Stretch - Angeability of A High-Strength TRIP Type Bainitic Sheet

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ISIJ International, Vol. 40 (2000), No. 9, pp.


Stretch-angeability of a High-strength TRIP Type Bainitic Sheet Steel

Koh-ichi SUGIMOTO, Jyunya SAKAGUCHI,1) Tsutomu IIDA1) and Takahiro KASHIMA2)
Department of Mechanical Systems Engineering, Shinshu University, Wakasato, Nagano 380-8553 Japan. E-mail: [email protected]. 1) Graduate Student, Shinshu University, Wakasato, Nagano 380-8553 Japan. 2) Kakogawa Works, Kobe Steel Ltd., Onoe-cho, Kakogawa 675-0023 Japan. (Received on December 27, 1999; accepted in nal form on May 15, 2000 )

The stretch-angeability of a newly developed high-strength bainitic sheet steel which is associated with the transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP) of retained austenite, or TRIP type bainitic steel was investigated for the automotive applications. An excellent stretch-angeability was completed in the steel composing of bainitic ferrite matrix and interlath retained austenite lms without initial blocky martensite. In this case, the stable or carbon-enriched retained austenite lms enhanced the stretch-angeability due to the reducion of the surface damage on hole-punching and the promotion of the TRIP effect on hole-expanding. Also, uniform ne bainitic ferrite lath structure contributed to improving the stretch-angeability due to the increased localized ductility and development of severe plastic ow. KEY WORDS: retained austenite; TRIP; strain-induced transformation; high-strength steel; austempering; heat-treatment; formability; stretch-angeability.



The transformation-induced plasticity (TRIP)1) of retained austenite is very useful in improving the formability of high-strength sheet steel. Low carbon dual phase sheet steel associated with the TRIP effect or TRIP type multiphase (TMP) sheet steel29) which was developed for automotive applications before the last decade is one of the successful examples. Recently, the TMP steel has been applied to some automotive impact members as it improves the impact energy absorption characteristics.3) However, any application to the suspension parts such as lower arms which can lead to a signicant weight reduction has not been progressed due to its poor stretch-angeability,4,5) in spite of excellent stretch-formability,6) good deep drawability7,8) and high fatigue strength.9) The poor stretch-angeability of the TDP steel may be essentially overcome by changing the ferrite matrix for bainite or bainitic ferrite matrix because the bainitic steel possesses an excellent stretch-angeability by a uniform ne lath structure. On the basis of this idea, we have recently
Table 1.

developed a new type of low alloy high-strength cold-rolled bainitic sheet steel containing the retained austenite in the bainitic ferrite matrix or TRIP type Bainitic (TB) sheet steel.10) In the present paper, the stretch-angeability of the TB steel subjected to different austempering treatment was investigated in accompany with the examination of punched hole-surface damage. In addition, the stretchangeability was related to some metallurgical factors such as matrix structure and retained austenite characteristics. 2. Experimental Procedure

In the present study, a TB steel with chemical composition as listed in Table 1 was prepared as a vacuum-melted 100 kg ingot followed by hot forging to produce 30 mm thick slabs. Martensite-start temperature (MS) of the steel was estimated to be 417C from the following equation.11) MS(C)561474C(mass%)33Mn(mass%) 17Ni(mass%)17Cr(mass%) 21Mo(mass%) ...........................................(1)

Chemical composition (mass%) and heat-treatment conditions of steels used.

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Table 2. Second phase characteristics and tensile properties of steels used.

The slabs were reheated to 1 200C and were hot-rolled to 3.2 mm in thickness with nishing at 850C and then aircooled to room temperature. After cold-rolling to 1.2 mm in thickness, they were annealed at 950C for 1 200 s and then were austempered at temperatures between 350 and 475C for 200 s in a salt bath, followed by cooling in oil to 20C. In this case, the austempering time was decided to obtain a large amount of stable retained austenite and large elongations.10) For comparison, several TMP steels with different silicon or manganese content, conventional dual phase (DP) steels tempered at 200600C and bainitic (B) steels austempered at 300450C, with chemical composition as listed in Table 1, were also prepared. Heat-treatment conditions, second phase characteristics and tensile properties of these steels are given in Table 2. Modied LePeras reagent,12) as well as nital regent, was used to distinguish martensite and/or bainite from retained austenite. The amount of retained austenite was quantied by X-ray diffractometry using Mo-Ka radiation. To minimize the effect of texture, the volume fraction of retained austenite was quantied on the basis of the integrated intensity of (200)a , (211)a , (200)g , (220)g and (311)g diffraction peaks, termed the ve-peak method.13) The retained austenite lattice constant (ag ) was measured from (220)g diffraction peak using Cr-Ka radiation on the electrochemically polished surface, with a negligible internal stress. Substituting the measured ag value (1010 m) into the following equation,14) carbon concentration of the retained austenite (Cg , mass%) was calculated. ag 3.54670.0467Cg .........................(2) Hole-punching and hole-expanding tests were conducted

Fig. 1. Experimental apparatus for hole-expanding test.

using disc specimens of 50 mm in diameter by 1.2 mm in thickness with a graphite type lubricant. Before hole-expanding test, a hole of 4.76 mm in diameter was punched out at 20C and at a punch rate of 10 mm/min, with a clearance of 10% between die and punch. Then, hole-expanding tests were performed at 20C and at a punch rate of 1 mm/min, using the apparatus illustrated in Fig. 1 in which expanding punch was contacted with the roll-over portion of the hole-punched specimens. The hole-expanding ratio (l ) was determined in the following equation.

l {(dfdo)/do}100% .......................(3)
do: initial hole diameter, df: hole diameter on cracking Surface damage characteristics on hole-punching such as a critical hardening depth (l*), a hardness increment (D HV) 2000 ISIJ

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and the aspects of void formation were examined using the micro-Vickers hardness tester (test weight: 0.25 N) and scanning electron microscope. The hardness increment was measured at the depth of 50 m m beneath the punched surface.15) 3. Results

fg : retained austenite content after straining, fg 0: initial retained austenite content, e P: plastic strain in uniaxial tension The k-value increases with increasing austempering temperature. In other words, it tends to decrease with increasing carbon concentration of retained austenite, similar to

3.1. Microstructure Figure 2 shows the variations in retained austenite characteristics as a function of austempering temperature (TA) in the TB steel. The initial carbon concentration of retained austenite (Cg 0) is between 1.25 and 1.52 mass% and linearly decreases with increasing austempering temperature. As listed in Table 2, the carbon concentration is higher than that of TMP-1.5 Mn steel with the same chemistry. On the other hand, the initial volume fraction of retained austenite (fg 0) ranging from 8 to 12 vol% is nearly constant in the steels austempered at temperatures between 400 and 450C which are close to the martensite start temperature of the present steel (MS417C). Figures 3 and 4 show typical micrographs of the TB steel. The microstructure is principally characterized by bainitic ferrite lath matrix and interlath retained austenite lms (Fig. 4). In the steels austempered at temperatures above MS, however, a large amount of blocky martensite and quasi-ferrite16) coexist with coarsened bainitic ferrite lath and retained austenite lms (Figs. 3(d)3(f)). If austempered at 475C, a small amount of bainite island also coexists in the TB steel. Retained austenite stability against the strain-induced transformation or k-value which is dened as the following equation2) is shown in Fig. 2(c). log fg log fg 0k e P...........................(4)

Fig. 2. Variations in (a) initial volume fractions of second phase (f ), retained austenite (fg 0), martensite (fa m) and bainite (fa b), (b) initial carbon concentration of retained austenite (Cg 0) and (c) k-value as a function of austempering temperature in TB steel.

Fig. 3. Scanning electron micrographs of TB steels austempered at temperatures ranging from TA350C to 475C, in which a bf, a b, a q, a m and g R represent bainitic ferrite, bainite, quasi-ferrite, martensite and retained austenite, respectively.

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Fig. 6. Comparison of (a) hole-expanding ratio (l ) and (b) maximum stretch-height (Hmax, stretch-formability) of several types of high-strength steels.

Fig. 4. Transmission electron micrographs of TB steels austempered at (a) 375C or (b) 450C, in which a bf and g R denote bainitic ferrite lath and retained austenite lm, respectively.

Fig. 7. Correlations between strength-stretch-angeability balance (TSl ) and (a) reduction of area (RA) and (b) elongation for 5 mm gauge length (El[5]) for TB steels austempered at various temperatures and other steels.

the previous report.5) 3.2. Stretch-angeability Figure 5 shows the variations in maximum expanding load (PE), hole-expanding ratio (l ) and strengthstretchangeability balance (TSl : a product of tensile strength and hole-expanding ratio) with austempering temperature. Larger l and TSl values are found to be achieved in the TB steels austempered at temperatures below MS, with relatively high expanding load (PE). Figure 6(a) compares the hole-expanding ratio of several types of high-strength steels. The TB steel exhibits the best stretch-angeability of the other steels in a high strength range above 900 MPa, particularly when austemperd at temperatures below MS of the steel. One of the authors1719) has already reported that the TB steel also completed the excellent stretch-formability or high maximum stretch-height

Fig. 5. Variations in (a) maximum expanding load (PE), (b) holeexpanding ratio (l ) and (c) strengthstretch-angeability balance (TSl ) with austempering temperature in TB steel.

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Fig. 8. Scanning electron micrographs of cross sectional area in punched hole-surface layer of TB steels austempered at (a) 400C or (b) 425C, in which arrows denote void initiation sites.

(Hmax), as shown in Fig. 6(b). Therefore, the TB steel is concluded to possess the best combination of stretchangeability and stretch-formability among several types of high-strength steels. Figure 7 shows a relation between the TSl value and localized ductility such as (a) reduction of area (RA) and (b) elongation for 5 mm gauge length (El[5]) in the TB steel. From this gure, it is found that the TSl value of the TB steel exhibits a positive correlation with the localized ductility, in the same way as those of the TMP, DP and B steels. In addition, the TB steels austempered at temperatures below MS possess larger TSl value under constant RA and El[5] values. 3.3. Surface Damage Characteristics of Punched Hole Figure 8 shows typical scanning electron micrographs of cross sectional area in punched hole-surface layer of the TB steel. Many voids are formed at the matrix/coarse second phase interface in the break section, particularly in the TB steels austempered at temperatures above MS. The coarse second phases seem to be initial blocky martensite particles. Figure 9 shows a shear stress (t max) and surface damage characteristics on hole-punching in the TB and the TMP steels. The surface damage of the TB steels austempered at 425475C is characterized by a large critical hardening depth (l*) and a relatively short shearing section length (ss), although the ss values are larger than that (0.2 mm) of the TMP-1.5 Mn steel with the same chemistry. On the other hand, the TB steels austempered at temperatures between 350 and 400C possess smaller l* values and larger ss values. According to the previous study,15) the above mentioned l* value agrees well with a critical depth inside which the strain-induced martensite transformation occurs. So, the small l* value is corresponding to a little strain-induced martensite in the punched hole-surface layer. 2000 ISIJ

Fig. 9. Variations in shear stress on punching (t max), critical hardening depth (l*), maximum hardness after punching (HVmax), hardness increment (DHVHVmaxHV0, HV0: initial hardness), and length of roll-over portion (rp), shear section (ss) or break section (bs) in TB and TMP1.5 Mn steels with same chemistry.

A hardness increment (DHV) near the punched hole-surface is ranging from 108 to 155 in the TB steels. However, austempering temperature dependence of the hardness increment is indistinct. 4. 4.1. Discussion

Relation between Stretch-Flangeability and Retained Austenite Characteristics According to the previous study,5) the stretch-angeability of the TMP steel was mainly controlled by initial carbon concentration of the retained austenite, i.e., retained austenite stability. So, the TSl value in the present TB steels was plotted for the carbon concentration of retained austenite, as shown in Fig. 10(b). From this gure, it is found that large TSl value of the TB steel is apparently achieved by the increased retained austenite stability, similar to that of the TMP steel.5) The optimum volume fraction of retained austenite is not obvious although it is very important for a practical use. If analogous data of 0.2C(1.02.5)Si (1.02.0)Mn, mass%, TB steels20) were added in the gure, the optimum volume fraction is determined to be about 2 3 vol%. It is noteworthy that the TB steels possessed higher TS l values than the TMP steels under conditions of constant carbon concentration and volume fraction of retained austenite, as shown in Fig. 10. This is supposed to be

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Fig. 10. Correlations between strengthstretch-angeability balance (TSl ) and (a) initial volume fraction (fg 0) and (b) initial carbon concentration (Cg 0) of retained austenite for TB steels () austempered at different temperatures and TMP steels5) ().

caused by uniform ne lath structure matrix in the TB steels. Effects of Metallurgical Factors on StretchFlangeability The present TB steels austempered at temperatures below MS exhibited the excellent stretch-angeability in the tensile strength range over 900 MPa, accompanied with good stretch-formability (Fig. 6), although they possessed a relatively poor localized ductility. This reason must be discussed on the basis of microstructure and retained austenite stability. First, let us discuss about the different in stretch-angeability between the TB and TMP steels. In general, the stretch-angeability of the steel can be signicantly controlled by hole-surface damage characteristics on punching,5,15) as well as the localized ductility. When the hole-surface damage characteristics of the TB steels were compared to that of the TMP-1.5 Mn steel with the same chemical composition (Fig. 9), they were characterized by severer plastic ow,5) longer shearing section, a smaller number of voids and smaller critical hardening depth (or more volume fraction of untransformed retained austenite) than those of the TMP steel although the maximum hardness and hardness increment near the punched hole-surface are somewhat higher than those of the TMP steel. This indicates that the excellent stretch-angeability of the TB steels was resulted from nonserious surface damage on punching due to uniform ne lath structure matrix and more stable retained austenite lms, because the localized ductilities of the TB steels are smaller than those of the TMP steel with the same chemistry. Namely, the uniform ne lath structure matrix contains few coarse retained austenite particles or islands which act as stress concentration sources after strain-induced transformation to martensite.5) The resultant developments of severe plastic ow and long shearing section resulting from

large ductility of the lath matrix itself suppress crack propagation on hole-expanding and enhance the hole-expanding ratio. On the other hand, the more stable retained austenite lms may contribute to suppress the strain-induced transformation and keep much untransformed retained austenite in the punched hole-surface layer. Eventually they improve the localized ductility on hole-expanding through the superior TRIP effect, composing of stress relaxation and strengthening at stress concentration sites due to the straininduced martensite transformation.5) Next, let us discuss about the effects of austempering temperature on the stretch-angeability of the TB steel. When austempered at temperatures above MS, the stretchangeability of the TB steels was deteriorated up to that of the TMP steels (Figs. 6(a) and 7), although they possessed larger localized ductility than the other TB steels. And, these TB steels included many initial blocky martensites and retained austenite lms with low carbon concentration which resulted in large hole-surface damage such as many voids and a small amount of untransformed retained austenite, respectively. Thus, the serious surface damage is considered to reduce the fracture strain or cause easy crack propagation on hole-expanding, despite the TRIP effect of untransformed retained austenite. 5. Conclusions


The stretch-angeability of the TB steel with stable interlath retained austenite lms of 511 vol% in the bainitic ferrite lath matrix was investigated. The results are summarized as follows. (1) The TB steel completed the best stretch-angeability of several high-strength steels, accompanied with good stretch-formability, particularly when austempered at temperatures lower than MS. (2) The stretch-angeability exhibited a good positive correlation to the carbon concentration of retained austenite and a negative correlation to the retained austenite content, in the same way as the TMP steel. (3) The excellent stretch-angeability of the TB steel was considered to be principally resulted from uniform ne lath structure matrix and more stable retained austenite lms. They contributed to the small surface damage and development of severe plastic ow on hole-punching, and consequently enhanced the hole-expanding ratio by suppressing crack propagation and TRIP effect of untransformed retained austenite. (4) Blocky initial martensites in the TB steel may result in serious surface damage on punching and easy crack propagation on the successive hole-expanding, because they behaved as stress concentration sites.
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