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Sworn Affidavit Creating Reborn Mens' Trust

For straw-man and governmental legal fiction formerly known as Alan Peter Michael Smith: DOB 18/10/1957 NI: WM865758D BORN: Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England Birth Certificate Number: Father: Joseph Bernard Smith Mother: Irmgard Bremmer Made This Day 28th January 2012,

1st Principle

Liberating Overriding Universal Principle

I hold that ALL individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion and control over their own lives and livelihood, as long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose and THAT we enforce the law evenly without fear or favour under common law jurisdiction within a public Court of Record.


You either believe and intend to live your life according to this guiding principle or YOU DO NOT!
The difficulty with first principles is that they're inviolate. One either believes in them or one does not. Once you adopt one you are then forced to square all your other political principles against this first one, and if you cannot fit what you wish to adopt into that first principle then you must modify or abandon whatever it was that you intended to do.


SECTION 1 - THE PROTAGONISTS o WITH THIS affidavit DO I, Peter of England, HEREBY MAKE A PUBLIC WRITTEN & VOCAL DECLARATION of MY FREEMAN status - and make notification to the church of Rome. To All Vatican Officials, Priests and all its Papist clergy, to the Church of England, the Queen of England. and THE HOUSE of Windsor Inc. To All Monarchies, all Presidents of Republics and other bodies on these Global Isles. To All Prime Ministers, All Ministers of States Civil Servants/Crown Agents, Secretaries of State, and Foreign Secretaries. ToAll members of Parliaments and Congress (elected or un-elected or operating via NGO's or as advisers, in Commitees ). To All Crown Agents and other employees of the Crown. To ALL MEMBERS AND REPRESENTATIVES OF BAR COUNCILS AND LAW SOCIETIES. To ALL POLICE FORCES, POLICE MEN AND THEIR COMMANDERS. To All military commanders and foot-men and personnel to Rothyscild controlled and funded Imperial clandestine Israel - the hand in the global FIST, and all other military juntas feigning allegiance to the people no matter under which governmental flag they profess to walk beneath or supra national entity they profess to represent.. To All governments whether de facto or de jure. To All alphabet agencies of the global controlling elite such as the NSA, CIA, FBI, TSA, MI5,MI6,FDA,BBC, ABC,NBC,ITV, etc., as well as To All other appointed or self-appointed authority figures, would be world dictators, cabals operating covertly and overtly against me, all business leaders as well as judges in courts and their henchmen, All Attorneys General and judges in their courts who operate tribunals, courts as kangaroo courts operating under Uniform Commercial Code, Admiralty Law and all unlawfully at that. To All those bodies acting under the guise of legitimacy, all parasitic banking cartel boards of directors, as well as the Boards of The 7 Sisters oil cartel and it's front OPEC. To All mandarins of business in food, pharma, energy, and the military industrial corporatocracy masquerading as legitimate and friendly intentioned towards the people. To All known and unknown slave-masters trading in people governments everywhere in effect. To All Federal Banks and National banks and Western Democratic governments under the influence

of the Rothschild Global Control Agenda for world domination and the others with which they work. To All other despots and tyrants who purport to lead, govern and advise me and to offer services or try and collect money forcibly from me without written contract under common law so signed, all organised crime bosses and their gangs, drug cartels, Triad gangs, Mafias and Hoods. To ALL the above I say you obtain your so-called authority via sham, rigged, democratic circuses which are in effect ELECTIVE DICTATORSHIPS and of no good for The People. TO YOU ALL DO I ANNOUNCE THE RE-AWAKENING OF MY SELF AND MAKE DECLARATION THAT I HAVE BEEN GIFTED BY LIFE/GOD WITH A NEW FOUND CLARITY AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE POINT & PURPOSE OF MY SOJOURN HERE ON THIS BEAUTIFUL BLUE GREEN PLANET. I DECLARE THAT I AM NOW AWAKE AND FULLY AWARE as TO YOUR OBJECTIVES, PLANS, METHODS, INTENTS AND DECEITS PREPARED AS TRAPS FOR ME IN MY FORMERLY NAIVE BUT TRUSTING & WELL MEANING STATE.


(1)HENCEFORTH, THANKS TO MY AWAKENING & THIS PUBLIC DECLARATION OF FORMER NAIEVITY, I CLAIM that all that should have been done is now done, NUN PRO TUNC and THAT ALL WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN NOW IS! AND DECLARE THAT MY PREVIOUS CONDITION IS NOW REPLACED BY GRACE OF MY GOOD-SELF AND NEWLY AQUIRED KNOWLEDGE - AND THAT FROM HEREON IN BEFORE ANY ACTION, REGIME, LAW, PROVISION, REQUIREMENT, TAX, LEVY or DEMAND or RESTRICTION etc CAN BE IMPOSED UPON ME THAT IT CAN ONLY BE DONE WITH MY FULLY INFORMED CONSENT AND MY TACIT VERBAL OR WRITTEN AGREEMENT and THAT THIS IS THE BASIC INITIAL REQUIREMENT. ALSO DECLARE that should the re-dress I SEEK NOT BE BROADCAST AS DEMANDED VIA GLOBAL TERRESTRIAL AND SATELLITE NETWORKS VIA THE BBC LEAD HEAD STATION within 10 calendar days from the date of submission of this Affidavit then I will seek REFUGE in a safer kinder place on this Planet. Regardless of reply I NOW WILL MAKE A FULL AND INFORMED RENUNCIATION of my AQUIESCENCE and previously lazy acceptance of the controlling and limiting belief systems of slavery, oppression and cruelty, and mind control which you have forced upon me by THE SYSTEM'S POLITICAL AND MEDIA TRICKERY, TREACHERY, LIES and FALSE PROMISES as well as overt, secret and covert activities BY THE GLOBAL CORPORATOCRACY WHOM, BY representing life in this world as a LEVEL PLAYING FIELD fair to and for all men, when it was non other than a Stacked Deck of crony capitalism operating on a full service to self agenda, HAVE NOW RELINQUISHED ALL RIGHTS TO THEIR ASSESTS AND POSITION and will be answerable to a jury of their peers in a Common Law Court of Record duly convened.


I, the former legal FICTION/ entity, LEGAL PRESUMPTION and straw man known as, ALAN PETER MICHAEL SMITH, do hereby rescind that title and assert my rights under common law TO BE NOW KNOWN SIMPLY AS Peter of England I DECLARE THAT I ADHERE TO AND ACCEPT FULLY THE Re-MOVEMENTs CHARTER WHICH STATES:-

(A) WHEREAS I, as a FREEMAN, with other members believing in world freedom and peoples rights to self-determination within an open and transparent non-secretive society of common fellowship, CHALLENGE the cult of the omnipotent, corporatocracy and military-industrial-banking complex state and DEFEND the rights of the individual. (b) WHEREAS I hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives, and have the right to live in whatever manner they choose, as long as they do not forcibly interfere with the equal right of others to live in whatever manner they choose and THAT we enforce the law evenly without fear or favour under common law jurisdiction within a public Court of Record. (c.)WHEREAS Governments throughout history have regularly operated on the opposite principle, that the State has the right to dispose of the lives of the individuals and the fruits of their labours. Even within the United States, Great Britain and Europe all OTHER political parties, EXCEPT RE-MOVEMENT , grant to government the right to regulate the lives of individuals and seize the fruit of their labour without their consent. (d)WHEREAS I, on the contrary, deny the right of any government to do these things, and hold that where governments exist they must not violate the rights of any individual, namely:

(1)The right to life accordingly I support the prohibition of the initiation of physical force against others FOR ANY REASON WHATSOEVER.
(2)The right to liberty of speech and action accordingly I oppose all attempts by government to abridge the freedom of speech and the press, as well as government censorship in any form; (3)The right to property AND FREE TRADE accordingly I oppose all government interference with private property, such as confiscation, nationalization,(EXCEPT BY A MOVEMENT RETURNING THE WEALTH TO THE PEOPLE) LICENSING, CERTIFICATION AND STATUTORY GRANTING OF RIGHTS AND BENEFITS AS WHEN SURELY SO GRANTED THEN AS SURELY CAN THEY BE TAKEN AWAY, and eminent domain, and support the prohibition of robbery, trespass, fraud and misrepresentation, TAXATION AND LEVIES. (4)Since governments, when instituted, must not violate individual rights, I oppose all interference by government in the areas of voluntary and contractual relations among individuals. People should not be forced to sacrifice their lives and property for the benefit of others. They should be left free to deal with one another as free traders; and the resultant economic system, the only one compatible with the protection of the individual rights, is the free market WITH FINALITY OF SETTLEMENT IN ITS CURRENCY. AND FOR THE RECORDER: (5)I re-assert my legitimate claim as BENEFICIARY and EXECUTOR, AS WELL AS ASSERTING MY CLAIM TO ALL FINANCIAL ENTITLEMENTS HELD ON TRUST FOR ME BY: THE BANK for INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS) Centralbahnplatz 2, Basel ,Switzerland, CH-4002 TEL: (+41 61) 280 8080 Fax: (+41 61) 280 9100 and (+41 61) 280 8100 SWIFT address: BISBCHBB Website:

STOLEN FROM ME when the people of the earth were bankrupted in the UK in 1931, In the USA in 1933 by the gold confiscation act and then globally in September 1944 by the Zionist global criminal banking cartels Breton woods agreement - lead position being taken by the Rothschild criminal banking family: -


(1) I, Peter OF ENGLAND now declare my right under The Common Law, The Natural Law of Man, that it is my inviolable right to be the sole sovereign of MYSELF, wheresoever and upon which-so-ever Isle I may from time to time dwell and/or reside or find myself upon, to Withdraw And Withhold all allegiance & obedience to those Persons , Presidents and Monarchies, republics and puppet governments, UN, NATO and

World Banking Insitutions and all those who falsely claim to speak &/or to act in MY, and by such action, I will remove myself entirely from the authority of those Evil Persons who now seek to abuse & misuse me in the name of WORLD GOVERNMENT and WAR and OPPRESSION of OTHERS. Elizabeth, the Queen of England, The French Republic and The Global Zionist Tyrannical Empire known commonly as the United States of America, PLC. a satellite state of Israel and its nomadic elite, which in turn is nothing more than an alter-ego of the roman church, I declare ALL OF THEM to be in absolute and total violation of the Common Law of the People to which I belong.

(a) I hereby place on record for all persons that after said 10 days have expired, being the (_______/___________ /2012) and the corrections I seek have not been made, by way of the dismissal of the Traitors in the Houses of Commons and Lords in the United Kingdom, the privy councillors, the lords of money, the crown prosecution service, the attorney general and his entire crown serving office ,as well as the National Assembly of the Republic of France (Assemble Nationale) the Congress and Senate of the United States of America., the board of the federal reserve as well as the stepping down of the current incumbent criminal stooge of the crown, papacy and rothschild cartel referred to as barack hussein obama, then I, Peter of England, currently of (address supplied to named usurpers) will enter into Lawful rebellion under article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 and therefore will become a Freeman of England,Wales, SCOTLAND. IRELAND, France, the continent of Europe; and The Global Isles of this Planet Earth within the Freedom of Common Law, Universal Law. (b) I will then declare myself free from all chastisement, husbandry, surveillance, Laws, taxes accorded to the state(s) (as now commonly known) and from any such interference or authority of World Government, the United Nations, NATO, CFR. Trilateral Commission, the World Bank et al; and its Rothschild controlled puppets,pawns, goons as well as military and secret operatives and death squads, and any obligations there unto, by way of second and final Lawful Affidavit

One Word - politics

I affirm that all of the foregoing NOTICE OF UNDERSTANDING and CLAIM of RIGHT is true and correct as to my beliefs. I affirm that I am of lawful age and am competent to make this Affidavit. I hereby affix my own signature to all of the affirmations in this entire document with explicit reservation of all my unalienable rights and my specific common law right not to be bound by any contract or obligation which I have not entered into knowingly, willingly, voluntarily, and without misrepresentation, duress, or coercion. If you rebutt various points to this affidavit then I shall remove them if validly proven and the ones remaining will then form my FINAL AND COMPLETED AFFIDAVIT. The use of notary below is for identification only, and such use does NOT grant any jurisdiction to anyone. [Tick Box if NO notary used or Notary unavailable

FURTHER, AFFIANT SAITH NOT. Subscribed and sworn in utmost truth, without prejudice, and with all rights reserved, (PRINT NAME BELOW) Peter of England __________________________________________________ _______________, Principal, by Special Appearance, in Propria Persona, proceeding Sui Juris. My Hand and Mark as Subscriber (SIGN NAME BELOW) Date:_____________ Common Law Seal:__________________________MY MARK/SYMBOL On this ______day of____________, 2012 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public /or other WITNESS in and for _______________________(Town,Borough), personally appeared the above-signed, known to me to be the one whose name is signed on this instrument, and has acknowledged to me that s/he has executed the same. In truth and utmost good faith. Signed:_________________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC [IF AVAILABLE] Signed:_________________________________________ WITNESS Printed Name:____________________________________ NOTARY PUBLIC [IF AVAILABLE] Printed Name:____________________________________ WITNESS Date:___________________________________________TIME...............................


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