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Cosmetic Reactions: Sara P Modjtahedi, Jorge R Toro, Patricia Engasser, and Howard I Maibach

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Cosmetic Reactions


51.1 Introduction 51.2 Cutaneous reactions 51.3 Ingredient patch testing 51.4 Cosmetic products 51.5 Cosmetic intolerance syndrome 51.6 Occupational dermatitis: hairdressers

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The term cosmetic is familiar, and its meaning has been expanded by an increase in the variety and complexity of substances used for cosmetic purposes. There are numerous ways to dene and describe cosmetics. The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, which the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) administers, denes cosmetics in the following manner: The term cosmetic means articles intended to be rubbed, poured, sprinkled, or sprayed on, introduced into, or otherwise applied to the human body or any part thereof for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance, and (Jackson, 1991) articles intended for use as a component of any such articles: except the term shall not include soap. (Code of Federal Regulations, 1986: 20201(I), paragraph 40) Definitions pertaining to Europe and Japan are found in Barel et al. (2001), Elsner and Maibach (2000), Elsner et al. (1999), Baran and Maibach (1998). Note two important aspects of this legal denition of cosmetics. First, in the United States, cosmetics in theory do not contain active drug entities of any type nor can they be promoted as altering any physiological state either in disease or health. Many countries do not recognize this legal distinction. The US FDA classies products into cosmetics, OTC (over-the-counter) drugs, and prescription drugs. By the US denition, antiperspirants are OTC drugs regulated by the FDA through the OTC drug monograph system, while deodorants are cosmetics. The second aspect of the US denition of cosmetics is the so-called soap exemption. Soap in the classic sense, as made of natural ingredients, is the type of soap that is excepted by the definition above. However, if the soap product is made of detergent chemicals (synthetic surfactants) the product is regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission under the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, as a household product. If the soap contains a therapeutic ingredient for a medical condition it is regulated as a prescription drug (Jackson, 1991). Likewise the classication of cosmetics is equally complex. The cosmetic industry itself divides the products into more general categories oriented as to their purpose as described in the denition. Reactions to cosmetics constitute a small but signicant portion of the cases of contact dermatitis seen by dermatologist in the United States. In a ve-year study, the North American Contact Dermatitis Group found that 5.4 percent

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of 13,216 patients tested were identied as having reactions caused by cosmetics (Adams and Maibach, 1985. This is an under-representation of the true incidence because most patients who experience reactions to newly purchase cosmetics seldom consult a physician and just stop using the suspected cosmetic. In addition, they reported that 59 percent of the reactions caused by cosmetics occurred on the face including the periorbital area and 79 percent were females. Half of the cases later proven to evoke reactions to cosmetics were initially unsuspected. Reactions to cosmetics can have a variety of presentations. including subjective and objective irritation, allergic contact dermatitis, contact uriticaria, photosensitive reactions, pigmentation and, hair and nail changes.

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51.2 CUTANEOUS REACTIONS 51.2.1 Irritant dermatitis

Objective irritation
Skin irritation has been described by exclusion as localized inammation not mediated by either sensitized lymphocytes or by antibodies, e.g., that which develops by a process not involving the immune system. Skin irritation depends on endogenous and exogenous factors (Lammintausta and Maibach, 1988). Predictive testing in human beings and rabbits can reliably detect strong or moderate irritants as ingredients in cosmetics or the products themselves. This allows manufacturers to test thoroughly to eliminate these potential hazards before marketing. There is recent evidence that no signicant difference across skin types exists (McFadden et al., 1998). Because the stratum corneum of the facial skin is penetrated easily, more irritant reactions occur but always recognized clinically because of the complex biology of the human face. Many supposedly non irritating moisturizers or emollient creams contain surfactants and emulsiers that are mild irritants. These cosmetics are applied frequently to facial or inamed skin resulting in irritant reactions. In product use testing, reproducing an irritant reaction may be difcult because penetrability of the stratum corneum varies with environmental conditions; and small panel testing may not account for the complexity and variance of the human genome. Provocative use testing may be performed at the original site of the reactions. Application of some chemicals may directly destroy tissue, producing skin necrosis at the application site. Chemicals producing necrosis that results in formation of scar tissue are described as corrosive. Chemicals may disrupt cell

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functions and/or trigger the release, formation, or activation of autocoids that produce local increases in blood ow, increase vascular permeability, attract white blood cells in the area, or directly damage cells. The additive effects of the mediators result in local skin inammation. A number of as yet poorly dened pathways involving different processes of mediator generation appear to exist. Although no agent has yet met all the criteria to establish it as a mediator of skin irritation, histamine, 5-hydrotryptamine, prostaglandins, leukotrienes, kinins (Effendy and Maibach, 2001), complement, reactive oxygen species, and products of white blood cells have been implicated as mediators of some irritant reactions (Protty, 1978). Chemicals that produce inammation as a result of a single exposure are termed acute or primary irritants. Some chemicals do not produce acute irritation from a single exposure but may produce inammation following repeated application, i.e., cumulative irritation, to the same area of skin. Because of the possibility of skin contact during transport and use of many chemicals, regulatory agencies have mandated screening chemicals for the ability to produce skin corrosion and acute irritation. These studies are conducted in animals, using standardized protocols. However, the protocols specied by some agencies vary somewhat. It is not routinely appropriate to conduct screening studies for corrosion in humans, but acute irritation is sometimes evaluated in humans after animal studies have been completed. Tests for predicting irritation in both animals and humans have been widely utilized. Predictive irritation assay in animals includes modied Draize test repeated application patch tests, the guinea pig immersion test and mouse ear test. Predictive human irritation assay includes many forms of the single application patch test, cumulative irritation assays, chamber scrarication test and exaggerated exposure test. These predictive assays have been reviewed (Marzulli and Maibach, 1991). Currently in vitro skin corrosion test methods are being developed that avoid using animal models (Robinson and Perkins, 2002). Sensitive bioengineering equipment used to evaluate pathophysiology of skin irritation includes transepidermal water loss (Effendy et al., 1995), dielectric characteristics, skin impedance, conductance, resistance, blood ow velocity skin pH, 02 resistance and C02 effusion rate (Fluhr et al., 2001). Several textbooks describe these methods in detail (Berardesca et al., 1994; 1995a, b; 2002; Wilhelm et al., 1997). Also, irritant contact dermatitis can be avoided by prevention methods (Lofer and Effendy, 2002).

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Sensory or subjective irritation

Application of a cosmetic causing burning, stinging, or itching without detectable visible or microscopic changes, is designated as subjective irritation. This reaction is common in certain susceptible individuals occurring most frequently on the face. Some of the ingredients that cause this reaction are not generally considered irritants and will not cause abnormal responses in nonsusceptible individuals. Materials that produce subjective irritation include dimethyl sulfoxide, some benzoyl peroxide preparations, and the chemicals salicylic acid, propylene glycol, amyl-dimethyl-amino benzoic acid, and 2ethoxy ethyl-methoxy cinnamate, which are ingredients of cosmetics and overthe-counter (OTC) drugs. Pyrethroids, a group of broad-spectrum insecticides, produce a similar condition that may lead to paraesthesia (Cagen et al., 1984) at the nasolabial folds, cheeks, periorbital areas, and ears. Only a portion of the human population seems to develop nonpyrethroid subjective irritation, and ethnic variations in self-perceived sensitive skin has been noted (Jourdain et al., 2002). Frosch and Kligman (1977a) found that they needed to prescreen subjects to identify stingers for conducting predictive assays. Only 20 percent of subjects exposed to 5 percent aqueous lactic acid in a hot, humid environment developed stinging response. All stingers in their series reported a history of adverse reactions to facial cosmetics, soaps, etc. A similar screening procedure by Lammintausta et al. (1988) identied 18 percent of their subjects as stingers. Prior skin damage, e.g., sunburn, pretreatment with surfactants, and tape stripping, increase the intensity of responses in stingers, and persons not normally experiencing a response report pain on exposure to lactic acid or other agents that produce subjective irritation (Fosch and Kligman, 1977b). Attempts to identify reactive subjects by association with other skin descriptors, e.g., atopy, skin type, or skin dryness, have not yet been fruitful. However, Lammintausta et al. (1988) showed that stingers develop stronger reactions to materials causing nonimmunologic contact urticaria and some increase in transepidermal water loss and blood ow following application of irritants via patches than those of non-stingers. The mechanisms by which materials produce subjective irritation have not been extensively investigated. Pyrethroids directly act on the axon by interfering with the channel gating mechanism and impulse ring (Vivjeberg and VandenBercken, 1979). It has been suggested that agents causing subjective irritation act via a similar mechanism because no visible inflammation is present. An animal model was developed to rate paraesthesia to pyrethroids

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and may be useful for other agents (Cagen et al., 1984). Using this technique, it was possible to rank pyrethroids for their ability to produce paraesthesia. Lammintausta et al. (1988) and Berardesca et al. (1991) suggested that patients with subjective irritation have more responsive blood vessels. Assays and tests have been developed to quantify subjective irritation (Herbst, 2001; Pelosi et al., 2001). As originally published, in human subjective irritation assay volunteers were seated in the chamber (110F (65C) and 80 percent relative humidity) until a profuse facial sweating was observed (Frosch and Kligman, 1977a). Sweat was removed from the nasolabial fold and cheek; then a 5 percent aqueous solution of lactic acid was briskly rubbed over the area. Those who reported stinging for 3 to 5 minutes within the rst 15 minutes were designated as stingers and were used for subsequent tests. Lammintausta et al. (1988) used a 15-min treatment with a commercial facial sauna to produce facial sweating. The facial sauna technique is less stressful to both subjects and investigators and produces similar results.

51.2.2 Allergic contact dermatitis

Although allergic contact dermatitis is the most frequently diagnosed reaction to cosmetics and its incidence is rising (Kohl et al., 2002), it is clinically suspected initially in less than half the proven cases. Most cosmetics are a complex mixture containing perfumes, preservatives, stabilizers, lipids, alcohols, pigments, etc. Frequently, these components are responsible for cosmetic allergy (Ale and Maibach, 2001). The clinical relevance of allergic contact dermatitis has been described (Ale and Maibach, 1995). Allergic contact dermatitis is cell-mediated. This type of skin response is often referred to as delayed type contact hypersensitivity because of the relatively long period (24 h) required for the development of the inammation following exposure. Lymphocytes are responsible for producing delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) and for regulation of the immune system. Lymphocytes leaving the lymphoid organs are programmed to recognize a specic chemical structure via a receptor molecule(s). If, during circulation through body tissues, a cell encounters the structure it is programmed to recognize, an immune response may be induced. To stimulate an immune response, a chemical must be presented to lymphocytes in an appropriate form (Landsteiner and Jacobs, 1935). Chemicals are usually haptens, which must conjugate with proteins in the skin or in other tissues in order to be recognized by the immune

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system. Haptens conjugate with proteins to form a number of different antigens that may stimulate an allergic response (Polak et al., 1974). Hapten protein conjugates are processed by macrophages or other cells expressing proteins on their surface. Although the exact nature of this process is not completely understood, it is known that physical contact between macrophage and T cells is required (Unanue, 1984). In the skin, keratinocytes produce interleukin (Cunningham-Rundles, 1981), an important regulatory protein for induction of DTH. Langerhans cells express Ia antigen and may act as antigen presenting cells (Lever and Schaumberg-Lever, 1983). Histologically, the DTH response has been described as a hyperproliferative epidermis with intracellular edema, spongiosis, intraepidermal vesiculation, and mononuclear cell inltrate by 24 h. The dermis shows perivenous accumulation of lymphocytes, monocytes, and edema. No reaction occurs if the local vascular supply is interrupted and the appearance of epidermal changes follows the invasion of monocytes. The histology of the response varies somewhat by species. Many factors modulate development of DTH in experimental animals and humans. The method of skin exposure and rate of penetration inuence the rate of sensitization, The effects of vehicle and occlusion are well documented (Magnussun and Kligman, 1970; Franklin, 2001). Vehicle choice determines in part the absorption of the test material and can inuence sensitization rate, ability to elicit response at challenge, and the irritation threshold. Application of haptens to irritated or tape stripped skin, the dose per unit area, repeated applications to the same site (Magnussun and Kligman, 1969), increased numbers of exposures (this applies through 1015 exposures only), an interval of 26 days between exposures (Magnussun and Kligman, 1969) and treatment with adjutant increase sensitization rates (Maguire, 1974). The development of DTH is under genetic control; all individuals do not have the capability to respond to a given hapten. In addition, the status of the immune system determines if an immune response can be induced. For example, young animals may become tolerant to a hapten, and pregnancy may suppress expression of allergy (Magnussun and Kligman, 1969). The intrinsic biological variables controlling sensitization can be inuenced only by selection of animals likely to be capable of mounting an immune response to the hapten. Thresholds in contact sensitization using immunological models and experimental evidence have been described (Boukhman and Maibach, 2001). The extrinsic variables of dose, vehicle, route of exposure, adjuvant, etc., can be manipulated to develop sensitive predictive assays. Appropriate execution of predictive sensitization assays is critical. All too often techniques are discredited when, in fact, the performance of the tests was

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inferior or study design, e.g., choice of dose, was inappropriate. A common error in choosing an animal assay is using Freunds complete adjuvant (FCA) when setting dose response relationships. The adjuvant provides such sensitivity that dose effect relationships are muted. Although the dose must be high enough to ensure penetration, it must be below the irritation threshold at challenge to avoid misinterpretation of irritant inammation as allergic. For instance, the quaternary ammonium compounds, e.g., benzalkonium chloride, rarely sensitize but have been identified as allergens in some guinea pig assays. Knowing the irritation potential of compounds and choosing an appropriate experimental design will allow the investigator to design and execute these studies appropriately. John Draize developed the rst practical animal assay to predict the proclivity of a chemical or a nal product to produce allergic contact dermatitis. This test is widely used and forms the basis for current testing. Modifications to this test include the Buhler method, Freuds adjuvant, the Freuds complete adjuvant test and the open epicutaneous test. An extensive review of this assay is found in Maibach and Marzulli (1991). If done properly, these tests will identify most of the contact allergens. Human testing supplements animal testing but most sensitization studies have been done in animals The Draize repeated insult patch test is the standard human assay to identify the propensity of a chemical to induce ACD Modications to this test have been developed. A complete review of assays is found in Maibach and Marzulli (1991). Patch testing of patients with suspected cosmetic contact dermatitis is discussed later in this chapter, and the scientic basis of patch testing can be found in Ale and Maibach (2002). Recent Prevention and treatment of allergic contact dermatitis has been discussed (Wille and Kyclonieus, 2001).

51.2.3 Contact urticaria syndrome

Contact urticaria has been dened as a wheel-and-are response that develops within 30 to 60 min after exposure of the skin to certain agents (von Krogh and Maibach, 1982). Symptoms of immediate contact reactions can be classied according to their morphology and severity. Itching, tingling, and burning with erythema is the weakest type of immediate contact reaction. Local wheel-andflare with tingling and itching represents the prototype reaction of contact urticaria. Generalized urticaria after local contact is rare but can occur. Signs and symptoms in other organs can appear with the skin symptoms in cases of immunologic contact urticaria syndrome. This includes asthma, angioedema and anaphylaxis.

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The strength of the reactions may greatly vary, and often the whole range of local symptomsfrom slight erythema to strong edema and erythemacan be seen from the same substance if different concentrations are used in skin tests (Lahti and Maibach, 1980). Not only the concentration but also the site of the skin contact affects the reaction. A certain concentration of contact urticant may produce strong edema and erythema reactions on the skin of the back and face but only erythema on the volar surfaces of the lower arms or legs. In some cases, contact urticaria can be demonstrated only on damaged or previously eczematous skin. Some agents, such as formaldehyde, produce urticaria on healthy skin following repeated but not single applications to the skin. Differentiation between nonspecic irritant reactions and contact urticaria may be difficult. Strong irritants, e.g., hydrochloric acid, lactic acid, cobalt chloride, formaldehyde, and phenol, can cause clear-cut immediate whealing if the concentration is high enough, but the reactions do not usually fade away within a few hours. Instead, they are followed by signs of irritation; erythema, scaling, or crusting are seen 24 h later. Some substances have only urticant properties (e.g., benzoic acid, nicotinic acid esters). Diagnosis of immediate contact urticaria is based on a thorough history and skin testing with suspected substances. Skin tests for human diagnostic testing are summarized by Von Krogh and Maibach (1982), and patch testing and photopatch testing for contact urticaria has been described (Amin and Maibach, 2001). Because of the risk of systemic reactions, e.g., anaphylaxis, human diagnostic tests should only be performed by experienced personnel with facilities for resuscitation on hand. Contact urticaria has been divided into two main types on the basis of proposed pathophysiological mechanisms, nonimmunologic and immunologic (Maibach and Johnson, 1975). Recent reviews list agents suspected to cause each type of urticarial response (Lahti and Maibach, 1985; Harvel et al., 1994). Some common urticants are listed in Table 51.1. A ow sheet designed by von Krogh and Maibach (1982) (46) can be used to approach testing in suspected cases (Table 51.2).

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Nonimmunologic contact urticaria

Nonimmunologic contact urticaria is the most common form and occurs without previous exposure in most individuals. The reaction remains localized and does not cause systemic symptoms or spread to become generalized urticaria. Typically, the strength of this type of contact urticaria reaction varies from sensory complaints of sting, itch or burn to an urticarial response,

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Table 51.1: Some agents reported to cause urticaria in humans

Immunologic mechanisms Bacitracin Ethyl and methyl parabens Seafood (high molecular weight protein extracts) Nonimmunologic mechanisms Cinnamic aldehyde Balsam of Peru Benzoic acid Ethyl aminobenzoate Dimethyl sulfoxide Unknown mechanisms Epoxy resin Lettuce/endive Cassia oil Formaldehyde Ammonium persulfate Neomycin

Table 51.2: Test procedures for evaluation of immediate-type reactions in recommended order
1. Open application Nonaffected normal skin: Negative Slightly affected (or previously affected) skin: Negative Positive positive diagnosis 2. Occlusive application (infrequently needed) Nonaffected normal skin: Negative Slightly affected (or previously affected) skin: Negative 3. Invasive (inhalant, prick, scratch, or intradermal injection)*
* When invasive methods are employed (especially scratch and inhalant testing) adequate controls are required.

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depending on the concentration, skin site and substance. The mechanism of nonimmunologic contact urticaria has not been delineated, but a direct influence on dermal vessel walls or a non-antibody-mediated release of histamine prostaglandins, leukotrienes, substance P, or other inflammatory mediators represents possible mechanisms. Lahti and Maibach (1985) suggested that nonimmunologic urticaria produced by different agents may involve different combinations of mediators. Common non-immunological urticans can be inhibited by oral acetylsalicylic acid and indomethacin (Lahti et al., 1983; 1986) and by topical dicloferac and naproxene gel, but not hydroxyzine or terfenadine (Lahti, 1987) and capsaicin. This suggests that prostaglandins and leukotrienes may play a role in the inammatory response. The most potent and best studied substances producing nonimmunologic contact urticaria are benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, cinnamic aldehyde, and nicotinic esters. Under optimal conditions, more than half of a random sample of individuals show local edema and erythema reactions within 45 min of application of these substances if the concentration is high enough. Benzoic acid and sodium benzoate are used as preservatives for cosmetics and other topical preparations at concentrations from 0.1 percent to 0.2 percent and are capable of producing immediate contact reactions at the same concentrations (Marzulli and Maibach, 1974). Cinnamic aldehyde at a concentration of 0.01 percent may elicit an erythematous response associated with a burning or stinging feeling in the skin. Mouthwashes and chewing gums contain cinnamic aldehyde at concentrations high enough to produce a pleasant tingling sensation in the mouth and enhance the sale of the product. Higher concentrations produce lip swelling or typical contact urticaria in normal skin. Eugenol in the mixture may inhibits contact sensitization to cinnamic aldehyde and inhibits nonimmunologic contact urticaria from this same substance, The mechanism of the putative quenching effect is not certain, but a competitive inhibition at the receptor level may be an explanation (Guin et al., 1984). Provocative testing patients suspected of non-immunologic urticaria with individual ingredients such as benzoic acid, sorbic acid and sodium benzoate, commmon preservatives found in cosmetics, frequently will reproduce patients symptoms.

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Immunologic contact urticaria

Immunologic contact unicaria is an immediate Type I allergic reaction in people previously sensitized to the causative agent (von Krogh and Maibach, 1982).

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It is more prevalent in atopic patients than in non-atopic patients (Fisher, 1990). The molecules of a contact urticant react with specic IgE molecules attached to mast cell membranes. The cutaneous symptoms are elicited by vasoactive substances, i.e, histamine and others, released from mast cells. The role of histamine is conspicuous, but other mediators of inammation, e.g., prostaglandins, leukotrienes, and kinins, may inuence the degree of response. Immunologic contact urticaria reaction can extend beyond the contact site, and generalized urticaria may be accompanied by other symptoms, e.g., rhinitis, conjunctivitis, asthma, and even anaphylactic shock. The term contact urticaria syndrome was therefore suggested by Maibach and Johnson (1975). The name generally has been accepted for a symptom complex in which local urticaria occurs at the contact site with symptoms in other parts of the skin or in target organs such as the nose and throat, lung, and gastrointestinal and cardiovascular systems. Anaphylactic reactions may result from substances that induce a strong hypersensitivity response or easily absorbed from the skin (Lahti and Maibach, 1987). Fortunately, the appearance of systemic symptoms is less common than the localized form, but it may be seen in cases of strong hypersensitivity or in a widespread exposure and abundant percutaneous absorption of an allergen. Foods are common causes of immunologic contact urticaria (Table 51.1). The orolaryngeal area is a site where immediate contact reactions are frequently provoked by food allergens, most often among atopic individuals. The actual antigens are proteins or protein complexes. As a proof of immediate hypersensitivity, specic IgE antibodies against the causative agent can typically be found in the patients serum using the RAST technique and skin test for immediate allergy. In addition, the prick test can demonstrate immediate allergy. The passive transfer test (Prausnitz-Kustner test) also often gives a positive result. This is now performed in the monkey rather than man.

51.2.4 Acne and comedones

Acnegenesis and comedogenesis are distinct but often related types of adverse skin reactions to facial, hair and other products. Acnegenesis refers to the chemical irritation and inammation of the follicular epithelium with resultant loose hyperkeratotic material within the follicle and inflammatory pustules and papules. Comedogenesis refers to the noninammatory follicular response that leads to dense compact hyperkeratosis of the follicle. Mills and Berger (1991) indicated that the time courses for the development of facial acne and comedones are different. While facial acne will appear in a matter of

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days, comedone formation in the human back and rabbit model takes longer to occur. Classes of ingredients such as the lubricants isopropyl myristate and some analogs, lanolin and its derivatives, detergents, and D&C red dyes have been incriminated by the rabbit ear test (Fulton et al., 1984). Fulton (1989) published a report about the comedogenicity and irritancy of commonly used cosmetics. Lists of comedogenic agents are not necessarily meaningful. Although they are important for pharmaceutical research and for the formulation of nonacnegenic products, they cannot alone predict the defects of the final product. The concentrations used in testing are often much greater than those in the nal product. Thus it is possible to use concentrations that are lower that the minimal acnegenic level. In addition, the vehicles in nished products can increase or decrease the acnegenic potential of individual compounds. In the nal analysis, what is important is the testing of the nished product for its acnegenic and irritancy potential. When only inadequate data are available, elimination regimen remains the only constructive approach to treat patients with suspected acne or comedones secondary to cosmetic use. The rabbit ear assay is the mayor predictive animal model available. Kligman and Mills (1972) developed the value of testing cosmetics and its ingredients by the rabbit ear assay. However, several improvements in the model have been proposed (Tucker et al., 1986). The test is not standardized. The AAD Invitational Symposium on Comedogeninity Panel (1989) suggested some guidelines for maximizing the usefulness of the rabbit ear model. In 1972, Kligman and Mills showed production of microcomedones in the backs of black men after testing cosmetics with occlusion. One test for evaluating comedogenicity in humans is the occlusive-patch application to the back followed by a cyanoacrylate follicular biopsy as described by Mills and Kligman (1982). The test material previously positive in the rabbit ear assay is applied for 4 weeks under occlusion to the upper portion of the back of people with large follicles. This test needs renement. However, if this occlusive patch test is negative, it provides additional assurance that the test material may be nonacnegenic. Bronaugh and Maibach (1982) reported that results of the rabbit ear test correlate well with pustule formation noted in use tests of cosmetics performed on womens faces. They noted that some cosmetics may produce papulopustules after 3 to 7 days of use. The products were strongly positive in the rabbit ear model. This may represent a manifestation of primary irritancy. Correlative studies with rabbit pustulogenicity assay should be performed. The acute onset

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papulopustules are often described by the patient as a breakout. The cause and effect relationship to cosmetics is strong but is often missed by the dermatologist. Jackson and Robillard (1982) proposed the ordinary clinicalusage test. This test, conducted for 46 weeks, may not provide reliable information on comedogenesis. However, follicular inammation may be noted within 1 to 2 weeks of applications done twice a day to the face of people with acne-prone oily skin. It is not known how long the applications need to be continue to observe true comedogenesis. Clinical observations should be done at least weekly for the rst 2 weeks of using the product to detect folliculitis. The acute papulopustular form will be identied in short term testing (days, in contradistinction to months). However, to conclusively incriminate cosmetics as a cause of comedonal acne, long-term testing using a single cosmetic on the faces of women will have to be conducted and the disease produced. Lines of cosmetics will ideally be manufactured which are screened with an appropriate rabbit ear test and then tested denitively in panels of acne-prone women for long term. Wahlberg and Maibach (1981) attempted to brige the gap between comedo identied in the rabbit ear assay and the more common acute papulo-pustule by developing an animal model. The rabbits back is pierced with a needle and dosed topically. The resulting lesion closely resembles that seen in man. Unfortunately, for several reasons including reluctance to performed animal testing, identication of acnegenicity premarketing remains a weak link in the of dermatotoxicology. The lesion occurs not only from cosmetics ingredients but also from topical and systemic drugs.

51.2.5 Pigmentation
Hyperpigmentation of the face caused by contact dermatitis to ingredients in cosmetics occurs more frequently in dark complexioned individuals (Rorsman, 1982). An epidemic of facial pigmentation reported in Japanese women was attributed to coal tar dyes principally Sudan I, a contaminant of D&C Red No. 31 (Kozuka et al., 1980). The following fragrance ingredients have also been implicated-benzyl salicylate, ylang-ylang oil, cananga oil, jasmin absolute, hydroxycitronellal, methoxycitronellal, sandalwood oil, benzyl alcohol, cinnanuc alcohol, lavender oil, geraniol, and geranium oil (Nakayama et al., 1976). Histologic examination shows hydropic degeneration of the basal layer, pigment incontinence and little evidence of inammation (Lahti and Maibach, 1987). Mathias (1982) reported pigmented cosmetic contact dermatitis due to

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contact allergy to chromium hydroxide used as a dye in toilet soap, and Maibach (1978) reported hyperpigmentation in a black man sensitive to petrolatum. Dermatologists should search scrupulously for a causative agent in patients with hyperpigmentation. Eliminating the product results frequently in gradual fading of the pigment. Unfortunatly, until a predictive assay is 14 identied, most patients will be incorrectly indentied as idiopathic. Cosmetic chemicals have infrequently been associated with leukoderma. Nater and de Groot (1985) and de Groot (1988) listed chemicals associated with leukoderma. Recently, Taylor and colleagues (1993) added seven more chemicals. Although Riley (1971) reported that low concentrations of butylated hydroxyanisole were toxic in culture guinea pig melanocytes, Gellin et al. (1979) could not induce depigmentation in guinea pigs or black mice by appying butylated hydroxyanisole. In addition, Maibach and colleagues (1975) were unable to produce depigmentation after a 60-day occlusive application of hydroxytoluene to darkly pigmented men. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review panel (1984) concluded that is safe to use BHA in the present practices of use. Hydroquinone has produced depigmentation in humans. Although it is a weak depigmenter at 2 percent concentration, it is a stronger depigmenter at higher concentrations and with different vehicles. Hydroquinone, used as a bleaching agent, has caused postinflammatory hyperpigmentation in South African Blacks. Findlay et al. (1975) from South Africa reported a longterm complication of the use of hydroquinone-deposits of ochronotic pigment in the skin along with colloid milia. The melanocyte, despite intense hydroquinone use, escaped destruction and the site of the injury shifted to the dermis and the broblast. Polymeric pigment adhered to thickened, abnormal collagen bundles. In 1983, Cullison et al. reported that an American black woman developed this complication after intense use of a 2 percent hydroquinone cream. Prolonged use of hydroquinone followed by sun exposure may lead to exogenous ochronosis with colloid milium production. In addition, a few cases of persistent hypopigmentation have incriminated topical hydroquinone (Fisher, 1983). Pyrocatechol has similar structure and effects to hydroquinone. The most frequent use of hydroquinone and pyrocatechols is in rinse-off type hair dyes and colors in which the use concentration is 1 percent concentration or less. The Cosmetic Ingredient Review panel declared hydroquinone and pyrocatechol safe for cosmetic use at 1 percent concentration or less. Monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone is a potent depigmenting agent and is not approved for cosmetic use in the United States. The only approved use for monobenzyl ether of hydroquinone is as a therapeutic agent for patients with

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vitiligo. P-hydroxyanisole is a potent depigmenting agent in black guinea pigs at concentrations near ones used in cosmetics. It may cause depigmentation at distant sites from application in humans. Angenilli and co-worker (1993) reported depigmentation of the lip margins from p-tertiary butyl phenol in a lip liner. The p-tertiary butyl phenol patch test site also depigmented and the presence of p-tertiary butyl phenol was conrmed by gas chromatography with mass spectroscopy. Most recently, Taylor and co-workers (1993) reported four cases of chemical leukoderma associated with the application of semipermanent and permanent hair colors and rinses. They identied benzyl alcohol and paraphenylenediamine in three of the four cases. Depigmentation occurred at the hair color patch test sites in three of the four cases. Mathias et al. (1980) reported perioral leukoderma in a patient who used a cinnamic aldehyde-containing toothpaste. Wilkenson and Wilkin (1990) reported that azelaic acid is a weak depigmenter and its esters do not depigment pigmented guinea pig skin.

51.2.6 Photosensitivity
Contact photosensitivity results from UV-induced excitation of a chemical applied to the skin. Contact photosensitivity is divided into phototoxic and photoallergic reactions. Phototoxic reactions may be experienced by any individual, provided that ultraviolet light contains the appropriate wave lengths to activate the compound and that the UV dose and the concentration of the photoreactive chemical are high enough. Clinically, it consists of erythema followed by hyperpigmentation and desquamation. Sunburn is the most common phototoxic reaction. However, photoallergic reactions require a period of sensitization. The reactions are usually delayed, manifesting days to weeks or years after the UV exposure. The major problem with photoallergic reactions is that the patient may develop persistent light reaction for many years after the chemical has been removed. These patients tend to be exquisitely sensitive to the sun and usually have very low UV-B and UVA minimal erythema doses. With the exception of the epidemic caused by halogenated salicylanides in soap in the 1960s, photosensitivity accounts for a small number of cosmetic adverse reactions. Maibach and colleagues (1988) reported only nine of 713 patients with photoallergic and photosensitive reactions. Musk ambrette, a fragrance in some aftershaves, has been reported as a major cause of cosmetic photosensitivity reactions.

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Predictive testing in human skin is not always definitive. In the 1960s, identication of TCSA and related phenolic compounds was accomplished by photopatch testing clinically involved patients. Subsequently, Willis and Kligman (1968) induced contact photoallergy to certain agents in normal human subjects using a modification of the maximization test which was developed for evaluating the potential of chemicals to produce contact dermatitis (Kligman, 1966). Kaidbey and Kligman (1980) and Kaidbey (1983) modified the photomaximization procedure. They were able to sensitize normal human volunteers readily to certain methylated coumarins derivatives, e.g., TCSA, 3,5-DBS, chlorpromazine and sodium omadine. A smaller number of positive induction responses was noted with TBS contaminated with 47 percent DBS, 4,5-DBS, Jadit and bithionol. Negative results were obtained with para-aminobenzoic (PABA) and musk ambrette, which have produced photoallergic contact dermatitis clinically. To date there is no proven effective predictive testing model for photoallergic contact dermatitis in that most of the known photoallergens have been identified clinically and not in toxicologic assays. Furthermore, the renement of risk assessment (not hazard identication) may be difcult, e.g., sodium omadine is positive in the assay but not yet clinically in spite of extensive use.

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Photopatch testing
The criteria for separating allergic contact and allergic photocontact dermatitis utilizing patch-testing techniques are imprecise. General criteria and their interpretation are listed in Table 51.3. Often, the results are not all-or-none, as implied in the table. Frequently, there is a difference in response intensity, with either the contact or photocontact response being greater. All too infrequently serial dilutions are performed with either the putative antigen or the amount of ultraviolet light employed. Until a signicant number of patients are so studied, it will be unclear how many of them represent contact versus photocontact sensitization. Wennersten et al. (1986) recommended that patients with suspected photocontact allergy be phototested prior to implementation of patch testing. The aim of this preliminary light testing is to detect any abnormal sensitivity to UVA and UVB wavebands. It is generally agreed that UVA sources are adequate and sufcient to elicit responses, an important convenience as UVA does not produce erythema in normal fair-skinned subjects until a dose of

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Table 51.3: Patch and photopatch testing

Contact test site response Positive Negative Negative Photocontact test site response Positive Positive Negative Interpretation

Allergic contact dermatitis Photoallergic dermatitis Non sensitized

2030 J/cm2 is delivered. High doses of UVA such as 1015J/cm2 for photopatch testing are unnecessary. Such doses increase the possibility of adverse reactions and increase the incidence of phototoxic reactions. Despite widespread use, there is little standardization in the UVA dosage used in photopatch testing. Doses may range from 1J/cm215J/cm2 at various centers (Holzle et al., 1988). The Scandinavian Photodermatitis Group was the rst to formulate a protocol using 5 J/cm2 of UVA in photosensitive patients, half their UVA MED for the prodedure. Most photoallergies will be defined with a far smaller dose (e.g. 1 J/cm2). Duguid et al. (1993) showed that positive responses occur at 1.0, 1.0 and 0.7 J/cm2 for Eusolex 8020, benzophenone-10 and benzophenone-3 respectively. In addition Duguid and coworkers (1993) conrmed the adequacy of 5 J/cm2 or less as a photoelicitation dose. Although some data on the dose of light required to elicit a response exists, this remains incomplete and must be studied in context with the dose of antigen and the vehicle. Until the light and antigenic intensities are more fully dened, most physicians utilize a PUVA unit, a bank of UVA bulbs in a diagnostic unit or a hot quartz (Kromayer) unit, with an appropriate lter to remove any light with wavelengths below 320 nm (UVB). The effect of UV irradiation on photopatch test substances in vitro has been reported by Bruze et al. (1985). It appears that 5 J of UVA is almost always adequate. All thirteen photoactive compounds formed photoproducts after UVA irradiation; eight substances were decomposed by both UVA and UVB radiation; ve by UVA alone. It is also possible that some patients may require UVB to elicit photoallergic dermatitis. However, since UVB testing is not done routinely, it may be some time before this is claried. Epstein (1963) observed that many patients are so sensitive to light that the dose delivered under an ordinary patch will elicit reactions. He provided details of testing the nonexposed site, utilizing a large light-impermeable black patch applied in a dimly lit room.

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Commercial sources of appropriately diluted sunscreen antigens are not presently available in the United States. On request, many thoughtful manufacturers provide patch-test kits of individual ingredients for their products. A standard series of sunscreen antigens has been proposed by the International Contact Dermatitis Research Group (ICDRG). In Europe, these test kits are commercially available. These sunscreen antigens are available in 2 percent concentrations, although the maximum nonirritating doses of putative antigens in a given vehicle have not been dened. Maibach et al. (1980) and de Groot (1994) reported the test concentrations and vehicles for the dermatological testing of many cosmetic ingredients that may be in sunscreen formulations. We currently lack adequate virgin controls for the high concentrations used in contemporary formulations. When high concentrations are required to elicit allergic contact dermatitis, an impurity or a photoproduct may be the actual allergen. The specific vehicle in which the allergens are dissolved or suspended is important (Fisher and Maibach, 1986; Tanglersampan and Maibach, 1993). The ICDRG list employs petrolatum as diluent. This vehicle appears to be adequate to elicit reactions in many patients. It is clear, however, that the bioavailability of the antigen may be too limited in some cases. Thus Mathias et al. (1978) required ethanol to demonstrate PABA sensitivity, and Schauder and Ippen (1988) noted more pronounced test reactions to avobenzone in isopropylmyristate than petrolatum. This topic remains an area of investigation. Presumably each ingredient may require an optimal vehicle and concentration for eliciting a reaction. Some patients develop dermatitis that appears allergic or photoallergic in a morphologic and historic sense, yet fails to demonstrate a positive patch or photopatch test, in spite of seemingly appropriate testing. Such false-negative reactions are more difcult to identify than false positive reactions (Rycroft, 1986). Table 51.4 provides the basic strategy employed in attempting to help these patients. Unfortunately, in some patients, even these extensive work-ups fail to elicit the etiology of their reactions. Many of the reported positives test to date, and especially the cross-reaction studies, may well represent false-positives due to the Excited Skin Syndrome. This state of skin hyperirritability often induced by a concomitant dermatitis is responsible for many nonreproducible patch tests. Bruynzeel and Maibach (1986) detail strategies for minimizing such false-positives.

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Table 51.4: Strategy for identifying the cause when routine patch testing is negative
Intervention Increase UVA dose Increase concentration of sunscreen Alter vehicle Test other components Add suberythemogenic doses of UVB Perform provocative-use test on nal formulation Consider compound allergy Comment Avoid UVA erythema Use UVA control Upper limit of nonirritating dose not completely dened Ethanol has been found to be effective Sunscreen manufactures often helpful in providing test kits

51.2.7 Nail changes

Paronychia, onycholysis (Draelos, 2001), nail destruction and discoloration are some of the most common cosmetic adverse reactions found in the nails. The physician should obtain a detailed description of the nail grooming habits in patients who have paronychia, onycholysis, nail destruction, or nail discoloration because any of these problems may be caused by nail cosmetic usage. Nail discoloration has been reported with the use of hydroquinone bleaching creams and hair dyes containing henna (Fitzpatrick et al., 1966; Samman, 1977).

51.2.8 Hair changes

Permanents and hair straighteners are intended to break the disulde bonds that give hair keratin its strength. Improper usage or incomplete neutralization of these cosmetics causes hair breakage. Hair that has been damaged by previous applications of permanent waves, straighteners, oxidation type dyes, bleaches, or excessive exposure to sunlight and chlorine is more susceptible to this damage. The dermatologist should always take a complete history in these cases, including a detailed account of the use of drugs, to detect any causes of telogen or anagen efuvium. Careful examination of the hair shafts is essential to detect any pre-existing abnormalities. Saving a sample of these hairs in the patient

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record may be invaluable should litigation against the beautician or supplier occur (Whitmore and Maibach, 1984).

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The diagnosis and treatment of reactions to cosmetics has been facilitated by the Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) regulation (1975) requiring the ingredient labeling of all retailed cosmetics. The European Community has also endorsed such labeling. The ingredients are listed in order of descending concentration. Because of the complexity of the composition of fragrances, their compositions are not given but are listed simply as fragrance. The regulation was designed to aid the consumer in identifying ingredients at the time of purchase; therefore, the list is often placed on the outer package, which may be discarded, rather than the container. Correspondence with the manufacturer or a trip to the cosmetic counter, however, can bring the needed information. This regulation, besides identifying ingredients, is helpful to dermatologists because it mandated a uniform nomenclature for cosmetic ingredients. The CTFA Ingredient Dictionary published by the Cosmetic Toiletries and Fragrance Association (1993) is the source for the official names This dictionary provides a brief description of the chemical, alternative names, and names of suppliers: Without this key reference book the dermatologist is at a distinct disadvantage in advising patients in this area. The standard screening patch test tray includes some ingredients that are allergens found in cosmetics (De Groot, 2000). Imidazolidinyl urea, diazalidinyl urea, thimerosal, formaldehyde, and quaternium 15 are preservatives. Patch testing balsam of Peru screens for approximately 50 percent of the known allergic reactions to fragrance in the United States. Colophony and its constituents are used in the manufacture of eye cosmetics, transparent soap, and dentifrice (Rapaport, 1980). If a patient has a positive patch-test reaction to one of these chemicals, clinicians should consider allergic contact dermatitis to cosmetics a possible diagnosis. We emphasize that cosmetic contact dermatitis can often be unsuspected. Any positive patch tests should be interpreted cautiously because many cosmetics are mild irritants and Excited Skin State may cause false positive results. Ideally, a positive patch test should should be conrmed with a repeat test several weeks later or with a provocative-use test. Reassessment of the patients history and presenting ndings and patch testing with the patients cosmetics may establish the diagnosis.

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Once a product or products has been implicated with patch testing, pin pointing the offending ingredient is an important part of the work-up so that the patient may spare recurring reactions. Cosmetic ingredient patch testing is complicated because the proper concentration for closed patch testing is known only for a small percentage of these ingredients. Patch test concentrations and vehicles has been proposed for less than 450 of the nearly 2000 cosmetic ingredients listed (Bruze et al., 1985). The texts by Nater and de Groot (1993) and by Cronin (1980) are important sources for clinicians seeking information on cosmetic ingredient patch testing. Screening fragrance trays provides the most common fragrance allergens in the United States. Further information for patch testing fragrance ingredients is reviewed in several articles (Larsen, 2000; Launder and Kansky, 2000). When the clinical history, appearance of the reaction, or patch test results lead the clinician to conclude that a cosmetic has caused an adverse reaction, it is important to obtain the ingredients for patch testing. The Cosmetic, Toiletry, and Fragrance Association publishes a pamphlet called Cosmetic Industry On Call. This pamphlet lists the names of members of the industry who are willing to answer questions about their products. Physicians can contact these persons requesting specic ingredients for patch testing and information about patchtest concentrations. If the patient does or does not prove to have a reaction due to the cosmetics, the manufacturer should be notified of your results. Manufacturers will not always send materials for patch testing, and the patient cannot be treated successfully and counseled on how to avoid recurrences. On occasion fractionated samples will be sent for patch testing. Because irritant concentrations of ingredients may be present in these samples, they are often not suitable to use for closed patch testing. Some manufacturers will supply individual ingredients in the concentration that they appear in the product. These are often unsatisfactory for patch testing because the nonstandardized concentrations may be too low to provoke an allergic response or may be high enough to elicit irritation under occlusion.

51.4 COSMETIC PRODUCTS 51.4.1 Preservatives

After fragrances, preservatives are the next most common cause of cosmetic reactions (Adams and Maibach, 1985). The ten most frequently used preservatives are listed in Table 51.5 (FDA, 1993). A large number of specic studies

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Table 51.5: Preservative frequency of use (FDA data)*

Chemical Name Methylparaben Propylparaben Propylene glycol Citric acid Imidazolidinyl urea Butylparaben Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) Ethylparaben 5-Choro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin3-one (methylchloroisothiazoline) No. of products using chemical 6738 5400 3922 2317 2312 1669 1669 1610 1213 1042

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* Adapted from preservative frequency of use. Cosmetic and Toiletries (1993) 108: 9798

have focused on individual preservatives as being identified as potential sensitizers and directly responsible for a number of adverse reactions. Paraben Esters (Methyl, Propyl, Butyl, and Ethyl) are nontoxic and nonirritating, preservatives that protect well against gram-positive bacteria and fungi, but poorly against several gram-negative bacteria including pseudomonads (White et al., 1982). Parabens, the most widely used preservatives in topical products, have long been known to be contact allergens, when at relatively high concentrations and at a low frequency (Schubert et al., 1990). However, their potential for being the causative agents in cosmetic adverse reactions has not diminished their use, and in fact, it is on the increase. Fortunately, parabens compared to total use (tons years) have a remarkable safety record. Although parabens may be sensitizers occasionally when applied to eczematous skin, cosmetics containing parabens infrequently cause clinical difculties when they are applied to normal skin. Fisher (1980a) called this phenomenon the paraben paradox. It is not known how often this phenomenon represents the Excited Skin State (due to high concentration of paraben in the patch-test mixture) rather than the paraben paradox. Imidazolidinyl Urea (Germall 115) has low toxicity and is nonirritating. It has a broad antimicrobial activity especially when used in combination with parabens. Although formaldehyde is released on hydrolysis, the levels are too low to cause reactions in many formaldehyde-sensitive patients clinically or during patch testing. Diazolidinyl urea is a related preservative, whose use is increasing.

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Quaternium-15 is active against bacteria but less active against yeast and molds. It is a formaldehyde releaser. A patient who has simultaneous positive patch test readings to quaternium-15 and formaldehyde should be studied carefully, as this may require special instructions.The patient may be allergic to both ingredients or sensitive only to formaldehyde reacting to its release by this preservative in the occlusive patch test. In the latter situation, quaternium-15 may or may not be tolerated by the patient when present in cosmetics at a 0.02 to 0.3 percent concentration. A product use test should clarify the situation. A negative test relates to the product tested and not to all products due to differences in bioavailability. Formaldehyde as a preservative is used almost exclusively in wash-off products such as shampoos. Used in this manner, formaldehyde is seldom a cause of sensitization in the consumer and is only infrequently problematic for the beautician (Lynde and Mitchell, 1982; Bruynzeel et al., 1984). Bronopol (2-Bromo-2-nitropropane-1,3-diol) has a broad spectrum of activity, most effective against bacteria. It is a formaldehyde releaser and may pose a problem for the formaldehyde-sensitive patient. In addition, this preservative may interact with amines or amides to produce nitrosamines or nitroamides: suspected carcinogens. Patch testing with standard concentrations may produce marginal irritations responses. Positives are best retested and if positive followed by a provocative use test. Benzoisothiazides have developed great popularity as preservatives. Kathon CG (5-chloro-2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one and 2-methyl-4-isothiazolin-3-one) has been a preservative of choice by many formulators because of its broad application and ease of formulation it is incorporated in many popular rinse off products, and some leave on cosmetics under concentration restrictions. In spite of inducing sensitivity in guinea pigs at levels down to 25 ppm and elicitation levels down to 100 ppm and less, this preservative has infrequently produced sensitization from shampoo usage (Chan et al., 1983). Methylchoroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone has been the subject of several adverse reaction investigations. It has shown significant rates of sensitization at concentrations from 2 to 5 percent (Shuster and Shapiro, 1976; Hjorth and Roed-Peterson, 1986; Patcher and Hunziker, 1989). Diagnostic testing should be performed at 100 ppm in water bacause 300 ppm in water induces active sensitization (Bjorker and Fregert, personal communication). Possibly 150200 ppm might be more appropiate, but this requires additional study.

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51.4.2 Preservation of the future

The cosmetic industry experiences two major challenges: the elimination of all animal testing and the development of preservative-free cosmetics. In recent years, a strong socio-economic pressure has focused interest and research on developing preservative free products and preservation based upon natural extracts. Both of these approaches while seemingly sound scientifically and from a marketing position, are fraught with problems. Natural preservatives are often complex mixtures with many unknown chemicals. It is likely that some of these active materials may present with sensitization rates equal or greater than synthetic materials. The Sixth Amendment of the EC Cosmetic Directive has called for the elimination of all animal testing of personal care products and ingredients by 2002, unless alternative methods cannot be developed by then. While most new raw materials will be able to use new, alternative safety testing methods, preservatives will experience difficulty complying with existing requirements for chronic safety studies such as mutagenicity and teratogenicity, without relying on animals. Almost all regulatory agencies currently require the use of in vivo methods to conrm the safely of biocidal ingredients. In vitro tests will most likely be used rst as prescreening test. At the present time, this may reduce the need for some animal testing. However, it is unlikely that all in vivo methods of biocide safety will be replaced in the short term. Before in vitro assays can replace animal testing they should be validated against the known in vivo testing. This is an unfortunate drawback of increasing the safety testing cost since the cost of acute in vitro testing is as high as acute in vivo.

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51.4.3 Emulsiers
Creams and lotions require the presence of an emulsifier to allow the combination of water and oil. Emulsiers may act as mild irritants especially if applied to slightly damaged skin. Pugliese (1983) suggested that increased epidermal cell renewal or plumping of the skin may be due to mild irritant effects of nonionic surfactants. Hannuksela et al. (1976) patch tested over 1200 eczematous patients with common emulsiers. Another emulsifier, stearamidoethyl diethylamine phosphate, has been implicated in four cases of cosmetic contact dermatitis (Taylor et al., 1984). Irritant reactions are seen at the same concentration as allergic responses. When 5 percent triethanolamine stearate in petrolatum was tested, 9.5 percent of the patch tests showed irritant reactions. Even positive reactions to 1 percent

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triethanolamine in petrolatum should be confirmed by retesting and the provocative-use testing.

51.4.4 Lanolin
Lanolin is a mixture of esters and polyesters of high molecular weight alcohols and fatty acids. This naturally occurring wax varies in its composition depending on its source. Adams and Maibach (1985) reported in the NACDG study that lanolin and its derivatives remains among the ingredients that most commonly cause allergic contact dermatitis in cosmetics. Because of its superior emollient properties, lanolin is a popular ingredient for cosmetics. Sulzberger et al. (1953) patch tested over 1000 patients suspected of having contact dermatitis, 1 percent reacted to anhydrous lanolin. The allergen or allergens which have not been identied are found in the alcoholic fraction of lanolin. Patch testing is done most accurately using 30 percent wool alcohols in petrolatum. Kligman ( 1983) tested 943 healthy young women with hydrous lanolin and 30 percent wool wax alcohol. The results were interpreted as follows: no positive allergic patch tests were read, but irritant reactions to wool alcohols were common. Clark et al. (1981) estimated that the incidence of lanolin allergy in the general population is 5.5 per million. Lanolin is an important sensitizer when it is applied to eczematous skin eruptions, especially stasis dermatitis. However, cosmetics containing lanolin applied to normal skin are generally harmless. Cronin (1980) reported only 26 cases of lanolin-cosmetic dermatitis seen between 1966 to 1976 in women. In all of these cases, the lanolin-cosmetic dermatitis affected the face at some time during its course; almost half showed eyelid involvement. The history was of intermittent eruptions often with swelling and edema.

51.4.5 Eye makeup preparations

Mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, and eyebrow pencil or powders are the most commonly used eye-area makeups. The upper eyelid dermatitis syndrome is complex and often frustrating to the patient and dermatologist, because of chronicity and failure to respond to our well-intentioned assistance. Causes that we have documented included in Table 51.6. Although patients often consider this a reaction to eye makeup, the association is seldom proven. In the North American Contact Dermatitis Group study 12 percent of the cosmetic reactions occurred on the eyelid but only 4

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Table 51.6: Some causes of upper-eyelid dermatitis syndrome

Irritant dermatitis Allergic contact dermatitis Photoallergic contact dermatitis Phototoxic dermatitis Contact urticaria Seborrheic dermatitis Rosacea diathesis Psoriasis Collagen vascular diseases Conjunctivitis Blepharitis Dysmorphobia

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percent of the reactions were attributed to eye makeup (Adams and Maibach, 1985). A workup of patients with eyelid dermatitis includes a careful history of all cosmetic usage, because facial, hair, and nail cosmetic reactions appear frequently on the eyelids (Sher, 1979). Reactions to cosmetics on the eyelid are often the irritant type; and to further complicate their diagnosis, they may be due to cumulative irritancythe summation of several, mild irritants (climatic, mechanical, or chemical). When the history does not clearly incriminate certain cosmetics, test with the screening patch-test trays as well as all cosmetics that may reach the eye area directly or indirectly. Occlusive patch tests with eyeliner or mascara may give an irritant reaction, thus weakly positive results are interpreted cautiously. Waterproof mascaras must be dried thoroughly for 20 minutes to volatilize hydrocarbon solvents before occluding, and even with this precaution. Epstein (1965) noted some irritant reactions. Positive patch tests are repeated for conrmation, and individual ingredient patch testing should be carried out whenever possible. Patch testing cosmetics used in the eye area may occasionally give false-negative results when testing is done on the back or extremities (Sher, 1979). A provocative use test performed in the antecubital fossa or the eyelid itself may ultimately prove the diagnosis. In the United States, the pigments used in eye area cosmetics are restricted. No coal-tar derivatives may be incorporated; only purified natural colors or inorganic pigment or lakes of low allergic potential are used. Nickel contamination of iron oxide pigments has been implicated as a cause of allergic reaction to these cosmetics in the nickel-sensitive user (Van Ketel and Liem, 1981). Eye cosmetics are seldom fragranced, but other known allergens are used in these

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cosmetics. Almost all eye area cosmetics are preserved with parabens combined with a second preservative such as phenyl mercuric acetate, imidazolidinyl urea, quaternium-15, or potassium sorbate. The following antioxidants are sensitizers found in eye cosmetics: butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole (Turner, 1977), propyl gallate (Cronin, 1980), ditert-butyl hydroquinone (Calnan, 1973), resins: colophony (Cronin, 1980) and dihydroabietyl alcohol (Doons-Gossens et al., 1979), bismuth oxychloride (Eierman et al., 1982), and lanolin (Schorr, 1973). Propylene glycol may act as an irritant or sensitizer. Soap emulsifiers, surfactants, and solvents are all potential irritants used in these cosmetics. Allergic contact dermatitis from shellac (Le Coz et al., 2002), prime yellow carnauba wax and coathylene (Chowdhury, 2002), and black iron oxide (Saxena et al., 2001) found in mascara has been reported. Infected corneal ulcers due to abrasions from mascara resulted when the mascaras were not properly preserved (Wilson et al., 1979). These preservation problems appear to be solved and reports of infected corneal ulcers have decreased. Patients should be urged to use their eye cosmetics hygienically and advised not to use eye cosmetics inside the lash line.

51.4.6 Hair preparations (non-coloring)

Permanent waves are cosmetics that alter the disulde bonds of hair keratin so that hair ber conguration can be changed. The disulde bonds of cystine are broken in the rst step when the waving solution is applied to the hair wound around mandrels. In the second step, with neutralization, new disulde bonds are formed by locking in the curl conguration of the hair. The waving solutions contain reducing agents that can cause irritant reactions when allowed to run incautiously on the skin surrounding the scalp. Irritant reactions range from erythema to bullous dermatitis. Hair breakage and loss may result when permanent waves are used improperlyin too concentrated a form, for too long a time, or on hair previously damaged by dyes, straighteners, or permanent waves. Old-fashioned hot waves occasionally caused chemical burns, which scarred the scalp producing permanent alopecia, but modern permanents can cause breakage, which results in temporary loss. In 1973, acid permanents were introduced for beauty salon use (Brauer, 1984). Acid permanents are the most widely used perm preparation today. These waving lotions, which contain anhydrous glyceryl monothioglycolate in acid

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form, are mixed at the time of application with a water-based ammonium hydroxide solution to produce a neutral solution. The hair is covered with a plastic cap and placed under a hair dryer. Since the introduction of acid perms, irritant and allergic reactions have been noted to occur on the hands of hairdressers and the face, neck, scalp, and hair line of their customers from use of these permanents (Storrs, 1984). Patch testing can be carried out with 1.0 percent glyceryl thioglycolate (glyceryl monothioglycolate) in petrolatum or water (freshly prepared). When clients are suspected of contact sensitization, glyceryl monothioglycolate (GMT) is one of the most likely sensitizers. Frosch et al. (1993) stated that sensitization seems to be much less frequent in clients than in hairdressers due to less exposure.; this was evident with ammonium persulfate (APS) (0 percent in clients versus 8 percent in hairdressers) Guerra et al. (1992) studied 261 hairdressers clients and reported similar results. They reported the mean frequencies of sensitization as follows: p-phenylenediamine (PPD) 7 percent, O-nitro-p-phenylenediamine (ONPPD) 5 percent, GMT 3 percent ammonium thioglycolate (AMT) 1 percent and APS 3 percent. Morrison and Storrs (1988) indicated that the identication of GMT sensitization in a patient is of particular importance, as the clinical symptoms may continue for months even if the use of acid permanents waves is stopped. The allergen clings to the hair and during shampooing, it is liberated in sufcient amounts to maintain the dermatitis. This may elicit dermatitis on the face and neck, which may be confused with allergy or irritancy to shampoo. The operational denition for allergic contact dermatitis has not been fullled. It is likely that most if not all patch test reactions are irritant rather than allergic. The cold waves contain thioglycolic acid combined with ammonia or another alkali to raise the pH. The concentration of the thioglycolic acid and alkali can be varied to change the products speed of action or to suit the type of hair to be waved, i.e., hard to wave, normal, or easy to wave. The neutralizer contains hydrogen peroxide or sodium bromate. These permanents have been alleged to rarely cause allergic reactions. Ammonium thioglycolate can be patch tested as 1 or 2.5 percent in petrolatum (FDA, 1975). Positives should be confirmed with serial dilution patch testing and provocative use testing. Another type of permanent used primarily at home is the sulte wave. Although the sulfite wave produces less strong curls and is slower, the odor is more pleasant. Neutralization is done usually with bromates. Occasional allergic reactions have been alleged with these permanents. It is recommened to use 1 percent sodium bisulte in water for patch testing (Schorr, 1983).

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Straightening hair involves using a heated comb with petrolatum or a mixture of petrolatum, oils, and waxes. The petrolatum or pressing oils act as a heat modifying conductor, which reduces friction when the comb travels down the hair bers. Mechanical and heat damage can cause hair breakage. Over the years, the heated oils can injure the hair follicles leading to scarring alopecia. Chemical straighteners containing sodium hydroxide, lye, cleave the disulde bonds of keratin thoroughly and straighten hair permanently. Experience and caution in applying these straighteners are important to avoid hair breakage and chemical burns. Similar products that contain guanidine carbonate mixed with calcium hydroxide are reputed to be milder. It is necessary to straighten new growth every several months. Care is taken not to double process the distal hair, which is already straightened. Some manufacturers advise against using permanent hair colors that require peroxide on chemically straightened hair to avoid damage. Sulfite straighteners, chemically similar to sulfite permanents, are best suited to relaxing curly Caucasian hair. Soft Curls have become a fashionable way of styling black hair. Ammonium thioglycolate and a bromate or peroxide neutralizer are used to achieve restructuring of the hair.

When shampoos are used, they have generally a short contact time with the scalp and are diluted and rinsed off quickly. These factors reduce their sensitizing potential. Consumers complaints are commonly directed at their eye stinging and irritating qualities (Nater and de Groot, 1993). The importance of eye safety testing for these products became apparent 35 years ago when shampoos based on blends of cationic and nonionic detergents caused blindness in some users. Modern shampoos are detergent-based with a few containing small amounts of soap for conditioning. Anionic detergents and amphoteric detergents are occasional sensitizers (Sylvest et al., 1975; Van-Hoote and Dooms-Goosens, 1983). Fatty acid amides used in shampoos as thickeners and foam stabilizers have caused allergic contact dermatitis in other products (Hindson and Lawler, 1983). Formaldehyde or formaldehyde releasers may be used as a preservative in shampoos but formaldehyde rarely causes contact dermatitis in hairdressers or consumers related to use of shampoos (Lynde and Mitchell, 1982; Bruynzeel et al., 1984). Other new preservatives used in shampoos include 5-cloro-2methyl-4-isothozoline-3-one and 2-methyl-4-isothiazoline-3-one. Individual

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ingredient patch testing is necessary to incriminate allergens in shampoos. They produce false negative results because they are diluted in the nal product.

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51.4.7 Hair coloring preparations

Over 30 million Americans color their hair using five different types of dye: Permanent hair dyes (Type I) are mixtures of colorless aromatic compounds that act as primary intermediates and couplers. The primary intermediates, phenylenediamine (PPD), toluene-2,5 diamine (p-toluenediamine), and pami-nophenol are oxidized by couplers to form a variety of colors that blend to give the desired shade. These reactions take place inside the hair shaft accounting for the fastness of these dyes. Permanent dyes are the most popular in the United States because of the variety of natural colors they can achieve. Semipermanent hair dyes (Type II) contain low molecular weight nitrophenylenediamine and anthroquinone dyes which penetrate the hair cortex to some extent. Their color lasts-through approximately ve shampoos. Temporary rinses (Type III) are mixtures of mild, organic acids and certied dyes that coat the hair shaft. These rub and shampoo off easily Vegetable dyes (Type IV) in the United States contain henna, which only colors hair red. Metallic dyes (Type V) contain lead acetate and sulfur. When they are combed through the hair daily they deposit insoluble lead oxides and suldes that impart colors that range from yellow-brown to dark gray. Types I and II contain coal tar hair dyes, and in the United States they must bear a label warning about adverse reactions. Instructions for open patch testing are given. The law requires patch testing be performed before each application of dye; in practice, this is seldom carried out in homes or salons. Coal tar dyes are added occasionally to temporary rinses; these rinses must also bear a warning label and patch-test instructions. A persistent and significant number of reactions to hair dyes are seen by dermatologists each year. Seven percent of the reactions to cosmetics diagnosed by the North American Contact Dermatitis Group were caused by hair dyes (Adams and Maibach, 1985). Their severity ranges from mild erythema at the hair line, ears to swelling of the eyelids and face, to an acute vesicular eruption in the scalp that requires prompt medical attention. Most reactions to coal tar dyes are reactions to PPD. Independent sensitization to toluene-2,5diamine or 2-nitro-p-phenylenediamine dyes or resorcinol occurs rarely, but positive patch tests to toluene-2,5-diamine or 2nitro-p-phenylenediamine dyes result generally from cross-sensitization to PPD.

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One percent PPD in petrolatum is used in the standard closed patch test Occasionally patients 32 who have a +1 reaction to PPD do not have a signicant reaction when they dye their hair, but stronger patch-test results should warn patients not to use these hair dyes. P-phenylenediamine is a colorless compound. Patch-test material gradually darkens as PPD oxidizes, and it should be stored in dark containers and should be made fresh at least yearly. The products of PPDs oxidation are not allergenic. Reiss and Fisher (1974) studied the allergenicity of dyed hair. Twenty patients sensitive to PPD were tested to freshly dyed hair in closed patch tests and all were negative. The ndings of this study are important particularly to hairdressers, sensitive to PPD, who may work with dyed hair all day. Occasional case reports have appeared that suggested contact reactions occurred to another persons dyed hair (Cronin, 1973; Hindson, 1975; Warin, 1976; Foussereau et al., 1980). We assume that the dyeing process must not have been carried out properly and that the unoxidized products remained on the hair. Patients sensitive to PPD should be warned about possible cross-reactions with local anesthetics (procaine and benzocaine), sulfonamides, and paraaminobenzoic acid sunscreens. It is estimated that 25 percent of patients who are PPD-sensitive will react to semipermanent hair dyes. Patients who wish to try these as a substitute, should do an open patch test with the dye rst. Several patients have been reported who experienced immediate hypersensitivity reactions to PPD, and this spectrum of reactions to hair dyes should now be considered as a diagnostic possibility in appropriate patients (Engrasser and Maibach, 1985). Some patients complain of scalp irritation after dyeing their hair, but we are unware of published data that study the potential of these dyes for irritation. Some hair-dye reactions occur most prominently in lightexposed areas, but the phototoxic and photoallergic potential of coal tar dyes has not been investigated. Severe reactions to hair dyes are uncommon, but not impossible, as even fatal anaphylactic reactions to hair dyes have been reported (Belton and Chira, 1997). Henna has not been reported to cause allergic contact dermatitis when used as a hair dye, but a case has been reported from coloring the skin with henna (Pasricha et al., 1980). Cronin (1979) described a hairdresser who noted wheezing and coryza when she handled henna; this patient had a positive prick test to henna. Edwards (1982) reported a case of contact dermatitis due to lead acetate in the metallic dyes. When hair is bleached ammonium persulfate is added to hydrogen peroxide to obtain the lightest shades. Ammonium persulfate has several industrial uses

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and it is known commonly to cause irritant reactions and allergic contact dermatitis occasionally. Methods of testing for immediate hypersensitivity include rubbing a saturated solution of ammonium persulfate on intact skin; scratch tests or intracutaneous tests using 1 percent aqueous solution of ammonium persulfate; and inhalation of 0.1 g of ammonium persulfate powder. All of these methods can cause immediate hypersensitivity reactions including urticaria, facial edema, asthma, and syncope so they should be performed only when emergency treatment for anaphylaxis is available. These reactions are histamine mediated, but it is not clear whether or not immunologic mechanisms are involved (Fisher and Dooms-Goosens, 1976). Hairdressers should be instructed that clients who develop hives, generalized itching, facial swelling, or asthma when the hair is bleached should not have the process repeated using persulfate. Clients experiencing such reactions should receive immediate medical attention.

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51.4.8 Facial makeup preparations

Eleven percent of the reactions to cosmetics in the NACDG Study were attributed facial make-up products, which includes lipstick, rouge, makeup bases, and facial powder (Adams and Maibach, 1985). Prior to 1960, allergic reactions to lipsticks were common: most were caused by D&C Red 21 (eosin), an indelible dye used in longlasting deeply colored lipsticks. The sensitizer in eosin proved to be a contaminant; improved methods of purification have reduced its sensitizing potential. Because eosin is strongly bound to keratin, patch tests are performed with 50 percent eosin in petrolatum. Other dyes have occasionally been reported as sensitizers. Cronin (1980) reported reactions to D&C Red 36, D&C Red 31, D&C Red 19, D&C Red 17, and D&C Yellow 11. The latter is a potent sensitizer seldom used in lipsticks, but reported also as a sensitizing agent in eye Cream (Calnan et al., 1976) and rouge as well as lipstick (Calnan, 1976a). D&C Red 17 not permitted in lipstick in US D&C Yellow 10, produced by the sulfonation of D&C Yellow 11, is not a potent sensitizer (Sato et al., 1984). Other sensitizers reported in lipsticks include castor oil acting as a pigment solvent (Sai, 1983) antioxidants propyl gallate and monotertiarybutylhydroquinone (van Joost et al., 1984), sunscreens phenyl salicylate and amyldimethyl aminobenzoic acid (Calnan, 1981; Calnan et al., 1981), lanolin (Schorr, 1973), and fragrance. Although reactions to lipstick are uncommon, dermatologists should consider this diagnosis even when the eruption has spread beyond the lips,

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because the sensitizing chemical may be present in cosmetics other than the lipstick. Do not neglect to test each lipstick that the patient uses closed as well as performing photopatch tests, because some of the dyes used may be photoallergens. Rouge or blush is manufactured in various formspowder, cream, liquid, stick, or gel. It is designed to highlight the cheeks with color. The composition is not unique: powders are similar to face powder, and creams and liquids are similar to foundation. To achieve bright shades, organic colors are added to rouges as they are to lipsticks. D&C Yellow 11 caused allergic reactions to rouges as well as lipsticks (Chowdhury, 2002). Some women may use lipstick to color their cheeks in place of rouge, or rouge may be used all over the face to achieve a healthy glow. These practices need to be taken into account when evaluating patterns of contact dermatitis on the face. Facial makeups or foundations are applied to the skin to give an appearance of uniform color and texture and to disguise blemishes or imperfections. They are produced in a variety of formsemulsions of water and oil, oil-free lotions, anhydrous sticks, poured powders, and pancake makeups and the amount of coverage given is determined by the titanium dioxide (TiO2) content. Because TiO2 reflects light, some ordinary makeups achieve sun protection factor (SPF) values of 2 or even 4 (Laznet, 1982). In recent years, sunscreening agents have been added to some foundations to increase these SPF values. When sunscreening claims are made for these cosmetics, the US government will consider these products as OTC drugs also. PABA derivatives, fragrances, emulsifiers, preservatives, propylene glycol, and lanolin are chemicals with signicant sensitizing potential used in these makeups. Synthetic esters, such as isopropyl myristate and lanolin derivatives added to these makeups, have been implicated as causes of acne by the rabbits ear test (Kligman and Mills, 1972). However, most cosmetic reactions, such as contact allergy, are due to fragrance mixtures and formaldehyde (Held et al., 1999). Calnan (1975) described a woman who had a positive patch test to her foundation on two occasions, and her facial eruption flared when she used this foundation. However, patch testing the individual ingredients of this foundation was negative. Calnan raised the possibility of compound allergy the allergen is produced by a combination of more than one ingredient. Despite some noted advers reactions to cosmetics, facial cosmetics are considered safe consumer products (Scheman, 2000).

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51.4.9 Sunscreen
Sunscreens can be classied into two major types: chemical and physical (Food and Drug Administration, 1978). Physical sunscreens such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide reduce the amount of light penetrating the skin by creating a physical barrier that reects, scatters, or physically blocks the ultraviolet light reaching the skin surface. Chemical sunscreens, on the other hand, reduce the amount of light reaching the stratum corneum by absorbing the radiation. Examples of chemical sunscreens include para-amino benzoic acid (PABA) and PABA derivatives such as Padimate 0, cinnamates, benzophenones, salicylate derivatives, and dibenzoylmethane derivatives. Because chemical sunscreens are applied topically to the skin in relatively high concentrations (up to 26 percent), contact sensitization can occur (Cook and Freeman, 2001; Nixon et al., n.d.). Similarly, because these chemicals absorb radiation, they have the potential to cause photosensitization. Both types of sensitization can occur with not only the various sunscreening agents but also with excipients such as emulsiers, antioxidants, and preservatives that are included in the various hydroalcoholic lotions, ointments, oil-in-water or water-in-oil emulsions. Despite extensive sunscreen use, there have been infrequent published reports of sunscreen-induced side effects, including allergic/ photoallergic reactions, but we have inadequate data to accurately predict the degree of hypersensitivity to sunscreening agents due to the lack of a well-developed adverse reaction reporting system. Numerous sunscreening preparations are currently sold in the United States. Table 51.7 lists examples of the sunscreen formulations sold in the United States together with the active ingredients and their sun protection factors (SPF), a measure of sunscreen protection against sunburn. Most of the formulations that are combination sunscreens contain one or more UVB absorbers and a UVA absorber to provide much needed protection against the damaging effects of UVA. Several sunscreens also include physical blockers such as titanium dioxide. In general, as the SPF of the sunscreen formulation increases, the number of active ingredients increases to three or four, and in some cases the total amount of active sunscreens increases up to 26 percent. Not all formulations list the specic concentrations of the active ingredients, and it is possible that some may contain higher concentrations. As with many chemicals, increasing the concentrations of the active ingredients may increase the likelihood of sensitization (Thompson, 1977). The majority of sunscreens contain octyl dimethyl PABA

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Table 51.7: Selected sunscreen formulations available the United States

Trade name Four sunscreening ingredients Coppertone (Plough) Sundown (Johnson & Johnson) SPF Active ingredients

30 30 20

Cancer Garde (Eclipse Labs)


T/I Screen (T/I Pharmaceuticals) 30+ Block Out (Carter Products) Supershade (Plough) Three sunscreening ingredients Solbar (Person and Covey) PreSun for Kids (Westwood) PreSun 29 Bain de Soleil (Bain de Soleil) Ultrashade (Plough) Total Eclipse (Eclipse Labs) Sundown (Johnson & Johnson) Two sunscreening ingredients Supershade (Plough) Coppertone (Plough) Shade (Plough) PreSun (Westwood) Water Babies (Plough) Sundown (Johnson & Johnson) Block Out (Carter Products) Photoplex (Herbert Labs) One sunscreening ingredient Coppertone (Plough) Bain de Soleil (Bain de Soleil) Eclipse (Eclipse Labs) 30 44

Padimate 0, Parsol MCX, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide Padimate 0, Parsol MCX, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Padimate 0, Parsol MCX, oxybenzone, titanium dioxide Parsol MCX, octocrylene, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, padimate 0, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, padimate 0, homosalate, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, octocrylene, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Padimate 0, Parsol MCX, oxybenzone Padimate 0, Parsol MCX, oxybenzone Padimate 0, octyl salicylate, oxybenzone Padimate 0, Parsol MCX, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, oxybenzone Padimate 0, oxybenzone Padimate 0, oxybenzone Padimate 0, oxybenzone Parsol MCX, oxybenzone Padimate 0, oxybenzone Padimate 0, oxybenzone Padimate 0, avobenzone Octyl salicylate Padimate 0 Padimate 0 Glyceryl PABA

50 39 29 30 23 15 15 8, 15 4, 6, 8, 15 4, 6 8, 15 15 4, 6, 8 15 15 2 2, 4 5 10

(Padimate 0) as the main UVB absorber. The cinnamate derivative, octyl methoxycinnamate (Parsol MCX), is also used as a UVB absorber. Most sunscreens with more than one ingredient contain oxybenzone as the additional ingredient. The absorption peak of this compound lies in the UVB region and extends partially into the UVA. Other agents that absorb in the

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UVA region include sulisobenzone, dioxybenzone, menthyl anthranilate and avobenzone. The latter chemical, which has an absorption maximum in the middle of the UVA region (358 nm), has been approved in the United States in two sunscreen formulations (Photoplex, Herbert Laboratories, Santa Ana, CA and Coppertone, Sun and Shade) (Table 51.7). Published reports of contact and photocontact sensitization and contact urticaria induced by sunscreening agents are listed in Table 51.1. Representatives of all major sunscreen categories including PABA derivatives, anthranilates, salicylates, cinnamates, and benzophenones have caused allergic reactions are described as follows: Para Amino Benzoic Acid (PABA) In 1975, Willis (1975) suggested that the sensitization potential of p-amino benzoic acid was minimal. Wennersten (1984) reported that a total of 73/1883 (3.9 percent) subjects tested with 5 percent PABA in alcohol in the Scandinavian Standard Photopatch Tray had either allergic or photoallergic responses to PABA. These subjects represent 73 percent of the total number of subjects with contact and photocontact sensitization to PABA (Table 51.1). The use of PABA as a sunscreening agent in Europe and the United States has decreased signicantly in recent years. PABA has been replaced by ester derivatives such as Padimate 0 that, unlike PABA, are not water soluble and tend to remain on the surface layer with less than 10 percent penetrating the corneum even after 24 hours (Weller and Eireman, 1984). These PABA esters appear to be less sensitizing than PABA; however, there is no data to substantiate this impression.

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PABA derivatives
Sensitization to glyceryl PABA have been reported for the last 30 years (Marmalzat and Rapaport, 1976; Caro, 1978). Many of the cases of glyceryl PABA sensitization showed uniform strong reactions to benzocaine, suggesting that the sensitization may be due to the presence of impurities in the glyceryl PABA. This suggestion was rst made by Fisher (1976) and has since been conrmed (Hjorth et al., 1978). Benzocaine impurities (118 percent) occurred in many commercial sources of glyceryl PABA. Thus many of the early reports of contact allergy to glyceryl PABA may have falsely implicated glyceryl PABA as the sensitizer. Thune (1984) reported two cases of allergic/photoallergic reactions to glyceryl PABA in which there was no reaction to benzocaine, suggesting true allergy to the PABA derivative. However, no allergic responses were observed when these subjects were patched with glyceryl PABA which had been puried

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via high-pressure liquid chromatography (Bruze et al., 1988). This suggests the presence of an, as yet, unknown impurity (or impurities) other than benzocaine as the sensitization source. This shows the importance of utilizing puried raw materials in the manufacture of consumer products and the need for careful interpretation of patch test results. Other PABA derivatives that have caused sensitization/photocontact sensitization include octyl dimethyl PABA (Padimate 0), amyl dimethyl PABA (Padimate A), and ethyl dihydroxy PABA. The number of case reports of sensitization/photocontact sensitization with Padimate 0 is less than that reported with PABA and glyceryl PABA suggesting a lower sensitization potential with this derivative. This may be because Padimate 0 is not a true PABA ester since it does not contain the NH2 grouping present in glyceryl PABA, PABA, and benzocaine (Fisher, 1977a). Although Padimate A was included (FDA, 1978) as a safe and effective sunscreening agent, this derivative can cause phototoxicity and may have accounted for the erythemal response observed by Katz (1970) 30 minutes after sun exposure. This compound is no longer used in sunscreens in the United States. In addition to benzocaine impurities in the glyceryl PABA raw materials, some PABA esters contain 0.2 to 4.5 percent PABA (Bruze et al., 1984). It possible that PABA impurities may account for some of the reports of sensitization to the PABA derivatives.

There are two cases of contact allergy and two reports of photocontact allergy to homomenthyl salicylate in the literature (Rietschel and Lewis, 1978) and no reports of sensitization to octyl salicylate, the major salicylate derivative in many sunscreens.

Cinnamates are chemically related to or are found in balsam of Peru, balsam of Tolu, coca leaves, cinnamic acid, cinnamic aldehyde and cinnamon oil, ingredients used in perfumes, topical medications, cosmetics, and avoring. Thune (1984) reported eight cases of sensitivity to cinnamates, two cases of photoallergy to 2-ethoxyethyl-p-cinnamate, and six subjects with contact allergy to other cinnamates such as amyl cinnamaldehyde, amyl cinnamic acid, and cinnamon oil. Calnan (1976b) reported cross-sensitization among cinnamon derivatives.

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There have been reported cases of photocontact allergy (Thune, 1984) and contact allergy (Camarasa and Serra-Baldrich, 1986) to oxybenzone; and reports of contact allergy (Adams and Maibach, 1985) and photocontact allergy to sulisobenzone. Benzophenone-10 (Mexenone), a benzophenone derivative not used in sunscreens in the United States, can also cause contact and photocontact dermatitis (Bury, 1980; De Groot and Wegland, 1987).

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Dibenzoylmethane derivatives such as isopropyldibenzoylmethane (Eusolex 8020) and butyl dibenzoylmethane (avobenzone) have been incorporated in European sunscreens as UVA absorbers since 1980. Instances of contact allergy/ photoallergy to sunscreens and lipsticks containing dibenzoylmethanes or these derivatives have been reported, although the majority of reports have been associated with the isopropyl derivative (English and White, 1986; Schander and Ippen, 1986; De Groot et al., 1987). As a result, manufacturers stopped incorporating Eusolex 8020 into their products (Roberts, 1988; Alomar and Cerda, 1989). Recently, the manufacturers of Eusolex 8020 withdrawn from the market. There have been fewer reports of contact allergy/photoallergy to the butyl dibenzoylmethane derivative, avobenzone. It is possible that some of these reactions to avobenzone may have been cross-reactions resulting from prior exposure to the isopropyl derivative (Held et al., 1999). Greater utilization of these compounds with appropriate testing should help clarify their relative sensitization potential.

Camphor derivatives
3-(4-Methyl-benzylidene) camphor (Eusolex 6300) is a sunscreening agent used extensively in Europe, often in combination with Eusolex 8020, but it is not approved for use in the United States. There have been several reports of allergic and photoallergic reactions to sunscreens containing this agent (FDA, 1978).

Other chemical sunscreens that have caused allergic reactions include diagalloyl trioleate (Sams, 1956), the glycerol ester of o-aminometa (2,3 dihydroxyproxy)

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benzoic acid (van Ketel, 1977), a dioxane derivative (Fagerlund et al., 1983); and 2-phenyl-methyl-benzoazol (witisol) (Mork and Austad, 1984). None of these ingredients are approved for use in sunscreens in the United States.

Titanium dioxide
Physical blockers such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide have the advantage of not being sensitizers, but may be so occlusive that they can cause miliaria (Fisher, 1973). Kaminester (1981) reported that the inclusion of titanium dioxide in a PABA sunscreen blocked the appearance of photoallergy. It is possible that the reection and scattering of light by titanium dioxide reduced the amount of UV light that penetrated the skin and elicited photoallergy.

Contact allergy can also be caused by excipients included in sunscreens. These chemicals include mineral oil, petrolatum, isopropyl esters, lanolin derivatives, aliphatic alcohols, triglycerides, fatty acids, waxes, propylene glycol, emulsiers, thickeners, preservatives, and fragrances. An extensive list of vehicle constituents in cosmetics that can cause allergic responses has been published (Nater and De Groot, 1993). De Groot et al. (1988) indicated that preservatives, fragrances, and emulsiers are the main classes of ingredients responsible for cosmetic allergy, with Kathon CG producing contact allergic reactions in 27.7 percent of subjects tested. Sunscreens available in the United States provide a complete list of ingredients including the excipients. The listing of all ingredients in sunscreens should be encouraged so that consumers, especially those with known sensitivities to chemicals, are fully informed about the composition of the formulation prior to the purchase and application of the product to the skin.

51.4.10 Manicuring preparations

In the past, adverse reactions have been reported to numerous nail cosmetics that have been removed subsequently from the market because of reported hazards. Nail hardeners containing formaldehyde are in this category. In the United States, this type of hardener is permitted for use only on the free edge of the nail when the skin is protected from contact with the hardener. Some manufacturers sell products called hardeners but they have merely increased the

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resin content of ordinary nail enamel. Nail enamels including base coats and top coats have a similar composition. The concentration of each of these chemicals depends on the quality to be achieved in the nal product. The base coat will have increased amounts of resin to improve adhesion to the nail plate, but the top coat has increased nitrocellulose and plasticizers to enhance gloss and abrasion resistance. Toluene sulfonamide/formaldehyde resin (TSFR) is responsible for contact dermatitis around the nails but also at sites distant from the ngers, commonly eyelids, around the mouth and chin, sides of the neck, on the genitalia, and rarely a generalized eruption. In contrast free formaldehyde in nail hardeners causes mostly local reactions. Cronin (1980) recommends 10 percent toluene sulfonamide/formaldehyde in petrolatum to perform a closed patch test. Norton (1991) reported that free formaldehyde (FF) hardeners are the most common cause of nail cosmetric reaction followed by methacrylate and cyanoacrylate resins, TSFR, acetone removers and sodium and potassium hydroxide removers. Norton also reported onychomycosis, chromonychia, anonychia and pterigum inversum unguis, secondary to FF nail hardeners. A small amount (0.1 to 0.5 percent) of free formaldehyde is in the resin (Calnan, 1975). Fisher (1977) proposed that patients who are allergic to this resin may wear nail polish without problems if they allow it to dry thoroughly with their hands quietly at rest. Those who find this inconvenient can be advised to purchase certain hypoallergenic brands of nail polish, which substitute alkyd or other resins. Ask the patient to check the ingredient list for toluene sulfonamide/formaldehyde resin as a precaution. The durability and abrasion resistance of these other resins is said to be inferior to toluene sulfonamide/formaldehyde resin. Although onycholysis has been attributed to reactions to toluene sulfonamide/ formaldehyde resin, no published data rmly support this (Braur, 1980; Paltzik and Enscoe, 1980). A new nail enamel compound has been introduced by Almay and Revlon. The toluenesulfonamide/folmaldehyde resin, the principal allergic sensitizer in nail enamels have been replaced by glyceryl tribenzoate. In addition, these new enamels are toluene-free. The new enamel also replaces dibutyl phthalate for glyceryl triacetate. This new plasticizer, polymer that prevents brittleness, provides longer wearability. Another very recent innovation is quick-drying suspensions. Two recent patents employing acetone and halogenated hydrocarbons provide for a reduction time from 5070 percent over conventional nail enamel compositions without adversely affecting the other desirable properties of the coating. Environmental safe nail enamels are a real challenge for the cosmetic industry. Water-based nail polish with

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adhesion, gloss and drying qualities will be developed (Mitchell et al., 1992). A water-dilutable nail polish was developed containing a mixture of polyurethanes, vinyl and/or acrylic ester (Yamazaki and Tanaka, 1990). Yellow pigmentation of the nail plate, darkest at the distal end, occurs commonly in women who wear colored nail polish. Samman (1977) reproduced this staining with the following colors: D&C Red No. 7, D&C Red No. 34, D&C Red No. 6, and FD&C Yellow No. 5 lake. Nail enamel removers are mixtures of solvents such as acetone, amyl, butyl, or ethyl acetate to which fatty materials may be added (Wilkinson and Moore, 1982). These can be irritating to the skin and can strip the nail plate. Cuticle removers contain alkaline chemicals, frequently sodium or potassium hydroxide to break the disulfide bonds of keratin. They should not be left on for prolonged periods or be used by people who are susceptible to paronychia. Cuticle removers are irritants. Sculptured nails have become popular in recent years because they build an attractive articial nail on the nail plate. Sculpture nails are prosthetic nails with a fresh acrylic mixture of methyl methacrylate monomer liquid and polymer powder. They are molded within a metabolized paperboard template on the natural nail surface to produce nails of desired thickness and length. When hardened, the template is removed, the prosthesis led and the surface is polished. Acrylate sculptured nails are of two varieties: methacrylate monomers and polymers that polymerized in the presence of hydroquinone in ordinary light, Photo-bonded acrylate sculptured nails based on acrylates that are photobonded. Allergic reactions consist of paronychia, onychia, and severe and prolonged paresthesia. Fisher (1980b) reported a patient developed a severe reaction to methyl methacrylate monomers resulting in permanent loss of all her ngernails. Fisher and Baran (1991) reported that cyanoacrylates do not cross-react with other acrylates. Unfortunately irritant and allergic reactions to the liquid monomers as well as secondary infections may be painful and long-lasting. Paronychia, onycholysis, onychia, and dermatitis of the nger and distant sites may occur. Fisher et al. (1977) reported allergic sensitization to the methyl methacrylate monomers in sculptured nails. In 1974, the FDA banned the use of methyl methacrylate in these cosmetics. However, analysis of 31 products sold between 1975 and 1981 revealed this monomer was present in nine of them (Fuller, 1982). Sensitization has also been reported to other monomers, and cross-reactions between acrylate monomers does occur (Marks et al., 1979). Patch testing to 1.0 to 5.0 percent monomer in petrolatum or olive oil can help confirm the diagnosis of an allergic sensitization. Controls may be

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required if the patient responds to 5 percent and not to 1 percent of the monomer. Performed plastic nails may be designed to cover the nail plate or extended tips. Their prolonged use causes mechanical damage to the nail, and those covering the entire nail plate may cause injury by occlusion (Baran, 1982). Sensitization to p-tertiary butylphenol formaldehyde resin in the nail adhesive and tricresyl ethyl phthalate of the articial nail has been reported (Burrows and Rycroft, 1981). Nail mending and wrapping kits often help women grow the longer nails they desire with few adverse reactions. A split nail can be repaired with cyanoacrylate glue with a negligible risk of sensitization. The repair is splinted with papers afxed by a nitrocellulose containing glue. These papers, or in some cases linen or silk, are wrapped over the free edge of the nail to protect it from trauma. Use of more sensitizing glues, of course, increases the risk of adverse reactions. The paper or cloth should not cover a large portion of the attached nail plate to avoid complications of occlusion.

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51.4.11 Oral hygiene product

Dentifrices and mouthwashes are incriminated infrequently as causing allergic contact reactions. This may be due to the short exposure time these products have with the skin and mucous membrane under ordinary use situations. If sensitization occurs inside the mouth, patch testing on the skin usually shows a positive reaction. Many of the products contain detergents and are unsuitable for closed patch testing. To avoid irritant reactions, test open in the antecubital fossa and conrm positive results with tests in controls. To help patients avoid further reactions, ingredient patch testing should be done. Fisher (1970) reviewed concentrations for patch testing ingredients found in toothpastes and mouthwashes. If the physician suspects allergic contact dermatitis and negative patch tests on the skin do not reflect mucosal sensitivity, ingredients may be incorporated in Orabase (Squibb). This material can be held against the inside of the lip for 24 hours, and then examined for erythema. Reports of allergic sensitization to toothpastes in the last decade have primarily involved flavoring agents (Andersen, 1978). Cinnamic aldehyde has been the most frequent offender, because it was introduced in a relatively high concentration in toothpaste sold in several countries (Drake and Maibach, 1976). A case of contact dermatitis to cinnamic aldehyde resulted in depigmentation about the vermilion border (Ale and Maibach, 2001).

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51.4.12 Personal cleanliness products

The action of bacteria upon sterile apocrine secretions produces a characteristic odor. Labows et al. (1982) reported lipophilic diptheroids as the organisms that produce unique axillary odors. Although deodorants are considered cosmetics, antiperspirants are regulated as over-the-counter (OTC) drugs as well as cosmetics. Many of these products have been reformulated in the last decade because of government regulations (Jass, 1982). Hexachlorophene was banned because of its neurotoxicity and halogenated salicylanilides because of their photoallergic nature. Chlorofluorocarbon propellants were removed from aerosols because of their role in depleting the stratosphere of ozone. The chlorouorocarbons have been replaced by hydrocarbon propellantsisobutane, butane, and propanewhich are flammable. The FDA OTC Antiperspirant Review Panel recommended the removal of zirconium-containing chemicals from aerosol antiperspirants because of the potential for formation of granuloma in the lung. Sodium zirconium acetate salts had caused granulomatous lesions in the skin of the axilla, have been removed from antiperspirants. Simple deodorants reduce the number of bacteria in the axilla. Most deodorants contain triclosan as an active ingredient. Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent used in soaps and shampoos. Draize testing showed a low-sensitizing potential for this chemical (Marzulli and Maibach, 1973). Allergic contact dermatitis to this chemical have been reported, but this requires conrmation (FDA, 1975). We recommend patch testing with 1 to 2 percent triclosan in petrolatum in suspected cases. The OTC Review Panel published a list of aluminum and aluminum-zirconium chemicals permitted in antiperspirants. These chemicals are not regarded us sensitizers. Irritant reactions to aluminum salts in antiperspirants are common because of the environmental heat, moisture, and friction and the inflammation caused by shaving in the axilla. Dermal penetration of calcium salts and calcinosis cutis has been studied (Soileau, 2001). Allergic reactions are due to the other chemicals in the antiperspirants; most frequently the fragrance ingredients. Similarly, feminine hygiene sprays are primarily fragrance products that cause irritant reactions when sprayed at too close a range.

51.4.13 Baby products

These products are marketed primarily to use on the skin and scalps of infants. Some experimental data suggest that infants are less easily sensitized than adults

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are. However, Epstein (1961) reported that 44 percent of infants under 1 year of age could be sensitized to pentadecyl catechol, but that 87 percent of children over 3 years of age were sensitized in the same experiment. In clinical practice, allergic contact dermatitis is diagnosed infrequently in young children (Hjorth, 1981). Patch testing with ingredients in standard concentrations may result in a higher incidence of irritant reactions in young children (Marcussen, 1963). Because the diaper area is a frequent site of irritant contact dermatitis, careful attention should be paid to the products used in this area. Generally, baby products are fragranced. Baby oil, talc, and corn starch have simple compositions with little sensitizing potential beside the fragrances. Baby lotions or creams may contain fragrance, preservatives, lanolin, or propylene glycol which are common sensitizers (Eierman et al., 1982). Propylene glycol, present in these lotions and the moistened towelettes marketed for cleansing the diaper area, is a common irritant. In the treatment of infants with diaper rash, it is important to examine the ingredients of the cosmetics used on the diaper area.

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51.4.14 Bath preparations

Adverse reactions to bubble bath reported to the FDA include skin eruptions, irritation of the genitourinary tract, eye irritation, and respiratory disorders (Simmons, 1955). The genitourinary tract reactions in children have been the most serious; many children have been subjected to extensive urologic workups before the cause was established. The skin eruptions are assumed usually to be irritant reactions due to the detergent content of this cosmetic.

51.4.15 Other skin care preparations

Most depilatories today contain mercaptans such as calcium thioglycolate 2.5 to 4.0 percent in conjunction with an alkali to bring the pH to between 10 and 12.5 (Wilkinson and Moore, 1982). The keratin of the cortex is more vulnerable before it emerges from the follicle, and depilatories attack it there leaving a soft rather than sharp end For this reason, the use of depilatories in place of shaving can prevent pseudofolliculitis barbae in some black men. Powdered facial depilatories, produced for beard removal, contain barium or strontium sulfide because these chemicals are quicker acting. Unfortunately, these

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chemicals cause more irritation and produce an unpleasant odor. In order to use the less malodorous thioglycolate depilatories for coarser beard removal, hair accelerators such as thiourea, melamine, or sodium metasilicate are added. Depilatories cannot be patch tested directly and these thioglycolates are seldom sensitizers.

Epilating waxes
Epilating waxes are usually warmed to soften, and they harden and enmesh the hair after application. When the wax is pulled off, the hair is removed by the root. Some modied waxes do not have to be warmed and can be applied with a backing material. These cosmetics may contain beeswax, rosin (colophony), fragrance, or rarely benzocaine as potential sensitizers (Wilkinson and Moore, 1982). The problems usually seen with these epilating cosmetics are due to mechanical irritation.


Fisher (1980c) coined the term status cosmeticus for the condition in which a patient is no longer able to tolerate the use of many or any cosmetic on the face. Patients complain of itching or stinging, facial burning and discomfort. This group seriously challenges our diagnostic skills as well as our ability to be empathetic because the severity of patients symptoms does not match objective signs of disease. Most of these patients have only subjective symptoms, but some may have mild inflammation. The Cosmetic Intolerance Syndrome is not a single entity, but rather a symptom complex due to multiple factors, exogenous and endogenous (Polak et al., 1974). Therefore, these patients need a thorough history, physical examination and workup. Some patients have occult allergic contact dermatitis, allergic photocontact dermatitis, or contact urticarial reactions, and the causal agents are documented by careful clinical review and patch testing. Others who have a seborrheic or rosacea diathesis with or without inammation seem to have ared this condition by by overusing cleansing creams and emollients. Both of these conditions may be accompanied by facial erythema or scaling. Some patients require anti-inflammatory therapy, as do a atopic patients who develop this state. Fisher found that itching or stinging or both can be produced in patients with status cosmeticus. He recommended that whenever possible these chemical should be avoided by these patients.

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Table 51.8: Management of patients who are intolerant to cosmetic usage

1. Examine every cosmetic and skin care agent 2. Patch and photopatch test to rule out occult allergic and photoallergic contact dermatitis, or contact urticaria 3. Limit skin care to Water washing without soap or detergent Lip cosmetics Eye cosmetics (if the eyelids are not symptomatic) Face powder Glycerol and rose water as moisturizer (only if needed) 612 months of avoidance of other skin care agents and cosmetics 4. Watch for and test, if necessary, depression and other neuropsychiatric aspects

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When the offending agent cannot be found prolonged elimination of cosmetics seems to help some women who after 6 to 12 months or more are able to gradually return to the use of other cosmetics (Table 51.8). Additions of skin care products should be made one at a time and no more frequently than every 2 weeks. The nal program should be simple and limited in the number and frequency of cosmetics used. Golbenberg and Safrin (1977) suggested that stinging effects of cosmetics irritants may be neutralized by anti-irritants. They proposed three possible mechanisms of action of anti-irritants: to complex the anti-irritant, to block the reactive sites in the skin and to prevent physical contact with the skin.

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Cosmeticians may perform a variety of personal care tasks including hair grooming, manicuring, and applying makeup. It is primarily the hair care tasks that account for the high rate of occupational hand dermatitis. Cronin (1982) noted that beauticians frequently develop a dry, scaling dermatitis over the metacarpophalangeal joints, however individuals vary in their ability to react to irritants (Smith et al., 2002). Novice beauticians and those in training are required to shampoo many customers each day, and the resulting irritation is frequently the initial cause of hand dermatitis. These hairdressers have a good chance of improving as they learn to protect and lubricate their hands. However, patients with atopic eczema may have a particularly difcult time with hand dermatitis as hairdressers, although we do believe they should not be barred

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from this career. Young atopic patients who are contemplating career choices should be appraised of the occupational hazards of hairdressing. When beauticians with hand dermatitis are patch tested at different centers the percentage of reactions varies. PPD is usually the leading offender when allergy is present (Wahlberg, 1975). Frosch and co-workers (1993) reported that the major contact sensitizer of hairdressers in Europe was GMT. Sensitization is at least as frequent to PPD; in some countries (Germany, UK, Spain) sensitization frequencies, were high. This has to be emphasized in comparison to the relatively low frequencies to AMT. The recently introduced acid permanents waves pose a higher risk of sensitization to hairdressers than the alkaline permanent waves that have been used since the early 1940s. The low gures for GMT sensitization in some centers may be explained by lower usage in salons or by more careful handling. In Denmark, most hairdressers wear gloves when dyeing and permanent waving. In Germany, most hairdressers protect their hands only against hair dyes. There is still a strong prejudice against the use of gloves in this occupation. Guerra et al. (1992) conrmed this attitude in Italy: only 12.5 percent of 240 hairdressers wore gloves for permanent waving, whereas 51 percent wore them for hair dying. This group found a relatively low sensitization to GMT, attributing this to its infrequent usage in Italy. They demonstrated that vinyl gloves may not always suppress the reaction to GMT in sensitized individuals. They found 3 of 8 patients patch tested with GMT through vinyl gloves were positive after 3 days. Better plastic materials must be looked for, if GMT continues to be used in European salons. Furthermore, it must be kept in mind that wearing gloves over a prolonged time poses its own risks. The primary goal in the prevention of occupational dermatitis must be reduction of exposure to highly sensitized agents. They reported GMT was the number one sensitizer. After the series described by Storrs (1984), the German CDRG reported sensitization to GMT in 38 percent of 87 patients in 1989, and in 31 percent of a second series of 178 patients (Frosch, 1989). Holness and Nethercott (1990) found 23.5 percent of 34 patients positive to GMT. GMT sensitization may become increasingly frequent if no further action is taken. Hairdressers need to be instructed to handle this type of permanent wave with caution. Direct skin contact should be avoided, Gloves and improved handling technique may lead to a decrease in the frequency of sensitization, which may, in comparison to hair dyes, be acceptable to this occupational group. Rietschel et al. (1984) and other investigators have shown that allergens can penetrate gloves. Fisher reported that polyethylene laminate glove (4-H glove;

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Safety 4 Company, Denmark) protect allergic patients from epoxy resin and acrylic monomers. McCain and Storrs (1992) in a placebo-controlled doubleblind patch test study reported that 4-H glove was effective in preventing allergic contact dermatitis in GMT sensitized volunteers, protecting four of four patients after an 8 h exposure and two of three after 48 h. Melstran et al. (1994) provides extensive documentaion aboout protectives gloves. Frosch and co-workers (1993) found PPD the 2nd sensitizer very closed to GMT. However, PPD derivatives were considerably lower and ranged from 375. In the Italian study, the figures were similar for PPD but higher for the derivatives. Frosch and colleagues (were unable to conclude that ONPPD had the lowest sensitization risk. They stated that pyrogallol and resorcinol are the least frequent sensitizers in the hairdressers series. Nickel, preservatives such as (cloro) methylisothiazolinone and formaldehyde, surface active agents such as cocamidopropylbetaine and hydrolyzed animal proteins as well as perfume ingredients, may also be responsible for dermatitis in hairdressers. To work-up hairdressers with hand eczema, we use the standard hairdressers screening series. This series includes resorcinol, p-toluenediamine sulfate, glyceryl monothioglycolate, ammonium thioglycolate, ammonium persulfate, p-aminodiphenylamine hydrochloride pyrogallol and 0-nitrop-phenylenediamine. At the same session, we apply 1.0 percent glyceryl thioglycolate in petrolatum, and pieces of the hairdressers protective glove applied on both sides. Hairdressers who are nickel-sensitive also have a serious challenge. There is evidence that permanent solutions may leach nickel out of metal objects (Dahlquist et al., 1979). Fastidious care in the selection of stainless steel tools and use of dimethyl glyoxide for testing pins, clips, and other paraphernalia allows some patients to continue in this career. Hairdressers with allergic contact dermatitis need to be told that protective gloves may not provide an absolute barrier to allergens (Frosch et al., 1993). Tomb and co-workers (1993) reported a young hairdresser who developed acute periorbital eczema and marked edema of eyelids, lip erosions and eczema of her ngertips to two instant glues used to attach false hair. Patch test was strongly positive to ethyl cyanoacrylate adhesive. Ingredient labeling of retailed cosmetics in the United States has greatly aided dermatologists in caring for patients with contact dermatitis. There is no regulation requiring similar labeling for cosmetics used in beauty salons. However preventive strategies for occupational skin diseases in hairdressers are known and can be rarely successful (Dickel et al., 2002).

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