Removing Barriers: Dual Diagnosis Treatment and Motivational Interviewing. Kathleen Sciacca
Removing Barriers: Dual Diagnosis Treatment and Motivational Interviewing. Kathleen Sciacca
Removing Barriers: Dual Diagnosis Treatment and Motivational Interviewing. Kathleen Sciacca
In the past, traditional treatment methods for drug addiction and alcoholism have been
characteristically intense and confrontational. They are designed to break down a client’s denial,
defenses, and/or resistance to his or her addictive disorders, as they are perceived by the
provider. Admissions criteria to substance abuse treatment programs usually require abstinence
from all illicit substances. Potential clients are expected to have some awareness of the problems
caused by substance abuse and be motivated to receive treatment.
In contrast, traditional treatment methods for mental illness have been supportive, benign
and non-threatening. They are designed to maintain the client's already-fragile defenses. Clients
entering the mental health system are generally not seeking treatment for their substance abuse
problems. Frequently clients within the mental health system who actively abuse drugs and
alcohol are not formally identified. If they are, they do not admit to such substance use.
As some attention began to focus on clients with both substance abuse problems and
mental illnesses, it quickly became apparent that new methods and interventions were necessary.
Working with dual disorder clients who deny substance abuse, who are unmotivated for
substance abuse treatment, and who are unable to tolerate intense confrontation, required a new
model, a non-confrontational approach to the engagement and treatment of this special
population. I first developed such a treatment model in 1984, with the goal of providing
nonjudgmental acceptance of all symptoms and experiences related to both mental illness and
substance disorders.
A brief history
Such treatment interventions and integrated programs -- which truly adapted to the needs
of severely mentally ill chemical abusers -- had their genesis in 1984 at a New York state
outpatient psychiatric facility. In 1985, these integrated treatment programs were implemented
across multiple program sites. Concurrently, treatment and program elements were taught
through training seminars in New York as well as nationally.
In September 1986, the New York State Commission on Quality of Care (CQC) released
the findings of 18 months of research. In their report, they described the detachment and
downward spiral of dually diagnosed consumers, who were bounced among different systems
with "no definitive locus of responsibility." As a result, New York’s governor designated the
state Office of Mental Health as the lead agency responsible for coordinating collective efforts
for this population. The commission visited the dual diagnosis programs developed in 1984, and
declared the treatment interventions, the training, and integrated programs to be positive
solutions to the dilemma.
When a 1987 Time magazine investigation of these programs revealed that at least 50
percent of the 1.5 million to 2 million Americans with severe mental illness abuse illicit drugs or
alcohol -- as compared to 15 percent of the general population -- the "doubly troubled" were
brought to the attention of the general public.
A gubernatorial task force declared its vision for statewide program development and a
training site for program and staff development in the treatment of mentally ill chemical abusers
was created to attain that vision. Short-term and on-going training and program development was
provided to hundreds of New York’s treatment providers at both state and local mental health
and substance abuse agencies. Consumer-led and family-support programs were also developed.
The state produced a training video that demonstrated the integrated treatment model, however,
the training site closed in 1990 due to budgetary considerations. Programs and groups that grew
out of this model continue to be an important nucleus of current services in New York and
These treatment interventions evolved in adaptation to the needs of the dual diagnosis
clients. Methods and philosophies clearly differed from traditional substance abuse treatment.
Consumers who were actively abusing substances, physically addicted, unstable, and
unmotivated, were engaged through a "non-confrontational" approach to denial and resistance,
and acceptance of all symptoms. Consumers participated in treatment groups without pressure to
self-disclose, and explored topics from their own perspectives. Subsequent providers either
learned from this model, or came upon similar processes through their own experimentation.
How it works
The phase-by-phase interventions from "denial" to "abstinence" begin by assessing the
client's readiness to engage in treatment. Readiness levels are accepted as starting points for
treatment, rather than points of confrontation or criteria for elimination. Mental health and
substance abuse programs who integrate these programs, implement screening forms to identify
clients who have dual disorders.
Identified clients are followed up for engagement and assessment of readiness. Clients
are encouraged to participate in dual diagnosis treatment even if they do not accept or agree to
the presence of a substance disorder. Clients may participate on the basis of their interest in
learning more about mental health and substance disorders, or with the belief that they may be
able to lend support to others who are seeking help, among other reasons. The process then
proceeds from identification to the engagement phase.
The objective in the engagement phase is to develop comfortable and trusting
relationships and, if possible, to expose the client to information about the etiology and processes
of these illnesses in an empathic and educational manner. The client is given the opportunity to
critique the information presented, rather than being told about any particular fact. Interaction
effects between symptoms of mental illness and substance disorders are also included in this
exploration. Clients at this phase are not required to disclose personal experiences or to admit
they use or abuse substances until they are comfortable doing so.
The inclusion of educational materials and discussion topics allows for discussion of the
issues and impersonal participation. Clients are encouraged to move along a continuum from
“exploration” to “acknowledgment” of their symptoms. This includes:
* attaining a level of trust necessary to discuss their own use of substances and/or
symptoms of mental illness;
* the exploration and subsequent discovery of any problems or interaction affects that
result from substance use and mental health symptoms;
* considerations and motivation for addressing these problems;
* active engagement in a process of treatment that seeks to eliminate symptoms;
* attainment of partial or full remission;
* and participation in an individualized maintenance regime for relapse prevention.
These programs are implemented as components of existing mental health, and substance
abuse programs, and thereby provide integrated treatment.
Materials developed for the implementation of this treatment process include
screening instruments, with separate instruments used for detecting substance abuse among
persons who are known to have a mental illness, and detecting mental illness among those
persons who are known to have substance abuse/dependence.
The pre-group interview provides engagement strategies and a scale to indicate the
client's level of readiness or motivation to participate in treatment. The comprehensive
assessment reviews past and present mental illness, substance abuse, and interaction effects.
Forms for progress reviews and updates include criteria necessary to measure change throughout
the phases of movement toward readiness for treatment, active treatment, and relapse prevention.
Forms for data collection include programmatic information regarding statistics, client
participation, and outcome. See Figure one.
Phase 3:
a. Client becomes motivated
for treatment.
b. Client actively engages in
treatment and symptom
management until stability
and/or remission is achieved.
c. Client participates in
relapse prevention.
*from Journal of Mental Health Administration, Vol.23,No.3 Summer 1996, SAGE
Publications "Program Developmnet Across Systems for Dual Diagnosis: Mental Illness
Drug Addiction and Alcoholism, MIDAA" by: Sciacca, K. & Thompson, C.. pp. 288-297.
Motivational interviewing
As the dual diagnosis treatment model for substance abuse treatment evolved within the
mental health system, motivational interviewing evolved within the field of alcoholism
treatment. Some striking similarities can be found -- in both philosophy and methodology -- in
comparison to dual diagnosis treatment, including the points of departure from traditional
substance abuse treatment:
Dual disorder treatment and motivational interviewing:
* forego traditional treatment-readiness criteria and begin at the client's stage of
readiness/motivation and degree of symptomatology.
* do not utilize intense, confrontational interventions in response to denial or resistance.
* advocate the need for the development of trust as essential to the treatment process.
* advocate acceptance, empathy and respect for the client's perceptions, beliefs and
opinions. They tolerate disagreement and dispel moral and judgmental beliefs.
* do not interpret relapse as treatment failure, or employ punitive consequences.
* convey and/or provide a hopeful vision, a belief in the possibility of change, and
support self-efficacy.
The authors of motivational interviewing (Miller and Rollnick, 1991) detailed the
underlying beliefs that form the foundation for intense confrontational traditional substance
abuse treatment. They have conducted literature searches and research around the principles of
this foundation and have found no supporting evidence for these widely held beliefs.
One main example is the belief that motivation is a personality problem. This assumption
is that alcoholics, addicts, offenders, etc., possess extremely potent defense mechanisms that are
deeply ingrained in their personality and character. These defenses are considered to be non-
responsive to ordinary means of therapy and thereby justify aggressive confrontational
In view of their findings Miller and Rollnick assert that "...there is not, and never has
been, a scientific basis for the assertion that alcoholics (let alone people suffering from all
addictive behaviors) manifest a common consistent personality pattern characterized by
excessive ego-defense mechanisms."
Within motivational interviewing, confrontation is recognized as a treatment "goal" not a
style. It is part of the change process that includes "awareness raising." It is likened to Carl
Rogers’ client-centered philosophy, which sought to provide a safe atmosphere for the
examination of self and change. Like dual diagnosis treatment, confrontation is not used in
response to client's denial or resistance.
A state of readiness
Motivational interviewing strategies correlate to client readiness based upon the stages of
change theory (Prochaska and DiClemente, 1984). Stages of change are represented in the form
of the "wheel of change," which indicates that one can go around the wheel several times. (See
Figure 2 for stages, motivational interviewing and dual diagnosis correlates.) The five principles
of motivational interviewing that entail a therapist's style as well as strategy also correlate to dual
diagnosis treatment interventions. (See Figure 3 below.)
As the number of mental health and other providers who find the new non-
confrontational approaches to be comfortable and in keeping with their therapeutic style
increases, the total number of substance abuse treatment providers will rise correspondingly.
This will greatly increase the availability of substance abuse services. Most important, the
quality of care will proceed in the direction of the development of trust, respect, empathy,
empowerment, and will measure success along a multitude of criteria.
The systemic changes will yield both mental health and substance abuse agencies more
comprehensive in scope. This will change the course of history that has eliminated dually
diagnosed clients and other client profiles who have been deemed "unmotivated" or "not ready"
for treatment. Agencies may readily include services that employ an "exploratory" versus
"expert" approach. This will provide many opportunities to provide education within all models
of service. For some substance abuse practitioners dual diagnosis treatment and motivational
interviewing interventions may represent a dramatic departure from their current practice and
techniques. Miller and Rollnick suggest that motivational interviewing techniques be included in
one's "tool box" of interventions and be utilized when traditional approaches fail.
It is clear that these new interventions and efforts to accomplish comprehensive care will
carry forward into the new millennium. Each of these changes represents models of "inclusion"
and will replace the "exclusionary" models that have resulted in serious casualties among
persons who suffer with singular, dual or multiple disorders.