(Building A Powerful Church To Thrive in A Time of Crisis) 07 - The Apostolic: The Ability To Execute

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MAY 06TH 2009

Prophetic Brief
Insight and Analysis for the 21st Century

Building a Powerful Church to Thrive in a Time

of Crisis – Part 7
The Apostolic: The Ability to Execute
The proclamation of a prophetic word, example, I once was at a church and
In these issues we are dealing with though it originated from the mind of God, declared the intention of God to move
the changes produced by the is by itself an incomplete process. their community from a singular ethnic
Inseparable from every word from God is group to a multinational community. Later
apostolic reformation in the the intention that it proceeds to fulfillment. the leaders directed the people to stand
churches joined in divine purpose. The prophetic was never meant to be a up and face the north, south, east and
series of words which are simply west while declaring the word of the Lord
The following 5 characteristics are
accumulated and referred back to as a given to them by a prophet that they
present in churches which are validation of a calling nor are they would have a multinational community.
building in the reformation. The primarily promises of a future state – it is They were “calling the nations to come in”,
God’s declared will and it must be there way of bringing it into manifestation.
one in bold font is dealt with in this executed. They misunderstood – the word had
newsletter:  already been proclaimed and it contained
A prophetic word from God is the the divine energy necessary for them to
beginning of the process – if we use a engage in deep processes of
1. De-emphasis upon the validity of sports analogy it would be like Brett Favre transformation. There were implications
(or whoever your best quarterback of and processes required for them to move
personal blessing and ministry choice happens to be) throwing the ball towards fulfillment: a) bringing people into
driven by individual preference, and downfield to a receiver. The entire point of a truly global mentality b) dealing with
a forward pass is for it to be completed, internal issues and personal history
an emphasis on building and which only occurs when the receiver towards other ethnic groups c) seeing the
architecture downfield earth’s that which has been inherent value in every human being, d)
arcing through the air, moving the team receiving divine strategies for the word to
measurably down the field. The prophetic be enacted or made flesh, etc.
is the declaration end – throwing the pass He focused on the declaration of prophetic
2. A more integrated Church that – and the apostolic is the manifestation promise and not upon apostolic execution,
has lowered the boundaries of end – catching it. What we have done as but awareness of God’s future purposes is
a church is stood in awe of the trajectory not guarantee of its achievement.
individual ministries and changed of the prophetic word, that is how much The proclamation of a prophetic word is
how leaders approach ministry  information was given that went beyond not all it takes to make it realized. It has
natural knowledge, the elevation of our to be built. There has to be very real
personal profile, stood amazed at the spin things that we put in place to make it
on our circumstances, while failing to happen. The great divide between
3. Greater level of impartation, focus upon the fact that God wants every prophetic proclamation and fulfillment is
word that was spoken to come to the narrowed by the nature of our
authority, strength, and ranking place of fulfillment. Every ‘ball’ must be stewardship. Accurate stewardship is
within the churches, making them caught. Accurate stewardship of the fundamentally the capacity to receive the
prophetic word is not that we stand in awe command of God and execute it in the
more able to fight and more able or revel in it, but give ourselves to the earth according to God’s architecture
to stand strong in crisis.  process of bringing it to the place of (values and principles of God) on time.
manifestation. The apostolic exist on the The commendation that comes from God
manifestation end of the prophetic in Matt 25:23 is well done, not well
spectrum and is meant to give every planned, well thought or even well
4. Apostles bring an ability believer the capacity to execute the prophesied. God expects His word to be
fullness of the intent of God. The apostolic received and stewarded very seriously
to execute what was spoken gives us the power to catch the ball. So and deliberately, so the emphasis is not
by the prophets, thereby the fourth characteristic of an apostolic merely upon declaration of prophetic
people is: promise, but on apostolic execution.
creating a more effective
stewardship of the • Apostles bring an ability to execute Building Structures that Withstand
what was spoken by the prophets, the Crisis
prophetic word 
thereby creating a more effective
stewardship of the prophetic word. Luke 6:47 Whoever comes to Me, and
hears My sayings and does them, I will
5. A greater demand to see beyond One of the things that stood out to me in show you whom he is like: 48 He is like a
the shapes of the natural into the the past was how many people had man building a house, who dug deep and
binders filled with multiple prophetic
intents and mind of God words, but absolutely no strategic plan to laid the foundation on the rock. And when
bring them to a place of fulfillment. For the flood arose, the stream beat

MAY 06TH 2009

Ezekiel 12:21-23
Then the word of the LORD came to
me, saying, 22 "Son of man, what is
this proverb you people have concerning
the land of Israel, saying, 'The days
are long and every vision fails'? 23
"Therefore say to them, 'Thus says the
Lord GOD, "I will make this proverb
cease so that they will no longer use it as
a proverb in Israel." But tell them,
"The days draw near as well as the
fulfillment of every vision.

vehemently against that house, and could behold, the house of Israel is saying, 'The
not shake it, for it was founded on the vision that he sees is for many years from There must be no declared
rock. 49 But he who heard and did now, and he prophesies of times far off.' will of God that is not
nothing is like a man who built a house 28 "Therefore say to them, 'Thus says the
on the earth without a foundation, Lord GOD, "None of My words will be doable. The giving and
a g a i n s t w h i c h t h e s t re a m b e a t delayed any longer. Whatever word I receiving of prophetic words
vehemently; and immediately it fell. And speak will be performed,"'" declares the
the ruin of that house was great." (NKJV) Lord GOD. (NASU)
apart from apostolic grace
that empowers us to execute
This is scripture is familiar to most, though Ezekiel described a dire situation in which
familiarity can often blind us to new there was vision but it never came to a what is declared is illegal or
perspectives or the layers of truth that a
scripture encapsulates. Jesus is here
place of fulfillment. God describes to the
prophet a radical shift in which people had
lawless. The collecting of
commenting on the nature of the to rise up and see the word spoken by multiplied prophetic words
response to the word. Both men heard. It God actually performed (v 28). The word
is reasonable for us to say, both received performed is asah, and it describes the without a commensurate
a word from God or a prophetic word.
They both proceeded to building a house.
incremental and systematic process
involved in the construction of a building.
process that moves towards
One builds disconnected from what he
hears from God. He does not translate
It means to complete or accomplish. fulfillment is unwise and it
what he hears into representative This building emphasis and embracing the places the emphasis on the
execution. He proceeds out of shallow power to complete something are values
thought, propelled by the imperatives of that have been released within apostolic wrong thing. The Church
his own desire, understanding and narrow
present awareness.
reality. It is the power to arrive at the place
of divine sending that allows the futuristic
must move from celebrating
dimension of the prophetic word to be manifestations and instead
The second listens with the intension to converted into an apostolic NOW. The big
obey. He stewards carefully the word and battle in the earth is not what is spoken, it embrace the process that
executes. Luke uses the phrase that gives
us insight into the commendable quality of
is what is moved towards a place of
completion and fulfillment. Fulfillment is
produces fulfillment. The
his execution: he dug deep. His
commitment to obedience caused him to
not natural human effort seeking to
engage in the actions which are declared
word of the Lord which has
apply the principles at every level, first by the prophecy, it is a process of been spoken must be
internally within his own heart and powerful transformation described by both
mentality which would be the foundations Luke and Ezekiel as building. The first stripped of its futuristic
of the building, and then in the building
that is visible. It was only at the time of
response to hearing the Lord is usually
not to engage in action, but to give
dimensions and built in the
crisis (the flood arose, the stream beat ourselves to more significant now.
vehemently) that the quality of their transformation. Fulfillment of the declared
stewardship is revealed. It is the house outcomes is a natural result of the
that is built with a deep commitment to process of becoming more Christ like. We
hear and does that remain. Crises are become someone first, and then specific
upon us, the flood of economic chaos and actions or outcomes declared by the
pandemic is rising. It would be foolishness prophetic word flow naturally out of our The Architecture of the
if we do not give careful thought to how lives. New Ipsum
Lorem Prophetic Dimension
we build.
There must be no declared will of God - Released in 2008 -
Apostolic Reality: Removing the that is not doable. The giving and
Futuristic Component receiving of prophetic words apart from A revolutionary
apostolic grace that empowers us to new look at
execute what is declared is illegal or prophetic
Ezek 12:21 Then the word of the LORD lawless. The collecting of multiplied reality as it
came to me, saying, 22 "Son of man, prophetic words without a commensurate
what is this proverb you people have process that moves towards fulfillment is exists in the
concerning the land of Israel, saying, unwise and it places the emphasis on the 21st century
wrong thing. The Church must move from church.
'The days are long and every vision
celebrating manifestations and instead
fails'? 23 "Therefore say to them, 'Thus embrace the process that produces get this book>
says the Lord GOD, "I will make this fulfillment. The word of the Lord which
proverb cease so that they will no longer has been spoken must be stripped of its
use it as a proverb in Israel." But tell futuristic dimensions and built in the now.
them, "The days draw near as well as the The crises are occurring and will continue
fulfillment of every vision. 24 "For there to increase in intensity. Whether it be the
will no longer be any false vision or global financial meltdown or fears of a
flattering divination within the house of swine flu pandemic, the waves are
2778 Cumberland Blvd
beginning to test the quality of our building
Israel. 25 "For I the LORD will speak, Suite 163
– a test that will increase in the days and
and whatever word I speak will be years to come. It is a time when we must Symrna GA 30080
performed. It will no longer be delayed, embrace the full range of abilities and Tel: 678.302.3052
for in your days, O rebellious house, I grace that God gave the Church, and [email protected]
will speak the word and perform it," move towards the apostolic dimension www.scottwebsterministries.org
resident in the life of every believer which © 2009 Scott Webster Ministries.
declares the Lord GOD.'" 26 empowers them to build a lifestyle that is All Rights Reserved.
Furthermore, the word of the LORD immune to attack and assault.
came to me, saying, 27 "Son of man,

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Releasing The New Prophetic Dimension • Activating The Capacity To Build • Obeying The Command To Finish

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