Training Report: Rahul Gupta Ammonia Plant

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Rahul Gupta Ammonia Plant

I am very priveleged to express my gratefulness towards all the people who gave me their guidance and cooperation to complete this training successfully.It is great privilege and honor to have an opportunity of doing training in Ammonia Plant. I would like to thank HOD AshwanKaul,R.K.Gupta,Sanjeev Gupta and my mentor Nitin Dutt for guiding me in this project and giving me necessary inputs.My mentor has been a source of great knowledge throughout my training period. I would also like to thank Mr M.S.Rao and Mr Khichi of the training department DCSL Kota who gave me the oppurtunity to work with the expert people mentioned above. In the end I would also like to thank all those people who directly or indirectly provided me with petty information during my training period. Without all the above mentioned people I would have not been able to complete this project report and materialize my training

SHRIRAM FERTILIZER CHEMICAL LTD. is the flagship of DSCL. The industry comes under heavy industries category. This unit produces Nitrogenous Fertilizer UREA with the molecular formula NH2-CO-NH2. The unit can be further divided into two plants THE AMMONIA PLANT and THE UREA PLANT. My area of training and study was the AMMONIA PLANT. The plant was commissioned and installed in 1969 , the engineering , fabrication and erection was done by M/s Chiyoda Chemical Engineering & Construction Co. Ltd. JAPAN. The plants rated capacity is 450 MT/day and the initial capacity of the plant was stabilised at 480 MT/day. In September 1974 the plant capacity was raised to 600 MT/day with the installation of a new ammonia synthesis loop with a capacity of 120 MT/day. With the replacement of the convertor basket in June 1992 , the operations of the 120 MT/day loop was ceased as the new basket enabled the old loop to produce the entire rated capacity itself. With some minor adjustment the plant capacity was raised to 700MT/day. Earlier the plant was based on NAPTHA as fuel, but subsequent decisions by the Government of India to reduce subsidy on it forced the plant to be modified to use both NATURAL GAS and NAPTHA as fuel in any proportions. This was achieved in 2007. Currently the plant is running entirely on NATURAL GAS which is supplied by GAIL at a pressure of 42K. There are both advantages as well as disadvantage of using NG. With Naptha as fuel enough CARBON DIOXIDE was produced to be utilised by the UREA PLANT but with NG less of CO2 is produced so more of NG is to be supplied to generate the required amount of CO 2 . On the other hand power consumption is less when using NG as fuel , it is around 7.5 GCal/MT urea , constant efforts are made to bring it down.


The Ammonia plant can be basically divided into the following sections 1. Hydro desulphurization 100 section 2. Reforming section 200 section 3. Conversion and Purification 300 section 4. Synthesis section 400 section All compressors are located in the compressor house and the cooling tower is within the pant battery limit.

General Physical Properties of Ammonia

Chemical formula NH3 Melting point B. P. Density (100 %wt.) Critical Temperature Critical Pressure : -33.4 C : -77.7 C : 0.618 Kg/m3 : 132.4 C : 112.8 bar


The 100 section or the HDS section was used when NAPTHA was used as raw material. Since the plant is now running on NG as raw material , this section is not used currently.


OBJECTIVE 1. Production of hydrogen gas with the help of steam reforming. 2. Introduction of nitrogen to produce synthesis gas. INPUT 1. Natural gas 2. Fuel natural gas 3. Process air 4. Combustion air 5. H.P. Steam OUTPUT Mixture of gas containing 1. Nitrogen and hydrogen in ratio of 1:3 2. Carbon monoxide 3. Carbon dioxide` 4. Argon 5. Methane


Reforming section consist of the following equipments Final Sulphur Removal Unit FSRU Pre heater FSRU reactor Sulphide Adsorber

Primary Reformer Convection zone Burners Tube Reformers Gas Collector

Steam Air Heater Combustion Air Heater Secondary Reformer High Pressure Boiler no 1& 2 High Pressure Steam Drum Oil Removal Vessel Water Circulation Pumps Hydrogen Drain Separators Spray Tower Flue Gas Stack

The 200 section is based on the HOLDER TOPSOE Technology

N.G with < 5% sulphur content is pumped to the FSRU. The N.G enters the Reformer Feed Heaters and then the steam/NG heater where it gets heated up to 180 C. NG is mixed with Hydrogen rich gas know as recycle Hydrogen gas which is drawn from 1st stage of synthesis compressors. The stream enters FSRU pre heater coil and is heated by direct fired burner up to a temperature of 360C. NG is supplied by GAIL at 42 K. Both streams are routed to FSRU reactor where Sulphur present in process gas reacts with Hydrogen present in recycle gas, over Cobalt Molybdenum catalyst bed and form hydrogen sulphide. The H2S formed is absorbed in downstream Zinc Oxide beds. The Sulphur content reduced to <0.2 ppm by wt. in the FSRU. The outlet stream from FSRU reactor is mixed with 36K saturated steam and the quantity is so adjusted as to maintain steam/carbon ratio at 3.8-4.2 as this is the optimum ratio for our plant as established through experience. The reformer operates at a pressure 32 kg/cm2 g. The steam naphtha mixture is preheated in convection zone of primary reformer to 520C &divided into four chambers A, B, C&D. The stream is further subdivided into 72 reformer tubes each (total 144 tubes). These tubes are made of a special HP Nb alloy because of the high process temperature and pressure. The reformer tubes are arranged in four rows of 36 tubes each and are packed with a reduced Nickel catalyst. At the catalyst top Alumina rings have been provided to prevent any water entrainment from process stream to the catalyst. Reforming reaction is highly endothermic in nature hence the heat of reaction is provided by external radiant type wall burners that are mounted on the refractory lined Primary Reformer Furnace. The 252 burners are positioned in four sides of the furnace with nine burners in each horizontal row and seven burners in each longitudinal line i.e. 63 burners on each side for maintaining desirable temperature profile of the reformer tubes.

Fuel NG is heated up to 180 deg C in the Primary Fuel Heater and fed to the primary reformer while small part of it is used as fuel for NG pre heater. Purge gas from Water Scrubber Outlet and synthesis recycle gas from HPC adsorber outlet in downstream section are heated in Secondary Fuel Heater up to 180 deg C and mixed with fuel NG and fed to Primary Reformer Fuel Heater before being fed to Primary Reformer Burner. Combustion air is taken from 4th floor of Primary Reformer and fed to Force Draft fan from where it is heated in Steam Air Heater and then in Combustion Air Heater. Hot Combustion air at 300 deg C is fed to individual Primary Reformer Burners which are of Forced Draft type. Reforming reaction takes place at 784 C where hydrocarbon reacts with steam giving hydrogen, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide CnHm + nH2O CnHm + 2nH2O nCO + (n+m/2) H2 - heat nCO2 + (2n+m/2) H2 - heat

Simultaneously water gas reaction also takes place. Carbon monoxide reacts with steam to form hydrogen and carbon dioxide. CO + H2O CO2 + H2

Flue gases from the combustion of fuel contain a lot of heat that is exchanged in the convection section with incoming steam-hydrocarbon mixture, process air and boiler feed water. The induced draft fan is provided at the top of the reformer furnace for removal of the flue gases. It maintains about 5mm H2O vaccum. The outlet gas from reformer tubes contain about 9.5% of CH4 are led to the secondary reformer via refractory lined branch collectors and transfer lines. Secondary reformer, which is a refractory lined vessel, has a grid work at the bottom for catalyst support and is packed with a nickel catalyst. Preheated process air from convection zone at 550deg.C is injected to secondary reformer through a special burner mounted in the middle of the vertical head. As soon as the preheated air comes out of the burner nozzles, combustion takes place and a lot of heat is generated. Alumina cubes kept at the top of the catalyst prevents direct flame impringment on the catalyst. Reforming reaction takes

place in catalyst bed with result that the methane gets reduced to 0.29 % at the secondary reformer exit. In the catalyst bed, endothermic steam reforming of the remaining methane occurs. Since the heat developed by the partial combustion of the process gas exceeds the heat consumed by the reforming reaction, temperature rise of the process gas during its passage through the secondary reformer occurs. Under normal conditions, the outlet gas of the secondary reformer is at a temperature of 960C980C and contains about 0.29 dry volume% of CH4.The outlet gas from the secondary reformer is sent to high-pressure boilers (to utilize the sensible heat in the gas to produce 36 kg/cm2 g saturated steam. In No.1 High Pressure Boiler, a rapid cooling of the process gas down to certain temperature takes place. The gas is then fed to No.2 High Pressure Boiler and cooled down to about 360C. the temperature control of the process gas is made by the adjustment of the by-pass valve around No.1 High Pressure Boiler and the steam generator coil and boiler feed water pre heater coil of the waste heat section of the primary reformer have a common steam drum (22-201). Circulation of water and steam between high-pressure boilers and steam drum, which is mounted at the top of the combustion chambers of the primary reformers, is made by natural circulation. The circulation of water and steam between the steam generator coil and steam drum is made by forced circulation by water circulation pump.


OBJECTIVE 1. To Supply Boiler Feed Water to boilers 2. To Supply Carbon Dioxide to Urea Plant 3. Purification of Process Gas

INPUT Demineralised Water Gas from 200 section consisting Syn gas CO CO2 CH4 Argon

OUTPUT Carbon dioxide to Urea Plant Boiler Feed Water to Boiler Process Gas to 400 section ( N2 , 3H2 , CH4 , Ar )

List of Equipments used in 300 Section

High Temperature Shift Convertor Additional High Temperature Shift Convertor Low Temperature Shift Convertor Medium Pressure Boiler Methanator Methanator Heat Exchanger Final Gas Cooler Separator No 1 , 2 ,3 Hot Potassium Carbonate (HPC) Adsorber HPC Side Stream Filter ( Big and Small) Economiser HPC Re boiler HPC Regenerator CO2 Knock Out Pot CO2 Cooler Trim Heater Medium Pressure Boiler Feed Water Pump HPC pump Boiler Blow Down Drum HPC make up filter HPC Storage tank

Oxidation Cooler

The 300 section is based on the BENFIELD TECHNOLOGY

The process gas coming from 23-201( No.2 High Pressure Boiler) at 360 C and 27.5 kg/cm2 g pressure contain hydrogen as the main component and carbon-monoxide as the second major component. Carbon-monoxide is converted into carbon-dioxide and the equivalent of hydrogen is generated by the catalytic reaction between carbon-monoxide and steam. This reaction is known as shift reaction, which is exothermic in nature .The reaction is reversible, the extent it will go from left to right depends upon partial pressure of carbon-monoxide steam in the process gas, temperature, catalyst and gas velocity through the catalyst bed. CO + H2O CO2 + H2 + 9.8 Kcal

Shift reaction takes place in two steps i.e. high temperature shift and low temperature shift. The stream first enters the 24-301(High temperature shift converter) which is packed with ironchromium catalyst & operates at 360C the effluent gas from HTS is at a temperature of 430-440C & contains 2.79% carbon-monoxide. This gas is fed to a medium pressure boiler where 14K steam is generated and in turn process gas is cooled down to 192C. From HTS outlet a part of the gas is made to bypass the medium pressure boiler and is routed through the 23-302(trim heater) and finally join the process gas at the inlet of 24-302(Low temperature shift converter) to maintain its inlet temperature. Low Temp. Shift converter consists of a packed bed of copper-zinc catalyst and the reaction takes place at 200C. The effluent gas from the LTS still contains 0.33% unconverted carbon monoxide. The steam is cooled down to 80C after exchanging heat in the 23-303 (boiler feed water pre heater), process gas re boiler and an economizer where the boiler feed water is preheated. During the process of cooling the excess steam present in the gas is condensed & knocked out in 22-302(No.1 separator). The process gas is then enter the bottom of the 21-302(CO2 absorber).the CO2 removal unit is based on the modified Benfield spilt stream process where the hot potassium carbonate solution (HPC) containing 30% K2CO3, 3% Diethanolamine and 0.3% Vanadium Pentoxide is circulated to absorb CO2 present in the process gas.

K2CO3 + CO2 + H2O


CO2 absorber is a packed tower having 4 beds of stainless steel pall ring and solution distributors at the top and middle. Lean HPC solution from 21-301(regenerator) bottom is pumped at the top and semi lean solution from the mid of the regenerator is pumped to the mid of the CO2 absorber which removes almost all the CO2 present in the process gas. The potassium bicarbonate solution from the absorber bottom is sent to CO2 regenerator. The CO2 regenerator is a packed tower with 3 nos. beds of ceramic intallox saddles packing and has a solution distributor at the top and a steam re boiler at the bottom. In the regenerator, CO2 is stripped off due to the let down of the pressure and the heat received by the solution from the process gas re boiler & steam re boiler at the bottom. CO2 evolved is cooled, washed, compressed to 200 kg/cm2 g and is supplied to urea plant. The process gas leaving the CO2 absorber from the top contains 0.1% CO2 & the steam is washed by the water to remove any entrainment of HPC solution. Subsequently small part of the gases (depending upon the shortfall in production of CO2 for converting Ammonia into Urea) is diverted to Secondary Fuel Heater as Fuel. The process gas is heated to 300 C & is fed to 24-303(methanator) which is packed with nickel catalyst. In the methanator the undesirable CO & CO2 contents reacts with hydrogen present in the process gas to form methane and water. CO + 3H2 CO2 + 4H2 CH4 + H2O CH4 +2H2O

The reaction is exothermic and all the CO and CO2 get converted to methane which do not have any adverse effect on the ammonia convertor catalyst & a constant purge is maintained from the downstream synthesis loop to keep the methane content within the limits. The process gas is cooled down to 40C in the downstream heat exchangers & final gas cooler. The condensate if any is knocked out and the purified synthesis gas stream is sent to synthesis gas compressors.


OBJECTIVE 1. Synthesis Of Ammonia from Synthesis Gas INPUT 1. Synthesis Gas From 300 Section

OUTPUT 1. Ammonia to Horton sphere

The 400 Section is based on the HOLDER TOPSOE TECHNOLOGY.

List of equipment used in the 400 section Ammonia Chiller Collection Tank Chiller Drain Let Down Discharge Gas Cooler Let Down Drum Oil Separator Synthesis Water Cooler Waste Heat Boiler Steam Drum Start up Heater Hot/Cold Heat Exchanger Convertor

Ammonia synthesis section consists of two loops. The bigger loop originally had a capacity of 480 TPD but after the replacement of the converter catalyst basket it can produce 700 TPD. The smaller loop which was added in 1974 has a capacity of 120 TPD but is no more in use. The synthesis gas, which is know, as make up gas of synthesis loop is compressed from 23 kg/cm 2 g to 315-325 kg/cm2 g by motor driven 3 stage reciprocating synthesis gas compressors. The makeup gas is passed through 22-403(No.1 oil separator) where most of oil entrained during compression is removed from the gas. It then joins the synthesis loop circulating gas at the inlet of 23-405B (Ammonia chiller B). The combined gas stream is cooled down further due to reevaporation of a part of liquid Ammonia formed due to cooling of the recycle gas in 23405A(Ammonia chiller A). The combined gas stream goes to Ammonia chiller B for cooling of the gases up to 1 C .The condensed Ammonia is separated out in the 22-402(No.2 Ammonia separator). The outlet gases contain about 3.1% Ammonia and 12% inert gases (CH4 + Ar). Traces of impurities such as oil, CO2 and H2O contained in the makeup gas are absorbed in liquid Ammonia and removed together with it in No.2 Ammonia separator. However traces of CO if present in make up gas is not absorbed in liquid ammonia and passed to 24-401(Ammonia converter), which in fact is undesirable. The gas stream from No.2 Ammonia separator is heated in cold and hot heat exchanger and than goes to Ammonia converter. The converter is of radial flow type. It consists of a pressure vessel with full closure and a basket with external insulation. The basket is divided into a lower heat exchanger and a catalytic section, comprising two adiabatic catalyst beds with radial flow direction and an inter bed heat exchanger, located in the centre of the upper catalyst bed. The synthesis gas is introduced into the converter in four different gas streams. Part of the synthesis gas, designated the main gas stream , is introduce through the main inlet at the top of the converter and passes downward through the outer annulus between the basket and the pressure vessel thus keeping the vessel walls cooled. At the bottom of the converter, the main gas stream flows to the shell sides of the lower heat exchanger and is heated to the reaction temperature by heat exchanger with the converter effluent as it leaves the lower catalyst bed through the tube side of the lower heat exchanger. At the shell side exit of the lower heat exchanger the main feed gas stream is mixed with another part of the

synthesis gas introduced through the cold shot pipe at the bottom of the converter, this part of the gas is designated the cold shot gas stream. The cold shot makes it possible to obtain the correct inlet temperature to the 1st catalyst bed. From the lower heat exchanger the feed (main +cold shot) gas flows to the catalyst section through the transfer pipe place in the centre of the converter. The remaining part of the synthesis gas, designated the quench gas, is introduced through the an inlet and passes through a flexible pipe before it splits into two pipes transferring the gas to the bottom head of the interbed heat exchanger. The quench gas passing in an upward direction on the tube side cools the gas leaving the 1st catalyst bed to the inlet temperature of the 2nd catalyst bed. The quench gas leaving the interbed heat exchanger on the tube side is mixed with the feed gas coming from the transfer pipe. After mixing, the gas flows through the space about the upper catalyst bed to the annuli of the panels around the 1st catalyst bed. From the panels it passes the 1st catalyst bed in inward rated direction and then flows to the annulus between the 1st catalyst bed and the inter bed heat exchanger. An even gas distribution in the catalyst bed is ensured by means appropriate performance action in the panels at the outer wall of the catalyst bed .The effluent from the 1st catalyst bed passes the shell side of the inter bed heat exchanger for cooling to the proper inlet temperature for the 2nd catalyst bed by heat exchange with gas introduced through the tube side of the inter bed heat exchanger as described above. The inlet temperature of the 2nd catalyst bed is controlled by adjusting the flow rate to the tube side of the inter bed heat exchanger, from the shell side of the inter bed heat exchanger the gas is transferred to the lower catalyst bed through the panels around the bed. In the lower catalyst bed it is passed in inward rated direction, the gas distribution again being ensured by means of appropriate perforation in the panels at the outer wall of the bed. The gas leaving then lower catalyst bed passes the perforated centre tube and flows to the tube side of the lower heat exchanger for heat exchange with the gas having been introduced through the main inlets at the top of the converter. From the tube side of the lower heat exchanger the gas flows to the converter outlet. During heating up of the catalyst, hot gas is introduced through the start-up inlet. It passes to a distributor ring ensuring even flow to the top of the 1st bed panels and thus ensuring even heating up of the catalyst. The converter effluent gas then goes to the waste heat boiler where sensible heat of the gases is utilized to generate 14K steam. The out let gases from waste heat boiler at a temperature of about 200C to go to the hot heat exchanger where its heat is utilized for heating the

converter incoming gases. The gases then enter the cold heat exchanger and then the water coolers A & B for further cooling up to 40C. during the cooling, a part of ammonia is condensed which is separated in the 22-401(No.1 Ammonia separator) and remaining gases (recycle gas) at the pressure of about 330kg/cm2 g are sent to a gas circulator. The recycle gas is compressed up to about 330-340 kg/cm2 g to make up the pressure drop in the loop and for recirculating the unreacted gases. A part of recycle gas from No.1 ammonia separator is purged to maintain the inert (CH4 and Ar) level in the loop. The synthesis loop purge gas is cooled down to about -28 C and the ammonia in the purge gas condenses out and is separated in the purge gas separator. The purge gas is then sent to hydrogen recovery section after scrubbing out the Ammonia with DM water. The liquid ammonia from No.1, No.2 ammonia separators and purge gas separator is sent to a letdown drum where pressure is let down to 20 kg/cm2 g. Due to reduction in pressure dissolved H2 and N2 and CH4 flash out from the liquid ammonia. The liquid Ammonia is then sent to Horton Sphere for storage from where it is pumped out to urea plant.

COMPRESSOR HOUSE All the compressors required for compression of process gas are located in a central building. This compressor house caters to both ammonia and urea plants. In all there are 23 compressors used for compression of processed air, CO2, synthesis gases and ammonia refrigeration. Compressors present are essentially motor driven and are of three types: 1. Reciprocating compressor. 2. Centrifugal compressor. 3. Screw compressor. In a reciprocating compressor compression is obtained by positive displacement of gases in cylinder- piston arrangement. During compression gas temperature increases and inter stage cooling is done in order to increase each successive stage efficiency. For synthesis there are 3 compressors, each having 3 stages. There are 3 CO2 compressors each with 5 stages. Process air compressor is the only centrifugal compressor. Compression is obtained by rotating a specially designed rotor in a casting at high speed. Compressor is having a low pressure side (5stages) and high pressure side (6 stages). Inter stage cooling is also provided. There are three screw type compressors used for refrigeration service. These compressors compress NH3 vapor taken from the chillers and feed this to ammonia condenser where it is liquefied. These compressors are also positive displacement but compression is obtained by inward rotation of screw type shaft. For large capacity low pressure requirement centrifugal compressor are desirable from point of view of cost and efficiency, maintenance are preferred. The modern fertilizer plants where the synthesis operating pressures are lower and in rang of 150 Kg/cm2 g it is now a practice to use only a single centrifugal type compressor for synthesis gas and also for CO2 and air compression.


1. Old turbo air compressor 2. New turbo air compressor 3. CO2 compressor A 4. CO2 compressor B 5. H2 recycle compressor 6. Add.recovery compressor 7. Let down compressor 8. Let down compressor A 9. Old recovery compressor 10. Add. Let down compressor 11. Ammonia compressor A 12. Ammonia compressor B 13. Ammonia booster compressor 14. Synthesis compressor A 15. Synthesis compressor B 16. Add. Synthesis compressor 17. Add. CO2 compressor 18. Air compressor 2nd 19. Ammonia refrigeration compressor F 20. Ammonia refrigeration compressor D 21. Ammonia refrigeration compressor C 22. H2 compressor 23. Air compressor 1st

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