NalUn Operation Report Phase 2 - Feon's Guard

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2 Crimson Blades Club Imperium of Man Blood Phoenix Space Marines


Extend the safe zone in and around the capital city and push into the surrounding zones. Leave no enemy to harass the Imperium forces arriving in the next several days.


Feons Guard


High Lord Markus Kordan turned from the vox-net and addressed his squad sergeants. They wish us to hold this sector of the city and press outwards to the border. Then we are to extend the Emperors will into sectors 0017 through 0023. This we will do, for the Phoenix and the Emperor. Grand Lord Ariakase is en route to the system with another three companies aboard the Wings of the Phoenix. Let us pave the way for their arrival and give them nothing to do but applaud our efforts before heading home to Benu. The brothers in his circle, taciturn as ever, nodded and grunted their agreement. At once, the forces of the Blood Phoenix Second and Third companies were marshaled and put about their assignments. High Lord Kordan turned to his counterpart of the Second and they stepped away from the rest of their brothers. It would seem nearly all the xenos races are suddenly interested in Fates End. Let us ensure it is indeed the end of their fate. High Lord Demetrius Truhn was comfortable deferring to his fellow captain in matters of war, as he was fast on his way to becoming a legend among the Blood Phoenix. However, the two were close and his voice and arm were always in close agreement and council with Markus. The road is not so lightly travelled brother, but we shall prevail. This sector of the city is accosted by the Tau and they are well entrenched. Rumors also persist of greenskins in the fields of 0018 and I suspect others as well. Markus raised an eyebrow at this. Orks had not yet been seen in the inner system, as all reports stated they were being herded away from the central worlds of Fates End. Any current encounters of note were solely in the western reaches of the galactic sector. Demetrius nodded at the expected response. I have taken the liberty of dispatching those fledglings from the Tenth under my purview. Perhaps we shall know the truth of these rumors soon. Markus turned back to gaze at the city before them, the ripple of bolter fire already reaching his ears. First let us be rid of these Tau. Come, my brother. The dance of battle is upon us.

LOCATION: The outer districts of the capital city Feon on Nolim PRE-BATTLE NARRATIVE:
The streets of the capital city Feon were filled with the strident harmony of war. Blood Phoenix Space Marines and Hunter Cadre Redtide of the Tau sought to gain strategic advantage on the battlefield. Odds were in the Marines' favor as the best vantages were on their side of the field. Epistolary Brennan, recovered from his wounds, hoped to secure the way to push outwards from the city and begin reclaiming this planet for the Imperium. Techmarine Ellis Callum stationed his Thunderfire cannon behind the ruins of a building, firing through a damaged wall, as the tactical squads and bikes secured the points closest to their deployment zone. The Tau seized the initiative but had been cautious in their approach and were unable to reach with more than a couple weapons on their first volley, doing minimal damage.

A Blood Phoenix Ironclad Dreadnought arrived via drop pod directly in front of the Tau lines as the tactical squads shifted into more advantageous defensive positions and the bikes sped up the southernmost flank behind the cover of ruins. Battle was joined in fervor when an Imperium battle cruiser strike hit directly on the Tau warlord's squad, instantly killing him and two of his bodyguard. The Ironclad let loose with its ranged weapons into the closest fire warrior squad as it strode from the drop pod and took position in front of the remainder of the warlord's unit. Whirlwind and Thunderfire cannon peppered the ground and managed a few wounds but nothing else of import was managed. The Tau retaliated with a large flanking maneuver of two Kroot squads and a pathfinder squad. Concentrated fire wounded Techmarine Callum so that he was no longer capable of manning his cannon and also managed to disable the Whirlwind. Two Riptides maneuvered on either flank, one addressing the Ironclad and the other advancing on strategic points guarded by tactical marines. The remaining fire warriors surrounded the Ironclad to try and keep it away from the Riptides and battle suits, but the Marine bikes sped up from the rear and riddled them with bolter fire, opening the way. The Ironclad was damaged by the initial fire but managed to fight on to engage the Riptide in close combat. They battled thus, trading blows until the Riptide was victorious, but leaking fluids from every joint. The bikes managed to rout the fire warriors and then engaged the remaining single battle suit as well, overcoming the last bodyguard of the fallen Tau warlord and then engaging a second fire warrior squad guarding an objective. On the other side of the field, the tactical squads turned and opened fire on the flanking enemy, whittling them down over the course of the battle and regaining control of their objectives. The single Riptide which advanced on their side of the field managed to overheat twice when overcharging its reactor core and was finished off by a combination of Vindicator cannon, sustained sniper and plasma cannon fire. Epistolary Brennan broke from his unit and using Gate of Infinity he managed to appear behind the flanking Tau and engaged the final Kroot in hand to hand combat.


The Tau were driven back from the capital. This enabled the Imperium to set defenses on this division of the city outskirts and secure the overall sector for further advancement in cleansing the planet.

Nolim Sector 0018: Algae fields 3 kilometers outside Feon on Nolim

The hooded figure approached the Farseer with the silence of his kind, but held no misconceptions that he was unnoticed. Why do we not destroy these green skinned beasts and be done with this place? Distaste was palpable in his tone. The Farseer did not bother opening her eyes to gaze upon the Ranger. Never dispose of a tool without first testing its usefulness. The armored monkeighs approach and, if left unchecked, they may interfere with our operations through ignorance. They are not yet aware of the greater evil awakening. Best that it remain so until we are quit of this area. Place these Orks in their path and perhaps two problems may be solved with no risk to our kin.

OPPONENT NAME & FACTION: Junkyard Dogs Ork Warband (see narrative, outcome affects Eldar goals) MISSION/DEPLOYMENT/POINT LEVEL: Custom Mission* / Dawn of War / 1500
* SM characters have beacon, one survives to win.

Shepherd Conleth Abban had received his orders from High Lord Kordan earlier that day. Scouts confirmed reports of greenskins in the outlying fields in sector 0018. Abban had arrayed his ordnance across the field, Whirlwind in the west and Thunderfire cannon in the east. Tactical squads spread across the front, covering vital strategic points to hold against the inevitable tide. Abban and his personal squad of bikes sped up the eastern flank, striking hard against the Orks in the center and then falling back for the Thunderfire cannon to massacre those remaining. Abban noticed the Ork Warboss and his retinue of howling beasts advancing through the cloud of dust and blood churned up by the impact of the cannons destruction. He and his men engaged, with tactical support behind. The explosions of Whirlwind fire died abruptly as two units of Deffkoptas outflanked its position and sent rockets into its side armor plating. A few brave tactical marines dove in the path of some of the fire, but were unable to save the vehicle. Above, a Stormtalon raced to decimate a large Ork mob protecting a Weirdboy in their ranks and provide support against a large group of Lootas in the Ork rear. On the opposite side of the field, a Dakkajet screamed into view and fired upon the Thunderfire cannon and its Techmarine gunner. Able to duck behind cover long enough to let loose with another devastating salvo into the Ork ranks, the cannon was eventually destroyed by the jet. Abban glimpsed his Techmarine brother climbing over the ruins and brandishing his servo harness weapons in an attempt to avenge his beloved machine. Orks overran on all fronts, Abban himself falling to the Warboss. Trapped underneath his crippled bike, he was spared from the monsters savagery by lascannon and bolter fire from a tactical squad, which drew the beasts attention away from their commander. Fighting against the weight of his prison, Abban spotted the tell-tale glow of a teleportation arrival, followed immediately by the deafening sound of storm bolter fire and alien screams. He smiled and collapsed with the satisfaction of his mission completed. He had been the eyes and wings of the Phoenix. Now the Orks were meeting the Talons of the First Company.


The Blood Phoenix successfully carried their beacons into the field and prepared the way for the Ork defeat, holding a beachhead for the liberation of Nolim sectors 0017 and 0018. The Eldar gambled on their delay tactic to no avail. The Marines are closer to their lines and may soon become a nuisance to their plans.

Nolim Sector 0022: Algae field farmers commune 5 kilometers outside Feon on Nolim

Grand Maester Librarian Alric Khanduras was experienced enough to never be surprised by the vagaries of war. He had heard from High Lord Kordan that their brother Dark Angels had petitioned to be assigned this mission and so when he met their forces arrayed against him across the field, he shrugged it off. His orders were clear and not even his mysterious cousins would deter him from the path. Intelligence had discovered Eldar forces had captured one of the rebel Imperial leaders, those foolishly seduced by the Taus greater good and now bereft of the Emperors light. He did not know about the secret of the Fallen Angels and the drive to recover them that drove the Dark Angels to such suspicious actions. He only knew that his fellow Marines stood between him and his mission. That was enough.


Dark Angels / Imperium of Man


Khanduras touched upon the warp and located the item in question. Scouts reported a battle had recently taken place in this field between Eldar and Tau. Victorious, the Eldar commanders had fled the field quickly and left a vital piece of intelligence in their wake. With this, the hope was that the Blood Phoenix Techmarines would be able to decipher the location of the rebel leader being held prisoner. The Imperium needed his answers to learn more of the Tau threat. Blood Phoenix Tactical squads arrayed across the front, with the western flank held by Sternguard and Thunderfire support. In the east, a Vanguard unit readied their jump packs, a second Thunderfire setting up in the ruins behind them. The Dark Angels, never ones for niceties, immediately attacked. Their bikes jumped forward impossibly fast and were surrounded by the glow of teleport fields as squads of Deathwing appeared mere paces in front of the Blood Phoenix lines. Initial fire concentrated on the Blood Phoenix bikes, which were destroyed or damaged so that the Sergeant had to retreat the field for repairs. Khanduras put his mighty powers to work, cursing the enemy Marines and guiding the fire of his own men. Bolters and the newly acquisitioned grav guns heated the air between the two forces as one by one, Deathwing fell before them. Assault marines in the west engaged the enemy bikes, while their Vanguard brothers quickly jumped to assist from across the field. The eastern flank had been all but abandoned by the enemy and they were out of position. The Sternguard planted their feet and opened fire until engaged in close combat by both bikes and terminators. While not able to overcome the enemy, the Veteran marines bloodied the Dark Angels well enough that those left standing were cleansed by their Blood Phoenix Tactical squads. The eastern Thunderfire was destroyed by a lone Dark Angel attack bike, but the surviving Techmarine tore the machine to shreds with his servo harness before advancing towards the objective on foot. The objective, which appeared to be an alien data slate, was first reached by the lone survivor of the Blood Phoenix scout squad, who was quickly cut down by advancing Dark Angel Tacticals. The Blood Phoenix Vanguard leapt to avenge their younger brother and pushed the enemy back so that their own Tactical brothers could retrieve the object and move back toward the relative safety of their lines. In the end, a lone Deathwing trudged the field. Refusing to admit defeat, he advanced upon the objective in hopes of securing the information for his Chapters Lords. The remaining Blood Phoenix paused briefly to honor his courage before all bolters riddled his armor, eventually dropping the noble Marine. After securing the data slates delivery to his Forgemaster, Khanduras sent a formal notice to the Dark Angel commander on planet, affording them the opportunity to collect their fallen brothers gene-seed.


The Blood Phoenix secured the intelligence and were able to discover the location of the captured Tau sympathizer. This also further secured the final sector in their field of operation, so that their piece of the pie that was Feon and its immediate area was secured for the Imperium.

THEMATIC MOMENTS: Battle 1 Ironclad and Riptide fisticuffs Second Riptide nearly killing itself from a twice overheated ion cannon. Battle 2 Thunderfire Cannon killing 17 Orks with a single volley of fire. Weirdboy FINALLY gets a teleport for his Boyz squad, only to mishap and be placed far away from the battle in dangerous terrain. Battle 3 Blood Phoenix bikes retreating in Turn 1 Belial killed with dual malediction and prescience matchup Single scout grabbing FIRST on the objective in his run, then stuck there for the next turn to get shot because he cannot pick it up until the END of his next MOVEMENT phase. (grumble grumble) UNIT MVPs: Battle 1 Blood Phoenix, Tactical squads for holding the line. Tau kroot squad that outflanked and downed a Whirlwind and Thunderfire gunner. Battle 2 Blood Phoenix, Thunderfire cannon 17 kills in one volley. Enough said. Orks, Warboss If his weak boyz had been half the Ork he was, they coulda crushed more umies. Battle 3 Blood Phoenix, Librarian (Tigurius rules) because Malediction + Prescience is awesome Dark Angels, Ravenwing wiped or helped with bikes, sternguard, assault and some tacticals as dessert LESSONS LEARNED & SMACK TALK:

Lessons learned Tigurius rules are enough to make a grown man feel like a 5 year old with his first bicycle. Remember to use Chapter Tactics.. doh! Techmarine servo harness changed See Scout, Relic, shot to death from the above Thematic Moments of Battle 3. /facepalm
Smack Talk? New codex. Bring. It. On. Centurions are being assembled and painted. Muahahahaha! Seriously though, the way I roll dice, I prefer not to tempt karma. You have not seen so many 1s outside of binary code. The Blood Phoenix may tell people their armor is red to hide the blood of their enemies, but that is not entirely true. For real, I once had a 31 game losing streak to a player new to the hobby. Win or lose though, I always have fun.

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