Clay tiles are one of the great inventions of mankind. Historically, man has desire to create living spaces, which were beautiful durable and user friendly. This strong desire, gradually, give shapes to the clay tiles. During those days, tiles for roofing were handmade. By the advent of industrial revolution, the tile
manufacturing attained the status of an industry and use of machines was also introduced during that period. In ancient times, most of the habitats had thatched roofs and was temporary in nature. The origin of titles is from the desire of mankind to have a permanent roof. The English word Tile means any kind of earthenware slow applied to any surface of a building. The word tile is derived from the Latin word TEGULA and its French Derivative is Tuile mean quite precisely a roof title of baked clay. Christian missionaries in the middle of 18th century started Tile Company for the first time in India. It was started at Mangalore by the name Basel German Industries. The company becomes famous by producing Manglore Pattern Tiles the world renowned brand of tiles. In India, major tile production takes place in Tamil Nadu,
Kerala, Bihar and Karnataka. Demand for tiles and terracotta creations are much higher than that of past. The orders are now received from all parts of the globe. The industry now is a multi core industry, which helps to earn valuable foreign currencies. Tiles were developed as a product of earth ware pottery (called pot shed) or as an independent invention. Tiles have been used in construction the last 4000 year by the Romans, Greeks, Babylonians, Phoenicians and many other cultures. A tile is small manufactured piece of hard wearing material such as clay or stone used for covering roofs, floors and walls, or other objects such as table tops. The word tile is derived from the French word tile which is intern from the Latin word tlsala meaning a roof tile composed of blacked clay less precisely the modern tan can refer to any sot of construction tile or similar object. Certain shapes of tile most obviously rectangles can be replicated to cover a surface with no gaps. These shapes all said to tess elate (From the Latin tessera tile)
The origin of clay roofing tile can be traced in depending to tap different path of the world. China, during the Neolithic Age beginning around 10,000 BC and the Middle Easta short time later- from these origins the use of clay tile spread through out Asia and Europe. Not only the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians but also the Greeks and Romans roofed their building with clay tiles, and adaptations of their practice continue in Europe to the present. European settles brought this roofing tradition to American were it was established in many places by the 17th century. Archeologists have recovered specimens of clay roofing tiles from the 1585 settlement of Bounoke Island English settlement in James town. Virainia and near by St.Marys Maryland. Clay roofing tiles were also used in the Spanish settlement of St. Augustine in Flociela and by both the French and Spanish in New Orleans. Dutch settles on the east coast first imported clay tile from Holland by 1650. They had established fall scale production of clay tiles is the upper Hand Son River Valley Snipping tiles south to New Amsterdam. Several tile manufacturing operations were in business around the time of the American Revolution. Offering both colored and glazed tile and unglazed natural terracotta tile in the New York
City are and in neighboring New Jersey. A 1774 New York news paper advertised the availability of locally produced glazed and unglazed pan tiles for sale that were granted to stand any weather. On the west coast clay tile was first manufactured in wooden molds in 1780 at Mission San Antonio de Pardaa in California. By far the most significant factor in popularizing clay roofing tile during the colonial period in America was concerned with the fire divesting first in London in 1666 and Boston in 1679, which promoted the establishment of building and fire codes in New York and Boston. These fire codes, which remained effect for almost to centuries, encouraged the use of tiles for roofs especially in urban areas because of its durability, maintenance and lack of thermal conductivity. Although more efficient production method had towered the cost of clay tile its use because to declaim in make of the northeastern United States during the second quarter of the 19th century. In most areas outside city designation fire districts wood shingles were used widely. They were more affordable and much lighter, and required less heavy and less expensive roof framing. In addition new fire
resistant material becoming available that could e used for roofing including state, and metals such as copper, iron, tin-plate, zinc and
galvanized iron many of the metals roofing materials could be instrument at a fraction of the cost and weight of clay tile. Even the appearance of clay tile was no longer fashionable, and by the 1830s clay roofing tile had slipper temporarily out of popularity in many parts. By the mid 19th century the introduction of the Italians villa style of architecture in the United States, promoted and new interest in clay tile for roofing this had effect of revitalizing the clay tile
manufacturing industries and by the 1870s new factories were in business including large operation in Akron-Ohio and BaltimoreMaryland clay tiles were promoted by the centennial exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876, which featured several prominent building with tile roofs including a pavilion to the stated of new jersey roofed with clay tiles of local manufacture tile making machines were first patented in the 1870s and although much roofing tile continued table made by hand by the 1870s and although much roofing tile continued table made by hand by the 1880s more and to use machines. The developed of the architecture in the 1890s further strengthened as an American building material.