Rosewood Vs NLRC

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NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS COMMISSION, MAMON, GAZZINGAN, VELASCO, BALLON, ALDEZA, and CABRERA G.R. Nos. 116476-84. May 21, 1998 Panganiban, J. Doctrine: Under the Labor Code, an employer is solidarily liable for legal wages due security guards for the period of time they were assigned to it by its contracted security agency. However, in the absence of proof that the employer itself committed the acts constitutive of illegal dismissal or conspired with the security agency in the performance of such acts, the employer shall not be liable for back wages and/or separation pay arising as a consequence of such unlawful termination.

Facts: All private respondents were employed as security guards by Veterans Philippine Scout Security Agency (security agency). A complaint was filed by herein private respondents for illegal dismissal; underpayment of wages; and for nonpayment of overtime pay, legal holiday pay, premium pay for holiday and rest day, thirteenth month pay, cash bond deposit, unpaid wages and damages was filed against the security agency.Thereafter, petitioner was impleaded as a third-party respondent by the security agency. Labor Arbiter rendered a decision in favor of herein private respondents wherein the total money claim adjudged was P789,154.39. An appeal was filed before the NLRC. Respondent Commission dismissed petitioners appeal, because it was allegedly not perfected within the reglementary ten-day period. Petitioner received a copy of the labor arbiters Decision on April 2, 1993, and it filed its Memorandum of Appeal on April 12, 1993. However, it submitted the appeal bond on April 26, 1993, or twelve days after the expiration of the period for appeal per Rule VI, Sections 1, 3 and 6 of the 1990 Rules of Procedure of the National Labor Relations Commission. Thus, it ruled that the labor arbiters Decision became final and executory on April 13, 1993. Issue 1: WON NLRC acted with grave abuse of discretion in dismissing the appeal of the petitioner. Held 1: The perfection of an appeal within the reglementary period and in the manner prescribed by law is jurisdictional, and noncompliance with such legal requirement is fatal and effectively renders the judgment final and executory. In case of a judgment involving a monetary award, an appeal by the employer may be perfected only upon the posting of a cash or surety bond issued by a reputable bonding company duly accredited by the Commission in the amount equivalent to the monetary award in the judgment appealed from. However, in a number of cases, this Court has relaxed this requirement in order to bring about the immediate and appropriate resolution of controversies on the merits. Some of these cases include: (a) counsels reliance on the f ootnote of the notice of the decision of the labor arbiter that the aggrieved party may appeal xxx within ten (10) working days; (b) fundamental consideration of substantial justice; (c) prevention of miscarriage of justice or of unjust enrichment, as where the tardy appeal is from a decision granting separation pay which was already granted in an earlier final decision; and (d) special circumstances of the case combined with its legal merits or the amount and the issue involved. We hold that petitioners motion to reduce the bond is a substantial compliance with the Labor Code. This holding is consistent with the norm that letter-perfect rules must yield to the broader interest of substantial justice. Issue 2: WON herein petitioner can be held solidarily liable for the legal wages due to the security guards beyond the period which the latter have rendered services to them. Held 2: No. Withal, fairness dictates that the petitioner should not, be held liable for wage differentials incurred while the complainants were assigned to other companies. Under these cited provisions of the Labor Code, should the contractor fail to pay the wages of its employees in accordance with law, the indirect employer (the petitioner in this case), is jointly and severally liable with the contractor, but such responsibility should be understood to be limited to the extent

of the work performed under the contract, in the same manner and extent that he is liable to the employees directly employed by him. This liability of petitioner covers the payment of the workers performance of any work, task, job or project. So long as the work, task, job or project has been performed for petitioners benefit or on its behalf, the liability accrues for such period even if, later on, the employees are eventually transferred or reassigned elsewhere. We repeat: The indirect employers liability to the contractors employees extends only to the period during which they were working for the petitioner, and the fact that they were reassigned to another principal necessarily ends such responsibility. The principal is made liable to his indirect employees, because it can protect itself from irresponsible contractors by withholding such sums and paying them directly to the employees or by requiring a bond from the contractor or subcontractor for this purpose. The liability arising from an illegal dismissal is unlike an order to pay the statutory minimum wage, because the workers right to such wage is derived from law. The proposition that payment of back wages and separation pay should be covered by Article 109, which holds an indirect employer solidarily responsible with his contractor or subcontractor for any violation of any provision of this Code, would have been tenable if there were proof -- there was none in this case -- that the principal/employer had conspired with the contractor in the acts giving rise to the illegal dismissa. Note: Dalawa yung ginawa kong issue kasi diba topic natin rules of procedure ng NLRC eh un ung unang issue kaya sinama ko na

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