Mary A. Lane) when I was lyrics that I now find very Santos, and Francisco continue to sing today.
leave you breathless.) Aguinaldo and many of his in Grade One in 1962. beautiful: Caballo), which was At the height of martial
The history of our Caviteño comrades-in-arms The RVM nuns of St. Land of the morning, approved as the national law in the Philippines (when
national anthem, from the belonged). Michael’s College in my Child of the sun returning, anthem in 1948. I was also completing my
inception of its music to the Eventually, it was native Iligan City even With fervor burning, I got to sing the Spanish (To page 26)
Public Relations (PR) (my apologies to the Bea- interests. for US President John F.
is Public Responsibil- tles) of a person’s, a juridi- PR is likewise being re- Kennedy the famous line
ity. That was exactly what
Philippine PR guru Tony
Vasquez got me to believe
cal entity’s, a corporation’s
or even a charity’s pro-
grams or projects - mostly,
Omerta sponsible, fully accountable
to the public.
After all, it is the public
“Ich bin ein Berliner (I am a
Berliner)” in a speech about
being free at the Berlin Wall,
and hang on to when he big fundraisers and mon- BUTCH GALICIA from whose best judgment which once stood as an in-
gave me that rare, although eymakers - that, except for PR owes its grand success. famous barrier in Germany
short, chance to work with donor image profiling and PR without public re- and the city of Berlin.
him at the PR department of state-guaranteed tax cuts, sponsibility is almost al- More than this, Mr.
the Metro Rail Transit Corp. only benefit those involved ways bound to fail. Loechner taught me never
(MRTC) in the late 90s.
PR is Public Respon-
in such endeavors.
PR is not just a Promo-
Public Responsibility This is the kind of bad
(and many nincompoops
to mix journalism with PR.
Both are ruled by high
sility. That was also ex- tional Resource nor just a have the nerve to call it PR) professional and ethical
actly what I told the Fifth Press Release. He shunned public respect, confidence members of the host group, promotion some persons standards; and engaging in
National Public Relations the idea of press releases and belief in the person, the kin of its leaders and a few and juridical entities use to both at the same time likely
Congress when I spoke, as and statements to the media juridical entity, the service friends. build images and whatso- raises questions on conflict
a case presentor for Anvil that highlight too many self- or the product. PR is more than just ever that may suit their own of interest (mine against the
Awardee MRTC, before the serving adjectives and show Keeping things away ‘Pakikisama Raw.’ Pakiki- needs and interests. public’s).
Public Relations Society only the shining side of a from the public only raises sama (a Filipino trait loose- *** Thus, it was and would
of the Philippines (PRSP) multi-dimensional coin. more doubts and opens a ly translated as peer sup- I was fortunate indeed to be either one or the other.
gathering at the EDSA Pla- He would always re- Pandora’s Box of questions port) helps; but not when it have learned great lessons This was why when I
za Hotel on Sept. 26, 1997. mind me that a press release that may be hard to later an- is abused. on PR from Mr. Vasquez. joined MRTC, I had to de-
The PRSP aptly themed the should go beyond just pro- swer, if not before a mob of Self-serving tricks like But I was luckier to cline offers from various
congress Reinventing Pub- moting and making popular angry men or before the ci- free lunches, gifts, junkets have obtained the valuable Philippine national news-
lic Relations for the 21st a person, a juridical entity, a vility of a court of law. and bribes do not buy last- insight of Robert Loech- papers, including the ones I
Century. service or a product. Colorful motivational ing goodwill from a more ner, former director of the have worked with.
Whether he either ex- It should be free of lies, PR websites may get a big discerning public. International Institute of When I went back to
pressed it in the least but propaganda and disinforma- number of hits; but if these At the least, it achieves Journalism in Berlin where journalism, I had to decline
most meaningful of words, tion (half-truths dished out are absent of more hon- only a temporary respite on I completed an Advanced PR work. His public re-
showed it in his most pro- by brainwashers to enforce est-to-goodness content, the public’s utter disbelief Training Course on Journal- sponsibility demands from
fessional actions, or sim- public acceptance). like financial wheretos and - whether perceived or ob- ism in 1986. a journalist to do what a
ply made me feel it with a A press release should wherefores, the public may taining - of a person, a ju- Mr. Loechner was the journalist has got to do.
sincere smile or a pat in the be complete, concise and not even raise an eyelid, ridical entity, a product or a speechwriter who coined [email protected]
back, I knew Mr. Vasquez objectively written, hiding much more raise the roof, service.
was bequething to me an nothing from a public it is for the person, the juridi- Pakikisama, at its best,
abbreviated but comprehen-
sive human principle: PR is
Public Responsibility.
begging for the reading and
Truth in PR never
cal entity, the service or the
No wonder, most PR
is a mutual two-way under-
standing wherein all parties
are treated as equals.
Our Journey
He changed - 360 de- hurt anybody. Mr. Vasquez jobs, particularly those PR is Public Respon-
grees - my lingering percep- had been resolutely right in pertaining to big money- sibility. Plainly and simply, EVA AGPAOA
tion of PR as Big Brother’s making me understand the making events, end up with all Mr. Vasquez wanted to
systematic schematic tool to importance of truth in PR. little support from the pub- say was that Public Rela-
suppress public conscious- More than anything else, lic; although it may gain a tions is the ability to re- Eva Agpaoa is out-of-town. Her column will resume
ness and then forcibly in- truth in PR breeds transpar- little backing, some after spond, 24/7 if it be needed, next issue. The Editor
gress into it the I, Me, Mine ency that, in turn, builds a lot of arm twisting, from to the public’s needs and

am not Canadian born.

The 3rd Eye

But in my thirty-four
years in Canada, my heart
grew loving this country
that adopted me.
MARIO DIMAIN And it is not far from
the truth to say that I am
Canadian grown.
I feel I am just as
Canadian as my children.
Canadian grown We all share the same
loyalty to the flag of this
Of all the animals It was also the ground I love Canada.
roaming this planet, it is that embraced the flow of This is where I belong,
without a doubt that Homo the early settlers from the the country of all nations.
Sapiens reign superior. United Kingdom, Europe This is the place where
We are that breed, and China. all ethnic backgrounds are
created special with solemn They were the treated with dignity.
responsibilities to be the hardworking groups of It is also the place where
guardians of Planet Earth. people who built the land as freedom and equality are
As humans, we have the a strong nation. strongly upheld.
power to tame the wild and They opened the doors My fondness for this
build communities out of to the flocks of immigrants, country is better expressed
wilderness. so they too can fulfill their in my photo journal of its
We are people, endowed lifelong dreams, the dream people and mixed cultures;
with many creative abilities to be free and the dream to cities and towns; and
and one of them is the build better lives. its breath-taking natural
special ability to dream. This beautiful land beauties.
Whether we dream big where dreams are bountiful It is my ardent wish that
or dream small, the cost is is known to the rest of the imagine the good life that respected rather than raised in Filipino values on my final day, my family
free. globe as Canada, one of awaits me beyond the feared. and have South East bury me in this land, the
But when followed leading countries of the horizon. These lively thoughts Asian features, they are land that has been my home
through, the fulfillment can world today, I fantasized a place and vivid imagination Canadians. for more than half of my
bring its ultimate glory. Just like other where all poor children have would amuse me for hours, They were all born in lifetime.
The great explorer, John immigrants, I also had a toys to play with and still be but it also made me wonder this country. I hope and pray that
Cabot sailed away with his dream. able to eat good meals three if there was really such a They are part of Canada’s on my resting ground,
dream across the big seas When I was a child, I times a day. place. diverse multicultural society wild flowers will bloom to
and discovered a new land. would sit down by the sandy I imagined a nation My children have lived that is interwoven with silently tell the clouds in
He found a vast coast line of Zambales where the poor and the rich my childhood dream. mutual desire to protect and the sky, “Here, lies a man
land filled with many and look as far as my eyes are treated equal. It is Canada that made it preserve the greatness of who fulfilled his dream
opportunities and new could see across the South I dreamed of a country happen. this nation. and forever grateful to
beginnings. China Sea, and then I would where authorities are Although they were Unlike my children, I Canada.”
JUNE 2009 11

Santacruzan queens (from top left, clockwise)
Celine Zoleta, Nicole Malinay, Sheena Fortuna,
Rachelle Perez and Annabelle Chipongian wow
(From page 6) the crowd during the Filipino Centre Toronto (FCT)
Fe; Janessa Ramos, Reyna Christine Maicong, Nicole two-day Independence Day offering with a Pista
Esperanza; April Go, Reyna Oshaba, Nikki Oshaba and sa Nayon motif. The Santacruzan at the Nathan
Caridad; Cassie McMillan, Roloves Mangante. Philips Square in downtown Toronto highlighted
Reyna Sentenciada; Kristy Upstage, the Philippine the annual FCT event. AIDA D’ ORAZIO/Photos:
Peniera, Reyna Sheba; Folklorico rondalla played NOLI’S GALLERY
Kathleen de Guzman, Reyna while a group of FCT
Paz; and Aileen Macabeo, directors sang the Dios Te
Reyna de las Propetas. Salve. The Santacruzan
A trolley with the icon marked the finale of FCT
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Pista sa Nayon 2009.
escorted by Julie Almaria Earlier, FCT conducted
and Cecile Kolmegies and the finals of its Filipino
devotees, highlighted the Singing Idols (FSI) 2009.
Santacruzan. Declared champions
Heading the procession were Siena Yadao in the
were Vicky Gerra and children’s category; Andrea
Baby de Villa who held the Barredo, teen’s category;
Santacruzan banner and Ramon Billanes, in the
the angelic AVE MARIA adult category.
card bearers Jessica Baradi, Runners-up in all
Charlyne de la Fuente, categories, respectively,
Charlize de la Fuente, (To page 12)
It kicked off on June 7
with a picnic at the Vincent
(From page 11) Massey Park, where the
were April Joyce Bulancao, ► The 30-piece lechon community witnessed, took
Emmanuel Sibal and Earth (roasted pig) parade joined part in and enjoyed a parade,
Garaneo. in by volunteers from the a short program, a Mass,
D’ Orazio also reported crowd. Parada ng mga Lechon, en-
that a Mass officiated by Fr. Rey Tolentino and tertainment and games.
Macalipay opened the the Arnel Caballes hosted the During the program,
two-day Pista sa Nayon. programs. freedom day greetings from
Other activities were: FCT president Lynda Ontario Premier Dalton
► A bike rodeo in Javier lauded Consul McGuinty and Philippine
cooperation with the Toron- General Mosquera and past President Gloria Macapa-
to Police Service. Congen Susan Castrence gal-Arroyo were read.
► A parade highlighted and the Toronto Police and On June 12, separate
by the participation of the thanked them for helping Philippine flag-raising cer-
Falun Gong Band. and supporting FCT. emonies were conducted at
► Entertainment featu- Efren de Villa chaired the Ottawa City Hall and
ring hip hop and rock bands, Pista sa Nayon 2009. Tahanan ni Rizal.
Can-Asian dancers and FSI Aurora proclamation The next day saw mem-
winners Jeanette Ricasio, Relatedly in Aurora, FCT Pista sa Nayon Santacruzan Reynas (from left) Janine de Vera, Mar- bers of the Ottawa Valley
Vincent Villanueva and Mayor Phyllis Morris garita Arrojado, Janessa Ramos, April Go, Cassie McMillan, Kristy Peniera, community garbed in Bar-
Teddy Marasigan. signed a proclamation de- Kathleen de Guzman, and Aileen Macabeo give photographers their graceful ong Tagalog and terno as
Also at the Pista on claring Filipinos in Aurora poses during a lull at the event. AIDA D’ ORAZIO/Photo: NOLI’S GALLERY they attended the PICOV-
the second day were the Week from June 7 to 13, hosted Independence Gala
Don Mills Aloha Dancers, 2009. from Argentina, Australia, Frank and Nelia Tonido in members of the Filipino at the Centurion Banquet
Kayumanggi Group, Cul- Consul General Mos- Bangladesh, Belgium, showcasing the colorful community as they cel- Hall.
ture Philippines, Folklo- quera and Canada Philip- Bulgaria, China, Cuba, world of Philippine art. ebrate their heritage.” An information session
rico Filipino Canada, Paul pines Business Council Czechoslavakia, Egypt, Ottawa Heritage Week PICOV program for caregivers on June 14 at
Murphy, Josie de Leon, president and proclamation Finland, France, Hungary, In Ottawa, acting mayor Still in Ottawa, the Phil- the Assumption Parish Hall
Sandra de Mico, Camille author Forte Gerardo wit- Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Michel Bellemare signed ippine Independence Com- gave meaning to the cel-
Mendoza, FSI winners nessed the signing. Jamaica, Japan, Korea, a proclamation declaring mittee of Ottawa Valley ebration, a fitting tribute of
Edessa Andrada, Maria PAG exhibit Poland, and Turkey. June 7 to 13, 2009 as Phil- (PICOV) led by Sonia del the community in helping
Teresa Panaligan and From June 12 to 14, the PAG president Omel ippine Heritage Week in the Rosario partnered with oth- their overseas kababayan
Charlyn Marundan. Philippine Artists Group Masalunga led artists Romi Canadian capital. er community groups and working in Canada.
During the Forex’s (PAG) of Canada marked MananQuil, Rolly Abarilla, Bellemare cited the ef- the Philippine Embassy to The laying of a wreath
Kwarta o Kahon conducted Independence Day by rep- Jun Afable, Teody Asuncion, forts of the Filipino-Canadi- successfully conduct a se- at the bust of Dr. Jose Rizal
by Police Constable Philip resenting the Philippines in Nellie Bautista, Celia an community in celebrating ries of activities from June at the La Maison du Citoy-
Mendoza and Rachelle the Art ‘09 International Art Correa, Cobie Cruz, Frank Philippine Independence 7 to 14. en de Gatineau coordinated
Perez, contestant Elsa Fair at the Metro Conven- Cruzet, Jhun Diamante, Day since 1967, in partner- The Independence Day by the Philippine Heritage
missed the box with a round- tion Centre. Tony Doctor, Rol Lampitoc, ship with Ottawa Valley. fete was themed Kagalin- Foundation and the Philip-
trip ticket to the Philippines, The group joined the first Dong Magalona, Koni Mar- The acting mayor urged gan, Kagitingan at Kasi- pine Embassy capped the
but still won some money. Toronto gathering of artists coux, Toots Quiachon, “all citizens to join with pagan Tungo Sa Tunay Na (To page 15)

Dr. Gilbert Chan
Dr. Daphne Chien
Dr. Janet Ho
Dr. Janet Wong
Dr. Michael Chin
JUNE 2009 13
Too old to go to school? Not me, says Nanay Rosa
GENERAL SANTOS Simplicio Balleza Jr., bus- By ANNALIZ CABRIDO children earned their high Nanay Rosa and her hus-
CITY - Amid the pineapple ied himself attending to the school diploma. band are tending their small
and asparagus farms in Tupi ongoing enrollment at the a decision to drop her work the so-called uneducated Balleza said Nanay coconut and corn farm.
town, South Cotabato, a shy Tupi National High School, as an active barangay health ones are prone to human Rosa is a living example of Aside from being a vil-
54-year-old mother, Rosa the mother of six grown-up worker of Purok 14-A, Ba- abuses and their families an individual who values lage health worker, Nanay
Saling-Gagnao, walked on children looked very much rangay Poblacion in Tupi, continue to be mired in the importance of education Rosa and her husband are
the way to the principal’s worried as it was the only to attend to her schooling, poverty. despite her age. enjoying their prime years
office of a secondary school time she got inside a prin- missed in her younger years Nanay Rosa said she He commended Nanay as proud parents of a daugh-
in the area. cipal’s office again after 36 due to poverty. asked her farmer-husband if Rosa’s act, saying, “Age is ter who has landed a job in
Certainly, Nanay Rosa, years. For Nanay Rosa, gone she could go back to school a matter of number but edu- Australia.
as she is fondly called, was After briefly talking are the times that she lived and attend to her unfinished cation is a matter of contin- Two other children work
not summoned for some un- with the principal, Nanay in perpetual bondage of pov- secondary school studies af- ued learning.” as a pharmacy aide and a
ruly things done in school Rosa would be treading the erty and ignorance which ter she quit school in 1973. Department of Educa- nursing aide.
by her youngest son, but she fields each day to school, are the reasons for the gap Her husband supported tion (DepEd) Region XII During the first day of
had something more impor- not to fetch her kids, but as between the poor and the her in finishing her sec- Director Luz Almeda said class, Nanay Rosa was ac-
tant to tell to the principal. a fourth-year student again. rich in the Philippines. ondary course at the same age, like poverty, is not a companied by her youngest
As the school principal, Nanay Rosa arrived at Under such conditions, school where her grown-up hindrance to finish school. son, who is a grade three
Perseverance and dili- pupil in a nearby public
FCT Ms. Paraluman ‘09 winners gence are the keys to excel school.
in a chosen field, Almeda They had lunch together
Annabelle Chipongian added. and went home together af-
is all smiles after be- DepEd records show ter school.
ing crowned Filipino that Nanay Rosa is the old- “I just wanted to finish
Centre Toronto (FCT) est among the 800,000 pub- high school. That’s all I am
Ms.Paraluman 2009 on lic school students, both in wishing for,” Nanay Rosa
May 31. Flanking her elementary and high school, said.
(from left) are Hilda Ar- in Region XII. “I have all the experi-
cega, 3rd runner-up; Meanwhile, to influence ences to tell but I want to
Maria Dolores Shinn, and motivate other students, know more to understand
4th runner-up; Isabel the school principal has more.” PNA Feature
Aperocho, 2nd runner- put Nanay Rosa in the last
up; and Felisa Pulum- section of the fourth-year
barit, 1st runner-up. class. Education is
FCT chair Dr. Victoria
Santiago and Consul-
However, Balleza gave measured not
assurance that Nanay Rosa
ate legal assistant John will be given fair and just by age, but by
Reandino crowned
Chipongian. PR
learning, the same as with wisdom.
the regular students.
JUNE 2009 News
Farewell bash for ConGen Mosquera raises ...
(From page 1) Pacquiao-Cotto duel, Nov. 14
build homes and rebuild pressed gratitude to orga- Ricky Cuenca, Irma Cuen-
lives for the marginalized in nizing committee members ca, Dorie Ascano, Alex As- By ALEX P. VIDAL
the Philippines. Rosemer Enverga, Jun cano, Rolly Mangante, Chat LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14. winner, it was learned.
Querubin likewise ex- Enverga, Rafael Nebres, Bautista, Macky Macaalay, California – It’s final: the Top Rank boss Bob Pacquiao had earlier an-
Jing De Leon, Elisa Duque, much-anticipated battle be- Arum decided not to wait nounced he would fight the
Boying Duque, Tenny So- tween Floyd Mayweather for the result of the post- unbeaten Mayweather on
riano, Temi Pangilinan, Jr. and International Boxing poned shootout between October 17.
Sonny Bautista, Francis Yap Organization (IBO) light Mayweather and Juan Man- To avoid traffic, Arum,
and Malu Clarito. welterweight king Manny uel Marquez after May- 77, summoned the 28-year-
Deserving apprecia- Pacquiao has been called weather suffered an injury old Cotto, a Puerto Rican
tion are volunteers Pidoy off this year. in the cartilage prompting who stands an inch taller
Pacis, Mel Catre, Bennie Instead, Pacquiao (49- the Golden Boy Promotion than the Filipino wrecker.
Dichon, Maxwell Stewart, 3-2, 37 KO’s) will face to reset the 12-round fight Cotto is fresh from a
Tony Sanchez, Jojo Rodri- World Boxing Organization to September in time for 12-round split decision win
guez, Danio Penuliar, Mo- (WBO) welterweight cham- Mayweather’s recovery. over unheralded Joshua
nina Paragas, Rose Migue, pion Miguel Angel Cotto Had the fight pushed Clottey to retain his WBO
Amy Rondina, Irma Saez (34-1, 27 KO’s) for 12 through on July 18 as origi- diadem at the Madison
and the Philippine Indepen- rounds at the MGM Grand nally scheduled, Pacquiao, Square Garden in New York
dence Day Council (PIDC) in Las Vegas, Nevada on 30, would have faced the (To page 15)
Ambassadors in the persons
of candidates of Miss Phil-
ippines PIDC and winners
of Mrs Philippines PIDC
and Miss Little Philippines
He also cited emcees
Sonny Paragas and Marisa
Gozun; singer-entertainers
Josie de Leon who also did
a duet with ConGen Mos-
quera, John Alix, Karen
Tan, Mikey Bustos, Jenifer
Camacho and Martha Joy;
dancers Raymond and Jena-
lyn Pacheco and Samantha
Halig and Jeanette Ricasio
of the YFC Dancers; band-
mates Jacquelin, Raymond Philippine Consul General in Toronto Alejandro Mosquera (3rd from left) re-
Philippine Consul General Alejandro Mosquera and Yoyo Mangante and the ceives a gift portrait from (from left) Philippine Ambassador to Ottawa Jose
(left) sings with diva Josie de Leon, during a fare- Silhoutte Band; the Knights Brillantes and farewell event committee members Dorie Ascano, Rosemer
well dinner0-dance “for a cause” tendered him by of Rizal who did the Parade Enverga, Alex Ascano (partly hidden), Chat Bautista, Jun Enverga and Ricky
a grateful community. Photo: JACK BAUTISTA of Colors; and Oscar Gella, Cuenca. Photo: JACK BAUTISTA
JUNE 2009 15
Barangay Hedge End strikes gold in Philcan cage tourney

(Left Photo) The Barangay Hedge End basketball team, sponsored by Dr. Arla Rondilla, won in the midget division of the Philcan Basketball Championship
at the Mother Teresa’s gym on May 30. (Right Photo) Sponsor Dr. Rondilla (6th from left) joins the parents of the Hedge End five team members as they
rejoice over the victory and a well-deserved championship trophy. PR

Mabuhay! Canadian Flight Games to

(From page 12)
celebration in Ottawa. show best in hardcourt fun INFINITY TRAVEL AND TOURS
Manitoba celebration Christoff Kyere Enter- will be judged by a highly-
In Manitoba, Indepen- tainment is set to stage the experienced and star-stud-
dence Day celebrations the 2009 Canadian Flight ded panel, including Cabbie -*/&0-2&1011 -*/&0-2&1+))
were centered at the Phil- Games (CFG), in its 4th from The Score Network CHEAPEST AIRFARE IN: BEST PRICES FOR:
ippine Canadian Centre edition, at the University and Mark Strong of NBA
of Manitoba in Winnipeg, of Toronto’s Athletic Cen- XL. • Asia • Vacation packages
where the first Filipino im- tre on July 30, from 6:30 to The CFG will be high-
• Europe
Lowest and Cruise
migrants to Canada were re- 10:30 p.m. lighted by the 2009 Cana-
corded to have settled. The event will feature dian high school All-Star • Middle East Manila • Last minute deals
Freedom day festivities Toronto’s best in basketball, basketball game. • South America • Emergencies
started with a flag-raising as participants compete The 2009 CFG will • Caribbean
fares • Group travel
ceremony and an opening in skills and drills and for be hosted by comedian
program on June 6.
• And anywhere else • Honeymoons
the T-Dot King of the Rim Trixx’s.
The next day, the com- Slam-dunk title. The event expects to in the world! • And so much more!
munity attended the Cel- The T-Dot King of the raise funds and set off a
ebration of Faith. Rim Slam-dunk contest food drive for Toronto’s
On June 10, an evening
of cultural entertainment
will feature Toronto’s Jus-
tin Darlington a.k.a Jus
Covenant House.
The CFG is dedicated MENDOZA’S DEBT /
was staged by MAFTI. Fly, who has seen action in to empowering youth to
June 12 saw the conduct Toronto Raptor half-time succeed in all areas of their
of the Philippine Indepen- shows and in international lives and will use this event
dence Ball at the Ramada slam-dunk tilts. as a platform to educate and

Marborough Hotel. Slam-dunk competitors entertain the masses. PR
The community also
took part in two interesting Pacquiao-Cotto duel ...
activities - a health seminar (From page 14)
on June 13 and a welcome
fete for newcomers to Man-
on June 13.
Cotto dropped Clottey
Mexico’s Antonio Margari-
to in a violent 11th round
itoba on June 18. (35-3, 20 KO’s) with a left stoppage defeat on July 26, WITHOUT INTEREST INTO ONE LOW
The Manitoba commu- hook in the first round but 2008 at the MGM Grand in
nity fete’s finale is a picnic failed to put away the 32- Las Vegas. MONTHLY PAYMENT
at the Assiniboine Park in
Winnipeg on June 20.
year-old challenger from
Accra, Ghana.
Cotto’s biggest wins
since turning professional (100% GUARANTEED)
Other areas An accidental headbutt in 2001 were against for-
Philippine Indepen- inflicted an ugly gash in mer world champion Zab NO MATTER IF YOU ARE:
dence Day community Cotto’s left eye and referre Judah (TKO 11th round)
celebrations were likewise Arthur Mercante Jr. nearly and reigning WBA super UNEMPLOYED
reported in Alberta, British stopped the fight. welterweight champion PENSIONER
Columbia, Saskatchewan It was Cotto’s first de- Shane Mosley (12-round DIVORCED
and Quebec. fense of the title he secured unanimous decision), all STUDENT
In Calgary on June 14, on Feb. 21, this year by in defense of Cotto’s WBA
community members came knocking out Michael Jen- 147-lb crown. DENIED BY THE BANK
in Filipino attire to attend nings in five rounds also in If he wins against the WORKING VISA
a Mass at St. Bernadette the same arena. Caguas-born Cotto, Pac- OWN A BUSINESS/BUSINESS FAILURE
Parish and brought Filipino Cotto is a former World quiao may next face May- OR ANY OTHER NUMBER OF REASONS
cuisine they later shared in Boxing Association (WBA) weather in 2010 before the
separate picnics.
A Pinoy folk-rock-
welterweight champion
since December 2, 2006
national elections in the
Philippines where he will
rhythm concert at the Uni- when he captured the va- run for a legislative post
versity of Calgary’s McE-
cant title via 5th round TKO representing his district in
wan Hall finetuned the over Carlos Quintana at the Mindanao set on May 11. DON’T HESITATE TO CALL AT:
freedom day celebrations.
In Vancouver, the com-
Boardwalk Hall in Atlantic
City, New Jersey.
Cotto has a knockout
average of 77.14 percent Tel. (416) 742-8677
(416) 457-4145
munity converged at the He defended the belt against Pacquiao’s 68.52
Slocan Park for the third four times and lost it to percent.
annual edition of the Fiesta
ng Bayan on June 13. MANILA MEDIA MONITOR Evening and Weekend Appts. Available
In all the Independence where your ads make business
Day celebrations, Mabu- Call 416-285-8583 Putting you into a better life!
hay! was the catchword.
JUNE 2009
People & Events
JUNE 2009 17
Kalayaan Cultural Community Centre is where to be
The Kalayaan Cultural 14, where speaker Fanny fundraiser, the show will awareness about the and accessories. Ontario Golf Club on Aug.
Community Centre (KCCC) Calucag talked on legal feature infants to pre- prevalence of Hepatitis B in ► Fourth Annual 15, with tee off at 12 noon.
in Mississauga has been and other difficulties facing teens modeling beautiful the Asian community. KCCC 5K Walkathon on The KCCC serves the
abuzz with activities this caregivers and newly- children’s clothing. There ► Hawaiian Night Aug. 15. The KCCC urges interest of the Filipino-
spring and summer, and arrived immigrants. will be a special clothes sale Party at the KCCC Grand participation, and tax- Canadian community as a
things are not slowing down Upcoming KCCC after the show. Hall on July 24, starting receipted donations of contributing member of the
anytime soon! events include the: ► Free Hepatitis B at 7 p.m. The dinner will $25 or more in pledges are broader Canadian, Filipino
A KCCC press release ► Children’s Fashion Information Session on be highlighted with a required to participate in the and global societies, thru
said the center has finished Show in the KCCC Grand June 27, from 10:30 a.m. Hawaiian dance show by walk. All proceeds will go affirming, strengthening
conducting a free caregivers Hall on June 20, from 3 to to 1:30 p.m. A lecture by Siony’s Dance Company. the KCCC. and empowering proces-
and newcomers learn- 6 p.m. Shaping up to be hepatologist Dr. Hemant The center urges attendees ► 2009 Classic Golf ses, services and activities.
share roundtable on June one of the biggest center Shah intends to raise to wear Hawaiian clothing Tournament at the Royal PR

Nonic Abellanosa-Gomez turns 60 Mama Ching’s 85th

Jennifer (with hubby Andrei Garde) and brother Jeffrey Gomez tendered a salu-salo for their beloved Consolacion Quejas or ‘Mama Ching’, Kalayaan
mom Nonic Abellanosa-Gomez, on the occasion of the latter’s 60th birth anniversary. The intimate Cultural Community Centre and Filipino Seniors
party for immediate family members and closest friends was held in the Gardes’ condo party room in of Mississauga president, blows out the candles
upscale Northtown Street, uptown Toronto. Food and karaoke singing were aplenty, so with keeping up on her birthday cake with a little help from her
with the latest among old friends. The celebrant was so overjoyed with the evening’s experience, she peers and friends. Mama Ching turned 85 on May
couldn’t say no to a request for her to dance a Hawaiian number. PR 2. PR
JUNE 2009
► JUNE 20: Quezon National High
School Alumni Association of Toronto
Dance-O-Rama, Malvern Community
► JUNE 20: The Pillars Cultural Asso-
ciation Seniors Picnic.
► JUNE 20: Marikina Association of
Canada Annual Summer Picnic, Neil-
son Park.
► JUNE 20: Jenifer Camacho Live,
Sunrise Restaurant, 7 p.m.
► JUNE 21: Philippine Independence
Day Council Dancing To Be A Star
Launch, Casa Manila.
► JULY 28: Gamma Epsilon Fraternity
Casino Rama Fundraising Trip, Ken-
nedy Commons, 9 a.m.
► JULY 12: Philippine Colleges and
Universities Alumni Associations 8th
Summerfest, Mississauga Valley Com-
munity Centre Park, 9 a.m.
► JULY 18: Philippine Independence
Day Council Mabuhay Festival, Metro
Cartallas mark 10th wedding year Iligan-Lanao Toronto Convention Centre.
► JULY 18: Philippine Chamber of
Group spring Commerce Toronto Annual Trade Show,
dinner-dance Metro Toronto Convention Centre.
► JULY 18: The Pillars Cultural Asso-
(ABOVE) The Iligan-Lanao Group ciation Dual Citizenship Presentation.
of Ontario (ILGO) held a successful ► AUG. 7: Natives of Catbalogan City
Spring Dinner-Dance at the Korean Gala and St. Bartholomew Feast Day,
Cultural Center on April 18. with Grand Banquet and Convention Cen-
over 200 guests. Photo shows guest tre, Mississauga, 6 p.m.
speaker Consul Imelda Panolong ► AUG. 8: Ultra-Sound Promotions,
(center, wearing hijab) with ILGO Inc. Men of the 80’s, John Bassett The-
members. Flanking Consul Panolong atre, Metro Convention Centre, 7 p.m.
are Olga Abellanosa, fundraising ► AUG. 15 & 16: Filipinos Mak-
chairperson, and Ricky Caluen, ILGO ing Waves Festival, Yonge-Dundas
coordinator. Guests included Con- Square.
Boy and Baby Alith (nee Revil) Cartalla (seated center on sofa) marked 10 sul General Alejandro Mosquera and ► AUG. 15: Philippine Chamber of
years of blissful marriage by inviting members of the large Revil clan in welfare officer Eric Parungao. Part Commerce Toronto Members’ Appre-
Toronto and friends from hometown Oroquieta City for homecooked dinner of the event proceeds was donated ciation and Networking Dinner-Dance.
at their Scarborough home. The Cartallas divide their time between Toronto to the Ranao Women’s & Children’s ► AUG. 15: The Pillars Cultural Asso-
and New Jersey where Boy is a retired serviceman of the US Navy. PR Crisis Center in Iligan City. PR ciation Dual Citizenship Oathtaking.

Western Union (2) Gonzales Dentistry Profes-
Dr. Evangeline M. Bernabe sional Corp. (23)
and Associates (3) Lovely Travel and Tours (24)
All Debt Solutions, Consul- Timeless Images (24)
ting Services (4) Body Bliss (25)
Liudmila Tomarovskaya (4) Russell International (26)
RBC (5) Liland Insurance Inc. (27)
Dr. Albine A. Miciano Cosme- LDV Computers (28)
“Let your light shine before men in such a way
tic & General Dentistry (6) EAU Solutions, Inc. (28) that they may see your good works and glorify
Dr. Arla Rondilla Professional PCCT Trade Show (29) your father who is in heaven.”
Corp. (7) Superb Travel Services (30) MATTHEW 6:16
Kaakbay Financial Services Seoul Driving School (30)
(11) Innovation Video/Photo (30)
Ellesmere-Kennedy Dental New Conservatory of Music
Centre (12) (31)
Action Honda (13) Neil Padilla Insurance
To all gifted photographers out there who have the third eye
Dr. Roslyn Sabilano Dentistry Agency (31)
Professional Corp. (14) Ravi Suri (32) in capturing photos that reflect a Christian message, there is a
Infinity Travel & Tours (15) (32) Christian Fellowship of talented photographers that awaits you.
Mendoza’s Debt/Financial Rhowena Adolfo, Investors They are Photographers For Christ who use the art of photography
Services (15) Group (33) in spreading the word of God.
Filipinos Making Waves T.H.D. Consultants (33)
Festival (16) Fay Tsatskina (34) Listen to your hearts, the Holy Spirit is calling you.
Kantor (16) Front Page Philippines (34)
Forex (17) Roadsport Honda (35)
Photographers for Christ (18) Men of the 80s (36)
Henderson Weekes (19) OCDC Parcel Services (37)
Tropical Deli (19) Dr. Bernarda Rosales
GMA Pinoy TV (20) Verzonilla Family & Pick up your camera and follow us.
Philippine Independence Day Cosmetic Dentistry (37)
Council (21)
Townshend College (22)
Perlas ng Silanganan (38)
Moneygram (39)
Clem Cabillan (22) Dr. Santiago & Associates (22) (40)
UMAC Toronto (23) Fairview Dental Centre (40) [email protected]
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009 21
JUNE 2009
JUNE 2009 23
Milan-GK golf tourney helps build
houses in Calinog Unity Village
The Milan-GK golf
tournament tees off at
1 p.m. on Aug. 3 at the
Angus Glen Golf Club,
with golfers representing
their alma mater competing
against each other for the
Unity Cup.
Coordinator Renee
Talavera-Siao said
golfers from La Salle,
Ateneo, University of the
Philippines, San Beda, Far Circulo Ilonggo president Noe Castanos and
Eastern University, Letran, GK head Tony Meloto lead officials and resi-
York University, University dents in groundbreaking ceremonies for the
of Toronto, Mapua, GK Calinog Unity Village last March. PR
University of Santo Tomas,
Saint Scholastica, and and still be part of the inter- to open the tournament to
Assumption College have collegiate competition.” all universities and partner
shown intent to participate Only the best five scores with GK so that we can
in the tournament. from each school team are maximize community
Philippine Consul considered for tabulation. participation,” Rementilla
General in Toronto To be eligible to enter said.
Alejandro Mosquera, a the team competition, a Funds raised in the
competitor himself, will do school team is composed of tournament will help build
the ceremonial tee off. at least of eight golfers. houses for the poor in the
Talavera-Siao said There is no maximum GK Village of Calinog, the
competitors need not neces- number of golfers to play for Philippines.
sarily have to play as a their school; and “the more Talevera-Siao said that
team. golfers playing for a school, “aside from bragging rights
“When the golfers the greater the chances of and the title of being the
register, they only need winning,” Siao said. first winner of the Unity
to mention their school “This inter-collegiate Cup for the winning team,
affiliation and golf scores competition in golf is a all golfers can go home a
to be eligible for tabulation unique and novel concept,” winner knowing that their
with the school team. This said Dr. Francis Rementilla, efforts helped build homes
way, they can continue to GK Golf chair. for the poor in Calinog.”
play with their golf buddies “This year, we decided PR
JUNE 2009 People & Events

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Tributes to Mama Ching

MPP Peter Fonseca
presents to Consola-
cion Quejas or ‘Mama
Ching’, Kalayaan Cul-
tural Community Centre
2 spacious rooms for rent in a family president, a plaque of
home at Port Union and Sheppard. appreciation for her
Walking distance to TTC, GO bus spirit of volunteerism
during her 85th birthday
stops, 401, Shopping Plaza, No Frills, party at the KCCC
Shoppers Drug Mart. Separate bath- Grand Hall. Mama
room, dining room, fridge and micro- Ching also received
special plaques from
wave. Shared kitchen. Laundry once a Prime Minister Stephen
week. Utilities and internet included. Harper, Ontario Premier
Dalton McGuinty,
$400 per month. Deputy Premier George
Smitherman, MP Albina
Contact Candice (416) 546-2471 Guarnieri, Mississauga
Mayor Hazel McCallion
and Philippine Consul
General in Toronto
Alejandro Mosquera.

Kapatiran Filipino Seniors Election

Weddings • Birthdays • Graduations

& other special events
Officers and members of the Kapatiran Filipino Seniors Association of On-
tario pose for posterity after their annual picnic-election at the Centennial
Park in Mississauga on June 6. In photo are (from left, front row) Nonoy Ron-

quillo, PRO; Deedette Potes, vice president; Linda Javier, member coordina-
tor; Marcelo Paulino, president; Minda Rosete, treasurer; Sonny Fidel, PRO;
Jose Aquino, sgt.-at-arms; Doy Nacpil, election committee chair; Rolando
Calingasan, sgt.-at-arms; (from left, back row) Ador Vasquez, sgt.-at-arms;
Rose Olano; Vangie Vasquez, secretary; Melody Benedicto; and Leo Duarte,

auditor. PR


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JUNE 2009 25
JUNE 2009

going to go into City Hall (giant mushroom inside Another entry from
Ooops & Bloops ... on our Toronto Doors the city hall) can make Bill’s site about his much-
(From page 7) Open jaunt this weekend, you very, very small or (if loved relative in Windsor,
hihimatayin ako ... (with according to but the lineups at nearby elected) very, very big.” Ontario:
matching flip of the hair Rosemer … hmmmm Campbell House were too This reminded me of Uncle Paul (Chico
and nanlalaki ang mata). ... salutation must be long, so … a former city councillor - Pajo) was a familiar sight
*** “Dear Mga Kapuso” “Inside the City Hall who, while he sat as such in on the streets of Windsor.
Danio: What is ... letters must be in doors, we were dwarfed by the late 90s used to mouth He walked everywhere.
Rosemer’s best dinner bold, in red color, a giant mushroom worthy to me (knowing that I was Long before there were
preparation? all capitalized and of Lewis Carroll. It can to write and report about Bluetooth headsets, friends
Gene: TAKE OUT ... of course, PURO make you very, very small the event in my publication) spotted him strolling along
but bilib ka, she puts the UTOS ... or (if elected) very, very at community functions and thought they’d give
dishes on the silver platter. *** big. The magic of municipal that he was working on him the gears.
*** An entry in the government, expressed by the recognition of foreign “Hey, Paul! Are you
Danio: What is blogsite of my fellow an architect with a sense of credentials in Canada; a city talking to yourself?”
Rosemer’s e-mail blogger Bill Andersen humour?” councillor acting like he’s Came Paul’s reply,
etiquette? at I like the following an incumbent MP! “What are you, stupid?
Gene: E-mail etiquette “We weren’t GIANT MUSHROOM statement from Bill: “It *** Do you see anyone else?”

Bad Boy stores featuring from their 70-second

If you gonna sing it ... A matter of taste an Obama look-alike broadcast originals. For
(From page 9) (From page 9) promoting the stores’ goods more of his work, please
university studies), and where different bands His remark: “Shocking!” to be admired, studied and and finishing with the odious visit Ben’s website at:
during student rallies, performed their respective It was pre title scenes like above all, respected. “Nooobody!” bring shame
activists invariably altered national anthems. this that always opened the And Obama would to Canadian advertising.
the last line of the anthem
to “ang pumatay nang dahil
The Philippine Hymn
was adjudged second best
Connery pictures and good
old James came out of them
probably be the last person
to silence his critics.
It would appear that in
the last days of the month
TV ads reach far.
sa iyo”. anthem, second only to La all with a twinkle in his But it becomes in of May, these distasteful ADVERTISE with
We should be proud of Marseillaise. eye. inexcusable bad taste to print and television were
our national anthem. The percussionist at the My verdict on the Craig involve a president or discontinued.
It is considered one of time was a young Sergeant series: Shaking but not any other public figure in (Used with permission.
the most beautiful in the Fajardo - who eventually stirring. an advertising campaign Ben Viccari is past
world. I have this on good became my high school *** without their permission. president of the Canadian
authority. bandmaster in La Salle- The election victory Especially when Ethnic Media Association
Sometime in the 1930s, Iligan where he taught in of Barrack Obama spoke that advertiser lives and and frequently appears on
the Philippine Constabulary his retirement years. volumes for a man who, does business in another OMNI TV Commentary.
Band, then under the baton Yes, let’s sing the sensing a need for change, country. Some of his commentaries
of the famous Major Walter national anthem with pride: seized the imagination of That’s why the recent are republished in this
Loving, participated in an with majesty and purpose, the American people. television and newspaper publication and slightly Call 416-285-8583
international competition and correctly. This is an achievement ads of Mel Lastman’s expanded in some cases


JUNE 2009 27

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JUNE 2009

Manitoba LA cites Fil-Can presence ...

(From page 1)
He likewise urged Man-
itobans to join the commu-
nity in organized events like
Philippine Independence
week, Folklorama pavilions,
Rizal Day, many fiestas and
others during the year 2009,
all of which would lead to
dialog about the 50th anni-
versary of the community’s
presence in the province.
Elmore sworn in
Meanwhile, Mable El- LAMOREAUX ELMORE
more became the first Brit-
ish Columbia Member of fordable housing, class cal political followers in the
the Legislative Assembly of sizes in schools, and work- homeland, he could only
Filipino descent, after she place conditions. track down six elected poli-
was officially sworn into “I’m also looking for- ticians among the 500,000
office in Victoria on June 8. ward to bringing a Filipino- Filipinos who have called
Elmore, NDP, won in Canadian perspective to the Canada home.
the May 12 provincial elec- legislature,” she said. “There are more than
tion, besting Liberal candi- Coming of age 580 Filipino associations
date Syrus Lee, to represent “This is the coming of in Canada, groups formed
the people of Vancouver- age for Filipino politics depending on where you
Kensington. in B.C.,” UBC professor came from, which dialect
According to philip- emeritus Arpodicio Laquian you speak, the school you, told The Province. went to,” Laquian told The
Elmore looked forward to Elmore ably rallied the Province.
standing up for her constitu- community for a common He authored Seeking a
ents on issues that matter to political cause. Better Life Abroad: A Study
them, especially in tough “I can only hope that of Filipinos in Canada
economic times when peo- this is just the beginning,” 1957-2007, a book he pro-
ple need a strong voice in Laquian said. moted in Toronto in a meet-
Victoria. Laquian noted that ing with the Philippine Press
The issues included af- while Filipinos are fanati- Club-Ontario last year.


JUNE 2009 29
JUNE 2009 The Philippines

Reg. # 4533253

919 Ellesmere Road Davao City: Public HS Net-ready by 2010

Suite 107, Scarborough Public high school students in Davao City expect to freely and easily surf into cyberspace
Ontario M1P 2W7 by 2010, when all of the city’s 76 public high schools get access to an Internet connection.
Lorenzo Mendoza, education department regional supervisor and Information and Com-
munication Technology information officer, said the state’s Internet Connectivity Project
started in 2003. Schools that could not be serviced with wired, fixed wireless or USB mo-
dems of telecommunications firms would be linked through satellite broadband internet
service. Computers with alternative ICT equipment would be deployed to schools located
in sites without electricity. PNA

Sarangani: Coal-fired power plant ok’d

Conal Holdings Corp., a joint venture of Alsons Corp. and EGCO of Thailand, is set to
start the construction of a P21-billion 200-megawatt coal-fired power power station in
the village of Kamanga in Maasim, after the Department of Environment and Natural
Resources granted it an environmental clearance certificate. Conal official Joseph Nocos
said project completion might be by early 2013, after which Conal would meet “its com-
MANILA - TORONTO - USA - EUROPE mitments to provide dependable baseload capacity and reduce the cost of electricity in
OR ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD the South Cotabato-Sarangani-General Santos City grid.” Power rates are expected to go
down by as much as P1.00 per kilowatt hour, as Conal would directly connect with power
lines of Socoteco II and do away with transmission costs averaging P1.42 in 2008. PNA

Guimaras: Oil spill long-term impact study up

Guimaras governor Felipe Hilan Nava said the a province-hired team of experts would
present on Aug. 11 the results of a study conducted to determine the environmental impact
of the oil spill that hit the some island three years ago. “I could not say the province is back
to normal, as there are signs the incident has long term effects,” Nava said. The assessment
covered beach ecology, hydrology, socio-economics, ecotoxicology, mangroves and sea
“Super baba grasses and marine wildlife and fisheries. To recall, the M/T Solar 1 that carried some two
and halaga ... million liters of bunker fuel capsized along Guimaras Strait on August 12, 2006. PNA
Super below Iloilo City: Adolescent health steps pushed
fare talaga.” Population Commission regional director Vicente Molejona said Popcom they will con-
duct an aggressive campaign on adolescent health is being waged among the youth with
“Handang Maglingkod Sa Ating Kababayan” ages 15 to 24 years old in schools and villages here, to address the reported high national

Tel (416) 751-9588 Fax (416) 751-9133 rate of premarital sex and early pregnancy. “Parents would also be given education and
training on how to deal with such cases,” Molejona said. The latest National Demographic
Health Survey showed a rise in the incidence of illegitimate birth among 18-21 years old
from an average of 10 percent in 2003 to 11 percent in 2008. The survey also noted that 20
out of every 100 women aged 15-18 engaged in pre-marital sex. PNA
YELLOWBIRD Pangasinan: Children enjoy feed, read p’gram
A novel Feed and Read to Lead program launched late last year has continued to give
6013 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario more children in Sta. Barbara town an innovative way to nourish their minds and bodies.
Organizers cited the cooperation of owners of local business establishments that partnered
to assure the program is sustained. The program aims, among others, to popularize the
love of reading among children, combined with supplemental feeding. Initiated on Dec.
21, 2008 by the Philippine Military Academy Magilas Class of 1976, the program is part
of the 10-point progress agenda on social and health services of Mayor Reynaldo Velasco,
a retired police general. PNA

San Fernando City: 1,200 treated in mission

Some 1,200 indigent children and elderly patients benefitted from a medical-dental mis-
sion conducted in Barangay San Jose in San Fernando City by the Pampanga Hiap Ho
Grand Masons, Inc. in cooperation with the city government and the Caloocan Filipino-
Chinese Charity Clinic. The beneficiaries received free treatment, diagnosis, check-ups
and medicines. Most of them were children suffering from poor dental hygiene, respiratory
and skin disorders. The elderly patients were checked and treated for hypertension, arthri-
tis and other minor ailments. PNA

Tarlac City: 3 honest cops commended

Tarlac Police Officers (PO) 1 Jonathan Ambalina and Aris Bala, both of the Ramos po-
lice station, and Melvin David of the Paniqui Police Station received commendations for
their exemplary display of honesty while in the performance of their duty. The three were
cited during fitting ceremonies in Tarlac City. Ramos police chief Senior Inspector Danilo
Manipon said beat patrol members Ambalina and Bala returned the lost wallet containing
P12,000, driver’s license card, school IDs, Banco de Oro card and other important docu-
ments of Rafael Sanchez Pascua, executive assistant at the Governor’s Office. Paniqui
police chief Superintendent Roldan Luna said PO1 David found and returned a wallet con-
taining P13,000 and vital documents to owner Lourdes Molina, a businesswoman. Tarlac
police force officials said the trio’s honest deeds should be the model of all men in uniform
to regain the trust and confidence of the people. PNA

Zamboanga City: Schools get new desks

Contractor-group Los Contratistas de la Ciudad Zamboanga and mayor Celso Lobregat
distributed 360 armchairs to nine Zamboanga City public schools, namely the Baluno
Elementary School (ES), Camp Susana ES, Camp Pilar ES, Patalon ES, Sinoropan ES,
Baluno National High School (HS), Licomo National HS, Limpapa National HS and Don
Ramon Enriquez HS. Meanwhile, some 1,900 repaired desks and armchairs have also
been distributed to schools before classes for the new school year began early this month.
JUNE 2009 31 Music Lessons for All Ages
CIDA to pour P200-M grant for Largest Music School in Toronto
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potable water in W. Pangasinan Over 40 Fully Qualified Teachers from all over the World


ALAMINOS CITY liance (OPAL), would be said.

- The Canadian Interna- used to bankroll potable and He adeed that this could
tional Development Agency irrigation water projects. be remedied by “pump-
(CIDA) has approved the Panabang noted the lack ing water from the Mabini
request of six municipalities of potable and irrigation River and use it as drinking
and one city in western Pan- water sources in Alaminos water, with the excess to be
gasinan for financial grants City and the towns of Sual, utilized for irrigation.”
totalling P200 million. Agno, Bani, Anda, Burgos OPAL’s was the only
Alaminos City admin- and Mabini. CIDA-approved request in
istrator Wilmer Panabang Deep wells in these ar- Luzon. CIDA approved two
said the grant, coordinated eas have been severely af- projects in the Visayas and
by the One Pangasinan Al- fected by salt intrusion, he one in Mindanao. PNA

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Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo washes hands with students for free Aptitude Test or
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Miguel, Manila, to promote the Influenza A(HiNi) Prevention Awareness Pro- to Register now.
gram of the Department of Health. Photo: PNA/NIB/DADO AGUILAR



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JUNE 2009 Money
GOT A FOREX DEAL? RP, Spain to sign youth work, migration pact
Check out if you got your peso’s worth for the dollars
you have had exchanged since May 19. This is a pub- Officials from the gov- cent of all overseas Filipino contribution of migration to The MDG-F was estab-
lic service item from Manila Media Monitor’s Money ernments of the Philippines workers, translating to a sig- national growth. lished in 2006 by the Gov-
and Business section. and Spain are set to sign on nificant youth share in the The Spanish government ernment of Spain and the
US$ Cdn$ June 22 a United Nations- national financial inflows has committed Euros 528 United Nations Develop-
June 16 48.22229 42.57077 developed Joint Program on associated with migration. million to the UN Millen- ment Programme to enhance
Youth, Employment and Mi- In 2008 alone, the Phil- nium Development Goals efforts in order to achieve
June 15 48.07703 42.39347 gration agreement to make ippines received US$16 bil- Achievement Fund (MDG- the MDGs, and to support
June 12 47.54351 42.56129 the Filipino youth more pro- lion in remittances, which F) programmed between UN reform efforts at the
June 11 47.60579 43.35422 ductive and competitive in are recognized as a tangible 2007 and end-2010. country level. PNA
June 10 47.40272 42.70238 the global labor market.
June 09
June 08
June 05
The program will be
implemented in the Auton-
omous Region in Muslim
Spend more but no tax cuts
Mindanao, and in the prov- MANILA - University tary said a speedy and trans- as past elections.
June 04 47.06608 43.17739
inces of Agusan del Sur, of the Philippines professor parent spending of the 2009 He prodded the govern-
June 03 47.11000 42.94248 Antique, Masbate, and Ma- Benjamin Diokno has called budget would pump prime ment to stop granting tax
June 02 47.22012 43.63861 guindanao. on the government to in- the economy and save the cuts, saying it would just
June 01 47.14897 43.37240 It aims to achieve in crease spending and to stop country from a recession. contribute to a growing tax
May 29 47.16729 43.03392 three years increased ac- tax cuts to prevent a possible He warned those believ- deficit.
May 28 47.27885 42.51496 cess to decent work for poor recession in the Philippines. ing that the upcoming 2010 “Granting tax incentives
May 27 47.20105 42.52121 young women and men in In the regular Usaping elections would give the at this time is a whammy as
May 26 41.21577 42.19171 the beneficiary-areas. Balita forum, Diokno noted local economy the needed the government badly needs
The UN said about 20 that consumers and inves- “shot in the arm.” funds for its expenditures,”
May 25 47.06724 41.83565
percent of the Philippine tors alike are spending less “It is a common belief he said, but added that he
May 22 46.86558 41.72996 population were between due to the ongoing global that money flows during did not see the need for the
May 21 47.07081 41.25157 the ages of 15 to 24; and of economic crisis. elections, but the usual big imposition of new taxes es-
May 20 47.23032 41.31862 the group, five of 10 or 49.2 “The government has to donors are also hit hard pecially on specific indus-
May 19 47.18406 40.78230 percent had no work. pick up the slack,” Diokno by the ongoing financial tries to minimize the deficit.
The age bracket also ac- said as he stressed that the crunch. They will try to hold “New taxes on specific
counted for 10.7 percent of way to do it “is to increase on tightly to their money industries will just be passed
MANILA MEDIA MONITOR the Filipino labor migrant government spending in or- and limit their political do- on to the consumers, and
where your ad creates business population. der to restore consumer and nations,” he said, predict- that is what we do not need
Call 416-285-8583 The UN said the youth investor confidence.” ing that the 2010 elections right now because of the
comprised some 35 per- The former budget secre- would not be as expensive hard times,” he said. PNA

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14
15 16 17
18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35
36 37 38 39
40 41 42
43 44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53
54 55 56
57 58 59
JUNE 2009 33

Moneygram, M. Lhuillier seal money transfer service tie-up

Nearly 1,200 M. Lhuillier boost MoneyGram’s pre-
locations will soon begin sence in the Philippines
offering MoneyGram global to over 6,000 locations,
money transfer services making it one of the largest
throughout the Philippines. money transfer networks in
With the addition of M. the country.
Lhuillier Financial Services MoneyGram expects
Inc., an established non-bank continued network growth in
financial services company, the country for the remainder
MoneyGram will offer of 2009, including nearly
clients in the Philippines 900 bank branches that
the option to receive will roll out money transfer
transactions in U.S. dollars services in 2009.
and in Philippine pesos, “This demonstrates
providing more choice and our ability to deliver
control for consumers. a valuable and needed
“The Philippines is a service in response to
strategic country where we growing consumer demand
see strong growth potential,” throughout the country,” OFFICIALS OF MONEYGRAM AND M. LHUILLIER
said Tony Ryan, president said Ryan.
and chief executive officer “M. Lhuillier’s extensive agent location, complete
of MoneyGram.
“Remittances are an
locations, accessible hours
and multi-currency payout
a Receive Form and show
a photo identification to
essential part of the economy support MoneyGram’s receive funds in as little as 4800 Sheppard Ave., East Unit 123, Scarborough, Ont., M1S 4N5
in the Philippines and we mission to help consumers 10 minutes. Tel. Nos. (416) 335-8555; (416) 609-8912
believe that our convenient around the world with more More than 150 M.
and reliable global money convenient choices for safe Lhuillier locations will
transfer service will provide and reliable money transfer offer the service 24 hours Computerized Accounting
more control and choice for services,” he said. a day, providing additional Financial Statement
Filipinos working abroad to To receive money convenience and peace
send money to their families via MoneyGram in the of mind for MoneyGram INCOME TAX SERVICES
back home,” said Ryan. Philippines, the receiver can customers particularly in Individual & Corporate Tax Returns
The M. Lhuillier locations walk into a MoneyGram times of emergency. PR Small to Medium Size Companies

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Your marriage may important when one or both they are valid, that assets
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your new life together. from a prior relationship. programs, insurance policies
If you’re recently Full disclosure: Share and other investments are
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married, here are some tips each other’s credit history, Marriage will generally
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your new partnership. financial commitments. the time of marriage, except
The marriage contract: Agree on whether you in the province of Quebec.
You want your relationship should maintain separate Insure it will happen:
to last but a marriage contract bank accounts, credit cards Protect your new life with
– or prenuptial agreement, if and investments or if you the safety net of insurance
entered into before marriage could benefit financially by – including life insurance,
– can be a fundamental combining some or all of mortgage insurance,
financial roadmap in the these things. disability insurance, critical
event of a breakdown. Budgets, bills and illness insurance and, as
Although laws vary by savings: Set a budget, decide you age, long-term care
province, you can safely who will be responsible insurance.
assume that your union will for paying the bills, how to Reassess your protection
create the legal obligation divide payments, and how levels as your family grows
to share the value of assets much you should each set and your lifestyle and
acquired by both partners aside to save and/or invest. income change.
during the marriage and, in Tame taxes: Both of you Talk to your professional
some provinces, even the will still have to file separate advisor about the total
value of assets acquired tax returns but you can financial tune-up that makes
prior to the union. reduce your overall tax bite the most sense for your new
However, a marriage by taking advantage of all union.
contract can set out certain your deductions and income (This column presents
rights and obligations for - splitting opportunities, general information only
each spouse as they relate to such as spousal RRSPs. and is not a solicitation
property and support issues. Will it to happen: to buy or sell any
And it is especially Update both wills to ensure investments.)

JUNE 2009 Arts & Entertainment
FMWF showcases Kawayan at Yonge St. in 2-day festival
Yonge St. in Toronto, much talked-about festival fashion models and beauty Past FMWFs did attract “After all, it’s one of the mixture of Asian & Euro-
dubbed as the Longet Street at Yonge-Dundas Square on queens, celebrity guests, crowds from Toronto’s di- reasons we called our festi- pean dishes.
in the World, will be the site Aug. 16 and 17. and a most vibrant mix of verse communities. val as such! All these artists The culinary display
of the first Filipinos Making The festival is reaching Filipino youths, seniors and This year’s entertain- and talents make every Fili- will be showcased in festi-
Waves Festival (FMWF) fever pitch as community members of the LGBT com- ment line-up will feature the pino very proud,” Torralba val booths.
Philippine Parade, as Fili- organizations and volun- munity. Global Filipino in action. said. On the other hand, eth-
pinos wave their national teers pour in their intents to The stretch on Yonge St. The Sing Galing tal- The Philippines made nic booths will feature Phil-
tricolor and cultural danc- join the colorful parade of from Gerrard to Dundas will ent search has reportedly waves as the Texting Capi- ippine arts and crafts, as
ers and revelers sway to the ethnic costumes, music and be closed to traffic for the brought international atten- tal of the World, “so let’s all well as products from the
drumbeats of the Ati-Atihan dance-on-foot. FMWF Parade on Aug. 16, tion from Filipino talents text our friends to catch the festival’s sponsors.
drummers and soot-covered The Ati-Atihan group from 11 a.m to 2 p.m. from as far as Germany. waves on Aug. 15 and 16 “Come! Join us at the
festival ‘warriors’. of the United Aklanon As- Since the inaugural fes- According to Teresa and invite them to a festival Yonge-Dundas Square on
Curious onlookers and sociation of Toronto will tival in August 2007, the Torralba, the festival’s co- we can all be proud of,” she Aug. 15 and 16 for a week-
festival patrons alike are once more attract the Sun- FMWF has attracted amaz- founder and overall direc- added. end of non-stop entertain-
expected to converge along day tourist crowd in down- ing Filipino artists and tal- tor: “We will forever keep The festival will also ment, shopping and fun!
Yonge St. from Gerrard town Toronto and lead ents who are making waves a global theme in all our feature and offer a big bite After all, admission is free,”
St. and move towards the a contingent of dancers, around the globe. events.” of Philippine cuisine and a Torralba said. PR

3 P.M.
Arts & Entertainment MANILA MEDIA MONITOR
JUNE 2009 35
‘Celebrate with Josie’
Josie de Leon, Toronto’s
favorite Filipina diva, hosts
the newest fare on television,
Celebrate with Josie on TV,
which started airing on June
16 on Rogers FTV 606.
Celebrate ... is a one-
hour talk/entertainment
show that will showcase
personal interviews with
prominent figures from the
Fil-Canadian community.
Chat Bautista, CEO
and president of Studio
Six, said “Celebrate with
Josie on TV will be another
avenue for our very talented Josie de Leon (right) interviews Mikey Bustos
Filipino-Canadian singers who renderred a cut from his album “Memoirs of
and performers. We are a Superhero”. PR
privileged to give exposure
to these wonderful talents.” “We would like to awiting Pinoy para hindi
“While it is true that give honor to the immense malayo ang loob nila sa
we produce concerts and contribution of Filipino ating kultura,” show host
live shows, many of our composers to the music Josie de Leon said.
kababayans miss these landscape. Each show will Celebrate ... attempts
shows. So we were so be dedicated to a particular to creatively bring to fore
excited when M Studio composer like Cecille highlights of Filipino
asked us to do this endeavor Azarcon, Willy Cruz, to culture in a segment called
with them,” Bautista said. mention a couple of them,” Pinoy Ka Ba?
The show is a co- Bautista said. Educational and enter-
production of M Studio and “Kaya abangan ninyo, taining, this segment will
Studio Six Productions. mga kababayan, dahil give a chance to Filipino-
The creative talents of mariring ninyo sa Celebrate Canadian descendants born
both entities collaborate in with Josie on TV ang mga here, to know more of the
all aspects of production paborito niyong Pinoy Filipino culture.
to come up with a quality songs. Mabuti rin kasing Live audience is
show that is worth watching patuloy nating iparinig sa welcome during tapings at
and worth anticipating. mga anak natin ang mga M Studio. PR
JUNE 2009
Arts & Entertainment MANILA MEDIA MONITOR
JUNE 2009 37
PIDC ‘Dancing To Be A Star’
launch on June 21; finals on Oct. 3
Dancing To Be A Star, the community’s leading affair targeting ballroom aficionados
in the GTA and one of the Philippine Independence Day Council’s (PIDC) many projects,
promises another glamorous evening of terpsichorean expertise at the Sts. Peter & Paul
Banquet Hall on Oct. 3.
As DStars enters it third year of showcasing the community’s dancing art prowess,
PIDC president Jun Enverga has appointed anew Leone Manzanares as event chairperson,
to lead and organize the sensational and thrilling event.
Manzanares will get support from co-chairs Rosemer Enverga and Rory Elefano.
The co-chairing chores were previously done by Imie Belanger and Pete Mauricio, who
originally discovered and articulated out their dance ideas with Manzanares, who in turn
elaborated and structured the event concept.
Manzanares urged ballroom competitors to attend the DStars launching at Casa Manila
on June 21. “Please come that Sunday to further be acquainted with the details, criteria,
guidelines and the whole concept of the competition,” she said.
In a press conference, it was revealed that PIDC is bringing in some dancing personalities
this year, besides the annual professional ballroom exhibitors.
“This annual festivity is also a showcase of colorful and vibrant aggressive competitors
who all look ravishing in their outrageous outfits as they were given different categories to
choose from in front of the three adjudicators,” Manzanares said.
“This year, we will be seeking for a Silver and Gold winners once more. It only
involves dancing one Latin and you can choose from (Rumba/Jive/Cha-Cha/Merengue or
even Salsa) and only one Modern or Standard dance choosing from (Waltz/Fox Trot/Quick
Step or Tango),” she said.
“Bouquets, trophies and cash prizes are at stake,” she added. PR


Jen Camacho sings live in a 38 MANILA MEDIA MONITOR
JUNE 2009
special Fathers’ Day treat Entertainment
Sensuous singer Jen and bouncy selections only
Camacho is expected to she can dish out.
burn the stage of Sunrise The special Father Folksinger Sarabia with Buds
Restaurant when she unfolds Day’s live treat is sponsored
a very special Fathers’ Day by CWSS Canada-USA
show on June 20 at 8 p.m. Immigration Services,
She will perform with PNB Remittance Company
a bevy of local artists at the Canada, ACN Video Phone
Bistro & Karaoke Bar. and North 44 Productions.
Hamilton’s ‘Prince of Camacho is also doing
Songs’ Per Emman Alavata the show to help producers
is the featured singer in The Philippine Courier,
the two-hour show with a Cecille Araneta and Eduard
powerful supporting cast Que raise funds for Celia
composed of Inah Canlapan, CAMACHO Mansibang, a cancer-
Nicole Datol Bello, Maria stricken Filipina caregiver.
Theresa Panaligan, Jeanette Master Jav Villasanta is A “Father of the Night”
Ricasio, Ashley Suva, James the show’s emcee. will be selected by a three-
Daryl Valdez, dancing Acknowledged as man jury headed by Marie
master CJ Destacamento Toronto’s Concert Queen, Villasanta. The father will
and his dancers Cindy Camacho will serenade receive a special prize, with
Villasanta, Marielle Bueno fathers present in the show a serenade from Camacho.
and Jean Rose Alavata. with a repertoire of ballads PR Toronto folksinger Chito Sarabia (center in both pics) exchanges music
notes with (above) Pinoy folk-rock greats Mike Hanopol and Lolita Carbon
and (below) Wally Gonzales and Joey ‘Pepe” Smith. Hanopol, Gonzales and
Joel Recla Smith compose the popular Juan dela Cruz Band that is touring Canada and
expected to give another great performance in the Philippine Independence
Producer/Host Day Council’s Mabuhay Festival at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on
July 18. Carbon is with the equally popular folk group Asin. PR

BATID WIKA Cannes Filmfest Best Director

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Pamalo ng bola
4. Supsop 12 13 14
8. Tika
12. Kawangki 15 16 17
13. Bangkarote 19
18 20 21
14. Iyak ng hayop
15. Pera ng Hapon 22 23 24 25
16. Tawag sa pulis
17. Hilo 26 27 28 29 30 31
18. Asawa ng kuya 32 33 34 35
20. Daladalahan
22. Idyoma ng ‘sabi ko’ 36 37 38 39
24. Tibay
40 41 42
26. Idapa
28. Tuligsa 43 44 45 46 47
32. Libo
33. Pagtotono 48 49 50 51 52 53
35. Subok
36. Ipaubos ng madalian 54 55 56 From right, Filipino director Brillante Mendoza, Filipino actors Maria Isabel
38. Ladlad sa lupa Lopez, Coco Martin and Mercedes Cabral, and producer Ferdinand Lapuz
57 58 59
40. Sundalo arrive for the screening of the film Kinatay during the 62nd International film
42. Loterya festival in Cannes, southern France on May 17.
43. Bangkalan 3. Kadena 29. Tagapamahala
A Filipino director best- mitted for screening by 2009.
46. Sapot ng gagamba 4. Iwas 30. Biskwit ng Cebu
48. Tiis 5. Dampot 31. Tali ng hayop
ed better-known names in famous filmmakers Quen- These are Independen-
49. Malaking talyasi 6. Tuyo 34. Malaking pagong the global film industry to tin Tarantino (Inglourious cia directed by Raya Mar-
51. Sinisa 7. Galang 37. Talas ng isip bag the Best Director plum Basterds), Ang Lee (Taking tin, and Manila of Adolfo
54. Paunang bayad 8. Isang gang 39. Biyenes in the 62nd edition of the Woodstock) and their likes. Alix Jr. and Raya Martin.
55. Inis 9. Salok 41. Lampas sa inaasinta Cannes International Film Kinatay is a crime film Two short films from
56. Pantukoy, Kastila 10. Palda 43. Pag-ibis sa sasakyan Festival in France. about a “chop-chop” lady the Philippines were also
57. Maalat 11. Inog 44. Todas Brillante Mendoza thus (played by Maria Isabel Lo- screened namely, Sab-
58. Hangad 19. Parte ng ulo 45. Angkat earned the reputation of be- pez) who was kidnapped, ongero (Cockfight Aficio-
59. Bantay ng bahay 21. Katog 47. Bikas ing the first Filipino to win raped, and beaten up be- nado) directed by Filipino-
22. Mahiyain 50. Asam the prestigious award for a fore she was murdered and American Janice Perez and
PABABA 23. Bubungan 52. Tawag sa amo full-length film. hacked to pieces. Manong Maong (Mr. Blue
1. Manila de ______ 25. Ikuwento 53. Malaking hayop Mendoza’s entry Kina- Aside from Kinatay, two Jeans) an animated film
2. Madrasta 27. Kupad (Sagot sa PAHINA 32) tay (Butchered) received full-length Filipino films megged by Aissa Peñafiel
more raves than those sub- also participated in Cannes and Miguel Ocampo. PR
JUNE 2009 39
JUNE 2009

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